
Clusters are Very Large Magnets

U NM December 1, 2009

Carilli & Taylor 2002 (ARA&A) B ~ 10 µG Hydra A

Faraday Rotaon Measures

B ~ 30 µG


X-ray + radio

6 Results

B0 = 4.6 +/- 0.7 µG scale lengths between 2 and 30 kpc average B ~ 2 µG

Bonafede et al. 2009

7 422

Lecture 19: Newtonian Key concepts:

Scale factor - expansion of the Lookback time Cosmology The origin and evolution of the Universe.

Recall two concepts: Olbers's paradox and the .

• Olbers's paradox: Why is the sky dark at night? If the Universe is – spatially infinite – infinitely old and not evolving then the night sky should be bright. • Solution: The Universe has finite age, so the light from most stars have not had time to reach us yet. The Cosmological Principle

• Modern cosmology based on the assumption that the Universe is – Homogeneous – Isotropic These assumptions are the cosmological principle.

These tenets seem to hold on large scales (>100 Mpc), but definitely not on small scales Hubble's law a natural outcome of this?

Definition of , given from spectra.

The Hubble constant Luminosity distance

In observational astronomy, the term recessional velocity, V is used. At lowz: NB:

To determine the distance d to a quasar with z>1, it is NOT correct to use the Doppler formula and then Hubble's Law relating the recessional velocity V to d.

V is not really the radial velocity of the quasar, it is the expansion velocity of space time.

A cosmological model is required to relate z to d. The Doppler shift is a linear effect due to the relative motion of two objects

The cosmological redshift is due to stretching of the wavelength due to the expansion of the Universe.

At small , these agree, but not at high redshifts (not Euclidean any longer!)

Recessional velocity depends on the (more later).

So at z = 3, R(t0)/R(tem) = 4, universe was ¼ of the size it is today Naïve interpretation: age of the Universe

• The most naïve interpretation is that there is an explosion at a single point with us at the center, and no acceleration of deceleration.

• It t is the time passed between moment of and now, then r=vt is the distance of any object traveling at speed v. – Hubble's Law if t=1/H

• Thus, this simple interpretation gives current age of the Universe as

t=1/H0 = 14Gyrs. Problems with this interpretation

• Needs us to be at the center of explosion • What happens at large r, when Hubble's Law predict v>c? • Deceleration produced by gravitation of all the contained in galaxies?

• Adequate resolution of these difficulties requires GR combined with the cosmological principle.

Cosmological principle illustrated as a raisin cake.

On average the universe is isotropic and homogeneous when viewed at any instant by any observer in a typical galaxy. Newtonian Cosmology

• Birkhoff's rule: For a homogeneous density distribution ρ(t) the effect of gravitation on a galaxy m at a small distance r from an observer in any other galaxy can be computed by Newtonian physics considering only

the mass Mr within radius dr.

r Anticipating GR, we will write

k is a constant with units length-2, related to curvature of space in GR.

= constant, describing the shell radius at current time t0, = r(t0)

k will determine the fate of the Universe, basically three cases. Expansion will stop, the Universe is bound.

Expansion continues forever, the Universe is unbound.

Expansion stops at t=∞. Now let us introduce the scale factor, R(t). Recall r(t) is the coordinate distance.

Same for all shells

= constant as shell expands, called the comoving coordinate.

Now, R(t0)=1. During the expansion, Mr = constant:

= density Relating R(t) to the Hubble Law: Now use the expressions for r(t) and v(t) into the expression for the total energy:

Expansion Law of the Universe Critical Density Dividing line between expansion and eventual contraction.

Unbound: E>0

Critical: E=0

Bound: E<0 Set k=0 in the equation for the total energy: \e\\'tonian Cosmology 1153

Comments on actual density and critical density

A=1 • The critical density is ~29 orders of magnitude smaller than the density of water - but 20-25 times larger than the density of luminous matter if this matter was spread out uniformly throughout space. a 1oo

I • For the Universe to be critical, there has to be a lot of unseen matter or energy I Rich clusters (med) a Morgan groups (med) (/?) LI Hickson groups (med) Q CFA groups (med) A x-ruy group, jf The Local Group *M101, M31, MilkyWay • Empirical evidence for dark matter * Spirals(med) 0 Ellipticals (med) concentrated in halos of galaxies appears 0 Cor Bor supercluster I Shapley supercluster in rotation curves of spiral galaxies. X Cosmic virial theorem I Least action method f Virgo inlall (range) : Bulk flows (range)

0.01 0.1 1 10 Characteristicsize (Mpc)

|E29,4 Themass-tolightratioasafunctionofthecharacteristicsizeofavarietyofsystems. rakento be 100 km s-r Mpc-t for this figure pdor to publication of the WMAP results.(Figure I tiom Dodelson,Modern Cosmology, AcademicPress, New York, 2003, with permissionfrom r. Datafrom Bahcallet al.,Ap. J.,541,1, 2000.) Density parameter

At present:

Using the definitions we have for the Expansion Law gives:

Useful later in GR: A flat universe (no acceleration case). :

Behavior of Ω with redshift:

Ω = 1 + (Ω0 -1)/(1+ Ω0z)

This presents us with the flatness problem. Ω has to be “tuned” very close to 1 in the early universe so that we can observe it close to 1 now. Age for a critical universe R vs. t, for

Use Expansion law:

Integrate to get R:

Use and to get:

age of universe k > 0: R oscillates between 0 and Rmax k < 0: R increases forever

C&O give the expressions for R. Verify that they are solutions to expansion law! Redshift and scale factor

As the universe expands, the photon wavelength grows:

True for any Age of universe observed at redshift z

For k=0 - see C&O for k>0 and k<0. for example:

z=1: t=0.24th = 3 Gyr

z=6: t=0.035th= 500 Myr

z= 50: t=0.002th= 26 Myr

Note also Ned Wright’s cosmology calculator at: http://www.astro.ucla.edu/~wright/CosmoCalc.html Lookback time

How far back in time are we looking?

For k=0, plugging in for t0, t(z):

C&O show, for any k, that at large z:

expansion law same, regardless of k.

Difficulties with Newtonian Cosmology

• Arbitrary nature of Birkhoff's rule (in context of Newtonian theory) to account for 'local' effects of gravitation.

• Globally we cannot avoid the issue of galaxies separating from each other at very high speeds.

• E=0, the critical case, is preferred. Otherwise, we would need to explain from where the energy of the expansion came? – Then, the age of the Universe is 9Gyr, shorter than the age of oldest stars in the Milky Way.

• We will need relativistic cosmology (next time). Next time:

Chapter 29.2-4