The Higgs

Introduction: The of Physics is a set of mathematical formula, observations and measurements which describe the elementary and their interactions. Its purpose is to create a quantum theory of matter so we can predict quantum behaviour accurately. The standard model also presented a gap in the model that predicted the existence of the . The standard model is composed of two types of particles: Matter particles () and the particles which mediate the forces that allow the matter particles to interact which are called . The W Boson and Z Boson (the electrically neutral boson of the W boson) are both responsible for mediating the Weak Nuclear Force (which is responsible for the change in flavour of ). The Higgs Boson is responsible for giving matter particles and the Gauge Bosons () their mass.1

The Standard model:2

The Higgs Boson’s origin: In the 1970’s the standard model was finalised and allowed the Electromagnetic Force and the Weak Nuclear Force to be unified in the same theory of the Electroweak Force. However, this theory first predicted that electromagnetisms (the ) and the weak nuclear forces gauge boson ( W and Z bosons) must both have 0 mass in order to compliment the symmetry requirements in gauge theory. However, this was an issue as W

1 Tara Shears (2012) Philosophical Transactions: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 2 666865A769921&thid=OIP.LHDm1cNr5Jeajxvg4Q04EAHaFk& m%2flb%2f7864318%2fdata%2fstandard-model-of-physics- data.jpg&exph=526&expw=700&q=the+standard+model&simid=608046680252745529&selectedIndex=2&adl t=strict&ajaxhist=0 and Z bosons have been both proven to have the corresponding masses of: 80.385 GeV and 91.1876 GeV, both discovered in 1983 at CERN. The theory of the electroweak force contradicted this thus giving rise to the discovery of the Brout-Englert-Higgs Mechanism which refers specifically to the generation of the masses of the W and Z weak gauge bosons through the process of electroweak symmetry breaking. Theorists Robert Brout and François Englert devised this mechanism to resolve the 0-mass conundrum of the W and Z boson via the Higgs mechanism which is triggered when spontaneous symmetry breaking occurs during interactions with the quantum Higgs field, which permeates all of space, thus causing the bosons which interact with it to attain mass. However, the Higgs mechanism refers specifically to the generating of the masses of the W and Z gauge bosons, which govern the weak nuclear force, his is result from electro-weak symmetry breaking (EWSB). The EWSB causes the generation of three Goldstone bosons (massless longitudinal components of the weak force gauge bosons having 0 mass) which are absorbed by the Higgs field to generate and become the W and Z bosons masses. The remaining Goldstone boson becomes the Higgs boson. This theory is described by the standard model and has great validity as it can describe quantum interactions up to the Planck scale (physics smaller than this scale break down as the laws of physics are violated when mathematical calculations are devised below this level).3 This theory now allowed the electroweak theory to be redeveloped and describe the electroweak force correctly and thus use it for accurately predicting and calculating.