Maetr WS (187 -8) - ar r 1 - tr. Memie ~-C -w

- L The~ 1*1/6 1. tL "3am ad Okewa - a...papr atltlltta genera earth Crettas, Erte asettl ass er t N r a ta sr na - easte - ale sw ntli ~~to as sale thelL use*II fis **** **r( J~n as mura me-- wa sees: S4to a -an Elma M '.1,- lan;cKr~ a .~~r gkr poem tr ** ammes as rseasest as

i aders Mtes Sma anMe etso eaisas waths sinsuelistatiimes3Ld gmas .. wi /m

rn tam set-tr*9**-5 orsrlasse

- -af- - cine. ... c.....s asIo OCT 20O196 Comedd .. ..

0... 1 96 6- - ca L,QO

nO p un FD-350 (Rev. 7-16-43) , - r. DeLoe Mr. Mohr_ SMr. Wick. Mr. Casper- Mr. Callahan_ Mr. Conrad. (Mount Clipping in Space Below) Mr. FePt. Mr. Gaii __ Mr. Roe Mr. Sullivan Mr. Tavd Mr. Trottar Tdele. Room Kis H-dxet Mis Gandy

(Indicate poqe, naes of newpaper, city and *tate.)

16 NEWS AND OBSRVE - Raleigh, N.C. -I

af ssA merw

Editor: Ttle:

Character: or sficatio n: * Submittlnq Office: CE

Being Investigated F -36 iRev. 5-22-64) 9

FBI Date: 10/14/66

Transmit the baliwing in ' ,(Tpe in plainlext or code I via AIRiL (Priorit))


DIRECTOR, FBI (157-9-8)


ReBulet, 9/29/66.

Careful consideration has been given to the suggestions set forth in reBulet with regard to ,counterintelligence action in the South Rowan glavern.

In proposing that Klan members wear female attire for the purpose of luring Negroes into a trap, the members of the South Rowan Klavern clearly indicated they Sare not "shrinking violets" but are eager to, and feel capable of, engaging Negroes in physical combat. These QKlasamse did not indicate a "desire" to wear female clothing but indicated a necessity for doing so in order to accomplish their objectives.

The Bureau's observations as net forth in ReBulet have been discussed with Agents familiar with Klan activities throughout the state and with the Agents who are directly responsible for the investigation of the South Rowan Klavern and its members. All concur that the members of this klavern do not in any way, either in appearance or demeanor, fit the qualifications usually associated with homosexuals EC- 28alt/5-- - - c e Car.lott EX-113 ---- S- 157-281)(1 - 157 230) 7

Approved: Sent M Per Special Agent in Charge 3 FB-36 IR.R. 5-22-64)



Transmit the folowing in . . • f.T)p e in plaintext or code) .

Via '_____" (Priority)

CZ 157-281

or transvestites. Any attempt to so label publicly such a group would beg belief of the recipients of the information.

There are no state statutes dealing directly with tranavestism; however, Section 14-12.7 of the General Statutes of states in effect that no person or persons over sixteen shall, while wearing a mask, hood, or device where the person's face or voice is disguised so 71i as to conceal the identity of the wearer, appear on any lane, walkway, alley, street, road, highway, or other public way in the state.

The use of this statute possibly could be employed by state authorities in the event the Klan members actually disguise themselves in women's clothing and take the action they have discussed. However, the suggestion to don female attire was only in the form of a proposal, and no information has been received indicating that any action has been instituted to carry out this plan. 1 Inthe event any information is received that members plan to or have engaged in such activities, it is believed local authorities should be furnished the details as a possible violation of Section 14-12.7. Authorization to advise local authorities is requested of the Bureau.


Approved: Sent M Per Special Agent in Charge z7 - r n MOMMIN 1-ti. .vPro

the ~k io aiss5tis possb eta etat ttaste attl ~~ot ~~U ~ Cbot

CREWar rar~/VCouldiDtan to ber a atlewwe Ma humbCae thadavr considee JS war IOMUP 40141athati3leest tW1Uemale nm a cult e oth DOWN attie s

le - a in -- a- " of -a tr nacke o earaonlW M" be maet he a* at am t***newlaes ha- item amemaridIlt b ss.. a it** ses '**** ette e s.& IMthe CaeElMati ti NfatnaroR am a encv o -ew ver 18a whl wari ao rnas b pera tact a oS s di e s *n sonfnotionso;t flgjtttt £fth oaUs S- in , r.wT N ;R-ed, apon~ ~rec t of dvie ro ashinOarltPdAG bt and submittdt rm eds ter handtli (4) EMS: A UU flavera has considered WIM Carolina wearing foals attire i In reference to possible acts of vielence. We asked Chrlotte to develop a couuterintelligence proposal regarding tL Mattr and Carlotte doe not believe tipat a 90011A be adsft to ridicule uccessful of ftfl the Klan in tki 6qtter. We feel Tast S the flax to be developead E ridiculing informat cove to zItes, ieuon Rcord. recipt of ifarotteadvice fro .c: Charlotte,"a Pared ad submitted to Crime Records for handl -1 ., General Statutes, North Carolina, state. i Or persons evr 16 whle wearing a asko , Persons*fc or OtI disgusdo PE . to'. HAM HOM NOTE CONTXNUD PGE 2. letter to SAC, Charlotte m COUNTINlTELKLIGENCE PROGRAM

caeal the identity of the wearer may appear on any lane, walkway, alley, street, road, highway or other public way in the state.



-2- UNITED STATES G . NMENT oMemorandum

TO : DIRCTO, FBI (157-9-~) DATE: 10/25/66

SAC, '-gBIWCAT (157-281)


ReBulet to Richmond, 10/6/66.

The non- rosec umary report dated 5/25/65 re ped by SA at Charlotte concerning conta or on shoing that he was born in or ~ arolina and apparently has worked in North Carolina L . all his adult life. This r

a emp oyment during these periods was set forth. S" 34 iA copy of the 5/25/65 report concernin has been furnished the RichmondOffice previously. There is no information available indicating that has ever worked or resided outside the State of r on of his recent occupation as Awt the time of his fir own emp oyment in was only 19 years of age. Asnl96i an reBulet, during the years 1959, 1960, and 1961 ailed to file Fede ncome tax returns. During the iod 1959 to 1i I reportedly was employed at the

It would appear that a y be vulnerable to some type of proceedings for his ilure to file tax. returns during these years. The Statute of Limitations - may bar prosecution from a criminal standpoint for the years 1959 and possibly 1960; however, some type of civil proceeding V might be possible.

Bureau4f 2 - Richand (157-846)( ) -113 S OCT 7 33-Charlotte (2 - 157-281)(1 - 157-542) CW: Buy US. Savings nd Rgularly on t Payroll Saving P

Buy U.S. Savingr Bondr Regularly on the Payrl Saings Plan C 157-281

l ifafherance of the counterintelligence program against if the Richmond Office desires and the Bureau agrees, he Charlotte Office will, at Raleigh, N. C.: t h e employment of during the period 1957 to 1962 an e e a ncome from that employment.

(2) Will determine ifl i iled North Carolina State income tax returns for these years. No additional action is being taken by the Charlotte Office pending a request by the Richmond Office and approval of the Bureau. With regard to the income tax returns of for the years 1962, 1963, and 1964 furnished with reBulet, the Charlotte Office is in possession inormationatno indicating that the income claimed by during those years is not correct. The 1964 return is supported by a W-2 form from his employer. While investigation might be productive of information which would show that the information supplied by on these returns is inaccurate, it is believed that this is a function of Internal Revenue Service and should be pursued by that agency rather than the Bureau.

If, however, the Richmond Officen l s4 the Bureau approves, contact will be made with employers for the years 1962 and 1963 as shown on his tax returns for the purpose of determinng his actual income from those companies.

2 ie, arlote (1s- p 34// ::--. "g. .- . L - a.C , J1 - ar. ai

a1t 1cwm.-rMM

WU. receipt of aic md' advice L thi atter, further directis will be givre to the Charlotte tise the tara.

Charlette, ta n - additsonal setote is this tter ntil you are In receipt of spesific trasm Istret s. Te omats and analysis set frth arelt we appreciated. S m- w. (ar-846)

- uncer i r i Richmond and Charlotte have reviewed ncertified

Further consideration v* -a is of same upoa receipt of il 's op eaditios. We hope that our attention tas speas ibilities might produce workable proposa dl aic Federal and state tax authorities to examine Sfinancial status closely.

NOV 1916623 N l

Tuem Sw.1 - . ..MOM E U -UM S RO TELETPE UNITO 7 io5 PD-a me . s-, a


t.t v A RT.


SRe Norfolk letter to Bureau, 103/66, Beau 'lette

S- to Norfolk,orolk (1-.p6)10/10/66, Ifo.)and Norfolk (RM).pj letter to Charlotte, 10/20/66;

As requested in referenced Norfolk letter to - Charlotte on 10/25/66,envelopes addressed to the Americ Oil

'"b contained a copy of the letter mentioned in referenced Norfolk . -. letter were mailed at Raleigh, N. C.

.. -Bureau (RM)I - Richmond ( -846 (Info.) (R)

: : • - EX-103.

SD0CTo OCT 29 1966 A! o LLOeNat PR PerO 1p cial Agent in Charge - to

* Sncl Agg In Charge SFD-36 R,. 5-22-64)

F BI Date: 10/24/66

Transmit th "owing in (Type in plaintext or coder S Via AIRITL . (Priority) -~------


ReBuairtel, 10/6/66. n in , 66

- .advised the proper person to make a determination concerning possible violationo uance

On 10/19/66, advised that there are no domestic "fraternal groups au horized or licensed in the State of North Carolina and, therefore, the Commission '3 has had limited experience with this type of group. He stated, however, In his opinion if a fraternal group pays in excess of $500 to beneficiaries under an insurance program being administered by that group, the fraternal N organization must quallfy for a license and adhere to requirements of the Insurance Commission, such asn the submission of an annual report, the approval of rates and approval of forms used. Also, the group must submit to inspection. He advised that failure to do so would be a violation of the general insurance laws.

Bur eau . Charlotte 24- 1:7-281)

- 157-230),

Approved: Sent M Per Special Agent in Charge j i - FD-)6 f . 5-22-64) "



Transmit the Hlolowing in . - (Type in plaintext or code)

Via , (Priorit) ------I CI 157-281

stated that the State Attorney ±" General's office would be required to make a final determination as to whether insurance laws are actually being violated. He suggested that ful lrning I any possible violation be furnished to who thereafter can initiate an investigation an discuss the matter with the Attorney General's staff.

stated in his opinion a fraternal 4 group which pays in excess of $500 to beneficiaries will \p be required to adhere to the insurance laws and failure to do so would be a violation.

In view of this, the Charlotte fc nds that a blind memorandum be furnished to by cover letter. In the blind memorandum, acls availli concerning the Widows Benevolent Fund, the insurance progra being operated by J. R. JONES, would be set forth. The proposed cover letter is as follows:

orth Carolfitirate Insurance Commission Raleigh, North Carolina i Dear

There are being furnished you herewith two copies of a memorandum containing information regarding the Widows Benevolent Fund, an insurance program being operated by JAMES ROBERTSON JONES, Grand Dragoa of United glans of America, Inc., anights of the Ku Kn Ilan, in North Carolina with headquarters at Granite Quarry, North Carolina. The United Ilans of America, Inc., Knights of the SgKlux Klan, with national office at Tuscaloosa,

2 Approved: Sent M Per Special Agent in Charge FD-36 (fr. 5-22-641



Transmit the following in (Type in plaintext or code) I Vi a - ,'


CI 157-281

Alabama, is incorporated in the State of Georgia and is chartered in the State of North Carolina. On October 19 1966 thi discussed with w sugges ed tat Sa be furnished you in view of the possible violation of state insurance laws.

The sources referred to in the memorandum have furnished reliable information in the past. This information is being a~rAskhd you on a confidential basis in connection with your official responsibilities.

If you intend to take any action concerning this matter, the facts should be established by separate investigation as this Bureau will be unable to produce informants to testify at any necessary hearing.

Very truly yours,

Robert M. Murphy Special Agent in Charge

SThe proposed blind memorandum is as follows:

On January 24, 1966, a source advised that the Widows Benevolent Fund would go into effect the following month. Upon the death of a member of United Klans of America, Inc., Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (UKA), who has contributed $5 to this S fund, his widow will receive from the fund $999.95 Snd J. 3. JONES, Grand Dragon of UKA, will include a nickel to make it an even $1,000. 3 Approved: Sent M Per Special Agent in Charge F BI


Transmit the following in (Type in plaintext or code Via (Priority) ------CE 157-281

On February 1, 1966, another source advised that at a meeting of a klavern of UfA on January 25, 1966, a letter to all ilansmen from J. R. JONES was read in which it was stated that 1. 1,000 members had signed up for the Klan insurance and it would go into effect on February 1, 1966, at 12 midnight.

A third source advised that in a letter to all Klansmen from J. R. JONES dated March 1, 1966, JONES advised that the Widows Benevolent Fund had started on February 1, 1966.

Subsequently, several sources reported that the following named members of the Widows Benevolent Fund had died and their beneficiaries had been paid from this fund:

Name of Member Location Approximate Date Beneficiary of Death

Charlotte March 4, 1966 Norlina March, 1966

Goldsboro March 31, 1966 Not kown

Pittaboro April, 1966 Not known

11Y'1 Roxboro April, 1966

Grifton May, 1966 Not knows

Thomasville May, 1966 Not know Durham August, 1966 Not know.

Asheboro September, 1966 Not known 4 Approved: Sent M Per Special Agent in Charae FD-36s IR .- 5-22-64)


Date: Transmit t folowing in (Ty pe in ploainext or codel)

Via : ' (Priority) ------CS 157-281

Following the death of etch member of this fund, an assessment of $1 is levied against the members of the fund. In a letter from J. R. JONES to all Elansmen dated May 16, 1966, it was stated that if a member dies and his assessment has not been sent to the state office, the beneficiary will not be paid.

Bureau approval is requested to eare and end the cover letter and blind memorandum t


Approved: Sent M Per Special Agent in Charge / , a



urn 3ttuetercj sssa

K m~atsnn le/w".u C. Ian are _1tb~rls to ut ilis_the nuggtetd bl"a ia~aaew letter setLekarnt.

sem atmtn wil at heraps afnda

a th s a tn .. .l t r s tuvsaa rflfla, eauraets td fo rth saa ma di to my he a vlti . state ofa a a


lut~~~~~~~~~~~ u-e!rahs t stweth~swt e m s m of lteimtumtrilhatbe au~aes a a, v

-~~~3 Clal''md aasum ~ itr I* td.sR ko Wthtteite t rotleasti ein Array~~to4 ~ suao udi otSKUM _ eera to,4bei iesisL/sat as5a !&7 Follow this atter closely and keep the urs S ble results noted. To. should remai i a poititle submt necessary follow-up ecommdatn ns in this mtter.

WWI 'the Grand Droa, UKA, North Carolina, operates the W Sw's Benevolent lund, a life insurance program. Charlotte was authr to deterine throuh established sours

lasrance the Elan insurance was n co ormity h state laws. Indicated that the program may not be in cooa ort insurance laws and suggested that the Information regarding subject be furnished to W my / ivestigate sam. Charlotte requested authorlotrii a , blinad memorandum with a cover letter to We do net believe that this information should be l von a ti The sme objective my be accomplished by orally advisi WA in North Carolina is the strongest point of UU p. If the North Carolina Insurance Commission determines that theI- WA ife insurance program is contrary to state law and inlve Sa element of scandal, a significant and possibly prosecutive . pressure my be brought to bear on the WIE in North Carolina. We are carefully following this situation for toll recmendatios and C assures that contact with _ b bpen ad will continue to be on a strictly confidenT basis.

-2- FD-3)J~ew. 2 4) a j


Date: 10/26/66

S Transmit tbi i in i (Type in plaintest or codel

,l l (Prioriaty) \1

TO: DIR/ TOr, rI (157--s) : a3C, WAnwr (157-281)(P)


ReBulet, 10/20/66. There are being furnished the Bureau herewith eight copies of an LEM captioned, "UKA, Inc., EEnn ," containing information regarding the use of airplanes by the UKA in North Carolina.

7'. m entioned in I EN s turnishe otfrnation to A Copies of the LHN are being disseminated locally to military intelligence and Secret Service. -' a~ 13ar 7-101

SocT 28 16 AT NEW BERN, N. C.

*- 1 Willmaintain contact wit]

2. Will furnishany pertinent information receiv to the Bureau by LHM.

. a 'reas(Enc. 8 Charlotte (2 - 157-281) (1 - 157-230)

AP V 8 iqDtT on on.c 3 _M M Pe Special Agent in We-'w 4 def ; U ITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF J{JSTICE U 4DER L UIEAU OF INVESTIG. ION

RA l-p.w p Charlotte, North Carolina M N& October 26, 1966


According to an article which appeared in the fIOctober 11, 1966, issue of the "News and Observer," a daily I: newspaper published at Raleigh, North Carolina, "An airplane trailing a banner emblazoned 'KKK-1' flew back and forth over Raleigh and the State Fairground Monday. The four-K symbol is used by the United Klans of America, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. The numeral one was said to designate the first the 'KKX Air Force.' Normally, a permit from the Federal Aviation Agency is required for low-flying airplanes pulling banners. The FFA here said it had granted no such permit to the Ku Klux Klan,"

advised that Province #1 of Unite liin of America, Inc., Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (UKA), rented a Cessna 170 owned and operated by Stancel Flying Service, Washington, North Carolina, to pull a banner bearing the initials "UKA, Inc., KXKK" during the week of October 10 - 15, 1966, while the State Fair was being held at Raleigh, North Carolina.

In addition to the xaove dvised that on

I it was decided that the Klan members in Provce #1 will support Dr. John Eastfor Congress in the November, 1966, election. Dr. East is a professor of political science at East Carolina College, Greenville, North Carolina, and is running against the incumbent representative, Walter Jones.



At this meeting it was proposed that Stancel Flying Service be hired A su r to pull a banner behind an at lane a this electi owns aiows

irplane and another Kansman ron Elizabeth City, North Carolina, has access to an airplane. Both of these ,. airplanes will be utilized in pulling banners supporting East. -£ It was discussed that these airplanes will be used the week prior to the election. i; O satated that no final determination was made a '4 regarding the use of these three airplanes.

A characterization of UKA is attached as an appendix to this memorandum.




Records of Superior Court of Fulton County, Georgia, reflect that this Klan organization was granted a corporate charter on February 21, 1961, at Atlanta, Georgia, under the name United Klans, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan of America, Inc.

A source advised on February 27, 1961, that United Klans was formed as a result of a split in U. S. Klans, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. Inc. According to the source, the split resulted from a leadership dispute and United Klans has the same aims and objectives as the parent group. These are the promotion of Americanism, white supremacy, and segregation of the races.

The first source and a second source advised in July, 1961, that United Klans, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan of America, Inc., merged with Alabama Knights, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. The merged organization established headquarters in Suite 401, Alston Building, Tuscaloosa, Alabama. (The organization is directed by ROBERT SHELTON, Imperial Wizard, and is the dominant Klan group in the South, with units in several southern states.

Second source advised that at a meeting in Prattville, Alabama, on October 22, 1961, the U. S. Klans, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, merged with the United Klans of America, Inc., Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.

Third source advised on May 25, 1966, that the UKA is currently an active organization, with Klaverns in several states. This source said that ROBERT M. SHELTON is the Imperial Wizard of this organization and was elected to this position on September 5, 1964, at a National Klonvocation in Birmingham, Alabama. Source stated that during April, 1966, the national office was moved from Suite 401, Alston Building, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, to the carport of SHELTON's residence, #18 Lake Sherwood, Star Route, Northport, Alabama, which space he had converted into a room. -j



On August 17, 1964, a source advised that the North Carolina organization of United Klans of America, Inc., Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, became affiliated with the national organization of the same group in the spring of 1961. The State Headquarters was at the residence of North Carolina Grand I. Dragon JAMES ROBERTSON JONES, Granite 4uarry, North Carolina, - who is subordinate to the national organization with headquarters in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

The organization in North Carolina has the same aims and objectives as the parent group; that is, advocacy of segregation of the races and white supremacy.

On August 17, 1966, the same source advised that the status, leadership, and affiliation of the North Carolina organi- zation have not changed. The State Headquarters is still located at Granite Quarry, North Carolina, but is no longer maintained at the residence of Grand Dragon JAMES ROBERTSON JONES.


t . FD-323 (Rev. 4-29-41)


se; ., Charlotte, North Carolina tNz October 26, 1966



Reference Memorandum at Charlotte, North Carolina, dated October 26, 1966, captioned as above.

All sources (except any listed are concealed below) whose identities in referenced communication have furnished reliable information in the past.

Tis doce., coatson no*tbr rocommondatlon8 not eonclualon. of tho FBI. It I, the property of .hoFBI and is loosed to your € ncy; It and it. contents wre not to be distributed outsde your agecy. / UNITELSTATES GOVERNMENT ,Memorandum

TO DIRECTOR, FBI (157-9-8) DATE: 11/1/66



ReBulets 9/29/66 and 10/19/66. Charlotte airtel, 10/14/66. The situation relative to the activities of members of the South Rowan Klavern has again been thoroughly analyzed by this office. It appears that the action proposed by some of the members of this Klavern in donning female attire and driving through a Negro Section of town is very similar to action taken by many of the major police departments in their efforts to apprehend deviates, purse snatchers, etc. To publicize such proposed action would tend to make "heroes" of the Klan rather than discredit the organization in the eyes of the local public. The fact that there is a group willing and able to take steps to prevent the molestation of white women by Negroes would be heartily endorsed by most if not all of the white population.

. Il

Due to the large number of members who usually attend these meetings and who would be aware of this proposed action, it is believed that the informant will not be directly jeopardized by publicity given ,to this matter; however the following possible results should be considered. .Bu /Y7eau C4 3 - Charlotte (2 - 157-281) (1 - 157-230) ST-107 6(724 NOV 4 1e CFW:mtl (5) Buy U.S. Savings Reularly on the Pall Sa Plan

Buy U.S. Savings Bonds Regularly on the Payroll Savings P/an CE 157-281

stated that they were well aware of the fact that there is an informant of the FBI in the South Rowan Unit. i.

In the event national publicity is given to this situation, members of the South Rowan Klavern more than likely will institute more stringent security measures,

The Charlotte Office remains of the opinion that publicity given to the proposed action by members of this Klavern will not accomplish any beneficial results, but possibly could stimulate Klan growth in the area and also result in the loss of an informant.

- 2 fD-364R*v. 5-2" 4) e

FBI Date: 11/16/66 Transmit the oilhw in i' (Type in plaintedx or code) I

Via a;L I 4EL (Pronty) ------......


Re Bureau airtel 11/4/66, and Charlotte letter 10/25/66.

Based on information in re Charlotte letter, it would appear that develment o igation suggested in that letter a 1957 - 1962 may be useful in t erance o the Counterintelligence Program agains Richmond agrees it is the responsibility of the Internal Revenue Service to determine if erred in filing his income tax returns in 1962-1.963 However, to that nformation regarding a possible violation by in this connection is developed and may later be uSd in captioned program, the Bureau s requested to approve a check be made by Charlotte of employers for the years 1962 and 1963 to determine Ts acual income. If a discrepancy is noted from tnis review, the Bureau is requested to authorize Charlotte to contact appropriate Internal Revenue Service officials to advise.the latter of this discrepancy. - Bureau ( ) 81) 2 Charlotte (157-281)(R) 2 - Richmond

Approved: Sent M Per Di in Chage 1 - . . L. Martia 1 - t. Icoui.

it- Mr. MI-N w.

eI.Slet W10S/, Imrens letter I1/4/V , ad itretl It/1o/vo.

m3eey efret to seestam tu eeltonL and malary earm od m tlo per To ae alsa reqeo t to adse the traua it man bave t s l tia.b sowee wh is Is a eltie to dtemsm t h, ever nled MDa brois . to h omThTm k aitimesal act i othe a mpecieally remrtod.

* -eha (15744) S ma

The lateral Revnue Sie Washrv as Iatormation ee that

st"03traOd use, ..

vee -r r aw sotal agailns we have - Itet filed brslaes a - ,. as head of the U A Ow Virgita, wI the Virginia 3 per ca t etail Ta.

Ye ______

: , +c++_-TYE T/j-E "177 I~g9 pgjAl I 1 C. D. Brennan FedSupervision) l- Mb. J. L. Martia ". 1 - Mr. J. v. scad"

P1380 PAL ArylErIwM

4- 3eap U/3m/es captihoned 9Aited Oa tg $ tar.. biot. of the fl Refn, U Q.i) of hmow baclal httegs (Ia)." ln ~ et aetm Areview km bees md at rem, and it is apparet tha Yu hveavailable Substantial informtioen n statier +:-- - *10 mIght rwad lp be Sti! ued ha ecinestiem with the nate taligac flgr diec aist Mam aotlity. Since. 3 t 2has bee law establie that Moth Carol qaa atawhe state, ta ponow ibge~inatiwacS slateo -~e te~ed tstngit appearn that 1a sotbIwtle pom Cay ornateinsusgpa shOuld be redlrectfl at this tir.On . o sed s Northeng alga.ia subiamt fl e

tun t aPS " sp- etLa so .er ateilsseoe stet,. IyStnb ftU 7.a anL-r

~l.t. sma gri that tn mebertsi 1 RaAlthoughn 1 f Obr otte a M qflteriat~~llsgfmc. B . omt f te

b aedtt ha s amproble !a that WAg Ifva. -is a eealterat whr t ta .m.., deatest, we int caitalIze em tS vast imferstta it ~l~gi~~rea fasiaveutigatlane. Thin mattes' py, A owed lull.1 aad additional rocomeadatiernmad besed FD-36 (Rev. 5-22-84) 0 r J

FBI Date: 12/5/64

Transmit th&iowinq in - (Type in plaintent or code) Via AIR'L ' (Priority)


ReBulet, 11/5l/l .

The Charlotte Office has so iavestigative objection to the issace of the proposed letter set forth in relet.

As the Bureau is aware, several Elan officer in Worth t iamlp have is th at expressed opposition to the handlings of funds rand Dr leaders r' thi u are

It is believed that mailing a copy of the peoposed letter to these three individuals would result is more beaefit to the Bureau than a rass nailing inasmuch s these are the individuals who it is believed would be receptive to the taformation set forth in the proposed letter.

Sis the opinion of this office that the status of id not be jeopardised through the mailing of •) 'thi letter to these three iadividuals. ~' /l+w , a r ) -39 a - 1 1 - Birmingham (157-8635) (Into) (Ra) 1 Wew Orleans (157-2836)(Ilo) (R) X-8 1s DE 6- 8. Charlott

Appr Sent __M Per " Special Agent in Charge @ FBI


Transmit the following in (fType in plaintext or code) Via (Priority)

CE 187-281

If the Bureau agrees, the letter should be seat to the individuals named above at the following addresses:

F a

I ,-


SApproved: Sent M Per Special Agent in Charge FD-36 (Rev. S-22-64)


Date: 12/6/66 Transmit the foowing in . (Type i plain.ers or code) Via ALe,. r. nRSTEmRE MI I (Priority) -1------TO DracroR. raI (157-9-8)

SAC, CSRLOYTr (157-281) (P)



North Carolina State Inurance a as on, Rle gh, . ., was contacted a made aware of the facts concernin the Widow's Benevolent Fund e insurance program o * hts of the En Klu Elan A) in Wari Carolina. o As blind memo included in Charlotte airtel dated 10/24/66, was turnished

was advised that it he intended to I take any action concerning this matter, the facts msst be established by separate investigation, as the 2I sources will not be available for any necessary hearigs. He was advised that the P l's interest in this matt cannot be made known and that the information was being furnished to his as there may be a violation of State insurance laws.

tated he undeogands the situation fully. ie stated he will have or wth He q1ia "!:A FQo m Bureau (3M) 3 - Charlotte ( - 1 5 7 - 2 8 1) (N' - 157-230) 1 DEC 7 1966

M Df91968 'M Sent Special Agent in Charge F -36 (Rev. 5-22-64 0



Transmit the following in _ (Type in plaintext or code) Via , S" (Priority)


CD 157-281

ad Insurance, before initiating any investigation and that the decisio as to whether an investigation will be conducted is up to

sa appreciative of the information furnished ' " and advised he would keep the Charlotte Office advised of the status of this situation.

The Bureau will be advised of pertinent developments.


-4 i t.;,

.0- 2

Approved: Sent M Per Special Agent in Charge

U" FD-35 (P.. 5122-64)

F BI Date: 22/13/66 Transmit the folllaing in (Type in plainext or code) Via ATI= . . (Priority)


He Bureau letter to Charlotte, no copy to MIan 12/1/66.

1 3-1 She a branch store in Raleigh, . . asi, . i advised all records of lrned. etc.. were .Dt at the hose office

and each payroll check was forvatid to the ran orre, 208 South VnsLngton St., Raleigh, N. C., from the home office in Florida. ' For the informati

tion has reflected the failed o file-Federal Income ax Returns during the years 1959, 1960 and 1961. It Is not presently known if subject has filed North Income Tax Returns. It would appear that W my be vulnerable to some type of proceedings 0o* P failu to file tax returns for those years.

3 lotte .-- $ i 2. /S7-P--7-15T-96 t -

Approved: Sent M Per . Special Agent in Charge C.. ~.__. _ 31 FD-36 (Pe... 5-22-64)


Date: Transmit the f i ing in -.(Type: in plaintext or codel

Via (Priority) CB 157-281

ReBulet authorized Charlotte to verit the former t the and to mae every efort to identi ormer position and salary earned during the pe d of time in question.

SFor the information of the Bureu, it is the policy and practice of the Income Tax Division of the North Carolina Detl t of Revenue, Raleigh, N. C., directed only to trnish the Bureau the informaton er or not an individual did in fact file a Worth Carolina Income Tax Form for a specific year. It is their policy not to furnish specific information concerni North Carolina tax

j posible at formation de concerning the N. C. returns could be gotten through the local Raleigh, N. C., office of the Internal Revenue Service.


AT MIAMI PLA, Vll at the verifZ employmen 17-1962 and identify r e position 0 and salary earned during those years. 2

Approved: Sent M Per Special Agent in Charge FD-38 (Re. S-22-64)


Date: Transmit the following in (Type in plainlext or code)

Via (Prionty) ------izC 157-281 ------

Miami is requested to advise the Bureau, Richmond and Charlotte of the results of their investigation.

Charlotte will take no additional action concerning the North Carolina State Income Tax Returns until advised to do so.

Approved: Sent _M Per Special Agent in Charge j 3 T !- 4.

t r1 37 - 3~~


Kr m i a tnnqon Swim lb rm -o t ku Dbawr~e ub stu men #- fte oi rwsj/tt -v o we Ls a. sinh ubt~ y.eta we s:"i b mai ye fl - -

5.owlb 1na,sU 5. Otr a I_ aiY

"itvi la !itls~


-EyYR-ie ThLEYPE umIT ED t . .. 4)

antl failed to fille deral income tax rturn Is - S1960, and 1901, w viii be t a position to pset a stres case to the Internal neveane service andpr t that Service to intensity an itvetigation on if course such a rM t of the Internal reveans U o will depict a leader La violence. Charlotte submit your recomendations to the Snureamn in this matter and tak aeno action otbher than Sspecifically requested vithout prior Burea authority. Miami handle verification of former employment prompt y.

I-a -- 9are

hw MImrs1 f /Bcp ed wisfe 1.1 bairtel Sat2.5=

To mes neq.mgtg to give oinodwrana to no do"aws0* s i aftewtaftlisflf activtl W aa. phah 'AU dislay an..' brean winh OCa~ms 21 ~ - U --. maid~a tn a edhe flsrigjO If~ ~ Maos f at G,0 Sh situn Katn to

y~h 41sav m anwhj to ny ih be = ;=sl IL af-hfti*s b~ bea wetus hiftinI thea La imatm no *Sen. ima -uwi a vim acop gWMrvMNgD the gt t n a

m4 i atag "iants~ .eam"n= 0 at0

WDE~ 9j~Ir~/ j ~g!~Pkla2laa966


To : DIRECTOR, FBI (157-9-8) DATE: 12/28/66

sAC,S: CHARLOTTE (157-281)


& Re Bureau letter to Charlotte 12/8/66. An analysis of counterintelligence programs and needs in North Carolina has been made and the following comments ' are submitted: The primary aims of such a program are considered to be twofold: (1) Cutting down the membership and (2) Curtailing violent activities and views of the organization. It is considered that reduction of the over-all membership can be most effective if it can be accomplished through reduction in the number of new members coming in. Whether a new member continues to be active or not after he S has once joined, the organization still has the $10 initial fee, and on an average, about $3 in beginning dues. These ." -- funds help both the local, state, and national organization 93 -- to continue strong and with these funds at their disposal to use as they see fit. It has been observed that in all units there is a substantial dropout rate among persons who have joined, for various reasons including lack of interest, general disillusionment with the type of members, and dissatisfaction that there is no worthwhile program- or in some cases, with the fact that there is less "action" than the new members had expected. It has been observed that in most units there continues to be a "hard core" of devoted members who stay on ..) in spite of almost anything that can happen. , : f7o 1 REC 74 /s Bureau (157-9-8) (RM) V-39 4 -- Charlotte JM:ufd 5

Buy U.S. Savings Bondr Regularly on the Payroll Savings Plan CE 157-281

The great difficult, of course, is in findr ome way to discourage propetive memers from applying and joining. In the majority of cases Charlotte does not learn through its informants the fact that an applicant has applied until his application has been brought up for discussion, and generally, for a vote in a Klavern meeting. After that has taken place, the only thing remaining is for the person to be brought in, usually at the next meeting. In many cases, of course informants are unable to obtain the name or sufficient identifying information about an applicant when he is being discussed and often do not learn his identity until he has attended a number of meetings. In those instances where an informant obtains adequate information about a prospective new member in advance of his initiation, it is generally in a situation where the informant is the only one, or one of only a very few, who are in a position to have this information. For an interview or contact by Agents to be had with the prospective member at this stage, would in most cases expose the informant. Some of the recommendations later in this letter are aimed at reducing the number of new applications. Charlotte has found tht-interyiews with Klan members are, at least to imit causing some of the les d members to dro out. It is a so believed, though there is no tangible way of establishing a real measure of this, that interviews tend to hold down on violence which might otherwise be conducted by particular members, simply because they know that their Klan membership is known. In the program of preparing Non-Prosecutive Summary Reports on individual Klan members, Charlotta olln the practice of interviewing the individiET henever osible. This serves the threeM purpose of getting backround information directly from the person himself and thus saves investigative time; making him aware that the FBI is aware of him and possibly retarding violent activities; and in somecases, has resulted in developing of informants. Agents are under instructions to bear in mind at all times during such interviews the possibility of making an informant out of the individual interviewed. Interviews with Klan members will continue.

; 2 - CE 157-281

Charlotte has not found that harassing type interviews are effective in reducing Klan membership, particularly among those individuals who are "hard core" members and those who might resort to violence.

As an example of the situation concerning harassment type interviews, from November, 1965, until approximately April, 1966, Charlotte had a special squad of as high as 30 Agents cond intensive investigation

" Much of tee or urng this time cons s e ervews with all known Klansmen in the Charlotte Klavern and the then newly formed Mount Holly Klavern and in the case of persons considered "hard core", Agents repeated interviews with them, many of them at their places of employment.

In practically all instances the "hard core" individuals are still Klan members. The Charlotte and Mount Holly Klaverns continue in existence and continue to take in new members. In addition, since the spring of 1966 new Klaverns have been formed in the nearby towns of Belmont and Stanley as off-shods from the Charlotte and Mount Holly Klave rns .

As a part of the effort to reduce membership, attacks on the leaders and on the organization as a whole will be continued, but with the underlying thought that these are merely steps in cutting down the membership, and that removal of a particular leader is not an end in itself, unless, of course, he is considered a particularly dangerous individual or one who is particu ffective izing. Charlotte considers it ant to crea e an continue dissatisfaction among the membership, and at the same time, not to cause such radical changes in the administration of the state organization as to make it thoroughly honest, efficient, and effective, because believed that if this happens it would be a stimulus rather than a deterrent to continued growth.

- 3 - i4 C2 CB 157-281

Attacks on North farnlinn a ndDraon will be continued and new methods of attack him sog both with the view to causing dissatisfaction against him and possibly ultimately removing him if this can be done under circumstances that will cause great disillusionment with the whole organization.

It has been reported by informants in numerous instances in recent months that various members have commented ., on the fact that Klan members seem to be exempted from being i; drafted simply because of their Klan membership. There have been indications that some young men have joined primarily for the purpose of seeking to make themselves ineligible :- for military service. Although there is no information that he joined originally with this primary Puose.

repot ne o 1was called . for induction in May, 1966. He was interviewed in May by d b representatives of the Army, during which interview he acknowledged that he was a member of the United Klans of America, and was Klan in Virginia. He said he was opposed to integration but was quoted by the Army interviewer that he desired to serve in the Armed Forces, would live with Negro soldiers, and would take orders from superiors. As was set out in that report, United Klans of America for Virg a s quo e a making a statement to the effect that the Klan cannot lose whether "is inducted or not. He said that if is exempted i basis of his membershipo e n wo on to es mili i On the other hand, iT'hehis tiken, the an can advertise that the Government has no objection to Klan membership.

As set out in Charlotte report on i dated ' August 24, 1966, he still had not been inducted. Charlotte in transmitting that report sent an extra copy " with the letter to the Bureau suggesting that the Bureau might consider furnishing a copy of the report to the Selective Service System.


- 4- :iIt CE 157-281

As of November 25, 1966, the Clerk of his Local Board in Lillington, N.C., stated there had been no change in his status and the board was still awaiting word from the induction station as to whether or not he was acceptable. In interviews with Klansmen, when the subject can be brought up, Agents point out that Klan membership is likely to cause an inductee to be passed over for advancement and to receive the less desirable assignments. However, it is considered this is a very weak point when contrasted with the fact that the word is probably getting around rapidly in Klan circles that being a Klansman can keep a young man i- out of the military entirely. While it may not be true that it does keep rsons from the draft entirely, an example like that of where he has been given an extended deferment Sfor at least months with no showing that he ever will be called, certainly indicates that military service can be avoided in this matter.

It seems unquestionable that young men who have been passed over or at least temporarily suspended from being inducted because of their Klan membership will be passing the "good news" to their friends as a means of keeping out of service, and thus increasing applications for Klan membership. While it is well recognized that this is unpatriotic and in the long run will make a black mark against the record of *.this individual in the future, that is a very hard thing to get across to a young man who is without high ideals and is Just looking for a way to stay out of the Army. In addition, of course, Charlotte does not have the man power nor facilities to go to all such possible young men and try to argue them into accepting their duty and not taking advantage of this loop hole. It is recognized that the military services are seeking to get the most dependable young men they can in their ranks and are not anxious to take anyone who by his statements or past activities indicates he might be any kind of a problem. However, it definitely does not seem right or fair that young men are seeking and apparently succeeding in using this means of keeping out of service.

Charlotte knows of nothing it can do about this on a local level since this is a decision that has to be made

- 5 -

l 113 ( 9

CE 157-281

either by Selective Service or by the various military agencies. It is recommended that the Bureau consider taking up with the military agencies their policies in this regard. It would appear that some definite A action could be taken much more ejditiajllL by the military than has been done in the case 1 o for example, so that he would either be inducted in a reasonable period or given a 4-F classification on moral grounds. It seems probable that at least some young men who might seek to stay out by Joining the Klan would give up this idea if they could see that their friends are rather promptly either inducted or classified 4-F on moral grounds when they attempt this tactic.

Charlotte considers that action by state and local authorities against the Klan where possible should be encouraged and assisted for the reason that the State statutes on violations that might be committed are generally much more simple and susceptible of proof, such as in the case of a cross buring. In addition, it is believed that this tends to hold down on the feeling of resentment that can be exploited by Klan leaders in the press and public rallies that the Federal Government is picking on them. The following recommendations for specific action are submitted:

(1) A number of new applicants for membership fill out application cards and send them to the state headquarters of United Klans of America. This is particularly true of persons attending public rallies. In such cases, the state headquarters sends the cards to the / nearest local Klavern so that these persons can be contacted. Charlotte proposes, if the Bureau approves, on a selective basis sending cards from time to time to the state headquarters reflecting applications from entirely fictitious persons. It is believed this will have an effect of vaEltng the time oEtfhe Inn1 n4flials in trying to locate these ersons and cauig-tiiBert~ e ome danaftedndponanibl being less acive in runnigd u annd. contacting thi. tual

- 6 - CE 157-281

persons who really are applying. It is recognized that if this is done, Charlotte will have to maintain a record of the fictitious .)ames used, so that when in some instances f we get the information back from an informant that the person has applied, we will know that this is not a person who will require any investigation,

t is recognized that this will probably not cause any great decrease in applications processed, because a large number of applications are received from personal contact by members among their friends and acquaintances.

(2) Widows Benevolent Fund. Charlotte has corresponded with the Bureau along this line previously, the last communication being Charlotte airtel of December 6, 1966, advising that information concerning this possibly illegal insurance program of United Klans of rica in North Carolina has been turned over to a representative of the North Carolina State Insurance Commission. Nothing further has been heard from that agency and this will be followed. It is believed that if this insurance program is found to be illegal under the State laws, this would have a disruptive effect on the membership and further cause disillusionment and distrust concerning Grand Dragon J.R. JONES. If such a ruling is made by the state agency, recommendations will be made to the Bureau for steps that Charlotte can take to exploit this information.

(3) As the Bureau was advised by Charlotte airtel of December 13, 1966, entitled "United Klans of America, Inc., Racial Matters (Klan)" ureau file 1 -370 Charlotte file 1 -23

~~ f CE 157-281

en that occurs, Charlotte p an o su m a recommendation to the Bureau to publicize this fund raising effort and this recommendation will possibly include giving the information to the press on a discreet basis.

(14) Concerning Bureau letter of December 22, 1966, and previous corres ond ce cthe bilit of C erm e identity of a person in the orth Carolinn Tax Division with whom this matter can appropriately be discussed and recommendation will be submitted to the Bureau when this is learned. Charlotte is continuing to seek ways of curtailing and disrupting the United Klans of America. Ideas are again being solicited from all Agents having any contact with Klan matters, and any that appear of value will be submitted to the Bureau with recommendations.

-8- 74 l -t. r. C. D. Bennan (Field Supervision\ Folder)



Neclet dated 12/5/I. r I £"dtailed anijuis hae beefsa ma y~ - osetematloas a" mueet Sm get aft is nfiereaed letter. Tere .fffl Ltbia rear have btensted.

ltt npia flabImi~saim n mthe gurlt tha Ma

,ze-atha -

tout vs we4*aZa - fa4 ety

SW -hae -ae weat beeut auwae as w no flo snef "thut Ca gr ead dbsvett -a :y e'stintiembain teas - attant ea taMlSia ,.,

5% 'w to Obwe rw et!aitw uti r r $---- eas ra at" edas tn . U. wit

y L iMC C-a 5-

*to 880 e faotte C' nterttelligeaoe Progras

The above is nt out te the purpose t showig are whre it is believed y could draw up sad r astitate coaatertateliseaoe activity which would ene ' disattstotiea within the Kla reas. It has been fonad j "that whoa situattoam occur wherein the ksases are disagreei i amongst temselves sd are defeadt their oms poetioes within tMhe la they are set at liberty to orease Iamu aubership se partake t la sativitlee w tch would strengthe the ergansatta. It it strongly felt that the best a sae of attac agal st the Klan is through the established leades sad by causing dissatisfactin within. The primcitpi se oft cas dissatstetie withi Es raks appears to be by attacking the hanling ot tin rm . Jones should be vy valerable co erm g his ha~ LL flli f ues ta view t t statemet that the treasury is roet. Te tact that there Is a e msey left ta the treasury et the largest lau nstate egaasattla to the gatted Sates tldisates elearly that sebody at be missing the Klan tads. The shove is being furnished fr yeer eonsidetteeio. t is tally realied that ye ar elser to the situatto, thretfore, abouldtbt better positte to far slate oenate itelltgena e activity. The ar*ssggeted sieve sha1d be ensidered and ye shld sbmit yer recommndattoe a to 4 pea sb le ate Lo t~e u s. Tear easidette Mou ld O be limited to the aboe urea Tar oasitestts ashould bhaever, tnlde attaks a the l.a wbio eeuld tetally diLrt the eatir rgsa sutte.

Skette mm SdJIVmto thel 8sletive M3 rvice syste headquarters, N fatr setLee to lateade by the Surea in this regasd at tae Sms. h additioeal Infatiervt e year e lee bed se Sevie stats eul - ,ld to inrso di btol cr tr e for dimia p4 ettl ot the ease. ir yew airforal b sttter, s tt it ot the Vatted states Ar. the rea throu liaisoa that the raLw has a

.5', ~iSa . * g0, o carlotte latell.glase Pre

oent the listmOt of

"t.,o membersahip eni:oateh at Unlid in a f urall tg ae f os, it is t obelievead that th o"apathe eauld aftet th aprtta eR tohe e it Wo' W 1a. r im R eo ather tha ead the titon liat ae o C~am fW the pep Of thwartian Eim rrmitaent it sbel* d yo Wuald be to ..a better paitn to coatro tae *ativitY by deneloplq tatemants o eld be t o paition to advise you a all an le applioaate and thea yo ad be able to ftmiate !a lass to daooursa these ae aloat--- --

iAs 7. re wll a r-, the treed of -u aetiity la Worth taoli rqhre that ya ou auirato vo it to deter thi **t engosatl Cam orsgi"sMi. Your goa for 1967 is the complete disruption of division. the Klan in your I expect you to achieve this goal and you should. - insure that the Agent personnel in your division exert their full efforts in this endeavor.

onefereced charlette eitter made a ael oa is of Elma ensaatastiss w bees in N the Ca a arltt stat that it is believed that the reduoeti . the Overa membership ea ChrotetO ti be et effectiveoimi through the

son because the 4tlatellgce pregrasa"o theya woulde eS met a w be able to tr mt fe sad. Thi matter alett kise

a g atins have bees elt 4 b a Poll" ofl otmducting kansg Crl USSpea an native tanompoV" e ft bfte Ihe he Should be. This matter Iobeng, toSo anoyroow v f Carlette's reeommeadanaew 4 were net foreful or on a large emogh to materially ste Sr~ctl. effect thecu~f E r i mr~~ib a.., -' trw Mt em £re wtir~~ wa l wl ilk!o et. in ,. 'MS SUNITED STATES RNMENT Memoran4um

ro : DIRUCTOR, FBI (157-9-8) DATE: 1/6/67

A SAC, CHARLuIT (157-281)


. Re Charlotte letter to Bureau, 12/13/66; and / Bulet to Charlotte, 12/22/66.

aeg, N. C., advised that a North Carolina Income Tax Return must be filed by every resident having a gross income during the income year in excess'of $1,000 if single, or $2,000 if a married man living with wife on December 31. Be said residents of North Carolina must include gross income from all sources even though they may be taxed on some or Lw all ofthe income in other states or countries, noting that / if the income was taxed in other states or countries, they may be entitled to a tax credit. He further stated that any salaries, wages, or other compensation for services - rendered outside North Carolina must be reported.

- s noted in reforanid Chlotte letter. At IL-the a_ , L x tice of the.

e r or. not an individual did in act file a N. C. Income Tax Return for a cific year.

*. BROWNon so na on i i ifthe State of North Carolina would move against _in the event it aji.determined he has not complied wit . C. income tax laws. V A4, s/o f'.. t S( - Bureau (157-9-8) (RM) EC393 /S . 7 - - Richmond (2 r 157-846 RM) g JA 0 867 ,, (1 - 157 1 - Charlotte (2 - 157-281 - (1 - 157-542)

(9) VT C

Buy U.S. Savings Bonds Regularly on the Payroll Savings Plan CE 157-281

Inasmuch as it is the B~ us desire to cause state authorities to move against n North Carolina, if possible, for failure to comply with state tax laws, it

* t 4etermrneih as complied with N. C. state law and/or to determine if the State of North Carolina would move agains n if he has not complied with the law. Charlotte taking no further action in this matter until so advised by the Bureau.


N. ftfA: *or in

aNfdstoi mmom

( SAM-

it W-M

20I6WVYotb YOU1a *onaaa

GAO laft -. a afla. tam3 - A -e aa

""M -od- -* ww a z~f


-WSin~nFl~ua-.j blsu in:Virgin".e War"j - &&%crest. m toe whaQin~h~ us- logtu

1;Operatin ~narurn. I F D-36 (Re... 5-22-64)

1 'I FBI Date: 1/5/67

Transit t (Type in plaintet or code)

Via ' V(Priority)

TO :DIRCTOR, FBI (157-9-8) .: Ct CARLC,O (157-281) (P) SUBJECT: PR .0U0TLGECE DISRUPTIWI OF HATE GROUPS i-'.: CJAnS-ROERTSONJ T Re Charlotte airtel 12/6/66.

North Carolina State Insurance Commission, Raleigh, . . advised that there is still sone question in the Commission's DI>' minds whether or not there is a violation of North Carolina State insurance law in connection with the operation of the Widows Benevolent Fund by the Klan. Sstated that it was anticipated that by 1/13/67, iaUEi on would be made as to whether or not many investigation would be initiated. SThe Bureau will be kept advised of pertinent developments.

: - Bureau (3M) 3 - Charlotte (2 - 157-281) (1 - 157-230) RG:Jlb (6)


Approved: Sent M Per Special Agent in Charge UNi TED STAf 'EVE.;N-ENT Memorandum

To DIRECTOR, FBI (157-9-8) DATE: 2/14/67

FROM SAC, CHmAR TE (157-281)


ReBulet to Charlotte, 1/19/67.

in October, 1966, North ar ina Income Tax Return for the year 1965. showed as income receiving a small amount from the United ans of America. showed no tincome earned in the State of Virginia. fatated inasmuch as filed an had income tax return for the year 1965, itCiiwou indicate he and his p filed returns for prior years. The State of Virginia office exchange information freely concerning matters of mutual interest, but no information has been received from the State of Virginia concerning (j,voluntarily stated his office was and ROBERT M L especially interested in persons such as JONES, Grand Dragon of UKA in North Carol[Vna, had conducted at the request of the Governor's Law and Order Committee a limited investigation concerning JONES and from x "' that detekmined JONES had paid the required taxes.

C= REC 5 .. /-C [03 7 ha pd i: b @.sureau (RN) EX-108 /57- 9 "

S4 - Charlotte (2 - 157-281)(1- 157-542)(1- 157-1631)

RBG: mak (10) 1t FEB16 V CE 157-281

o volunteered the statement that his Division was no interested in spending thousands of dollars in order to collect several hundred dollars.

The Bureau may desire that Richmond indicate to appropriate authorities in the State of Vir inia that the

, . ., would welcome as aformation indicating wrongdoing on the part of concerning the preparation of his income tax re as or an s ecific f P information developed regarding income which earned for the period 1965.

It is noted that North Carolina State Income Tax Returns must be filed by April 15 following the close of the calendar year. It is recommended that a short time after 4/15/67, Charlotte be authorized to recontact to determine if has filed a 1966 North Carolina State Income Tax Re ur . s noted in reBulet, although income tax obligation in North Carolina is a state -T iYton, an inquiry might stimulate interest in this matter.

Charlotte is taking no further action in this matter unless so authorized.


2 .<, b3.C1t 3/14/fl. esfioad s -b he, espies

- - tWshS to 3ias=&.

fllQigleattu "sumit th toa NinthdCar o inSeetateto Diusim sb~u~tto Arill35, 1Y

A..i .. S submit to the so""sum bo:emote ~xL gioas C~r1tte m~atioa met £ i refored,

S he -s aditimnl estte a this mattnw wita

. t

s resi Y heNrth Wro nutdmet, fhigstia to cesty with North Croita tax law. ' i lifiatiam of a state inom tax yiohtia aoconnd; lowm,

;'. Cr traaHa sotilW Carlotte ' a nocetaTW W th the Neth fsli

:1 ~ ~ *Chrlotte also suggested Rioctr4 y -"____ ielets to tatmawt of North anroi tax uir ____ and had effort b to evade his North a ComohilltM.: t

PCRMAy.i$ t

'a+ -. t cry~~~~/1--ai rv lr =_ lu FD-36 (Rev. 5-22-44)

FBI Date: 2/27/67

Transmit the foulowing In .. (Type in plante* or code)

Via AIRTEL~' V a (Priority)

TO : DIRECTOR, FBI (157-9- )



Re Birmingham airtel 2/7/67 to Bureau, with list of telephone numbers.

Following is identifying information concerning the numbers listed in North Carolina. Unless otherwise stat :tion as to n "riber was furnish

Aulander, N. C. (called 12/9/66)

d isconnected 2/2/67. (See information under Lewiston a Charlotte, N. C. (called 12/14/66) Charlotte tele hone director and Criss-Cross directory show listed to

- Bureau (157-9-4) (R :, Birmingham (157-835) (RM f FEB 281 67 2 -Charlotte ' ' JM -lb--,

,A-. Sent Per A-.ent in WMAR &i FD-36 (Re.. 5-22-44)

FBI Date:

Transmit the following in (Type in plaintex or code)

Via Vi - (Priority) ------

CE 157-281

Charlotte, N. C. (called 12/19 and 12/27/66)

sknovm to Charlotte asf SUKA for North Carolina and

7 Granite Quarry, N. C. (called 12/5 and 12/28/66

By letter of 2/9/67 to all Units, North Carolina of Grand Dragon J. R. JONES advised this is the phone number the State Office of UKA.

V I Granite Quarry, N. C. (called 12/29 and 12/31/65)

b-iM Listed to is known to Charlotte that he is the ,._and his wife lived in the residenc with until the death o

Greensboro, N. C. (called 12/29/66)

Listed to Under the ca tion

the Bureau has been furnished information


Approved: Sent M Per Special Agent in Charge \ s FD-S36 (R.. 5-24)4 4 I

FBI Date:

Trans th in . (Type in plaintef or code)

Via .- -(Priority) ------CE 157-281

'.* on 11/24/66 iand three other known Klansmen were arrested by the Alamance County Sheriff's Office. They have not yet been tried, but are expected to be tried about early March, 1967.

Lewiston, N. C. (called 12/9/66)

On . /-66.heacknowledged he was

Lexington, N C. (called 12/15,19,27/66)

bi Louisburg, N. C. (called 12/6/66) ub Listed to ickett Boulevard, Louisburg.

S~stated that Louisburg, was elected on 12/11/66 On 1/13/67

i Approved: Sent M Per Special Agent in Charge FD-36 (R.. 5-22-64)

- I

FBI Date:

Transmit the following in .2. . (Type in plaintext or code) Via (Priority) ------1------

CE 157-281

tht it had been reported that ha sold his house and restaurant and may be moving to Florida.

6 Raleigh, N. C. (called 12/3,5,12,17,19,20,

S(non-publshed). She is known to Carottea

:3 S Raleigh, N. C. (called 12/17,29/66)

Raleigh telephone book shows this is residence of

SHELTON an oter Klan leaers in the hearings be ore te Congressional Committee, and in the court action in Washington for contempt of Congress.

In accordance with instructions in referenced airtel, Charlotte is taking no further action in this matter unless instructed.

"4 - 4

Approved: Sent M Per Special Agent in Charge FBI aat

- - -'- -I 10I BDIICT V ramsRIr 1 7 2m. 1

*tg 3'i



Approve: Sent - MZT Peror81 Spcc Ad___ Cha___ CB 157-281

'spoke, and a i suggestion, was sworn in as a member of UKA, Inc.

The Unit agreed to pay the membership fee for

stated he lans to go on to Fayetteville, N. C., S hi to live an at is going to help him set up a health salon like has in Charlotte.

Apparently is not yet cognizant of the fact has been sworn into the U IA unknown

The Bureau can be assured that Charlotte will utilize about to the fullest the possibility of this incident bringing a split in UKA in .North CarolA& and if a split do not occur, it will be yf utnh-iredinsofar as harassment of is concerned.

s-2 - #rJTb KA;: o + CB 157-281

belief that Numerous informants have expressed the has been a very effective is afraid of who, in the past, fears ill try to take speaker at Klan functions, and the organization away from him.

Bureau will be kept advised of further developments. .. .The

3 r

4 FD-34 (R.. 5-22-64) 4I FBI Date: 3/13/67

Transmit the following in (Type in plaintelt or code)

Via (Priority) I

TO: DIRECTOR, PBI (157-9-8) PROM: SAcs* arrPI (157-281) (P)

SUEC : TIRT.IJT.TWCE PROGRAM INTERNAL SECdUf DISRUPTION 40 wA MnPS (UNITED KLANS OP AMERICA, INC., N. C.) Re Charlotte airtel and LMN 1/25/67 entitled "wtA, Inc., MKK, STATE MKETING, 1/22/67, RN KLAN)", and letter to Bureau 1/27/67, entitled IA, RM(KLAN) . Charlotte N. C. Both of these comunications refer: to the increase in SKA state dues from 25 cents to 50 cents per member per month, and point out this is expected to cause dissension airtel gembers. In line with proposals in Charlotte M661n "Co "ed b reau airtel of 1366,

Smemo of 2/1 allha

ey were likewise instzN cted to bring these matters up th interviews with Klanslen. Specific reorted f1ar include the folo KEC- 62

-- -

Charlotte MAR 1967

Approved: Sent M Per Special Agent in Charge !.i... _ : ; _ FD-3 (Rev., 5-22-641

FBI Date:

Transmit the following in (Type in plaintet or code) Via (Prinonrity

CE 157-281

2. At a meeting of Guilford College Unit No. 156 on 1/24/67, members stated they could not understand why so much money was being called for by the State office. Some members stated they wanted to see if the National States Rights Party had anything better to offer than the Klan; it a then R LTON d bOB JONES "could go to h---."

l : 7 . At a meeting of the Mount Holly Klavern 1/24/67, it was voted to increase the Klavern dues trom the present -19 $1.00 per month to *2,00 per month, to meet the State dues increase. It was pointed out that a total of $1.10 per man per month now goes outside the Klavern from the dues: 50 cents to the National Office, 50 cents to the State Office, and 10 cents to the Titan. Informant said there had been some objections expressed to raising the Klavern dues, but not a great deal openly stated. Nevertheless, he felt that in the long run thi.nrease will ha e e t of slowing down membership. 5. At a meeting of Sanford Klavern No. 23, on 1/27/67, it was discussed that the increase in State dues will require an increase in Klavern dues. This Klavera has fixed costs of $120 per month, and it was proposed monthly dues be raised to $3.00., Several objected that such an increase would cause a number of members to dro ut No definite decisae


Approved: Sent M Per Special Agent in Charge €6 rD-a6 (R.. 5-22-64) . I



Transmit the following in (Type in plaintext or code)

Via (Priority) t ------4------

CB 157-281

6. At a meeting of the Belmont Klavern on 1/22/67, dues were raised from $1.00 to $1.50 to take care of this increase. Some expressed the opinion this cr e will . aui lelison to drop out.

A etin o the Atkinson lavern 1/31/67, a visitor urged the members not to increase r ocaloca e an to send only 25 cents to the National Office and only 25 cents to the State Office. He was against the high salaries being paid the J. R. JONES family. No definite decision on thisrwas rseb at this meeting. S16p It can be seen that this increase in dues has caused 'ona di satisfaction

dissatisfaction. Further developments will be furnished wthe Bureau It appears this increase in dues could be further exploited by newapaper stories, which could have the effect of letting prospective new members realize how such money goes to maintain the "front office". Bureau authority is requested to furnish information of the d es situation and e hirin of We. JDNE

I •J

Approved: Sent M Per Special Agent in Charge

46 FD-36 (.e. 5-2244) - ) * I

FBI Date:

Transmit the following in (Type in plaintexi or code)

Via (Priority) I

CB 157-281

The information of the increase in dues and the hiring of the wife of Grand Dragon J. R. JONES is ve widel known among Klansmaen,

If Bureau authority is received, this information will be furnished him as soon as possible, to further encoura discussion currently going on among members about these : matters.


Approved: Sent M Per Special Agent in Charge .. V. 2011u I

1- C.hiliw

toat%at" -7 o*"go9iom

.7.ou WitVm b-

Wt U thVISIIM Of OW *4="wstre ~t

abrltt bw the lares KioMrls s0

?17 f4

1-4 - .o 4apr S3C, CarletW tari tlligen Piro s


'iD toa the emeasiv aont of ansyl

Vmember met contribute b uantain the State and toal Mties et sEla, Dwhich is far in mm ette aet e regnius legtimate organisatia a coatribute. ae iafoumatie n r toa i e la de and th hiring et ta. esems l idy aes. ameag ha a ad its eaesen to a weald nOt endsager may iatrrmnt. It La bele tettes e this itn artie will diseura prptiv f.. m rm joiniag the Elan.

I. s . bartia

Chrlotte (131-23M) W


A r CPIJf" Y A" 00s fl"'' bk Ivutatamlyss wih t rea"nss t theemstft-

lm-alswt egr to themaino

mae be soel~

Tntthee urpsn fwo so

I. t to a"? matr Lassist I

*Uw 09aomnim C" f KIS LU rt

r~fl~4.~fhd(5) *~ ,: ar'39.Is "4 & C - 2-ifS

TEEYEU- -R F1 Lotter to SAC, Charltte

T l ider as a otoowns

merely a saggestioa, t so h to yer god judgmenat. Tar shold eootianu to implement such tactics a -ra nsi g state does and aay other program which would tend to Sdirzpt, the organlsation and discredit its leadership.

Is connectioa with our recent conference SAC, Charlotte ad his staff, the Charlotte Office, submitted an analysis Soenitag our contian to disru t and neutralis

C for the B a' commeants with regard to as Ssiderationa Crltte is being advi* ats opera ems veily implemented and with fewer copllcatioms

. 4


-2-! 0A

isacat uWll/S cartieS Oman lentizgmtim, 4bt1Sote mvliaush tn vn Us at e" Wo f ad sntrvs iSl le0todatwoamed Its estlnsti matdmmaii a ots

h"f t i81 coet mrom Stt's You 4 relative to ah 10tsn1atsam -m tee mMaod 1W nepante co

I& a a" a SVSa 112e gugpeulem. mte fte da o in ' 16" a

411" t m~ met e goreX

couteriatllQ *i...Shrletto has suggested several swodex, which appear to have potential for nor furanuhd backgrounld material O fler identifiled coun ae ladiwidutls to be utilized I proposed rantions aginst the Ksa.49

'- jV %,1%iiAPR 4 U

7wA-Z XYP p .NITED STATES GO NMENT ) *Memorandum

DATE: 3/30/67 TO DIRECTR, FBI (157-9-8)

In # SAC CHARIUTE (157-281)

sUJECr: COURTERIELLInCE PROGRAM IS - DISRUPTIN OF HATE GROUPS (UKA N.C.) are enclosed for the Bureau 10 copies o There Club, which "ia IM concerning the Belmont Rifle and Pistol is a National Rifle Association affiliated group being g formed by the Belmont Klavern of UKA. Copies of this LHM are being disseminated locally Intelligence agencies and Secret Service. to Military use Ten copies are being furnished the Bureau for possible as suggested later in this letter.

his __ ~ exhibited to Agent Rifle and Pistol Club, signed int As stated in the ,L M, V b with this s stp o he group is affiliated the National Rifle Association. It is understood that under certain circumstances the Director of Civilian Marksmanshi of the U.S. Army to National RifjtA psociatin furnishes rifles and anmmition reportedly affiliated clubs, and this appears to be what -V is referring to. It is recommended that the Bureau --specifically intelligence authorities that a copy S uggest to military Director of this LHM be called to the attention of the .1 t 2. > Civilian MarksmanshiP.

"- Bureau (Encls CP REC 48s 5 E M t APR 5 IOU DATE FORW:, aI 1 - - HOW FORW:J$/ 1 - JB .. n:msdonsr ro th P l

Savings Plan, Day U.S. Savigs Bonk Regularly on the Payroll /0l CE 157-281

Charlotte does not know what relationship or 4 *D tthelB eau might have with the headquarters of Rifle Association. It is suggested consdertifl t• atinal concerning the Belmont bi given to furnishing information and Pistol Club and its UKA connections directly to Rifle getting its support that organization, with the view toward Club withdrawn. Also, if of the Belmont Rifle and Pistol list of the I/available, it is requested the Bureau obtain a members of the Belmont Rifle and Pistol Club. the National action of the type proposed through If successful, it is Rifle Association is not feasible or be given to furnishing the information suggested consideration Committees which, herein to one of the Congressional news reports, have received a barrage according to the recent Association concerning of protests from the National Rifle proposed gun control legislation, step of It is recognized that if the latter a Congressional Committee is furnishing this information to would result in publicity being carried out, it probably member about this news media by some Congressional given to group particular National Rifle Association affiliated Klavern of UKA. being connected with the Belmont



Charlotte, North Carolina

Naroh 30, 1967


characterization of United Klans of America, A is attached as Inc., Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (UKA), an Appendix to this memorandum. J stated

r centn of the security guard of the Belmont, 5 iTFenthat members or are North Carolina, Klavern of UKA have joined the ional Rifle Association. According toj that by being members of the made the statement carry Association, these individuals could National Rifle anybody. guns and would not be bothered by _stated that at Kiavern of UKA S meetingsmeetingeen o the Belmont North CaroD. considerable andas een considerable during February joining the , discussion about building a rifle rang and This discussion had been led NationalRi Association.

stated that a 1IUU has ont Rifle and Pito Club". are printed cards ssui membership cards. These cards is affiliated with the National showing the organization hea Rifle Association, Washington, D. C. The cards t Club" typed in. has name, "Belmont Rifle and Pistol then if they get 25 or more members, made the statement that for their use in the Army will -lend rifles and ammunition target practice.


According to has said that the Army will either give or lend tee rifles and a continuing supply of military type ammunition for this purpose. IeW: continued tham had been desirous of getting at least 25 members, and it is his understanding that over 25 individuals had signedup by about the middle of March . Slo w knows that probably at least 25 are members of the Belmont Klavern of UKA, and so far as he knows all bi members of the Belmont Rifle and Pistol Club are also members of the Belmont Klavern of UKA. All discussion of the j: IP Belmont Rifle and Pistol Club which he has heard has taken place - in meetings of the Belmont Klavern of UKA. In these meetings, ' plans have been made to build a rifle range for the Belmont 4i:... l.Pistol Club. This -is to be built on the pro ertx0 who is a member of the Belmort Klavern. property is located in the area known as "The Slide' be wee n North Belmont and Mc Adenville, North Cargolia. The Belmont UKA Klaym4.a also planning to build a Klavern meeting hall on the property, on the opposite side of the road from the rifle range.



Georgia, Records of Superior Court of Fulton County, was granted a corporate reflect that this Klan organization under the on February 21, 1961, at Atlanta, Georgia, charter Klux Klan of America, Inc. name United Klans, Knights of the Ku 1961, that United A source advised on February 27, Klans, Knights was formed as a result of a split in U. S. .: Klans the split Klan, Inc. According to the source, " of the Ku Klux Klans has the same from a leadership dispute and United resulted These are the promotion and objectives as the parent group. aims segregation of the races. f of Americanism, white supremacy, and in July, The first source and a second source advised the Ku Klux Klan of America, 1961, that United Klans, Knights of Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. Inc., merged with Albama Knights, established headquarters in Suite 401, The merged organization is Building, Tuscaloosa, Alabama. (The organization Alston and is the dominant directed by ROBERT SHELTON, Imperial Wizard, units in several southern states.) S Klan group in the South, with in Prattville, Second source advised that at a meeting Klans, Knights of the on October 22, 1961, the U. S. Alabama, of America, Inc., Ku Klux Klan, merged with the United Klans Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.

Third source advised on May 25, 1966, that the UKA is with Kaverns in several states. currently an active organization, Wizard ROBERT N. SHELTON is the Imperial This source said that on and was elected to this position of this organization Birmingham, at a National Klonvocation in September 5, 1964, the national Source stated that during April, 1966, .: Alabama. Tuscaloosa, moved from Suite 401, Alston Building, ! ~ office was #18 Lake Sherwood, to the carport of SHELTON's residence, Alabama, space he had converted i Star Route, Northport, Alabama, which * into a room. 01



On August 17, 1964, a source advised that the North Carolina organization of United glans of America, Inc., Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, became affiliated with the national organization of the same group in the spring of 1961. The State Headquarters was at the residence of North Carolina Grand Dragon JAMES ROBERTSON JONES, Granite Quarry, North Carolina, in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. The organization in North Carolina has the same aims and objectives as the parent group; that is, advocacy of segregation of the races and white supremacy.

On August 17, 1966, the same source advised that the status, leadership, and affiliation of the North Carolina organi- zation have not changed. The State Headquarters is still located at Granite Quarry, North Carolina, but is no longer maintained at the residence of Grand Dragon JAMES ROBERTSON JONES.


a:'B FO.8I Ote. tha.143)


Belmont Rifle and Pistol Club Title Belmont, North Carolina

Charecter Reference Memorandum at Charlotte, North Carolina, dated March 30, 1967, captioned as above.

All sources (except any listed below) vwhose identities are concealed in referenced camnin ation have furnished reliable infonation in the past.

T dmat coatea aettha rlomedrt us nolsacl as the FlI. It to tkh pMopdty of te FBI and1s le d to ou agqicy; to ndt ctet aimjm to bg di trbted estade Per agenr.~ t: 2k

t AnW-of tM 0 rlset srshE. hii~ Of t

-taeatt so atat a Sma nl se be ~e s hoti .evraMt Ltotaoto ut1 7sallow O -

setiaat i was rdaatfl meat t ar tisrti larorstiM4mt"sae sntia .. ms barn t

- i. ~ t . ,1 G a ol t t sust ega , ___ tllS S aobftwtilS SYIS S a.'te

a imormtiths teia eat Sn es 5

Iletter p f .hsaVySUh UIerte tht the tit ~~. bo9 th~~ lar i Mtn Mrr q" 1th lette sad rd - 1. -. Mil . tro llte t. ai M>~rlsr !flott r.hairty

I wiMrtiag this lqatter -r am ewsnS Tpi u . rasttrn p t thebc 1 flY'S .ga~ ' a..r . -s - '

tim .rnfsIAM TS

? Y'd II ni m EL TY E 9M I _ " I tt

Sreer to the Hselot ile_ and. pistol Club of aelt North crolSbid Sis ure you mt relie tsa made up of s as an sembaw, It is a at tonal sttl Aaesooittm at fliated gc too - does this ma that the WA bel the eo EISo SUR aad that these are the hAelriLafs" ye ant to have Sgas t the event yo do not mknow believe SI The member of the belsott tfle sal pistol Club are all active Mabn of the elm nt avern of the United nsD t of eric The chartr of this pistol olub abould be eaooelled and s affiliatite with your shabould Oease. 3 regret I At remain anous bet SknWV t 'old bapp n to me it g ied ane sad sbets the Klan le o I w . Advise the Uar ha this letter has been liled, sad an tangible results noted.

cz umrimad lnratileon ti revealed that OI.

ea CaL martiasmnslbip of the Vt. o A ivM ha ti fialue rifls ammlition to atimal Rifle 1- .2211 istod ce sd aeA this rema thebelmont lisenm, S.AL u. C req flso d tt tiS16% this be giveitle A topt. wilitry iatllflgof autorit imatm Of Civili"a Marksimshif the a ttetia of the of the CongrsUS lcal Natfi Rifle sm1tis ad possibly ame r im SIfb wd grm-cotredoll "aeraleted of the asistst

mad mltis from the VietW of Ciii of the W. 3. Amy. W are aleo lru ti# wU crW U PAB Tm


Silitte Office headquarter o tht_ callin t-t-ber-attt n national t thW-flt that 6-e -- their organizt ion l i n fact a froat for the Kit-' llux Klan.


C-- ei e. eweLoch ra. so.- 0 -,=h t-rNTD STATES G, ERNMENT 1 - Mr. DeLoach Memorandum 1 - r. Wick-- FelH. 31, 1967 To t. w. C. Sulliv4 DATE: March 1 - Mr. W. C. Sullivan T.. - C. D. Brennan FROM D. Brennan A 1 - Mr. 1 - Mr. J. V. Walsh .a


PURPOSE: The purpose of this memorandum is to secure for the Charlotte Office to attempt to utilize approval the Klan the services of iin combating in the Charlotte vi on. BACKGROUND: M. Murphy and two Special Agent in Charge Robert the Seat of of the Charlotte Agents were recently at for conferences to give them guidance in Government has the neutralizing the Klan in North Carolina which United States. concentration of klansmen in the largest to develop a hard- One of the topics discussed was methods break up hitting counterintelligence program designed to that Charlotte the Klan in that territory. It was proposed there were prominent religious leaders determine whether the --.Klan. - - who!.!:~~~ would be willing to tap_'3 1 standll457- opposing ~~~

SPROPCBAL: _4 REV 197 " The Charlotte Office has advised d with is closel it may proposes that because o this close acquaintanceship, the influence of 4C " ie Doto jnterestrthrugh the lan ' -- in preaching a sermon opposing Offi i ' e ba o:gan zations. The Charlotte to determine his S. discreet preliminary contact with Sb,,.feelings in this regard and to determine whet~ny: rgPy S.-efforts should be pursued to interest Lrnrhi & no derogatoryT f tio reration V "matter. Bufiles contaip We have had very cordial relations with is on the Special Correspondents' List. Enclosure VW: dsm- (6) CONTINUED - R 157-9-8 Memorandum to Mr. Sullivan ne: Counterintelligence Program 157-9-8

OBSERVATIONS: The Klan is a religious-oriented organization They that klansmen are dedicated Christians. professing and the more owever, the Roman Catholic Church oppose, which areassociated prominent Protestant denominations from the National Council of Churches. Any clergyman with have no real these denominations opposing the Klan would affect on Klan membership. however, stands in the unique position V is an of being this country's leading evangelist. He minister who tends to preach along the interdenominational to klansmen and fundamentalist lines which are attractLve are in accord with the klansman's own beliefs. His which effect among to the Klan could have a devastating opposition the highm ral those klansmen who have been duped by profess but do not principles which the Klan organizations follow. be more attractive We believe a proposed sermon might he might want if it were to be suggested that t communism and the Klan to contrast and compare the evils of out organizations. It might be difficult for him to single the Klan organizations alone in a sermon but it would be if he were to show the basic evils of both less difficult opposed to illustrate how klansmen, who are philosophies and the rights Scommunism, are using similar tactics tosuppress of their fellow citizens. RECOMENDATION: That attached letter be forwarded authorizing exploratory discreet the Charlott e a reliminary contactath for the purpose of determining in preaching a sermon whether erested along the irne ndicated above.

M -2- *~ - + / y {yU 'C.

r 1. v ci 102

:, r- 8*svnzwL n~s f l -lercrarJs Dytatos. badO1 mattes ba) a" hor a. the goi~ieslt t nqnet corate.% tilisita*owe evofl eN a u are fl latelllg'ine sasut a Isn s ha ji beNs senaal cos Sim by the sase" It bas been jet~ t4S ft S a tsthtlqfl won 64;: Sur saS sautyt is * at sere the bet tater5~s the

" Tour laterest is abdttfim this ewetUIs

t - Wariotte (1in-)

date&S/fl/ll C. 3. freaXti ern..,. C.- s mmnnaina the pasiblitt a ai~va, cantae abov., recmmdi !b. Dretor ned,3- ; iflri is belfl . orf ofthetrnctfl5 cgest. the aboe

4$ st tq mrlSttsO



,~~~~B ;'' . o Vr'6161- P

T N . 3V$ - arrx. oo tz.(I ur X FBI Date: 3/31/7

the oowi in y p od Transmit (Type in plaintext of code)

Via IM(Piori


wI: o, pz (57-*-) TOi: SkAC, CHAilrTTE (157-281) I UTU IJrLLIGIC PROGRAM I UrraL SaCURITY MRUNPIWorIrATDaQUP (umIT aBA Or axaRICA, Inc.,I.C.)

Re Charlotte letter to Bureau 12/28/66 and "ILAN INVUTIGATI * airtel to Bureau 3/17/67 entitled, letter Cbarlotte DIVISION, RACIAL EATflA - mLA," enclosing Ra&ZLIOT PROGRAM, CIRWIOTTI DIVISION." capton d, "COUNTUINTZLLIG3-_ irtel to 5 Charlotte airtel to Burou 3/13/867 and Bureau ; arlotte *2/67. sad An analysis of the intelligence program n ee in te Charlotte Division have beeoon noade in accornce of Gorveraogt with y re et t o-day conference at tho 8sat was furnished to the Bureau by referenced and such analysis entitled Charlotte airtel of 3/17/87 enclosing letter CYOUIIILLIOIUc pa MNA, CHAxrITX DIVISIOW. Is The analysis submitted in that comaunication not being restated herein. in B Since sytission of Charlotte letter 12/28/66 asignd to coorfdiate Captioedr mitter* hs boonin Charot te Cnterianteligonc rogr the be assisted by A b effective 3/206. He ill the progia; h vr e 1b l *i coordinated cootrdtr, by tum, who *r in also rcial I Mat

M Per Approv7 Sent ecilA Charge FD-36 ( e., 5-22-64) )

I FBI Date:

the following in d Transmit .. Ii (Ty pe laintext or codel .

Via (Pnony) CI 1T-51 ------

will in virtue of his daily review of informant reports be advantageous position to analyse possible counatr- a more with referenced intelligence seeds and programs. In connection of 3/17/67 rOgardingthe CouaterintelligencS Charlottd airtl in the broad Pirogram, Charlotte Division is presently engaged program aimed at major disruption of the lan lead hi jj 5 a particularly the ousting

SIn furtherance of this program, a r riate instructio trat c

At the st * a*ti of the United Elans of


In turtherance of this rutive t ctiv

hn alayas"* a bitterS di* " - nd it is believed that fearful of Ihk1tjj tS

M Per Approved: Sent Special Agent in Charge FD-6 (Re... 5.2244).



Transmit ti in (Type i psesS or code)

Via u Uo o(P.oriy)+t (p ) - -- L---- -. 15ST 816 ------

This activity of speaking to various units and disrvtr a cncerned

advised that mas travelig to Gr or, . C., on that date to meet with

• . thaPt uless 8ELTOo might ao attempt to taro embers f E& who areo y establish as independeot Klas organisztioa is lorth Carolina.

regarding This disruptive activity c e is being farthered and coordinated with a newspaper art I scheduled for publication in the Saturday, 4/1/67, .ditio ot , which article's publication as a Breau Is co inrUtelligeOce techniqu was requested of the tharlotte airtel of 3/13/67 and was subsequenaty approved A 09 B reau in Bureau airtel to Charlotte 3/20/67.

M Per Approved: Sent Special Agent in Charge FBI Date:

Transmit thoyolics Sin(Typein in pltunte or code) I

(Priority) I ------

s tatebata uar ers resultiag from th iacrease is dues and the high salaries which are being paid to JODES And his wife. During this meeting with he volunteered the information that he had through other orces larned of the dissatisfaction ofi Ico Kla activities In North Carolina and stated that he "Wonrcoordiasto instant S article not only the anformation showing JONB to be is * D trouble coaceraing the Icreasse in dues but also having considerable difficulty regardingi participatios. It is felt that the timing of this article o- 4/1/67 to ooincide with meeting with SHELTOD oa 1/6T and the scheda li S e board meeting called by for 4/1/87 will have a further disruptive effect on ow as leadership tn North Carolina. .poe the publication of this article, copies will be furaished the Bureau sad Charlotte will advise the Breau at the Klu's reactice to the article upo receipt of such I formaties. Charlotte Division will coatinue to follow the Conaterintelllgeae Progrma closely and by separate commnicastions Charlotte will make recommendations concering specific programs s these epportuanties arise. All e2 these recommedations will be geared to the Sbroad program aimed at ajor disruption and neutralisatios of the Klas Is its eatirety as well as disruption of individual nmit .

Approved: Sent M Per Special Agent in Charge Zq? -ma mTsA di nmShnT I. s DE o snE. oK - ti Vm 'De.- COMMUNICATION SECTI :.

APR 5 1967 - - " c - ., a..m -.

i-- 49s6 4-.5-47 ss DIRECTOR (157-98)

-(MI CRAm-RLOT (t571P

ee PROeN- RAcist H+4-n q7 5 .. d+ge-.







APR 10 9 59APRAP - : /"" -N.:7 ;- S.2





' + fl .. ' *• . ." * l .cr%V+." . *" +J + ; +

4 Z Al

, 'p... 0 .!

"S .:' 4ff, . ...+ .. vr ;A t*i . /...... + + ++-- + + I. I + ,• .: i + + . + . . t :-'+I , +• - ' . - . A+: 1 ' + + -'n. $It'I rfl4,tz 1. q+ 1 + + + + + q"++;...Y+..+: C:- ]+ 1++ r i

5: +",. .:;.... + •-.++ I

, . " + .... . ,i + : i ,':* +~ +++o+i WjtZI9/ :q ".. . I +.. FD-3& ik.w. 5-i22 )a


Date: 4/5/67

Transmit the followg in (Type in plainted or code)



Re Bureau telephone call to Charlotte 4/4/67, and / Charlotte teletype to Bureau dated 4/5/67. Enclosed for the Bureau with this airtel is Charlot letter to the Bureau dated 4/4/67, which was dict j r to re sipt of informat from the Unit luu America, Inc., orn Ke lux Klan (UN). An analysis of this situation is set out in attached letter and previous information conc vel tn situation causing the split between Sthe ituatiitol

sonGon o 5 been previously f -In view of the development of Charlotte feels that the programs set on t at t letter sh eless be instituted and et irected to force a klan trial of as originallly stated a releases descri a t . C M- _ Satt led t4t*r* /"" ;S relot

-- Approed: A / Sent M Per Special Agent in ae y s FD-30 (Re,. 5.2244)


Transmit the followla in (Type iApLaieS or code)

Via Priority) ------CE 157-281

Charlotte will proceed anld will continue to exert pressure throg and SHELTON and the klan in general to ur r the dissension l which is now apparent. Charlotte would request the Bureau to ins ct tlanta if the Bureau d it feasible,

Sn rated to them pu licly klan constitution, as well as other klan rules and regulations can be set aside simply on the whis of the North Carolina Grand Dragon or the Imprial Wizard.

Similar such action is being conducted through logical informants in the Charlotte Division. As set out above, Charlotte will seize upon every to ni ty to create dissension and further the opposition herance of the program to split off the leadership


M Per Approved: Sent Special Agent in Charge V3 S-I 13a ((9-29-65)

Domestic Intelligence Division


will deal a major blow to the national Klan organization since North Carolina represents the stronghold of Klan activity.

JGD: chs

-I I4. YmRm.a). - UNITED STATES GO( 1NMENT Memorandum

TO : DIRECTOR, FBI (157-9-8) DATE: 4/4/67

aOM U\ SAC, CHARLOTrr (157-281)


1/ S

entitl Re Charlotte airtel to Bureau dated 3/17/67, MATTERS - KU "ELN INVESTIGATIONS, CBARLOlE-DIVISION. RACIAL setting out analysis of potential or o Ntle tter enclosed LANS Charlotte airtel dated 3/11/67, entitled, UNITED INC., KNIGHTS OF THE KU ELU LAN, RACIAL MATERS - 3/31/67, captioned as above. and Charlotte airtel to Bureau dated

in referenced In accordance with information contained continues in Charlotte comunicatons to the Bureau, Charlotte of program to achieve major disruption Its counterintelligene the ousting of Grand Dragon the kit in its entirety, particularly

has previously been made aware of the 4. The Bureau in t Sturmoil and dissatisfaction created the recen swearing into e

Charlotte continues to foster dissension in the klan ranks through the use of its informants by the pressure as ituation regarding the increase in dues as well and in ac rdance w authorit ra

2 DE-4 I E 5C5 1


Buy U.S. Savings Bonds Reglarly on the Payroll Savings 43

CE 157-281

oncerninl these financial matters in his opposition t the UEA. 16 and relating to the aiision o nto 4/1/67, edition pl" This article appeared in the Saturday, as follows: of the CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, a copy of which article is

-2- ..- -IMPEACHMENT? Money Squabble Shaking Jones' GriD On N.C. Klan Cole out of the y DWAYNE WALLS ers to squeeze By DA E WALL " organization. am rwps r ,-a Bob Jones told reporters earlier Money squabbling. the ' this week that he would have a dent bugaboo of Ku Klux Klan Jones statement on Cole's member- outfits, in recent weeks has ship today. created a serious rift among $ 200 North Carolina klansmen that , Per Week Dissatisfaction with Jones might be felt Southwide- began building p after a Sinfoe rpord meeting of state klan officers have quietly broken in Salisbury on January U Is movement afoot to topple chaptershap have quietly broken which the state organization N.C. Grand Dragon Bob Jones off their affiliation with the doubled its financial ite as for his handling of klan funds. national a n organization localklavers and pcialJonbite s' Several klavera or local headed by Imperial Wizard wifeo thek lan payroll at Rober: Shelton of Alabama. li0 a week. p "u Numerous local units are withholding monthly dues to There had been some grum- the state organizationl bling about Jones' reign before . At :he moment, most of the the January meeting, but the dissension is in two Eastern grumblers had not been able to North Carolina "provinces" put together a firm anti-Jones where it began. But it is faction because of po- com- spreading into the munication between state head- fringes. quarters and the local units - The attempt to impeach and among the scattered units Te attempt to impeach hemselves. Jones - his elected term still Thklan organization is has two years to run - could come within a matter of days. I It would almost have to come at a meeting of the klan's state board, and one problem has been that the ruling clique meets only once a year, or at Jones' pleasure. Ironically. Jones himself might provide the dissidents . their chance. Jones reportedly is angry because a Greensboro klavern I accepted into klan membership I fater klan leader James W. (Catfish) Cole There has been speculation that Jones is ready to call a statewide meeting of kla lead-

3, ..-. wilddrn . and -r This year ime scta and didet eae North Car-. bink of natinalP So bedquarters WO &up- lina. a plv a @and t&do"to Although there t a vedio eue aesd i dars Arule the al i verna L ported by mandatory ctrlb- n February 8, at a prove theira s tlis near Clinton. klin tate kdquarters. remit part a tins from the local units. meeting money Initatio ees intho siate rolina until the lder began adding up l- The dsconlent over ini North Carolina untille lnmaefhfp ad fmees and matters Is not confined to the national headquartml. January meeting each local mated total membership wife. To a *anter crslesm ate was mathing t with dollars ad salaries of Jones and his ave in thei also want to against iLs badtg l Mds. required to pa r cents. The members the meeting ended, know where Jones and Shelton Jels tld fellow Msam nl per m th Into Shelton's When O drawn up are spending the thousands of renty that he drew officemin Alabama, 25 cents per those attending had tat ye. ones' five reason as grounds for dollars pouring into state and, halft Ms alary man per month into He claims to be living mostly 10 cents per impeaching Jones. Heading t I national beadquarters every tate lofic. and f hi man per mouth to the tan" lit was hi u of finances month including hiring his I Jones gets the brntf the i uilding a nw home aur Sornier for the province as the abor - administrative unit be During the following month discontent because he y bhe t s state is being done by kla and local levels. at least thre aathea one-man b 4l tween state ou fl- in the E atkwhich headquarters. Stalisbur erj big drain n At the January meeting meetings kln klan fl- Fred Wlson of Salisbury has big drain o onespushedLareasatng through thethe boardlocal manalemIntmanee at the ofe to level and very itle to do with stat nces has e the eat of oerung fees - espe ly the Sk-i n t state headquarters lack of Propera ourting funds and kno almost oth attorney comes from and where it gosgoes. G. C ales, who rp s from 2 cents a month pr the chi topic. com fromthe and salaries whre for Jones and er.wh relaented member to 0 cemt Two large eastern klavers Besides have pulled out of the United and his wife, the state treasury bore the House U -Alia TatTslt. pel hJini ' ' Ilsitce Klans of America organization. also pays Jones 10 cents a mile befthei Com I yerU. lla although they s exist -as a for travel and provides him Activities CO rte r tea ~ e d ImIo t bedo t as n loca l ble-rouser fraternity. wi th a car, curently a ne blmea a cll mn. t aljhas cld mor at MeONt. .Chrysler. me 'L fteee Is a proas aso fr f At one point In the eeting ear kvf l a e the sies of kla rbs .tie . feelini a running e high - -a rpen s"d . that Jones stalked out wit. ,pp . " ' ki ppgs. some pating strang wads. assted Apparentl t was a dr c One particularly sore subject that Worked. among the discontented mere- bers is the Income from contri- bluf tna iatn * u t into buckets There was strong sentimenL passed ar at an r . , expressed at the meeting Mdt rali. agit an Irese In passed around at klan sly At a meeting of a Franki stately due bit also to cut the on March 7, ctate iesbot also to attio li- .County klavern cent c ltrib to nutin one man told his fellow klan- . men he knew pesanay that bcs coated Even the proJones factios. m aeth11hn at C of putting Mrs. J. *b pJo" the buckets was leery ear.e n the payrol because of the rally laslt Klan officials he0wetS Inmpression it might leave with h l the membership at large. th l the . already we me aalary . S a aweek. Paulg his wi I te payri meantLthth . *

efru$8 aweek frelaa mn

word of th January mee

lr CE 157-281

The CHARLOTTEI OBSERVER is a daily morning newspaper profound and according to early reports received, this had a the matter set out impact on the klan membership concerning therein.

WIs fERT SHE gargthe participatio Inc., of in the United Elans of America, tates it was Kn of the K lux Elan ( ... obvious that did not want going to request SHELTON to banish and forbid his participatio in the UKA in North Carolina. i indicated that'unless SHELTON took this action,/ loyal to him and he might take the members in the UKA who are in North Carolina. establish an independent klan organization advised that had met with any SHELTON on 3/29/67, but d not furnish am decision reached between them. surprisingly SHdetails on 3the at 00 A. M. stated he was calling a state officers meeting the meeting bl4 at state headquarters, and following uwon ea press release.


issued Following this so-called state meeting, in the 4/2/67, issue a statement to the press which was reported article is as follows: of the CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, which

-4- I Kl a

Jones Claims Klan Backs Him Totally

SALISBURY -4M- R bert bout Ids future as EI leader Jones, grand dragon of the Ku Is Noth Carolina Klux Klan In North Carolina, emergtd from a meeting of the He said that a report of the kan's state board Saturday and meeting will be sent to all klan said that by unanimous vote he units in the state and to Imperial was still the top klaasman and Wizard Robert Seton in Tses "ffieial spokesman" in North Wzard obt lt T Carolina Jones declined to say how disa an au p ' conference held "somewbero r the handlinta tmongkann Row County." He that all e, Jone replied: "y are open at any time to iry ad set huim tbw proxies kianamen wbo want to examine The grand dragon bad little to them, and for those notn th reeal concerning the natnre kan the books are no a their the dscussions which lasted at busness." least several bous. Be com- mented ly that the sm on was JSwa n ld tlad emunent called to discuss rumor of wheter taeM bold a. seanson withi the stlate ka. cused te ItR . George De. sets, a JIM chaplaU. ad .1 't e e s Dorset' s relatinhaip to fIre rgalsi andm st gtag grad drags James Catmsh to be trew eet." Jes Cle, wbhe reeity Wmed ts rUed s a nesmans asked tbe Grec *eeam m e chaplan's swepte

.- -.

*, S 2 CE 157-281

Following the releaseoncerni so-called state meeti

was quoted in the arti saying Carol na klansmen have folhea as far as they are goti llow him an ased refusal to accep as a member of the UA as having the whole matter to a head. The article appearing in the GREENSBORO DAILY NEWS CHARLOTTE NEWS, Oe was also run in the 4/3/67 edition of the 0 which article is as follows:

-6- State Rift Deepening? r. Klan Leader -Says NC Shakeup Comi ng GREENSBORO I - Reports *. thrws Ls. thii Whoe asked abot reports d of dissatisfaction among Ku a ban i a t go d lg ssatisfaction among Kas-' n pKlulansmenor Ct be thr at."ow men ever the handling o Klan lina appeared more sound than ew asked fiances, Joes said. -M ever today, with hs are KKK leader books are pen at me to leader promising a realignme n nNarh Carl wh w ant to d the state's KKK units, examine them, nadfor t "e possibly within a week. He declined to say how many M Ibth ae booMe m : The Rev. George F. Dorsett of the l0 state board members ome d eir hlmcsanes.', of Greensboro. imperial nation- were present at the "high Schaplain o the United ans level" conference held "sme Published reports last week of . (UKA). adi- where in Rowan County." He quoted Klan informers a say- cated the realinment has been said all board members not ing that dissatisfaction was planneplanned forcompleted months and ththat i presentd had snt him their especially widespread in east- may bthecomplete d proxies. Jone had little to ean North Carolina over fi- North Carolina Klamm reveal concerning the nature nanaces and concerning Jones' Shavefollowed Roe Jones as the discussions which lasted weekly salary o $20. The. have followed Robert Jones a Iseveral homr. decision last January to put far as they're goin to ll He said that a report of the Jones' wife on the payroll at himr.Dorset' said Sat rday. meeting will be sent to aB Klan $100 & week as a secretary "Mr. Jones' action toward imits in the state and to UKA reportedly added fuel to the Mr. Cole has brou all this to Imperial Wizard Robert Sbelton fires of dissension. a head. of Tuscaloosa. . Them Jones' opposition to SrCole's to r-entrance to the Klan DOR ETT was referring to . DORSETI SAID be has been muddied the waters even more. James (Catfihbl Cole. form~_ clting charters from local mwhon says be is a' state leader of the Knightos chart Bai- bcce re1+ " ' who reemy iKlan units that want to with. Baptist minister, has been re the Ku Klux Klan, whe Joined the th Prorince dr2w from the United Klans tively inactive since 1958, (Grenboro area) te UKA. adm Jones' leadership. Hle a rally of his supportmersl. . 'a Jonesi North Carolina said under the new set-up broke r by. a bunch a., dragon of the UKA. Klansmen will be members of howling Lumbee Indian m . Jnda. f m m wening I teh North Carolina Knights of Maxto, ladn S salesman, dene.any rit wit . the Ku Ku a. He c ced o intheIM,,nt emd om1 Ubthe moe is ri7t In tt, cdet, ad a mon a meeting . the a'sicial ties between the units served som board Saturday and said by a Selto apparently would prison. anous vote he was tihe be severed. .,.,.tp n..namidnN and-- rtlh-lomrtl "' ...... " -: CB 157-281

In furtherance of Charlotte's counterintelligence and disrupt the klan generally throughout program to recommends and the State o rth Carolina, Charlotte hereby will take the following steps as counterintelligence techniques in furtherance of this program.

1. To take further ad the ob ious and Charlotte publicly anno ed snli tillt


his opposition to s rength and support for n public in a m while at the same time show ng to the unfavorable light. letter 2. Charlotte will also prepare a separate which will contain factual data similar to that ahv 1 - -E nact contents o pertinent a let er wou d be g m review of such situations desired informant reports covering the necessary cases where there could and will be utilized only in those by its be assurance that an informant would not be exposed publication.

-8- CB 157-281

Such letter will be mailed to every known klan unit mailing to take throughout the State of North Carolina with the N. C., and perhaps two or three other place from Greensboro, centers of selected locan sen on the basis of possible opposition t

It is felt that such a letter carrying the ring of all klan units would again have an appreciable affect truth to of causing considerable klan membership with the resultant affect on of dissension among the members in furtherang of the ogra developing opposition to and possibly prepare a separate letter to 1, 3. Charlotte will also all Titans and state officers condemning i n be mailed to to have his action of allegedly calling a state nesting #11 not think enough held on pointing out that fid or consider their judgments of the Titans and other state officers then to such a state meeting. Such letter enough to even invite letters are also point out that the recipients of these would matters of such import dlelected officers of the klan and in at the so-called state meeting s liegedly considered the r presence should have been requested.

This letter t the state icers and Titans would also o

of an pr could po n out that any trial It jurymen, would ein which Exalted Cyclopes are used as by his peers and in all likelihood would not constitute a trial Imperial since it would probably take action by the be of no effect would be raised to remove an Imperial Officer. The question Board of not only to the le li the klan conttuio

-9- }cVi CE 157-281

4. Charlotte will also use statements released

s information ud urge their stand representatives of the various units to take to ather than let his ramrod the action in opposition that should through the state board when in fact it is a matter be handled by the Imperial Board or the membership in general.

a e n eror s ore the public and -hr the above counter- to generate additional dissension by use of intelligence techniques. Charlotte will keep the Bureau fully advised as to developments as they occur in this situation.

-10 - 19

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RECII, 57-9-


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t IED.. f n V1 3m -umflflgamp8 asg man, a.


-- e m rorndam C.B. Brenna to W.C. illivan dated l7, aP" eCapttion, prpared by S: J:doa. Toletype being used in vew of the urgency Of tb si atiae.


2By .s.k QSA CI" o D. 2t UNITED STATES GOVtRNMENT 1- 1 - Mr. Deoach 1 -Mr. Mohr Memorandum 1- Mr. Wick ,,,

To Mr. W. C. Sulliv4 DATE April 5, 1967 sane J 1 - Mr. W. C. Sullivan TeI,. .- H"'"- FROM D. 1 - Mr. C. D. Brennan / * condy Fo C D. Brennan i1- Mr. J. L. Martin i - Mr. J. G. Deegan st'lNcT UITE ONNS MR T .


' - The purpose of this memorandum is to report a major split which has erupted in the United Klans of America (UKA), State of North Carolina.

The United Klans is the largest Klan group in the United States and draws most of its support from the North Carolina area,. which has the largest membership of any state. Over the past year we have had a program aimed at discrediting the North Carolina Klan leadership disrupting_ the state's Klan organization and neutralizing effec- tiveness. By disrupting the' North Carolina Klan or step c in the n onal or anizatio N The most ca enge o le ersi as bee This cou le

4 In line with our strategy to further disrupt the North Carolina Klan, he will fight this attempt at banishment. This latest move byh has led to a significant power struggle within the ort Carolina Klan which can definitely be used to the Bureau's advantage in further disrupting the organization. *3 48 / 7 --- -q O Enclosure /1'k- - 157-9-8 JGD:JLM:dsm p. sdto -. OVER (8) b tED - OVER

56 APR 1919 67J h/ Memorandum to Mr. Sullivan Re: United Klans Of America, Inc. 157-9-8

has already been interviewed by reporters and members o television and radio stations including WFMY TV in North Carolina.: According to our Charlotte Office, WFMY TV has indicated the Columbia Broadcasting and System (CBS) may be interested in the current controversy

CBS's national netwo

part of our operation we are instructing Charlotte As wf to e full advantage of this latesr

have suess u y used this stra egy he ind we antici ate e o Carolina

4e--wita - e --pursued vigorous y developments. an you ll be kept advised of all pertinent RECOMMENDATION: Attached for approval is a teletype to the Charlotte vigorously Office instructing that Charlotte pursue this matter to create the maximum disturbance within the Klan. inb-2- order

2- 3 9 SI . I FPD-36 (Rev. 5-22-34)



Date: 4/7/g7

Transmit the foIorinq in D: [ . (Type in plainted or code)

Vi AIRTEL a-ia (Priority) ------TO: DIRaCTOn, fI (157-9-8) FRO: SAC, CHARIBLTT (157-281)


Re Bureau teletype to Charlotte dated 4/5/6, uad Charlotte teletype to Bureau dated 4/6/67.

_ f. _


Charlotte continues to follo cl th Spdevelopments in the split bt

h.arlott. (2. - 157-l1 ) "e -37"

". a FD-36 (Rev. 5-22-64)

FBI I Date: i

Transmit the following in (Type in plaintet or code)

Via (Priority) ------L------

CE 157-281

developments wit tfan, wsvell as other r a. Chrlotte illacVin tc

felt the enclosed letter and others which will It is will along with the be prepared pointing on misconduct action bet taken thro

d Pres coveragei bel~ng rranged for this i flt that this threat will have some effect on

Following this rally, it is antici ated thatatimely " periodical prssen releases peron ooitnttning specific items relar o sad mishandling of klan funds. -2-

M Per Approved: Sent Special Agent in Charge FD-36" (ReR. 5-22-643 I

FBI Date: I

Transmit the folowing in T: (Type in plaines or code)

Via (Priority) ------

CE 157-281

received $ The a here is based u n information

SCharlotte ill. therefore, follow this counter- ill ttpt intelligece t u and at i rto oli c z e l

also, in order to further discredit s the klan image in the eyes of the easeanforn tion S an investigation of the EUlrsfjrolrn coneplating of the Widow's Benevolent Fund for possible violation klan's r state insurance laws; further is the possibility of information by the State indicating that a review of is al toq lated. It is :b N. C. state income tax returns direct attack hoped by copttnuing the discrediting in the press that ILTO Jb e n a his thininmage othe concerning his support and t ne of the klan, SHELTOM may be forced a nish

t tiTon SHETONintends to base constitution, which gives him, eTons of the kLan who to banish any klansman ls Iamrial Wizard, the authority violates his klan th known to a non-member kis


M Per Approved: Sent Special Agent in Charge FD-36 (Rev. 5-22-641

FBI Date:

Transmit t (Type in plaintext or code)

Via (priority) 1 -' ------L ------C 157-281


SLTO, who are a n ng out that undoubted and Meeting, wil ye a considerable expected to attend this . amount to say about him at the meets



M Per___ /Pr Approved: Sent Special Agent in Charge 3nitabT ilans (f Am rira

April 1, 1967

United Klans of America. Inc. Realm of North Carolina

SUBJECTZ Charges and request for Trial Klansmen Charges made against the folloving named

and 4 as follows: Under Article EX, Section 2, Sub-Section 2 to this Order or any supple- SUB-SECTION (2) - Violation of the Oath of Allegiance mentary Oath or Obligation thereof; the laws of this Order; Conspiring SUB-SCTION (4) - Violation of the Constitution or interest and prosperity of this Order is antagonistic S"'P against the the or injurious to or is an intimidation of this Order, violating of any act n By-Las of a Klan of this Order, or the comniasion Svorty of a Klansman. in itself consti- commission of a minor offense shall SUB-SECTION (6) - The repeated tute a major offense.

ember who fails to respect the penalty imposed on another shall re- SECTION (5) - A of that offense. ceive the same penalty as if he himself vere guilty vote of the Elected State Board of The charges are hereby made by the unanimous North Carolina. United authority invested in.m as By the named mn sus an visiting SKlauio of America, I hereby decree tt above charges is Major. privileges denied, because the nature of the Location, Unit #1 laevern Ball in J Trial date is hereby set for May 13, 1967. SSalisbury, N, C.

Copy os All Defendants, and .,Unite of United Klans of America. Inc. Realm of North Carolina Imperial isard i 5 FBI


Tramnamit the o n in o.. Type n plin ntez or code)

Via i (priority) ------SC187-281

Charlotte anticipates that r s -TON a a to the klan or an

tte is at ep ag to nticipate moves of this natur B ELTOR and will attempt to take appropriate correc we measurers to dilute such allegations. Chariotte will continue to follow this situation closely and take appropriate action from a counterintelligence standpoint on a timely basis in order to achieve the mamanu disruption of the klan and the possible



Approved: Sent M Per / Special Agent in Charge reensboro, N. C. April 6, 1967

To All Eteened Fellow Klansmen:

now the Imperial Wizard r. Shelton ahave stated that n banish rom UKA. ave no een officially noo this by . Shelton and received this information only through the newspapers.

You all know that I have been a devoted klansman and have spent a tremendous amount of time attending rallies and carrying on the principles on which the organization stands. I have no intention of accepting this banishment without fighting it in every legal way possible. For over a year I have been one of the leaders in an effort to bring about reforms in the State Office of UKA in North Carolina, seeking to obtain honesty and a more efficient operation. I have never tried to ad am not seeking that positon at the resent I am most honored to have the position of and those are the only positions es re.

The recent action taken bMr. Sheltoton appears to be based on the fact that through y ei, was sworn in as a member of UKA recently. This was not done on my say-so but was done because all of the Titans and elected members of the State Board approved accepting gas a member of UKA. This a roal was unanimous at a State Board meeting held on St Renderson N. C. The proposal was made by the and the vote was unanimous. The proceedings a this mee were taped and later played for Mr. Shelton at Durham several days later. At the State Board meeting in Henderson, the following duly blected State Officers were resent and voted un to offer membershi in UA

Now, apparently and I are being banished for having abided by the ws e of t e State Board.

W CLOSURE q1__ A_ I do not know the reason for hai taken this action against us unless afrad o As on taf you know, there aseen a lot of critic s aga ns particularly in the past few months over financial matters, allure to defend arrested klansmen, his lack of leadership, the units and members are not receiving anything for the money they are sending to the state office, failure to take any action in obtaining use of the Dorton Arena after all the petitions had been signed and filled out and turned in, and kla n could not a reply when they write to the State Office. has get uild given us no -ran ed ro ram. He has used klansmen to his home he has failed to acco our no has i ca y is ac ons Oe not a man o moral character which a person would expect of the is just trying to stop us from criticizing him and trying to clean up the state office.

o not follow the klan constitution in this or in the handling of the klan funds or the other functions of the State and National Office. As you know, the klan constitution provides for a trial of any klansman in his own section before he can be C' banished. Charges must be brought and the Klokann has to investigate these charges and make a report before the trial. We two are going to defend ourselves against this unjust and unlawful banishment. During my travels throughout the state for the past four to me with years, speaking at klan rallies, many of you have come complaints abou and the operation of the state office, as to m s andling of klan funds. Because of your particularly out complaints, I have tried to lead a movement to straighten these matters and straighten out our organization. is and I just wanted you to be aware of what the situbtion ask you for your prayers. May God bless you and the organization. I remain yours in Christ. FD 3 LRev. 5-22-4)


* FBI II -. Date: 4/12/67 Ir Transmit the o f in i I . ~(Type in plai~nex or codel

Via AIRIL eot_ (Pnorirty) ...... I.---L------

TO: DIRECTOR, FBI (157-9-8) P



K-T Re Charlotte airtel to Bureau, 4/7/67, and SBuirtel- to Atlanta, 4/7/67.

t Charlotte continues to follow close the daily developments in the split betwee and continues to take advantage on a mely bass on eveoplents as they occur which can e utilized in furthering the dissension within the K 1 r *s.

Bureau (Enc. 3) (R) D[..--- - Charlotte (2 - 157-28 ) - ." (11 - 157-230) . --14PRI* L


roved:Sent M Per .. Specil Agent in Charge FD-36 JR.e. S-22-64)


Date: I

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that the pr r per en norma ion on a ime y bas so response in this counterintelligence program to remove can be accomplished.

on o appropra ear ces ge are to fther pressure SHELTON'S position by continually reflecting the opposition to in the press.

This rally was held and was well attended by an were made esti t -200 ersons. During the rall a eeches Sb remarks empacaly rs a O of on 1 knowledge of ins a4c. upon which the banishment ould be founded i ='&;_desired to take such action good of the organization. Specifics were not at the rally but the generalized threat that a ch mentioned that s ch information was had by with the inference could be madeknown to SHELTON and if appropriate information to the action was not taken might possibly be made known public in general. In order to obtain advantage of the larger area results of this rally are being furnished circulation -- along with the local in the- GreenesboroN. C., newspapers. Release of the articles ssabeing timed to coincide closely with " s-o i"e r ovince meetinge to be held in Goldsboro, N. C., on 4/13/67, which will be attended by SHELTON.

M Per Approved: Sent Special Agent in Charge FD-36Rev... 5-22-64)

FBI Date:

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These articles will attem t to reflect a situ t n in which nitially offered to _ and subsequetl had a change of t ng. ne inerence the will be left that chang of attitude concerning trial may be his ear that

rt ell ence program to oust

of te Klan Units SHELTON, SHEL s o be told that many a turmoil the Eastern North Carolina Seaboard are in along there is over the situation created b nd that opposition to n these Units. considerable continues o will point out to SHELTON that as this situation in the newspaper more Klansmen are being receive publicity that and affected, and that there is little doubt influenced acts have sufficient personal knowledge of Sdoes acts De made or indiscretion and misconduct that should such to survive such adverse public the Klan might not be able publicity.

a c atorial oust ng o has and continues to reflect upon the Klan in a degra ng manner. be In an attem . f er the proposition as will opportunity presented to SBELTO should the 3

M Per Approved: Sent Special Agent in Charge Iv FD-36Rev. 5-22-64)



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t itsel

particular aT hat prev ous acts of n etion come into public view. Referenced Charlotte airtel also inted out that SL1 _teWas e lorin the ossia

contemplating an investigation under the insurance statute of the Widow's Benevolent Fund, and further release information indicating that a review of N. C. State income tax returns is contemplated. It was let that such moves would continue to discredit in the press and have a material effect on SRELTON's supjt of Discreet inquiry was made of concerning the possibility of such action, he had discussed this possibility with N, C. Governor DAN MOORE and N. C. State Attorney General WADE BRUTON. stated it was the opinion of Attorney General BRUTON an Governor MOORE that such action should not be undertaken by the were of the opinion that any action against the Klan State and be would be considered political in nature and would not details concerning this will be furnished undertaken. Further the the Bureau in separate communication concerning liaison with Governor and other top law enforcement officials. «V Charlotte will continue to tlow this situation closel appropriate action on each opportunity to dier tbe and take ouster o Kla, and further the program of achieving the and.will keep the Bureau fully advised of all developue s. 4

Approved: Sent M Per Special Agent in Charge April 10 1967

To All Esteemed Fellow Klansmen:

I hope you received my letter of April 6, 1967, in which I explained my position. Since then I have received notice state office that I was banished, along with I still intend to fight this banishment all the way and wi 1 greafly appreciate your support. I want you to know tha rhas no inte ti at all of trying to be elected to any office in the klan. mis in bad shape physically and I took him in to try to help him regain strength. Since the state board had agreed that he should be offered membership into UKA, I arranged this. is better now and is going to move back down east where he wIlR in an active klansman but will not seek office in any klan organization. You can all be sure neither or I have any intention of trying to revive the old North Carolina Knights of the KKK. All we want is a fair trial, under the constitution, with a chance to tell what we know abou $nd his operation of the state office and certain thin s about his private life that we feel make him undesirable as our During the past three years I have knowl-well and It the time has come to bring out facts that many of you do not know. I have learned from my good friends in the Third Province that there is a Province meeting scheduled for 8:00 P. M.. at the Farmer's Warehouse in Goldsboro, N. C. Mr. Shelton and (rplan to be resent. I am sure they will have a great deal to sa abou I am sure Mr. Shelton will cover up te r just as he has every time I have told him your complaints in the pas . You remember the state meeting where the so- "Financial Report" was finally presented. Mr. Shelton and c worked frantically right up to before the meeting to get tb afso-called report ready to be presened You good klansmen in the Third Province, ask Mr. Shelton and if this is not true when they visit you 7 on April 13th.

I want to thank all of you who have been so kind to call and offer your suppdrt. I want more than anyone else to keep a strong klan, a united klan, one of high principles. This is all that I am fighting for and I again ask your support.

If any of you can send some financial support to defray the expense of having letters like this written and mailed, I will greatly appreciate anything you might send me. May God bless you and our organization. I remain yours in Christ.


Date: 4/20/67 i

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Re Bureau letter to Charlotte dated 3/2 7, and Charlotte letter to the Bureau dated 4/12/67. Charlotte continues to foli closel the devlo men lit between North Carolina and Charlotte will con nue 3--rfiieve opuents on a timely basis to further the dissension within the klan ranks and to weaken the position of with prior Bureau instructions, Chariot In accordance the klan continues to implement such tactics tending to diasupt discredit its leadership. L, organization in North Carolina and Charlotte has reviousl advised the Bureau of

As r

mishandl o he klan un s or ba the klan.

7 OitCharlotte(r) Cureau.REC

Sent - M -- Per 6 Aent in Charge FD-36 (.Rev. 5-22-64)

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jara attempt to furnish information to SHELTON indicating a i generalized disgruntled feeling most klansmen in the eastern North Carolina counties have concerning

S Thas reported that did not leave SHELTONtr a eicient time during this meetin so as to permit SHELT a oached however,

JJ3LTON's remarks inc a at ement indicating that hree-year term as ould be up in did August, 1967 and that if t men in rth Carolina not want as their they should begin prepari a a nowto run in oppos tion to when the next election fo such position will be held. N stated he would hav. rplbe t er e and had to got4 a nd ated it would be better if the klsmen o forth Carolina got rid of and would put up a man for the job. -2-

Approved: Sent M Per Special Agent in Charme i Oa FD-36 (Rev. 5-22-64) I



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CZ 157-281

. It is opinion that has some leverage on SHELTON, possibly due to some idiscretion on SHELTON's part which makes SHELTON somewhat reluctant to take any action against land make the suggestion that any move to remove be ha ed by the North Carolina klan in general.

4 4

Approved: Sent M Per

Special Agent in Charge The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith published a report concerning strength of United Klans of America, Inc.,

Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (UKA) in various states. This report showed that in North Carolina as of January, 1967, there were about 8500 members in 143 klaverns against 6000 members last summer, JAMES R. JONIS of Granite Quarry was listed as Grand Dragon of the UKA in North Carolina. Following the issuance of this release by ADL, it has been reported that J. R. JONES on several occasions has stated that the report was inaccurate and that actually the

UEA in North Carolina has over 10,000 members. An organization with the number of members J. R.

JONES claims to have should be able to afford a much more luxurious state headquarters than the present office of UKA in North Carolina located over the Crescent Fish House on

Highway 52 between Granite Quarry, North Carolina, and Rockwell, North Carolina. For the rooms rented at this location, the Klan is reportedly paying $30.00 a month. However, it has been recently learned that JONES, during the construction of a new home at Granite Quarry, is also building on his property a building which will be used as state headquarters for the

Klan in North Carolina as long as the Klan eAfts. Afterwards ownership of this building will return to JO;Na presumably

4 -2-

since it is on his property. JONES' new residence is being constructed off the Gold Knob Road in eastern Rowan County about one mile from the state headquarters. JONES has recently reported that this residence of his is being constructed by Klansmen.

Dissatisfaction on the part of Klansmen concerning

the construction of a new bone reportedly resulted in JONES issuing a statement that the money being used in construction

of the home was not Klan mo .ey. Inquiry has established there is no mortgage outstanding on this home which is in Ge $20,000 class.

JONES also operates a 1967 Chrysler on which the

Klan pays all expenses and which was bought for him by Klan

funds. JONES is reportedly allowed 109 a mile, and during the

past year reportedly put approximately 100,000 miles on a previously-owned Chrysler which was bought for him by the Klan. JONES' apparent prosperity has raised questions as to the source of his income.

It has been reported that in January, 1967, at a state meeting of the Klan JONES, through some of the persons in attendance, was able to have the monthly state dues raised from 259 to 509 per member per month. Previously, 504 a month was sent to Imperial Wizard ROBERT SLT7ON in Alabama, and this amount has been continued.

5 -3-

With the 10,000 members in North Carolina which JONES JONES claims to have, this would be an yearly income to of $60,000 from dues alone. In addition, it has been learned through sources which that membership initiation fees range from 10 to $15, of shows that since $5 goes to the state office. The ADL report in the summer of 1966 the Klaa has increased by 2500 members mean an additional North Carolina which during that period would income to JONES of 12,500. Probably one of the more lucrative sources for funds The Zorth Carolina by JONES are public rallies of the Klan. at these rallies for Highway Patrol must have men present and it safety reasons in connection with the flow of traffic, public has been learned that during the year 1966 over 130 rallies were held in North Carolina with an estimated 90,000 amounts collected from people attending. At these rallies the of curiosity the unsuspecting public who attend mostly out to JONES of averaged about $130 per rally for a total income approximately $17,000. The announced fi-ure is not 22*ys*tUaltt necessarily that some correct, however, since it was recently learned lansamen in the viciaity of Franklin County were recently was actually collected complaining about the fact that over $300 to the at a recent rally there but that it had teen announced public that only $125 was collected. 6 -4-

The items which bring revenue to JONES mentioned

above are only those which are more visible to the general of income from the sale public. JONES has additional sources jewelry, phono- of robes, shoulder patches for uniforms, Klan

graph records, and various Klan insignia. i In connection with the sale of robcs alone it has sold an estimated been reliably reported that in one year JONIZ the sale of these 8000 robes, both satin and cotton, and from robes should have realized a profit of over $30,000.

The sale of the above-mentioned items are apparently of the well known and sanctioned by the general membarship that JOC:S has Klan, however, it is probably not widely known also entered into an enterprise for the purpose of raising recent months funds for JONES. It has been learned that within under a "NCK" JONES bad a Charlotte recording company prepare

label a phonoraph record, "Why the United Klan Burns Crosses," Old Rugged Cross." Sources which has on the reverse side "The result in have indicated that the sale of these records will has been substantial profit for JONS personally. Also, it Fair learner that at the Klan booth at the Nor: Carolina State

in Raleigh in October, 1S36, which resulted in considerable had adverse publicity concerning JONES and tZh Klan, that JONES

t~ inv.sted what he termed was his personal money in materials booth such .s records and literature vbich he sold at the Klan

personal profit. for 7 l -5-

It has also been learned that for over one year

JONES has been operating his own insurance company within North Carolina under the name of the Widow's Benevolent Fund. In order to avoid having the state look into the operation of this insurance company, JONES, by using a loophole in the law, has paid to beneficiaries by check $999.95 and reportedly has paid the additional nickel out of his pocket. The state laws reportedly cover any insurance company which pays a claim of $1000 or more.

It has been reported that 1000 Klan members initially joined this Klan insurance program at a cost of $5 per member and thereafter upon the death of any member each of the 1000 members contributed $1. This has left JONES with a minimum operating capital of $5,000 which would bring him additional revenue if invested. In connection with the operation of this insurance company, it has been reliably reported that JONES one occasions has refused to pay the beneficiary claiming technicalities. Since the inseption of the planned program considerably more than 1000 members have joined, and upon the death of each member JONES realizes a considerable profit to himself.

At one time JONES was operating six separate bank accounts, according to sources. One of these six was a "Legal

Fund." This fund was initiated about the time the Klansmen were subpoenaec to appear before the House Committee on Un-American 8 Activities in Washington during the fall of 1965. An appeal was made for funds to support those members subpoenaed and reportedly over $14,000 was immediately received. A large portion of this amount was reportedly paid to a Raleigh attorney who has acted as attorney for Elansmen on several occasions. One other possible current source of revenue is the fact that JONES' wife, SYBLE, has recently been placed on the payroll of. the Klan and is the only paid employee other than JONES himself. Until the summer of 1966, the Klan in North

Carolina had as many as seven paid employees, and it has been reported that JONES and SHELTON at a meeting of the Klan in July, 1966, at Salisbury, North Carolina, claimed these employees had been paid an estimated $30,00G0 during the preceding twelve months. With the Klan no longer supporting paid employees other than Mr. and Mrs. JONES, the additional revenue coming into the state office may be the reason for JONES' new affluence in the community. In conzaction with the "financial report" given at this July meeting, it was learned from reliable sources that JONES and SZLTONI had to manufacture some records in order to

"hitewash" JONES' accounting for funds, and evenso were unable to account for all the funds received. It was learned that approximately $5,000 could not be accounted for, which is considerably more than the average Klansman makes during a year.

9 -7-

If JONES has a good thing going, Mr. SHELTON in Alabama is doing much better. Not only does he get the sane amount from dues that JONES receives, but he is receiving money from all the other states in which he has been able to set up Klan organizations. In addition, "The Fiery Cross," which is the only official publication of UKA, is not even given gratis by the national office to its members but is sold

for 10 to the members. In the past individual units have been

required to buy a certain number of copies in order to insure that SHELTON's income from this source of revenue is maintained.

SHELTON, it is reported, .a also in the jewelry business selling Klan rings and alzo has wri'ten a book he is selling.

Mr. JONES and Lzr. SHEL7; . parctly are running a

closed shop. It has been reported tZat recet ly when a high- ranking Klan official, GEORGE DO.=ZMT, from Greensboro,

questioned the financial operation of the Klan he was banished

by SEZLTON after charges were brought by JONES. Although it was initially reported he would receive a trial, it has now been learned that he will not be tried and is no a member of U.o.. Apparently no criticism can be directed at

JC;ES or SZ-TON over the manipulation of money without

stapension o: banishment, and members of the Klan have expressed -e feeling that both SHELTON and JONES are dictators.

10 if7 -8- In banishing DORSETT, SHELTON carried out his threat at the Klan meetinG in July of 1966 to banish those who criticize JO"ZDS over his accounting for finances.

Apparently one local Klansman is also in cahoots with JONES and SHELTON. Recently FRED WILSON, the state treasurer, told a reporter of this paper that he could account for every penny, but efforts on the part of many members to review the financial records of the Klan have met with no success, and it appears JONES is most reluctant to have either the individual members or tax authorities inspect his records.

11 FD-36 (Rei.. 5-22-64)' I



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The above article appeared in the Tuesday, 4/11/67, edition of the Salisbury Post and received wide publication throughout JONESr home territory and appeared as follows:


Approved: Sent M Per Special Agent in Charge -- "' GB 5.~u ra w ea 2.. .B9 8 Zi i C rj@w ~~a120S

... *. 4 M0

__wJj LN v. o E

288 *~~~ g 4Co flyu

.2f.:3 -e 2

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R Y "" ~~ ~ V .. :Sw r" . ' ' ClA_G A+j3 .5 % %yEQ4) U e .1ljgP . hAmat -"'~&C !.. ... Klan0oing Boominfrlusiness ConUand roem Pagl I advertises 10 records, plus the aancialnthe dealings of the one he recorded. klan. When former klan kludd source is the public rallies. All the records carry segre. (chaplain) George Dorsett of There were more than 130 gation themes, some critical Greensboro announed be was.... Spa field rallies t yer. of Negroes and others of the leading a battle to dig Into S he average collection from federal government. (One is the financial structure of the pa sing the bucket was $130 n!!td "De New Sheriff"). KKK, he was banished from per rally, for a to lae Jones aim administers the the organization by Shelton. , of k17l00.klan's Insurance company, un. The Imperial wizard had said . These figures, bow r, der the name of the Wdow's . a July he would remove , have been questioned. At a Benevolent FnPd. But be anyone who criticized Jonas' Franklin County rally not long skirts the Insurance laws by records. ago It was announced that working to payments of five Klan complaints have been . M$125m a ol~d thatSom cents less than $1,000. Laws made about Shelton as well klansmen .s a the cover companies whicb pay as Jones, but n organized true ur. was m elaims of $1.000 or more. movement against Shelton has 00. The insurance is for widows been heard. Other sources of revenue of klansmen who die. The wid- Shelton and the national or- comes from the sale of robes, ows receive $1,000 in death ganization also receives 50 shoulder patches for unious a, benefits, but the klan checks cents a month per member klan jewelry and various Ia are for $999.95 and Jones re- (the monthly dues are $2 with insigna. Jces des thoe portedly pays the other nickle Jones and Shelton getting half A klan source said that from his own pocket. and the other half staying in Jones had old to ,000 ources say that 1,000 klans- the local klaverns), plus 10 Jobes In one yearld both satino1, men have joined the widow's cents per copy of the lan nd andHe iguroton. prit insurance fund and paid $5to newspaper, "The Fiery o n. He figures a probe. oi. When a member dies, Cross." Members have been Thfomld$ it$2 0 a these 1.000 members hand required to purchase a cer- *This d bring i$2,000 a. over $1each to cover the in- tain number of copies of the year. e d the uranc payments. The initial .paper in the past Jones has also entered the recording business. He sells ,$500:snot touched for bene- Shelton s also in the jewelry segregation inu irecordingbut It is not known store business and has a cap. records atror$1.0 if Jons nvested the money tive customer audience for ed, at Arthur recSmithenstlyudio in for exra ed, at Arthur Smith studonay revenue. selling klan rings and jewery.rong- " -" Charlotte under the "NCK" DIFFI'RNh' FUNDS. Jones has denied any wrong- label, a record which onan oeone doings in his financial deal- aide explains why the klan The I.:nhas different bank ings in the past and aid his bums resses and on the oth- funds for various activities. books are open to any klans- er side has a version of "le One .sthe "legal fund" which man, but are ot open to any-. Old Rugged Cross." w ..-;itiated when top state one else. klanbisan were subpoenaed to State klan treasurer Fred SALES EXPANDED Washington last year and Wilson of Salisbury told a Post than $14,000 was report- reporter two weeks ago be reportedlyThe sale frof Jones'this recordpersonl edlymore collected for the fund does aot question any klan profit. He has alsonep ed when an appeal was made. financai matters. He said he record sales and prom lan attorney Lester Chl- ow are every penny s ises that oder will be ed mer of Raleigh apparently going. Stheday reeived - prid- collected much of this in legal If he. he is one of few, . . S the ay received - provi ees for representing the according klans sure . d the $1.50 s enclosed. He klansmen who all bid behind who say :... efforts to review i The SALISBURY POST the fifth amendment in Wash. the records been unse .. • ,., ington. cesful. -Ist Daily. A n- Fs The klan has cut out some THE POST I hING CO. of its spending outside te Ex-Teacher lisury. N. C. 2CM--PA ME &4M3 Jones household, uRY".u however. Un- s . s mA til last summer the state Sentenced .. ,ParINtA &o 1v1. group had seven paid em- Is s U. L. U. Pamoss ployes who were reportedly CREEVILE.LE, . C. (AP)-- ony s re a t~u M Iv. paid some $30,000 In selris ,A Chicago school tescher who So. ... o s in the previous 12 month. formerly lived in Greenville has - (l.n. Ine ud., These employes have been cut een r.:ncd to 12 yean . a Fr cw n.c st n.wrta off with salaries now going ;he idnappig of a SCAnIER OSLIVESY PWscm only to the Joneses. by ee lxville saMay. c, o. & erey MONTHLY ..... Jones also receives 10 cents Mrt . elen Luille Isaac, 28, l y MONTHLY Jones also receives 10 centfound .Y-. *Nr ns e. . .. a mile for driving his new r sentencedguilty Monday last Friday,byfederal was .•- .. ra r * a. .~, for klan activities. He report- District Judge J.Rober Martin . .... ao reo ns mOs l edly drove 100,000 miles last "I idn't do it," se told .MEse year. " • " Ifao'EAU OF CIRCULATION Judge. But Marin said the evi. .- -IIm c- rie SHEL.TON'S BLESSINGS dence at the ial was "over- . , Thek grand dragon has the The was taken from his t - ,blesaings of imperial wizard home wasound late is RBobert Sheln of Alabama In C icage unbrmed. . FD-36 (Rev. 5-22-64) J 1

F BI Date:

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CE 157-281

It is felt that this article will have a profound impact on the klan member who can see the tremendous amount of money available to through the various klan operations W and that this article will lead directly to further dissension and turmoil within the klan ranks regarding finances.

At the present time, it appears that the best tactic to create further dissension within the klan with the possibility of having i emoved, is to continue the attacks agains in the press, reflecti his mismanagement + pf klan money a n any other w discredit From statements made by feels that if the publicitycon tnues, he will be forced to take some action against and it is felt that this tactic, if continued, may have some positive effect in the swaying of SHELTON to remove

agents of the Charlotte Office met with

and to furt er sru Sthe klan a cause t removal of0 LOA #_ that the charters of at least 12 & klaverns had been already sent to Imperial Wad dm thes r esenting those klaverns who favor s that had instructed that other klaverns who are opposed to. hould not sent their charters to SHL but shouldj refise to pay state or in rial taxes. eels that-. letters being sent by to klaverns throughout the state -15-

Approved: Sent M Per /, Special Agent in Charge a FD-36 (Re". 5-22-64) W I


Date: Transmit the bOwig in ;

(Type in plainter or code)

Via I" (Priority)

CE 157-281

are effective and additional letters are contemplated in the near future criticizin nd SHELTO r t illegal . banishment oi and also sriticizing ra Benevolent Fun .

After $are tried, a letter will be written to units throughout the state advising of their re-instatement in good standing in UKA.

le According to havi illegally banished, feels that he is still the of UKA, is continuing to set up and hold public rallies name of UKA, and is belnin oduced at these rallies as the Imperial officer of UKA does not desire to create a split in the klan and does not desire to form a se te organization, but his aim is to remove

according to has informa on Sfro that the floran being use y SHELTON i This situation is the subject of a separate comun cation to the Bureau.

The Charlotte Office will continue to work through - for the disruption of the klan and the removal of ery possibility will be fully exploited.

-IAt- -16-

Approved: Sent M Per Special Agent in Charge FD-36 (Rev. "-22-4)


Date: 4/21/67 : .- Transmit tow1t I in S.(Type is plaifnex or code)

Via I (Priority) ------




advised that he had bee Iatorme the II)" abeing used by TBTrial rd o a is a possible a;f- t stated that displayed to

The Charlotte Office has copy of a Kloran which shows that it was A copy of this Kloran is g urn an . Also being furnished the Bureau copy of the Kloran ing use by

WFO is requested at the Copyri ht Office ton, D, C. to ch k records to de ite

au (Encls. 3)(RM) -. . 1(Encls. 2)(RM) - lotte .. % * I-157-281 -A" Rc 25

Sent M Per / S Aaent in Charge FD-36 (Rv. 5-22-44) W


- X.Date:

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Via Vi .(Priority) CE 157-281 ------

In the even on the iloran, upon receipt o e nformaon rom , the Bureau is requested to ascertain from the Department if a copyright violation exists. i np to sue SHELTON in connection ith the and it is believed that if a violation ex s, s wou a means of discrediting SHELTON and UKA and causing considerable difficulties within UKA.

i -2-

Approved: Sent M Per Special Agent in Charge PAPe3 FORM! A of ~~"~~"" of lai toCLASS REGISTRATION t10. &rtiftatc o anxfttasunio aCli oi fgut A A 284;t( Ina published book manufactured is the United States of America co NOT WRITE HERS

This to?. Certify that the uuaremnu N- forth a- this pahe" best made a pe of the reeods of the Copyright Offic. I. witness whereth d of the Capyrght T~ . *5rik ben oftn& -V

4YsYVff 1. Cqysght Cem..fl aod Addera/


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DesicdsD.S f A. Yn.- IN. Addres

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Do.Jt sofU.LLA. Tes,- ?6o .... Mdas 4. Act. nad !lose of Pableftom: . {~~A)!?eeroJ Pakatis

t.{ARCH 5THi. 1957

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KLAN KREED : I beieve in God; Ineffable; Infinir.te; Etern- al; Creator and Sole Ruler of tr.c Universe; and in Jesus Christ. His Son, our Savior, Who is :ne Divine Word rmade manifest min flesh and demonstrated in life. I believe that all men are free moral agents. S " each responsible for his every act, free from subservience to potentate, pre!ate or prnest; ' " "* ". - each entitled to direct commuron with God . and accountable to Him. "-: I believe that God created races and na- ions, committing to each a special destiny and service; that the Un;ted States through its white, Protestant citizens holds a Divine comm;.wton for the furtherance of white su- . premacry znd the protection of rei.g:ous free- dim: that its Constitution and laws are ex- . a .. . pressr:ve of the Divine purpose. I believe that it is the duty of men of kin- dred thought: to unite fraternally for the fuln falment of these Divine purposes; that by so doing they increase the fellowship of men : and more effectively carry out the will of Cod; that the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan ., an Order in all ways conforming to these gre.: principles.



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ORDER OF BUSINESS SOF TE KU KLUX KAN OPENING CEREMONY Order of Business (Jus prior to the opening of the meeting 2" Opening Ceremony. th' Kl:.;iff wil; place the mounted flags and SReading o stand them at the front of the altar. The 2 Reading of Ki.cidkiWnutes. wil place the vessel containing the jI 3. Applications for Citizenship, ded:c±aion fluid and the Bible on the altar. 4. Ceremony of Naturalization. '; t ume having arrived for the opening of . Report f Standing or the meeting, the E. C. will give one rap of $ tees. cal Commit nis gave and say:) . Bills d Co "Ali present who are not members of this 7. ninis munications. order wi:; oe escorted ou:.side by the Kladd: Unfinished Business. (reports b ck to the E. C, and says:) "Duty & Sickness or Distre, performed, E. C." Then the E. C. says, "You 9. Unemployment wi;] ~-U; nd whi-e the Kladd will take the 10. For the Encowuement pasword." tAfter he has taken the pass- of he lan ent an Edificaon word. he will report to the E. C. and say:) "I Paymentof Ktlan ues c Chcr Indebt. b rs-or except those who stand before you, , te i.. a they presume to be members but have not Disbursementsgra'pp Statement of Receipts and the word." The E. C. will ascertain of the and their Balances. Kgrapp it the ones standing are members; : so they will advance to the front and he w;:: give them the password. SLIST OF RLAN O~FICERS Visiting members will stand at this time SExalted Cyclo .nd be reco;nized and all will stand and give - (Presiden) rm t, grere:tig sign. Then the E. C. will ltitt ------.------:vQ...... ps of tis gavel and all will stand (Vice-President) ;r.. rkc;e thi: Pledge or sing America or ~Klkard both. ..------udd .....-- (Lecture.-) SKludd ------.------(Chap;lain) Klgrapp A.%ERICA ------(Secretary) My country 'tis of thee, ee------(Treasurer) Sweet land of liberty, Kladd Of thee I sing: ---...... (Conductor) Land where my fathers died, Klarogo -- -- Land of the P:glrims' pride. ------(loner Guard) From every mountain side. l te------(Outer------Gurd Let freedom ring. K (.singular) Our fathers Goa to thee. o (singular)(Investigator) Author of liberty, To thee we sing: o; Bard of Investigators) Long may our land be bright Night-Hawk ------(Chg. of Candidates) With freedom's holy light; 2

- '

/'., . Protect us by Thy might, wh:ic the Kludd leads ps in the Great God our King. : PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE : .r essing of our God wait upon I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of ;.:. .r.: a: ::.esur. of glory shine around thy ed States of America and to the ;. , : r y.. the gtes of plenty, honor, and for which it stands; One Na:ion, .. .:: y; a.w. s open to thee and thine, with Liberty and Justice for al ^: as 11ey w..1 not rob thee of eternal (Now the Kliudd lea in the fo"^ow.-. ' r, swtifi a.rb thy days, no. sor- prayer:) st te d at- Our Father and t...-Go. We, as brohers : and when death Sacknowledge our ^.-usemnce upon Thee and snai: sr..:O,.~ E: -c :.r;ure, ray the Savi- Thy loving kir. .::s toward us; mae o our's blood have :ee from al im- , J gratitude be full _r.d constant and y our purities, perfected .:. .ntaton, and thus us to walk in Th> ways. pepared, enertho . .eA ty King Give us to know that each Brother by his dom and repose thy s5.. ::.perpetual peace. process of tnoughl and his own conduct determianes "e'" destiny, good or bad; May he for- INITIATION CESE-ONY sake the bad and choose and str:e for theCE.EMONY ] { good, remembering always that the livn- (Pa is No. 1 and No.2 are g:ver by the Kladd I Christ is our example of characer r :e -.:e-room.) Bless those absent from our gathering SECTON No. I--OBEDIENCE: this time; Thy peace be in their hear aa(You- will

affirm hat will keep ecure to myself-.a it. Always remember that secret of member when same to keep this oath is commit. means to you honor, happiness and life; d the crme-in the sacred bond but of this order to violate it means disgrace, and dishonor. teasrime of violating this solemn oath-- May honor and happiness be yours." cason against the United States of Ameri- (He then holds up the vessel of dedication Cape--and malicious murder-alone ex- fluid, and says as follows:) -that to they assertvernmentof andaffrm I "With this transparent, life-giving, power- -thates to the government of the United ful God-given fluid, more precious and far of which I may nd any State thereof- more significant than all the sacred oils of Yaffirm an ubecom a resident--I sacred. the ancients. I set you apart from the men y other and evual fed alleg-an--c ove . of your daily association to the great and n ! the whole world k of government- honorable task you have voluntarily allotted Smy life-m - here and now pledge yourselves as members of this Order. As a a cred honor-to uppeoldty-my vote nd my s member, may your character be as trans- o-and constitutional agts o tu- parent, your life purpose as powerful, your Seet-defend onal and i pro- motive in all things as magnanimous and as te-1 will alwaand enforce same unto death. pure, and your fellowship as real and as - he i a all tmes and in al places faithful as the manifold drops herein and officers of the law e y constituted you a vital being as useful to humanity as Sance of their legalin the proper perform. is pure water to mankind. You will kneel i of their legal duties.-I affirm that I on your right knee." S szealoly-ad valiantly--shield I dedicate you in body, in mind, in spirit, meansprerveby and any and all-justifiable and in life, to the holy service of our coun- a"means ihts.. and .and Privilegesrmethodsivthesacred of-free constitution- pubc try,anity." our Order, our homes, each other and hu- of ch freehand state-w c-- ree presss---- separa:io "IN BODY, IN MINDIN SPIRIT, las-and th e supremacy-just AND IN LIFE." lanewsnd th e pursuit of happinessagaast (After encoachmeno this he says) "Thus dedicated by us, Sany any nature-by any now let us welcome our new brother preligious secteonp: or en party o parties Klans- i men by giving them the greeting sign."

Se foreig n-- o an race--colori--creed - TITLES AND EXPLANATIONS have af':med- Inw. tsoever. All of this I THE INVISIBLE EMPIRE-Geographically mghty God. AMEN. Thou" my witness-Al- the universal jurisdiction of the Order.

say:ace the E C and Empire-a state or territory of the United Your Excellency , the States. tarhave each vollency,the worthy men at the al- A PROVINCE-A sub-division of a Realm- g oath of allegiance to our organizamedthe bind a county or a number of counties of a State are now awaiting to be dedicated to the serv or Territory. hemf our country, our order, each other, o A KLANTON-The ;risdiction of a Kln, tomes Man umanity. (The E. C. advanc from Canton-a cc:-. r or a small district. to the candissumea tes and says) "Mortal man can- THE IMPERIAL .*-NVOCATION-is the no assumrae a more bnding oath; ch:acter Convention of the :nvisible Empire and is d alone will enable you keep the supreme legis:a:ive body of the Order. 8 9

S. . .-. -j6- -from convocation-an assemb:y called by con,trol, from Vita-to know. higher authority. KLALIFF-A successor in office. fromKORRO--Is the convention of a Realm KLOKARD-Lecturer or Teacher of the Klan Afro Korr-- cnvenassembon of a P from Klo of Kloran, the book, and iard. A LONVERSE---is the assembyn of a Pro- mean:ng a teacher or reader. vince, from eonvere-, s in a conve:a:on KLUDD-Chaplain, for Culde*-the high N pries: of the ancient Druids. SKLOKAVs -gKn.erZr i;n c , KLIG.RAPP-The Secretary, -' session of a Kia. fr m conclive---a secret eo--,ne whose business is fromto write. Kirograph- e- e whose bsine is to wre. 'p meetingm gKLel-o.BE-T or locke room. e Treasurer, from Kaba-to THE GOVERNMENT of the Ku Klux Kk.n THE GOVERN.L. of the Ku Klux Kkcn is vested with the GRAND WIZARD---the k :p n,nd KeKeeu an ancient EEgyptian ia word Grand Officers shall constitute hs officia KLADDue eaning ahe purse. Conductor, from aa- family; the Government of a Province is leadCo nductor, from Kpull-to vested with the Great Titan, assisted by. his seves Turies--the Great Officers. and KLARAGO-The Inner Guard, from Cave* a Klan is governed by the Exalted Cyclops, -to stop or beware, and interrogate. to assisted by his 12 Terrors-elective officers \ question. of a Klan. 'KLEXTER-The Outer Guard, from Ken--- THE KLORAN (The Book of the Klan-- to look around with the eyes, and External Ritual and Lectures. -utside. KLAVERN-The meeting place of a K.r.; KIOKAN--An Investigator, from Ko'-to from cavera-a large cave. know, and Kannu-with the eyes. KLAN--The unit of the Order; fromr. cia.-- KLOKANN-The plural of Klokan-The a number of men of kindred purpose wr.,, Board of Investigators, Advisers, Auditors are bound together by an oath and who a., ar.d Trustees. . very determined to enhance and protect IMPERIAL KLONCILIUM-The Supreme * each o:her's interes: and welfare. Executive Committee; composed of all the KLANSA-A re.-r.rmer of the Klan; te Grand Oficers. title of the first Order, or K-Uno. IMPERIAL KLEPEER-A Supreme Dele- KL.AVAL:R--TheKAVALefR-The soder of the K!an. igate, from the words delegate and peer. so:ier of the Klan. from GRAND DRAGON--The Chief Officer of a cavalier-a courtly, polite, cultured and R m RAGONThe C f Officer of a very courageous anc skillful soldier of the Rea 17th and 18th century. GREAT TT.N--A title from the original KLAVALKA:-DE-A parade or o:her public Ku Klux -can-the Chief Officer of a exhibitionr from cavalcade-s procession. Province. ANN.*O KLA.N-In the year of the Klan; EXALTED 'YCLOPS-The Chief Officer of written thus: AK. a Klan-.. :clios is from the original Ku ANNO DOMINI-In the year of our Lord; Klx Klar. written thus: AD. KLEAG-L-- .e of an organizer 6r the GRAND WIZARD-The Supreme Head ofe OrderOrder. from the original the Invisible Empire; a wse man; a on GIANT-.A :i iafrom the original Ku Klux der worker, having power to charm and Klan. A Ilan Giant is a Past Exalted Cy- clops; a Great Giant is a Past Great Titan; i 11

'A . I . a Grand Giant is a Past Grand Dragon. NIGHT-HAWK-A title from the originz. Ku Klux laL He is the custodian of the Fiery Cross, which he carries in all ceremonies and Kavalkades. He entertains waiting aliens just prior to their naturalization.



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'F. ~ FeoE0 x W (a GP.) W UNITED STATES GO .NMENT Memorandum

To DIRECTOR, FBI (157-9-8) DATE: 5/3/67

raom : SACs CHARLOTTE (157-281) (P)

suner: COUNTERINTELLIGENCE PROGRAM INTERNAL SECURITY DISRUPTION OF HATE GROUPS •(UKA, NORTH CAROLINA) Re Charlotte letter 3/30/67 and Bureau letter 4/25/67 to Charlotte. A letter pepared as instructed iBulet /5/ as matie at Belmont 5/2/67. The Bureau will be advised when any tangible results are learned. SlDuring recent contacts, has advised that the Belmont Rifle and Pistol Club is apparently not making 4 oward / any further progress. Members are doing V construction of a target range, although continues b) at meetings of the Belmont Klavern of UKA to try to get members to work on the range. No information has been received that the Army has furnished any rifles or ammunition. Bureau (157-98) RM) 2 -Charlotte (157-2 1) JMU:egp (4)


REC- /t

the Parll Savings Plan -a Bsy U.S. Savigs Bonds RegIaiy on L. asmegr 11 altS

may am ) - . UNITED STATES GO '.NMENT Memorandum

TO : DIRECTOR, 'I (157-9-) DATE: 5/1/67

mRon : SAC, CHARLOTTE (157-281)



The Charlotte Division continues to take advantage of every opportunity to further the dissension within klan ranks and to disrupt the klan organization in North Carolina generally and one facet of such program being utilized by the Charlotte Division in its Counterintelligence Program is the Spublication of acts of klan violence. Based on information received from informants and ? other sources, it has been found that the publication of such acts of klan violence does have a deterrent effect on klan recruiting in the areas involved. Such publication of klan acts of violence further holds the klan as an organization up to the public in a disreputable manner and further disrupts the klan organization.

As the Bureau is aware, Charlotte has developed several friendly press contacts throughout the state which Charlotte is utilizing for the publication of timely articles which have the express purpose of disrupting the klan and leading Sto the ouster of North Carolina Grand Dragon J. R. JONES. These press sources are also being utilized to publicise klan acts of violence and one such incident was recently utilized.

This incident involved the burning of a cross at the residence of Rev. JAMES A. HEATH Jcember, 1966. Based on information received from and S independent source, it was learned one ICE and FaED CLeFFORDd partic in4tbine u - - -- " V-39 L j- Bureau (RM) 0 , - Charlotte £4U GCE:cbw Iccil 5fkY A L s Bnds Relag a the Paymll Sings Pin CE 157-281

The Bur has e re ous1 advised concerni this incident in ca tioned

Upon receipt of with viewed an an adm ssion was obtained concern n inv e in the cross burning and which led directly to and subsequent identification of five other klansmen who were also nvolved. Realizing the possibility of further discrediting the klan by appropriate ublication o this incide i information that as much Pulc y as possible be given the incident as well ow-up stories relating to the trials and sentencing. who has been extremely cooperative with the Charlotte ublcizin other inoration-2-

-2- ONE YEAR 2.. Ex: anmen Jailed For Barn ng

PCrossesick ed City ""detectiveA.J.Europa testified Wednesday that Smith told him of suggesting the site for the second burning that ronight, but after the cross was lighted they found that it was O in front of the wrong address. In Wednesday's trial. Rev. Ad e James A.Zeath, a Negro, ened him at his home at 516 Walnut Ave. to tellhim there By JERRY ADAMS was a cross burning in the oaw strM Wrw front yard. Two Mecklenburg County ex HReath described the cross as klansmn were each sentenced about five feet tall and "a sight Wednesday morning to a year to see - it was very beautiful. in prison for burning crosses in It was the first time I'd the ever front yards of two local seen one so I just stood on my homes, front porch and watched it." Freddie C. Smith, 26, of RL 10, Charlotte. and Frederick D. A seighbr of Beatb's. Feimster, 30, of 05 N. Tryou James L. Jefferson, said that St.. were found guilty in County be later examined the cross Recorden' Court of burning the and lfeod It to be made of crosses the night of Dec. 30. twbyfars wrapped In hero- se-soakSed burlap. Jefferso B t m bave tali polie is while. that they quit the Mas earlier thls year. It wa this crit, Europa

3 about four miles from Walnut you, that they stop doing said,for that Avenue. had been inended whatever they're doing raong." aid that had been intended for Ervin added: a former neighbor of Smith's. "We didn't know that It "But this court also has a ELropa quoted Smith as saying bhad been burned the might duty to the community to be suggested to his friends that before" Mrs. Evans said, discourage such acts in the night that they burn the cross "but t's the scend me." future." in front o the home of "a German . . . a man Smith had Europa said that be talked to had some trouble with when be Smith and Feimster March 15 lived on Walnut Avenue." and 16. Both told him that they The nlghtrlder dicovered had quit the klan. he nightriders discovered They admitted having been their mistake after the cross along Dec. 30, Europa said. had burst into flame.s, Europa buth that they had been said. "talked into it" after a meeting This brought a sarcastic of the klan. laugh from Judge Winfred R. Both men said that they had Ervin, along with the comment, not helped build the crosses. "What organization." Europa said, but had seen them built and described the Mrs. Genius C. Evans, of stand as being "of the same Hutchinson McDonald Road in principle as the stand you put the county, testified that on the on a Christmas tree." morning of Dec. 31 her husband The ride began from the found a charred cross in their home of Andy Gay Laughter of front yard. Mrs. sam s a Rt. 11, Europa said, and the Negro. men went back to Laughter's afterward. utehinson McDonald Road is just north o cidtylimits and When Ervia passed sea- teaee. Smith's wife began to cry, and defense lawyer Amom Butler asked that the men be fined Instead. "These men have already quit," Butier pleaded. "They saw that it was all foolish and got out. That's what you want when someone comes before

4 CE 157-281

Additionally, the follow-up articles relatiqg to the additional rests of Charlo tte lansmen NDY A ARD G , _ and riny appear in the April and 7, 1967, editions o the -rlotte Observer, as follows:

.- 5

-5- Man Arrested, Charged With Cross Burnings Andy Gay Laughter of Rt.Il, was arrested Wednesday night by county police and charged with participating in the burning of crosses in front of homes on the night of last Dec. 30a Laughter is charged with being one of at least seven men who burned crosses in front of the homes of Rev. James A. Heath at s16 Walnut Ave. in the city, and Genius C. Evans of Hutchinson McDonald Road in the county. Eva*i and Heath are Ne roes. Warrants were signed against four others, and county and city police are expected to pick them up by today. A trial is scheduled for aQ five this morning in County Record- ar's Court.

6 FIVE CASES 3 More Arrested In Cross-Burnings men have been burning crosses and were sew SThree more prison. by county police in taced to a year in Srrested " connection with erosaburnings In each of the five cases, the at two Negro homes the night men are accused of burning of Rev. of Dee. 30, 1966 crosses at the home James A. Heath at 516 Walnut Aeen sedof rossburning Ave., and at the home t Seach are Harold Graham Car, Ge~us C, Evans o utchiusoni 33, of R II, Durham Lan; McDonald Road. John Richard Douett, 10, o Felmter bad told 472 Gilmore Drive; and Donald Smith and Aubrey Laught. , lyl police that they re me mbers"' S . ' Metad Lane do the Kuaglut l b , quit - eqlierths Yer. lThursday. All are free under." "50O bond pending a trial in Conty Reder's Court Ale awatting trW is Andy Ga Laughter, ofat. I, ro is acesed acrs-uralat Two other min, Freddie C. Smith, 6, of Rt 10. Charlott. I and Frederick D. Felmsta. 30, f 5805 N. Tryon SL, ex-Ku Klu Klasmm fomnd * glty in County Recorder's " Cort Wednesday morning

-Y CE 157-281

On April 24, 1967, the five additional klansmen appeared in Mecklenburg County Court represented by klan attorney LESTER V. CHALMERS, who requested a trial by jury for the klansme4 which trial has been set for May 8, 1967, in Mecklenburg County Superior Court.

This development was followed in the April 25, 1967, edition of the Charlotte Observer with the following article:

-8- It *) Five Mecklenburg Klansmen

By JERRY ADAMS ately leave the courtroom and Laughter. 3S, of RL It. Char oevr so wrr very nearly went to jail. lotte; and Jakie C. Frazier. 33, The trial of five Meckleburg of 111i Mockinghird Lane. County klansmen was pst. The me were held be- * pned Monday when their law- came. despite a large fellw- After ya rerqusted that they be tried tag of welwtshe, o s told by theseveral elr otpersons out werethat beforea jury. - the group ewned sufficient they were not eligible to sign a • property is the county L sign for the bonds. a county police- -. A new trial date for the men, the five IS appeanace man was called to take the -'accused of burning two crosses bheds. men to jail. 7 (he night of last Dec. a, was At that point. N.C. Ku Klux rescheduled for May I io Facing trial are: Harold G. Klan leader J. Robert Jones Superior Court here. Carr, . of RL It. Charlotte stood and announced that a ,-- John R. Dossett, 30, of 4712 profesional bondsman would te. the arrangemeta were Gilmore Drive* Donald A. be hired. made for the jury trial, bow. Laughter, 2, l232 Madow Lever, temen did t mmed- Lane: his brother, Andy Gay (To signu bead voucher, one most own $3,000 worth of property. free of mortgage, in the ceunty.) The trial was transferred from County Recorder's Court to Superior Court for the jury trial. Cross-burning is a miade meanor punishable by a maxi-' mum of two years in prison and $2.m fine. April 5, Freddie C. Smith, 6a, of RL 10, Charlotte, and Fred- erick D. Feimster, 30, of 630 N. Tryon St., were each sen- Stenced to a year in prison for the Dec. 30 burnings. The crosses were burned in front of two homes. one in the county and one in the city.

The five mes were repre- sented Monday by Wake . Coenty lawyer Lester V. * Chalmers, recent defender of . United IMans o America Imperial Wizard Robert M. . Sheltoe during eegressloal lavestgations.

.Among the k'nsmen's fol- lowing of an." :. persons at , the scheduk- ,-a were N.C. klan leader . . SSalisbury, and his to ... nt, security guard lea.. eph Bryant of Charlotte. One of the .. facing trial, Donald Lang, was a candi. I date in Mor.i: a city council primary e l to n. He was joined in the courtroom by fellow candidate and klatnaan Farrell W. OstwalL Most of the men is the klansmen's following wore the small maroon-and-gold, tri- angle-shaped lapel pin o the 9 kan CE 157-281

It is felt that the wide-spread publicity resulting in the identification of these klansmen as involved in this cross burning incident, and the subsequent arrest, trial and sentencing of SMITH and FEIlSTER to a one-year active sentence, will have a profound effect on the klansmen in the Charlotte and Mecklenburg County area since it has been demonstrated to then that active sentences are being given for what the klan has apparently considered a "minor act" of burning a cross. Charlotte will continue to take advantage of this situation and fully exploit from the publicity standpoint the trial of the additional five klansmen scheduled for May 8, 1967. It is felt that this program of publicizing klan acts of violence will effect not only klan recruiting, but will make many klansmen think before engaging in similar acts or other acts of violence. The Bureau will be kept fully advised of the developments regarding the trial of the five additional klansmen.


is UNITED STATES GO R.NMENT PAL r- Memorandum 'Mr. Callhan..

TO : DIRECTOR, FBI (157-9-8) DATE: 4/19/67 e

FROM : SAC, CHARLOTTE (157-281) Mr. Trotav



Re Charlotte airtel to Bureau dated 3/17/67, entitled, "KLAN INVESTIGATIONS, CHARLOTTE DIVISION. RM - KLAN", enclosing letter captioned, "COUNTERINTELLIGENCE PROGRAM, CHARLOTTE DIVISION" and Bureau letters to Charlotte dated 4/4/67, and 4/2/67.

Referenced Charlotte airtel dated 3/17/67, in whict was enclosed a letter entitled, "COUNTERINTELLIGENCE PROGRAM, CHARLOTTE DIVISION" reflected on Page 3, Item 4, of Charlotte's le tion by the Charlotte Division of having SA 'no make selected and discreet contacts of Sson c officials in an effort to secure their assistance in disrupting the klan, with hopes of achieving a reduction in klan membership.

By the proper use of Masonic publications, it is el that proper information furnished to appropriate Masonic officials for publication in the Masonic publications could point out the inconsistency of Masonic, as well as other members of fraternal and civic organizations, being affiliated with the klan.

This matter has been given additional consideration letter of by Charlotte and in accordance with referenced Bureau 4/4/67, the following is being sub tte or the Bureau's consideration: E / f7 J Q4

0- Bureau (RN) 2 - Charlotte- -

GC: c C (5) B U.S. Sorin; Bndr ReJulw on the Payroll ins Plan CE 157-281

All 32-degree masons in the Southern Jurisdiction of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, receive a monthly publication entitled, "The New Age". The booklet is about the size of a TV Guide or of Th rpevine ines. Pr for several ears

as the tituar head of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of the Southern Jurisdiction has chm ion the Americanism theme. So much so, that a noted historical writer on such topics, has been running a continuin series about Americanism, especially in the public

For the Bureau's information, the Director has in the past contributed many articles which have been published in "The New Age" and distributed widely through Masonic circles.

It would appear that the u's liaisonunit .0 el in Crime Records or the

acien ic Orer, rra Nobles of the Mystic Sr ne, at Alexandria, Va., could effect the publication of some type article or articles in "The New Age" magazine. Although "The New Age" is available on the news stands, it is not generally available to the ordinary 34 egree mason who has limited his masonic studies to the first three degrees only. This is the group into which some members of the klan have been known to infiltrate. \ ith res ct Nth

He is a personal friend of , but presently he is in Europe for the summer. His in uence in masonic circles of North Carolina and perhaps on the Supreme Council at Washington, especially since he comes from a Southern State, may well be utilized.

those conferrng e ees 4th through the 32nd), main irs an office in the Maso e no rote Office. -,.--l'--'-- and ha , yn Western Carolina and around Charlotte, is well known.

-2- CE 157-281

Presently the Grand Lodge of Masons, which is the governing body of all masonic Blue Lodges in North Carolina is in session at Raleigh, N. C. At the end of this week the new masonic year begins insofar as the new Grand Lodge officers are concerned. The incoming Grand Ma r f allasons for arolina is to be should aware of the activities and te influence of the Klan in Eastern North Carolina and depending on his personal attitude, some assistance from the Grand Lodge might be effected.

It has been determined that presently there is no state-wide publication of the Grand Lodge or Grand Lodge Officers which is disseminated to the rank and file Blue Lodge or 3rd degree mason. However, it is understood that consideration is being given to starting such a publication. Exact details of this are presently unknown. Charlotte would suggest that the Bureau consider exploring the possibility of furnishing timely and appropriate information through the Crime Records Section and the Bureau Liaison Unit and perhaps through for the publication of such articles in the pubcation "The New Age".

If such liaison could be established through the Bureau and suitable information published in "The New Age", it would reach a considerable number of klansmen from the 4th through the 33rd degrees. Such articles should be geared to point out the fallacy of masons who might join the klan believing it to be a patriotic-type organization as well as members of other civic organizations who may have been misled by klan publications. In respect to such operation within the Charlotte Division Charlotte would request Bureau authorit for SA to make discreet inquiry of wo represents North Carolina on the Supreme Counc for the Southern Jurisdiction upon his return from Europe. is a personal friend of SA and it is felt that suc con act would result in a determination being made as to what extend the local North Carolina Council could be of assistance in publicizing appropriate information in such a fashion to reach local mason members. In the same vein, it is felt hat it would be valuable also develop rapport with to ascertain the personal att es tese ividuals concerning such assistance as can be given through various Masonic publications. ---- CB 157-281

If such authority is granted to contact these individuals, their response to such a program will be ascertained and the Bureau advised at that time as to the possibility of successfully carrying through such a project. No specific action to further the project other than the above contacts would be made without prior Bureau approval.

The above individuals have not previously been called on by the Charlotte Office in matters of this nature but it is felt that their cooperation could be obtained and all of these individuals are believed to be stable, reliable, and loyal Americans, who would discreetly and in good tastq carry forward such a program. Charlotte indices reflect no information of a derogatory nature concerning any of these individuals and it is felt that their assistance in such a program would have a material affect in divorcing from the klan ranks those individuals and who are presently affiliated with the masonic organization other civic and fraternal organizations.

-4-4 0j,.

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Date: 5/15/67

Tranmit the fablrng in (Type in plaitext or code)

Vi " itarL AIR MAIL (REGISTERED) (Priority)

TO: DIRECTOR, FBI (157-9-8)


*,Re Charlotte airtel to Bureau, 5/9/67. As requested in reairtel, Birmingham herewith * furnishes the current addresses of the three Imperial Officers _- of the UKA, Inc., presently residing in Alabama: ROBERT M. SHELTON, i * Imperial Wizard, UKA, #18 Lake Sherwood, Star Route, Northport, Alabama.

*v"ureau (REGISTERED) r 2 - Charlotte (157-281)(RM) 1 :- .Mobile (157-190)(Info) (RN) 3 - Birmingham 14 MAY.31.- 10 "- 157-835) - 105-722) (UKA) j v"t getl

.______Sent - M Per Special Agent in Charge

...... a ,P) - m s- . .-

4... ?-fl M4. S-lG

FBI F4' .1

- "-Date: 5/9/67

Tmrn ath hei nL. ."f o w(Type in pl se s or de)

------_ _ _ . 7 --I -L - - _ - __------

STO: DIRECTOR, FBI (157-9-8) ]ROM: SAC, CHA I .57-281) (P)




The Bureau is awarethrough various previous communicatio s of the intensive Counterintelligence Program within the Charlotte Division directed against the United flam of America, Inc., Knights of the Ku Klux Klan an effort to depose North Carolina and to fost complete disruption o gener D- Bureau (Encl. 3) 2 - Atlanta (RM) ' . 1 - Birmingham (RM) /L 2 - Columbia (RM) S- Jacksonville) (R) EX-102 S- Knoville) (RM) ,3g . . & UMemphis (RN) D atV48fl of- Miami (RN) RECS 157 - o - 3 - Mobile (RM) , - Norfolk (RM) 3 - Richmond (RM) * MAY 3z4n- Savannah (RM) - . S T.pTa (aM) 3 Charlotte (2 - 157-281) (1 - 157-230)

(3 c r " o>)t \-

M Per Ao In Charg Sent CE 57-281

To further this counterintelligence, the Charlotte program as a Division requests Bureau approval of the following counterintelligence operation.

On Page 21, of "The Klan in Action", there is provision the under Section 11 entitled, "Intelligence Committee" for establishment of a committee whose duties are stated to be, among actions of other things, the protectin of the klan from the actions are unfavorable members and to.'nvestigate members whose proper regard suspicious or whose actions seem to show lack of to any part of their oath and to protect the klan Order by advising of spies and enemies within the klan.

copy of "The Klan in Action" has previously been A Bureau on furdished to the Bureau in Charlotte letter to the Section, directed to the attention of Research - Satellite 4/7/65, of "United Domestic Intelligence Division, under the caption Klans of America, Inc.; R"'.

"The Klan in Action" provides for such intelligence that such a Committee on a klavern level and it is not known but committee is in existence or operation on the national level, creating it is felt that this operation has immense potential for as will be set out confusion and disruption within the klan ranks operation, hereinafter. In connection with this counterintelligence and strongly recommends Bureau approval to Charlotte proposes for the letterheads identical with that which is enclosed utilize Charlotte Bureau's information. If Bureau approval is granted, will be sent to will prepare a letter on this letterhead which all Imperial Officers andotherGrand Dragons in the UKA empire. V C I r CL ? _ _ S---- Thie-letter-will poiht out to the Imperial Officers and Grand Dragons that this committee has met, after being d ly state of facts assemble for the purpose of ascertaining the true exist within the North Carolina klan as relates to the c arges and c ter-char es bein made b orth Ca lina


r- - C- 157-281

The letter will state that the committee, after a full investigation of the controversy raging in North Caro i has found sufficient cause to warrant the re al

Based upon fiesE T1ndings;-the committee will then . direct that all Imperial Officers and Grand Dragons receiving of this copies of this letter should immediately reproduce copies letter which should be forwarded to the Exalted Cyclops of all units with the instructions that until further notice, no further monies or contributions in any fashion should be directed to the North Carolina State Office or to the Imperial Office until such time as the committee meets in final session and until such time as a is appointed for North Carolina, and until such time as SHELTON is re-instated by the commi tee. ))s

-o -

By virtue of the fact that "The Klan in Action" under Section 11, sets out that the members of this committee must work in utmost secrecy, this will be used as the reason the letter is not signed but a seal has been prepared and has been affixed to the copies furnished the Bureau and it is believed that this will lend authenticity to the document in the eyes of the klansmen, although it is not signed.


,tt C

CE 157-281

It is believed that this type of counterintelligence movement will have a profound impact on the klan in North Carolina, throwing it into turmoil, leaving many units undecided as to whether to send money to the state office or national offic and will require attempts at rebuttal by both SHELTON and who will probably atte t to ch

It is felt that such letter will also create confusion and work to the detriment of the klan in general and for that reason, the Charlotte Office recommends that all Imperial Officers and Grand Dragons in states other than North Carolina also receive p Copies of the communication. To further this portion of the program, Charlotte is requesting that all offices receiving copies of this communication covering the States of Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia, furnish to Charlotte the current addresses of all Imperial Officers and other Grand Dragons in the states set out above.

If the Bureau approves of this counterintelligence operation, Charlotte will prepare these letters for forwarding and re-mailing from Fort Lauderdale, Fla.

I vie of the resent turmoil within North Carolina relating it is felt that time is of the essence in toirs perarnn ozices receiving copies of this communication are requested to submit the addresses of the Imperial Officers and Grand Dragons to Charlotte by return airtel.

The Bureau is requested to expeditiously consider this program and advise Charlotte if such program can be instituted.

-4- putna1 ?l ntllitgeue Comm..a of te a fteb IRno of ra,; c. "NIC" ORGAg I ZED 198

COSMITTEE AGET LOCATED AT:- lorfolk. Va. Danville. e. Naryville. Tea. Atlotas. G. Neatoery. Ala. Tesaless. Ala. Jckesmvlle. 1i. Tltmmllo,. FI. Ft. Laderdle. Fi. Jackea. NIIs. Gremnber. . C. Iimatoe, g. C. lRocky toust. . C. Elizabeth City. 1. C. WIlingte. L. C. Charlotte, 1. C. 16lel1g, 3. C. Clover City, Calif. Tmple. Taus Bear. hi. Columbus, Ohlo Greaville. & C., I. C.


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mAL RomiE TEYPEUM~ umE1s ollisqnoe Program

a eald be put aroes that this t a legitiaste Cemittee J e priear ala iS to aLte the ElMa sd ts expose wrodoinag. The "agdoinp * ea be emphasised and epsed primara

Sye beltfl is ftorable, we can use the S'Ntemal ltellna e Committe" ter further epose sad tha e shouD f Som Itat tion in Mia tial report that the Cmittee lntends to onetinue its work and other reports d11 be rthoming. n this way, an "atellisrnee port" oan be omposed ad eirelated at ay time n the urean Sels it will add to dasiesona vithin the lan. Ash quesred by uarlette, eient otfies re \ utruted to smit t addresse ot thebper ial f lersm S and tGrand agan a their territorie to Charltte ^ aaptly. Carlette after the peparation of this letter, shuld arrange for appop ae aillng. sure that aens itret are proteeted and that ftll eearity is given O operatios. dviam the bram of a tangible slt and be alert for follo, santerintellOe setn.tie

nh Carlotte Diviaso s LPresent eng in a mellznee o ration

olina Elan. In turtherance o counr intelligence activity, the Charlotte Division believes that by preparing an "intelligence report" purportedly prepared by the supr-ecret "Intelligence Committee" of theP it USA an furthe disrupt the North Carolina Klan organisa o. The report will state that the Intelligence Committee, S tarm a tboroh invest igt in ha found there is suffi1i6at ro that I Wisard1 on shol d be suspended for appropria te on aga t Th i ltter to all Imperial Officers an IDragos -R3 0INEIID PAGE

- Airtel to Qarlotte iatelligence Program

ag that they withhold money until such time as a new Grand Dragon can be appointed in North Carolina and until " ;sch time as tbhe Intelligence Coammittee deems that obert Shelton is capable of carrying out his function as Imperial Wisard. 11 l lThe letter will be prepared on the letterhead of the "National -Intelligence Committee of the United lans of America, Z-n.," and it is believed this measure will be of tremendois aid in furthering the dissension which already Ixists in Elan ranks.

i3k-3 FD-36 (Re. 5-22-64)F

F BI Date: 5/17/67 Transmit theq4ing in (Type in plaintext or codel Via J AIR MAIL (Priority) ----- i------i TO: DIRECTOR, FBI (157-9-4)

FROM: SAC, TAMPA (1S-1559) (P)



Imperial Wizard ROBERT SHELTON divided Florida into 4 Provinces in the UIK. Two of the four Provinces are / - in the Tampa Division. The two titans of these Provinces

r are:

J Bureau (NU) 2 - Charlotte (157-281) (RM) 2 - Tampa () ( REC-75 C .. t"MAY ] 9 1967

Sent M er 5 al Agent inCharge S' - --. FBI 2

Date: 5/31/67 ,I

rnnamt the meiLin (Type is pl d0, I


TO: DIRECTOR, FBI, (157-9-8)

SFRO: SAC, CHARLOTt' 567-281)


t .Re Charlotte airtel to Bureau, 5/9/67, and Bureau a- rtel to Charlotte, 5/24/67. U


.Offices receiving this companication have previou1- received referenced oamunications. g , . " :':

35) Bureau cEnc. gg 1- Atlanta (157- ( c. 30) (RM) 1 - Birmingham (157-835)(Ene. 1) (R) x 1 - Columbia (157-151)(Enc. 1) (RM) 1 - Jacksonville (157-863)(Enc. 1) (RN) 1 - Knoxville (157-301)(Enc, 1) (RM) 1 - Memphis (157-576)(Enc. 1) (I) .: " . 1 - Miami (157-1114) (Enc. 1) (RK) 1 - Mobile (157-582) (Enc. 1) (RM) __- 1 - Norfolk (157-464)(Enc. 1) (RM) 1- ictu d (157-846) (nc. 1) (RM) : r ; 1 3Savan ah (157-629) (~nc. 1) (RI) 6 ,l 1w-t - - T-P (157-1559) (Enc.. 1) (RM)


\ ' ...... *. DATE a44-2LBY--- -t+ +: CE 157-281

Enclosed for the Bureau are three copies, for Atlanta two copies, and for all other offices receiving this communication p copy, of a three-page letter pt red on letterhead of the ti 1nal ~ine~n cP...amtt on. dated StWrih as been'prepare n accordance with Bureau authority granted in reBuairtel

Also enclosed for Atlanta are 28 stamped, addressed and sealed envelopes containing one copy of the enclosed letter.

Initially, it was felt that this letter would be , mailed from Fort Lauderdale, Fla.; however, observations made by Miami in Miami airtel to the Bureau, 5/19/67, relating to the mailing from Fort Lauderdale, Fla., has been noted, and Charlotte feels that the mailing should be made from Atlanta, Georgia.

Atlanta is therefore requested to mail locally in Atlanta the 28 addressed envelopes enclosed containing the above referred to letter.

Atlanta is requested to assure that these letters are mailed on Monday, 6/5/67, it being noted that the letter is dated 6/5/67 and the effective date of the action set out therein is 6/7/67, which is expected to be the date of receipt for most of the addressees.

For the information of the Bureau and other offices receiving this communication, letters are being directed to the following Imperial Officers, Grand Dragons and Titans:

2 CE 157-281


3 CE 157-281


In accordance with Bureau authority granted in reBuairtel, Charlotte is requesting Atlanta to mail the enclosed envelopes on 6/5/67, and the Bureau has instructed that full security be given this operation and that any tangible results derived from this operation be reported, and all offices should remain alert for follow-up counterintelligence action in connection with this operation.

All offices receiving this communication are requested to advise the Bureau and Charlotte of any information received from informants and other sources following receipt of this letter by the addressees.


6' atimnul intelligenrce lmmnittfee of the uiteb sneof erira, 3nr. "6N IC"

cOMIT ANT June 5, 1967 LOCATED AT;- lorfolk. V*. MANDATE Deaville. Va.

Maryville. Tarn. To All Imperial Officers and Grand Dragons, Atlesta. UnitedU. Klans of America, Incorporated, Montoesry. Al' Knights of the Ku Klux Klan: Tucaloosa, Ala. Jackasville. Fl. Pursuant to the power and authority vested in Titwille. n~ this committee as set forth in THE KLAN IN ACTION, Ft. uderdale. n~ this committee duly assembled for the purpose of inquiring into the current controversy existing in the Realm of North Carolina between North Carolina areeber. . C. Grand Dragon J. R. Jones and Imperial Kludd Reverend lastse. U. C. George F. Dorsett. The following findings have been Recky Moet. I. C. made: El1sabeth City. I. C. Wlmigtn. . . 1. Whereas, the Imperial Kludd, Rev. George the right and Charlotte. I. C. F. Dorsett, has, as any other klansman, obligation to appear before this committee to air any llei gI. grievances which he may have concerning other klansmen Clovecr Clty.Cai. or the administration of the klan, and having failed Tole. T n to do so is found to be derelict and remiss, and is Sear. t1. hereby officially reprimanded, and Coluls, Ohis Greville. a C. 2. Whereas, this committee, being the eyes due to the seriousness ColumL. a.C. and ears of the klan army, has, of the charges alleged against North Carolina Grand Dragon J. R. Jones and Imperial Wizard Robert Shelton, conducted a complete and thorough examination of the charges, and

3. Whereas, the charges against the Grand Dragon, J. R. Jones relating to his personal misconduct; malfeasance in that he wrongfully used klan funds Which were entrusted to him; and has failed and been delin- quent in his proper administration of his high office

2ati Bef ote is-onot mavSeetC /s7 f--/C 2- in that he has neglected to visit the units and has failed to provide literature and klan material as prescribed, and

4. Whereas, on numerous occasions he has demonstrated his failure to abide by the provisions of the klan constitution, the foremost being his refusal to hold an election for the position of Grand Dragon of North Carolina prior to the expiration of his two- year term in February, 1967, and

5. Whereas, these charges having been duly considered and verified, this committee finds as a fact that North Carolina Grand Dragon J. R. Jones has been guilty of personal misconduct, mal- feasance in office, and guilty of violating the klan constitution.

6. Unless this committee is effective, the best klan will grope and fail. Therefore, by virtue of the power and authority vested in this committee, J. R. Jones is hereby removed as Grand Dragon of the United Klans of America, Incorporated, forthe Realm of North Carolina effective June 7, 1967, and divested of all power and privileges of his office. He is ordered to cease and desist exercising any of the powers of the office of Grand Dragon and is ordered to turn over all klan records, books, funds, property, and paraphernalia to the individual designated Grand Dragon hereinafter.

7. Whereas, the committee has found that the charges above against J. R. Jones have been brought to the attention of Imperial Wizard Robert M. Shelton on numerous occasions, and

8. Whereas, Imperial Wizard Robert M. Shelton failed to take any action to remedy this situation, this committee finds as a fact that the Imperial wizard has been guilty of nonfeasance and remiss in his obligation, and

9. Whereas, the first and most essential duty of a leader is to know completely the situation in which he is to act and to know his enemies and the needs of the situation and the men whom he is to lead. Knowledge is power, and it is nowhere more truly powerful than in the hands of a leader. Therefore, Imperial Wizard Robert M. Shelton, having been found derelict and remiss in his duties as a leader, is hereby, by virtue of the power and authority vested in this committee, suspended as Imperial Wizard until further notice.

THEREFORE, it is hereby ordered and decreed: 1. That Grand Klabee Fred Wilson, Realm of North Carolina, is ordered to assume the duties of Acting Grand Dragon in the Realm of North Carolina effective June 7, 1967, and is ordered to -2- III personally take possession and secure all klan records, books, funds, property, and paraphernalia now in the possession of J. R. Jones .

2. That upon assuming the duties of the office of Grand Dragon in the Realm of North Carolina, Fred Wilson is hereby directed to immediately notify all units in the Realm of North Carolina of this action. He is ordered to establish a state office for the purpose of conducting all klan business within the Realm of North Carolina.

3. That Acting Gran Dragon Wilson is further ordered to schedule a state meeting as soon as possible, no later than August 1, 1967, for the purpose of holding an official election for the office of Grand Dragon for the Realm of North Carolina.

4. That all Imperial Officers and Grand Dragons receiving this letter will immediately reproduce copies of this letter and forward them immediately to the Exalted Cyclopes of their local klaverns within their respective Realms.

Upon receipt of this letter from the Imperial Officers and Grand Dragons, all local klaverns are directed and ordered that no further moneys or contributions in any fashion are to be directed to or sent to the North Carolina State Office or to the Imperial Office until ordered to do so by this committee.

5. That until an Imperial Klonvocation can be called, which will take place no later than September, 1967, the Imperial Kligrapp, Melvin Sexton, is ordered to assume the duties of Imperial Wizard, and is hereby granted and endowed with the powers and privileges of the office of Imperial Wizard, and is directed to conduct and carry out such duties and obligations befalling him in this position until such time as the suspension of Robert N. Shelton is duly removed by this committee.

Upon this committee depends the knowledge of enemies within and without and upon it rests the duty of furnishing the information upon which all plans must be based. Yet, its members work in the utmost secrecy and without open honors therefore, we, the members of this committee, have hereunto this 5th day of June, 1967, affixed the official seal of this committee.


NC quam "O -3-i Co-Chairman ATLANTA GEORGIA FI. LAUDERDALE, FLA. FD-3 (RHe. 1-22-64)

FI fBI Date: 5/25/67 I

Transmit tle in (Type in plainlez of code)

Via AIRTEL (Priority)



Re Charlotte airtel to Bureau dated 4/20/67.

Charlotte continues to follow closel the de it e tween North Carolina nd Char otte w continue av o 11 v opmenton a timely basis to further the dissension of JONES, within the klan 7rks and to weaken the position In acqrdance with prior Bureau instructions, Charlotte conti ues to implement such tactics tending to disrupt the klan organization in North Carolina and discredit

-0 its leadership.

Since referenced are


S - Bureau (RM) 6 - Charlotte

Sent M E May 11, 1967 Greensboro, North Carolina

Esteemed Klansmen: Richmond. I am sure you have read and heard what happened in and see if we could Richmond to try and see Mr. Shelton I went to try to bring about some changes not patch up the differences and intended to again tell a better klan in North Carolina. I have a d the dishonesty about the many complaints about him to see Mr. Shelton, State Office. Before I had ay e in the resort to violence to fl had his Security Guards eepu r omalking to sr, Shelton. to see Mr. Shelton, I still Although I never got a chance a better klan have only one purpose and that is to try to build Fiio with honest. leadership. straight about my activity in I just want to set the record who has dedicated about ten the klan. I am a loyal klansman Thousands of life to the klan and its principles. years of my conduct. klansmen know my character and my devoted more time any one of you honestly say you have Can ork, given more speeches, S tothe klan, traveled more miles in klan than I have? At one rally or collected more money for the klan was collected after I asked for at Raleigh last summer, over $2,000 Scontributions. the House Committee You all know that I was called before by the stooges of the on Un-American Activities in Washington far as the klan because of what I stand for as Johnson government and now must I was later arrested and indicted is concerned. If I stood up to the stand trial for these same principles. les I am certainly notggoing Federal Government for these princi to give them up now for r. Sheltonnd I am goin Carolina. j. to continue my fight for honest klanNorth in the telling you that we had a dictatorship I have been In Russia out what happened in other states. klan and pointed about leadership and I find the I would not be able to complain I have been illegally banished sane thing is now true in UKA. I do not want anything from for insisting on a code of ethics. the klan the klan in a financial way, but I do want leadership can be proud of. is leading the klan down Not only is ishonest, but think about the klansmen who are the road to troube. eep to with the kind of leadershi gipg to end up in serious trouble that most of the klansmen are has been giving. I know organization as hard-working people who joined this '!Tearing, principles. I also know that a means of standing up for their


_a+ there are those members who are not abo e taking actions not in the best interest of the klan. as encouraged these individuals by not taking a strong s an against violence and I weep for those who will suffer because of the activities of this type of a klansman.

Here is where I stand. I have faith in the future of the klan but it can only be accomplished through dedicated men. The klan is bigger than any one of us aid with the right kind of leadership, which I am fighting for, the klan can become a driving force to rid our country of tie evils of integration and Communism.

May God bless you anti the organiz a tion. I remain your in Christ.

I .

'V ,

I K. -tF B I r ;. Date:

Transmit thme faftbwing in 1______(Type in plaimews or code) _ a

Via ______(Priority) ------

F n' $ 1* Several informan s av r e a no e arts ".= ng made by various klaverns to recruit new members




Approved: Sent M______I Per Special Agent in Charge ( t

f _ - Dersett, F, an effort to Ij ~j-tjfl~-~fl stnagshSea Mhigs out, went to t ale rt the V:irvzia mecaru_ and vas all aurrcin'tcJ Ly Rta; secity

11 a ".away. A shot w-ai AW,and a tire was Li:. Tne car w-s daniaged -when bit by sztc-cI rocks. S~onn~ imCSpcci )Ieeang Clyde W..b~er Stc fll, Iuicie tentl La:th hzs call-d a N speceal meeting o' the kin in Believedi Cat . the Dc:I: r k~arr-r baL to- rng¢!. Wtc2 tr said he ha: been ByRo Tomso t'at Joues p'aas torecre 6 A y Ro Thmpo Nnmas tit~n (di;tritt g-xvcrror) { -Anwxt of Ncr:h Carolin ;ea c~ C es. ra w is- £i'anasmen attemptiag to over- _it

!try to utteniDu:hamn kla WebsterdecUned to gave de- * meetir~g to.nieht nad see: rt airs on tyz plans r' his group, * venge for the treatmernt givv' hat he s.aid, "VWe may &now LP fare of their leajers in Rica- a: the n,raUag It we do, f ;mon! Saturday ni;ht. debt that the re'll be much vot. t~ lia goirg on." In th~e meaatirnz, aceordnz to If they do rnt a;p.:ar in flur- a spokesman for the rebel hri, he saic, "we L1Va gc to klansmeo, his group bas ap. tti nwtfjI ex p-xnted a "1131 ibvcsJ; atirg.,rorrow, iTcesdpy) ni Ig lt. committee" to loo:: into cTtaic dctc ht. CaJitGd oe tber&' unspez1rcd charges that: have t bten nmde "air.~t Ttert\'%G. WON!.:r said ha groun ha: a too of Tuscaloosa. Jla. inrai- cornrrttee investigz'ng Shetan al wizard of tMe kSla, act 3.rd Tones. He tvujd not sny eber Jones. Crarite Cucrry, :~fthe charges ee:. u' grind tagon in Nont: Carealir at ciate& ha been made 'Bci, m"cies are aptarer:iJ agIs ,hn' beiU ,ndo as a result of wa~ Webster 3ajr! ke and Cole at- tended a raLy ;it ayodai-; sat- . bap~cti~d is Ri~vmond. L:day night ane could not go {Panted Accard Di forsett to Rtccwcr~d. George F. Dorsztt of Gt'ens ihey resent the treatw'ot b\, impera ktd U~in ier Drst:,thesaid. ' echrplaln! of the lan, went Lc "it's a Pretty bad th~g ifleru

naticai presidest, Shei:x.. "We're at: o aI. to sittilb Sheltoa rc:e""y xeo-ineei htC t&ev rw. te k!u'',a' the "ba~jishrccU ryfedexpulsion) o fi~." IDo:sct:. Jar-es W. (Cat~ish)l Cote and Clyde A. W8ebsc:. l All r-e suppo.--d t: tdoe a a Pl3n triA! L Saii'bury xtj _ $Saizdsy uIgL' Th"e deenar3t&. scying that' tbe tVia: is iaegal, do rot inttad

tega. ilan Reent' Grows Serious By Boy Thompson Staff Reprir A mud-s;inin; campaign rally near R:chnorcd. Va., and lnsi& the Kt, Klux Klan has the car in which he was rid. e;calated into gun-iiniog. ing nas surrounded by kar. Up to no. n'1 injuries have' security guards, been reporte obut the temper- Toe guarlJs rdere, Dorsett sture is risinIg ider the tr the fie:d. Rocks were sheets. throwa at the car. Unless a .peaceemaker can P. II. fIlniis of Get.ihro, he fotr,.l to fol tirg. off. driter of the car, I'eadd out. the ebeio ait Gr3and A shot as fred Draoa J. R",ert jEncs ul Granite Quary could turn into Dorctt; and lennis ;at so.mething serinus. sor.,enne sh. at them. The George F. D o r e t of other :e coatends that Dor. Greensbiro, oL:!ilme imperial sett fird the sh.1 k!udd inricn:l chaplain: o It got a tire. th; kLn;, J, ms W (atiii) Now Dorsett is waying that Cole, onetime impe'ial wi a national klan klkann com- ard (natioal! prcside:nt), and mitece (klan itvestigators) Clyde A. Wer: r, state ka:c Ias-tea rid~jn. into the ap- offeis, : re rs nz U, have eratioi of the nationai klan Jone.- renev':d :.s hed of t ': and has uncovred "dfinite Tar Peel kan. wroandoing in hh ta,, cr. Cailns Ouster eles." Impr;ial Vii:a-d Robert He wouldn't be specific Shelto, of Tus:aloosa. Ala., aboet what kiansmen are be- h i kikked th'r. ou; sf the ing insettiatd. kano, h: say_ He hinted !that the wrong- They ;ry he can't de it. doiogq involve money. Their trial ii to be he'd in Dn:let: said that Sheltc':'s Sa:isbury Satur.ay Agiht. kIlansren are stll1' 61-ce.l $2 ar4 7-cefnt rec- lt the mea'rtio, Dorl,,, pins for t Cuoe anrd4 V; :er are holding ords or a buck ad 3 ;:a ral!iee ot their own and tr i; "Missed the Mark''" to tke Jones' k'an av ay front SuZei'feg that the mark-up him. himwasto stiff, Dor;ett sid. "if last we., co:)ies of a cc:- we cacn have an hMret, clean toon cf Joics ac:e maile t a!i L::an, we've alr.;zd I uisse- over the state from PTeidsvilOe. the mark." The detai: o! the carte,sn The Slturda: Prght shoW'ing ran not e ive.t hter for the in:cana scvcemrto h.: tbeen sie r.asjn, nresln;iliy, a mil:tone in the k:,.1 retel that Lhe artist did re sigr. lion. them . . . and r,, ientr- Drett sid e ent to Dor.t!t szid he ecn. to tion w; Ia hrbci' n t, Richm,'.r to 'ty o "make env ops in , h hy were peace.. with the ir.;peria3 ii.- maied ard. Sufic it to :a :h.t t; Afer hat happened there, carlbia *o n-ot~ir., to bit he, :ier' is no ch;rce up Jk',.' reputation. tatev"; :f t.ei; cn,g to Saturdy ni!h i, Co.rge D;r- tern.: . . at l,,st not righ. i set trie: t attenrd a Slttn .: :-

6 Machine Aplenty Feudhing Klansnen 'Armig'

By Roy Thor.p;on "at least 254o 303carbaies, a "If anything haprei to fr. starr tortnr chrome - pl sat:ed - off ecbster. Mr. Cole (James W. GREENSBORO - Mounting shotgun and a mouetd era- Cole) or myself." Do Fett tension betrecen feudin1 fac- chine gun." said, "that won't ed i." tions of the state ,u Ktux When tne refcrece ' a ma- J~aces, as has beer his cvs- Klan has both sides zrmiing chieu gua ra-ed eye.ts, torn r.e0tlmy, was unavail hle for defense." Wel:,er said c su y, f or comment. Friends of J. Rojert Jones, "There's plcty of their. In the p~st, he has c;airned . the- beleaguered Grand Drag- aroand." t least two bae on. say that his ener.ics h.6e Dorsett said Tones h.d so 'Jefn made on his life. H has swora "to get rid of hi'i if r.any well-?rmcd guards at never said who trizd. tIey have to ki him." I.cxington that "they'd have Joncs, aceordin; to mec The nt - Jones group, been a good army far Vie.- high in hi. Klar, is which inciudes George F. Dor- nam. a rifle strappc inside the selt of Greesbro, said the Webster and Dcrsett insift- door of his car ... and a oppositcen fired the first shot ed that they do 0ct in:.-ad to pisto!. in Richanonod Is: Saturay u. e vio!cnce to overrrayV B:Jh factions in th: K:an rght when a bullet hit a tre J.res. T':ey sy they can do are at ve with rumors. Most on the car in ahich Dors'tt it with klan vetes. con.ern the other side's was fleeing from a Kl:n ra.-; Poth feel that their rebe- alleged plans fo: vio!cec:. fieid. lion has Lit Jane: where it 1lansmen are 21s. spread- Dorsett and Clyde A. F'eb- hurts - in his income. Wcb- ing the word that \Myroa H. ster say they were wzte'ing ster sait. L we"c *Ht o't. MBrde, the new direc:no of tae Red Barn at Lexin;-:i somebdy:' going to cut our tne Sta:e Bureau of 1rvestiga- Tues lay nig!;t whet Jo.e? thioit an. we've cvt a lot of ticn, has a mras'.e p!an for had Klzo meetin; there. i off." running the Klau cut oi the Boeh said Jones was appari Neieitr ,' ^lt e ~c: Dorsi(t state. ently exprcting scme kid of seemed parti.u!aty appre- Thv a;d that thc anti-ref. reprisal. hensive about havz; t.:r amaton L ,2geaet in a- They said they saw Klan throat; cut. Neither, on the iegh late last year to Ilun h security gard, in trees and o'hler hard, is taking any on- on to; of the building, and necessary chraces these days.

7. lated !ast yrar and was m.dcd from Chesapeake, Va. "Operation S'i~gsho." That, Liter, they said. copies were too, the klajnsmn say. is de- railed out of Kinston and igned o 6cstro the Klan. South Carlina. Most recent- I The inevitable result is a Iy. they'te teen coming out sp. scare and witch huc: of Lekviie ar, Reids;'vl.t under the sheets. Darsett and Webater inirk Law enforcem.ent olie:r, Dars;t anKneb:gy of Ra- ne ha spiesmand others leigh, Grand Dragon of Vir- have has spies i. the klan ginia, i; responsible since its most recent revial. i i responibE. The fact has been well known, Dorsett said, "I tir.k Kr- although danied by klan lead- fega7 would like to have Ors. North Carolina. irgLia' is 0 are a. gowin. hut it'r nothing like Now both groups Klan." cusina each other. ,North Carolina for the At Lexiogten Tuesday ig Kor-,ga could not be mpAtLerig ar uesdyobert i. reached for comment )est.r - ImperiAl Wari Robert an She!tnu, presidect of the na- tioain kar, told tie assem- bled klamamer that Geerge Jrrsett has been spying for the Anti Defamation Lea ue and has recnt; received z new Camaro for his services. DorsetL said he docs not even knowv an)ce in the league. He said he paid for his o . car. He named some cpop!e on the other side who he fet may be feeding in!o.rmation to "aliens" (anyo n outside th' klan). IThere is prebably not a ml- jar officer in either of the op- posin, klan yr>;s \\u has rot bec accLsed of !pym for in tihe pas 30 days. Jones' crowd is saying that the D,-zctt . Wetster - Cole group is j alous of :be Dragcn and yvauts to take ou-r his DJrsett elieves that the whole blcw-up came because of .ores' jeaLusy red fear of James W. (Ca-ish) Cole. Webster said, "B b Joves ,as his heart set on Wsing t~: Imperial Wilard. A yea, ago he was talkiSe about it. 'n' North Carolita ,;d ecoug" votes to elect him, bt he's lost outnlow, ade be cou!dot do it today." One of the major so*u.rc! of Irrition at the moment s a cartoon that has been rirc i- I;ed across the state. It :vs-l a very bad i-nprei.ioc of Grand Dragon Jorcs. Lrrntt. and Sa: thcy h. noth. to o viin it. They said i was first circu-

S i[ I. rD-36 (Re.. S-2244) (I

FBI Date:

Transmit the fol minq in (Type in plainrex or code)

Via (Priority) ------J - - - -

CE 157-281

Since the submission of referenced airtel, has appeared on television stations WFMY-TV, anne 2, Greensboro, N. C., and WGHP-TV, Channel 8, High Point, N. C., on four occasions. He continued his blast against the state administration of UKA each instance. SWFMY-TV,contacted SA about ity of making a TV s ecia out of the ssension currently 4)pant in th klan. indicated that he planned to interview n detl desired to be furnished information on which to base his questions. 18/67, Special Agents of the Charlotte Office contacted nd orally furnished him information concernin UEAnin North Carolina and the current controvers between _

i hcome to the station and t a l i color film Interview with him. On 5/24/67 nvited SAm to view this film and in i de an excel nt appearance "1111e i so tunchesSHELTO , and was extremely please y forthright answers and stated this they are planning to ma e a news spectacular based on interview and planned to sell it to (CBS news.


Approved: Sent M Per Special Agent in Charge FD-3. (Rev. 5-22-44



Transmit the follUring in I -" l i(Type in plaiext or code)

Via (Priority) ------.

CE 157-281

. ly since his two-year xpected to make a press release in Raleigh explaining his purpose after conferring with the Secretary of State. Suboequently, the following article entitled, "Ex- fludd Tries Legal Attack" appeared in the 5/23/67, edition of the Raleigh Times, a daily Raleigh, N. C., newspaper:

: . ..


Approved: Sent - M Per Special Agent in Charge Klan 'Ought to Be Run by the Rules'


Ex-K cr: -d T

An ousted chap!ain of the tol'ave a copy of our coo- Dorsett said lte United Ku Kux Klan is p!inrnng a srituioa and b.-laws with the Klanr of %ncricais suposed -drive to have tae group de- Scrata-y of State. The chart- to hold at least ore national S-elr cd illezal in North Caro- er called for us to abide by !lna. those by-!aws. buiress mei:hg evey two Imrafstl KlXdd George K. 'Nt to abide by them would years, non 1as been held by Dcrsett of Greensboro said be breaking cur ageement Shelon. today he has sent a telegram with the State and the present "I'm gck"-g to try to find to Secretary of State Thad leadershio is not abiding by out if I can force oau lead- Eure about violdaions of the the con'.ituticn." ership to go by the constitu- KKK's charter to do business Dorsett said Sate Grand tien and by-laws," D seit in North Carolina. Dra;on J. Robert Jones of said. 'I'mr going to make an ap- Granite Quarry was spposecd "Ifw? .re grt.; to hace as pointnent one day the last to run for reelection in Feb- organizatior. Lhen is oug-t to ef this week and see how some ruary but has not done so. be run by the rues." of thee things effect it," Dor- He said national I.r rial Wiz- Jones cou:d not be rczted msettwut. ard Robert Shel:on cf Ala- for comr.:eat tor. "When we Lad to register bama is also overdue for re- Dorse't was Ieet thro.:-i, with North Carolina we had election. not r the Klan dea, a ro'- er struggle itanJdoter. Tna battle burst into the or:a when Dc-e!; 3t'ire ' 3r?: Klansmen jr-..s (Ct;:h * Cole ir.ta Cre.'rt -ro KE- I unit. Dorsett atre ";d 'o g^ .Tones voted o^t of cffic b*t f-aied. Jo , Lai. x.r: te- nmoved along . i:s vcr l er- ers who sust.r;ed Dyur 3 Mt. w.zwCole tki Klanr lna' r in !97 v.hen a rciy nea- Ala:.ton ws.: b:,'r .un by gt..-fj-ing Lambse luWa::. Cole wa r. to rir:a .:r to ycrrs for inci:ir t:.e In-j diars to rio:.

11 c9A FD-36 (R..v. 5-22-64)

FBI I Date: .

Transmit th foi ig in - S T, mi"I te (Type is pline or code)

Via :1 (Priority) ------CE 157-281 1-i

is Also, as the Bureau is aware, the Department proceeding before a Grand Jury in the case involvi considering It is klansmen in the South Rowan Elavern during July, 1967. have an impact on ||felt that the arrest of these klansmen will the arrests are klan situation in North Carolina. Until nthe would be desirable YS made, it is believed that an extra impetus in order to further the split in the klan.

has reported that ROBERT SHELTON is concerne he will North Carolina to the point where SHELTON feels that in North Carolina. be able to salv e only the klaverns in easn

SHELTON has persona morals and is aware ru r, SHELTON wil a -Is probabl shandling klan funds; ho ono replace 8 long as North Carolina is supplying - - 12 -

Approved: Sent * M Per Special Agent in Charge I .XD-36 (R.. S-22-64)

F BI Date: j, -

Transmit t6 o in rinsit(Type plainSest or code)-

Via (Priority)

CE 157-281

SHELTON is large amounts of funds to the national office. insisting that be replaced by the membership in North Carolina at the next election.

t is felt that a severo dealtan

This might force SHELTON to replace and if not, the least that could be expected

provide other state eaders oppose at the same time. He does not des to stand alone in the eastern section of the state.

1 Charlotte is considering the matter of pursuing this who policy and endeavorit decide upon some other leader might go along wit if this can be arranged.

h Bureau is re ueste on rat to the opotaee h timtLi on early decision such a move paramoun sportance and an by the Bureau would be appreciated.


Approved: Sent M Per Special Agent in Charge " I~~ - 5. 5. 1.. antls "

4z-tam vivli Us.kqalet.


fla aatr a tie tiUoat

amUSUw IOiiii a~d rnt". uItsto edBad

w~, ' ve em .ity o a. 0eti e, am rtratt

'* e n ise ao. biSo dStte ma thi a at'

JUNr St X6 . net .

- -7

GaS - ' - a (J(aaCPR) =- * URITED STATES G( ERNMENT yMemorandum

To : DIRECTOR, FBI (157-9-8) DATE: 6/9/67

2 OM : SACCSARLOTTE (157- 81) (P)


SV Reference is made to Charlotte letter of 3/30/67, enclosing LBM captioned, "BELMONT RIFLE AND PISTOL CLUB, formed BELMONT, N. C.", concerning NRA affiliated group being by the Belmont Klavern of United Klans of America, Inc., Knights of the Knu lux Klan (UKA).

ryroEa tary authorities concerning possible klan affiliation of the Belmont Rifle and Pistol Club, which had applied for a charter from the National Rifle Association. as confidentially advised that it is known this g ated with the Belmont Klavern of UKA and further that

appears n ecury r un orm n a group o at a streetwalk i e, N. C., in March, 1967, of which photographs has a set.

L/ On 5/22/67 said the inquiry had been of North- sent, apparently by the Army, to the Adjutant General Guard Caro i who had referred it to the local Air National '0 and that agency had been the one making the ad talked to inquiries, said that after and had found him Shim, h h gone see comi out of his house in h UU ecu y Guar ni rm. made some further inquiries, and had told e was sending the application back with a strong recommendation that the Army have nothing to do with this group, and that the Army contact the National Rifle Association to get them to deny L. Club. . or withdraw the charter of the Belmont Rifle and Pistol 9 I had obtained fro a xerox and Pistol 1 copy of the applicat on submitted by the Belmont Rife Club which contains names, addresses, etc., of the 25 officers 3 ad members required to apply for a charter. Be-furnished a.copy the Charlotte Office and it is noted that the Charlotte aware of the' klan affiliation of practically all JuS*i wias already -- of these individuals.

Bureau (157-9-8) (RM) LA /i - . NE14'- (2 - 157-281) (1 - 157-1901) (1 - 157-23" -Charlotte " JNU:cbw Icc K " 7 (6) Bay U.S. Savings Bosdr RApr&daly Wer1Fai7 ml aix Ptay 9,'S .CB 17-281 0.

No klan informants have furnished any informatiSt . - w,.this inquiry by the militar authorities and apparentfA OffSe then are aware of it. has been cantacted and he stated the Belmont e and Pistol Club since 5/22/67, no is still in existence but is doing very little. He made mention of any knowledge that military authorities had made any charter is inquiry about it. Charlotte is confident tht if the revoked and the members become aware of

Since no information about this inquiry was received from military authorities, and it was directly by Charlotte no letterhead furnished by this s being prepared. If the Bureau memorandum concerning results from receives any information about this inquiry or its military authorities, Charlotte would appreciate receiving it. otherwise that the If it is later learned through informants or Belmont Rifle and Pistol Club has been revoked, harter of the submit harlotte will advise the Bureau and if appropriate, will jetterhead memorandum.

-2- FD-3 (R.. 5-22-44)


Date: 6/7/67

Trmsnmit thW n (Type in plaid es or code)


TO: DIRECTOR, FBIt3,57-9-8)


Re Charlotte airtel to Bureau, 5/31/67, enclosing letters to be mailed from the NIC. The mailing was made on the afternoon of 6/5/67.

As a matter of interest to the Bureau and Charlotte, Atlanta is enclosing herewith one copy each of two articles, one appearing in the "Atlanta Constitit16ni on 6/3/67, and one appearing in the "Atlanta Journal" on 6/2/67, which ap- parently reflect a result of Charlotte 's Counterintelligence action.

- Bureau (Enc. 2) 1 arloCtte (Enc. 2) (157-281) (RMi) a JUN 8 1967 -ttlanta- Cc ONL OR EC s SDATE FORw

ACS- M P Sent M Per ... Atit Charge FD-3SU (Rie'. 7-1e t 1

(Mount Clipping. InSpace Below)

Klan Pair Told to Go

To Georgia______

RALEIGhi N. C.(GPI '-r: (Indicate page. name of to GrnorghY. North Carolina "! . newspaper, city and *tote.) Seerc-tat r~f Sa^ o ! _ advised two banisk Kf~ Xlars;;nen t.),;.v.. r r- Canr.ia fis vr itiA'^ra

ed, Few~ toW' - V: * arc! Jx'w 9e !~! af t

tla-: t! r (.Crr., c"r' !t- HhI - k!an offierrs ~a lvv vcjatej 0L e by-~w4 i:s Lkm~lh'?:n c-ut. DUrci. inrajcr inn-cr- khudd (thaplaini u~ U:A. de- fied t:nr' Dragan r, r., ' s when, h: swt-re CoW. 91 ._ttOrgr' 2 tion. cc.e has ('"Ei:fa Man 00'- cast sinc^ the Lur: s znn routrd a rally he i-r(rd;-d ai- ame 2 A r~st10 yars ~iAtlanta Journal Dorss t ano'Co1 visited Eure - Atlanta, Ga. today to seek za interpret;:tici I of the UKA by-law= nccrnirg hanishment and the election of offierts. *Dorn' said hr wiuld !foamflir 6-2-6 7 Eurese zd6ice and ikt t cola, Edition: Final ,tparis to A~tianta in "" fetg Actlor: weeks" £dtor:Jack Spalriing *Eur<- said it a;:yt ;reC to him Title: UTNITEDI KLACb2 OP- the Mal; wes zrvire iir -a!" trot'bkt(. AVER,,uICA, INC. "Su, Wts the 1c:r.;h4,' an- cF~aratet: RI avered DXrz:stt

"We are h^e: to t-) tc d.1c:- ClastcatiOn: mine !he solu'irCi tc cur p:c' umiuqCue:-~A T lern," said Cole bttn ~ieTAT ,o.4 Georgia," sairL.Lv, QI Beinq inv..sigabd CAiR OLI1NA SAID: CO TO GEORGIA _*B,) No Cor ' art "0e For Klan Evict s

Two men retently evicted from the Ku Klux K in in Norlh Carolina won't End .ny comfort in Ccorgi . Cal,. nig. grand .sne o .) dragon of the Georgia o:ganizti.i. s d:1y n ght. L " , , re o , s-. (Indlc.le p a.. n The two had appealcd fu: Cprolie Scretary o state legal help in North Car.o ITntd Eure. lina.tL.g:back into the l.1aJ: "Co to Georgia," nvs and were rebuffed by North qu.:ed as saying ate te :.) - m', former In[rl ld icP-3p!fln) G: g - D<.ri.T .r1 Jrcs (Cam , h) Cole, appa' (J to his oflic2. Eure cxp:h;:bee his comr.fl! w wt.n he ih, crwnd ihe that the Ku -inx Ki;;. i, t : r- .... an 1or4~din No, Cardi: .dvised them to t.'C-: U the;r figbt with Geria iLl:: of- fiials. ! Cr.ig, gran c or thr . Georgia cory .e.'. .. s:id ie s,cretr'y- had ,is in io wrlon. "The h0tdqti ,s o Pcge 8 Uniled Kians of AmClica, It;r. Atlan ta Constitut ion are in Tu. -," (A;:.) Cr i? At lan ta , Ga. sid. "Dcrsctt a:d oCAIW-o: 1' ~ci an) hei, fr: rIe ui. : I Jois is Nerth Cr'', ' e-n drago. :6-3-67 :S e and CoT-" : r, Elition: Eure's oftic. early)' i'!i:.g. cn.i 1 - Auther: terdi"g ti, It ci b.nish:, .- A ist illeg! Id tha, Je/.s . 1: .Edi.r: Eurene Pattersot, pVrial tizard:'-. S:.t rtle: 'NI'T)ED KLANS OF pre both hou.;: c-e:c' : red. AN,'M ICA , INC . thei: ;e1 l t:rn;. t :,id s ' ti- et- Dors pjj b'g t':at h''e io d prb "< CI.hrCeler: 'come to .tln 5 a v:l: I Lh reL or coup ,cl*sficnn: Crai. s'id he d;', .r ; ... any thing t !, b 'j..: . sut inll of te: ATLANTA -u :-,' ehng v:rst.ed but said he C' - [.3 Dor'se:;. e iub out, . " .'- " • ,.f : ton's blesii:g. The two m-:1 iere ejected from th. klan aier D:Stt re- admittcd Col:, wvh-, Ui 'he fa- mous klan retreat fror: the Lunibee Indians c RA "n County ;la:I-s: Wa t 2'c . ,..': Sthe O.Al t. ,n -i i ,'. r- proval frr hi h ,.-

.:.) / < /U oat:57-9 6/( ------r - -

7-777 (P.:* or, mw0 f..:,s -.

.. ... DIRECTR I (157-9-8)



, Coittee (II). .He aid press release denie

of America, I nvcstig. tiAor paru t of eUnited of I Klatheand states that letters hailed us eite pressSthe release answer to issued pbess Crelease turned ovr to tha e Post offierl . S carlotte (1-281) (He said press rlea denies -out by ICwere turned over to the Post Offce "

* - - the reen tarlotte 1r-2th1 ( n)atonl .tllgen .

_ . ._tte(Hp N xst-on cle nt o .2o1967fe at2i. a t Al

-A Specl Agen in Charge t A9 SST-826

6 , 7 A co r di n g t o a e w b ar l elf l tt dt that if there was t RIC, then SILTO would be nas of SMUTMM ad all present membera ef Imperial

Above r4)aorntoa. .'


-' - r." -



*N~ N

H S a.4. b

- T. y ' 1 FD-36 (Rev.5-224-4) I - . \ I


, . ~Date: 6-14-67.~, .

Tremmitit thbenm in ; -7 (Type in plainted or code) A hL AIR MAIL (Priority) ------TO: DIRECTOR, FBI


Re Charlotte airtel to Bureau dated 5-31-67 and Birmingham telephone call to Bureau June 14, 1967. ROBERT MARVIN SHELTON, Imperial Wiz UKA, Tuscaloosa, Alabama; and , appeared at the Tuscaloosa Resident Agency toand ay made available a five-point memorandum which partly concerned information set out in referenced airtel, headed "Memorandum for the FBI and Postal Authorities, Subject - Pos le Use of Mails to Defraud." The first two points of th an oncerned backound inf tion concerning I and pointed out a ree ceased to be em or e , Inc., as of April 18, last. 3 ureau (enc. 1) -Atlanta (enc. 1) 2-Charlotte (enc. 1) 3-Birmingham A 4_4;,1 - 157-835 R1(49 1 - 105-560 1 - 105-722 JUN , I": re-

A v Sent M Per Speci Agent in Charge ' BH 157-835

i - Point three of the Memorandum stated that entttodApril 18, 1967,s ed to defraud the Klan of its dues and di use il.1iils by posing as authorized representatives of the UKIA, Inc., and re sted all units of that organization to send dues to rather than to the National Headquarters.

Point four concerned the receipt of an unsigned letter dated June 5, 19f.,lwhich further perpetrated the fraud, thereby indicating further justification not to mail any more dues to the National Headquarters. ,Point five stated that since membership has terminated in the Klan, he has attempted to operate in the name of the Klan with the hope that unauthorized dues would be forwarded him. Recommendations at the close of the Memorandum was for a complete investigation in this matter be made to the end of the prosecution of any person . or persons found. at having violated Federal laws pertaining to fraudulent use of the mails, and that in this connection it is believed it would be quite simple to trace the seal and rubber stamp used on the letter of June 5, 1967. The Memorandum listed five exhibits, but all have been furnished previously to Postal authorities. aaadvised he and Klan officials contacte c l Inspector, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, ear ier today and made available this memorandum along with exhibits. Itated ould furnish full details to his Atlanta Office for possible investiga- tion by his Department. He further advised the Memorandum for the FBI was prepared for information in this matter. All were advised that the Memorandum did not contain information which would indicate any violation of which the FBI had jurisdiction.

s No contact with local Postal Inspector will be made UACB.

One copy each of the Memorandum is enclosed "...' f Bureau, Atlanta, and Charlotte. i U

2ueu Ai~ BH 157-835

ROBERT MARVIN SHELTON, Imperial Wizard, UKA, so advised he renewed his Alabama Driver's on 6-12-67 and paid this with a $20.00 bill, termined to be a bogus bill. SHELTON advised he either obtained this bill at the First National Bank, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, or from a friend, not identified, who was visiting him recently. SHELTON advised this individual was from Hamilton, Ohio, and he had informed him that be might have obtained this bill at a bank there. SkLTON advised he is expecting a visit from the Secret Service in connection with this matter. -.

advised SHE LUappeared at her office on two occasions on 6-13-67 and made restitution of the money. She advised he appeared to be embarrassed and upset with the incident and stated he was "framed."


W'3JECT: Possible use of mails to defraiud

I) At some time prior to April 18, 1967 Honorable obert M. Shelton, Imperial Wizard nited Klans of America, Inc., dis- covered that one had been recommended for Klan membershi and in ucted through the efforts of the

ole had prior tEo taztr1 n- dicted or inci ' g te Cherokee Indians in the State of lorth aro to riot, and b:th .sew tiat he was ineligible -or ..:e,.ersnginTe ne Ka ns of Amoerica, nc. because of :.. and other conduct in his background. 2' On A ril 1 67 b' action of Honorable Robert M. 5:.elton,

o mem as.p.r te nit e K ans of America. Inc. and held up to that time by the sai (Exhibit l), all pursuant to rules, regu- ions and By Laws of the United Klans of America, Inc.

z; Subsequent: to said date of April 18, 1967, and with full \ .:nowledge that they were no longer members of the United Klans ) Amerca Inc., there is evidence indicating that the said conspired to defraud the'Klan of its dues . did use the mails of the United States for the purpose S.. perpetrating this fraud by posing as authorized representatives *a the United Klan: -, America, Inc. and re uestin all units of that organization t: send its dues to one rather than to National Headquarters as provided under the rules, regulations and By Laws of the said United Klans of America, Inc. (Ex.iit 2).

(4) O4 June 5, :7,:here was mailed an unsicned three page letter purportedly authorized by United Kians of America, Inc. apparently further perpetratng the fraud of the April 26th letter by stating that Mr. Shelton, the Imperial Wizard, had en deposed, thereby irdicating further justification not to .:.ail any more due- to N.tlnhal Headquarters. Said letter pur- ported to come fro.r he "Natlanal Intelligence Committee" of * -e United Klans o: Aerc?. Inc. which such committee does -t now and has neter ::isted (Exhibit 3).

5) Since the termi:.ari3n of the said .-ember- hip in the Klan, h. .as apparently attenmp:ed to operate in the name of the Klan, with the hope.that unauc.oridJ es would /- t d"7es 46


SUBJECT: Possible use of mails to defraud

Pace 2

be 2orwarded to him or his designee. Copies of such letters have gone through the mail are enclosed as Exhibits 4 and 5.


is recommended that a cozplete invet~-~ionof t.s atter .e made to the end of the prosecution of any person z carsons ,atnd to have 'violated federal laws pertaining to fraudu nt that it -se.of the mails. In this connection it is believed ,- a2d be quite simple to trace the seal and rubber stamp Ased dhe preparation of Exhibit 3. FD-36 (Rev. 5-22-84)

FBI Date: 6/16/67

Transmit the following in (Type in plain.ez or code)

AIRMAIL (porty) Via Via AIRTL (prsority)


Re Charlotte airtel to Bureau dated 5/31/67 and Birmingham telephone call and airtel to Bureau, both dated 6/14/67. Referenced Birmingham airtel furnished details concerning a visit oSrial

e ocesa 1 dent Agency on zncl for the Bureau, Atlanta and Charlotte are Xerox co ie able to AEL : - of a press releas MELVIN SEXTON, on 6/14/9. This press Srelease is te June 0and reflects that it is a release of MELVIN SEXTON, Imperial Kligrapp, of the UKA / is concerned with * and this release also reflects that it the same matter as was dealt with in the five-point memorandum enclosed with referenced airtel. Birmingham is retaining the copy made available by MELVIN SEXTON of this press release; however, to SA ( this matter no further action is being taken in regard to by the Birmingham Office at this time. - Bureau (Enc. 1) (AM-RM) 2 - Atlanta (157-826) (Inc. 1) (RM) / -/ S- Charlotte (157-281 (Enc. 1) (RM) 2-- Birmingham 0 L - (1 - 157-835) JUN 171967 (1 - 105-560) 17ITj Cc. m g e- 105-722)

Spe ia Sent M Per Snpeciaa 'gent in Charge 0'


_-- - a. Fror.. S.,vin Se:on, • .-- ..- ' ,,p -d .:.gaSrapp

The purpose of this re:ease is to set at rest false imp!ications and fraudulent statements made in an unsigned letter of June 5,1967 purportedly from a "National Intelligence Committee' of the Ured /f X:.r.s of America, Inc., copies of which hasebcen and are being distributed by one Geor F Th:;a unauthorized and clandestine publicathin ridicates among other th'.gs that Imperial Wizai Robert ... Shelton is suspended and that I am to assume the duties of Imperial Wizard.

The general public. should be informed that Mr. Dorset: has not been a member of the United Klans of America, Inc. since Apri iS,1967, at which he ceased to be a member under the rules, regula- tions and By Laws of the United Ki.:lis of America, Inc. He was forcibly e.peled because he had vio- late- our regulation in tha ':e as a Nat:ional Offzicr had rec:.n:c.ded and engineered the membership .:* on_ James S. "Catfis : in a Nnorn. :nl umnt of the Kian knowing at the time that the said Co.: was not eligible for n:cihbership Ln the Klan because of his formner indictment and conviction for the incitement of the Cherokee Indian Trbde of North Carolina to riot, and hIs subsequent sentence in the North Carolina pe-.i:en:iary for this felony, as well as other bad conduct in his background.

There is no "National Inte!!igence Comnnit:te. in the organiza:ior. of the United Klanrs of America, lnc., and if there were such a commit:ee the Imperial Wizard himself would be the chairman thereof under the rules and of the organization. This is not the fist time tl:at such a publication as the letter of June 5, 1957 has been traced to Mr. Dorsett. As his cther and former publications have proved, this particular communi.ction, unsigned and almost untraceable, is completely false and fraudulent in its implications and statements.

.- perial Wizard Shelton's ter-n of sv ice has not termirnatied or been suspended and he will continue s;rvese. as Imperial Wizard pursuant to his lawful election, and I will no:, of course, assume any duties .:et. Imperial Wiza-d. Moenover, I am .o even elgsble to succeed to the of-ce of the Lnperial Wizard .p;n said office becoming vaca::: .r any reason, such right of succession being vested in the Imperial K aliff or Vice President of the United lKians of America, Inc. Likewise, the Grand Dragon of North Carolina, J.R. Jones, has not and wilt ra.ot reL.inish, hs office and will continue to serve until his succes- sor is duly elected and qualiied.

In connection with 'ahe foregoing, it has acer. recomm.nended by clen'oers of the Imperial Council that this entire matter , false and f ra.x_er.: e:tcrs sen: thouch the United States M: il by for.mer members of the Ur ied KIas of America, :.:. be turned over to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and United States Postal Aut.ortie.s for invemS. -:ica and possible prosecuicn for violation of the criminal laws of the United Stares. It is my und rs.:.;:::. tha: a mail fraud conviction could carry a sentence up to five years.


CIOSTTTW FBI Date: 6/15/67gIirJR7 ..•

-ran mit •W "o in (Type in plainseJ or od) TOB: DIRECTOR, PB' -9-).

:FRW(:1 Ca ATLANTA (157-826) (F)


Reilrtel 6/12/67.

dated 6/13/67. This document is an attack on ORGB DOKEs C. other document Is an offloical mandate issued by SEXTON and -JAMES O and CaNL WEBSTER. S.- Char ls (1it- TE2(.9Tt

described 4ocuments are enclosedTwo herewithcopies of foreach the of Bureauthe above ad one copy each fo the i nformation of Charlotte and Birmingham.

S- Charl Aet in Charge


IMPERL L K'MGLPP From Mc:vi. ton, Imperal KIigr-pp MELVLN SE:rOS

The purpose of this re!zase is to sti at rest false fiplicatiors and fraudalent statenments made in an unsigned letter of June 5,1967 purl!ortedhl from a 'National Intellience Committee' of the U ' ed . Ki;ls of America, Inc., copies of which have been and are being distributed by one Geor:e F That unauthorized and clandestine publication li icates anon otiher things that Imperia 1 Wizard c " M. Shelton is suspended and that I am to assume the duties of Inpe-rial Wizard. ' , 'r

The general pub!ic shou'd be infor..ed that Mr. Dorsett has not been a member of the United Kl!ns of America, Inc. since Aprii 1I,1967, at which time he ceas d to be a mnember under the ru!,;. rcgula- tions and By Laws of [!,e United Klars of Anerica. Inc. Hie wai forcibly expc!icd because h.e1had vio- lated our rtguiation in that ' e as a Nati::l Officer had recommelnded and en.ineered the r:Inmb.rshin of one James S. Ca.ish Cl in _2 .o:0..: . t of iC Klan r.novig at le ti tat".. tnc smd Cole was not e ble for meni:ership in the Klan b:caue of his for;i:cr indictment and co:'icrion for the incitement of the C.he.oce I.ndia Tr:'c of Ncr. Caroi:. :.o riot. and his subsequent sentence in the North p."I;nti,":vyaro!na for this fai,;ny, as wecas c:her bad con:duc in his backrt und.

There is no "Ntional I::t!liger.nze Cc.:,:i:te in the or~ .:::,z:o:of the Unitei Klan.s of Amcrica, Inc., and if there were such a conirntt:e the ir.xperi:i Wizard hins..f would be th:e chirman 'hereo under the rus and dogma of ti O:^aniz:ic. This is no: tLe :ils: tne that su::h a publication as the Ckter ci' Ju: e 5, 1967 has ben rac,.d to ,r. DsAtt.. As ot:er and. former p.blIcations have proved, this pae!: : communicat ;on, unt n:.. ,o: unt: :euce. is co.pletely faaSe and fr.audult :n its impL:cations and sta:i:ents.

Imperial Wizard S.:!to:1's tenn of sc1ie h:as not tCrnincted or been susp eded and he will continue to serve as Imoe:h: Wizad puruan!t to hi lawful: election, and I wil! not, of SCurse, assume any mC::s .of the Imperial Wizard. Moreover, I am not een ci: i'. to succ:ed to the oice of the Imnperial Wizard upon s;a! office becom:ing vacant for an-y reason, such niglt of succes;i1l being vest'd :i the l aIp-ca Kaliff or Vice President of the Unitc:d aI:as of Anmer:a, Inc. Lik. '.se, the Grand Dragon of North Caro'ina, J.R. Jones, has not and wif! not ri:quish is ofe and c nue to rve untila his succes- sor is du!y elected and qul'li:e;.

In connection with the foregoing, i; has been rcco:n:ie: Dy n:mbers of the Impr:i Cocnrcil i t this entire matter , including false and fraudlent lc rs sn : uough the United S:ates :111 by fO:rmer members of the United Klans of America, InC. be turned over to the Federal Bureau of lnvesti at.n and United States Postal Authorities for ir.vesziation, and poss-:ie Fros2cu!ion for violation of the c:iminai laws of the United States. It is my u- 4 :r..e::. that a n:;ii fra : conviction could ca -iy a sentence up to five years.


a t 0i


Esteemed Klansmen:

Up to this time I have remained silent about thi insidious conspiracy perpetrated by the so called Rev. George Dorsett, Rev. James "crawfish" Cole oftei ferred to as "catfish" Cole - but according to the Lombee Indians of North Carolina, quote, [a catfish has a backbone and Cole has none, the proper name should be "crawfish"), end of quote, and Clyd ebster, whom I feel was duped into violating his oath and slan- -apparently with the help of the Anti-Christ have tried t create anamosity,suspicion, disunity dered the leadership of the United KOans of America. t upon using my name in a letter designed to appear as an official Mandate of this Order and making p ess releases: I Melvin Sexton have no choice but to step forward as a God fe"ring Klansman and an eve true riot of our beloved nation "the United States" and denounce the above mentioned. A true Klansman forsakes the bad and strives for the good, remembering always that the living Christ isa Klansman's criterion of character. This obligation they have violated. George Dorsett and James Cole cannot be men of God so I will never associate their names with Reverend again.

A true Klansman is patriotic towards his country and loyal to his fellow Klansmen. This obligation the bliss- they have violated, by entering into a conspiracy revealing secrets of this organization, breaking ful bonds of fraternal union fidelity one toward another and devoted loyalty to the sacred principles and puiposes of our noble order and have aided and abetted the true enemies of our Country [communism] and this order with malicious lies to create disunity for sefinsh gain. eye of scru- The proper officials have known of their conspiracy for over a year and the ever watchful tiny has been upon them. They have been legally banished under article XX section 34, so stating: In the event the preceding sections of this Constitution fail to provide for punishment of any Klansman for interest of any of the offenses herein referred to, or for any other offenses that isinimical to the best such * this Order, the Imperial Wizard is hereby vested with authority and power to prefer charges against SKlansman in accordance with the provisions of this article, or at his discretion to issue banishment order for a period of 90 against such Klansman, who shall have the right of appeal to the Imperial Kloncilium by releasing names and days after date of banishment, but these men forfeited all rights and privileges secrets to the news medias and trying to collect dues after banishment ina fraudulently manner and shall forever be banished from the United Klans of America, Inc.

The Imperial Kligrapp shall publish the decree of banishment to Klans in the realm in which such per- son holds membership, or throughout the bounds of the Invisible Empire in accordance with the decree, which I have done.

George Dorsett has referred to his watch dog committee thru the news media on numerous occasions, which is not a legally constituted body having never been voted on and approved by the majority of Klansmen in North Carolina. It's nothing more than a manufactured perpetrated monolific lie. The - a mongrelized-traitor. only watch dog that would associate w;ih him after his banishment would be

If any Intelligence Committee were a legally constituted body of the Klan the Imperial Wizard him- self would be Chairman, but George Dorsett could never qualify for such a position which apparently all would require a man of proven discretio rd intelligent. He would be disqualified on three. ""~s;../ .. .Yours for God an~J Country, U .I . Date: 6/14/67, ..

- - - ciaimsorcodel- - - -+ -- - . r-+ ,-+-- - -+ ------(Type is p r





Re qfba.nte airtel to Bureau dated 5/9/67, urea i:-rtel to Charlotte dated 5/24/67, Charlotte airtel to Bresu dated 5/31/67, Atlanta airtels to Bur dated 6/7/67, aad 6/8/67, and Miami airtel to Bu a d 6/9/67.

- Bureau (157-9-8) (acl. (RM) 2 - Atlanta (157-826) (Encl. 1) (RM) 2 - Birmingham (157-835) (Encl. 1) (RM) 2- Columbia (157-151) (Encl. 1) (R) 2 - Jacksonville (157-863) (Encl. 1) (RM) S -noxvilleK- (157-301) (Encl. 1) (RMll 2 - Mlephis (157-576) (Encl. 1) (R r 2 - Miami (157-1114) (Encl. 1) (RM) 2 - Mobile (157-582) (Encl. 1) (RM) 77 2 - lorfolk (157-464) (Encl. 1) (RM) a JUN * -- ichmond (157-846) (Encl. 1) (RM) 2 - Savannah (157-629) (Encl. 1) (RM) S -~ Tampa (157-1559)' (cld. 1) (RM) : Charlotte (2 - 157-281) T (1 - 157-230)


Sent M Per . -Agent in Charge CE 157-281

Enclosed for the Bureau are three (3) copies of letter prepared by Charlotte on letterhead of the National Intelligence Co tee of United Klans of America, Inc. (NIC) dated 6 7

As the Bureau an . er o IC Grand letter was mailed to selected Imperial Officers, selected Charlotte Dragons, and Titans of the UKA as set out in referenced { airtel to the Bureau dated 5/31/67. This letter was ma the Atlanta Divis the afternoon of 6/5/67,

Referenced communications from Atlanta and Miami indicated respective this operation has also received publicity in their indicates that territories, and referenced Miami airtel of 6/9/67, this NIC operation has created widespread confusion and disruption among the klan leaders.

by the pe rs d the receipt of this letter North Carolina, as well as the eneral membershi which have been informed through the

At this time, full reports have not been received from all units in North Carolina, but the reports whicre being received indicate that Im erial wizard R -,.. was UPG ezset,

-2- CZ 157-281

but after discussions with SHELTON of the Anti- assam msgvings that the letter may be the work appears to believe that a being Defamation League. IS backed by the Anti- amation League (ADL) and tha selling out the UKA to ADL. present The overall evaluation of this operation at the Division's time is that the results are exceeding the Charlotte as fostering discontent, dissension, and expectations insofar but also confusion not only in the klan membership in general, throughout its leadership in North Carolina.

The following news articles appeared in the indicated papers on the dates indicated:

-3- 'lot'


l . tice pM: let Klu' A'n~ I "Cs!t:W. :u I, chc...s aFirs' flnts a s ap,01 ot'1... has craCcd k~, On v~Ias sig;:cd 1"aro t

:td'v- calp .- cA -' V C is rope b~ Li u-. Crane D XI of scme. Lownf ii eres~rl~~L a on 1,4I fu-~c~'rts C- c p Sapphe pu~e; Ni

C:>. Lck ot X'rcd h r~~red NU.nC. cow 6:1 evs t cres l t> - d rE to - acon ran re ~ iC0'tcevi~us . cj FSn NYC citm ftii, b. v n Jit.; :0 ... s n- V;sr

ta s nt, re,,io t . 0 4' him it fi flrcr( twig~m ir 0I ex rJt I t h I

, a i: 13A Ul'.6 "htc il a'Id the iA i tv t( cp -a it riar a cenrrpi shak -up in the :'.nKs t;s"

25 The run.0 a tha, Jotcs v. to lb).r 'c~- I Mr (:IKC Epic Jre(en rami- -. f.. Soe in?. $c bnE C4i 01 T~lfl' 4e l< The Rt 0 i' ., Inc camre G3r ~ ra ky '<~di A ti or.s /5'io-2- //

0.51/CLc Sbrovh' to his tio I he ,did ra'arto o imrove , s:_ta- an:'::t, of the ctarges against Lion. 'lHe was blnn.d for Jr.:3~a Sa,:con. '"nonfan:lce and being remiss li aacuse Jon-s of perona! in his olli.ation." Ir.lmc:u'c: ard me: i ,NiC i:ce "appointed" .ils:.3as act- and has beer. i'l nqutwt in tha' 'r"n draCon, efiective last he h.. hi :i.. to VtL h. lighi, ani a him to take e units ,ad rov :ert uf and p-r.n.1 l psis id.Ionof all klan rr.e,,. He is also W rectnds and fuiv,. 'Vilsen was cused of ialure to abid' by:'asd 'o noti. all unite of the the KLD co st itu iou.:cha,,e in crmmniand and to call £pecif c lly by refuing to hold a state mLetilg as soon as osai- an eieztiun far his pas:. b;c. no later th:!n Aug. 1. NIC says it oust be effecti'.e - Geg D c, r s e t t the or evell the be;: kian un: will Crer:sboro preaher who has gro;:e nA fa.l sud thereio:e been working to get rid of Joacs "b)y rtue of the power and*wel:c contacted today said he authority vested in this c:n -was pleased that Jones was mi .e"did 'r-ermo.e'" Jores as ousted, but surprised that of last night. ;Wils.,i' was nanme, to replace NIC has ordaid Jon2s to him. ,"ceae and d~ist e-&ciring. any "1 tho;:-ht Wilson and Jones of his powers as grand d:a-gon were frinds'."' Dorsett said, and to turn over all klarn but I g e:_sLth co:mmit tee fel. records, b.s, fu:ds. property.. Wilsri knes nmore about the and. paraphen a. klan rc-ords than a,,one else." Thie super :s.Lrt unit s.aid 11is .nhas. carried the titleof it was removir.; .oltonbec:a;*e :Ia; tr psirer since the the actions of Jones have been or.anrzation vas formed in Sa!iihury in 2:-3 D-,:t's rpr'l.ise, how.e'er, was not cc;n:ned to the zp- p:nt::t of .ison.Dorsett wa, zs: given a verbal to:;.,c- lashing by the cn:;inLaee. NIC m~in-.ins, accordin to' Post inform.:ion, tht D,:sett has beenm "db : cr:t and r rmiss and is hereb:, official!y repr;_ -dkd" for failing to ap- pear NIC vth his grilpe againct Jns. Dorsett said he ..s "a littledisappomnted" by this charge. , T"he klan's inter;ia squlc came to light sev\era! ix' !age " :henDor-.ett annl:lC d h.s campaigr. to remle Jor's f.,r rrisu< of fur, . Shortyi af,:r 'Dcs::t starLd his efforts, ho iwas L;nished fr.m the kln by Shelton. l rcsett said ih.8 bani,!mvn:n was illega under ktan ruleq.I Shelcn and Jones said it wat legal. The Pst chcke:d into the financial structure of the tlate: KKK and learned that t:he: orga::ization h~as a potential of raking in 5125. 0? a year. Jones and his wife are paid ap- prairnately Sl530 a year n, salary. NIC has no loaal branch, but does hac branches in Gree'n-o, hi:,'.,an i ky Mini. , ,' C> ii- Brar :IPs Pre .!o in severa; ether sr-tes. Do .n s;:id totd'V that MiC has the !ee-l a n:i-ty to reSoe, l,:eCs. o:,,c. hoveOVC LAis fl' c':; Ctd to F-:ree. CHARLOTTE OBSERVER CHARLOTTE, FORTH CAROLINA

JUNE 9, 1967

fl Robert va .+ 1sn k i' Joc

!S.lSfit:fl? - (-^ - A li&rr ri: t'd ohat tttre was Shelton t t4 : ' acs':e! kjlin in'ei i:r: ^.c9' nrhirY to itSt, b hs kict:e-2 Ailaas ' c.u t SriOW and TWA rit; Vas 'Thu= I; ro eurh or:an1ii Imperi'l 4 I~oot ra~l out:of th UniL'd tlinf a this. raid Jonrs, " Tbr a",SaB: Pns. badc i..: nzI f Noice" Shelter

* ""rP*l.&i t~ e~rssA a.s:'.!rircrki^.zd cctoh xere orrcrr by h= SIr,. h~d astrA i a( "all Dornt: and Colo ct;t or the IN:e!.i-cnz p MW b- Sc'ut~ I Hi. NC: klan, rind ivy prtcott'.d k I as Nations 1 ,ro': rf about. ar t is I, > z"I^. to r 1), CI" to organ-e a ri°;l rr.up, Cwnilttc. a t X1,0e kir.;r-eri Lamn Otd uu;hou' *uI.ori!kc Rb'c ( II," he in A:a;an! a. enra CraM (it nator. sai. Dr?;rrn Cahin Crniv t NIC 71. fPu.S-4dlAT crimmt. i "ruc el a ti~tosname. tr' a. cnmv Pfter a Accord::; in the P sji10 r~pr cen th b ran ::ecoI of N7rt Caro!in; ,' I.:rt Shclhen is sill In. rpcr cer. :h" imperial WiL' " 0f lIe Klan. Craig


I . ' . I ) "1

S.LIEL1,' t -The NMrth letter from 'oficial sources," , C a gr ad dragon of quoted the letter in part: BUT in At alonina. Ca'-i Cenrai Craig ar Unieha g r a Grand D c z ficti- has Uten tti y "c.. "Therfore, 'y vbltue of the said NIC was "pUrely no soch bten! lutieglC Con I. poer ,z. authoriy v-sedl in tious ne. Th:,re'. tc NIC)uteli thence CoUKna i:. e th'. c , R. Jo. :es is oi;iion in thecrgrnkation. said Dorsest and anoter , thpe 17KA ra.. c here; rn,oveCd as grand Craig hasE tIC) the Klan chas but e s etoffs at it. dragn of the iled ltats of man ba:i '-d fror.: c. Rebert ohes Ff Grat it. Am-rica Inc. for the realm of "thouug) up the name" N'IC. Quarry. the :rnd sragor said NJith C2rodiol effective June Cra', affed: "Robert Jones QuaTherry the no such orpgor ,2 i . 1." f.'re leter also said is stirl ;c per cen. the erar.d "Threis o Impcril 1arC Robert M. 'dragon of North CaruilUs and asthis NICl" Shlton of Tuscalvesa. Ala., 1iob-rt SiL.:c. is sil! 13 per intpeial wizand of the after a bad bern suspended. cent the JONES cornmented Cr7- said he d:d not n papr yesteday KbMan." "a.D." uSalishedbury a lecr s ed o'ny !I addec that Fred Wi!son of km. what the ipitials with the ia ".D." ar Saiish'y. state ti easu'er-. and"R.E.T." meant. chaitrman in A*'anta of thr. would as.ume the duties of Jones ssid be had never and had no ciC. and b' ".E.T." as co ac a; ;rpnd drs-n anl th t heard of tIhe NIC office r P.iil '.... lil rln to urrender his c:hairrrn in Ft. Lauderdale. the i, Seton. xnoiId as urn- She-Iton"- rocol-s. Fia.The. laettr cduid onser b. AUs f'Crrinz to the grard drag- delinoer in the ;.rdmiisrviJ In Grccra'ero. the rcv. onh J. re. sid: "1 von't be del i n he: th 2-G --- D ate.t. the uluddth:ovn cut."sa - ) ,e.C ~ fl , . e-, . t ,.h. r n e of his 'I-c : d the! he 'l o 1 , ' P t i .orth 1ary, ia. failed to al~ n cl: " ' 1: r, ':;M C in :. , .. v ps r ,rn ,s d i'y -ar c .;- : ' h t'C C :, it O r ' 1 " th e . I c b"1ee ci- s ? whuch said :Ohru it :, - a id 'J e v ?e p'.'- asd doJrs fLF uPDCl:.cO. C4ARLOTTP OSsFP'l CHARLOTI'E, NOTH CAROT.I:

JUNE 10. 1967


JtJLCJ-il tat

1} V- -, * ~.1.. b)l~t . U. '..-tLA KJSLJK>J..K.Ll

RALEI .- 40IT - Th? --! ,,furlrm suewvs said

ee hih rusppr r' I.:: ,;:I :i . - r ,: ! on; 11VizcrdM Sis. 0chr in Grar. Dis r k-- .1 .1 is h MC founded in t El Ku K W-1. t r 1 r is a . : I iiwh const ewirr. ar.6 ches h1 e, i e7ber v.i1 go 17: th's p:i r, it wR e 'nd e fir ot Jo Fri *ay. It z:3 Ita!ncd that .'cn the NC was part of p rI!:e. T1 sri =, I hn i, a in. wi(:, h*tem:l by or 1 : -a to frnts in the ! g , ' I Pt ter u" ti - k: C. r; waIS the disrnkl ! of 1 Ti:& fai. viin*nL a .' mi*'.: n v [:1 r~r. r r Of chrisan e i s , :: to a r:i in the rn'ed wi0t' 1o clean ct n k!ii n- K. n of 'na-ica. ,1 m ' uine their f-a -- fc r 'r.e S ce- r-i'r d tI e di-coi person'l t;c:c l. ii*' v i: t 9 UNI. hr bie fmur or fi W.11: C- MC b n. g. n f'r th h.i.1: ic Y e ivs . ' a he& of en iri l

r1 plm Ons.m It was learie4 that the NI. ieer has afIrr-r' to filtl r--.'e of tbt s!ture of J'i;ps cr She!ior.


..: .,.,-N. C., Fri?- , Ju.n 9, 1 7 Jo;:c.3, tom- in !..,t .a-

I* Ot.L? *f Z ft

SA!.IHURi1'Y UI' - lie Jo;:A;. ,.h . WO :::- , ar. in p;oidi-g Imrpe. Wi:.:!of tv ' ni- ri;- I c. :ausmn vi:h Kin m --- ed K', as " A:: irC. n:: J : A.n the Noca . ::: : .. ,h-- . rcj . Me Grana D:a:;or. .:--e -h.h N h" :,:: a3 leI'4 _ . : ;,,o h. ? TOT s,:0no:,.: w ad-ass? Ed, the 01ou tc : ' :l.I's ." u-- b - - :. h: he s'" PTC $.-' tr : . folk::s .ed to secrct Naional I'-- * e t-- I') -... Ir. l1 K!:. cnsti- Coch::ee0.e :r . :.-iuJ r,: ts isrn: .:b b r use- Potrep-j. ivd ,or . : !. . : o .0,' a5 .l, for hist In a ex:: si. bht u'- I. . Cmmi e r -.- ' Ei;'cl o Iat p r-;.t, I ' - It di! -,: !hnra:e co.- Post said the ucI, 1c.,ca -b , t, 5 . - . .. . : s q ,ota %. :.:::i! : n r a : s as a typ ct' ri: e d.- m S ' he al. hai revE 3r. t .h z r ba: tire agency" :!ch acts < h N . JonS" v :o Ln pva--i:. c the " es an e'- t "I.'a t n .. a::d ; suc -d'd r. F 1 o'. I Mac," to .k a-.a' a v- I A' an n- . .: said ri, Cj m a dri sand, I rc n!:,. n n A!,. Jo;; i: ;c.eeim 2 to ie h e and v - ,. be, t s- GWor e MACr::1 Dr;a-n Ca!- drs::: dr.;nZQ.,p. I.,-er of th, sitye :an since vb Cra;: of A:!. a de::'J T:!i P - sal i h:! 1:017.1~ : -n.-: could .:,be lhe: M . a, n = ?.- thioe E:. NW. . r r: c -ni : or din; dne. ! : hr ,e F. o:i l in onI:d . ., : l 1:::.:.-the- A,. teil4ne' nec :pra o'.'r.'n fI , :o. c I the na- (o g D.- - o Gr eees- Ac ,' d:.: to .h .' , . I,'. : a ,t . tr , : I NIC W:red Irpc;.1 \'i:3rd stale:..::t c,:.rg. Jones who r:ee:I1 . es . ;d' of R , S . I of ue: - ' ::: . o :t is Klr :sc1,: -- , p : i a sa. A b fire.Nrt a om d raea .e." fe ,iir. e ' :e K'inn Kia., Gu L. Dra--- J. l to i 'Tl 5:tL .t a o re- ranks.-h s d ! hrN'C d s hae J.c.; f Gronw Qarr i bt p ie:'t'd c,.. &eI .,n-.,;v.a when ShtlC b:k .,at * .,i dWl.n.: in isi ng Kioo S ee .MAn, . 2

the aM:IorI .to !a':-the a-

tinIs desc:1t. by .2 Fest. At % u atd n' was ab:nvh s he a:d Jvnes were cse Mi-.- Jr-.'s rcp-.r7:Ci hc ben ord: to - n A h

in h'isos- n.

rc i' r. en -,

r e .: -A - a3



; jf 3 t.Vchis con-- A: the ~rb swill p ui B't(1Xff V i f~i ~i fi. 'k J! ' pl%~. to tie ~ ~ ~ ~~ &U;'j Prtlt n'tiOJ I. Sneizor. Ilei!I. J, rb! cV. lntz1ig'fCC l h ~zus ~oCC.w n& N .toral svulLCS. cl aeid' 71"te 1he "~fc~ i . :Ci?~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ coz:il I w!%iA -IetSe4c i. n !,11

'O l A ":, i ie n 'd" c ~ 12 Seelto l as - ofc l p 1:,;!cn r. N",' 1 F :V ' firmitedp con nay -, *p

ICr* a 'M S shs r aiI t, e ,ser- 1 p u r~t of a nati',- 4 'O fl c. the N'iC e C~i of I ' VL a , 'erp 'One factinri ta tion ' s 3(o r il C r ('. I r n jlc *tl ' n .sn " (r ~ ~E lit' r f ]k C 7C .0 ~ . e i u . e Ki i ' . h a . T r" M T w I llb " i ,i 0A IcALQtiCrtVLj nr Ia3 r~ W?.;:i to CIC'I 'ti 1 to C ~ M~I tot Pe:--;*rlp m2i in Ati" Ab~'f L 5 wig'; uvrg lhe.. o fiies *'( ' et th s -Vfl 'ti jm gan to -_ ..n .... ri ,1 t~ b& sorn!,r - c. .Iv ~ '' Ili h C imas cjstcd of! .*j t i, Vzr n PI 1 ' iCCi F251, ile' i~ncl fr.- (ice-ho'.41' c r thr C~l Of I do ?IPy .I-~ e.~ ' re-I itel' inior h v4nG3. hme held A L-c il' V:Iansifl :1 fl ' C c tins It w's !e: Olad that I. T.:~C' I S h l * h' 3'0 2--i NIC nev' hta'p.~e to fih

,l 11-. 'ro t)r E.! n or ShW1' 'i- U t hof 1 le'to' "'au ti jn'eur 1W 1 'r'p.c-rvd- sccte. c' Th- l;, ' J - . ar-! fil" 'ir- f jarildc Jo.a, "s E"'' o~- vii the rail 0:.'c f.* "i"n l! siiial fns~s ofj keshp 0! th! Mail has gOr! I ''.' - .r in in " A of I'2'~ vi!01 ~Lc7 Li" al ir' hJ NIC o-ie'sla Tte 'w- ions h.CII c1:1t1w a cLL,icfl vnc'th-' tne i~ln ifc.... pst. t:,,r is e it~ V71.'~ C'b_.n 0'"l ae knvfl a :.: t f i " tere 'r' . Ie a - ' I n . his di

tofli'2 Ii efll hhl MC as lrei. th Itt' Ar" r,-t \% to n. , a N9 C - ' I . 3"ale thIk1'vi le -c "'


JUNE 9, 1967

SbTelon An1 d J -- ,

BY ROn'RtT .k. AU!A:; Wizard by hMtvia Sextc, T : (0l.1. : !iTEE al o ,i-. wa!swtinv i-r iormer Im,ri Klirepp (nrt- ave Dr .t! an:; of;:al repri- tional secretary). Shc:n nd rrd f; r a ilg tc air any United Klan Wof rr.:-ict.Inc. g:L'-': c-s h hd and the 'orth C:reir.a Klan Sexton aru frm Tusca.coos a, :hr kla :: :cr or the admi- Grand Dragn h ave brcn Ala. iF:!Eatin of the klan. Dorct cuc.ed I-y the ilar.'s No:i-c1l The ltt:-r alsr. .sai 2 '"i fcu-,d to 1,. decl-< ar.d Intelli;;-n:e Committee, it was Fred Wilson of Sali-tur- , r~Sniss." th: e: r . Jearme 'I.rsda). bCen named actir. Crn:: D:r:lt's I:r ,.sii n:aid Accordir. to a !,ttcr re- Dragon of tnc No:i Caroli.n from All: on T- 7 Theattention. eied from t:e NIC by. the K'zn to rep!ice J. Rob-.:r NIC atir.n .as < tacken I c Nicr- b; ouht to Ste:on's attentio. Rev. OC3rg- F. Dcrr:L cf Jones of Gra~nite Quar-.. 'I- d. :::.. beca f.ctr!e he I , o nz asnee . d u of nonsne Greensc:r., Robe-rt Sheiton "son, for.-,rly vas.;- t: Tnr j- Hee! --. , Ita A fundrem.-s.t in hi ob!ijaion. hat be:-n replaced as lr-enal Kl-n's Klate. (treu-er). Sh-ic end J..s were a . r. l is ia d cu:tedr aft r n NIC iv e NI. Shen, having been tn o orst:'. h:r s tt fr der;elict and remiss in Sr.I- had -i j2d L 'n..a- ius d a ieas as e ;eader, is here- y and had rr. d e:t in s by . . until I'st as 1:an r n further notice," the statement Dorsett, :C . r and said. Jame., (Cs:!f:,h)bC4yea,. :rat-* er banished frc:r. the .' tv nt CC7:.VIlTTEE ordered Sh!ton. CZa: no mn,:y be contributed * **nlir te No:ib Carc!i-n or THE N OTIO: L Iijrn:ial cfic:es of the Kla C, m;.i::cC chaO-i It. J Ca nl I odered to do o by this had wrr.gful;. u Yse Kian c~rmit:ee." furds entrusd to i--m; had Sexton, the rewy aprinted was ordered failed an! I,-ren di'qu: n: in thL Ir :i-rial W!etd, a - adminisra:icn of hi; office in to call an Irrperial ICnvoC nerlec:!na to v:it un:is nd tin by SCptCember. failing to prvide lit.ia:ur6 The NIC orde;.:d Wiltrn,. who and kian mter n. z- psre- C.perate; a drink stard it: Sais- scribed, bury, to cEl! a rte ~:eeung The ccm.:ittee saicd that 'no later than Aug. 1, 14i7." Jonos "is fu-i- gui:ty Co per- yTh letter had a sea!. bearing mrnlt ,o. f c .:afeas- r:e- words, "Naticr-a inl-1i- ance in cffice, a . ' vi gcnce Corni.iUtee." It waz !rA- the Klan co:,sttutroC." tialed by "J. D., May 29. 1957, The NIC :r.:'nemnt a.d the ciai,-man. At3lnla. Ga." and by charges egialt Jc.n-. were "'R. E. T., May 2, 19(7. c> chairman. For t Laudrd?!e, Fla."


JUNE 9, 1967


t ~ r tC&LiO. 3

3.% ~oC - r! h: '1? had r-ver:..r

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JUNE 9, 1967

1cd SAI.ISUP.1 Y --N.C. ;!-.F) - j:is W2s 1Is'Cned. It Nc:'h ('onA gd :- Th! in A!::!: Gcerg.a Grand orL: U d;,:lcd ia o s ni a h) : C i Crai and NIC. i'. ias .rerI:T i b ""ej' purly a f i4.1:1 ra:o.

le "'tNi" ofti 2 1 .: \ :. h: o::' n :,i' ' Cr; g -. :i'I Dur- -.s b-ca ,i t r -c. -i"1W : man ba:tished I, bu'.l;' .! 5atit. :r,' ' [ L', 't-tn" u hti u; the.

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JUNE 9, 1967

4 ? nn Gc;t D7cc; 4 5 h t In'' >'* his b::; ,o-: w'?' .. ih l. -c ~ w or jri .h::-' is ' si... S: ',, ".: iU . O.o- A.,, h-b~ c

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T 4 sr :* xi th i^0 ' (39,!Ot s s d ' D p si icc;, : oe - _Fcsh] L ::...., F-ry V* ad aaon }n ratin =s > ? C." vI'o .. f..- dAdJR~ rn-ort: as' '' ( t. c :-. J . rI:. ~~ n-.c ' P~ ' g; n i o c c x &y \ . ' . t h;; ;: R jE'Q- a c U r t bd r; a . or c5~flL . - n 1 - ;.-tn x, ofnc 0 reect ,L ar:! t n.-' 'atn je s t an c''' o\: : c cb: t I-Aa th CWa t v., r o ac f c~ o ," a nl .''] , b h L , o r A hZ dr rh I Lrpz wMor. ln sp; 'm hz'; -. . ,~i tn~c se' i An Al I - A' C ' -, d. : f C ndFdn -~~~ te- p 'r- Srnof.n~ ~~ '.C.s~c::vc:s-...,...- att Slir T.. orr- 3 the s.71 idR .. o'- r - SL S A i( r *-rit cji.: El 1 4 satat ac/ b n; a cr'' b-ct- to i 1a to t:Z: r. e - onsjcpe s s'~r N Jns C a: :! -*- it , P :_zt I'.caI In t ?:a o. Alac'way , c' h at a. [x". c'_ ~ vcc i CE 157-281 As was anticipated, both SHELTON a attempting - to rebut the affect of the NIC letter by statements to he effect that there is no such organization. It would appear feasible for the Charlotte Division to prepare aPcond letter on the letterhead of the National Intelligence Committee, which letter would attack SHELTON an for their dishonesty in denying the existence of such an organization and which letter would re-affirm its previous order concerning the suspension of SHELTON nd the removal o The Bureau is requested to approve the issuance of a econd letter with this basic context and if the Bureau approves, t is felt that this second letter will set up a situation where harlotte can take advantage of the following action which Charlotte lso proposes and recommends the Bureau approve:

Upon obtaining this stationery and envelopes, arlotte will be in a position to reare an answer to the NIC u communications over the

It is s nharlotte for Bureau approval tha this letter ove set out in its context that admits the existence oand while perhaps he has been of his duties, he feels that his penalty has been negligent in some a too severe. From this starting point, Chltte will be in nd SHELTON and it position to further the consternation is felt that this action can contributP tlrleatmeasure to not only its disrupting the North Carolina klan but perhaps start it on to take eventual demise. Charlotte would, of course, continue advantage of every opportunity using this technique to keep the confusion and dissension going as continuously as possible. This technique of Charlotte in utilizin can be successful since Charlotte anticipates w letterhead and be successful n thletter ad and envelopes

a unaware t list has been obta and ill q difficult for his to rationalize or explain away a letter bearing his signature and admitting the existence of the addresses which are NIC, particularly when such letter is mailed to onl in the possession of Charlotte has sufficient examples signature that no culty is anticipated in duplicating lisgnature1 S15

&L CB 157-281

have been In view of the very successful results which . obtained thus far in the NIC operation initiatbblB1 Charlotte is recommending the Bureau which was previously recommended to t ru IT harlott to the B n view of De prematureaout tepreIt appears that it

feels that the above recommendations in Charlotte has great potential furtherance of its counterintelligence action North Carolina, and , to further the deterioration of the klan in of the would recommend strongly for Bureau approval )% ) Charlotte above, particularly as relates to the follow-up 0 operations set out signature letter thereafter over the of d a subsequent letter utilizing his personal letterhead. are approved by the Bureau, Charlotte If these programs be that the follow-up letter of the NIC again would recommend letter on from the Atlanta Division and the subsequent mailed headquarters, Granite letterhead will be mailed from the state Quarry, North Carolina. will be The Bureau can be assured that these programs interest is protected conducted in such a way that the Bureau's and full security will be given this operation.

16 Greensboro, North Carolina June 8, 1967

Esteemed Klansmen:

I have just received in the mail a letter from the National Intelligence Committee of UKA dated June 5, 1967. This letter reprimands me for the way I have gone about criticizing Mr. Shelton an and although I feel that I did the right thing, racc his criticism as a good klansman.

I know that will make every effort to discredit the letlf onlthe National Intelligence Committee and will attempt to keep klan members from seeing this letter inasmuch as the committee has removed him as and has instructed that all of the units not s to him or to Mr. Shelton until this matter is cleared up. For this reason, I am sending a copy of the committee letter with this letter so that all of you will know exactly what 3 i has happened. The committee has appo inte and although n too close to for several y lest it is a step in the r drection.

The committee has criticized for wrongfully usin klan funds and for personal a t. I hear that is still trying to use the klan for personal gain y having il out letters all over the state asking memb ing his expensive gifts for his new house which he admits the klan built for him.

All klansmen must strive to re-unite the klan and follow the orders which have been handed down to us and look forward to electing a ne ho will have and keep the best interest of the k a oremos.

May God bless you and the organization. I remain yours in Christ.

I I aNutionald 2huteligence Qlommditee of the Aniteb plns of erica, nc. "N IC"

June 5, 1967 CCrITTEE ACENITS LCATLD AT:- Norfolk. Va. MANDATE Danville. Va. Maritlle.,To.. To All Imperial Officers and Grand Dragons, Atlants. Ga. United Klans of America, Incorporated, NontgMonry. Al Knights of the Ku Klux Klan: Tuccalcoaa. Als. vested in Jacksonvlll., Fls. Pursuant to the power and authority ACTION, Tituville. FI. this committee as set forth in THE KLAN IN duly assembled for the purpose of Ft. Lcdrdale. Fla. this committee inquiring into the current controversy existing in the Realm of North Carolina between Forth Carolina Croeb0oro. N.C,Grand Dragon J. R. Jones and Imperial Kludd Reverend l.ston. U.C. George F. Dorsett. The following findings have been Rocky ulost, N. C. made:

ElIz 1 eth City. I. C. Kludd, Rev. George bilningto, . C. 1. Whereas, the Imperial klansman, the right and A.c. F. Dorsett, has, as any other Ctrlotte. any achu.c. C obligation to appear before this committee to air leith. i. a. grievances which he may have concerning other klansmen clover City. Caol. or the administration of the klan, and having failed Tcplo, Texn to do so is found to be derelict and remiss, and is -ar, .s hereby officially reprimanded, and CalushVs. Ohio . rcvili. S C. 2. Whereas, this committee, being the eyes due to the seriousness Gcolrui. . sC. and ears of the klan army, has, of the charges alleged against North Carolina Grand Dragon J. R. Jones and Imperial Wizard Robert Shelton, conducted a complete and thorough examination of the charges, and

3. Whereas, the charges agairnst'the Grand Dragon, J. R. Jones relating to his personal misconduct: malfeasance in that he wrongfully used klan funds which were entrusted to him; and has failed and been delin- quent in his proper administration of his high office in that he has neglected to visit the units and has failed to provide literature and klan material as prescribed, and

4. Whereas, on numerous occasions he has demonstrated his failure to abide by the provisions of the klan constitution, the foremost being his refusal to hold an election for the position of Grand Dragon of North Ca.rolina prior to the expiration of his two- year term in February. 1967, and

5. Whereas, these charges having been duly considered and verified, this committee finds as a fact that North Carolina Grand Dragon J. R. Jones has been guilty of personal misconduct, mal- feasance in office, and guilty of violating the klan constitution.

6. Unless this conmmittee is effective, the best klan will grope and fail. Therefore, by virtue of the power and authority vested in this committee, J. R. Jones is hereby re-moved as Grand forthe Realm Dragon of the United Klans of America, Incorporated, of North Carolina effective June 7, 1967, and divested of all power and desist and privileges of his office. le is ordered to cease exercising any of the powers of the office of Grand Dragon and is ordered to turn over all klan records, books, funds, property, and Dragon hereinafter. paraphernalia to the individual designated Grand

7. Whereas, the committee has found that the charges above of Imperial against J. R. Jones have been brought to the attention Wizard Robert M. Shelton on numerous occasions, and

8. Whereas, Imperial Wizard Robert M. Shelton failed to as take any action to remedy this situation, this committee finds and a fact that the Imperial Wizard has been guilty of nonfeasance remiss in his obligation, and

9. Whereas,'the first and most essential duty of a leader to is to know completely the situation in -whichhe is to act and he know his enemies and the needs of the situation and the men whom powerful is to lead. Knowledge is power, and it is nowhere more truly M. than in the hands of a leader. Therefore, Imperial Wizard Robert as Shelton, having been found derelict and remiss in his duties in a leader, 4s hereby, by virtue of the power and authority vested this committee, suspended as Imperial Wizard until further notice.

THERRFORE, it is hereby ordered and decraed: 1. That Gcand Klaoe Fred Wilron, Realm of North Carolina, is ordered to assumue the duties of Actrng Gr-and Dragon in the Realm of North Carolina effective June 7, 1967, and is crdered to -2- personally take possession and secure all klan records, books, funds, property, and paraphernalia now in the possession of J. R. Jones.

2. That upon assuming the duties of the office of Grand Dragon in the Realm of North Carolina, Fred Wilson is hereby directed to irrnediately notify all units in the Realm of North Carolina of this action. He is ordered to establish a state office for the purpose of conducting all klan business within the Realm of North Carolina.

3. That Acting Grand Dragon Wilson is further ordered to schedule a state meeting as soon aa pcssible, no later than election August 1, 1967, for the purpose of holding an official for the office of Grand Dragcn for the Realm of North Carolina.

4. That all Imperial Officers and Grand Dragona receiving this letter will ixmnAdiately reprcdusce copies of this letter and forward them i ediately to the Exalted Cyclopes of their local klaverns within their respective Realms. and Upon receipt of this letter from the Imperial Officers no Grand Dragons, all local klaverns are directed and ordered that to further moneys or contributions in any fashion are to be directed or sent to the North Carolina State Office or to the Imperial Office until ordered to do so by this committee.

5. That until an Imperial Klonvccation can be called, which will take place no later than September, 1967, the Imperial duties of Imperial Kligrapp, Melvin Sexton, is ordered to assume the Wizard, and is hereby granted and endowed with the powers and to privileges of the office of Imperial Wizard, and is directed in conduct and carry out such duties agd obligations befalling him this position until such time as thesuspension of Robert M. Shelton is duly removed by this committee.

Upon this conittee depends the knowledge of enemies within and without and upon it rests the duty of furnishing the infor-ation in the upon which all plans must be based. Yet, its members work utmost secrecy and without open honor; therefore, we, the members of this cormmittee, have ihereuinto this 5th day of June, 1967, affixed the official seal of this committee.



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... as the II also received the complaiat. irmingam fllow develogmast regarding the es$ bill prassed by Imperal Wizard Bheltom et the Whited Klas of America, '. . (WA), io the event Secret Service takes any saties. Atlaata and Charlotte reply within 10 days after receipt of this counaiotlm. NOTE: . The first NIC "intelligence report" purportedly prepared by the super-secret Intelligence Committee of the UEA, which we successfully prepared and mailed to numerous ' eaders suspended Imperial Wizard Shelton and This has resulted in widespread disconten - - i. tion on, and confusion throughout the ULA. This airtel relates to suggested follow-up letters which must be appr6ved by the Bureau prior to mailing. Shelton and others were so 2 confused after the first NIC letter was received that they appeared at our Tuscaloosa, Alabama, Resident Agency and the Tuscaloosa Postal Inspector's Office and presented a memorandum captioned "lemorandum for the FBI and Postal Ahthorities, Subject - Possible Use of hails to Defraud." They were advised by our Resident Agents that the memorandum did not contain information which would indicate any violation of which the FBI has jurisdiction. The Postal Inspector advised Shelton he would refer the matter to his Atlanta office. Shelton e advised our Agents he renewed his Alabama Driver's License on 6/12/67 and paid for this with a $20 bill later determined to be a Bogus bill. As a result, he said he expected a visit from the Secret Service.


PllsI Tran .

"YO* np nts or 0.".


r e eeon *e e

DIRECTOR 7-9-8) (157-370)


.. (UA. INC., Ex oTa CAROLIA)

Re Charlotte airtel to Bureau, 5/31/67.

' "8 d 0oe

f :hlights of the letters3 asll o 4rea The letter from 8RETT , which was undated, but

thebore followighihis signturesignature poiate: adand the offiilofficial seal of the UKA,W, mamade <

Iadividual (only recalls surname of or simll woundingthree individuals ne) are haveofficially been tealinbanned ( moneyas from thesa. ClaOLThe ilh of th lette pre - folo: SottCharlotter- Beau (S) (157-281) t to(15-230) () 5/1/67.

S :a0e 1 rt JUN 26 Wo

# -I-At n ce 'since about 7/23/66, and i about 6/1/66 r . y n+ag notified various Elaverns not to send money to the State Headquarters but to send the money to a Post Office Box (the post office box location and number not furnished in the letter) .i'"2. The UKA king a fall. investigation be conducted by the FBI an tue Post Office Inspector's SOffice of this matter on uail fraud charges. h 3. Attempted to quiet any rumors of the existence . of any National Intelligence Committee of the gKA, that 'there is no such committee in the lan, never has been and never will be,. - 4. SHELTON is still the Imperial lizard of the -

5. SHELTON is planning to give to the FBI and the S -Post Office Inspectors five exhibits so a thorough nvesti- : Sgtion can be conducted by these two agencies. (The five ::- "exhibits were listed but informant unable to recall them.): . The letter r ch was also undated, -but bore his signature m ficial seal of the sKA, made the following points:

1. Denied the existence of the National Intelli- gene Committee of the lan, stating there has never been such a committee, and never will be. If such committee existed, SHELTHI would have been the head of the committee.

2. He is not taking over froa SHELTON and is.' " . still the Secretary. S 3. If SHELTrON should be thrown out of the Kl.:an : he could not succeed SHELTn according to the Elan coalti- tution. b'' il the oieetary. heucced culdnot SELT acordig t theKla coi~i

3. I H N u e o t '~~~~~'i tead 1W4 l b~sil*ec~rHtl office.2.

61'.i - r WWWm.. gl . a

UNITD ST4T ,VERNMENT ' "Memorandum

To : DIRECTOR, FBI (157-9-8) DATE: 6/28/67

FO : p SAC, (CARLOTTE (157-A1)


Re Charlotte letter and IBM, 3/30/67, and Charlotte

- letter to Bureau, 6/9/67.

*i There are enclosed for the Bureau ten (10) copies of IO entitled "BELMONT RIFLE AND PISTOL CLUB, BELMONT, NORTH CAROLINA."

Copies are being disseminated locally to military intelligence and Secret Service.

/ .ho furnished his information ' to SA

, .-- Bureau (Encls. 10) 1 4 - Charlotte (2 - 157 1L (1 - 157-230) (1 - 157-1901)

JMU:sjw (7)


1 9 6 rU.S. Savings Bon& Rigsarly on the Pajrol Savings Pan L 7 196194 ITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF STICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Charlotte, North Carolina June 28, 1967


Reference is made to Charlotte memorandum dated March 30, 1967, entitled is above.

A characterization of the United Klans of America, Inc., an appendix to Knights of.the Ku Klux Klan (UKA) is attached as this memorandum. IersO~ tated that on ase'cia mtg --- &moat Rifle and Pistol C/ Club was held at the klaver meetin ha he lmont Kla1 O of UKA. At this a ecial meet - and also stated he a letter on the Nat ona tion. This letter referred to the application for charter submitted by the Belmont Rifle and Pistol Club and stated the and tional Rifle Association had not ed that group turned know whether wn their request for a charter. did not reasons for fe letter contained any further de a pecific enial of application for charter, but did not give any Turther reasons.

Stated that as a result the Belmont Rifle and Pistol Clu-s for all practical purposes at an end. The group has had only a very few meetings and has never constructed a range or undertaken any real target practice or instruction program. He further stated that so far as he knows all the individuals who of the have joined the Belmont Rifle and Pistol Club were members Belmont Klavern of IUA.


r/57 .0



Records of Superior Court of Fulton County, Georgia, reflect that this Klan organization was granted a corporate charter on February 21. 1961, at Atlanta, Georgia, under the name United Klans, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan of America, Inc.

A source advised on February 27, 1961, that United Klans vas formed as a result of a split in U. S. Klans, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Inc. According to the source, the split resulted frou a leadership dispute and United Klans has the same aims and objectives as the parent group. These are the promotion of Americanism, white supremacy, and segregation of the races.

The first source and a second source advised in July, 1961, that United Klans, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan of America, Inc., merged with Alabama Knights, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. The merged organization established headquarters in Suite 401. Alston Building, Tuscaloosa, Alabama. (The organization is directed by ROBERT SHELTON, Imperial Wizard, and is the dominant Klan group in the South, with units in several southern states.)

Second source advised that at a meeting in Prattville, Alabama, on October 22, 1961, the U. S. Klans, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, merged with the United Klans of America, Inc., Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.

; Third source advised on May 25, 1966, that the UKA is currently an active organization witn Klaverns in several states. This source said that ROBERT M. SHELTON is the Imperial Wizard of this organization and was elected to this position on September 5. 1964, at a National Klonvocation in Birmingham, Alabama. Source stated that during April, 1966, the national office was moved from Suite 401, Alston Building, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, to the carport of SHELTON's residence, #18 Lake Sherwood, Star Route, Northport, Alabama, which space he had converted into a room.



On August 17, 1fl4, a source advised that the North Carolina organization of United Klans of America, Inc., Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, bpcaeE affiliated with the natioral organization of the same group in the spring of 1961. The State Headquarters was at the residence of North C4rolina Grand Dragon JAMES ROBERTSON JONES, Granite Quarry, North Carolina, who is subordinate to the national organization with headquarters in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

The organiztio in North Carolina has the same aims and objectives as the parent group; that is, advocacy of segregation of the race and white supremacy.

On August 17, 1966. the same source advised that the status, leadership, and afftliation of the North Carolina organi- zation have not changed The State-Headquarters is still located at Granite Quarry, North Carolina, but is no longer maintained at the residence of Grand Dragon JAMES ROBERTSON JONES.



COUNTERINTELLIGENCE PROGRAM INTERNAL SECURITY Character DISRUPTION OF HATE GROUPS (UKA, INC., NORTH CAROLINA) Reference Memorandum dated June 28, 1967, at Charlotte, North Carolina, captioned as above.

All sources (except any listed belov) whose identities are concealed in referenced communication have furnished reliable infomation in the past.

This documesont contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It Io the poperty of the FBI and is locned to your aqency; It Oad its content& are not to be distributed outside your sgency.