:JTAt: =7 agt \i: iJiv tIrD N,4rfoN5 DistT " GENERAL GEIII]RAL A/33/356 A S S E M B I.Y 13 \ovenler 1978 ORIGII'IAL ; E\GLISH


\ote by Lhe Secretarv-Cener-s 1

The Secretary-General has the honour to transmit to the liembers of the General Assenbly Lhe attacherl repor"L, wl-ich uas subnittcd to hin in z na nrrl enne vith Assenbly resolutions 32/9I B, paragraph 5, and 3Z/9I C, nar.drohhe O ahd IO of 13 December L9'i7, 1ry the Special Conaittee to fnvestigate fsraeli PTactices Affectirg the Puman lights of the Popur.atjon of the Occupicd Territories,

78-255)r5 Al33/355




IT. ONGAI.IIZATIOII OF I,IORK B 12 IIl . 23 ^27 ql r]' TV. n!] r\rrnFt\Tnll 2i) .

A. Xvidence relating to policies alrd practices fof.loved by the Goverr&ent of Israel vith regard ta the occupied territaries 37-r7 B. lvidence reflecting the activities and measures undertaken to implement the policies a.nd practices of Lhe CoYernment of Israel vith regard to the occupied territories cA-nl

C. nvid.ence relating to the d ay-to-daY situation of the civilians in the occupied terr itories B.r - q] IN V. SPECIAL NEPORT ON THE TREATI'{ENT OT CTVTLIANS q2- !ETENTION 1?5

A. Tnfomation on prison conditions ' ' 99- 1.09 E. Allegations of ill-treatment 110 - ,5




ozi in ryo I I. l4ap shar^ring Israeli settlements in the territories ^-^"-i JUnC

TI. l.{ed-ica1 certificates relating to lvb ' Soleiria'n r{adi .t7/ J 5/ J)o


10 Novenber 19TB Sir,

'fhp Sn'1aiql C^rlmjl-if.F io Tnweqtioete lsr.aeli Draetil.es A.+eel-inr' tl^e Hr:man Rights of the Popufation of the Occupied Territories has the honou-l' ta trarsmit to you the attached TeDort, ihs tenth, fo.rmulated in accordance vith the teros of General Assenbly resolurions 2rrl3 (I-XIIIl, 2546 ()CXIV), 2'7zT (yr]t), 2851 (xxvr), 3oo5 (xxvrr), 3092 B (rxvrrr), 32Lo A and c (srx), 3525 A and c (xxx) , 3tho6 C and D Ernd. 32/9L 3 and C. The report of the Special ConrnitEee follows the same pattern as that in previous years. It cortains a representative cross-section of the inforraation received by the Specia-L Camnittee since the adoption of its last r.AF^rl- ^h 17 n^+^hap lo77 -h.iq infnr.rctinn lJpq obtained in the absence of the co-operation of the Goverr:nent of Israel which continues to constitute a serious hardsbil in the voxk of the Special- Cornrnittee. It has been possible to follow the situation of the civilians in the occupied territories very closely by nonitoring the situation in these territories. The Special Conmittee relied on information gathered from a plurality of sources such as the oral and r"ritten testimony of persons having first-hand experience of the situation of cirrilians in the occupied territories, of pronouncements of responsible persons in the Israefi GovernmenL, infornation"eports subnitted to it by Goverrunents and non-govemrental bodies and rmedited film naterial of events in the occupied tertitories. The SFecial Conrnittee nad.e efforts to strengt:len contacts r,rith responsible persons in the occupied territories with a viev'to receiving information on the human rights situation in their areasl paid notices were inserted. in a nr:mber of loca1 newspapers inforr:iing the general public of the Special Connittee's ma.ndate a.nd indicating that it would consider infornation on the situation in the occupied territories, The information reeeived by the Special- Conmittee is anal-ysed in ea.ti^h T1/ S.hhlae ora oirron ar fhic 1'h|"^Thati^h r,rFi nr^ lc inl-.r- i. n eqlPrur cr E L+ r !-r 'p1 ca,te":clies, nDrely, that 'rhich concarrs the lrolic.r oi tht) Xo-Ie]'ffrent of TSIael of settlements and annexation and. that whieh concerns the situation of civilians h^a +ha naa,,na*i-- qamnlac 4?a r^^ inf^7r',i' ^f' ^ 6r!vrrt-.i,.-- ^*vr_ -"'-"'--lc'n received, of the pattern of the incidents occurring in the occupied terri"tories and their consequences in the forrn of arrests' trials and releases' Section V of this report contains the special report requested by the General Assenbfy on the treatnent of civilians in detention. It consists of information on prison conditions and a number of cases of alleged ifl-treatrent' of detainees.

His Excel-lency Mr, Kurt tr^lal-dheim Secretary-General of the United Nations I,trew York A/33/356 Engfish

Section VI contains the conclusions reached by the Specail Corurittee based on the analysis of the inforrnation contained in sections IV and V, In it' che Special ConrrniLtee finos tlrau the Government of -lsrael persists in its .af-.16pFnl r.ho no'i"w nf cnnavpii.-rr And ^T ^n--rried LerriLo-ies uo t,he detrinent of Lh,- humarr rirhts of lL- -iwilie- -^nllr',+i.r rr-a qnp'iqr C^Fri1--a' has '.toj ed r^cFrl ..n,-nrrivnca-l ei.p+.a'1art-- 1,.. LFA D?i rF l.linister and. other nen_bels of the Coverri:nent of Israe-L which _rrove that such a poljcy exists and that its aopL icztion is beinA accelerared. The Special Cofluniltee took note of reDorLs concerning t\e luture of t,he Epyptian territory oecupied by Israel in June 1967. ftrthermore, the Special Cottndttee considers it most regrettabl-e that the Government of Israel is perpetuating the occupation of the other territories and ,^ :-r-^-^:*-]-- ..'+^ ' J rr.b rLr ^r.^- -rts aimed ar their annexation. In these circunstances, the Special Comnittee feels that the international conmunity is put before its respons-Lbili Les no].e than jn prevjous years and consequently lhat jI should, in t,ne inl-.o1.ests of oe.l.e Arid h:rmAn riohr.q- aeh 1o o..r 1-ha -il iirr.r nnnr.natiOn Of all- 't hc +crritnri ec -.tr,,-i c,l r-\r rcr--F- gc p rae-r'l i r f t\e hostilitics of June I967,

Accept, Sir, on behali oi the members of the Special Comrnitlee and on rv rpr^r'l f thtr acq.r?Fn^a9 of oLrr l-:ahect consideration.

(signed ) Borut BOHTE (Yugoslavia ) Chairman of the Special Comnittee to Investigate Tsraeli Practices Affecting the Huuan \ights of the Dopulation of the Occupied Terriiories Ll33/356


1. The Special Corurittee to fnvestigate Jsraeli Practices Affecting Llre Humar Rights oJl che Population of the Occupied Territories ';as established by Lhe Lienera_L Assemb_Ly fn reso-LuLlon 2ll4j (xx_tl_LJ 01'fy uecemoer -Lyoo. ny r nar' resolution, the Ceneral Assembly decided to establish the Special CornmiLtee. composed of three Member Statcs, requested the Presid.ent of the Ceneral Assembly to appoint the members of the Special Conmittee. Tequested the Governr0ent of Israel to receive the Special Conmittee, to co-operate vith it and to facilitate its vork; requested the Special Coronittee to report to the Secret ary-General as soon as possible and whenever the need arose thereafter I al]d requested the Secretary-Ceneral Lo provide the Special Comrnittee '"rith all the aecessary facilities for the perforrdance of its task.

2. The following Menber States were appointed on t2 Septernber 1959 to serve on the Special Conrnittee: Somafia, Sri Lanka and Yugoslavia. The Goverrment of Sri Lanka appointed I!1r.. H. S. Amerasinghe, Permanent Representative to the United I{ations, as its represents.tlve on the Speclal Committee. The Goverlxaent of Yugo slavia appointed !h. Borut, Bohte, Professor of the Faculty of Lav of Ljubljana University and Meflber of the Federal Assernbly of Yugoslavia, as its xepresentative on the Special Corrmittee. The Goverrnaent of Somal-ia appointed I'Ir', A, A, Farah, and subsequently I'b. H. Nur-.Efmi, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, as its representative on the Special Conmittee " On 26 April 197\, the President of the ceneral Assenbly at its t1,/enty-eighth session informed the Secretaf,y-cenera-l that Sonalia had decidecl to vjthdrav fTon the Special Committee and. that, in confornity with paragraph 2 of Assembly resolution 2)+l+3 (XXIII), he had appointed Senegal a member of the Special Counxittee " On 30 April 1971r, the Permanent Representative of Senegal to the United Nations informed the Secretary- General that his Governnent had appointed I4r. Keba I'ltBaye, Chief Justice of Senegal- (Premier Pr6sident d.e l-a Cour supr6ne du S6n6€a1), as its representative on ttre Sp anent RePresenlative of Sri Lanha.to the United. Nations informed the Secret.:ry-General that I\ft', fl. S. Anerasinghe had resigned from the Special Connittee upon his election as PresicLent of the General Assembly at its thirty-first session. on 18 Febrrarw l9?7- the C.overnment of S]'i Lanka infcrmed the Secretary-General that l4r, V. L. B, Mendis, Sri Lar:.l

3. 0n 26 April J-977 Line Government of Sri l,anha inforned the Secreta"y-Ceneral that it had appointed "l'fu, L B, Fonseka, Deputy Permanent Representetive of $ri Lanka to the Uni-ted Nations, as its representative on the Special Conmittee. On B July 19TT tfre Goyernment of Senegal- inforned the Special Comnittee that !ts. Keha I,l, Baye trad. resigned from the Special Cormrittee and nominated in his stead lnlr. Ousmane Gound.iam, Procureur g6n6ra1 prds la Cour suprdrne, as its on the Special Comittee. "epresentative l+. on 20 July 1978, the Government of Sri Lanka infonred the secretary-General Sri Lanka that it had appointed. Mr. B, J. Iernando ' Pernanent Bepresentative of A/33/356 English fage tl

to the United ttrations, as its representatj.ve on the Special Connittee. 3y a note verbale dated 28 Septeniber I9?8, the covernment of Sri lanke" de signated It{r. K. Breckenrldge to attend the meetings of the Special Connnittee at Geneva fron 9 ro -13 october t-978.

5" On I October 1970, tfre Special Conmittee submitted its first report accordance 1/ in with General Assenbr-y resorutions 2r+)+3 (xrrrr) of 19 Deceiber :-968 ana 2546 (ffiIV) of l-1 Deeember Lg6g. The report was Political discussed in ihe Special Cornmittee at its 7U+th to ?51s1 neetings, fronr. T to 11 December l_g.fo. On 1l Decenber 1970, the As sernbly exemined the report of the Special Folitical Connxitt ee 2/ and adopted resolution 2?AT (XXV).

f;,..9: 17_September f971, the Special comxittee submitted. its second. report lA/u3u9 and corr..l and 2), prepared in accordance with the terms ceneral Assenbly of resolutions 2r+)+3 (XXIIr), 25\6 (xxfv) and 272? (xliv). On ]!-l393nter_r97f'-the special corinittee subnitted. a third report (4/8389/Add.1 and Aoc'-r/uorr.1 and 2J containing information vhich had becone available after the completion of its second. report. These reports vere discussed in the specia.l Folitica]- Corroittee at its 798th to go3rd ieetings, from 13 to 16 Decemier :1gTr. on 20.December f97l- " the Genera]- Assenbly considered the report of the Special Political Conmittee 3/ and adopted resotution 2851 (XXVI). I9?2, the Special Conmittee suhnitted. T:,"91^?>.S.ptember its fourth report- \A//oozol an accordance lrith General Assenbly resolutions 2l+L3 (XXIII) (rixrv 2515_ ) ., 27 2T (Xr/) and 2851 (nrvr). rr," .upo"t vas discussed in" the specier Pol-itical conmittee at its B\9th to B55ttr roeetings, from 30 Novenber to 7 Dec€mber 1972" On 15 December f9'l?, the Assenxbly the report of the Special Pol"itical Cornrnitt ee \/ and adopted resolution"*aInirr.a 3OO5 (Xr.vII),- 9' on 15 october 1973" ttre special Conrnittee subnitted its fifth report (4/9148) in accord.ance with ceneral Assenbly resolutione 2l+L3 (XXIII) , 2i'\6 (fxtttl, 2T 2T $w), 2B5t (xxvl) and 3005 or, io 1973, tiavrrl" uo,r.rl.r the special'The cornnittee submitted a suppleeent to its fifth report (a/9tr+blrdo,r). report and its suppl-ement were discussed in the special political corurittee at its Bgoth and B92nd to B97th meetings, from 19 to 26 Novenber 1973. In add.ition, the special Political conmittee considered the report of the secretary-General {A/ 9237 ) submitted pur suant to Assembly resolutio-n 3005 (xfaill). O; " J December 1973, the Assembly exa"nined the report of the Slecia.l political Conmittee 5/ and adopted resolutions 3092 A a;d B (xXvIII):

l,t Official Records of the ceneral- Assembly, T.w.enty_fifth Session, agenda ite* fOf

4 Ibid ", Annexes , agend.a item 101 , d.ocr.ment A/g23.( , 3/ Ibid., Tventy-sixth Session, Annexes, agenda item l+0, docunxent A/8630. r]/ Ibid., Twenty-seventh Session, Annexes, agenda 1ter4 L2, document A/B}5O. :/ Ibid,, T.rventy-ei€lhth Session, Annexes, agenda item L!, document A/937+. Al 1J/ 5>a FtnE_L1S n l',aAe / g. On 2: October l9'ii the Special CorLittee subniLte,l its sixth report (A/p8f'l) jon: (uIIl) ({Xfi), in accordance 'pith General Asselrbly resolut 2L)+3 " 25Jr6 2(21 (x:]f'r ), 2851 (XIVI), 300) (ITVTT) and 3092 r (X]{VTTT). The report was discussed in rhe Specia-L Politica1 Conxaittee ar irs !27th ro 932nc meetinqse fTorl 6 to 12 l\ovember 1974" In addition3 the Special Comtrittee consicr,ered the report of the Secretary. General (A/$r+l) subraiLred pursuant to Asse-.bly resolut-ion J092 B (rc(VTIT)" on 2! tlovember I97L, the Assembly examinerl rhe report of the qnnni:- D.t if i/.al c^nni 1J aF 6/ and arior,t.r"d ras^tuf.ions 32LO A to C (I-XTX),

1n nn 1l On-.nnpr- 'lo?5 f.h- rnA.:al /'nr-il-f ao <,rrnif {al ifc ca1ran'h renort (,4/102i2) rn acccr"dance with General AssernJly reso.utions 24L3 (XXIII), 2146 (XXIY), 27 27 QJv), 2B2l ()sv]). 3005 (XX1/II) , 31)2 B (l,xvrrr) ar,d 331+0 A and c (,..tIX). The report uas discussed in bhe Special nol-itjca.]. Co.rnittee al its 985th to 99lst -^--.i--- n-^- cd. 1r^ar^-her Lo 5 Decenber 19i5" Tn addiblon the Speciaf Political Corudttee ccnsid-ered. the report of the Se cret ary -General (A/10370) subnitted pursuanE to General Asse"rbly resolutions 321.,0 A and C (XXIX). 0n 11 Decenber 1975., the Asserubly exarrrined. the report of the Specjal PoIiLical ComrnitLee 7/ and alopted resolutions 35?5 A to D (XXX). lL. On IT Septenber 19'l(,, the Specia: Corr,nittee subnirLed its eir"hth report

(A/3Il21U) in accord.a.nce with Ceneral Ass embl-y resolut.ions 241-3 (XXIII) , 25!6 f{xrv) ?7?7 (xxv\ - 2p,\t f yv\rr \ ?nnq ri''nrrr') l'ro2 p f x]{\/rrr) r>Lq 4 gnd u (xxl^/ ., and 3>z> A and u (xx;i./ ]'he report was dt scussed -Ln tne bpecla-L Horltlca.-L n^6' j " I tA' du urrc rlL| uo-^ lq'h 22nd 1.. zAl t 2B+1 i n l2.l h^Ffinl"e !!.f tne rr-'. "rA JL.r4 --!-!Larr(,r thirty.first session, from 10 l$ovember to 6 Decenrber 1975. In addition, the Special Polir,ical ComniLlee con;idered tne reports of the Secreta4.-General (A/11/235 and Ad.d.1 and 2 and, I\/3Il3o2), submitted pursuant to General Assenbly resolutions J525 A" C a-no D (XK{). on 16 December 1976 the Gereral Assenbly examlned the refor L tha qna.irl P^lifi^ol ^f Comittee and adopted resolutions 3L/1.O6 A to D. 9/

L2" On -LT Oclo;er 1977, Lhe Special Comnittee submitted its ninth report (A/32/28),) in accorda:rce r,iir]r ceneral Asscmbl-/ resolutions 21.!3 (X\IIl). 2t)"6 (XXIV), 2727 (rAV), 285r (xxvr)- lOOt (xxvrr), 3092 D (XXVrrr) , 3?\o and c (xxrx).' 352) A and C (XKt) and 31/10L C and D" The repo.rL was Jiscussed^ in the Soecial Politicaf Committee at the 23rd., 2[th, 25th to 3l+th and 35th rneetings of the thirly-second session from Il+ to 30 r{ovenbe:r 1977. In addition Lhe specia-L Political CommitLee considered Lhe reporL of rhe Se cret ar y-c eneral (A/3?/jAg), submitted pursuanr ro ceneral ,^.ssenbly resoLuuion 3I/La6 C" On 13 Decenber 1977.. qna.ipl political 1.he Gpnernl Aqq,-nhrr. ' varinel 1-.1-p ran^-- ^T lLa Co-milLee and adopted. resolutions 32/9I ALo C. 9/ 13. The present reporr has been lrepared in accordance \vilh General Assembly resolutions 2irl+3 (xXIl1) , 251+6 (XXIV) , 2T2T ()fiV) . 2B5I (:C-vT ) JCO5 (,";SIII ) ruy4 r) \.4.^v-Lr- ) )z+- a anu C (XXIX) , j525 -tt. and. C (XE() , 3L/\o.' c and .D and 32191- B and C"

q Tbid.", T\^renty.-ninth Session. Annexes I acenda iten ilo, document DJ)BTZ. !/ I!-Lg-. , IEtt:e-tJL_9SS : i on , Arylexes, agenda ire,r 5?. doc.:rnent A/1O\6L nL.'-+.....--! q\ v rbid . , adFndp it,cr ,4ocr,u,tent A/3I/399 qT 9/ rbid . Thirt.r. ce.ond Sossior Arnerce ar-enoa iten docun-etrt [/3?/].A1 . A,/1?/?s6


1l+. The Special Conmittee continued its vork und.er the ru-les of procedure contained in its first repo"t to the Secretary_General . IO/ 15. The Special Cormittee held. neetings from 13 to 17 llarch l9?g at Geneva " The conmittee elected r{r. Borut Bohte (yueostavia) as its chairnan. At these meetings the conmittee reviewed. its -nanclate cousequent upon the adoption by the General Assembly of resolutions 3z/9r B and c ana aeci.aed on the organizaiion of its for the year. rt decided to continue its system of monitoring infornation on'ork the occupied. territories and to hold periodic nletings to analyse policies and praciices in the occupied territories. rt decid;d, r,rittr reterlnce to paragraph Assembly r0 of resolution 3z/gl C, to pay speciat attention to informatioir on treatnent of c ivilians in detentj.on and., for that purpose, decided that individual case histories should be conpiled; the special report requested by the General Assembly in that resorution vould be included as a disti.nct part of its rnain report' The Comittee reviewed inforrnation on the occupied. ierritories which had become avail-abIe since 1T october f9T?, tfre date of the adoption of its t-ast report (A/32/?8\); ln that context, i.t decided that it sboutd be kept informed on separatet-y those situations or incidents which night require its speiial attention. The Comtittee exarninecl the arrangements announced ly tire tsrael-i authorities concerning visits by delegates of the rnternationar comitiee of the Red cross (rcnc) persons to in d.etention' Tt her-d consultations vith the expert vho had been engaged for the.purpose of carrying out the survey requested by the General Assembly in resol-utions 3525 c (rrx) and 31/r-06 o, ana with a r epresenta.t Republic i",re of the s3nian Arab on the irnplenentation of General Assenbly resolution 31/gf B. The Cornroittee also examined conmunications received froxo covernments and individuals contalning infornxation on the situation in the occupied territories. rt heald the testimony of liiss Fatna Barnavi a palestinian, yearst " who harr. been after fo imprisoment in the occupied telritories. The conmittee"eteased decided to address itself to the Governments concerned. and to persons in the occupied territories wbose experience and knovledge of certain ficts were consid-ered relevant to its nand"ate ' rt decided that the Mayors of Nablus, Hebron, Jericho and Ranrallah be should invited to rnake sulnissions and possibly to appea" before it. In the same context, it decided that paid notices be inserted in the l-oca1 rsraeli and Arab press' recalling the existence of the slecia1 cornmittee and inviting persons vitil personal kncrrleclge and experience of events in the occupied teFitorils to comraunic ate rdth it. l-5. _On.ll+ i,larch 1!lB, letters vere sent to the Governraent s of Eglpt, Jord.an and the syrian Arab Repubr-ic and to the palestine Liberation organizaiion referring to General Assenbly resolution 32/gr c and requesting inforraation to the lrandate of the Special Conrmittee. Several reports were received"elative fron the Goverru0ents, f"ox0 the League of Arab states arrd fror the palestine Liberation Organization transnitting information on the situation in the occunied territories.

10/ +fal,, f rent.,,r. fifth sessicn, a3cnda item l-Ol, ciocument A/J0A9. annex III. A/33/356 !,Ylga1sn Page 9

L7 , On 1\ March lgTB, a letter vas sent to the Secretary"Generaf stating, inter al-ia; "At its series cf meetings held at Geneva fron 13 to 1? 148'rc h 1978, the Special Cornmittee examined the above-nentioned. resolution of tbe General Assenbly and took note of the statement s made bY the relresentatives of Israel.

"During these neetings, the Special Connittee exanined infonnation received by it since fT O;tober l9T?, the date of the adoption of its last repori, including information concerning the situation prevailing in the occupied tenitories i.n recent veeks.

',The special corraittee is of the view that the situation of civilians in the occupied territories continues to give cause for concern' This applies also to those civilians who are in detention. Infornation reachin8 ttre SpeciaL ConrDittee ind.icates that treatment of detainees, in spite of recent changes, regarding the arrangenents for visits by delegates of the International Conmittee of the Red Cross, remains serious' The Special cormittee feels simil-ar anxiety regarding other civilians not in detention, r.iho aae now in their tweLfth year of nilitary occupation or forced exile from their hones. "In this context, the Special Corunittee considers that it r'tou1d be e.r'rrronri a.t e , irr snite of the statement made by the rep"esentatives of Israel at the fast session of the General Assenbly" to attenpt once agal-n to obtain the co-operation of the Government of Israel to enabLe the Speeial Corunittee to visit the occupied territories to carry out an on-the-spot inve st igation. " 18, On 5 April 1978, the Secretary-ceneral informed the Special Connittee that the Israeli [{ission to the united Nations had reaffi"ned that its position renained" unchanged.

19. on 23 l,4arc 11 1978, the Special Connittee addressed the Permanent Representative of the gyrian Arab Republic to the United llations office at Geneva in connexion with the implementation of resolution 32/91 B as follol'ts:

"The Chairrnan of the Special- Conmittee vishes to express his appreciation for the kind co-operation extended by his nxcelle1gy furing, t-lrl exchange of vie,ns that tooir place on 16 I'{arc h f97B at the 231st meeting of the Special Conaittee. 'rAt that xoeeting it rras indicated to his Excellency that, prior to proceeding to the survey request€d by the General Assembly, the Special conmrittee vould. need to have a clear definition of those aspects of the destruction of Quneitra that have yet to be assessed in accordance r+ith operative paragraphs \ and 5 of the above{entioned resolution" The Special Cornmittee is of the view that " as a first step to\aards this A,/33/35c 11n.",1isb Page 10

d-efinlticr: it rrould be useful to receive fron ris rxcellency e s Governrient a sta aenent of Lile iature, extent ancl value cf those aspects of the danage to Quneitra thet are still_ deemeci as requiring ",orr"y. 20' 1:e special conmittee treld a second series of meetings at uni.tec liations Ilead.quarters, iiiew yoxk" from 5 to 9 June 1!78. .At bhese meetings the Comnittee reviewed inforrnatior.r thai had become available since its lfarctr meetinqs ana examined a numiier ol cormunications received from Covernrnenf,s and priiate 6ources. rt examined a nunber of cases of alleged ill-treatnent of detaiireei " ft ar-so Leard. the testimonl, of lr'1l. rssa Askar. rt decided to follow ul certain cases that had be€n brou€ht to i.ts attention and to request additionaJ- iniorrnatlon on a munber o-c dllegatrons contairred in connunicitions receivcd by it. rt examined the informatiorr re:eeivecr from the l.fayors of the occuried iierritories, The llalrol s of l{a blus and Ranallah }rere ar,'.y from the occupiecl territories and the i,4al.or s of liebron arrd Jericho informed the conunittee tiat thcy could not appear before it abroaii but were preparec', to testify in the <.:ccupied territory. On lO June lplg the Coinmittee sent the follor.ring letter to the iour naf,ors:

"Ijr spite of repeated efforts, the Speci.al Coomittee does not have access to the occupied territories the Governnent of rsra.el reconfirmed its ref\rsal^lo co-onerate Vith tre Special Comittee most recently on u Aprrl tlJd. It, therefore, remains necessary for the Special Conmittee to infor$ itself in the best manner possible oi ttre situaiion persisting in the occur:ied territories, it feeli that persons holding public otricJ such as yourself could connunicate infornation on the situation in the occurried t:rri.tories Vhich vould be useful to the special cotrrnittee in the execution of its nxandate " For these reasons, the Sp-ci.al Conmittee decided. that its invitation to you si-.oul_d renain open " ''The special corjmittee " in applying its mandate, recognizes the nilitary occupatiol as a temporary situa,cion. It considers as its mandate the safeguardirg of tire human rights of the civilian inhabitants of the oceuDied- territories 1-oth as indivirluars and as a connunity. rt. therefarc- forlovs developlxenils affeciing the safety and vell-bej.ng of their person and. property in an effort to protect them until such time as the niritary occupatiin cones 'io an end". The Special Conunittee realizes the difficulties that surround the situation caused by the fsraeli occupation of your area, by the tack of co-operation by the Goverrudent of fsrs.el r^rith the Special Cornmittee and by lts refusal to allolr it access to and freedom to operate in occur:ied- territolies, In sp:'-te of this it has been the rdst of the cener;t Assembly of the united Natio.s that the special cornmittee continue with its rdorri Eo fo1lov the situation in the occupied teffitories and to investigate Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the population of the occupied territories,

. In tilis contcxL ) the Special Comnnittee vould be inreretted in receiving information not oilly on the genera.l situation rrevailing in your a"ea but aLso infcrmation on spccific events and situations as, for example, the A/33/356 Enslish Paee 11

recent development s taking place in you" area. In addition the Special Conmittee rntould be interested. in receiving information on the treatment of civilians inc.luding the reaction of Israeli military personnel to nanifestations against miJ-itary occupation, prison conditions, and trials of persong from yor,r region. The Special Cormittee nould also benefit fron receiving information on any situation that develops affecting the

civilian popufation " "This infonnation eould be coninrunicated by yourself orally, or in rriting or by a person or persons on your behalf.

"The Special Comrittee vishes to reassure you that the situation of the civilians in the occupied territories renains the subi ect of its attention and that it sha1l continue to do its utmost to ensure to the p*'.ent nrrssitrle i.hc nrotection of their rishts until the end. of the hil ifar\r aaar'-atin- i'

2L The Special- Conmittee held a third series of meetings fron 9 to 13 October 1978 at Geneva. At these meetings it reviewed information that had become availabfe since its June meetings. It examined a number of cases of alleged ill-treatr0ent of detainees and a nunber of reports on conditions in Israeli prisons. ft vier^red unedited filns shot in the occupied territories reJ-ating to its mandate. It atso examined infornation received. in response to its requests for add.itional inforrnation on cases examined by it at its June meetings. 22, The Special- Coumittee met again at United Nations Head.quarters from 5 to to l,lovenber t9?8. At these meetings the Special cor,mittee reviewed information on the occupied ter"itories that had" become availabLe since its October meetings and heard the testinony of l4r. Abed. El Assaly who had been invited by the Conroittee to appear before it. The conmittee considered and adopted its report to the Secretary-General as requested by the Gen.eraf Asserdbly in resolution 32/91 C. ^/33/355


23. The ceneral Assentrly" in its resolution 2),1+3 (XXfff) entitLed 'rRespect for and implernentation of hlrman rights in occupied territoriesrr, decided to establish a Special Colnmittee to fnvestigate fsraeli Practices Affecting the Hunan iights of the Population of the Occupied Territories, composed of three Membe" States.

?)+. The rnandate of the Special Conmittee, as set out in the above resolution, was to "investigate fsraeli practices affecting the hulxan rights of the population of the occupied teritories".

25. fn interpreting its mandate o the Special Conmittee detemined, in its first report, that :

(a) The territories to be considered as occupietl territories referred to the areas under fsraeli occupation, namely, the Golan Eeights, the West Bank ( including East Jerusalen), the Gaza Strip and the Sinai peninsula, !'o1Ioving the inrplernentation of the Egyptian-Israeli Agreement on disengagement of forces of 18 January 19?l+ and the Agreenent on Disengagenent betr^reen fsraeli and Syrian Forces of 31 May 19?l+, the demarcation of the areas under oeeupation vere altered as ind.icated in the maps attached to those agreements i

(b) The persons covered by resolution 2l+)+3 (rXIII) and therefore the subJect of the investigation of the Special Connittee r-ere the civ-iIian population residing in the areas occupied as a resu]t of the hostilities of June 1967 and those persons h^rh'1lrr Taci'daht .ih +l,a areas that were under occutation but vho had left those a?eas because of the hostilities. However. the Conrnittee noted that resolution 2)+1+3 (rdTII) to the rrnopulationrr, without any qualification as to any segrnent of the"eferred inh€.bitants in the occupied territories; (c) The rrhurnan rightst' of the population of the occupied territories consisted tl,to Council referred I'essentialof elements, nanely, those rj.ghts which the Security to as and inalienable hr:roan rishts" in its resolut ion 237 (f967) of 'I L .r".o I 067 n..r ----*Jy,ea.^h^ those rights which found their basis in the protection afforded by international 1aw in particuler circumstances such as occuBation snd, in the case of r:rj soners of r,rar. caDture. In accordance r^rith General Assembly resolution 3005 (XXVrr), the Special Corndttee was also required to investigate allegations concerning the ercploitation and. the looting of the resources of the occunied territories, the pillaging of the archaeological and cultural heritage 01' the occupied territoriesi and the interference in the fYeedora of vorship in the Holw PlaoFs nf the nonrrr^,ied *pnri+nrie<'

(d) The ?rpolicies'r and 'rpractices'r affecting human rights that came within the scope of investigation by the Special Conmittee referred, in the case of "policies't, to any course of action consciously adopted and pursued by the Governnent of Israel as part of its declared or undeclared intent; whiJ-e rrpracticesrr referred to those actions which, irrespective of whethel or not they were in implementation of a policy, reflected a pattern of behaviour on the part of the Is?aeli authorities towards the Arab noDulation of the occupied, areas. A/33/356

Page 13

26. Since its inception the Special conmittee has relied on the folloving international instrusents in interpreting and carrying out its mandate: (a) The Charter of the United Nationsl

(b) The Universal Declaration of Hr:man Rights; (c) The ceneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August f9\9; ]y Prl'a^nA?< LIa? (a) The Geneva Convention ?elative to the Treatment ^f ^f of 12 August 19\9.. \Z

(e) lhe Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Ilvent of Arned Conflict, of 14 May 1951+; f3.y' (t) The llague Conventions of 1899 and 19oT respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land. 1V

27, The Special Cornnittee has a.1so relied. on those resofutions relevant to the situation of civil-ians in the occupied territo"ies adopted by United Nations organs, the General Assembly, the Seeurity Cormcil" the ncononic and Social Council anal the Conmission on }Iuman Rights, as well as the relevant resoluti.ons of the United Nations Educationat, Scientific and Cu-l-tural Organization, the world Health Oreanization and the fnternational Labour Orsanisation '

l-_L/ un].red Nations, IfS€&E-Cer1e!., vol. 75, No. 973, p. 287' _,-... 14 Lbro,. ) No. 972, p. 135, 13/ rbid. , vol-. 2\), lto. 3511, p. 275. 1\/ Carnegie Endovment for rnternational Peace, The Hague Convenlions and DeclarFions of 1899 snd 190? (New York, oxford University Press, 1915). At J3t J)A


28. fn this section, the special conmittee gives a bTeakdo!'n of the information received by it from 1J October f9?? to the date of tlrc ertor]rinr nf J-hc r report. rt constitutes evid.ence or pclicies ."u"i.llitlli"ilil.ilu.ii l;:""" Governrnent of rsrael in the occupied territories, Though by no means exhaustive, it extends over the entire period covered by the report and is a representative cross-section of the infornxation received by the special corunittee. The nain purpose of this section is to reflect, as completely as possible, the rea.lity facing the civilian popufation of the occupied territories.

29. fhe Special Connittee has continued to monicor events in fho naarrniad territories in the best avaiLable manner in the absence of the co-operation of the Governnent of Israel. It has done so b]r:

(a) i{earing the testinony of persons with first-hand knnul cdoe nf tha situation of civilians in the occupied territories i (b) Examining reports in the rsraeli press of pronouncements by responsible persons in the fsraefi Government I (") _ follor.ring reports appearing in other nevs media, including the Arab language press and other sectors of the international press;

(a) Exarnining reports subnitted to it by Governments and non-government aI bodies on the situaticn in the occupied. territories; (e) viewing unedited filn material of events in the occupied territories. 30' The special conaittee heard the testimony of Miss Fatma Barnavi during its me_etings from 13 to 1? March 19?8 (reproduced docliments A/Ac"f)r5/qr.9lr. rr5 q5) 'Durint as and . its meetina.s fror. ! to 9 Jun_- t oJg, the ccrnmittee hear,,i the testirony r{r. (reprod-uce.j. of Issa A.shar is :'ccunent .A./,\e . i) 5/RT.l?) . Durinl its rneetings from a love:trber. to I0 I97g tne Co".r,rittee h,-arcr. the l_estironv 3f : r1 . El {ss3ly (reproduced as documents A/AC.fu5/Rf "?trO, elrT 2lrg a_nd 251/ " 31. rn addition, the special connittee received reports from the Governments of Egypt, Jordan and the Syrian A"ab Republic containing information on the situation in the occupied tenitories. It also received reports from the womens International Democratic Federation, the conmittee for the Defence of palestinian Human Rights under Israeli occupation and from several individuals in the occupied territories and in other areas. The Comrnittee took note of several expressions of concern that reached it on various aspects of the situation of the civilians of the occulied territoriesr in particular the plight of persons held in prison. 32. In the folloving paragraphs, the Special Conmittee gives examples of the kind of infornation that it has received and which, in its view, constitutes relevant evidence illustrative of the policies and practices follor{ed by Israel in the occupied territories . In general it may be stated that this evid.ence can be classified under two cateqories: t:-t Jst t)o

(") That which relates to tbe policies and practices follolred by the Government of fsrael with regard to the occupied territories as suchi

(b) That \,/hi ch concerns the situation of the civilians in the occupied territories as a result of the state of military occupation.

icies ohd nvo^+i^ac r.,i.th rad'r; +^ +ha f erri l-.'+1 ac ?,3, As rcp'qrds t,he nol a-ru !f oL Lrrcs wrrlL rLbar ^a.rrnil1d this evidence consists of a nunber af stateloents by members of the Governnent of TcY'oal end }lrr nFrsons +^d6+1aar rafl oai l-ho ^thFr in responsible positions vhi ct , n^.liATnmaht'c nnl i ni aq Tn the same context, this evidence r'a o hhl amahfad },v infornation reflecting the activities and measures undertaken to implement these policies. 3\. As regards the infornation concerning the situation of the civllians as a result of the occupation, this consists of reports of incidents that have occurred ih ihA l-ar?i+^Tiae .,lrr?ihd l-ha nariad anrrara/t }\1r l-ha nre"ant rennrl-. anri rrr Lrrc ^..rrhiaduLLuPr uJ u r! Prleelr arrests of groups of civilians, their trials and, vhere applicable, their releases.

?q q'hi. informcfinn r.pncirre.l hrr J-.he Sr'enial /-nnnittee relevant to the tleatnent of civilians who are under d.etention and information describing prison conditions in general ar'e covered in the special report appearing jn section V below. 36. The information is assessed in section VT be1ow, where the Special Cornmittee formulates the conclusions reached by it based on the analysis contained in the present s ection.

A. Evidence relating to Dolicies anq qeq! r!s! followed bv the Government of Israel vith regard to the occupied territories 37, The information reproduced in the folloving paragraphs is given in the forl of sannarized versions of the reports cited:

38, The tlinister of Agriculture, l'{r. Sharon o stated. that priority would be giwen to the developnent of established settlenents rather than to the creation of new settlements. ( Jerusa^lem Post, 11 Novernber 197? )

39. Mr. Sharon told the press on 28 November- l97T that about one fifth of the Agriculture l\{inistTy's development budget for the comin65 fiscal year would be used for the establishnent of new settlements. (Jemsa.lem Post, 29 llovember 19?7) )+0. l,{r. Tzipori, Deputy llinister of Defence. said that top priority lras given to the Golan in the Government's budaet " a"nd that tvo new settl-enents vere to be established shortly. (Ma'ariv, 20 December 1977) l+1. Plans to d.ouble the population of the settlements in and around the nafah alea were announced on 2 January 1978 at a neeting of the Jewish Agency nxecutive by M". Raranan l^leitz, head of the Agencyis Settlement Departnent ' ( Post' j January 19TB: Asha'b, \ January 1978) A/33/356 English Page 16

L2. The t{orld Zionist Organization presented a p)an to the Minister of Agrjculture, Ariel Sharon, calfing for 510 nev families to settle in the Rafah Salient, both in ei{isting settlements and in nernr ones. (gg!1gC!e!L!qs!, 9 January 1978) l+3. The Jevish Agencyfs Settlenent Department, dealing with estabfishrnent of new sett.Lements in the occupied territories, subrnitted a plan providing for the creation of 57 new settlements to the Twenty-ninth Zionist Congress; the settlements are to be created vithin the next four years, including some in the occupied territories, In addition, another plan is being elaborated for the creation of 1\ ner,r settlernents in the Jordan valIey. (l{a'aretz, 20 and 2T February 19?B) 44. l'lr. Weizman, Minister of Defence, expressed support for the creation of civilian centres with tens of thousand.s of inhabitants in each, as distinct fron settlenents with a population of several dozen families or less. Ivlr. Weiznan was quoted as being in favour of st"engthening and thickening the folloving settlements: Gi'von (north-east of Jerusalern), which should have a l,opulation of !,000 fanilies" Maaleh-Adrmim (east of Jerusalem), vith l,0OO faniliesl and the Etz.ion bloc (south of Jerusalem) , with 8,000 families. According to the report, Mr. Weizman rrras of the viev that other big urban centres should be created on the northern West Bank, namely: Haris, vith 1)+,000 families; Karney-Shomon, with 2,OOO fanilies; and Naby-Saleh, with 2,000 farnilies. AII three are located west of Nablus. According to Mr. l^lei zrnan "the creation of big urban centres such as these could rrard off political difficulties, since the sites have been approved by the Government, and civil nuclei already live thererr. (Hararetz, 13 Ir{arch 1978) l}5, Mr. Sharon, speaking as Chairman of the Ministerisl Conmittee on Settlement, said it "intends to spend 1BO r'1i1lion Israel nounds ^ a thiTd of the settlement bud.get, on new sites in Judaea and. Samaria'r. (Jerusslem Post 5 March 1978 )

146. The World Zlonist Organization (t+zo) ana the Jerish Agency asked f^Y' a.rrFA+ar voice in the Government ts decisions on where tc buifd new settlements. Arnnndino to 1tr20, '1the final decision must continue to be the responsibility of the Government, but its partners must be seriously consulted. and not just expected to cabinet decisions". "The Jewish Agency is currently responsibl-e for carrying out settlement policy within the rgreen 1iner, and WZO for settlement in the Administered Territories. Their representatives sit jointly with the Covernment I s settlement officials in a sronial ^^rnmi'f+Ap uil-h Fenh lartnar cFndiro 10 members " (Jerusalenx Poqt, l5 March 1978)

47. The }{inister of Agriculture, Mr, Sharon, announced, during a statement to settlers in Ofra, thar 30 settlenents vere to be established in 19?8 "throughout the country". The Minister referred to progress achieved in the implenentation of the settlement policy and qaroted the examples of Sanur, where settfers now lived, Shornron, near Sebastiao currently housing \0 families, Kaddlm, which had remained jr'raoar qn ca++r6m--+ f^r so long and which now had 5l+ housine units with an additional 7O under construction, the new settlements at Karney-Shomron and Haris, where 200 flats were under construction, Tapuah, r^rhi ch was ready to receive new sattlers, and BeiL-El, vhere the grou:rd had been prepared for the establistment of a permanent settlement. In addition, Mr. Sharon disclosed that a new settlement, called Maaleh-Nahal, had been established at Silat-Ad-Dhahr. The choice of the A/33/356 Inelish Page 1T location of this settleraent, according to Mr. Sharon, was determined by leasons of \4r. phenor.enon of an influx Sbate security. Sharon referred briefly to a recent ' of Bedouins from the Mt. Hebron area and the coastal plain in Sinai' who squatted on lands earmarked for settlement, and said. that this had Teached a 1eve1 of thc,lrsA.nds of rreonle - "we evacuate then" he said. (Matariv, 29 June 1978) l+8. The Ministerial Conmittee on Settlement received a plan giving details of settlement in the Jordan Valley. The plan includes the constTuetion of a water-way frorn the "Sea of Galilee to the southern Jordan Valley and the construction of a road from northern Jerusalen, running paral-]-el to the hitls of Samaria". The plan involves the creation of 33 settlements in four years on the eastern sid.e of the Samaria hills, at a cost of approximately one third of a billion dollars (tr 5 titrion). (Ar Hamj shrnar, 6 J,rly 1978)

It9. The Gush-Emunim rnovement had published a master I)lan to increase the number of Jewish settlers on the West Bank to 100,000 d.uring the next three years; it proposed the establishment of 32 new settlements and the ex;:ansion of the existing ones to create the nucleus for the settlenent of 750'000 Jews by the turn of the century' The plan was delivered to Government Ministers from whom support for the planrs implementation was expected. A spokesman for the Chairman of the l'{inisterial conmittee on settlement, Mr. sharon, conmented that the Minister r,ras not 1ike1y to have anything to say cn the plan since "The Minister had his or'm (p1an) and that is what is being implernented". The report gave detaifs of the long-Iange Gush-Smunim llan vhich envisaged the creation of two cities (in Kiryat-Arba and in the Haris area), four towns placed in the north' centre and south of the west Sank ' 20 suburban quarters around Jerusalem, and 25 elusters of villages. The plan was presented to the Prinre Minister on 10 July 19?8, (Jerusalem Post, 7 and 11 July 1978 ) 50. The heads of the Settlement Department addressed a letter to the Ministers of Finance, Housing and Agriculture requesting a $38 nillion (tI 7Oo nillion) supplement to the budget for the estabfishment of settlements on either side of the 19)+9 cease-fire line; ',rithout such a supplement the decisions of the Ministerial Conrnittee on Settlement could not be executed. In the existing budget approximately $0.6 til-tion ([.f e.5 billion) ]r'ere earuarked fo? nev settlements and the extension of existing ones. Add.itional allocations had been made from the budget of the Housing Ministry, $l+o mitticn (sI 830 rnillio ) and ai,?O nilliori (,rT 500 rnillion) from the Ministry of Agriculture. over $2 million (tI 37 million) of the reselve (A1 budget had been allocated to the Yamit area settlements, ilanishrnar ' 12 Julv 1978 ) 51. Mr. R. Weitz, Head of the Settlement Division of the ltorld Zionist Organization, acting in his personal capacity, presented a master plan to I{r' Begin which envisaged the establishment of a Patestinian Arsb State in Jud.aea and Samaria and gave details on its proposed mat eriali zat ion. Mr. lieitz laid dovn the following conditions for the acceptability of a Palestinian state on the west Bank: the increase of Israeli settlements in the Jordan Va11ey fl'om 21 to 38 in five vFAr"q: i.ha rlr.lrbl ir.ro of the Rafah area settlements by 1983 frorn 13 to 27:, the creation of 102 rural settlements with 9'9oo families (nearly half to be insice the occupied territories) within five years; and the increase of the ul'ban population ^/33/]56

,'development in 30 selected areas such as Jerusalem and in 13 tol,rns " in special ne--C of stt'engthening. (Jerusafem post, 2Z August 19?B) ,2. Mr. sharon' the Minister of Agriculture, stated during his tour of rsraeli settlements on the west Bank, that the Government's 'rsettlement prcgranne" was "not to touch the large Arab concentrations but to establish Jewish popuiated strips" between the l4editerranean and Jordan and to encircle Jerusalem with Jewish settlenents in order "to ensure Jerusalemrs Jewishness even at the expense of the development of Jerusalemr'. l,{r. sharon considered this vital ,,since some l+0,000 Arabs have rnoved frorn rural areas in Juda-ea and sanaria to nast Jerusafem and its region", (Jerusalen Post, B August 19?8: Ma,a.riv, B August 19?B)

53. llr, Begin stated at a meetine with nembers of the "Ein-Vered'i Group (members of colfeetive agricul Luraf setLlenents affiliated to the Labour Party, who partisans I'in are of settiing af1 parts of Tsrael-t') that diplonatic moves \n'ou1d not halt settlement, but that the iirnins of settlement r,iould be decided by the Governrnent at its discretion" (Hararetz. 31 August 1!18; Jerusalem Post, 2r 1.. r i_, \ rr hq6u>-.. -r u ry^?O I ,/

5l:. The loreign lr{inister, l4r. l,t. Dayan, stated on 25 September 1978 that "there wasnit even the slightest fear that ihis Governnent would agree to renove even one settlement from Judaea and Samaria or from the Gaza 25 September 19J8 )

55. l4r" sharon announced on ! october 19TB that the Government was to start setting up more settfements in the Jordan va1Iey once the three-month period follor,ring the signature of the canp David accords was over. r.{r. sharon stressed that the Jorda,n va11ey settlenents rroul-d not be evacuated and said he had no doubt that Jews v.ould nct be und.er Arab sovereignty. He lromised that the Government would start creating new settlements, in addition to expanding and consolidating the existing ones' and that the budget for the consolidation of the Jevish settlenent in the Jordan Valley would be increaeed. (Ma'ariv, 6 October 1979)

56" In the course of the generaf debate at the current session of the General Assemblyr the Foreign l,finister, MT. Dayan, stated on 9 october f978: "The Tsraeli settlenents in Judaea, Samaria and the Gaza district are there as of risht. ft is lnconceivable to us that Jews should be prohibited from settling and living in Judaea and. Saroaria " which are the heart of our homeland. " (a/y/pv.26, p. \z) 57" The Frime lt{inister, Mr, Begin, stated on October peoplers 31 19TB that "the Jevish right to settle in all parts of the land of Israel is inalienable, This right has been carried out in the past, and wlfl 0e fn the r.rture (Jerusalern Post, 3I October IIJB) ^/33/356

B. Evidence refleeti th and meas ta of the Gove of Israel with reaard. to the occuoied territories 58. The settlenent of Kassrout was established in the Latrcun area, near the site of the village of Emmaus (totatty demolished in July 1967), E1 Xlandrasa. (Ashatb, 10 October 1977 )

59. On 9 Xlovember 197?, the Ministerial Connittee on Settlement, headed by the It4ini ster of Agriculture r MT. Sharono approved the construction of a "cross-Sarnaria link the Dan bloc to Maaleh-EfTaim and to expand. the regional centre of the Xtzion D_LOC. (fla Arerzr _rU l\Ovenber lyll./ 6o. It vas reported that the l4inistries of Agriculture, Construction and Housing, and Industry, Connnerce and Tourism were to nove offices from Te1 Aviv -bo Jerusalem. (Jerusalem Post, 24 Novenrber 19?T) 6t. On 1 December 1977, two groups cf Israeli settlers moved into two Israeli army carnps on the West Bank: Beit Horon and Gilvon. Beit Horon settlement is situated on the lands of the viUage of Beit-IIour El Favqi. Most of the settlers ,rF Frrnl.\vFrr }11' l-ha -ilirA/v in,llr

66. i srorrrr of i-4rniprp-rtS from France (30 families) had been authorized to settle reyo:'r1 the 'green I i nc" in an area called Fotem, near Fatzael in the Jordan Va1ley. (Ug*_gf:I, 20 January 1978 )

61 , During the first week of January 1978, two groups of settlers moved into a new llahal outDost called Salrit. The settlenent was planned to become a civilian co-ooeraLiv. village (based on growing flovers for export and creating electronics, ar.1 plastic indusLries). (Ma'ariv, 25 January 19?B)

58. A ceremony for the inauguration of Katzrin was hefd on 2l January lpl8. Tt was aLLelded hy several official Israeli pel-sonalities, among then the Minister of Irousing and ConsLruction, Vr, Gideon Pat, who stated: "The Golan Heights is today a d,- nrr. rerupl * :: '.^t.:::_:t1 ^f -tso he recnsnized ::da :-1lure as suchrt and by the new "Joint Cornnittee" of the Golan Heights. Katzrin was planned to be '-major setLlernent on the Golan ... (ruhose) industry and services wiIJ play a role 1n the daily life of Gatilee as we1lrl " (I{a'aretz, 22- + January t97B; Jerusalem Post, 2l+ January f97B)

E.n - ) . .,r ..r 4r roved on t 5 February 1978 into its nev settlement site on Lhe Tablus-0aloilya road. According to a Defence Ministrv sor:roe "l7 or 'lB fanilies r'ro1reil fror. canp Kaddlrm, wh.ere thel,r harl been livinlq slnce Lrctooer I,rl I " (Jerusalem Post, 72-16 February 19?8)

TA. A group of 20 Gush-trlnunim settlers moved to Haris settlement (situated east of l{esrha, sone 1! kilonetres beyond the 191+9 arnistice line) at the beginning of February 1978. This advance group was preparing the infrastructure for the permanent settlement. (Jerusalem Post, 2-j and- lO February 1978; IIa'aretz, 13 I'ebruary 1978 )

71,. tho hundred housing units r,rere under construction at Ofira, the Israeli settlement on the southern tip of the Sinai peninsula, in addition to the 300 already completed, A decision had been taken to construct a further 100 units after the 20. vele comp-Leted. (t.,la'ariv, 1l April 1!18) 72. Sources in the Frime Minister's office had confirmed tha.t the operational decisions vith regard to the creation of settlements in the tearitories had been transferred, since 1,6 April 1978, from the Ministerial Committee on Settlenent, headed by Mr. Sharon, to the l.{inisterial Conmittee on Security Affairs, headed. by the Prime l{inister, These "operational decisions" included the date of settling and the e"rlargenent of existing settlements. (Hataretz, 19,20 and 21 April 1978; Jerusalen Post, 20 April l97B) 73" A provisional settlement, situated in the Tulkarem area, was officially inaugurated by the Minister of Education and Culture, l4T. Hammer, on ?5 April 1978. ft ',+as defined by the Governnent as a rnititary outpost and not as a civilian settlement. (Tbe lla'a"etz correspondent conments that in fact it was buil-t as a ci-,'ilian settlement to all intents and purposes, for the place is not attached to any arrny camp. ) The present site vas tenporaryl the permanent site \,/as situated thene tworwo hil1snL-L-LS knownl

7\' Land preparation works starteil at Tapuah sett,lenent in the Northern r.^IF st Rank sjtuat-d 12 tr i lon''er: res south of Nabrus, on th" .Tublu= -Ba.a rrah road, A;".;;;r;-;;' :i-:-.1:ry"1,f1. Ee_ge!g, ''the nllitary outpost of Tapuah, in Samaria., is to become clv111an at the end of this month or the beginning of next month". (Hararetz, 16 ltay tgTB; Je"usalerl p,''!, 16 l,ray tqia, Hl;"""i", tr-;;; ii",,.v'tqiiil Asha,b, r? a"a eElF rg7e-

75 ' According to the JeMlilCLlggL contractcrs an interim "civilian have started. 1., prelare settlement rrte ro" ttrE-?bsh Emunim's Beit-E1 settlement nucleus, outside the alTqy carnp in r,rhich they nov live", and the site has been 1eve11ed and prefabr:icated houses have been brought to it. ( J_glujr q1en0 ryst, 12 l{ay l!/B) 7.6. Fourteen enterprises with l3Z fforkers are afready operating in the new incustTial zone of Maaleh Adr:unim (halt way betveen Jerusalem n.mber and Jericho). The of workers is to reach between slx and seven hundred within months, according the next six to r4r ' aurvitz, the Mi.nister of rndustry, conurerce and until no-"r about -Jerus"r.*rourism, tf 5c million has been investea-in ttre zone ty tr,ru rconomic corporation which is planning to invest a further tr ]*o nillion during the current fiscal year. Of the 2,1+00 factories dunams in the settlement area, 530 already have built on them" (Jerusalem post, 23 May lg7g; Asirail, i:'lf"V-iSfgt 77. l,trine hundred and fifty prefabricated houses have been ordered by the Israeli Government for the use of the I^,rest Bank / ra r ? rtr--- r \ settlenents. ^^L- ^ryo

7\" The Ministry of Housing and constfuction budgeted ($l+ on provisional fT Bo million million) construction in ner,r settlements of the northern region of the i{est Bs,l]k fTon a global provision of [] 1ZO rnilfion ($8., mlffion) s ei,i.1q,,, p11" " tr 53 roillion (approximately $a,: miffio") "urrurt"a-fo" Zionist Federation i" ; ;.-;;;;;1y tne settlement Departnent on procuring settlers for settrements at saIit, Reyhan the and rapuah. The rest of the trudget is to be spent on maintenance of the outposts established in the Rafah satient.- (tta,"r"tz, e-j"". iSigl 79. Three hundred and twenty housing in units of various sizes are under construction nev settlements in the northern region of the rJest Bank, This statenent is attributed to I'settlenent sources,,, (Tl ihese unlts are destined for the settlements of galdun units), Tekoa (2C units), Beit_ltoron (1.5 ( Ir5 Beit-nl (L5^units), units), Sanur units ) , Tapuah (5 unitsj, rv"l"y_S"i"r, fli'""ii"j. (Ma'ariv_, 13 June 1978 ) ""a 30' According to r+nother rcport the budget for the estabfishment of nelr settlements of the developnent budget of ihe Ministry of Agricrlture and T.rl:tl:_n.T! 415 miIlio" ($a0"7 totats million), the budget for nev settlements is divicled as _ rr 81 nirlion (g)+ j;;;;";"i;";-_';i'6e,1rio' l?}:"':...|?rtnr0r1LlonJ: l.i^elt: *ilii."j; t+J.+ nafah Approaches (Gaza Strip) _ tI 95 nillion ($)..T f,T 28 nitlion ($t miltion); and nirrion) in "ground ,";;;i;: (nr'Egor"ts,gr, 13 June 19TB) 81. T\ro hu:rdrecl and fi ftlr acres of 1and, seized in 1975 for security pufloses, foril l)art of an area currentl-_. beinl lrerared for ",he est ab.l-i s?;nent of a new l,i t':j.1:'

_ , a,,, .,

:iel i,.,,e r€r:.I :'i11crl ',',--iir, l.ccat-^l in 'rhe cei11,ra1 area oi thc .Tot:.-l-an 1,':r.11:;". rr:ai' 'iire :. :l i-...- ., .:.. :'?.r {.1-,, ..=g r'--.p,1:L11. I j - rr-e l:.1")

":.: . j'r:- i,lr r.,.i:r,:.t-r ri i're i'linj:;te]1ial OorL tit.tee on Settl,emeli,. ii:1. Sharcn" anncLrf:ce.r o,-r -.1 l;-'L. l:r1-l tirF.+, tl; i-i-rsl stafe cf the Governinetr-r- s pl atl fcr seitliag Jeils on i,,:: ",o:r'i,'rerl ;,::l ilLrl l:rs-d bec:rtr coln,ll.eied and tlle Ccrrelnneat .,ras .iro-riilg to .1ouble 'ilrre i.:ni j-.a:.) 'xr-.r,1...' ro.. tiLlere i.r 1.000 fanilies rrithirr a1 -iea.T. The prescnt ilo.le:,':r:re;r-- lla.., eiiabl isherl 15 sel,rll3meitts on the '.ics; l:nk in a-Cii*'icn to t,rose e i*":;L'l- ishe.l unrier the |r.evious Gcv-ortrmsnt " the iiin i;;t-'r \':8s sileakinq 1t t'he r,n:j;-l.e 1::in i, oi' Ii.rrne.. Shomrcn where. acccrcl.ing to i,he i00 hou,sing units -ire "iini:ter' ',relr 'a ll r]rlded to Lhe elis-r,ini 38, 'Ihe secr:nil- staqe of the setl'lelllert !Lan's il:-,1er,,ei], r.Lt i,oir 5ho[1r1 ire achicrred s-iliocthl:jr .Lnii he cxpecteC liltle trorrnle '.'he]:] j r.ra:r lilovea .i,o c)crljla-n"n l l]1+ ls. 'rl:e ,.i r'l s:1qe -il1lli:nente(1, i. e " . '..rh,-n the seti,lers i\r r.:'.-',iL r r:: rne l,Iiri.; L,ei jilre settle:ren+,s had been Ioc3-ted 'lartl--{ to oub-flank t, rr -i0:l 110 :\rab s ,,;ho stradCle the former eriristice I ine" near IIe't anlrrr." .'rl:r.,1 Tu.-'l,kar1x. fr ,:,rl ij', r"r:,:r ',',o l.ira ilr"irt cf sebtiements stretci-.11g fram 1'lortli 't,o Soulil in Sar:iaria, cnl rc;te o:1r.'-r' s,=L:l e,lgf ls hrd been estell.!isned a:l-ong !lanneC Xast*]"les-L rcut.js: -i''sh :)-ist,r'l l::o;r, Pe+,a-Tikvar t,i".rouSfl 'r1kana. (+,he nelar nane of the s3t'. -ornent- 1i n ) , I:::1is e.ni. lra txp"n to i'I:laleh Xfraine and a second rcr'r-ie fror ih-- H:idera regior j-1at throilth i,iie sertl.--yrents at gaaur araL aaleh'-lTahal (fcrrne r1-' knc-,rn as 3 E-Dahar ) -t i-,n,-r torih ei.r- l-alri. of -,,lie Jordar Fi ft " The l.tiini ster adCed that 12C f.,lnilies 'reile .Lo r!lo]/e t',Ir. o ;l:ii: -i:rt'1s setifenent by September a,nd ano'6her B0 farrilies illr ileceillber. ({9;_q:,_{.:,,.1q_9!_- L J,rlr' 19TA'-4ljg!r_+}g:, L;tull- l-97E; A1 Quds-, I'Juty 1.973)

j'l:-.iii aplaove.i- the esta'blishnenl- a 31. The steri;,l co'r.nit be" on Settlencnt had ': ';orrt :-i -;he l,{aalcl-r ,ldr-ttj.,-, a.rea-- 11 kilornetres from the centre of ,ierusale':' lhe ',tet rii;.t-.'!eni siie for: tire seti,ienent r./a,s a.l so chosen L kilcrne tr-^s east of the pr'3sent -L.ca'l:icn. The ljousr'nfi ILni;t.'rr had aftrorre 1 !,000 housing uniis a:rci -'reparation .io,'r .b4ii r;o:r1-. -::Ls i,.l g'oi uirde? r"raly bll Novenbel r'rith constnrction of th-- filst i.:l.ll 1ll.{.i:i 5rar.tin. .lr,-z'irf tne firsi, half of 1979. Thc neit -Lor,/n r;as tc fre b'rilt on la.r:n exprlpriateLl in tqT) after a aio-,.ernraent decision to establish :'lr incluslrial -. j:-: :" t..: '(e(Z. '-l V ')tt) j jlieh 3)+" Iiibjr- rcj'erelrce 'i,{) tbe ca3e of !,lo1.rammed Burka.n, il -.^Ias l:epor.ted that i"r:Le Cc,fft oi ,Tlsi, !c.r re.d- 1is:rissed the petition lrl/ l'.{r " 3urka.n to allol; hirn to pu::che-se trn 1.uar Llrltlllr iLr -t:rc JerrislL q'.larter of the O1'l Cit'y of Jerusalem' l{r' Burkar and his iarnilir he.l- been er.jcted fron the site some years earlier and he hacl applied rc tl'.rrc r::r,s:: .'-r i:.pilr'tnent on his expropriated properby' In dismissin3 th": :tition ' -uhe cculr, enr_rire,:;izec t.1at rcs bricting the Jeriish Quarter to Jer'rs did not consiitu':e rreit,1i-ce ;nrr .isc::ininatioa against Jovcla.nian cltizens is "Icgi tri'r'ra'Ne a'ad trr_qtifieri oy nolj*,icaI anrl security considerations in view of the atfocities t):rrlteira',ed lll Jcrd-an in the 01d City bet een 19[B and i957". ( Jer,,rsaiem Post, 5 and J Ju-1y l!JE: I'a-raretz 18 "-rrty 1978) 85" -ihe lirst, set+.lers vere to arrive in l{aa}e}i.-nfraim (nid-r,ray bet{een the north shore of ihe l)ea..L i-j--a arld the Sea. of Galilee. 30 kilometres nor.th of ]ericlo) on I2 .Irrlrr i979" ii-r-' hr,:LndreC housirs units had }eer !Tepa1'ec'l and /5 itcre unclei: corrs tructicn , ihc settl,e-rent lroul C 1',-avc 2 ,OOl f1a.ts il its final :;tage " 1l'r .-:-i, 1'i::ir s.dilitionr a. nl-t],ibef of pu.blic 1'ir'-l-{iings b..d also been co'rrpleled. nlral eh--ri:':,r'r ri:g ic del,-elo! intc an urban centr:e tc lro.ride se:vices t,o 'ihe entire Jc]:ala-n 1./ai1e.lr :'rea. (p$ii:, 9^,Tu1-,- 197!i {erf!3l€t_?-o_-t':, !.3 July t9?3. r:1a;ggrz-, t3 rrij, l-r:.i. !Cvg,, 13 Ju1;1r 1!lB: _4:fgfS..t[, l9 J"h. ltTp 4i_?::c-:, r3 ;L.r,r;l.fi; ja,:nuar1' 85. In 19?8. '!he Governnen-r, decided thr.i: tl:c ilaris settle:-entr s.uth.1.i.js j, l{ab,]-us of' " crirrent}I a nilitar-v carr.p, should }eccn.e ljl11e birqest city iir th.,J a.-rca, r.r:','r:h !0,00O inhabita.;rts and cci'ering €r.r al:ea of 5.OOO d.,rnafls (5fO square 1ii13l,-l:res )- lbrk r,ras beilr.l carriied out s i.r.,1lr ltaneou s Ir- on boLh t,-r4ro t:anr sn& perrriancnt colst:u-ction -. includ.in,q a titirce -s-borey school on ,i,l-i: parnereirt site, ln.J 80 units h.d ie3n corxnle.eil r,ri]ile )+o cthcrs l:enaile,:1 rni',er consil:ucti.on. r ne r Lt it7 -- s--ttlers' famil:ies, melubers of a Gush-Tmnt'r-. nucleu,s of i,r er,i inr_i,,:rarlis frcll ,1.: USSB, had recent1..l talien ovet per:ranent houses, althor.gh it rras errpecterl i,hai, tite fanilies lrorLl.il lullber 2o0 in the near fuiure _ (l,,lp-,r{ly. 8 Ar_rgust 19?E , .iezugelEjljos.t. B hugust_i973: !ayg., t.T Ausust f_"78,-]ia_1{"_12:, tT Auq,-1st L9-t:l .. :llj,rs,a.LujlP_!!t_, lf arrl 1,8 Au,qust 1!JB: Jia_'aretz., t8 August fSiS: 18 A"$tlqrt 44ql!, P? -lor rhe e,l'r.ption cr:Fp ronv the l{ibbutz Oria1, in the Golan Heigh.Ls, r,'es heJ,cl oa I Septenber (Jerusalen 19?il" lql! . 5 Septerber i9T8 )

3il. Accordinq -r,o another. report, a neff settlenent 1.ras i,o be es.tablishei. rn th: Colan Heights ctrrr-ing the ihree-rlonth settle;ient fTeeze pfeig--al b.). t.,lr Belin. .'-:r."ing the follor.rins r,/eek the Go.,,et'n ent r,ras to start str,-nqthenin{: settlerenis on the llrest Xank. "since the undertaking to avoicl settlerLent related only to ne-,r scttlenents'. The aeport cuotes the Prirrre iainist,-r, ',ir. Be.'.iin, as sl:aiing that lt must be naC-e clear thalr Tsri:.e1 rrould act vigorousl-rr io stLengt|en settl-enents .ludea in and samaria a-s '.re 1 a.s in the Golan lIeights'r " cnlr try exla-nrlint 1,he cxisting settletxenbs ancj maintarlning the Israeli nilitnry presence a::r--ed rrpol in the Cs..n. David talks, -,.rou1d fsrael be able ta ensuue a :,stronr.t gritsr or thosc a.reas . (t'la,ariv-, 2? Septelrber 19TB )

C. Ividence relatlnq__!_o _tne"_.:fay-l_?:ga situation o:f ihe civilians t4_ ths_ oc_c14,_l s._1 !qr_r.- !I-n 89, FcDroduced bclow is a t epl:esentat,ive crcss-sec-,ion cf ueports cr inciclents occurring in the occupied tenitories during the leriod covcreil bl, this report, shor'ring the daie, placc anr,1 '.yne of incirlent, anil givi.n- thc source of the reTro.l.is in chronological crder (talte r). This is follo-.red by a cross-section of rellorl,s of arr:sts of gl:orlps of 10 or rrrore civilians and of -,,ria1s and rel_oases (tables ?-5). The -qi:ecia--t- Comrittee has fo11or.r--d inforrnation on arresi:; , tr.ia.ls anci releeLses of civilians a.s ueported in the press" ft is jr possession oi detail.ecl lists of' such reports; h olrel.ct: for tbe lufrroses ol this rerort.. the Srr-r i-.1 Comril'.r.- l-as irirc I j..s.l'to irlo-,no.rio- or orrls,.s or .-.1Jpr o- t^ or more civilians and to tables sholring fr"quency of tr.ia.1s a.ild releases, The Ilnglish^/33!355 |ag.e t+

,,ca.r ih l.ha f^l l^irihd -a--i6^l^d.L -. :rLr :rvJ w lj/ LIL rvrfvsr.16 tables is that foutd in the press repol:ts and does h-r F--ae<-Ti l\' y6r'l 6^r r,,re yiews n-a +Lp qrpFi-r i6'1ai1-.ee. 1!/

,q" fn ,ri er,' of the conclusion reached oy Lhe S"eciat Connnittee in its previous rer-rorts tirat the nilitary occupation constitutes in itself a violaj:ion of the human right,s o1' r-he r-jviliars of che occuricd t:rritories" iL e: rsjders Lhat informatlon on incidents (and their rcpercussions) directlv attributable to the nilitary occulatio:o r,rould be relevant to an exeflination of the huirran rights of the civilian rolulalion. Lpl.1, ra-..1^ir' '\fe Ql Trh e rcrorts Ii:rt,ed 'rd ^+ t\e current siLuarion o' ';'Le humrn ligi:r-s o; rl,e civilian ooDu-latt-on. Tnc Special Connrittee Sives its ev'tl uaLjon of their effect on these human rights in section vI belor{'

names newspapers are uged ir the tables -1_!/ The follor^'ing abbrerriat ions of of hel:e'dnder.


ASH . ASI{-{,8


AFP . Agence lrtnce Fres s r: ne\.rs s cr:vic e rTI14 " Isra,el 356 ^/33/ Page 25

Table 1. Representative cross-section of reports of incidents

Date Plac e Sources

14 September 1977 Nablus 1lxplcsive clerge went ll. 15 Septenber l-9?7 off in the tor,rn I s mn in cnrroro nnr,'iar guards arriving at +LF e r.rara ^r'.,FA df^h6d }\rr rr^,r-f hc

11 Sepisrber 197? Nablus L].IO mO LOIO]I COCKtal.L S 14. 15 Septenber 1977 +''T^."n --+ +1"^ 6rrrY,l I e hut of the cld Mil i+rFar n^rraFhra.+

the Town I{a1I

1977 B^frh Fwn | t hP 3 Oetober Jerusalem ^el ^n ^t JP. 3 October l9TT central bus station

5 October f977 iia,Lwao Fiot of Arab students iP. 5 October 19TT against the aatf I amahf r-l i.v

r]rah. a awil al- B October 197? Jerusalem 'l ^ci^r JP. 1]. October 1977 tne ljapt rsr cnurctl nt Tri+-- 15 October 1977 ^ ^+ T\.r^ ri^hh owr] nc ianc JP, 15 october 19?7 Jexusalem ITIXf

2 November 1977 ItTablus Partial business stTike H. 3 Novenber 1977

l,ealIe!s \ slgneo olr FATH ) distributed., ca l l irs f^1. nr"^faet .rain<+ haff eof+l F"- ments and annexation of the teffitories

2 lil^Irafrha? 1oT7 Ramaffah Partial school strike H. 3 Novenber 19TT

2 November 1977 Bir-Zeit Part ial strike at the H. R-ir^-7eii l1.r'l 1a.rp

F^h]. avnl in ar 4 Novenber 19?T Jerusalem ^c-i^n JP. 6 Novemo er 1977 Fddad hrr c Al 33/355

Table 1 ( continued )

Flac e Sor.1rc es 5 Novenber 1977 4 I\OVemDer Iy I I Jerusalem Bomb exllosion near JP, soldiers ' hit chhikinl station on the Jerusalem-Bethlehem road

11 l\iov€rier 19TT lilablus Hand grenade thl"own at an I'{. 13 November 19?7 r'1o!j-. Anoy patrol circulating I,-._ . in the tor,'n!s nain 12 'lovelrber 1!-f T street during the night

13 Novenber 1977 Jerusalem Bomb explosion blel.r out JP. lL lilol'enber l9TT ( christian floor of a hous e c .rarr er )

13 November' 19?T Near the Xgged bus ambushed and .lr. _L+ llovember 19?? shot at Novenber 19TT of ii-brcn* E1-K13ali1

Nablus Students marched in the M. 18 l{ovenber 1977 streets during class- ahours singing anti- President Sadat songs

3 Decenber 19TT Jerusalem Bomb explosion Le l"londe , 1977 \lavld ST,ree1; , 6 December O1d city ) ATP,

3 Decenber 1977 Xlablus Violent student l{" Ir Decenber 19?T demonstrations and riots H" I Decernber 197? Nablus Leaflets ca]ling for a '"-- strike on _12 Uecenber rytl tl+ Decenber 1977 distributed

Ill la.arhaq tu/ {1?_le1I' Student demonstration I{" 15 Decenber 197? following a call foa a general strike

lL Decenber 197? Nablus School disturbances - H" 15 Decenber 19?T I q .rra<+ <

IO Uecemoer Iylr Jerusalem Grenade explosion JP. 19 Decerlber 1977 I ileth-Lehem fO t-:a l Al33/356 English

'1aD-Le _L \ COntrnuec.J

Dat e Place TYpe Sor:rces

24 uecember Ig f I Bethlehen (in Explos ion of a hand- JP. 25 Decenber 19TT Mange} Square Srenade Igdiot Aharono! , neax the Church 25 Decenber 197? of the Nativity)

25 Decenber 19?? Jerusale& Bonb explosion Yediot Aharonot, ( iie"en I(ayenet -26-5;ffiGr 1e?7 Street )

ro .uecemoer J_y I J Ranallah area Murder of JP, 2? Decenber 1977 Eard.i E[-Kadi , l+0 ":::-:-::-, (fron Houssan vil-lage, zl uecemDer lyl I near Bethlehen) , Yediot Aharonot , larrr+rr T\-i roaf ar nf 2? DeceBber 1977 the Iducation office H. 27 December 1977 of Ranallah M. 27 Decenber l-9??

"several weeks R€mallah a.rea Murder of Selirn Ja.roil-, IT 2? npacmhet 1Q11 earLier't 23 z) ,ec emDer _Ly t I Jerusalem Explosive charge vent JP. 2 Jamrary 1978 (outside the off Yediot Aharonot, high -l J""""rv 1978 school )

27 December L9?? Jerusalen Bomb explosion in an JP. 2 JanuarT 1978 ( Santadriya Egged bus Yediot Aharonot, -Enuarv 197S 3L Decerober 1977 Bethlehen hplosive charge went JP. 2 January 1978 off outsid.e the _7Yediot Aharonot , local courthouse Jan""ty 19iS

i _L ,J anuary J-y { o JerusaLem Fvrl nc rro n}aroc JP. 2 Jenuary 1978 \near [ang d.efused before Yediot Aharonot, uavr.c noter,, explosion -T""uarv 1978 z ,J snuaxy J_y I o Eebron- Exp].os ive charge went H. 3 January 19?8 -uil-l\na Lr L off near a taxi station

4 tJ AnUAry l'y lO East Jerusal.en Sma1l bomb di scovered. JP. 5 January 19?8 outside of Sank Hapoalim in A-zahara" street l\t 55/ 5)o F- -1 i ^r.

Table 1 ( continued)

Date Type Sou:rces

T January 19?B Nabl-us (near Border police patrol M. 8 January 1PJ8 the Balata attacked. by a group refugee camp ) of ri.oters

7 January 19?B Nablus Tourist coach stoned. M. 8 January 19?B by rioters

T Janualy 1978 RsmalLah Stuaient d.emonstration Yed.i.ot Aharonot " ( Teacher ' s against President o .J anuary l-y r o training Serl ot t o nooao schoof ) initiative The Teacher's training sclroo]- was closed. fo? 21 days by tbe fsraeli authoxities folloving these incidents B January tpl8 Jerus al e& Iland.-grenaile explosion ASH. 9 Januaqy L97B in bus terminus JP. $ Januaty lpJB ALQ. ! January lpJB 9 January L97B Jerusalem Bomb d.efused. t0 January 1!fB (Neve Yaacov 10 January lpJB quarter ) January 1l lpJB Jerusal-em &

23 January 1978 Northern Sabotage charge went n. zo ,J anuary Iy ro Jerusal,em off in the hands of (Sboufat a young Arab, 23 refugee ca.mp ) 27 January 1978 Nablus Youths d.exronstrated in H. 2! January llJB protest agai.nst the nerq settlement 29-30 January 1978 operations in the territori es Israeli cafs and s ecurity vehicles stoned.; tyres burned. A/33/356 &rglistt

Table 1 (continued)

Dat e Pl-ac e Type Sources

29 January 1978 Betveen Naly- l,trixd er of a D&ntt H, 30 and Saleh and busdriver 31 JanuarY 1978 l!&r? -uf n Curfev imposed on the M. 30 and. villages of the 31 January 19?B Ramallah area

2 r'ebruary l-9TB Hebron- Somb erplos ion at the JP. 3 FebruarY I9?B EI-KhaLi] centra.l taxi station

3 February 1978 Jerusalen (at Bonb explosion JP. 5 FebruarY 19TB the ?ofice Head.quarters- Russian conpor.rncl )

5 Februs,ry 1978 Nablus Student denonstrations H. 5 !'ebruary 19?B Partial business strike Israeli cars stoned. $res burned

and 7 Nablus Student demonstrations H. 8 Februar:f ]9?B Febluary 19?B against settlenents -J-G;ruarvYediot Aharonot , and in support of lEiB ?LO and the Algiers Zu Hsderekh, Conference B February T97B

8 retruary 19?8 Ra.nal-Lah lfurder of Abdul Nur JP. 9 Fetruary 1978 Iftal.il Janhu, 5\ , a E. 10 tr'ebruary 19?B l-ocel busiDessm€,n. H. l-2 !'ebruary 19?B Denounced by the PIO H. 13 f'ebruarY 1978 as an ttagent collabo- H, 16 February 1978 rating with the H. 26 Februaxy 19?B Zionist authorities " Le Monde -Ti-3retruazy ' t9?8 ASII. 9 February 19?8 Yediot Aharonot " --9 Februery 19?B

10 February L9?B Jerusalen (in a kp1os ive charge ALQ. LL February 1978 supernarket on Lrent off Agron Street )

13 February 1978 Jerus sJ" em Expl-os ive charge ALQ. tl+ !'ebruary 19?8 (near an arny dismant].ed trarsport station in the south of the city) ^/33/316&rglish Page 30

Table 1 ( continueil )

Dat e t\rpe Sources lf February 1pf8 Jerusalem Bomb explos ion in an ---:7-::---fleraJ"d. tlrbune - -- ^-^ Egged bus r_o -t eoruary Ig ro Le Monde . --i6-r'Ei-ruarv r9T8 Aegng e Teleeraphique

15 Februs,ry 19?B l-6 February 19?B Jerueaten (at Explosion of a charge - AfQ. rl r eoruary J"9fo a Ziouist naterial clamage, Youth farn) no inJr:ries February 19 1978 Jerusa]-em Explosion of a charge H. 20 tr'ebruary 1!JB (fiebrew Another charge M. 27 University ) February 19?B d.iscovered and di sloentl- etl

25 February 1978 Gaza (on railvay kplosive charge ASII. 25 February 1978 line linking l'ent off Gaza to Rafah )

1 March lpJB Northern Explosives discovered AlQ. 2 March 1!J8 Ranallah (near la:ooun viJ.lage)

3 March 1978 Jenin (in the Explosive charge ASII. l+ uarch 19?B Martyrsr Square d.iscovered. and ALQ. 5 March 1978 in the tovn d.efus edI c entre ) l+ Merch 1978 Jerusa].en Ixplosive charge vent ALQ. 5 l4arch 19?B ( Eanat Eshkol ) off und.er a car ASH, 5 laarch 19?B l-0 Marcb 1978 Adna area Bonb expJ-osion AlQ. 11 March l9?B (no nants land between the West Bank and Israel)

16 March 19?B - Stud.ents I riots and M. 17 March 1978 Beit Haninan d.enonstratioos JP. 1? March 1978 Shur fat, Temple M' 19 March 1978 Mont and 01d ryres burned City Anti-Zionist pLacarals vaveal Vehicles stoned Al33/356 Dnglish Pa6e 3l

laol"e I ( contlnuedl

Date Place Soulces

16 l{arch 1978 Rauallah Riots It. 17 i"a.rch 1978 JP, L7 l'r'"rch ]978 Stud.ents attenpted to 14. 19 llarch 1978 block the nain road l-6 March 1978 Nablus Stuclents burned tyres M. 1? March 1,978 and stoned vehicles JP, 17 March 1978 M. l-9 Plarch 1978 JP. 19 March 19?B

15 l.,larch 19?B Tul,karen Students denonstrated M and JP. and threw stones t? March 19?B l.{ ard JP. 19 l.{Er.ch 19TB

16 Ma"ch 19?8 Itelt J a_La, Riots M and JP. 1? l,larch 19TB M and JP. 19 March t9?B

16 March 19?B Hebron- Secondary school lrl. 1? l4arch 1978 Et-Kha1il students rioted, JP. ]? l{arch 1978 burned tyres and M. l9 l,larch 1978 hurl-ed stones at JP, 19 March 19?8 the bolder pol.ice

l-5 March 1978 Jericho Fiots in the tortn I s M. 1? March 19?8 oain stleets J?. 1? Marcfr 1978 l{ and JP. l-9 I'{arch 1978

1? March 1978 Gaza Strip Demonstrations M. ]? l{arch 19?8 ( Jabariya c"'nr,) JP. 1T March l-978 M. l-9 March L9?B JP. 19 March 1"978 ASH. 20 March 19?B

1T-18 March 197B Nablus student demoustrations M. 19 March I9?8

19 March 19?8 Gaze- Sturlent d.emonstrations M, 19 March 19?B vebicles stoned

19 March 1978 IQran Yunis Student denonstrations M. 20 March l-9?8 JP. 20 l{arch L9T8 fsrael-i vehicl-es stoneal At J5/ J>O E1el ish Page 32

raD_Le l- |\ conl]-nued./

Place TYpe Sou:rces

l-9 March 1978 Dahiriya (Hebron- Stud.ent riot M. 20 March 1!JB tsr-ltna.L].J- area J 20 March fsraeli cars stoned. JP, l-978

19 March 1978 East Jerusal-em, DiBturb6,nces continued. JP. 20 March 1978 Nabl-us, Hebron- M. 20 March 1pf8 Et-Kha1i1 , Bethlehen, Rama11alr, Jericho r:qra C+'i - "

20 lasrch 1978 Ea,st Jerusalem, Denonstrations continueal M, 21 March 1978 Khan Yunis, Gaza, JP. 21 March 1978 na:oal,lah ) JP. 22 March 1978 Hebron-El*Khat and tvo-hour businese il- ) strike reth-Lehem )

20 l'{arch }978 Jerus al em Explosive charge JP. 2l- I{arch 1978 ( querter ) diseovered. and. d.efuseal

20 March l-9?8 0n the road between Explos ive charge 2I March )-!JB Hebron-El-lfta].iI discovered anal ileflrsed. 22 March 1978 ano. -rian .Jadda ( ].n front of a branch o f the POA.LTI4 Bank , a workers t banJr )

22 March 1.978 Deir Abu Mashal "Dan" Co-operative bus I{. 23 March 1!J8 ambushed. and- set on JP. 23 March 1978 fire ASI{. 23 l.,larch l-978

23 March 19?8 Jerusalem (/ Explos ive charge JP. 24 March 1!JB Kalandiya Airport ) discovered. and. AsH. 2l+ March 1978 disnantled

25 l4arch 19TB Ranal_lah Three explosive charges ASfi. 26 March 1978 d.iscoveretl and rlefused. end. of March Jerusalem Ca-r set on fire Il, 30 March 19?8 1978 |\ lrench fl]-t_l- J AIQ. 31 March 1978

30 March lpJB Nablus Stud.ent d.emonstrations H. 31 March 1978 Partial business strike M. 30 March 1978

30 l4arch l-978 Tul-karem Student d.enonstrations 31 March 19?8 lartiaL business strike 30 March 19?8 A/ 33/356 Ehglish

-LaD-Le l" \ COnt rnued,/

Date Place qrpe Sources

30 l4arch l-9?B RanaLlah Stud.ent demonstrations 31 March 1978 Partial lusiness strike M. 30 March 19?B

1 April- 1!18 Jerusalen (between Sonb d.i scovered. ard 45fl, Z Aprat- J-ylo the Anud Gate and d.isnantled the Saphira Gate )

2 Arl^i l 1o7R Jerusalen E{plosive charge ASU, 3 April 1!TB ( Hebrew University) discovered and AIQ. 3 April 1978 Ir), disuantled Aprr_L -Ly I o

o Aprrl -Ly f o Nablus Attenpt by stud ent s 11 'l April l-!78 to denonstrate dr. o Aprl _L r_y f o Security forces stoned Apr1l ryf o by students

6 ApliL l-9?8 El Ba1ata refugee Disturbances Ap"].r_ J-y I o camp TD 'f April 1978

p April 19?8 East Jerusalen Egged bus stonetl by H. 10 April l-978 ( near the seconalary school pupils Rockefeller Muselrm)

11 (O1d April 1"978 Jerusalem Snsf l- cha,I'ge exploded JP. 12 Apra-L -Ly lo City citad.eJ. ) ASH. 13 Aprar -Lylo

1L April- 1!18 Jerus al em Attempt at setting fire ALQ. 17 Apr].J_ r_y {o lrrencn flIlt J to a car

J-o Aprr--L l.9 ro Qalantlya refugee Molotov cocktail tossed tr. .l.o Anri 1 1o"A canp (near into an Egged. bus April f978 Jerusalen) -dLQ. 1? April 1978 H. 18 April 1978 ADII . -L I Aprl _L J_y lo

1? April r97B Nablus Stutlent d.emonstrations JP. 18 Apr]r r-y lo Student strike E. 18 April 1978 Partial business strike

17 April 1978 Stud.ent d.emonstrations 1B Apr].r J-y lo 18 April 1978

L? April 19?8 S8lfit area Egged. bus set on fire ASI{. I7 Apr]._L J-y lo (halfi.ray betlreen 18 April 1978 Nablus and Farnallah) Al 55t i)a E:g1i sh fage J4

-LADIe 1 \ COnIlnue(r.'

Dat e PLace type Sor.rrces

IB April 19?8 Jenin A young rdan fron Burki.n ,) v . r-y Aprr.l -19 I o village kilfed by a pulsuing arnly patrol oftor r' crnri nc instructions to halt '1 2n Anzi I O7R Jerusa].em Sqh^+.ana ohaY'lra fr. zJ_ Ap"rJ l.ylo ( ullo suburb ,/ discovered ALQ, 21 April 1978 ASII. 21 April 1978

20 April 1978 Jerusalem Car set on fire n. zJ- Apr].r l9fo (Mt. Scopus ) JP. 21 April 19?8 ArQ. 21 April 1978

April 1978 Nablus Molotov cocktail th"own ,J r , z+ Apr]-l. -Ly lo ql- mi l r'l'onr rralii^la AIQ. 2\ April 1978 in the tolrn centre

2)r a--it ro"A Jerusalem ( Jaber Two Molotov cocktails dr. z) /lpT].L rylo Mukhaber vilLage, throvn at & bus neaf, East Tafpiot )

2h April" 19?B Jacobrs we1l ( east Xxplosive charge AUfi. z) l\pr].l tyf o of Nablus ) went off

25 April 19TB Nablus (clock Hand.-grenad.e thror,m into N,q. 2'l April 1978 Tower Square ) a tourist bus ASH. 2? April 1978 Jr. zt Aprl_L tylo n. zt Aprrl- r9lo H" 30 April r9?B M, 30 April 1978 Abfl. JU Apr].l l.9{O Al,Q. 5U APrlI IY lo

2B April 19?8 I\ ear wadl lulha Road blocked vith stones L{. 30 April 1978 \ I\laDIUS €Xea,/ by unidentified" persons

RamaLlah (girlsr Tear-gas throrn by M. l+ May 1g?8 school ) soldiers into a class- roon ful-L of stud.€nts

2 May t9T8 Jerusalem Car set on fire tE, J rvray lylo Davar, 3 May 1978 Al 5J/ 3)a English

laD_Le _L \ COnI]-nUeO..l

Date Place jg_!:_ Sources

4 May 1pJ8 Jerusa"len fuplosive charge vent off JP. 5 May 1978 ( Bj.nyenei fia rooma) i'n Arl1n+rr hre A1 Hamishnar 5 May 19?B " Daval, 5 May 1!18

6 t"fay t !?8 Northern Jerusalem Two Katyusha rockets .TP Morr 'l O7B " (Rassco Quarter ) landed and extr)loded in JP. B May l-978 court yard of a house H. 9 May 19?8 -TP o Marr 'l o78 Yediot Aharonot --TG;;-,ao?A-

B May 19?8 Nablus Incendiary bottle hurled M, 9 May f9?8 a+ an Er.rAA l'1r<

11 May l-978 Xa&a1l,ah Ewr] n

11 May L97B Dahisha refugee Student d,enonstrations Yediot Aharonot, canp (near 12 May 1978 Bethlehern)

13 May 19TB Nablus (near the ft(p1os ive charge ASH. 1! May 1978 emplolrnent office ) discovered and ALQ. l-l+ May 19?8 di snantled H. 1\ l4ay l-9TB JP, 1\ May 1978 Yed.iot Aharonot. 1l+ May 1978

13 May 19?B Nab1us Sooby-trapped bonb M. rlr vray 1p78 d.iscovered. neax a car in the to?n centre and- detonated- i-3 May 1978 Nablus (nain square ) Bomb d-iscovered and- M. 1l+ May l-!l8 d.etonated

_LJ rr/ray ry lo Qabal-an v-i11age Attenpt to set fire to M. 1l+ May 1978 ( near TuLkaren) the enrployment office

13 May rPTB near Nazalat-Issa Egged bus transporting M. 1l+ May l-978 village (Sanaria) workers from the West Be,nk to Jerusa]-em stoned A/33/356 English rage Jo

'rao-L e J_ ( conrInueo.,,

Date Place :i!-!: Sources

15 l4ay 1978 East Jerusalem Riots and. deroonstrations M. 16 May 1978 narkin€r the anniversary of Indepentlence Day

1! May 1!lB Nablus Partial business and fl, 16 }4ay 1978 student strikes

15 May 19T8 Ramallah PartiaL business and stud.ent strikes

15 l{ay 19?8 Beit-JaIa Car of a local inhabitant H. 1? May 19?B set on fire

]-7 May 1!?B Izirnut village Sabotage charges and AsH, 17 l4ay 1978 (near Nablus ) veapons d.iscovered H. 18 Msy 1978 ASH. 25 May 1978 AsH, 26 tttay ISTB

18 May 1978 Nablus Inc endiary bottle tbrown E. 18 uay 19TB at a civilian car ASIi. 21 l{ay l-978

1P May 1![B Jord.an Va11ey Two boys kiued by H, 21 l{ay 1pl8 explosion of suspicious obj ect

21, May 1!lB EL Askar refugee Curfew imposed after ASH. 22 r'Iay 1978 camp (near Nablus ) incendiary bottles vere E )) Marr I o7R thrown at cars ASir. 21+ r,ray 1978 1r.'e+oa an t? Morrl

2\ I4ay I9?8 El Askar refugee Curfew reirnpos ed. after 25 Mav 19TB canp near incendiary bottle 2J May 1Pl8 incident

End of l4ay East Jerusalerr Several Israeli soLdiers n. J. qJ Une ]yfo (Rockefel-1er attacked. and stoned by Mus er:m Junction ) A?al' it^1r+}i a

1 June 1!lB Rarns.l lah (El l,lanara Explosive chs,rge set off AL,q, 2 June 1978 quarter, in a garden ) c .June ly r o Jerusalem (Bayit Bcnb expJ-osion in a bus JP. )+ Jr:ne l-9?B Vegan quarter ) ALQ. )+ June 19?B H. 5 June 1978

5 June 1978 Nablus General bueiness strike H. 6 June 19TB A/33/316 Ecgli sh

-raol.e J_ ( con'E]'nued,l

Date ll-ace i:r-!: Sources t'Dan" 6 June r9?8 Near Shuqba village bus set on fire M. 6 Jwre l-9?B (on the namallah- by three arned men t)!. t June lgfo r{fdda xoad.) ITIM ? June L9?8

11 June l-9?B Tarmun village Bonb explosion in the M. 12 June 19?8 (north-east of doorway of the house JP. 12 June 1978 l\aolus ,, of fomex village Mukhtax

r-.r. d une _Ly I o Nablus (at the fncendiary bottle throvn M. 12 Jr:ne 19?B local enll-olrent office )

12 June L97B Jerusalem Home-maile bonb found. lr-Lq, Il r.i Une l.ylO in a bus dr. J_J dune Iyro

r) iJ une ].9 ro East Jerugalem Sonb exploded und.er an .rr. J-o iJune l.y lo (outside the Hol-y enpty tourist bus AlQ. 16 June 19?B Land. Hote.l on ASII. 15 Jr:ne 19?B -c/ r1€,sn10 Stleet l A1 Hanishrnar " 15 June 1978 Davar. L6 June 1978

17 June 1978 East Jelusalem Sabotage charge eJq)1od.ecl M. 18 June 1978 lnear f.,f Eizariya UhUICh J

2l+ June l-9TB Nablus ( Fays sa1 Borrb d.i scovered- and ASIL 25 June 19?8 Street 5 near the d.isnantled. Atrul' 1) dune J-y l O enploynent offic e and Ler:ni Sank )

z2 dune fy lo Hebron-3.I-Khal-il- Expl-osive chaJge AlQ. 26 June 1978 (near the Leuni Bank ) went off

26 June 1978 Jerusalem ( Mahane Erplosive charge ADfl. ZO dune J.SIO renudaJ went off

29 June 19?B Jerusalem (Mahane Bonb went off JP, 30 June l-978 Yehud.ars open-air Al,Q. 30 June L97B narket ) A.l Hamishnar. --3o Jr-. r-S?S 33/ 356 ^/English fage Jo

-L8,bIe l' \contanueo/

Date Place Tlrp e Sources h .Tr r'l rr '! O7R Nablus Tffo bombs discovered at A!Q,. ) duly r_y Jo the same spot, one at 1 ,30 a.m. and another at noon

? T,,1.- r .r7A o ,.J ury rylo Nablus One bomb discovered .ruttr I etuJ fTlu

..^-fi rJ .r u-r_y -ry lo Nablus Three bonbs found in ASH. 1l+ July 19?8 centre of Nabl-us A1 f'a-l r . 14 Ju-ly 19?U r+ iJ rLy ry [o Latrun-Fana.11ah Sooby-trapped car found" Jv. lb ,J lLLy r-ylo road naqr.LA^L-n^irrf. H. 16 July 1978 ro ,J u_r-y l.9 ro Bethl"ehen Bomb exploded 4ijt1. -19 .ru-ry rylo

22 July 19?B Bonb exploded in the tY. zJ J U-ry -Lylo j'UlJtarm J hands of a l)+-year-old boy

JU ,J Ur-y r-ylo last JerusaLem Mortar shel1 exploded J-H. Jf .J niy aylo ( cil-o ) in alivo ormre l+ n^h}l awnl August 19?B {ebron-El-Kha1il ^ei^h JP. 6 Auelrst l-978 tneaT .lne reumr M. 6 August 19?8 lJanK./ Davar --Z-nueust" r9T8 l-0 Aueust 19?B Es.st Jerusa].em n. i3 August 1978 ( quarter ) stoned. W Arab youths

(I4ount F^t'1]-, aL.l i 12 August l-978 Jerusalen ^< ^n JP. 1.3 August 1978 oI ul-Lves l ASH, 13 August f97B ALQ. 13 August f978 fl. 1\ August 1978 t2 August llJB Jerusalern ( Jaffa Bonb d.iscovered and JF. 13 Aueust L9T8 Gate) disnantled ASH. 1,3 August 19?8 AlQ. 13 August 1978 ll+ Aueust 19?B Jerusalem (at a Sabotege charge H. 15 August l-978 soldiers I hitch- explod.ed ALQ. 15 Aueust 19?B hiking station on ASH. 15 August 1978 the Hebron road. ) H. 16 Ausust 1978 At 53/ 3>O &rglish ?age 39

Tab.Ie l" ( continued )

Date PlEce TVpe Sources 20 August 1978 Nabtus (EI Ba^Lata Sorder Police pa,trol JP, 20 August 1!f8 refugee canp ) attacked with an 1"1. 21 August 1978 inc endiary bottl_e

22 Awust 1978 ( Jerusalen Old Smal]' home-mad e bonb JP. 23 Aueust 1978 city ) dis covered and disnantled.

23 August ( r 19TB Gaza SeSe iya nxplosive charge JP. 2l+ August r978 quarter ) lr'ent off JP. 27 August 19?B 23 Aueust L97B Kiryat Arba Katyusha rocket fireal H. 25 August a978 AsH. 25 August r9'18 23 August 1978 Jerusalem Explosion under a bus (tatpiot-nast E. 25 August ]-978 ) A-LQ. 25 August 1978 ASH. 2! August 7978 25 Aueust l_978 (Mount Jerusa.lexo Elcplosion charge JP. 27 August 1978 of Olives , near discovered and- the Panorana Hotel dismantled and Southern District Police Station ) 26 August 19?B Jenin (outside Mortar bolxb attached. JP. 2f August 1!18 the l,abour to a tirning d.eviee Ekchange ) d.iscove"ed and disnantled 2? Aueust 1978 Jerus al" em Xxplosion of a 28 Aueust 19?8 mediun-sized bomb 28 Aueust 1978 E1 3alata Molotov cocktail 2q Aueust 1978 refugee canp throvn at a Border TI )o Aueust 1978 (near NabJ_us ) Police patrol

30 August 19?B ( Jenin nducation Explosive charge 30 August 1978 Ministry 3ui1dine ) went off ASH. 3] August I97B 30 August 1pJ8 Jerusalem (Ata"ot/ Sabotage charge vent August 1978 Maa]- eh-Ath:rnin road. off near a. watel Jl- August 19?B pipe

31 August J-pJ8 Nablus Hand.-grenade thrown Jl- August 1pf8 at the Leumi Bank ASH. Jl- August 1978 /.." Al 33/ 356 E:g1i sh tage l+0

Table 1 ( eontinued)

Date PIac e irI-.E: Sources 1978 1 Septenber 1978 .J erusaJ-en turo Sma11 bonb exPloded JP. 3 Septeriber City, outside the IJ 2 q6h+ahl'ar. I O?8 flospr-ce ltospltar /

t Septenber 19TB Nablus (near Tn^ana i -vrr ha+i l o 3 Septenber 1978 1978 JACOb'S l.leJ-r J and stones throvn h Septenber at border polic ernen

6 Septenber 19?B Jerusa].em Terrorist bonb 6 Septenber l-9?8 (Bethletren roaa) plant ed near a B Septenber 19?8 propane gas d.epot

6 Septenber 1978 East Jerusalem Molotov cocktail 6 Septernber 19?8 ( near the Dolphin thfolrn at an 10 Septerober 1Pl8 Restaurant ) Israeli vehicle

T Sept enber 19?8 Q&lanaliya subu"b Uniilentifi ed blazing 8 $eptenber 19?B ( norttr of obJect thrown at a Jeruseten) group of soldiers

B Sept ember 19?B East Jerusa^lem fncend.iary bottle H. 10 Septenber ]978 thrown at an Tsraeli car

9 September t9?B Ramallah Bolob explosion H. 10 Septenber I97B (Clock Square )

9 September l-978 Hebron-r;L-tlna]1r Local inhabitant ALQ. 9 Septenber 1978 killed by an explosion

10 Septerbe" 1978 Mt. Hebron area Two vehicles (one H. 12 Septenber l-9?8 (near Kharasq an Arab taxi ) and Dura villages ) stoned

13 Septenber t97B Jerusalen (near Ha.nd-Erenad.e H. 1l+ Septenber I9T8 the Bockefeller discovered and Mus eum ) di.snant].ed.

J-J Uepremoer J-y lo Tu-Lkarm Explosive charge ASH' l-\ Septernber 19TB found near the local labour office and dismantled Al33/356 English Page 41

Table 1 ( continued.)

Date Pl-ace TYpe Soufces

13 September 1978 Pr'np dr^ira ca+ Jewish Nationsl ^- H. 17 Septernber 1978 Fund. pine grove fire (foulth east of Nu? E]. attenpt in two Shams ref\r€lee weeks to set camp grove on fire )

1l+ Septernber 1!J8 Qalqilya (on the Bomb explosion ASII. 15 Septenber 1978 Kfar Saba road ) ALQ. 15 Septenber 1978 15 Septenber 19TB Jeruse-1e 1 Fiwe er-nl no i rr- H. 1T September 1978 charges d.iscovered and disnantLed.

1f September I!18 Jenrsalem 01d. Sabotage charge H. 17 Septenber 1978 city ( R€hov exploded inJuring JP, lJ Septenber 1!JB ]Javld, ear.ah h6^n l a ALQ. 1? September 1978 ASII. 17 September 1978

18 Septenber t9?8 -$J_ !1reh ( near Hard -cron oil a ASH. 19 Septenber l_978 the Otd Mosque ) erploded. in a ALQ, 1! Septenber 1pJ8 bus transporting Israeli soldiers

20 Septenber 1978 Beit Hanun Schoolboys rioted. H, 21 September 1gJ8 ( Northern Gaza end lrttno,:l +rrvac Drrrp.t on the road

20 Septenber 19?B Ha1hu1, Nabl-us, Disturbances JP. 21 Septenber 19?8 Jenin, Banal1ah , Demonstrations and H. 21 Septembe? 1978 Bethlehem and. student strikes H. 22 September 1!J8 other West Bank Partial business ASI{. 22 Septenrber 1978 cities strikes H. 26 Septenber 19?B

22 Septenrber 1!f8 Jerusalem Bomb discovered JP. 24 September 1978 (inside the and d.isrnantled E. 2l+ September 19?B Jaffa Gate )

22 Septenber 1978 Jenin (near the Two incendiary lil. 24 Septenber 1!JB Leuni Bank) bottles d.iscovereil z) beptenDer J_yIo and disnantled

28 Septenber 19?B tJ el"USaIem Explos ive chsJge ASH. 29 Septenber 1978 (city centre ) went off A/ 33/3i6 hg1i sh Page L2

Table 1 ( eontinued)

Itate Place 1}'pe Sources

30 Septenber 1978 Fafah Explosive char€e 1 0ctober 19?B discovered in a 1 October 19?8 van and dismantled.

ne Dron-l!_L-^narlJ- Ixplosive charge 1 October 19?8 (near the discovered and I October 1978 Central Post detonated 0ffi ce

1 October 1978 Jerusalen (Jaffa Explosive charge ALq. 2 October 1978 Street, near the went off Central Post 0ffice

_L UCIO Oer t_y I O Dura ( near Arson at the l,Iest l+ October 19?8 He bron--ul_-Knal]- J_., Bark Labour 4 Qctober 1978 Exchange

1 October 1978 Nablus (main Youths demonstratec l+ October 1978 lTablus -qalafldiya Toad blocked vith AD l+ October 1978 road) stones

3 October 1978 Southern Gaza Explosive charge l+ Octobex 19TB shore dis covered- near a Bedouin tent and detonated

5 October 19?B Jerusalem Bomb diseovered and JP. 6 october 19TB t Hol'+an -^a.l detonated near a soldiers t !f urrr-urAfrrts station ) At 7 5t J)o

fage 4J

cross-section of relcrts of arrests .f d?^'r-d a^ 10 or more individuals

Number From Source

i I l3lr.)n lrFAr T.qrri n - aYnl^ai:rac at q JP. \? October 1977 I lrana.|ran / c^l d-i ar. ract ai IJ. 12 Ocbober f 9'lT Asira el- Beit-Hanina (north

irnama-LfYa I ne af o I ._J erus aleul.J

!\tao_Lu s ./ Posqecqir.ro rmirrrniti nn qhd I A_aDeA l. ne ar e et.+. da natpriql J en1n./ T...i-- -*-l ^.i-'-c tr.ro occasions , at the house of a locaI raci;ah+ r,,enanl-od af .^-1 I ah^?,1-ird r.ri th 1-ha Tsraeli authorities

)16 Arats, Judaea and I'{enbership of IATH M. 1).1 Novenber 1977 r )' "menbers of Samari a a'r-rr.i - - ^.,+ . fl1,M]^ar .TP Ilovenber 1977 6 terrorist of sabotage acts in CE! LS the past tvo years

Manho+ahir FAr|H rhd "several Khan Yunis ^f H. il) $ovenber 1977 terrorist cel1s " and Rafah PFIP J?. 4 .lTovember 1977 'rr-

rr l 1\ students Nablus nan^h ef Fqt i hr rn.l Lje celnDer -Ly t I rioting lecemDer _Ly I l

West Bank and urganrzed ln ) cears lavar u Jordan Valley alT alaated to an 3 January t97d JP. \ January 1978 ht. 4 J anuaTy t9 lc

.arra ra l Fni t co i qr nhc+Frr^+ ind +h- h,i I no A1 laj r, n^uap <+rl-iar ^i in ^f ' > 'J anu art' L') | . the village

q+^ni n- .nd S errcrq l lilablus and ^D?c ALQ" 9 January 19TB El-Balata denonstrating rFfrrrpa.,m-

3T students l':lablus n6h^n ei rqf i hd Fr.ihci JP, H and A1,0, the establishmeni of J February 19JB settlements Al 33/3i5 l':rge 44

Iab1e z l contlnLleo i

llumb e r Irom Source

+_r ruus I'lablus I'jenbership of IATH, D?I ASH, JP and 11, lcr ' nc[bers of ana r L-baaKa B l'elvua.ry 1978 +6l 6orenhi nr:e and lla-nallah Fecei'ring mili.ary ^oorn+ training .j uive !nccaccr-nr avr 'l ne irrce 9 February 1978 'IreaFons a,nd p5mlhlets lrlanting eLplosiYes in Kfar Saba on 18 Januarl 1978 11 persons lla,bl us exllosives and ASH , "rP and li. t rnc_Luclng through Haifa 5 !'ebruary 1978 'eapons ;.'-,,rh. ".,: .--i -'i rc frnr Ai Hamishnar and ) /f +l- n'i^T !avar " 7---=-- merchants of of llAlli t, i eoruaTy -Ly.(9 the tolin) {-ence leae lrP-r)r]f oue j uive ?-JForuary 1978 11 perscns liab 1u.s to demonst rate Zu liaderekh _-.;--=--:- '. and to .+riL.,lrrriho u feoruary _Ly^-. io latest inc i deni s 12 f'ebruary 1978

13 February 1978 20 rersons trlest Bank Suspected cf hc st i1e H and l{. terrorist activitlr 21 February 19TB - o.L-L ,lri ng t.'re FXp 1 os ion IJ ancl il" ol a charge in the 2T February 1978 Hebr:err Universiiy in Jerusalem cn L9 .lr eDruary ry Jo SeYeraf pelsons Earrla-11ah Arrested for lt L flamr snmar ano n . zrfrr. ca .^mn investigation IU -, e|ruary Iy lo lo.L'Lovlng .l annU S nurd-er

Sel-eral persons .ierusaleu explosion AT,Q " r fse 1978 ^f ^h2 ina 11 lebruary superl:larket on Argon --^-^ Street on '|n F-rvrrr71r .-97 d A /31/ 356 rage 4)

Tahlo f t J ^^F+i.,rAd

i'iutber FroI1l Source

Severaf arres bs Jerusalen Fcllordng the explos ion AIQ" of a charge at a 1T February 1978 Zionist Youth farn on lJ February lpJB Several from Follor,rlng the Jerusalen AS}I . the tsethlehsn Iiebrew llniversity 1 i.larch 19TB area explosion on 19 lebruary 19TB

10 youths A1 Askar 3r r era.l a/l af c1-anino ASI] . reftropo nrnr Israefi soldiers 9 rtar eh I97 8 t9 members 01' llablus and Inci. Lirg to join terror I,t. a terror cel1 of Jenin ^-^^*ivfl,arrt!asrulrr -^+; ^-^ 1T l'larch 19?8 Nayef Hawatmeh I s i-DF" ira,ining in the USSR 90 youths Various tcr.rns T)Fr.Fs+ r,t iho rh,4 I'i. in Sanaria inciting to riot 20 liarch 1978 )+! qrr--a-+aA persons, trIest B€rnk ^f +r. i -.' -- JP, ALQ, ASH, H and. l.'T. menbers of j-n sabctage and 28 l,larch 1978 a:rrrri rq eFlra?a l Icaa arl i^la lalr 7 cells ^rrt sabotage e.ct s I " i zurle-L,, carrorr'l qrrqrl5.+ ,elr AOu a/l af ec1-f iro ASH , Iiashal a jian ir1.rs on r lre 2lr l'{arch 1978 ir IO liiablus lri 1'661" "Security reasons " Llernherstrip of 1.he l+ April 19'tB Palestinian Students As soc rlat ion

r+u yourtls ? ?

? JP , i{ , ASll , AL-Q and .i, nrro n i zprr i n 20 Aprit 197E

Lo persons I\]lablus and For i nJ: erraor l irr IJ , AT,Q and AS]I . c,. --^, '-.1 i -. fo11or'ring the bomb ing 27 -{lri1 1978 al:e a cf a Gerftan touri st AS }1 bus on 25 April 1978 30 April !978 Qalandiya Throuing incend-iary FI, JF, ASH and ALQ" TAfrroaa nembers ^-mn boitles at an army 2J April 1978 of a ce].l j '-eIl on 11 l-lril 19TB J erusarem,/ and at a bus r! 41rD!v1 u1115 Dvaurcf, r on 15 April 1978 r, /33/?,55 il irijl i s-n

rE ole z l cJrilnrls(!/

i.lr rb er 1' r ori Caus e S or.ri'ce

Sevet:af rs:t-s ons ii!r rall air r. c.c---i^- cr.,^^+l-- 3 ^+ ---. - 1oca1 -pol-ic erlan or. l? L978 rn - '"-, ro"ll Se.ieral lersons itest !a,nk llreventiYc arrests 15 ..r:.Ji 197cl iricitenent torrar.d-s Ii]]r i it r LSTeel s Iirder:endanc,- Dat ) geveral uet lir

2 + a -hnl-::: 1 c e1l Severa1 4.S1'l acts of sa.rlotage JF, Ii arld " cc11s (13 persons ) :1,3 lial' 1978 frol: Aznut ALQ . villaAe tear 19 lrla.y 1978 I'Tablus f cell frorn the I',lablirs aT ea Lccation of thc other cells not gi rren

Severaf ilet sons lIablus Suspected of taking part J..SiI . j.n recent enllosicns 26 l:at' f9T8 1! persons Ila.s b Suspectecr of stoning an H" J e rus e,1er,r Egged Bus on the 5 .lune 1978 \ DUr- ljanr_r Sur-lahir road on 4L-M!s4" vl r_Lage J 2 June 1978 6 Jr-lne 19178 Al laj r', --rl-;urre rq?B fTa"bl us l,rlerhcreh i n .f +a?P^'i al zlea celfs 5 June 1978 Fossessing r,reallons '' | '1t ,).\

::a).g,e + [

Ta1r1e 2 { contirlai-.C )

i;Lr-!ir e-t rtoin Sourcr:

jr--.- 1l'.e1'schs ila.bl.u:r |.-.il'j.,. , i..--. Otul_ it. rl tlrc lccr'l ir-lnrrr-n 12 June L97E o.treau- on lI .|tne I:.lc 13 June .]]ethleht--r-1 5 cv:r'.r.1 per r oir l fu:resl: e C- fo11ofi.r,ra an ex':losion in a gas station 18 June L9TU in A1-AY:r a.ri;-a" oi-I the Jer sL1alei1-.Jeri cho Ioa,.l

.^ rr. ra' o;i f^l I rrr' .h .l': nLYlb::' fi ar ra r-La n / ^r1 oi cersons lli-Nireh ev-lnc:nn nr r l';,c ir 2 June 1978 ianarr:. (betr,reei, rie]]ra-L_e lr a nd .!11- Br reh l Rr.rra rq l Jeru"salenl Ar::esteil ioIlr.|.in€i an ],:etr,.,el:S C.a a celf arl'ea e,'.:loslon in a bus in l{est J . Uire r._ lc J erl-r,sale on 2 J,Jne 1978, JJ,Q , .{i-lir::6 arC r-oui:d'ng lf 5 June 19?t a. r ! q6_: . ,_ _1_ 29 IreISonS a-r....nn+ r. -_ i 51_ s .lP , H ancl- Trained Et Pf ,? canps 2! Jul1' leTE- ASI] . z5 ;uty 1978 i5 j,ersons Jerusalen Sr,rs1:ectcd of ca,us j ng 2 bonb JF. area e-rrrrlosions il the Al)u Tor 22 Augus" 197E ..1rrui 6? n ro l-r-rr".- 97B ASIi . 23 August 1973 q rr.^Fi et qrhorre 'r. liest 8..n1: F, r:inirr-i:r' ir l''1 , Jl ai..il ASIj . aol1c d^?. rc acts 8 !.ueus-L 19?8 cf Lel:r'cr:-i sts Pos:essang armg and !-!Je{' ex!loslves B Aueust 19'iB Ir] ,1ih.1-r,T +^ nl.h.f . r1.,.lr in Y:"d liia"hu. (fef "l,viv) lozens oi lTLr ].a.c rjn a1- r:rrnr t.l. you.ths ilalllus aDd olgqani zatr" ons 31 July :1978 f^c.ooci n. rrmc 1larrra11fth- ^-,' il. arruruni',ion 2 Augus', 1978 i{ab1us Fc1_-^n1tt- -- rpr I.r. ^r a hand'-g::enai,e rras thror'rn 31 August 19TB at the Leuni Banh QaIqilil;i: Arresied follorring an ex]rlosion at a cofi'e e 1l Septernber 1978 house in the to'..rn centre ALQ " on _L j beprer:.Oer _Ly to 15 Septenber f97B EngLi^/33i156 sir Page \8

i i 'f-|l6, ^^h+irr,a.l

L{r.mb er Iir on Sourc e

30 iersoDs Jerus:1el grea A-r-Fc- -rr r'i-r.?. an nv-1r-is1 H. on 1J Septa'nber f9-18 in a I 7 q^n+ aml-,ar' I O7F .,.^'.r'rorr 'r F, - -.- . lrl lev erc I lcrso!t.i -aL.,a1:l a.'t Arrested- a,fter a bomb explosion on 10 Sepiember 1!JB 9 Seltember 19?B qF1, | .i6r, co r. ^r: - Arr"ested after a harrd- ..-rtrh.,l F ri2 c dia.-1.FrFd f\ SeDtenber 1978 and disma,ntled near '-,-re Fockel'el fer Lus eur: on -LJ i:ePlen0er |Y f o - Several youths leit -A-nraen l-*1---c: ir n- r rATir r-,-11 ASll and I.t _ " \ r3 clus Tr,l-an,lino +^ l..i a 22 September 19Ta area ) er]:n1-rqa e herr-c i rr e Tol -Arrirr rrl,c lr.,o /l?ar after their arrest Daqcicc iao F.'|*r jvr.. ,1r ^q Cl- e.h^f r d- nqiari a l TAlllr 12 nersons Ilat:1us ;i6 hc-cFi n n. j> ^ell JF, ALQ and U. lrrrl i ni rrrr i nc "in cn,r'll- 2\ Septernber t!J8 scale ierrorist activities c,,nh nc d i cf -rihrriirr .adi l- i -.rlrnl a+c _'L-1r'j ^r1c d ';^ l.l- .,ar'"' .t'15 ' ^v 75t 5>O English^/ Page \9

Tab1e 3.

L{il:i'!ggg tribunaL Nr.urber of trials

LL-KhaIil-Hetron 5\

Gaza 110

Jenin ol- Lcd. Nablus )4" Ranaltah fulkarem )o

Unspecified. l-ocation 95 Al33/355

'laD_Le 4. Number of trials recorded by the Special Connittee by nonth ( Noverrber 197?-O'jtober 1.9?0 )

Month Number of trials

Novenber L977 'I 5

Decenfuer l-9??

.J anuarSr -19 ro ?0

i eoruary l.y lo 26

March l-978 224

April 19?B rd+ \ lncl-udlng 2 acquittal-s )

May 19TB 101+ ( ].ncJ.udr-ng 2 acquittals )

J lt]le J_y rO 78

Juty J.PIB 81 3 acquittals )

Augus t 19lB 4_L

beplemoer _Ly rd l+9

uctober Iy lo 66 A/ 5 5l J>O English Page 51

Tabl-e 5. :iurnbgf_gj *T€!oI!e4 .C€Ieases recorded !f t_:S_s_oSslal -ceaArl!"" d _.""T!- (Uovenber 19??.,October 19Tg )

U@sr--9-r--terqr!-q4-tslesss,s. ltrovenxber 1977 2a g/ Decenber 1977 7 d anuary _[g r u

Iebruary 19?B la l4arch 1978 73

April 1!J8 75 uay 1978 I+6

June 1978 30 Ju-Ly 1!lB 7

August l9?B 2

Septerrrber 1978 l_1 October llJB 9

a/ fn addit ion a report referrlng to an unspeeified nr_unb er of peasons was recorded during this mont h " .Ejng-L 1s n


92. At its thirty-second session, the Geneyal Assembly adcpted resolution 32/9L C by wtrich it reneved. the ns.ndate of the Special Connittee, requesting it to continue to investigate Israeli policies and practices in the oecupied territories, to consult as appropriate with the fnternational Co lsittee of the Red Cross in order to ensure the safeguarding of the wel-fare and humar rights of the population of the occupied territories, and to reporb to the Secret8,ry-General- as goon as possible and whenever the need arose thereafter. By the sane resolution the General Assenbly requested the Special Comnxittee to ccntinue to investigate the treatment of civilians in detention in the Arab territories occupied by Israel since I95? and to submit to the secret ary-General a specisL repoft on that subJect as soon as possible and whenever the need arose thereafter' 93, At its neetings fron 13 to 17 March 19?8, the special Comittee decided that, in carrying out its rmndate, special attention would be given to infornation on the treatment of civilians in detention and that the speci€J. report requested by the GeneraJ, Assembly vould be included in its rnain report subnitted under Assenbly resolution 32/91 e. 91+. Since its establishment, the Special Conmittee has exanined inforrnation on the treatment of civilians in detention and it6 findings are reflected in the reports it has subnitted. on its aetivities to date. In its last report (l/32/e$)+), tfre Conrnittee analysed information on treatment of civilians in ctetention in Section IV a.nd. gave a sunmary of the infonmtion that it had received on this subject during the period covered by that report. Ttle Conndttee Save its assesslxent of this information in section vr (conclusions) of the same Teport. ft referred to the caution that it had exercised in the past in expressing its views on the subject of torture of detainees. It had stated then that 'lthe indication that cases of tolture have occurred and continue to occur are very strong and the international conrmunity c annot afford to connive at a continuation of such an abhor"ent practice", It stated that the arrangements fol plotecting prisoners against i1l-treatment and torture were totally ineffective aral provided no protection to prisoners. The Comnittee urged a total revision of existing procedures and reneved effoTts at securing new snal more effective alrangement s. 95, During 197?, attention in tbe international press vas focused on the question of il1-treatment of detainees in the occupiett territories. Ttre Special Cornaittee had received oral eJrd. written testinony oi a :runber of persons who had had direct asnarianoa nf oaeFe trf :ll-treatment or lrho had studied the question in depth. It had invited persons from all shades of opinion bo testify before it to enable it to assess the truth aJld the ertent to which this phenomenon prevailed" in the occupied territories. Reports of worsening prison conditions vere supplemented' by the outbreak of distu.bances in certain prisons and wid.espread hunger strikes, notably that by prisoners hefd at Ashkelon. took note 96, Subsequent to tbe adoption of its last report ' the Speeial Coosittee of announcement s made on 6 December ]g17 by the gpokesman for the Israeli Arql to t+/ 5 5/ J>A English Page 53

:ffecl..that arra.ngements for visits by ICRC delegates to prisoners mder -11:}nrerroFat1on were to be inproved. According to this informaiion, confirmed subsequently by the ICRCa delegates would be al-iowea to visit detainees under rnterrogation within 1l+ days (as distinct fron 30 days r.rnder the prior arrangenent ) of their anest; the puflrose of such visits vas to enable the rcRc delegation to asce"tain the state health of of the detainee. The s batement ly the sp;kesnan of the Isrs.e1i Arrgr reads as follows:

"Tsrae]. Tecently informed the rnternational conmittee of the Red cross of a substa"ntial ertension of arrangement -bo the s for visits by ICFC delegates security detainees in the territories. According to the new arra'genents the rnilitary government authorities will notify the rcFc " security of the arrest of detainees within fourteen days of the arrest of the security detainees and an TCIC delegate vil1 be entitled to visit without witnesses every such detainee within that period in order to ascertar.n the detainee's health.

"After the visit,_if the ICIC dele€ate so requestsr the detainee rnay promptly be exanined without witnesses by a Red Cross physician.

"Agreement has been reached as to visits in special circumsta,nces vithin less than fourteen days from the arrest.,' (A/ZZ/l+Zi) The statement by the ICFC reads as follovs: iFor visits by fCRC delegates to security detainees, the military authorities proposed a nev procedure: Thev will notifv the Tf.lRn of f,frg arrest of security detainees within fo,rte"; ;;;; ;;-;;: ;;;";;"ini ,."c d"elegates wil1 be entitled to visit without vitnesses eve?y such detainee - including those under interrogation _ vithin that period. The visiting delegate vi1l enquire nalnly intc the detainee,s hear-th condition, rf necessary a foflow-up visit may be nade by an rcRc d_octor. " (rcnc Bulretin No. 23 of J December 19TT)

9T' Du?ing the period covered by this reporb, the speciat counittee continued to the conditions of prisons in general l-Lr-rreatraentl::"-i]: i"lo3"li?" _?n. end of allegations of ot individual prisoners. The special conmittee took cognizance of ?l :::":--:1 *leged ard received informaticn on conditions existing rn rne prlsons at Kfar^ill-treatment Yona, Da.morm, shatta, Beer-sheba, Tulkarm" Ashkelon, Ran.er-Iah and As in the past, the Special Cornrjllg.u deprived of a_ccess to the territories .nd therefore to the prisons concerned, relied on infornation gathered from other sources. rt received ertensive information or person conditions ard treatment of detainees from Miss Fatma Barnavi who appeared before the special Connxittee at its March series of meetings, following her rel,ease from lO years, imprisonncnt and her expulsion, rn aaaition, the conmittee heard. the testinony of I'{r ' Abed 11 Assaly, a lawyer with experience in trials security of civilians aceused of 'rffences. His testimony folrows that of the others lawyers heard in previous years by the conimittee. rnfcmation furnished ry la". a""""iyl-io[ows from-his. first-hand experience and professional contact vith his clients, r]r.r.idc< the conrmittee with an insight into ihe huran righrs security offences. "it""iion-oi ;;;;;;'J""""i".r fhe conmit-tee also benefiteJ trom reports and statements mad.e A/ J5/ J)o fage )4 hrr rr-iqonr-r-q tLr.mselves and- conmunicated to it by third parties. 0n the basis past on the sum total of the inforrnation reaching it, and tahing into account its elq)eriencel the Corrnittee is able to make certain observations" A"nong these obseri/ations u it notes that the nurber of allegations of il1-tleatnent lemains high despite the introduction cf the reduced interrogation period. l,tithout rcRC vi sits . cQ -'l.e r^r'lnuino ic a s1655-5€,ction of the infornation received by the Special Cornmittee on the treatment of civilians in detention; A. Information on lrison conditions

99" 0n 11 Septemb er a977, a report in Ha'aret4 stated that prisoners at Nablus prison heId, a strike in protest against bid ccnditions' The prisoners refused to work and to receive relativest visits. A demonstration was held by relatives outside the prison which vas clispersed by tbe Israeli Ala\v '

1OO, 1977 Hat published an article by 1,1r. D, Margulit giving 0n 18 November " aretz an accoun:, injs:--g1f-q" ot to Ral1lallah prison" vhere "over-crowding is sti11 serioust@accoraing to".''isii, this report administrative detainees were all held in one cell but detainees d.id not cornplain nuch about the situaticn in the prison itself. on the other band, seveTal prisoners compl-ained bitterly about torture uur4r-rjra !Lr6 ,h6.iFvlg rr ih+arr..'ati^. r%a ra*rrt -.14q hhrt, fsraeli security officials disnissed the alle6ations as cr ou-ridless.

'I l n"]. l i ahan on 'rr --n^-+ ir _Egl r."fe on 3 Februanr f97B by Mr. Y. I(ot1er F'nl a n?i c^n ilac.r^ilrFc. over-Ei6wding in this prison as "rmbearable. '.there is n^ nl l_a lro q'l ano"r stud'ying' is ^^a The reporter knor'rs that "everybody is improving his knor,rledge, is advancine towards the liberation of his homelan'l''

-102. On lL februart- 1973, Asha'b reDorLed tha+ several prisoners frorn Nablus T\r.'<^n h4.1 hacn t.rqr sfF].Tod +^ r-r'1,,:' nrjsnn hacA tse the prison was ful1" .

'Ill?- A nrrrnhcr nf ]^ennrl q enntrerin i- -.hp nress and. other infonnation reaching r.hp s'..',o,.ir't cnr,.m.i-f.+ cF rcl.Fir fh,- p qtri1.- h ',r rlerainees in Bcer-sheba and Tulharm prisons started in l4arch 1978. This strike continued until' october in Beer'Sheba und ut tt time of the adoption of this report is sti1l continuing in Tulka.rm" " _LJrr. tn AI ltl1nad, on 11 and 28 Jul,y 19T8, prisoners in Rauallah l'rere reported to be on strike for the second ccnsecutive month. They I'ere protesting against i l l -l.y'tratrncnt an.l l-he nrnhi}1i-inr n+ ."'FA"'i-n mqherial in the Ramallah pri son " Relatives lrere not perrnitted to visit then during the strike. f05. According to Ashalb, on 20 J-Lfly 19?8" the Conmissioner of Prisons, l4r' fi' LeW, vas reForted having .stated during a meeting attended by the Tnterior Minister on,l nr:son onvFt-rors"s Ll-a" 1-.h^ ranid ino-e'ree ir the numbel of prisoners in Tsrael and lhe fajlure Lo builcl ner'r prisons led to shocking conditions due to over* crowdinq. A/33/356 flns t 1sn Paee 55

f06. The Special Connittee exarnined e- memorandum submitted by l,4rs. F, Langer on ?B Ju-ry 1978, based on evidence given to her by severaf of her clients on adverse prison conditions prevailing in the prisons at Kfar yona (from where, since thene all inmates have been moved.), Dancun, Shatta, Beer_Sheba" Tulkarm, Ramallah and Ashkel-on .

107. The special con'mittee received 6. xepor-t by l,{rs. Lea Tsenel on cond.itions at Beer-sheba prison in september 19?8, based on infornation cornm,nicated bv prisoners held there. According to these reports, neasures were being taken in reprisal against prisoners who had been on sirike since March 19?g. if,. allegation is made that Arab security prisoners are discriminated against in favour of Jewish crininal prisoners. The prisonersr demands include adequate medical care and an extension of the present one_hour wal-k per day. f!8. ]n her testimony before the Special Comnittee (frorn t5 to 1Z Marcb IgTg), i\'!i ss !'atma Barn awi. gave a detailed d-escription of the conditions of detention in Re.:de prison (the woments wing is kno.wn as Neve Tirza), where she had served a 1O-year prison term (she vas arrested and inprisoned in October ir96| and. rel-eased on l-0 November I97T). According to these d.escriptions, Ramfe prison is seriously over-crowded (a ce1l 3 by lt roetres large is strarea -'roroen ty a"tu,i.r"."); the Arab security detainees s,re held together vith Jewish"i* wcmen vho are rtcomaon criminals". Miss Barnawi described the difficulties in rerations betveen the two categories of detai.nees. Arab detainees do not have the sarne prison conditions as Jewish d.etainees; vorking conditions are different, as are facilities for visits by relatives' studrr and access to reading material. security detainees are puni.shed seve'ely vhen they refuse to und.ertake certain work imposed on then (such as sewing nilitary uniforns ); the punishment consists r.ostly of the suspension fron cfasses and of visits of reratives; harsher treatnent is inflicted by the prison authorities for-lowing compraints by innates to journalists, Requests to meet rcRC delegates are not ahrays granted. strikes were staged as a result of these conditions' These strikes usuarly resulted in the transter of the .leaders to other prisons (Rasroiya odeh was transferred in that context to Gaza prison).

109" iiliss Barnawi gave details about several of her felfow inrnates who were suffering fron poor health and from inad.ecluate medical attention. she in particular to the cases of; I,laryam El_ Shahshir, Rasmiya Odeh, Aiysha"eferred Od.eh, Aida Saad, Rabi'a Abu Shehade, Afifa Bennura, Sayid Abd E11i, Zakya iharraut, Therdse Asaba and i{i rmat Moharmad El He1wat.

B. Allegations of ill-treatment f10, On 1l Decexnber 1977, tfre Jerusalem post noted a report by Annesty lnternational vhich referred to-e;;;Es of Arab prisoners and one Jewj. sh prisoner who r,rere alleged to have been i11-treated and which Annestv fnternational had requested. the fsraeli covernment to investiEate. ]1l. 0n December 21 r9T7 " a report in zu Haderekh stated that Rasmiya Odeh, serving a life sentence at Neve tirza liiEIiTfrie 2g tr'ebruary r"yoy e was oelng A/33/356 rage )o subjected to r;additiona-l punishnent' since the allegations about her to1.tu1'e LreTe published in the Surday Tiures of l,ondon on 19 June 1977' 112. Asha'b, on 15 January 1!18, referred to a petition to the High court of ,lust i cFIJ-tttrs . Langer alleging that Israeli police had attacked four prisoners at Ashkelon while they were on strike" lI3" l'rs" Ra)''rdonda Tawil , arrested on 23 llarch and held until 7 I'{€Y 1978 for "security reasons", is reported in Ha'aretz on 6 April 1978, to have contPlained of l.ain^ Leni in snl itprv .onfinement at the in Jerusalen and that she was insulted and threatened with being beaten by her interrogators. 11)+. According ta A1 f'ajr on 20 March 1978, Khali1 sharaa from Nablus ' described as ,'old and sick" iiJliiti"oned at Nablus because he could not afford the fI 3"000 ($150) fine to which he had been sentenced by the Military Court ' He was expected to be released after the deputy mayor of Nablus paid the fine on his behalf' U-5. According to several reports appearing in the Israeli press arrd other information reaching the Special Conmittee, a group of boys f"on Qafandiya refugee camp, arrested. and charged vith attacking a military vehicle, \'Iere alIeged1y torLured by po.Iice during interrogation. On 16 May L97B (i.e. approxinately four weeks after their arrest) they vere visited by their lawyer l'1r. A' E1 Assaly' who attested to marks of iIl-treatment on fbrshim ltha-Lil Abdel Muati, 13 I/2' Youssef Abdel Jafer Mohanmad Abdel Fahrnan, 11r, Mohaffned Fakhri A1i Abu-E1-Rub, n f /2, and Khaled Mohamed t{ustafa, llr . Arraigned in a rnilitary tribunal . theil trial la'as moved to a Jerusalem Juvenile Court after a successfuf plea to the High Court of Justice of non-competence of nllitary tribunals on minors ' Mr, El_ Assaly stated that the boys had. been coerced into naking confessions by the severe tTeatment they had suffered.

U"5. On a6 .ruly 1978, zu Haderekh reported that four persons had al-Ieged that they r,i ere subiected to torture vhile under interrogation. They are: F' Abdul Kader At-Ba"rguti, Hassan Shavli Al-Barguti Naif Sabah A.I-Barguti and Abdul Jawad' Yussef Al-Baz. '

1,17. In addition to the above, the Special Comroittee examined' allegations of i11- treatment of a number of individuals. The Conmittee established case histories and folloffed up information on each one seeking its verification and corroboration. .Al3long these cases the Special Conmittee consi'ders that the ones reproduced in the following paragraphs' d-eserve special attention '

118. Mr. Abd EI nahman E1-Asafra, \2, arrested. on 13 December 1975, sentenced to six yearsr imprisonment on 11 May 1977. Last knorn'n pface of d.etention: Hebron prison. Allegations: gevere ill-treatment during interrogation including beating, imrnersion in hot water followed by exposure in cold weather r two months' solitary confineroent. In addition it is aLleged that his wife was arrested 10 days after arrested giving birth and detained for four days; his son, aged 10 1/2 years ' vas and detained for 2! days and iI1-treated nhil-e being interrogated ' Mr' EI-AsafTa hag been blind since the age of 12, and is reported to have undergone surgery on y":ii:z'

paee 5T tvo occasions (in the hospital-s at Ranle prison and at Sarafand) on the genitals, subsequent to treatment i h+ afr^r.f i the received during his ^h

119. Mr, Ahmed Husmi El-Batch, J2, arested on L r\rarcn Iylo, senlenced on 31 July I97 6 to seven yearsr imprisonment alrl a suspended prison terrn af three years. Allegations: Mr" E1-Batch was subiected to seYere physical ill-treatnent during interrocation, mainly through teating and other forms of physical abuse. His intearogation is reported to have lasted one month.

120. Mr' soleiman Madir 50, not arrested but carred for interroeation on 2l February and on 1, ?Z €.rfi. 26 March 19?9. Allegations: prolJnged ill_treatment d.uring first round of questioning on 2l February l9TB, including leating on head, feet and buttochs. The Special Connittee is in possession of tvo rnedicit certificates dral,m up on 23 and 2[ February 19?B attesting to the injuries apparent on the body of I'{r, Madi, as well as a perforated eardr'n (see annex rr). The special comli.ttee has received a photograph of the wounds on Mr. r4adi attested to by his la\,ryer, Mrs. Fel-icia Langer. Tn the course of his testimony before the Special Conmittee Mr" nl Assafy commrnicated. further details on the case of Mr. Madi. fn particular, he described the physical state of lvir . l.,ladi as he had vitnessed it imrne di at ely afte" his interrcsation-

121. Mr, l4oha,-rmad Ha_ned Nimr Sobran, 33, arrested on 13 Jrure 19TT, interrogated at the Russian compo'nd. in Jerusalem. Last knorrn place af detention: Ramallah prison. Allegations: severe beating during interrogation. Mr. sobran vas treated at the Hadassa hospital- betrnreen z? and, 26 JLme 197?. An adrninistrative detainee since 13 Jure 1977, Mr' sobran had conpleted an l8-nonth sentence in L976,

I22, lnr, l.{oharlmad Ata Sofeinan Akel , 56, arrested on 21, Novernber 1975, sentenced on 9 September f976 to three and a half yearst imprisonment. Last known place of detention: Nablus prison. Allegations : Tl l -1-.raefr.an+ d,,r'ihr ihiFTT6d'-f i^h principally by severe beatings. Mr. Akel is reported to suffer from carcer aJld is said to have undergone surgery in l95l+ and 1971,

123, lt{r. Ibrahim Diab Hathe, 21, arrested. on 20 February 1978, not charged but held in administrative detention since 17 April 1978. Last knor^rn place of detention: Sethlehem prison. Allegations: f1l-treated during interrogation by fcur persons, mainly by exposure to an extrenely cold shouer for several hours whil-e his head, vas covered vith a sack; this took place in a sma11 roon somewhere in Bethl-ehem prison.

J21 , 14". Bader Ad Daana" 2f , arrested on 16 Septernber 1958, sentenced on 1 Ms.rch 1970 to 22 years' imprisonment. Last knor.m place of detention: Ranle prison. Allegations: fnad.equate nedicaf attention in spite of severe iLLness. I{r. Daa'a vas in normal health at the tine of his arrest but develoDed svmDtoms of mental ilLness early in a)|e. An order nisi vas issued on lB JJV 1978 against lhe Minister of Police and the Frisons cornJE-ri on er calling upon them to exp-Lain why I{r. Daana shoul_d. not be transferred to a mental hospital. A/ 33/ 316 Enelish fase )o

125. I,{iss Ayisha Odeh, 30, arrested. in 1969 and sentenced in llarch 1959 to life iroprisonment (three forced labour sentences plus 10 years). last knovn place of detention: Gaza prison since 13 July 19??. Allegations: Severe ill-treatment includ.ing sexual assault and prolonged lack of medical attentian' Miss odeh has been punished together r^rith other inmates of Ramle prison' for staging a strike against poor prison conditions and ll1-treatnent by the authoaities ' In her testinony before the Special Conmittee, I,Irs. Barnarti connunicated further details on the case of Miss Odeh, particularly her ill-treatment arld lack of medical attention as witnessed. by ber during her own imprisoirment. ^/33/3j6

vI. cotTcI,ijsrclfs

inforraation 126:- Thu gathered by the specr'-al conmittee during the period covereil by this reoort is reflected in tr,e precedin5 t--ro secbions. sectiono rn this, the conc_Luding the conmittee assesses this information in the of its mandate, 'i$t 127' rn. genera. the specia-1 conmdttee has not noted any hunar ' significant changes i.n the rights situation of the civilian population of the occupied territories from that recorded in previous years ancl reflected in its past,rirri,"po"i*. 128' The Government of rsrael continues to implement poticy a'nexation a of settlement and of the occupied territories, Receit unequivocal statements by the Prime j'tinister and other menbers of the Government of Islaef prove that such a policy exists and that its application is being 'n took note """*r-""ui"0, corrmit tee of relorts concerning the future of ine lgyptia.n territory"-sp""i"r occupied. by rsrael in iune 1957. Furthexmore, the special con'nittee considers it nost regrettable that the Government of rsrael is perpetuating other the occupation of the tevritories and is intensifying its efflrts aimed at their annexation. rn :"^"li?" lV.abo\'-, the Speeiat Cor,:dtiee has given a representative cross-section or rnrornataon sirowing beyond any aloubt the rsraeli covernmentrs stated alm to retain the other occupied t,erritories. The special cornrnittee has noted in past reports that the Government of rsrael bases iis policy of annexation and settlement on the so-ca^lled "rronelandi' doctrine, that is, that the territories occupied in June 1957 form part of the JeT.rish honeland. ihe special coramittee considers re-ga'"dless that, of the political aspects of the r.fiddle iast situation, the Governnent of Israef, by fo1lo\dng such a pclicy, is denying the palestinian people thelr fundanental right to self-det erninati on. The restitution of the palestinia' peoplers fund ament al rights is therefore occupation' contingent upon the end of the rnilitarl, By the s ame token' the Government or rsrael should not persist in denying the to return to the civilians vho imrnediately "ight fled the territories during and alter thp June 1967 rostitities. Ratf*" r-1",. sF-a6.,j4r.r J-Lo F;^L+- ^. the peolre under their nilirary .""G;;;;;,'Lr.J.""rrrJrt";ii;;;.r";;"i;: ;;;' its settlenents in these te*itories are established as of Tight. rn a statement made in the ceneral Assembly on 9 October 1!/8, the Foreign i,,tinister D?yl"'stated rtthe of -Israef , that fsraeri settfenents in Judaea, sarnaria ancl the caza '11'district are there as of right, rt i.s prohibited inconceivable to us that Jews shou.ld be fron settling and living in Judaea and Samaria, r,rhich are the heart of our homeland" (l/zz/py.e5, p' l+2). Again, on 31 0ctober i9zg, tn" Jerusalen post xeported a statement by the pri.ne lfinister" ilr. Begin, accorAing to-"rfri-* Jevish peoplers right to settl-e in all parbs of the f.nd This of rsrael is inaJlenable. right has been carried out in the past, and will be in the future". In the circurnstances, the special conrittee rsrael cannot but conc-Lude that the Government of consciously follor,rs a policy which is in vlolation of the fouxth G€neva Convention, 16/ in particular, arbicle l+T whicn prohibits annenation of terxitories under ldlitary occupation pover by the occupying-power and articre 4! nhich prohibits the transfer of citizens cf the occupying into the occupied te'itorr-es.

16/ unitea Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 25, No. 973, p. zgT. A/33/3i6 Engl-ish

The Special Conmittee notes that this Folicy is imp1cnFnLed. I argeiy through the financia.I support of the Jewish National Fund - hose purpose it is "to nske the land of IsrseJ- the inal-ienable property of Jewish peopler' (J.N.f', Questions a.nd Ansvers, published by the Jenish National Fund, London). Thus, the Special Conudttee notes that neasures continue to be tshen in the occupied territories designed to consolidate their a:rnexati on. The map attaehed to this report (annex 1) illustrates the extent to vhich settlements have been established by the Israeli authorities in the occupied teritories in pursua,nce of this policy.

129. The Speciaa Connlittee has stated, from its very first relort " that-lhe fundamenta.I violation of human rights lies in the very fact of occupation. This is itseff the direct cause of a d.ay-to-day Fatte.rn affecting the ]ife arrd liberby of the civili.ans in the occupied territories. Their life is marked rn'ith a pattern of incidents involving various forns of violence and repereussions of these incidents. The number of arrests recorded by the Special Conndttee d'uring the period covered by the report Brounts to 1,192. This is but a miniraun figure since it is based on reports in the Israeli press which is subject to censorship- To this nunber must be added those cases that go unreporbed and sever6l- other reports vhich refer to the arrest of "several"" or "dozens'r or "a large nu:nber" of persons (the Conrcittee observed over 20 such reports during the year). The same considerations apply to the information concerning incidents: 319 str)ecific reports of incidents were recorded by the Connxittee. Several of these arrests and trials are the consequence of the incidents referred to, a.Ithough a large proportion of the trials reported concerrred non-violent offences. The Fressure caused by the large number of a?rests on the military tribunals is evidenced by the fact that a second. tribunaJ- has been established in Nabfus to reduce the large nrmber of outstanding trisls. Cornpared to the figurcs for arrests and trials fl n?5 ra.^i.,la.l h\r i.hF Snecipl Cnrrnil.l.ce). Lhp l"ecorcl of releaSes is relatively 1-',{ srall (?16+vyurpVIIJ'lrrLrqgrrrb ncr.sonq incl)r.linp. ?? nn rcrig.i() rc h--ina\ra -^+ iF.ll,diho 300 secondary school students \,rho were arested during denonstrations in l4areh 197U aJrd subsequently released). The Special Coruaittee noLes that during the period' covered by this report, l4 persons were stil1 incarcerated without char8es by virtue of adninistrative order. '

130. fhe policies and practices followed by the Governnxent af Israef with Tegard to the population are complementary to those followed by the Government of Israel vith regard. to the establi.shment of settfements in these territories. These policies and practices are reflected in the measures ta.lien by Israeli authorities with regard to civi.Iians, These measures, purportedly taken in a,rr effort to maintain ordex, fit more logi ca.11y into the general context of the fsraeli rrhonel anr'lrt noliev - sirce their^ r"ain orrroose is to dernoralize the civiliai population by putting it before the constart reality of being a people under nilitary subjugation. The Special Conmittee has noted several instances Hhich woul d. confirm this view. Ior example, the Con:dttee has noted the practice in nilitary courts of ordering the payrEnt of fines or the serving of imprisonment sentences on parents for security offences connitted by their minor children and for which the children have been tried and convicted. This is contrary to ar-bicles 33 and 6? of the fourth ceneva Convention vhich provid.e for the principle of individual resFonsibility (ari,icle 33) and that th-' penalty should be proportionate to the offence. fhe wast range of securiLy offences of vhich a A/33/356 nnglish .t, age o_L civilian of the occupied territories nay find hinself gui.lty is a reflection of' the arbitrary nature of the roilitary orders purport governing vhich to 1ay dorun the rav his conduct. tr'or exanpl-e, the Special- Conmittee notes that severaf persons are charged and convicted of the offence rmembership organization" of of an iuegal or acts of a non-viorent nature. vague military orders lend themsel-ves to a vide interpretation and render the average civilian the occupi.ed inhabitant of territories fiable to prosecution before the nilitary tribr.mal. such vague offences are usually accompanied. by pr"lnlshment. equauy imprecise provisions as regards For example, a civilian nay be sentenced to up to seven years, imprisonment for 'rmembership of an i[egal organizationrr. subject civitians are stiIl to arbitrary measures such as r-prisais on their property even when they are only suspects. rn its annuar- report for 1977, the rnternationar- the Red c"oss ttThe conmittee of stated: destruction of a ni:nrer or houses, all of them on the West Bank, vere reported. to the fCRC in A9I7, lhese cases consj.sted in the d'estruction of three houses ' three shops, the r^rall of one hcuse, one apartnent and tlro rooms. The rcRc reitexated its request to the rsraeli desist from authorities that they such measures, which,". to arbi,cle 53 of the fourth convention'r' The same "6rrt.ury applies to the treatmlnt of civilians at large; tor exampr-e, at Ranallah, Beit Jata and other towns, the behaviour of rsraeli troops purporting to control student manifestations injuries against the occupation resur-ted in serious to several youngsters. fndeea, u" , of the Beit Jala incidents the Defence "on""qlr.nce Minister disrnissed the miritary cooma-nd.er of the west Bank for aflegedly abetting the faLsification of reports on the behaviour of the Israeli troops in an effolt to hid.e the reality"

131. The Special Connittee noted that the Governnent other of Israel continues r., a.t^n+ measures that reflect its policy of annexation and settlenent or tn"'oJiiiiuo territories' Examples of such measures are contained in reports of exprcpriation of property by various methods, such as the arbitrary nilitary resort to reasons of security for the purposes of the establishnent of settlements, as has been the case in the El-Bireh area and severar parts of the northern Another west Bank. exarnple of such measures is refrected in trre exptoitation of the naturar- resources of the occupied territories, such as that of the petroleum resources of the sinai and that of the water-tab1e of the northern west Bark from which the occupying Pover currently takes more than half of its water requirements. 132' The speci€f conmittee is of the view that the policy of the covernment of rsrael referred to in the preced.ing paragraphs has provoked a patte"n of resistance on the part of the civilian population. The trequency of the occurrence of incid'ents, amp]y iuustrated in section rv c" refr-ects the ci.vilian population's deternination to oppose thi.s fsrael,i policy axd to assert its right to self_ detennination. The resistarce thus r"oir."t.a produces popul-ation u' ever-increasing prison ' In section V, the Special- Cornnittee sets out the information received. by it on prison conditions and" on the treatment of d.etainees. This information shows that prison conditions in general have continued to deteriorize; there is no evidence, on the other hand' of efforts at inprovement. The period-ic expressions of concern by which certain rsraeli officials (refl-ected acknolrr-edge the ad.verse prison canditions in sect, v) trave not resJted in any measures improve being taken to them. leports continue to reach the special corrurittee of serious over_ crowding and lack of adequat e medical attentioi. A/33/356 INqIISN faae ol f33. The testimony of l1r. Abed El-lssaly, ba€ed on his first-hand experience as counsef for civilians accused of security offences, confirms the al-legations that persons under interrogation are iIl-treated ard that no adequat e remedies exist to safeguard such persons from abuse. The revision of the arrangements for ICRC delegates to vlsit persons under interrogaticn" alnounced on 6 Decenber 1^77 has not b?ousht anv sisnificant diminution in the serious aJ-l-egations of il1 treatnent of detainees. profound 131-" In Lhe circumstances' the Special Com"dtLee cannot bur express its at the continuation of the nilitary occupation and continued deprivation of"o.r".rn human rights of the civil-ian population' The CodLittee would ap1)eal once more to the inte"national commrnity through the Gen€ral AssembJ-y, to assune its responsibilit ie s to end the occupation," tnereUy safeguarding the nost fundamental of ihe human ri.quls of the Dopulation of Lhe occu-oied territories' Pending the early termination of the occupation, tire connittee reconmend.s that a suitabfe nechenism be established to safeguard the human rights of the civilian population wilo have been erposed for such a long time to rnilitary occr4>ation' In this contert the Connittee r,rould refer to the proposal made by it since its fi.rst report, ].7/ Tn eridirion nnrt in wi err of the se"ious deterioration in the situation of detainees the Conrir.ittee ltoul-d urge the Ceneral -Assenbly to ensure that a mechanism sirnilar to (ICRC Press urrdL >u6(isr uquj r-.,uJ r^D^!w,\u af establishing commissions of inquiry be set u!

Con::nittee in each of its reports, has recommended: l'7/ "]te Special " ''(a) that the States whose territory is cceupied by lsrael a'opoint. inmediately either a neutl'al State or States, or an international organization {hich offers all guarantees of impartia-lity and effectiveness, to safeguard the humar ri ght s of the population of the occupied territories; "(l) r.ttat suitable arrangements be nade for the proper represen-Eatlon or the interests of the large population in the occupied territories rurhi ch has not yet treen given the oppcrtu.nity of exefcising the right of self-

^a+drhihd+i^h..h,l "(c) ttrat a neutral State or international organizationr as described in f.I .h^-^ ho nnrirqfod l1\f 1crrFl and be associated in this arrangemenb' " Under tliis arrangement, the State or States or international organization so norninated might be authorized. to underts-he the following activities; "(a) fo secure the scr-uFul-ous ilplementation of the provisions relating to hirnjsn rights contained in the Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of liar, of 12 August 19)+9" and the Geneva Convention relative to the prctection of Civilian Persons in Tine of War, of 12 August L9l+9, snd in particular to investigate and detenoine the facts in the case of allegations of the violation of the hunan rights proYisions of these Conventions or of other appli cable international instruments 3 "(l) ro ensure that the population of the occupied territories is treated' in accordance 1,rith the applicable lalr; t'(c) to repart to the States concerned and to the General As sernbly of the United llations on its vork." A/33/3i6 English rage oJ


135. The present report was approved and signed by the Special Comittee on 10 lTovennber L978 in accordance rdth rule 20 of its rules of procedure.

\ijlgned/ B, IOHTE (Yugoslavia)

T J. FERNAIIDO (Sri r,anta)

GOUNDIAM ( Senegal ) A/331?16

Annex II Page I


i'{edical certificates relatins to lar. Soleirnan I'la-di

A Dr. Jiha.d Sa.1ib Aunallah, Specialist in General Surgery, 9"R.C"S" (tainlurgl), tI, B. B. Ch. (Cairo)

Te1: Clinic 570 lresfdence zb)) llablus , F. O. B, 322

Patient rs narr.e: Soleinan llussein Soleiman I,fADf

-tr ron : 5a111t late: 23 Feb"uary 1978

To whom it nay concern:

The above-rrrenti on ed is suffering fron atrrasions and serious congestion of the epidermis and the muscles of the upTrer back, shoulders and buttocks, as a result of bfovs inflicted vith a ha"d object. The patient requir.es hone r-^st for tr,ro r,reeks and tlleatnent "

(sisnea),tihad ALII\]ALLAH A/331356 English Annex 11 Pa.gc 2


Dr. Jamal Abdul Karim Ab,, Hiilali nin-rhr'rn-r rF/ngologist

Tel: 15 BB


Pa"tientrs name: Soleinan Hussein Soleinan ILADI f"oroi Salfit Age: \9 years

Date: 2L Februa-ry 1978

Irom an examination of the ears of the abovo-nentioned patient, T found that the .Left ear hacl been exposed to iressure resultinq from sorethin{ rlesenbling a blou or from a di:'ect blor"r on the ear, This resulteC. in a laceration of the eardrum and its distinct nerforation, r.rith traces of blood on the sides of this perforation.

f prescribe tr--a.tment and t:est for a period of two qeets and also a Te-examination.

(signed) Janal Abdul Karin Abu HTJLEH