Random Praise for the Flogmaster’s Writing

I always like these types of stories, father/daughter. Good story. SEBASTIAN

Truly an evil genius (the narrator, not the author). NJRICK

Great story, scary and exciting. Enjoyed reading it. LIZZYHAYES

This one hits the spot, Flogmaster. A great idea. Too bad we don’t have TV commercials like this one in real life. BENDOVER

Superb! Adult erotic at its best. WILKIN

I love this story. Especially how Brad helps Brittany become a better person. LEBONTON

This is such a naughty, inappropriate story, but it was also fun to read. ;) SARAH89 Selected Excerpts

From Big Mouth: Her heart raced. She was partially terrified, and partially excited. This was going to be bad. This was their punishment for breaking the sorority curfew. For the next two hours, they were at the mercy of the boys of Kappa Kappa. It was exhilarating not knowing what was going to happen.

From Cat Toy: Charlie had a vision of his wife wearing a short schoolgirl skirt more appropriate for their 10-year-old daughter than for a 31-year- old mother. As he watched, the beautiful woman shyly raised the skirt to reveal a plush rear end stretching a pair of white panties to the limit. The panties quickly descended to mid-thigh, leaving the smooth rounds of a full bottom on display. The woman touched her toes expertly, and Charlie lashed the chubby buns with the plastic rod.

From Pajama Party: “Anything but that, please!” “It’s a pajama party, Ashleigh.” “No! You can spank me every night for a week. For a whole month!”

From Sinspiration: That was when Nora got frisky. She’d snap at Jim and commit sins like leaving lights on in empty rooms. She’d put off going grocery shopping until the cupboards were bare. Most sinful, she’d spend huge dollars on skimpy lingerie that showed off her remarkable, not-so-little tush. At the tantalizing sight of those juicy buns Jim would lose it, dragging a protesting Nora over his lap for a sound spanking. He’d tear off the scandalous outfit and slap her bare bottom with his palm until the cheeks glowed like fire. Disclaimer

This book contains explicit material of an adult nature. Read at your own risk! Anything offensive is your own problem. The content of this book is for entertainment purposes only, and it does not necessarily represent the viewpoint of the author or the publisher. All characters are fictional—any resemblance to any real person is purely coincidental.


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©2016 by the Flogmaster (Frank Marsh). All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portions thereof, in any form. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, decompiled, reverse engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical without the express written permission of the author. The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book via the Internet or via any other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions, and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials.

About the Warning labels

Because spanking stories often involve extreme topics (S&M, sex acts, etc.), the Flogmaster labels his stories to give readers an idea of what might be included. Here’s a sample:

Paul Bunyan and the Great Lakes (★ ★ ★ ★ , M/Ffff—Absurdly Severe, nc ole fashion paddlin’) A strange new twist on the ole yarn about how Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox created the Great Lakes. (Approximately 1,758 words.)

The stars are the Flogmaster’s own ratings of his stories. They indicate writing quality, not necessarily eroticism. Five star stories are my very best. Stories are marked with mFmf labels to indicate who is spanking whom. Capital letters represent adults and lower case are minors (under 18), and of course, M refers to males and F to females. Under this system, anything to the left of the slash indicate a Spanker and anything to the right a Spankee. Therefore in the above example an adult male is spanking three girls and a woman. If there are a lot of people involved, sometimes this is abbreviated with a number, such as F6/f24, implying that 6 women spank 24 girls. Keep in mind that the label refers to the primary participants—sometimes, especially in longer stories—there may be minor of a different type included. I try to indicate the overall severity level (Mild, Serious, Intense, Severe, or Edgy), as well as what types of spankings are included (i.e. , , hairbrush spanking, etc.). Stories may also contain other warnings and explanations. These are usually self-explanatory words like “sex” or “anal” (to indicate types of sexual activity). You may also see references to cons or non-cons (or nc). Those abbreviations refer to consensual and non- consensual spankings. (Punishment spankings, especially those of children, are usually nc.) Some stories are labeled semi-cons, meaning it’s partially consensual (e.g. a reluctant wife submitting to her husband’s discipline because she knows she deserves punishment). The second line contains a brief description of the story. I try not to include any “spoilers” that would ruin the plot for you. The description should intrigue if you are interested in the subject matter, and warn you away if you are not. As always, read at your own risk. There’s also an approximate word count of the story. Contents

A Generic Letter

, M/fff—Intense, nc paddling, caning A parent authorizes more severe punishments.

A Normal Day

, M/F—Severe, nc paddling A college girl gets paddled all the time.

A Solution for Streaking

, M/f—Severe, nc slipper, hairbrush, cane, , birch A schoolgirl can’t stop streaking.

A Tough Girl

, M/F,—Edgy, cons caning, blood A regularly caned schoolgirl volunteers for a caning film.

Advanced Credit

, M/f—Severe, semi-con paddling A girl gets spanked before she’s naughty.

All Grown Up

, M/F—Mild, implied cons spanking A man runs into a former TV star.

Allowance Part 1

, M/f—Serious, semi-cons paddling A girl pays for her allowance.

Allowance Part 2 , M/f—Serious, semi-cons paddling A girl pays for her allowance.

Allowance Part 3

, M/f—Serious, cons implied paddling Rachel reveals her secret.

Allowance Part 4

, Mm/f—Serious, cons paddling A new allowance scheme.

An Uncomfortable Choice

, F/fff—Intense, nc public spanking, switching Spanked bare bottom in public or worse in private?

Any Excuse

, M/F—Intense, nc paddling A principal finds a girl to punish.

Asking For It

, m/f—Intense, semi-cons switching A girl tries to find someone to spank her.

Asking For It II

, MMM/f—Severe, paddling, , hairbrushing A girl gets more than she bargained for.

Assembly Line

, FFF/FFF—Severe, nc spanking, paddling, strapping, caning A computerized punishment center. Big Mouth

, Mx24/FFF—Severe/Edgy, nc paddling A sorority punishment is what a pledge expected.


, M/F—Severe, cons bath brush spanking A guy dates a big girl.

Booty Call

, M/F—Intense, cons caning Pretty much what the title says. Sort of.


, M/f—Serious, nc paddling/caning A principal comes up with a plan to punish a recalcitrant pupil.

A Bottom Like That

, M/F—Severe, cons caning A girl pays for a shortcut.

Bottoms Like That

, M/FF—Severe, cons caning A girl brings her friend on a dangerous shortcut.

More Bottoms Like That

, M/FFF—Severe, semi-cons caning Girls trick an enemy into taking a dangerous shortcut.


, M/F—Severe, cons spanking, paddling, caning, strapping, implied F/f A bouncy girl gets her bouncy bottom bounced. Calling the Bluff

, FM/ff—Severe, cons caning A girls’ school institutes a severe punishment regime.

Carly’s Typical Day

, M/F—Edgy, cons paddling, caning, strapping, flogging, sex, slave play A slave describes a typical torturous day with her master.

Cat Toy

, M/F, F/M—Intense, cons caning A couple spanking games are about to be discovered by relatives.

Caught In the Act

, m/f—Intense, cons paddling A girl tricks her parents to get out of trouble.

Center of Attention

, F/f—Intense, cons spanking A girl finds an unconventional way to be noticed.


, M/F—Intense, cons spanking, paddling A guy meets a crazy-ass girl at the game.

Choosing Aunt Em

, F/f—Intense, nc hairbrush spanking A girl dreads another hard spanking from her aunt.

College Is Expensive

, M/F—Severe, nc switching A girl’s boyfriend catches her modeling nude. Craving

, M/F—Severe, nc hairbrush, belt, switching, caning A girl is desperate to her big butt paddled.


, MM/ff—Severe, nc caning A headmaster gives caning advice to a teacher.

Curse That Oliva Wand

, M/f—Intense, nc caning A cheeky girl has to show off her cane marks.


, M/FFF—Mild, semi-cons implied spanking A woman gets revenge on her former ‘mean girl’ classmates.


, M/f—Intense, cons paddling Spanked at school means spanked at home.

Do It For Me

, M/F—Intense, cons caning, sex A girl takes a caning for her guy.

Don’t All English Girls Get Caned?

, M/F, F/M—Intense, con caning An American wants to cane a English girl.


, M/F—Mild, cons spanking A perfect bottom inspires a man. Fluffer

, M/F—Serious, cons caning A writer learns the secret of Hollywood actresses.


, MF/FM—Intense, cons paddling Two pledges raise funds for charity.


, M/f—Severe, nc hairbrush spanking A clever girl takes advantage of her father.


, M/f—Intense, nc leather A cheerleader hates gym.


, M/F—Intense, cons whipping, anal sex A man’s girlfriend wants punishment.

Head Girl

, Ff/f—Mild, nc caning A nerd is promoted to Head Girl.


, M/F—Edgy, cons strapping, caning, blood A woman seeks her fantasy of a terrible beating while she’s tied up.

House of Cards

, M/f—Severe, nc spanking, caning, tawsing A schoolgirl’s schemes fall apart. I’ll Take the Spanking

, M/f—Intense, cons paddling A schoolgirl figures out a way to improve her grades.

Impulse Control

, M/F—Mild, nc spanking A man’s on trial for spanking a woman in a grocery store.


, MFMFMMM/f—Severe, nc everything A girl finds inevitable.

Just Ask

, M/F—Intense, cons paddling, caning, strapping A girl asks a man to spank her in all sorts of delicious ways.

Love and Hate

, M/F—Severe, cons implied spanking A woman contemplates her love and hatred of spanking.

Made for the Paddle

, M/F—Severe, nc paddling A guy writes about his girlfriend’s perfect butt.

Never Enough

, FMMFFMMFMMF/F—Absurdly Severe, cons hairbrush, ruler, tawse, paddle, cane, switch, more A lot of people punish a schoolgirl.

No to the Cane

, M/ffffF—Severe, nc paddling Schoolgirls go on strike against the cane. Now That’s a Licking!

, M/fff—Severe, nc razor stropping A girl learns about real Texas lickings.

Off to College

, M/F—Severe, semi-cons paddling A girl doesn’t want to go to college.

Pajama Party

, FM/f—Intense, nc public spanking and paddling A naughty girl is sentenced to the ultimate punishment: a pajama party.


, M/f—Intense, nc caning Punishments at a private school.

Passing the Test

, m/f—Intense, semi-nc caning, paddling A girl is motivated by her boyfriend’s cane to study.

Porn Star

, M/F—Serious, cons hairbrush spanking A spanking model won’t let her boyfriend spank her.


, mf/f—Mild, public spanks A new girl gets spank pranked.

Prim and Proper

, M/F—Intense, cons caning A guy figures out why he likes British girls. Profile

, M/F—Intense, cons paddling A man admires his girl’s butt.


, M/f—Intense, nc paddling Schoolgirls are punished at random.

Release (a.k.a. Spanked and Fucked)

, M/F—Severe, cons hairbrush paddling A wife wants to be spanked hard.


, M/F, F/M—Serious, cons implied spanking A waitress and customer are rude to each other.


, MF/f—Severe, nc paddling/strapping/hairbrushing A runaway is caught and punished.

Safety Measures

, M/f—Severe, nc paddling/caning A girl is punished before a date.


, FMMFMm/f—Severe, nc and cons paddling, spanking, switching A greedy schoolgirl wants to be spanked.


, M/F—Intense, cons spanking A writing couple have a cure for writer’s block. Sorority Strategy

, Fx16/F—Severe, semi-cons paddling A pledge’s scheme doesn’t work out the way she hoped.

Spank Me

, MMM/F—Mild, nc spanking A woman can’t figure out why her dates all want to spank her.


, Machine/f—Severe, nc spanking, paddling, caning A girl swaps her punishment with a boy.

Tattoo Removal

, M/f—Severe, nc hairbrush spanking A girl gets a tattoo against her father’s command.

Taxi Ride

, M/F—Severe, nc spanking, strapping A girl is set up for her birthday.

Ten Spankings

, FMMFMMfFMMM/f—Severe, cons spanking, , paddling, tawsing, caning A schoolgirl tries to get ten spankings in one day.

Tenderizing the Meat

, M/f—Severe, nc spanking, strapping, caning A girl finds her punishment worse than she expected.

The Apology

, M/F—Severe, semi-con caning, bittersweet A woman apologies in a special manner. The Art of Caning

, M/f—Intense, nc caning A teacher knows just how to cane a girl.

The Assignment

, M/F—Severe, cons paddling A depressed man paddles another man’s girl.

The Bargain

, M/f—Intense, semi-cons caning A girl bargains with her dad to allow her a summer trip.

The Dead Girl

, M/f—Serious, cons hairbrush spanking, sad A dying girl has one last wish.

The Discipline Committee

, FFFFM/fffff—Severe, nc spanking, hairbrushing, paddling, caning, strapping Schoolgirls are punished.

The Express Elevator

, F/F—Intense, cons paddling A woman spanks herself on an elevator.

The Old Switcheroo

, F/F—Severe, cons prison strapping A prisoner is punished.

The Promise

, M/F—Severe, cons strapping An actress insists her father keep an old promise. The T-Shirt

, M/f—Mild, nc public hand spanking A naughty girl’s scandalous shirt gives her father ideas.

Three Pops

, M/f—Mild, cons paddling A girl gets three paddle spanks before bed.

Three Women

, M/FFF—Intense, cons paddling, caning, strapping A man has the perfect lifestyle.

Trying It Out

, M/F—Intense, cons everything A girl wants to test every spanking implement.

Twin Trouble

, F/ff—Severe, nc caning Which twin did the deed?

Two Roads

, M/F—Severe, nc paddling A girl tries to decide which punishment she’d prefer.

Understanding the Rules

, M/f—Intense, nc hairbrush spanking, strapping A foreign man doesn’t understand softball.


, F/F—Severe, nc paddling, abduction A wife punishes her husband’s mistress. What’s the Rule?

, M/f—Intense, nc bath brush spanking, switching A girl pays for wearing a two-piece.

Who’s the Lucky One?

, M/F—Intense, cons spanking, caning, role play Who is luckier: the spanker or spankee?

Why Girls Wear Tiny Bikinis

, F/f—Severe, nc hairbrushing A girl gets in trouble for wearing a sexy swimsuit.


, M/F—Severe, nc caning An icy female scientist gets her due. Super-Short Stories: Volume 2 Flogmaster

A Generic Letter

( , M/fff—Intense, nc paddling, caning)

A parent authorizes more severe punishments. (Approximately 529 words.)

Mr. Peters frowned at the letter. He squinted at the signature, checked the return address. There was none. Puzzling.

20 Super-Short Stories: Volume 2 Flogmaster

Dear Headmaster Peters, I applaud your exemplary discipline policy at Callaham School. My daughter has shown much improvement. However, I request that she receive even stricter punishment than you currently employ. For all her future , please additionally apply the same of numbers of strokes with a wooden paddle. Also, all her punishments should be on the bare bottom. If you are hesitant, please ask her if she’d rather you report her punishment to me, in which case she’ll receive a triple dose of both implements at home. I suspect she’ll prefer that you handle the discipline. Thank you, (illegible scribble)

The signature was hopeless. How was he to know which student deserved this additional attention? She wasn’t named. He called in Cathy, his secretary. “It’s just a squiggly line, sir,” she shrugged. “By the way, Amanda Fulk is waiting. Caught off grounds.” A few minutes later the petite blond was standing nervously before him. On a whim, the Headmaster showed her the letter, hoping she’d recognize the signature. “Well?” he asked. “Do I notify your parents?” The girl gulped and shook her head. “I’ll take the extra here, sir.” “Bare bottom, as it says in the letter.” “Yes sir,” blushed the girl. She glanced at Cathy, watching as a witness, and obediently lowered her knickers and knelt on the hassock, her prominent bum thrust rearward. She winced as her skirt was raised, exposing her nudity. The paddle Mr. Peters had was modest, a mere foot-long

21 Super-Short Stories: Volume 2 Flogmaster

plank of pine, but it did an amazing job of reddening the buttocks. The bright pink skin with a hint of purple bruising made a tender layer for the six with the cane. Amanda squirmed vigorously, yelping and gasping. The Headmaster was pleased by her repentant attitude. A few hours later, Wendy Allen was presented with the same opportunity. She also agreed to the more severe punishment. Her crime was her second instance of running in the corridors, only four strokes, but the paddle and cane on bare skin made it memorable. Just before the end of the day, Cathy showed up with sexy Stacy Wanamaker. “Smoking in the loo, sir. A mandatory eight. Plus, it was during class, which she didn’t attend. Another six.” Stacy was a big senior whose broad bum handled the cane easily. She looked bored until she read the letter. Her jaw dropped and she went pale. “I can’t believe my mum!” she mumbled, quickly shedding her knickers and offering up her bare buttocks. Cathy grinned as the paddle turned the girl’s whiteness crimson. Fourteen with the cane left the mighty bum well- striped, and a somber Stacy departed. “This letter’s handy,” said Mr. Peters. “Punishments are finally sufficient.”

To continue reading, buy the full book at The Flogmaster Bookstore

22 Also by The Flogmaster Purchase these books in print or PDF at the Flogmaster’s Bookstore: http://stores.lulu.com/flogmaster


Erin’s Adventures

(mostly F/f) The Flogmaster’s first complete novel, this follows the life of a girl from teen to adult as she discovers

caning. 89,000 words.

The Power of the Clipboard (mostly M/f)

A monk arrives to judge a convent school’s disciplinary methods. 38,000 words. The Absent-Minded Professor (mostly M/f) A crazy old coot of a teacher punishes his pupils ruthlessly. But is he really as crazy as he seems? 50,000 words.

C.J.’s Grandma (mostly F/f and f/f)

A strict grandmother moves in with her granddaughter and teaches her discipline. 71,000 words.

The Island

(mostly M/F) A woman discovers a forbidden paradise when she visits an old friend on a remote island and learns the society’s unusual lifestyle. 72,000 words. Returning Home (mostly M/f) A college graduate returns home and discovers a new career in correcting naughty young ladies. 53,000 words.

The Plan (mostly MF/f) In the 1950s, divorce is a rarity, yet it is happening to Debbie, as her parents are separating. So she comes up with a daring plan to misbehave to reuinite them—a plan that seems to be failing when her father hires a strict tutor. 34,000 words.

Propensity for Paddling (mostly M/f) A rich girl gets caught shoplifting and ends up with a life-changing punishment. 36,000 words. Cutiepie (MF/f) A spoiled beauty has the tables turned on her when a witch curses her. 28,000 words.

Spankings All Over Town (M/Ff, F/M, F/F, f/f) A lonely spankophile in a small town thinks there’s no spanking in his area. He is very, very, wrong! A bit of every every type of spanking. 61,000 words.

Stacy Goes to College (M/F) A girl goes off to college thinking she’s too grown- up for spankings and learns the hard way that’s not the case. 46,000 words.

Novella Collections Volume 1— Justice: (F/F) A female servant’s new mistress turns out not only to be extremely strict, but to have a mysterious secret in her past. The Pirate’s Wife: (M/F) A kidnapped young woman falls in love with the cruel, mysterious pirate captain.

Volume 2— Child’s Play: (Mmf/fm) A man remembers an eventful summer of his childhood.

Nymphet Juliett: (M/f) An homage to Rosewood, in honor of his amazing ‘Emma’ series. A Scarlet

Visit: (f/m) A boy endures the beautiful babysitter from hell. The Babysitting Job: (MF/f) A girl’s babysitting gig comes with unexpected consequences.

Volume 3— Cause and Effect: (MF/Ff) A package of cigarettes causes a chain reaction of discipline. Philosophy of Discipline: (M/f) A headmaster explains his discipline philosophy. Substituting for Dad: (m/Ff) A boy services his father’s clients. The

Ultimate Revenge: (MF/Ff) A girl plots to get a teacher who caned her caned. Volume 4— Esther: (F/ff) A jealous girl schemes revenge. Prepared: (m/f) A girl has her boyfriend to train her for her new school. The Stepmother:

(F/m, MF/FF) A Victorian love story about a man’s unusual upbringing. The Deciding Factor: (F/fx6) A Headmistress has an unusual approach to selecting a new prefect.

Volume 5— Double Dose: (MF/FFF) Twin beauties visit a dom for extreme punishment.

Moving In: (F/FM) A couple meets a shockingly strict widow next door. The Schoolroom: (F/Fx5,

Mx12) Two friends visit a schoolroom re- enactment. The Find: (MFx8/Fx7) A sorority group finds an empty house and plays naughty games. Volume 6— Nonsense: (M/mf) Two children endure fierce beatings to protect a puppy. The

Godfather: (F/Mf) A man has himself beaten for lusting after his lovely ward. The Teacher’s Assistant: (F/fm) A good girl discovers a hidden longing for correction.

Volume 7— A New Daddy: (M/Ff) A teen manipulates her mother and her mother’s boyfriend. Old Friends: (mf/fm) A man reunites with the childhood friend with whom he played spanking games. Steffie’s Secret: (M/f) A German family hides a Jewish boy during WWII. The Way: (m/f) A boy is trained to cane.

Volume 8— Helpful Head: (M/F) A description of the story goes here. No Uniform Day: (F/ffff) A schoolgirl hates her mandatory uniform. Room

604: (F/f) A good girl is repeatedly sent to the disciplinarian. Thirteen Bottoms: (M/Ffx15) A large group of girls are punished. Volume 9— Corporate Maneuvers: (M/F) An

executive abuses a lower-level employee. The Proxy: (M/F) A girl goes to her late best friend’s

parents for severe spankings. Sad, tender

moments. How I Met Your Mother : (F/FFFFM) A man reveals he met his future wife as part of a

sorority punishment.

Volume 10— Fond Memories: (F/FFFF) Four

women remember their strict schooling. Stranded:

(F/MF) An unhappy couple finds strange comfort in a grandmother who punishes them. The Math

Pervert: (M/F) A student needs her grade increased. The Wrong Path: (M/FF) Two pretty

hikers go where they shouldn’t go.

Short Story Collections

Twelve of the Best: Volumes 1-24

Over 290 stories divided in books focusing on the punishment of adults or children. Super-Short Stories: Volume 1-3

Short and sweet: nearly 500 500-word stories. (Mostly /f or /F)

Real-Life Spankings: Volume 1-5 Spanking stories dramatized from real-life experiences. (Mostly /f or /F)

Sorority Collection: Volume 1 All of the Flogmaster’s published sorority stories, plus four new exclusives to this book. (Mostly /F) Ultimate Archive: Volumes 1-4 The Flogmaster’s free story website in four huge books!

Purchase these in print or PDF at the Flogmaster’s Bookstore: http://stores.lulu.com/flogmaster