AST 541 Lecture Notes: Classical Cosmology Sep, 2018
ClassicalCosmology | 1 AST 541 Lecture Notes: Classical Cosmology Sep, 2018 In the next two weeks, we will cover the basic classic cosmology. The material is covered in Longair Chap 5 - 8. We will start with discussions on the first basic assumptions of cosmology, that our universe obeys cosmological principles and is expanding. We will introduce the R-W metric, which describes how to measure distance in cosmology, and from there discuss the meaning of measurements in cosmology, such as redshift, size, distance, look-back time, etc. Then we will introduce the second basic assumption in cosmology, that the gravity in the universe is described by Einstein's GR. We will not discuss GR in any detail in this class. Instead, we will use a simple analogy to introduce the basic dynamical equation in cosmology, the Friedmann equations. We will look at the solutions of Friedmann equations, which will lead us to the definition of our basic cosmological parameters, the density parameters, Hubble constant, etc., and how are they related to each other. Finally, we will spend sometime discussing the measurements of these cosmological param- eters, how to arrive at our current so-called concordance cosmology, which is described as being geometrically flat, with low matter density and a dominant cosmological parameter term that gives the universe an acceleration in its expansion. These next few lectures are the foundations of our class. You might have learned some of it in your undergraduate astronomy class; now we are dealing with it in more detail and more rigorously. 1 Cosmological Principles The crucial principles guiding cosmology theory are homogeneity and expansion.
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