Hoberlandt L., Švihla V. Results of the Czechoslovak-Iranian Entomological Expeditions to Iran 1970, 1973
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ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA MUSE I NATIONALIS PRAGAE VOL. 43 1990 RESULTS, OF THE CZECHOSLOVAK-IRANIAN ENTOMOLOGICAL EXPEDITIONS TO IRAN 1970, 1973 AND 1977 Heteroptera: Rhopalidae LUDVIK HOBERLANDT and VLADIMiR SVIHLA Department of Entomology, National Museum (Nat. Hist.), Praha Abstract. The fauna of Rhopalidae occurring in Iran consists, for the time being, of 25 species, predominantly of Pa laearctic distribution; in the present paper three species are recorded from Iran for the first time and three another species are given the first exact localities . This paper is based on specimens taken primarily by three expe ditions of the National Museum (Nat. Hist.) in Prague to Ir an in 1970, 1973 and 1977. Family Rhopalidae is a less characteristic group of He te roptera Inthe fauna of Iran. Twenty five species known in th is territory are predominantly of Palaearctic distribution, most of them are of Me diterranean origin , two species t St ictopleurus ribauti Vid. and Agrapho pus ( A. ) suturalis Reut.) are Eremian in distribution and six species (Co rizomorpha ianouiskui [ak., Corizus jenestella [enestella (Horv.) Bractuj carenus lanquidus (Horv.) , Ltmacocarenus curtulus Kirit., Stictopleurus angustus Reut. and Maccevethus corsicus persicus (Jak.) occurr in S. W. Asia or in Soviet Middle Asia. To the 22 species of Rhopalidae previously known from Iran we add Rho palus (R.) conspurcatus (Fieb.) Stictopleurus crassicornis (Lin.) and Chorosoma gracile [os., for the first time, fro m Ir an. In the following species Stictopleurus punctatoneruosus (Goeze), St ictopleurus abutilioti (Rossi) and Agraphopus (A.) lethyerryi Stal we give for the first time, exact localities from Iran. Corizomorpha janowslcyi [akovlev, 1833 1 0 - N.Iran, Gorgan, Hutton N. of Gonbad-e qabus, 5. 5. 1956 M. Sa fav i collected (National Museum, Praha). This species is especialy restricted to foothills of Armenia , Azar baidjan, Turkomanistan, Tadjikistan, Uzbekistan and South Kirghizia in SSSR an d fro m Turkey, West China and Iran ( Shahrud, Putshkov 1986). This interesting species' is the on ly representative of the ge nus and tribe Corizomorphini. 86 Results of the entomological expeditions to Iran, Heteroptera Cnrizus hyo scyami (Linnaeus, 1758) 2 do - N. W. Iran, Azarbaidjan, Sufian, 30 km. W. of Tabriz, 20.-21. 6. 1970 (lac. no. 27), 5 00 and 7 99 - N.Iran, Tehran-Evin , 1700 -2000 m,. 9.-10. 3. 1973 (loc. no. 123), 1 9 - E. Iran,.Kerman pr ovinc e, Mahan, 1700 m., 29. 4. 1973 (lac. no . 183), 3 00 and 2 99 - E. Iran, Ker man province, Deh Bakri, Kuh-e [e bal Barez, 1700-1750 m., 30. 4.-3. 5. 1973 (lac. no. 186), 1 0 - E. Iran, Kerman province,Mohammad-abad, 35 km. N. N. V. of of Sabzevaran, 1600 m., 3.-5. 5. 1973 (l ac. no . 187 J, 1 <2 - E. Iran, Kerm an province, 33 km. W. of Sabzevaran, 1100 m., 6. -7. 5. 1973 (loc. no . 189 ) 1 0 - S. Iran, Fars, Dasht-e Arzhan 54 km. E. of Kazerun, 1700 m., 9. 6. 1973 (lac. no . 230 ), 2 99 - S. Ir an, Fars , 28 km. N. of Masiri , 1650 m. 12. 6. 1973 (lac. no. 236 ), 1 9 - S. Ir an , Fars, Sisakht, 2400 111.,13. 6. 1973 (lac. no . 240), 1 <2 - S.Iran, Fars, 29 kill. E. of Yassuj and 10 km. N. W. of Karun, 2300 m., 16.-17. 6. 1973 (lac. no. 245), 1 <.2 - W. Iran, Azarbaidjan, [ebal Kandi, 38 km. N. of Rezaiyeh, 6. 7. 1973 (loc. n o. 270), 1 9 - N. W. Iran, Azarbaidjan, 26 km . S. S. E. of Khoy , 6. 7.1973 (loc.no . 267), 1 0 and 1 <.2 - Tehran-Evin, 1700 -2000 m., 2.-7. 4. 1977 (loc. no . 276) 1 9 - S. Iran, Hormozgan, Kuh-e Genu, 1600-2100 m., 5. 5. 1977 (loc. no . 322), 4 do' and 3 99 - S. Iran, Kerman province, Chashmeh-ye Sargaz, 50 km. W. of Sabzevaran, 1650 m., 21. 5. 1977 (loc. no. 339), 1 0 - N. Iran, Gilan, Kuh-e Almas, 20 km. N. N. W. of Kha lkhal (Hero-abad), 2160 m., 29. 6.-1. 7. 1977 (lac. no. 391). Collected by the Czechoslovak-Iranian expeditions. Further material examined: 1 0' and 1 <] - N. Iran, Golhak near Teh ran, 1400 m., 9.-10. 1961, 1 2 - N. Iran, Alborz, valley of the river Val- len, 1700 m., 13.-20. 10. 1961 J. Klapperich collected. 1 0 - N. E. Iran, Khorassan, Shahrud -Shahkuh, 2150 m., 15. 6. 1974 A. Radjabi and A. Pazuki collected. Species of wide Palaearctic distribution, in Near East recorded from Cyprus, Israel, Syria, N. Iraq, Transcaucasia, Caucasia and Iran: N. Iran, Shahrud (Jakovlev 1877 ), Esfahan (China 1938), Karadj (Lindberg 1938), 17 km . of Ali-abad, Shakhisane (Kiritshenko 1949), Mazandaran, Shahi, Tehran - Ghorogh, Karadj (Hoberlandt 1954), [ahrorn (Kiritshenko 1966), Gargan,Kalardasht, Kazerun (Wagner 1968); Oshanin 1906 and 1912. In Middle Asia recorded fro m Turkomanistan. Cnrizus fenestella Ienestella (Horvath, 1917) 1 0 - N. W. Iran, Azarbaidjan, 23. km .S. W. of Marand, 17. 8. 1970 (l ac. no . 97) , 1 <3 - N. Ir an, Tehran province, Kandavan, valle y N. of tunnel, 2545 m., 11. 8. 1910 (lac . no. 86 ), 1 0 - S. Iran, Fars E. Zagros, Kuh-e Dena, S. W. slope 5 km . N. E. of Sisakht, 2500-3000 m., 13.-14. 6. 1973 (l ac. no. 241), 1 9 - W. Iran, Azarbaidjan, 21 km. S.E. of Shahpur , 6. 7. f 973 (l oc. no. 269) , 1 0 - N. Ir an, Tehran - Evin, 1700- 2000 m., 2.-7. 4. 1977 (lac. no. 276), 2 00 and 1 9 - N. E. Iran, Khorassan, Sog hand, S. slop e of Kuh-e Binalud, 15 km. N. E. of Nishabur, 1600- 2300 m., 13. 6. 1977 [lac. no 365 ), 2 00 and 3 ?9 - N. Iran, Tehran provin ce, AI borz, south sl ope, Kan dav an pass, 2780 m., 4.-9. 7. 1977 ( lac. no . 395) , Acta entornologica Muse i Nationalis Pragae, 43, 1990 8'1 2 0'0 - N. Ir an,Tehran province, 8 km. N. E. of Ziaran, ,2400 m., 10. - 16. 7. 1977 (loc. no. 400 ). Colec ted by the Czechoslovak-Iranian ex peditions. Further material examine d: 1 0 - N. Iran , Golhak near Tehran, 1700 m., 9.'-"':13. 6. 1961, 1 0 - N. Iran Alborz , valley of th e river Vallen, 1700 m., 17.-20. 10. 1961 collected by J. Klapperich, 1 0 - N. Iran, Teh ran - Evin, 26. 7. 1971 collected by Sabzevaran. Distribution of Cor izus fenestella [enest ella (Hor vath, 1917 ) is re stricted to Armenia (Ere van and Etshmia dzin) and Azarbaidjan (in several places of Nac hitshevan and Tali sh) in USSR. Further dis tr ibuted in East Anatolia and Iran : N. Iran, Shahrud (Kiritshenko 1938, Gollner-Schetding 1983, Kerzhner 1962 and Putshkov 1986 ). In East Iran and Afghanistan this subspecies forms transition to Cor izus [eneste lla subsimilis (Ho r vath 1917 ) according to Putshkov 1986. Brachycarenus tigrinus (Schilling, 1829) 1 0 and 1 2 - N. W. Iran , Azarbaidjan, Zonus Chay 66 krn, W. of Marand 20. 6. 1970 (loc. no. 25) , 1 0 - N. Iran, Mazandaran, Bandar-e Shah, 1. 8. 1970 (lac. no . 79 ), 2 00 - N. Iran, Tehran - Evin, 1700 -2000 m., 9.-10. 3. 1973 (loc. no . 123) 1 2 - E. Iran, Kerman province, Mahan, 1700 m., 23.-24. 3. 1973 (lac. no. 133), 6 00 and 6 29 - E. Iran, Baluchestan, Kuh -e Taftan, Valley Tamandan, 2100 m., 17.-18. 4. 1973 (lac. no. 167), 1 9 - E. Iran, Kerman province, Rafsanja n, 26.-28. 4. 1973 (loc. no. 181), 1 <3 and 1 9 - E. Iran, Kerman province, Mohammad -abad, 35 km. N. N. W. of Sabzevaran, 1600 m., 3.-5. 5. 1973 (loc. no . 187), 2 00 - S. Iran, Fars, E. Zagroa, 7 km. N. W. of Shul and 32 km. S. E. of Ardakan, 2100m., 17. 6. 1973 (lac. no. 247), 1 <3 and 1 9 - N. Iran, Tehran - Evin, 1700-2000 m., 26. 6.-2. 7. 1973 (lac. no . 260 ), 1 0 N. W. Iran, Gillan, 10 km. N. W. of Zanjan, 4.-5. 7. 1973 (l ac. no. 254 ), 1 0' and 1 9 - N. W. Iran, Azarbaidj an, 20 km. S. E. of Mar and, 5.-6. 7. 1973 (loc. no. 266) - 1 0 and 1 2 - S. Iran, Hormozgan, Bagh-e Tang, 6 km . W. of Genu, 50 km. N. of Bandar Abbas, 410 m., 7.-9. 5. 1977 (l ac. no. 323 J, 5 00 - S. E. Iran, Kerman province, Shahda d, 670 m., 31. 5. - 1. 6. 1977 (loc. no . 353 J, 1 0 - N. E. Iran,Khorassan, 36 k m . N. of Gonabad, 830 m., 7.-8. 6. 1977 (lac. no. 361), 1 0 - N. E. Ir an, Khoras san, Mashhad, 9.-11. 6. 1977 (l ac. n. 362 ), 1 2 - N. E. Iran, Khorassan, ' Assadli, 30 km. S. of Bojnurd, 1970 m., 17.-18 . 6. 1977 (lo c. no . 374 ), 3 00 - N. Ir an, Mazandaran , Golestan Forest, Mazarli 20 km . N. \V. of Dasht, 530 m., 19.- 21. 6. 1977 (loc . no. 376) , 1 2 - N. Iran, Tehran pr o Vince, 8 km . N.E. of Ziaran, 2400 m., 10.-16. 7. 1977 (loc. no. 400 ), 1 0 - N. W. Iran, Azarbaidjan, 20 km. W. of Shahp ur, 27. 7. 1977 (loc. no . 405 ). Collected by th e Czechoslovak-Iranian expe ditions. Furthe r material examine d: 2 00 - N. Iran. Mazandaran, Bandare Pahlavi, 24. 7. 1961 collected by J. Klapper ich . 1 2 - N. Iran, Tehran Evin , 8. 8. 1971 colle cte d by M. Safavi. Species of Euro -Siberian distribution with southern extension, In 88 Results of the entomological expeditions to Iran, Heteroptera S.