Serving South Brunswick, Franklin Townships Levitt Wins

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Serving South Brunswick, Franklin Townships Levitt Wins THE CENTRAL POST Serving South Brunswick, Franklin Townships \ 0I.. \ — No. -18 FRANKLIN PARK, N. J., THURSDAY, DECE.MBER 12, 1963 N ew sstand Price lOc Per Uop> Levitt Wins Board Asks 'T .1 !k Fj Approval u For New On 314 Lots School Site Consovoy Renews 12-Acre Franklin Claim Of Political Tract Eyed For Conspiracy \Stair Use In Future I'hn.v! on .M-l building The Franklin Township Board e'l’ lots svjs grunted to iti & Sons I dueaiion has requested that .1 by the f ranklin losvnshjp Planning Township owned 12-acre tract in a Board at its mectin;: last week. section of I'oxviood, be turned over ihe action broieght renewed lo the board as a possible site for elr.irges from lormer m a y o r a fiiture elementary school. ("-'"i'gi’ B t'onsosoy of ,1 "j'.ohtieal ■A referendum for a bond issue to cnn.spirucs in si;i'; ih .' lies eloper timid a ness elementary .school svil! until- .'liter i I’'' ell I ■; I nr" protiably be held in the first half 1 hese char.gc-s, m turn, svere dis­ of ll'6-l. aei'ording to Kurt .Nathan, cussed by Ci.unei! a|. its agenda president of the board. se.ssion the foliosving night. .Another site under consideration The proposal of the letter by is a sovon-and-a-half acre tract in was the authori/ation of Toiviiship ihi- Haniiite.n l.ake development. m.ina.ger Wilham H I.asv .Ir. to •Although this acreage would not be send a letter from the ( ouncil to .sufficient, Ihe hoard svould hope to Consol I V re;|Uesiir.g'him ."to ncquTre adjacent land in the area. imiisiduais on tlie ti '.vito were insoised in Boili areas. Mr. Nathan pointed Ihe poiitii a! eonspiraey to ille.gally nut, arc listed on the Master Plan to .accommodate future .schools. sl.-ill the Lesin suhdis'ision and to name tlv ir illegal actions.” He indicated that it was not n- The proposal of rhe letter by conceisablc that both sites would be utilized for .schools. Councilman Fr.iiicis .1. Kcary cli­ maxed the lengthy discu.ssion and Hosvcver, at the moment the . Ihc failure of two previous rcsolu- board is primarily interested in tiotis on the same subioct. acquiring the land from the Town­ 5 attempt by Councilman .In. ship. The board ha.s not yet de­ Pucillo lo set up an official cided svhich site would be used noii-poliiirai investigating commii- OPENING GIFTS m front of six-foot-liigh Dreidel on first first, Mr. Nathan said. tei to look into Mr. Consoso\''s night of Chanukah are, from left, Alisi. Tori and .Jeffrey The board has staled that the Franklin To Fight Three Choirs To Present (oiincil Ikins eh.irifs fajle;i. This his' ihii I Golomh. children of Mr. and Mrs. S. Sherrnttn Golomb of Tosvn.ship presently has 4-1 classes illempt, said Mr. Pueillo, since Oe- 19 Newman Road, Ketuitill Park. ITaditionallv gifts ;iri' on double sessions svhich will be lober, to set up sucli u eointiitt'-e eliminated vfhen the present build­ Parking On Two opened on eacii of the eight nights during the .lowish Water Rate Hike Council uidieateil it ivoiild cmisid- ing program is ce-mpielcd in 196u. Christmas Music Festival holiday which began on luesday and ends next week. Township Streets er si-tiing up ,111 inses.i siting ce.ii- .Since the enrollment of the schoe,! By Utility Firm A Christmas Fosiival i>f Sacred Ros.ihe (iibson, .1 a 11 e millec only after Mr. Coin.os oy system is incroasin.g by approxi­ Music will hi- presented i.y ihi- hoff, Bruce and Daniel ICiekim'- .ill.’ i r.rnkim TmsP'hip Ununuil 'UKimed I nines and c arg. s f Chanukah-The Eight Day Jewish mately 425 pupils each year, fif­ I r.inklin TovMishi|) m^niagur Wil­ ■At hist -Wednesday's meeting the teen nesv classrooms should be liam. 1!. -if. has burn auihor- three chi.irs uf the Kmesiu-i I’res- liam. K.ithy Riss, .uid .Nina s.riri. im ’i'uuMuiv pa-ssud an nrijiiKinuu hyterian Cliurcii on Sujuia;.. D- c. of Kemkdl Park: I aigem l').irnell pu'ohJiitnm parkmu .it tiw m!i‘r- planning ho:ird. hs' ;i sote of 7 to 1 made asaiiable each year, accord­ i/^(i hy tiu.' Counnl to appear he- gr.inted final approsai on the three Festival Of Lights-Marks Victory ing to tile board. tore the Public Utility Commission­ 1.1, at -1 pm. in the church sane! of ! r'”ntoii. ami Cii.irh ar K.ipaUk; su([ioij u!' I rAiiklin iUuilt-xard ami uary. The clioii.s, consistinp ot’ 01 of Monmouth .lunetion. H. iniiftnn Str*‘(;mii nu liu’ mf- subriivisinn purchased hy ill With the lighting of a candle al Lnder the supers ision of Rabhi If additional rooms are not built ers Ilf the W'atiT I^)!iuy and Con- fp ni othvr hrms; tioi Commission on Dec. 30 to op- voices, are under t!u' (hrei.iic.n of M' nihers of the yoiuh i ' oir ,ire iHT'- m iTnnl (*'' iliu ;\ cK; U Shopping sundi.-v.'.i on l uesday. ( haiiukah. Richard .A. me. Chanukah svili by Si'plember, 196,5, the board has Mel ro[>olitan Park Seilion •'>. poN.' a rao* incp-ase In- the Boinul Mrs. .lohn Bounian of 11 BuriilKini Diatiiic Chamberlin, lack .and Da- ( ’’I'UT. tile .ii-svish festival of lights began he celebrated at the Kendall I’tirk stated that .split sessiens will again Court, Kendall Park. * \ id k. .1 ullo .Abresv, l.ouise llo' Ill building lols: H.imillon I. a k t throng toil, the world. .le'isish Community Cerler on Sun­ lie necessary. Brook Water Company, ('ounuil aisn intnxiurud an nrdi- F.stales, Section I, Mil lots; and liv nalcr lompany, ^^hi^h sup- Making i;s debut will be the l!i lander. Susan Cahoon, Lila a n d During the eight-day celebration, day, Dee. I.i. Tiie children of ihi- naiu'u iiccnsiiyu and ruLiulaiing llamiiion Lake Fs'ates, Sectio;, 1! p!ir s Tonnship rcsitlenis m i h e member cherub dioir ore,\nized Charles Piz/aro, .bimes Ci.noser of one candle is added each evenin ;. llebresv and R(‘li,gioiis School svil! luiin;: and jimi-f'-nu’n! macluncs 61 lols. this fall. They will .sing '(iod Kingston; Karen Clas'te-a. Sharoa The celebration commemorates a present plays and There svdl Franklin Will Somerset Hills section, has appliin! a.u.d .sc! Jan. I t us livu tlalc for pub- ■losi-pii Donaglme. chairman of Har'd. N'aiiey and M.irsaiin Kap- great victory in IH.i B.C. which a be a distribution of Chanukah U' iiKTi ase its rate to 7a cents pur Bless the Little Things” a n d iic hearing. Ihe subdisision conimittee. ab­ I.IHH) -a!!onns. - ■'.Sleep My .Saviour Sleep.” alski of .Monmcuilli ,lunetion. band of .Syrian patriots svon over a dreidel. .small tojis. and other Jioii- Extend Water To At 'rmvsday's- Nessinn. r(.)uncil al- stained ' primarily beitiuse of the ! he lownship. Mr. I.anHoM the ■Syrian despot, 'i'iie holiday hoiiots day .surprises. The youth choir will sing four Other members of the youth .*^0 passed a r-so!ution aerepting the impact on Ihe scheols.” Courcil at its anemia session, sup- songs. Mr.s. William C'oorhees .1 r. ehoir are Barbara Otway, Paul t'inal imprmi'tm’nt nl DcMoii l.anc the warrior, .fudah Maccabaeiis The Women's Group siill he in Community House Approval followed ses'eral repo'-‘s and the triumph e-f religious I'ree- p i n ww.'-r lor 50 taavs per 1.000 of Princeton, is for the Riddel!, William, Das id and Mar­ by Herbert Vniicrs. c.M iualing and c'large of the refreshmeti!is ■ i h including one from the Qualifica­ dom. Mrs. .Martin Berger a-, ehaiintae. ■At- a cost of 81.560 lo Franklin I{' Ml;»t;rsle;i |};a! if l!u' \oulh and chi-rub choirs. ilyn Crawl'ord, Katie Wolf of eonstruction U<‘.. Ine. and aiithnr- tion Conimnlee suiting ih.ii ihe as- as'isteil hv Mr- shemian ( - ■ .. I : h'ti till' fie.'' .'. lia . agret"! to iC • h U:e»k Water t'ompa:.\ dul Sex oral jrl.l French carols will be Princeton; Miehaol Bossmau, Kar­ ir^’cl th<N pay»w‘r* .f A ore (( ontnuied on Page 2) tile Syrians iiad lor'oidiUn i e M'M me! this prit'O that ihh Town­ en and Keith Rasmusse-i, Fdmuml .tews to svorship in their ancient Mrs. .Aaron Rosloll, Mis. .leiry .Sa- e.vtiiid ine ssalir uiie lo proside .sung, along with other selections, ycai' !nainU-nan( c bend si1m> h a s niiiow and .M: .. Rolieii I'lirkhei waler to the Conimunity House of ship siieuid consider supjdving \va- .ii’.d Sle|>hen l arris, Debbie Hulloii. bueii rdcfl. ti inple at .lerusaiem. When the vii - by the adult choir. Thev will al-e. nier. (he Gili/eiis Club. !•■] di:- aL'Ni n e-aonati'd ih- do eigit! parts of liaiulei's "M, Debbie Berger, .lam- Berseh, 'I'nom- School Children lorious Maccabees n-turned to tin wf makm.: ‘hu nercs-arv t on- TowiLship manag. r Wdiiam !i.
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    ROYAL NAVY LOSS LIST COMPLETE DATABASE LAST UPDATED - 24 NOVEMBER 2015 Photo: Swash Channel wreck courtesy of Bournemouth University MAST is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, number 07455580 and charity number 1140497 | | [email protected] Royal Navy Loss List complete database Page 2 of 209 The Royal Navy (RN) Loss List (LL), from 1512-1947, is compiled from the volumes MAST hopes this will be a powerful research tool, amassing for the first time all RN and websites listed below from the earliest known RN wreck. The accuracy is only as losses in one place. It realises that there will be gaps and would gratefully receive good as these sources which have been thoroughly transcribed and cross-checked. any comments. Equally if researchers have details on any RN ships that are not There will be inevitable transcription errors. The LL includes minimal detail on the listed, or further information to add to the list on any already listed, please contact loss (ie. manner of loss except on the rare occasion that a specific position is known; MAST at [email protected]. MAST also asks that if this resource is used in any also noted is manner of loss, if known ie. if burnt, scuttled, foundered etc.). In most publication and public talk, that it is acknowledged. cases it is unclear from the sources whether the ship was lost in the territorial waters of the country in question, in the EEZ or in international waters. In many cases ships Donations are lost in channels between two countries, eg.
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