lj -qL UNIVE,RSITY OF HYDERABAI) Entrance examination June 2010'11 Afternoon Session (2:00 p'm' - 4:00 p'm')

Date of examination: 02.06.2010 Course: Ph.D. Full marks: 75 Course code: U'96 Duration of exam: 2 hours

to answer the questions from both sections' There are two sections and the candidates have section 2based on objective sectionl comprising descriptive questions carries 40 marks; and types of questions ca:ries 35 marks'

Section I

marks' Answer any fourquestions' Each question carries equal

? Discuss' What is the of Tilakkhaga Q1. present was compiled and where was it put to writing in the Q2. When and how the Tipilaka that discusses the entire proceedings of the format ? Mention at least one primary source comPilation of the Tipitaka' in permanence of soul then how can they explain ? Q3. If the Buddhists do notbelieve SubstantiateyouransweryiththehelpoforiginaltextsinPali. and development of ' Q4. Give an account of origin Q5.WriteanoteonthenatureandcharacteristicsofthePalilanguage.

Section 2 carries 2 marks; and each of the All questions ale compulsory. Each of the first 15 questions negative marking C1/3) forthe v'rong question from l6-20-carries 1 mark. Therewifte answers.

Pitaka Ql. Which is not a text of the Abhidhamma a) Dhammasaigagi b) Dhaukatha c) Mahavamsa d) Mahavagga

Q2.Is Tipitaka identical with Tripilaka a) Yes b) no c) sometimes'yes' and sometimes'no' d) alwaYs u-q6 Q3. Who wrote the Visuddhismagga a) Visnu Sarma b) Kalidasa c) d) Dhammapala

Q4. Buddha gave his first sermon at a) b) c) Samath d) Varanasi e5. Which Jataka story reminds us of the mythological character of Harishchandra a) Mahajanaka b) Mahdumagga c) Khanti d) Vessantara

Q6. First Buddhist Council was convened in a) AnuradhaPur b) Varanasi c) Kusinara d) Rajgir

Q7. Second Buddhist Council was convened in a) Varanasi b) Kusinara c) Vaishali d) Rajgir

Q8. Third Buddhist Council was convened in a) Gaya b). Kashmir c) Patna d) Cuttuck

of Q9. Which of the following discusses the early history a) MahaParinibbana Sutta b) Dhammasanga7i c) Dhetukathe d) Mahavams

Q1,0. Mahevagga belongs to a) Sutta Pitaka b) Pitaka c) Abhidhamma Pitaka d) None of the above u -qL

Pitaka Q11. Which is not a book of a) PrajfiaPtiPada b) VijflanaPada c) Vibhaiga d) Jf,anaPrasthana

Abhidhamma Pitaka Q12. Which is not a book of a) Patthana b) Puggala Pafifiatti c) Yamaka d) DhatukaYa-Patha

in the style of catechism Q13. Which Pali book is written a) Milinda Pafrha b) Vibhaiga c) Mahavagga d) Cullavagga

Buddhaghosa Q14. What isthe magnum opusof a) Visuddhimagga b) Atthasalini c) Cullavagga d) Paraiika

the entire Tipitaka has been inscribed on stones and Q15. Which is the country where preserved a) b) Indonesia c) MYanmar d) Sri Lanka

is Q16. The birth place of Anuruddhacariya a) Kanchi b) Kolkata c) Mumbai d) GaYa

of Uraiyur Q17. Accutavikkama, the chola king patronized which Pali scholar a) Buddhadatta b) AnuruddhacariYa c) DhammaPlla d) Buddhadatta

Q 18. Who wrote Abhidhammavadn U-qb O,) Buddhbdatta tr) Anuruddhacariya 4:) DhammaPala d) Buddhadatta

Ql9. When traveling on boat to Sri Lanka, who did Buddhaghosa exchange greetings with on a passing boat that was on its way back to India a) Buddhadatta b) Anuruddhacariya c) Dhammapala d) Revata

Q 20. The largest in the world is in which country a) India b) Sri LT,ku c) Thailand d) Indonesia