u re deeper in debt but managing better

•j LOUI&K COOK centers aero* the country "Your Judgment It M good u mine," Mr. Presson Mid. outstanding debt. Andrew F. Brimmer, a former member ated Preu WrUer The increase in borrowing has some people worried, but tighter control over their ot lae Federal Reserve Board, was quoted recently at tadividuab apparently are keeping their financial heads credit card*. Abo, the debtors manage better." saying: "The expansion of the credit has been a major IW*II»yi*tcki to cover rising costs, but there above water (ate way h which people may be managing to pay their source of the expansion of the economy." PMM tatta* hare learned to manage tktlr httto H Kent Presson of the Administrative Office of the bUli la by saving leu. In 1M7, Americans saved an avenge On the other haad, 0. William Miller, the board's at fewer people are going broke, United State* Courts said that the number of people filing of T.I percent of their after-tax income; In 1177, they saved chairman, has said that the level of debt Is a cause for •ind of Jidy.wutaedlaK consumer installment for relief under Federal bankruptcy lawa had declined only 5.1 percent. Toe tread contrasts with toe situation in concern because it could mean that Individuals will trim , not aaataag wrtgagns, totaled }ut over |t*7 biUkm. steadily in recent yean after reaching a record high In other major industrial aations where savings are Increas- spending In the future, touching off "more widespread ft»«» *•• »1-1" '«f ««» »»«. »«ni»n and child in 1171, when the recession was at Its worst. ing. In West Germany, for example, the amount of after-tai financial difficulties."' Prom fiscal 1*79 to fiscal 1178, Mr Presson reported, Income saved went from 11. J to 14 percent in the It-year Mr. Gibson said that the biggest danger for the Individ- •0U1 debt, lackjduig mortgages, hid topped »l trillion the number of Individuals filing bankruptcy petitions period. ual was "using credit as a supplement to Income," buying by the end of last year, and outstanding personal debt dropped from M ,114 to 172,42), a decrease of 21 percent. Another reason for the lower bankruptcy rate may be something you can't really afford without knowing where ranted in •1141m* high of 71 percent ot ptnonal. The overall number of bankruptcy petition*, from individ- that although inflation In worse - the Carter Adminis- the money win come from to pay for It. uals and businesses, declined 20 percent In the three-year tration Is predicting an 8 percent Increase In consumer You also are in trouble if you find yourself dipping into people for the world of worm, but we are period. In 1971, Individuals accounted for Just over It prices this year, compared to a 7 percent rise in 1(7} — savings to cover routine bills, if you charge everyday quipping then to mike good financial declakws," said percent of all those filing bankruptcy petitions; in 1*70, they unemployment Is much lower, averaging about ( percent, purchases like groceries, if you are always behind oa t Ofceoa. president of tlw National Foundation for accounted for 85 percent of the filers. compared to I percent 'in 1975. credit-card charges and always pay only the minimum r Credit, « non-profit agency with 111 counseling Why the decrease' Economists have mixed opinions about the rise In See Yea-re deeper, page] The Daily Register

VOL.101 NO. 77 SHREWSBURY, N.J. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3,1978 15 CENTS Hazlet shopping center controversy Tow away cars of bus commuters

By MARK GRAVEN York-KeansburgLong Branch Bus Compnay's parking lot, lo- Those commuters who signed up and were issued permits "And they tie up traffic for an hour each night on their way HAZLET — Fifteen bus commuters had their cars towed cated across the highway on Route 36, have been parking their are safe, but 48 cars were parked Illegally yesterday, according he said. yesterday from the parking lot of the Aiport Plata Shopping cars in the Airport Plaza Parking Lot. to Mickey Caruso, who handles public relations for the shopping Mr. Caruso said that they have been looking at the problem Center for falling to have a proper permit, according to After initially suggesting that bus commuters pay $180 per center. of commuters parking in the Airport Plaza lot for two years. He shopping center officials. year for a space in the Airport Plaza lot, Mr. Scudlery decided, While towing began in mid-morning, 33 of those parked explained that a filing system has been developed to keep track "My tenants are 1M percent in agreement," said Victor after conferring with township officials, on a plan whereby illegally were spared, as operations ceased at about 1 p.m., the of who the parking violators are. Scudlery, owner of the shopping center. "Get rid of the com commuters from the township would pay S45 dollar per year, point having been made, according to Mr. Caruso. Those towed have been notified in the past about the mutan,"nesaid. while out-oftowners are charged 185 per annum for parking According to Mr Scudiery, surveys show that commuters consequences of violating the parking rule, he said. Bus commuters, cramped for parking apace at the New privileges. don't do much shopping at the center. Mr. Caruso said that he personally acts as a spotter for cars that are parked illegally, noting that he had conducted one spot check at 6 a.m. and another at 9:30 yer yesterday. Commuters arrive long before the shopping center stores open at 10 a.m., he Fish platforms said. One Irate bus commuter, who declined to identify herself. except to say she lived In Holmdel, angrily confronted Mr Scudiery and Mr. Caruso, in their shopping center office at seen possible about 4 p.m. yesterday. "1 Just came back from the city to find my car towed,"she said, charging that she wasn't Informed about the parking rules, and noting that the bus company had directed her to park at on area bridges Airport Plaza Mr. Scudiery told her that signs were posted all over the lot By SHERRY CONOHAN states like North Carolina and on the parking regulations, and that the information has been in Florida, provide fishermen the local newspapers. TRENTON - The Byrne with access to waters which After the woman left, Mr. Scudiery ran a check on her car, administration it looking at the otherwise would be largely in- dicovering that the files listed her car as one where a warning possibility of Including the con- accessible except to those with notice was given. struction of fishing platforms boats or residents of homes The cars are being towed by the Hazlet Towing Company, on certain bridges around the along the shore. which charges the commuters $25 a piece for its service. stat* as part of a com- They are a hire also to tour- And although many commuters were spared yesterday, Mr. prehensive program now being ists who are interested In fish- Caruso said they would be towed today if they came back. developed to promote fishing Ing. While Mr. Scudiery has set aside 200 spaces near the la New Jersey, It was learned Derek Bennett, executive highway tor commuters under the plan, he asserts that it Is yesterday. director of the American Lit- See Tew away, page 2 A proposal to add platforms toral Society which had sub- tor fishing and crabbing onto mitted a detailed proposal on some county bridges In Mon-fishing platforms to the Mon- mouth County was suggested mouth County Board of Free- Avoids sharks to the Monmouth County holders, said he was "de- Board of Freeholders three lighted" the governor's policy yean ago — but never got any office was picking up the Idea. farther than the study stage. He said that while states and swims on Donald Llnky, director of like Florida and North Caroli- ABOARD THE IDLE DAY toward the North the Office of Policy and Plan- na have built state bridges (AP) — Although stung by Beach area. She began her 100 ning, said the advocatlon of with the fishing platforms In- poisonous Jellyfish and men- mile-plus Journey at 10:40 a.m. ' such fishing platforms waa one cluded as part of the original aced by roving sharks, Stella Sunday from a tiny island of various Ideas under con- construction, small wooden Taylor stroked doggedly south of Bimini sideration tor Inclusion In the platforms could be added also toward Florida today in her Miss Taylor's lower body .comprehensive program. to existing bridges at a nomi- Police car 54 at bottom of ravine A houte goei down into hole secern attempt to become the was rendered useless Monday Now In the preliminary nal cost. first person to swim from the night as fatigue and cramps stage, the program to promote Parking, lack of bathroom Bahamas to the mainland. took their toll. Her powerful fisting In New Jersey and Infacilities and trash are the The 41-year-old veteran arms kept her at a steady water* off the coast It being three main problems as- Landslide watch continues stunt swimmer was reported pace, sometimes helped by developed In light of the 200- sociated with fishing plat- LACUNA BEACH, Calif. (AP) - Geologists and dis- Olson said a hall doten other homes were hanging somewhere southeast ot Mi- Gulf Stream currents. mile limit on fishing off-shore, forms, be pointed out. He said aster workers In this exclusive seaside community kept precariously over crumbling cliffs and "they could go at ami early today, and aides ex- This is Miss Taylor's sec- Mr. Llnky said. another was an attitude on the cautious watch today over a still-shaky neighborhood dev- any time." About 200 people were evacuated from en- pressed the hope that she could ond try at the unprecedented Under the 200-mile regu- part ot some communities astated by mysterious landslides that shoved, shattered dangered homes. reach land sometime this Bahamasto-Florida swim She lation, foreign vessels must ob- "that they don't want for- and ripped apart at least two doten hillside homes. Residents who lived in the most heavily damaged area morning. got within 12 miles of shore in tain federal permits to fish In eigners In town" using a fish- About seven acres of the residential area of Bluebird were not allowed In Monday to examine what remained of Conflicting reports made It August, only to have shifting waters within Ml miles of ing platform on a local bridge. Canyon with its homes valued between I1M.OO0 and UOO.OOO their homes. Authorities said they were concerned with difficult to Judge Just how tar currents push her hopelessly short and both domestic and Mr. Bennett said these were ravaged by the slow-moving landslides that began possible health hazards posed by ruptured sewers and with Miss Taylor was from land. On oft course. foreign fishing vessels are re- problems, unfortunately, had shortly before 6 a.m. Monday. the possibility of further landslides. It was not known when Monday, a navigational error Miss Taylor, a chipper stricted at to what and how contributed to the closing of Red Cross workers reported only a handful of Injuries, the residents could return. allowed her to swim off course native of Britain who spent 4ty much fish they can take. the Oceanic bridge - spanning most of them cuts and scratches, as residents clad in Several hundred yards of roadway were destroyed, and cost her about a halt-day's years in a Buffalo, NY, con- Although the program the Navesink River from nightclothes fled down the hill in the foggy darkness. One telephone and power lines dangled and sparked from effort, crew members said. vent, is not using a shark cage. being developed by' Mr. Rumson to MWdletown — to woman suffered a broken shoulder. uprooted poles that tilted at craiy angles and water, Miss Taylor's crew said Aides paddled alongside on Ltoky's office Is directed pri- fishing. The bridge, with side- The earth — and the houses, patios, trees and flowers It sewage and gas lines were ripped apart leaving the fetid that she was making progress See AvtWs. page! marily at commercial fishing, walks along It, is about all that carried — continued moving In fits and starts throughout smell of natural gas hanging over the neighborhood. There with plant for ways to provide Monmouth County fishermen the day and geologists warned that some movement might was no tire. both financial and technical as- have In the way of platform- continue for several days. But they had no immediate Two residential blocks dropped more than N feet below sistance to the state's com- like access, he said. explanation for the huge slide. There were no earthquakes, their normallevel and the sliding earth tore out a half-mile- The Inside Story mercial fishing fleet now un- "At toon as fishing got good no rains. long chasm about 41 feet deep and at least as wide. Two THE WEATHER der study, Mr. Llnky con- and people began having a "We've got about 24 homes that we're considering shattered homes and pieces of another were smashed firmed that platforms to help good time, they closed it, completely destroyed," said Laguna Beach Police Lt. Al together on the chasm floor. Saaay leday aad dear Weight. Teaaarrew partly the pleasure fisherman were which Is the typical approach Olson. "It looks like damage'at this point Is In excess ot S3 Two rooms of one home tumbled Into the crevasse. deadly. CastpMe weather report page 2. being considered alto to problems In New Jersey," million." See Landslide, page] Such platformi, common In See Fish, page 2 It's Yanks vs. Rtyab „ II Cewbays sklaaed : II Asa Landers 1} Finds a dead man Weddings aaaMiced u IS Health is new factor in selection of pope in his chimney Bridge Advice.. II DAILY REGISTER 14 PHONE NUMBERS VATICAN CITY (AP) - at too trying a talk, and But Paul's reign lasted IS the emphasis Is still oh finding wat reported to have had a LOS ANOELES (AP) - A It-ll Matt Office Him* The death of Pope John Paul I Cardinal Leo Suenens of. years and ended after several another "pastoral" pope like collapse recently because of Hollywood Hills resident, trou- Ceeaies II TaB Free 171-DM only M days after his election Belgium called It a burden years ot slowly tailing health. John Paul, one with grass mental stress. bled by the "foul odor" coming Crossword Paste.. II Tel Free KM1M hat made health an Important The morning after his election, John Paul succumbed to a roots In a diocese Instead of a Some elderly papabili In the from his fireplace, hired a EdMariah. I ClasslfM Dept. S41-I7M new factor to the election of his John Paul characterized lt as sudden heart attack. He suf- man whose career has been In pastoral category are reported chimney sweep — and dis- II CkrcahiUsa Dent S42-4MI "a danger." fered from rheumatism, and a the bureaucracy ot the Vatican la robust health. They Include covered a dead man rotting In It nay affect the the chimney. II Saorta) Dept. M2-4M4 tradition that the pontiff Tlw last pope under M wat niece said be was "delicate," Curia and Its diplomatic ser- 72-year-old Giuseppe Shi ot Lifestyle... I7UM vice. Genoa, the reported runnerup According to Sergeant 11-11 should bi more than N yean Plus IX, who was 54 when thai he had to be careful about Make A Dale... II OHM (at elected in IBM. Hit reign lasted what he ate and the "cold and Cardinal BeneUi has been In In the last two conclaves, and Smith, city firefighters had to OMtaaries...... Tt-yetr-old Corrado Ursl of break part of the chimney to .... 4 "Health does count; that U at years, the longest In history, beat." But he was not known to Florence only a year after II Sptrts. 11-11 a imiaiHaU position," tald flam then, popes have ranged have had a history of heart yean at the Vatican aad 17 Naples. remove the decomposed body CardkMl Humberio Madeira* a) age from Benedict XV, who years In diplomatic posta. Meanwhile, despite heavy yesterday The unidentified Reate O-Grady's Fair Haven Sidewalk Sale of Boatoa at he arrived yester- wat« when elected ki 1114, to Vatican experts say that Frail health probably will See Pepe health, pap I man was nude, causing the po- Jack Hill Trio, TIMS, through Fri-Sat.. Oct. Ir7 Rain or day for tie funeral of the pope John XXIII, who was 77 al his the health factor may Improve count against another among nce to rule out burglary as a Sat., IN through closing. same reason tor his presence. Hwy.», Eatoatown. tad tat conclave to elect hit coronation In 1*58. the chances of one younger the younger papabili men- Don't mitt our monthly Pa- Trade WbasHeaaaSpY" Mccotsor. The session wlU be- Both John Paul I and Paul cardinal among the papabili. tioned before John Pauls elec- rade ot Homes, Sun.. October Sdray's RnUaraat Tteagat Heated pool, steam rooms, gin Oct. 14. VI, his Immediate predeces or possible popes, 57-year-old tion, 51-year-old Alolslo Kb. Deadline. Thurs., October Don't cook tonight, try Stirny's Happy Hour S-ll. ladles free sauna, gym, handball courts, Cardinal Fram Koenlg of •or, ware elected at «, con- Giovanni Benelll. the Lortcbelder of Brazil. He has i. Can ClaainVd Display tor every ataht. tf Ave. of Two admission. Wed., "Friday. exercise classes, swimming Vteama literred to the papacy attend toe Ideal papal age. Archbishop ot Florence. But had open-heart surgery and your reservation M2-4OM Rivm.MJ-lM Trade Wh¥»t,»42SH2 letsons Sea Bright, MI-J2I2 > 2 The Utfty Register SHHEWSBURY. NJ TUESOAY OCTOBER 3 we Tow away Avoids sharks Pope (continued) . I) (coatiwed) really the bus company's responsibility to provide parking for surfboard*, bit floodlights the shark left Her crew used raia yesterday for the aecoad the commuters used to ka«p her In sight at explosive "bang sticks" to straight day, crowds of •right abw attracted sharks. scare K away. moaners continued to file past The fees he is charging are only to defray maintenance and A pack of six sharks ap- the Mer of Pope Joha Paul la Insurance costs, aid not to make a profit, Mr. Scudiery says. WhUe oM of the water, she peared at about I p.m. Moo- St. Peter's BasJUea. The Con- Hearst case sentencei* *

New Jersey Bel I—People- Landslide SHREWSBURY. N.J. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 3,1978 SACRAMENTO, Calif. Vladimir Horowtti - her (continued) (AP) - President Carter's "favorite pianist." while the second-story rooms remained In place, hanging Imprisoned nepbew Myi Horowtti wu there cele- jaggedly over the edge with beama, wires and pipes dangl- Third plane theory that It bis uncle decides to brating his 75th birthday. frwt clemency to Patricia Mr*. Jigger, wife of Rolling Several homes appeared almost undamaged, with cars Hetnt he hope* the presi- Stones lead singer Mick Jag- •till hi the driveway and carefully tended trees and shrubs de* will pardon him, too. ger, is a regular at the popu- Intact. But the hornet were M or 44 feet lower and » feet The nephew, William lar night spot downhill from where they once stood. prompted by tapes Carter Saaaa, U in Inmtte Horowitz and bis wife, Many residents of the area reported loud crackling at the California Medical Fa- Wanda, Joined the regulars noises hut aa the earth began to give way. SAN DIEGO (AP)-Tiped ttnet jet and Cessna 172 were Lloyd LaGrange. a Na- clUty at VacavUle, about on the strobe-lit dance floor. "It was like t big pine fire — Just crackling and popping radio conversations between aware of each other. tional Transportation Safety hilfway between Sacra- Mrs. Horowtti says she nor- all over the place," said resident Dave DeLo, 42. the pilot of a doomed jetliner The tapes also confirm that Board Investigator, said, "The mento and San Francisco. mally deosn't indulge, but Tte victims, although visibly shaken, were surprisingly and flight controllers here a second Cessna was being matter of language Is being He made hit statement In "this Is his birthday ... so I'll calm. have caused Federal in- handled by Lindbergh con- looked into. It certainly Is one a letter Monday to Sacra- do anything he wants." Jon Rosa, a Red Cross supervisor, attributed the calm vestigators to resurrect the trollers, but are unclear of the key factors we're look- mento television station ••• and the lack of serious Injuries to the fact that the landslide theory that a third plane might whether the PSA pilot, while ing kUo. For all 1 know, that KXTV. NEW YORK (AP) - "was slow moving and gradual," giving residents ample have confused the pilot before acknowledging sighting a could be the whole thing." Mia* Hearst, serving a 7- Concert pianist Vladimir time to escape. his aircraft collided with a sin- Cessna, saw the Cessna 172 year sentence (or her part In Rudy Kapustin, the Safety Herawta celebrated his nth gle-engine Cessna, causing the with which he collided or the Board Investigator In charge, the robbery of a San Fran birthday doing the boogie nation's worst air disaster. second Cessna. Cisco bank 10 weeks alter said that normally "a pilot lets Into the early hours yester- 9 A critical factor also could It still Is unclear bow far the controller know that he being kidnapped, has asked day with New York's disco be Imprecise language be- away th*. second Cessna was (be president for clemency. Carter Haaaa 'Your house is leaving either has the traffic (another night crawlers at flashy Stu- tween controllers at Lindbergh at the time of the accident. plane) In sight or he doesn't Spann aays he has served pendence of the South Pacif- Field and the Jet's pilot. In- dio 54. LACUNA BEACH, Calif. (AP) - It was about I a.m. The tapes showed that have It." almost three years of a 10- ic atoll, formerly the Elllce vestigators said. Horowitz cut a mean fig-, when Adell Pitta was jolted from her dreams by her Lindbergh controllers gave the Investigators hope to com- years-to-llfe sentence for Islands, after 80 years as a ore on the strobe-lit dance neighbors' shouts: "Come out as you are. Your house Is "I cant say that the third- descending PSA Jet a traffic plete their work here by mid- robbing a San Francisco bar British colony. door with his wife, Waaia, leaving." plane theory Is totally false," advisory, which is short of a week, then continue the In- oftMO. ••• who aays she normally Mrs. Pitts slid she heard tortured groans from within Bruce Chambers of the Feder- warning, of the Cessna direct- vestigation in Washington. It is "Since I didn't rob a TERRE HAUTE, Ind. doesn't Indulge. But "this Is the walls of her home — "like somebody was tearing It al Aviation Administration ly ahead. expected to be next year bank, but a bar, and since I (AP) - Resalyai Carter his birthday," she told a pho- apart." said yesterday, one week after The PSA pilot responded before any report is Issued. didn't fire any shots, 1 hope was In the Hoosier State tographer, "so I'll do any- She got out, fast. the crash killed at least 144 with language that seemed to Another mystery is exactly my Uncle Jimmy will be so over the weekend, trying to thing he wants." "I just walked out and didn't look back. I figured if I persons. Indicate he did not know exact- how many people died. kind as to pardon me along translate an upswing in her And Blaaca Jagger, wife was alive, God would find me another place to live," she Earlier, officials had dis- ly where the smaller plane with Ms. Hearst," Spann husband's popularity Into The coroner, aided by a of the Rolling Stones lead explained. counted the theory. was: said. He said he has served votes for Democratic can- team of Federal Bureau of In- singer and a regular at the She had barely gotten outside when half her home The tapes show that both Lindbergh: PSA 182, more time than Miss Hearst, popular night spot, went be- didates this fall tumbled down a 40-foot precipice that had opened beneath pilots were warned several vestigation specialists in deal- and added, "Fair Is fair - or Mrs. Carter ended a Lindbergh tower. Traffic 12 ing with badly damaged bod- hind the bar to serve a birth- It. Dozens of other homes followed as a massive landslide times that their planes were o'clock one mile ... a Cessna lilt?" day drink to the man she three-day campaign swing struck early Monday without warning in the fashionable nearing each other. ies, had Identified 84 victims ••• with a three-hour stop here PSA: Okay, we had him by late yesterday. However, a calls her "favorite pianist." Blue Bird Canyon section overlooking the ocean In this Tape transcripts also show there a minute ago. ARLINGTON, Texas She tended bar for over an Saturday for Democratic exclusive beachside community about SO miles south of Los that controllers at both deputy coroner said that It (AP) - Was Billy Marti* hour and pulled down some congressional challenger Angeles. Lindbergh Field and Mlramar Lindbergh: 182 Roger. percent of the bodies possibly glued to the tube like most of "the best tips" owner Charlotte Hettaw of Bloom- John Crowley, his wife and teen-aged son, who fled In Naval Air Station were under PSA: Think he's passing off would never be identified and New York fans aa his Steve Hubell says he's ever ington. nightclothes, watched as their driveway, then the car and the impression that the pilots to our right. that a mass burial for uniden- beloved Yankees beat the seen. Speaking to about 800 peo- finally part of their home dropped slowly away. of the Pacific Southwest Air Lindbergh: Roger. tified remains was possible. Boston Red Sox In the ple at a f 15-a-plate luncheon, Fashion designer Halstu "There were all these funny noises. There was a crucial game of the season gave her $20 and Rubell says the first lady said Presides! for each team? Perhaps not. Carter has kept the nation at crackling sound — like the rafters were cracking," Crowley be even thinks Horowitz said. The Indication Is that gave her 150 peace, cut unemployment Says Carter will come Martin was liking aim at "We saw this crack in the street — the street was • •• and boosted the economy. North, Dakota game while opening up and falling Telephone poles were pulled over SYDNEY, Australia The Zietlow staff had the Yankees bagged the and the open power wires were crackling on the ground." (AP) - Britain's Prlacess hustled reporters and pho- American League Eastern Margaret arrived in Sydney tographers from the state's Even police officers hurrying to the scene felt the to Cairo for signing Division championship. yesterday to recuperate two largest newspapers Into effects of the swaying earth and destruction around them. CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - A telephone call to the He Invited King Hussein of (Heights),"he said. from a "flu-like ailment" a locked van » minutes Egyptian President Anwar former Yankee manager's When Officer Greg Bartz drove his car over a hump in Jordan " assume his responsi- that forced her to cancel before Mrs. Carter's arrival Sadat said Monday President He also called on leaders of home here produced word the road "and the front end dropped four feet, directly over bilities. I Invite Syrian officials plans to officiate it inde- to await a motorcade to Carter has accepted an invita- the Palestine Liberation Or- that he was "hunting in a ruptured gas line ... I turned off the engine and the lights to take part in the talks so as to pendence day celebrations downtown Terre Haute. The tion to come to Egypt for the ganization to end their "farci- North Dakota" and un- and just bailed out. deal with the Israeli of Tuvalu, the world's motorcade, winding through signing of an Egyptian-Israeli cal" differences. reachable. withdrawal from the Golan newest nation. virtually empty back streets, "We (himself and two other officers) saw one house tilt peace treaty resulting from The caller asked when The princess was smiling then was delayed twice by four feet and we ran like hell. You could see wires snapping the historic Camp David ac- Martin would return. "It de- but looked pale and weak as trains. and sparking, but there was no fire. cords. pends on how the hunting she left a Hercules aircraft • •• "I could hear houses crashing, water running, gas Addressing his parliament Scotland Yard goes," was the answer. of the Royal New Zealand MYSTIC, Conn. (AP) - hissing... and my heart beating very fast." on the summit accords, Sadat After more than a year of air force last night. She was Actress Meryl Streep, who said they could not have been controversy on and off the taken away In a Rolls Royce won an Emmy award for her Dave DeLo, 42, who lives across the street fom the successful without Carter's field, Martin resigned July to the borne of New South role In the "Holocaust" tele- Crowleys also heard a crackling noise — "It was almost "perseverance." eyes 2nd death 24 is Yankee manager and Wales governor, Sir Redei vision mini-series, has mar- like a big old pine fire, crackling and popping all over the .The White House said was replaced by Bob ried artist-sculptor DeaaM J. place. I bundled up the wife and (two) kids and got them Caller. Carter wants to attend the LONDON (AP) - Scotland employee sent to check on him Lemotn. Five days later, Princess Margaret spent Gammer. out of there. signing, but press secretary during Old Timers' Day cer- Tin marriage took place "We did not feel any movement In our house. Every- Yard Is Investigating the sec- after he tailed to turn up for part of the flight on i Jody Powell said he did not ond death of a Bulgarian de- work Monday. emonies In New York, the stretcher and stayed In a Saturday at the home of thing was very slow. You could actually see the know If it will be held In Egypt. Yankees announced that Miss Streep's parents on Ma- (Crowley's) house moving. I watched their car settle down fector In three weeks. The first Scotland Yard termed the special wood-lined compart- Authorities said any Carter one was murdered, by a death suspicious and said after Martin would return as man- ment that muffled the ton's Island. The couple as the crevass opened. It was like slow motion." visit to Egypt depends on how ager in I960 ilives In poisoned umbrella, he an autopsy that the 30-year-old plane's noise. A doctor Some two doien homes - estimated in value from quickly Egypt and Israel can claimed, and the second died Slmeonov died from asphyxia • •• diagnosed the Illness as in Miss Streep was named forge a treaty to end 30 years NEW YORK (AP) - best actress in a limited JI0O.00O to $300,000 — were destroyed during the disaster, in a fall down his stairs caused by inhaling blood from acute respiratory problem. whose cause was still unexplained. of war In the Mideast. The A third Bulgarian defector a fractured nose. BhtMa Jigger went behind The 48-year-old princess series for her role as Inga In talks are to open at the min- the bar at Manhattan's the NBC show depleting the Barti said most residents remained calm, with some survived a poison-dart attack Markov, a 49-year-old play- was to have represented isterial level in Washington In Paris in August, and the wright who defected to Britain flashy Studio M disco, ind Qtoei Elisabeth on Sunday plight of European Jews un- even leaving notes telling the officers everyone in their Oct. It with a projected settle- whipped up i drink for der the Nads. family had evacuated safely. Yard Is evaluating the case of in 1970, died Sept. 11 from sep- at the declaration of inde- ment by Dec. 17. The United a fourth man claiming to be ticemia, a form of blood States will be a fuU partici- Bulgarian who flagged down a poisoning, four days after he pant, Powell said. police car in London Monday reported he was stabbed in the Find body •President Carter will go You're deeper Weather: Sunny and said he was being threat- thigh with a lethally-tlpped down in history as one of the ened. umbrella by a man In the (continued) Yesterday's alga tern rain will be near zero through of an ex great leaders who changed the The defectors all had made street. amount and If your family argues often about money. atrattre at The Register tonight. Winds will be east to ' face of history from bitterness anti-communist broadcasts to As a rule, monthly Installment payments should not weather slattta wu 71 degrees southeasterly at ten to 16 miles to love and from wars to their homeland. The two who amount to more than 24 percent of monthly take-home pay. aid tie lew 54 It was IS at • per hour today. Marine fore- CIA man peace," Sadat told parliament. died In London, Gebrglo COLLEGE Average Installment Indebtedness, Mr. Gibson said, equals ».*. aad Ike •veralgkl lew cast Manasquan to Cape Hen- BALTIMORE (AP) - The "I tell our people that our Markov and Vladimir Sim- about 14 percent of take-home pay. was il. Teaay's I a.m. tern- lopen and Delaware Bay: decomposed body of a man history and the history of civ- eonov, were close friends and ixi REVIEW The foundation counseling centers offer debt-man- perattre was SI. There was a* Winds will be northeast to east- wearing diving weights was ilization wUI place Carter worked tor the British Broad- CLASSES START agement programs to help Individuals pay off bills without predpaaliM la the 14 hears erly at It to 20 knots today and found floating near the spot In among those who changed his- casting Corporation's Bulgar- SMtWf Od. 1.1 u. !• II Km running Into legal troubles. The centers work out agree- eadlag al I a.m. ltday. There easterly at around 10 knots to- Chesapeake Bay where a tory..," Sadat said to thunder- ian-language service. ments with creditors, who often allow borrowers extra time was tie degree day yesterday, night. It will be fair through former high-ranking Central ous applause. Slmeonov's pajama-clad etc fer Ike math, aad 71 far "I have no doubt that every for payments. tonight. Visibility will be five Intelligence Agency official body was found in his south F.»»««l| In recent years, however, creditors have become less the heattag aeasea I* dale. miles or more. Average wave disappeared while sailing last Egyptian man and womah will London borne by another BBC CALL 222 1704 orHI-MM willing to wait for their money, Mr. Gibson said. They do heights will be from three to await this visit to express to a It will be sunny today, with week, the Coast Guard re- not want to lose the Interest they could earn by lending the five feet on the ocean and one ports. great man their admiration the highs from 45 to 70 It will and great appreciation," he money elsewhere. "We're seeing more and more families to three feet on the bay todiy. The Baltimore Sun today b clear tonight, with the lows said. who are beyond our help and need legal assistance," Mr. quoted unidentified sources in- In the mid 40s to the low SOs. It Sadat's comments sug- Gibson said. "They're really coming to us too late." TIDES volved In the investigation of Whatever your need... For further Information on credit counseling, contact will be partly cloudy tomor- gested Carter wouldd receive Saady H«*a the disappearance as saying the National Foundation for Consumer Credit. 1818 H row, with the highs In the mid a welcome surpassing that giv- TODAY - High *.tl p.m. that the body had a bullet bole We're always ready to upper Ms. The chance of en former President Nixon In Street, N.W., Washington, D.C., 20004. andlowJSOp.m. "above and behind the left 1174 when he was cheered by with a helping hand! TOMORROW - High » 49 millions of Egyptians. sum. and 1I:U p.m.and low Sadat had harsh words for J44 a.m. and low 4:11 pm According to Dr. Adams, dental records will be used to Arab leaders critical of the For Red Bank and Rumson determine whether the body Camp David accords and who HILTON INN PRESENTS bridges, add two hours; Sea found was that of 55-year-old call him a traitor for signing Bright, deduct It minutes; » CONVCNCNT OmCCS TO SiRVC YOU MOOtiSlN* MONMOUTH*OCEAh«UMON the agreement with Israel. MCMMt FOIC Long Brancb, deduct IS John Paisley, who retired In He called Col. Moammar minutes; Highlands bridge. 1174 as deputy director of the THE GREAT LUNCHEON C.IA.'s Office of Strategic Re- Khadafy of Libya "a crazy add 40 minutes search. child." WMHIMTON - »m»«ll VMMtr BUFFET Strvfct r«**rt 4t nuMm Itm- LUIIIIK Mr WHlir ttht ».».. pXn mm Mfk.Mr MMto t»c»»»tii»mnnii 1H.4Pn oim AMnv 4> 44 clr BEGINNING OCT. 2nd SI Clr Amarllh) • clr Lunch Is no longer a long process Now you can Mlento II aII clr MMnnc Ctv » * .04 clr enjoy a quick, delicious Luncheon Buffet from frtHtnw* 71 a tit •kmlmhoni n • c«» tMwi a p elr 12:00 P.M. to 2:30 P.M. In our Winner's Circle •vrMs II 4) clr OartlMC a 41 c(r Lounge. Every afternoon you will find first place 47 rn atomCMcMot l 1n1 c«» entrees Including an assortment of our deli- OVMteM M • i«Y CMvmtin 47 41 c«» cious cold chicken, egg, potato, Greek, fruit, ownim M a lit JACK HILL TRIO Dtftv*f H 44 clr ""beet and green salads.. Italian specialties... OnMMim 14 SI ill DMMt 41 4) for your Dancing Pleasure H4Wk>l« M M Clr and our famous carving station where our chef HWlW H rn Ind'HiOl* 71 n rn will carve to your liking a different deli- Joctt'vllto n 41 clr Every Tue$. thru Sat. cious meat every day...and we'll . KSK*S City 71 41 cdy LKVW. N 44 clr from 8:30 'li/ • C«V even throw in your tea and coffee. UMtLIHH «Ka« aII 41 clr LcwtovtUt 71 4> rn Everyone has enjoyed our Mmpkll II SI rn Miami a » rn well-kpown Sunday Brunch, «lll»—»ll 41 4 rn M4H-SI. P 71 Wv llMh i Ilk 71 a41 rn now rayou can enjoy our brand Mtw Y4rt a 14 .« CK oil—I a n iii*. newtfif afternoon buffet. $3 JO wariiin ck P«II«II, wn Clt wntmin a a idy Hy»onlnn.TlntonFate> mm*. On a C«T Hm It V clr Extt 106 Garden State Parkway WltJIi III « CK si rn Hi** n 14 McCONNELL c«V fiton Fate. NJ. • clr M»0MfJMUM4 7) •444*00 i ^ run. OIL COMPANY liyWl 4T * C«T a c*» Call... 291-3200 •, latotttMim, HJ. "^ipr'iai i * 41 CW i two oh* (to* o™» oW U-1MMTIH Saving N.J. Sine* 1882 m nnnaaniimi kMmi4» HiMiinr«M|. 4 TheMyRegkter SHREWSBURY. N J TUESDAY. OCTOBER 3.1978 Planners OK Kingdom Hall site By BOB BHAMLKY address with the proviso that jected that because the fire of in a condition appended to tal tract area Is about three- Obituaries quarters of as acre. MIDDLETOWN - the Witnesses waive any objec- company premises are within the site plan approval which Jehovah's Witnesses will have tions to yearly temporary liq- Ml feet of the church site, promises waivers for any liq- In other business, the board H. Holden their Kingdom Hall at M uor Ucenses for firemen's fairs state law requires consent of uor Ucenses applied for by the approved the esthetics of the Busch, Claire MacRae, Leonardville Road. on adjacent property owned by that church each time the fire fire company second section of McCulres The Planning Board last the Community Fire Co. company needs a temporary Donald E. Keyser, attorney . Grove apartments on Route » was engineer concert pianist night gave approval to a site liquor license for a fair or eth- for the applicant, said he had The approval came after in- Ave., died yesterday at Riv- plan for conversion of an exist- Arthur Sorensen, attorney er function. checked with the state DivUon spection of renderings showing EATONTOWN - Aloysius SADDLE BROOK (AP) - for the fire company, had ob- The objection was disposed of Alcoholic Beverage Control two-story buildings with pine 1. Butch, 77, of 14 Vlolante erview Hospital. Claire M. Cod MacRae, a well- ing building at the Leonardo Born In Franklin County, as directed by the planners in and stucco facades. Court, died yesterday at home known concert pianist and or- June and found that the 200 The first section of M apart- Bora In Brooklyn, N.Y , be NX, he had Uved here IS ganist, waa UUed In an auto 9 yean. feet In the state Is measured ment units will soon be opened Hved In Neptune before mov- accident, police report. She Council OK s land purchase door to door. by the developer, Anthony P. He worked as a farmer in was (2. ing here five years ago. If this is so, he told the Busch Inc. of Shrewsbury. The North Carolina for many years Mn. MacRae, known pro Ht was an electrical engi- board members, the distance second Section will Include 181 before moving here. fessionaUy as Claire Coci, was neer at Bell Laboratories, for senior citizens center is more like 1,000 feet than 200. units He was a member of the driving northbound on the Holmdel, before retiring in Theodore J. Labrecque Jr., The board gave final site Roland Chapel Church in Garden State Parkway when MM after 4t years of servcice. OCEAN TOWNSHIP - cording to Gregory Fehren- a (5(7,500 bond for improve- board attorney, said that, nev- plan approval to Parkway 1M Rocky Ford, N.C. her sports car struck the cen- Mr. Butch was a communi- •. Council last night authorized bach, township manager* ments to Valley Road, Law- ertheless, there could be a Developers Ltd. for phase I of • Surviving are three sons, ter divider at about 8 p.m. Sat- cant of St. Dorothea's Roman the purchase of property at 280 The land Is currently owned rence Avenue, Pollack Avenue problem if the church objected their office-motel complex at Roger Holden of Riverside, urday, police said. She was CathoUc Church, here Roosevelt Ave. for the con-by East-West Developers Inc. and Bloomsbury Avenue. The to a liquor license in the future. Half Mile Road and the Calif., Fred and Gilbert pinned in the auto and was He was a member of the struction of a senior citizens Council Introduced also two bond will be paid off by owners For this reason the waiver pro- Garden State Parkway. Telephone Pioneers of Ameri- Holden, both here; two daugh- declared dead on arival at Sad- center. of properties adjacent to the ters, Mn. Irene Johnson and bond ordinances to finance viso was added to the ap-Ground was broken Saturday ca. dle Brook General Hospital, The estimated tM.OOO to be streets. The township will pay Mn. Bessie Bradford, both street improvements and the proval. for the first buUding of the He was the husband of Mrs. police added spent for the property will for the new sewers, which will here; four brothers, 'Sam, construction of storm sewers The Witnesses propose to complex, a (3 million three- Mary E. Busch, who died In Police said the collision in- come from a Community De- cost approximately (117,000 Newman, Clinton, and Bertie in Industrial Park. add to an existing building ad- story building known aa MM. volved only Mn. MacRae's ve- velopment Block Grant, ac- Holden, all of Franklin County, The township plans to raise In other business, a new jacent to Soldo Construction Parkway Office Center. Surviving are eight sons, hicle and there were no pas- N.C; two titters, Mrs. ordinance regulating the park- Co. to provide a meeting hall Mayor Robert J. Eckert, a Rev. Aloysius J. Busch of sengers She was believed to Madeline Hunt of Franklin ing of commercial vehicles in to accommodate a congrega- Planning Board member, Highland Lakea, Kenneth be on her way to play a recital County, N.C, and Mrs. Lucy residential areas was In-tion of 80 persons and quarters praised the project as an ex- Butch of Madison, Donald in Oneonta, N.Y. Signal installation Hayes of Henderson, N.C; 14 troduced. Under the or- for a caretaker. A parking lot cellent ratable for the town- Butch of Morristown, Richard Born in , Mn. grandchildren, two great- dinance, no more than one will provide 27 spaces. The to- ship. Busch of Convent Station, Rob- MacRae became the organist grandchildren commercial vehicle weighing ert Busch of Roseland, Gerard at the Cathedral of the Im-set in pact with DOT more than (6,000 pounds would Busch of Cranford, Leonard The ChUds Funeral Home is maculate Conception — that be allowed on private property in charge of arrangements. Butch of Sylvania, Ohio, and city's largest church — at age SEA BRIGHT - Borough heating the Community Center In residential zones. The or- J Joseph Butch of Trumbull, lt Council last night approved an on Route M. dinance would ban also all Conn.; four daughters, Mrs. MI-H. Margaret She was the head organist agreement with the state De- The structure, moved to the tractors and trailers from Marilyn Klein of Baldwin, Mo., Bittell for the New York partment of Transportation site about five years ago when private property in residential Mn. Joan O'Reilly of Scotch Philharmonic for three years (DOT) that wUI pave the way the gas company was unable to zones. Plains, Mrs. Ann Shultz, here, ASBURY PARK - Mm and later taught at Oberlin Col- for Installation of a new traffic take on any new customers Another ordinance which and Mrs. Carol Olney of Margaret Bittell. 88, of 1701 lege signal at Route 3t and River because of anticipated supply would ban commercial vehi- Laguna Beach, Calif; one Ocean Ave., died Sunday at Street. restrictions, is now heated cles weighing more than 1,000 brother, Joseph Butch of Albert Einstein Hospital, New Mra. Kenneth White DOT had approved the light with propane, stored In an un- pounds from residential Queens Village, NY.; and one York City RIVER PLAZA - Mrs. at that Intersection several derground tank. streets has already been in- ACTUAL CASH VALUE titter, Mrs. Eleanor Sanstedt Bom In Newark, she Uved Shirley F. White, 93, of 36 Park years ago, but opposition from Council accepted, with re- troduced by council. Actual cash value le a key phnea In InaumtM IOM adtual of Syosset, N.Y., and 17 grand- most of her life in East Or- Place, died yesterday at Rlv- some local merchants and res- gret, the resignation of John F. Council rejected a (104,039 ment It u a valuator) figure, and moans the amount of nwoey ^ j_ j * . a . __ - _ , ^ |LA| •*»* •» — — — jlj •••*•••• a< * children. ange, before moving here two ervlew Hospital, Red Bank. idents delayed council action Lange from several borough bid by Benjamin Harvey and n##ovu K> rtpiBCT prop#ny nw rwi DIM IMVHUJIU, MM The Robert A. Braun Home yean ago. Born in Morristown, she until a further study was boards. Sons Inc. for construction depreciation and nar and tear from previous uee. It couM mean for Funerals, Eatontown, la In She was a private secre- made. varioua method* of valuation and Invohra "book tnhw" Of had Uved here 30 yean. Mr. Lange, one of the work on the Public Works ga- "martial value" and other lacloti such aa n* nature ot MM charge of arrangements. tary, employed by the Con- Council members had no in- rage because lt was (34,000 Surviving Is her husband, borough's more active older Tim* Is a lactar with regard to replacement or repair coala tinental Casualty Co., NewKenneth E. White; a son, Ken- dication of when the light citizens, gave health and per- 'more than the amount avail- Tha liability ol the Insurance company la utuillr Hmhed b» tha Joseph F. Mitchell York City, before her retire- neth M. White, at home; two would actually be Installed. sonal reasons for his resigna- able for the project. No ojher actual caah value at tha Hma ol tha row. This figure however, (a ment three years ago. daughters, Mn. Fay Binch of Councilman Stephen F. tion. bids were received. method ol VALUATION) mual not be more than me actual OCEANPORT- Joseph F She was the widow of Rob- Duffy urged that another letter replacement or repair COST with similar material within a Fort Meade, Md, and Mrs. reaaonebla time alter the toea. Furthermore, any tncf—aed coats Mitchell, M, of ltn Eaton- ert L. BltteU, who died in 1M8. Darla Horvath of Eatontown; be written to DOT demanding town, Blvd., died yesterday at because ol a municipal law or ordinance win not Incraaea liw Mn. BltteU was a com- her father, Lionel Renlgar of: the state take action to com- BENJAMIN MOORE Insurance company's HaMUty. Patterson Army Hospital, Ft. municant of Our Lady of the Sarasota Fla , and her mother,: pletely rehabilitate Route 31 PAINTS Summing up, the replacement coal la the mailmum amount Monmouth. Moat Blessed Sacrament Ro- Mn. May Kagen Smith of through the North Beach area. Born In Cambridge, Mass., that can be recovered, up to - but not enceecHng the actual man CathoUc Church, East Or- Belford, and three grand! Father Duffy said the mu- OO currant caah value • awn II me properly la kvaurad tor a higher he had Uved here for 21 years. ange. children nicipal sewer lines, homes and $AVE2 ««OM value. The Intent la to pay the muredI what he haa loal and He retired in 1H7 at a mat- Surviving are one son, Rob- The Adams Memorial retaining walls are all being REGAL WALL SATIN eliminate "prolttabM"llree. ter sergeant in the Army after ert J. BltteU of Doylestown, Home, Red Bank, is in charge steadily destroyed by road vi- II years of srervlce. Pa.; one brother, James Mor- of arrangements. bration from heavy traffic, NOW 7.99 Recj «.»» He was currently employed risey of Livingston; one sister, particularly heavy trucks. Will 1AM Mill I AMhY at t security guard at FT. Mn. Grace SneUen, here, and Noting that Atlantic High- Mrs. Harry MONMOUTH BUILDING CENTER 714 W. PARK AVE. Monmouth. five grandchildren. lands section of Route M is 777 AVI. SHREWSBURY Surviving are his widow, The Anderson-Cutalo (,laus|< in slated for reconstruction next Mn. Genovefa Mitchell; two 747-5220 Funeral Home, Red Bank, Is year, Father Duffy said "The to complete insurance tons, Edward J. Mitchell of OLD BRIDGE - Mrs In charge of arrangements. Katherine Glanstein, 60, of 1A road here is only concrete Neptune, and Richard P. slabs on sand. Mitchell, at home; one daugh- Mrs. Hjordit* Jensen Pennsylvania Drive, died Gun- day at the Bayshore Communi Mitchell, at LAKE'W00D _ Mr, "The highway condition two brothers, Albert ty Hospital, Holmdel. here is very, very serious and MltcheU of Dearborn, Mich., HJordis Jensen, 87, of 2A Born in New York City, she it should be rebuilt from the and John MitcheU of Boston, Western Court, died Sunday at had Uved in Rotelle for more grading on up," he said. Mass.; three sitters, Mrs. Paul KimbaU Hospital, here. than 30 years, before moving Born In Norway, she had here seven years ago. Council expects to take ac- Mary Seaboyer of Medford, tion at its next meeting on an Mass., Mn. Alice Kirkland of Uved in this area most of her She was a teacher In the life. Bayonne school system, before offer from New Jersey Natu- , Calif., and Mrs. ral Gas Co. to provide gas for LUUan Owens of Africa; and Sh was the widow of Wil- retiring in 19(3. She also did his mother, Mn. Julia MltcheU liam Jensen. substitute teaching In several of Cambridge, Mass. Surviving are a son, John school systems. Mrs. Susie Smith The Robert A: Braun Mome Jensen of Parlln; a daughter, Mn, Glanstein was a mem- Mrs. Helen Von Tanga of Mid- ber of Temple Beth-Ahm, RED BANK - Mrs. Susie for Funerals, Eatontown, Is in Ethel Smith, 88, of 122 Riv- charge of arrangements. dletown; a sister, Mrs. Nancy Aberdeen, and a life member Davidson of Brooklyn; five of the Hadassah of the temple. erside Ave., died yesterday at Lucien Eberhardt grandchildren, and one great She was a member pf tha Rtverview Hospital. grandchild. Deborah Mome, BrownsvUle. Born In New York, she had LINCROFT - Lucien The Scott Funeral Home, Surviving are her husband, lived in this area since 1935. Armond Eberhardt, 77, of 158 Belford, is In charge of ar- Harry Glanstein; a son, Joel C. She was the widow of Wil- Whispering Pines Drive, died rangements. Glanstein of RockvUle Centre, liam C. Smith, who died in "What good is Sunday at RIverview Hospital, Long Island; two daughters, 1993 Red Bank. Born in Delmont, McLaren Miss PhyDis Joy Glanstein of Surviving are a daughter, Switzerland, he had Uved here this card to me WEST KEANSBURG - Essex, Conn., and Mrs. Lois Mrs. Janet A. Simon of five yean. Mrs Lucille McLaren, 52, of 51 Mlraglla of Amherst, Mass.; LaCanada Calif.; a brother, He retired 10 yean ago af- Plnewood Ave., died Sunday at one brother, Dr. Michael Lt. Col. Alfred Van AUen, with ter 30 yean as a machinist on State Street in ?" Bayshore Community Hospi- EUberg of River Edge, and whom she Uved, and three with Russel BurdseU and Ward tal, Holmdel two grandchildren. granddaughters. of Port Chester, N.Y Bom in Jersey City, she The Bedle Funeral Home, The John E. Day Funeral Great! If you need He was a member of the had Uved here most of her Ufe. Matawan, Is In charge of ar- Home Is in charge of arrange- International Association of Mn. McLaren was a fac- rangements. ments. Machinists in Port Chester. tory worker before her retire- money, stop in at Mr. Eberhard was the hus- ment. band of the late Mn. Jeanne C. She was the past president Lebanese president Eberhardt, who died in IMS. of the Ladies Auxiliary, Veter- says Chicago Federal Savings Surviving ares a daughter, ans of Veterans of Foreign 9 Mrs. Anne Williams, with Wars Post 4303, here whom he Uved, and three 'nation near collapse right on State Street* She was a member of the BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - has Inflicted many innocent grandchildren ladles auxiliary of the West President EUas Sarkis of Leb- casualties, which saddens us The John E. Day Funeral Keansburg Fire Co. anon says that the country Is beyond description," he de- and make a withdrawal Home, Red Bank, Is in charge She was a member of St. of arrangements. near coUapse because of the clared. "The latest events Mark's Episcopalian Church, continuing warfare between have left almost no famUy here. from your savings Joseph (Hull) Falvo Syrian troops and Christian without a casualty and have Surviving are her husband, miUtlamen. PoUce estimate ruined nearly every house. MARLBORO - Joseph James McLaren; one son, that 222 persons have been There Is no hospital left in account here at Keystone "Buff" Falvo, 78, of Buckley Robert Wayne Page, here; and kUled and 500 wounded in East Beirut that can extend Road, died Thursday at three brothers, Franklin, Ed- Beirut since last Wednesday. adequate medical care to the Marlboro Psychiatric Hospi- ward, and Robert Werthwetn. Mr. Sarkis, appearing worn wounded." all of here in New Jersey. That's tal. and depressed on a telecast He had Uved here 45 yean. The Laurel Funeral Home from the presidential palace . , He was employed by the Is in charge of arrangsments. yesterday, said that the fight- Lotte rV WIIIII e T how great Prestige Card Harvey V Holland Orchards, ing in Christian East Beirut and Butcher Brothers Truck- Mr*. Lillian Fenwick had pushed Lebanon to "the , TRENTON - The winning ing, both here. verge of coUapse." number In New Jersey's Pick- is in Chicago. Surviving are two sisters, OLD BRIGDGE - Mrs "The situation that It lottery yesterday was 710. A Mrs Minnie Mulchay of Eliz- Lillian C. Fenwick, 77. or emerged from a provocation straight bet pays J185; a box abeth, and Mn. Anna Giles of Gordon Road, died yesterday on one side and the mass vi- bet pays $30 M. and the pairs Actually, there are over 7 places in downtown Chi- Waretown at home. olent retaliation.on the other pay $18.51 cago where you can withdraw from your Keystone The Hlggins Memorial Bom In East Brunswick, Savings Account just by presenting your Prestige Home, Freehold, is in charge she had Uved here for the past Card. And, if you plan on touring the U.S., there are of arrangements. 55 years. over 4,500 places that will honor your Prestige Card. She was the widow of Rich- The Daily Register It's a very reassuring thing—your Prestige Card. Ask Mi. Depth Notices ard W. Fenwick, who died in about it by calling 775-3131 — that's Keystone Savings. 1171 HOLDEN — ira H. or a w.u The Sunday Register Suntat Av«., Rtd Bonk. On. Oct. Mm. She was a member of the DaveM tattwr or Roetr. Frtd and Gil PuWtntd ay Tht KM Bank a.agl»!tr aart HaMan, Mn. Irtna jahntoit ml CUffwood Methodist Church. laMWIaMd M IDlW MM H. COMOfS Htnry Ck» Mn. Baialt Brodtord. Fond Worhtf of CUffwood. She was the or- Sam. Ntwmtn. CIMan, and Bartlt Motnonict m • - • J- • ** - _ • • M mt i x . ganist at the church, and a Ona Htgllttr PMla,Snrtwlaw*. N J. tm\ HttJMfTf 9fm%- rMaWrnl NWfi fJMI Hni"i\ Keystone Savings ucyHoyw Oianillalliii ar u Graat member of United Methodist Bread) Offlcat , vandhjlhaf or twa. Final rtlat ona la* M m.«. MHtin M.'J. anal ^_^^_^_4 m^.^K. ,, | . •. ,. Women of the church. Hi Ceuarr Ca»i—»lt. •ratheM.N J. tint wi'Miii i iw»»aay• nanamaa, NI. Neptune • Asbury Park • Manalapan uMar Ma aaracttan at Caratt Fvnarel Surviving are two sonz, Han*. Frlaaa* mm all at Ikt CMIdt Richard W 3rd., and Everett MtnOtr ar Ma Amcimaa *Ttu. Tbi AMacMtd Prtu It anlllltd tunitlvaty to tha M* of all ttM lacel nawi erlntae In tht nawiMptr 01 wtll Fenwick, both of Matwawan; • attAPimnHaaimmi, aMMMmnue * Chicago Federal has a number ol offices, so cal Wl.CfdOITIwtii two brothers, John Conover of HUIIBJII arM Amarlcan Miwaaalr •akllllwrt Anada'tlan. Int AirtH 312/346-4200 lor infcrmatkxi whan In Chicago. THS FAMILY - 1 eiMM* HUtf MUltown. and Robert Conover Bweaa et drcaMrajn, Hit Maw Janat r>r ttt Attactatlan. MM aw M e*rae> m «*•« am- M|ll«l«i»m.lMlH>i>l of Tom River; two grand- MUarnWHnmmilNWilf >,!ktfXS&&B!2iSSb war. unfitly children, and two great-grand- DM Scan Wm J-IBa.11 ill all -MWUkMM The Bedle Funeral Mome, Aral AM Satal art Ma • HaUwan, Is In charge of ar- 3 H W HM»Svar> ay Cafrtr - Mir ana s!l!*r .»J cant! o#aa«; Sunday SHREWSBURY. N J TUESDAY. OCTOBER 3.1978 Branch Ave. traffic woes Abrahams plea denied by court WASHINGTON (AP) - raigameat on charges of jump- Alan Abrahams, who headed ing bail, Abrahams was or- In sis Saytme Court ap- the nation's largest commodity dered held without bail His peal, Abrahams contended options company for two appeal stemmed from that or- that a MM federal Uw. the have residents up in arms yean, yesterday lost a Su- der. Bill Reform Act, requires the preme Court appeal which, It was known at the time setUag of bail la all non-capital iy JULIE MCDONNELL 11 government lawyers claimed, cases '•without regard to ex- and the county never listens, tor a no passing zone from that Abrahams had three prior Bight's regular council meet- would not have helped him get criminal convictions In New treme or unusual clrcum UTTLJE SILVER - The the mayor said "It Just turns a Markham Place to Pinckney ing, toe governing body post- out of prison. Jersey and had escaped from a traffic on Breach Avenue is deaf ear." Road along the street. ptaed renewing a contract for Abrahams, who as James New Jersey prison while serv- la opposing those argu- drtvtag rettdenla there crazy Branch Avenue, a county Additionally, traffic lights garbage pick-up in the borough A. CUT ran the now-defunct ing a term of four to six years. ments, Justice Department •ad they've decided to do road known as Route 520, are suggested at White Road. after learning that the coat Lloyd, Carr a Co. of Boston, He also was sought on lawyers told the court that tometning about it bean the brunt of traffic Pinckney Road, and Rumson may be more than f20,*M over was denied review of his claim charges of probation violation Abrahams properly was de- A gnup of neighbors, led by headed from Red Bank to Road this year's that he was illegally jailed in New York and on criminal nied bail because no conditions George Inman ol 7 Foxhill Long Branch, particularly dur- Mayor Bruno said the only The town U now paying without bail earlier this year. contempt charges in Michigan of ball could assure that he Drive, It circulating a petition ing the months when the Mon help the town has received *t,M0 annually to Waste Dis- would have shown ap for trial. to be tent to the Board ol Free- mouth Park racetrack is open with Its traffic problems has Abrahams, formerly of A federal judge in Michigan posal Inc. for two pickups per Rumson, N. Jc, was arrested by last year ordered Abrahams' holders urging them to take come from Assemblyman week, and the company is In addition, the government "The residents of the area FBI agents in Florida last Jan- firm to stop "cheating and de- argued that because heed of the "serious threat to adjoining Branch Avenue have Walter J KoxlosU, D-Mon- proposing a fee of nearly AhuAhraha lafety" on the road mouth. uary after he jumped a frauding" its customers. Abrahams is tow in federal watched with increasing con- $110,000 next year $1M,NO ball in Boston, where Councilman John A. Mar- The firm was shut down by prison on a 30-month sentence cern the omlnlous rise in the Commenting that the in- Uoyd, Carr * Co. was head- Borough Council last night nh, who introduced the resolu- court action last January, end- for income Ux evasion, ht accident rate along the road, crease would have a "threat quartered. endorsed the goals of the tion supporting the residents, ing two years of legal battles wouldn't be eligible for bail hi group, called Little SUver and the threat posed to resi- ening Impact on our budget," After his indictment and ar- with the Commodity Futures the other case anyway. dents, especlaUy children..." said the group hopes to meet Mr. Bruno said the council is Culiens for Highway Safety,' with county and stale traffic but Mayor Anthony T. Bruno the petition states looking into the possibility of escapee engineers on the matter soon. reducing the number Of collec- expressed doubts about Its Urging that the freeholders Mr. Inman, leader of the chances for success. tions or establishing municipal immediately reduce the speed petition drive, could not be garbage services. at large "The problem on Branch limit on Branch Avenue in Lit Home Improvements reached for comment last MARLBORO - A 24-year Avenue Is part oi the overall Ue SUver from 40 to SO miles night The contract with Waste old Piscataway man escaped traffic problem In the borough, per hour, the petition also calls In other business at last Disposal Inc. expires Dec. 11. from Marlboro Psychiatric AT SPECIAL MONEY-SAVING PRICES Hospital, and was still at large last night, hospital officials re- port. ADD-A ROOM ADD-A LEVEL Mitchell Bullard, a detainer Regional plan study says patient charged in Middlesex %/ County with molesting, in- terfering, attempted fraud, at- tempted forgery and possession of stolen property was reported missing shortly state's cities improving after S p.m., a hospital spokes- woman said. NEWARK. (AP) - New pation In the development of federal grants and new school To give New Jersey cities Bullard Is not accused of Jersey cities are in better the New Jersey-New York- financing systems. stronger magnets to make peo- any violent crimes, she said shape than outsiders would im- Connecticut urban region. Downtowns are livelier and ple want to live there, the Re- BATHROOMS agine, says a year-long study Researchers Interviewed housing rehabilitation Is gional Plan offers three pro- Man charged of the state's urban areas several hundred persons and spreading. Private enterprise posals: The report, to be outlined surveyed Newark, Elizabeth, money is being invested for —Private firms should re- with assault tomorrow by Regional Plan East Orange, Passalc, Clifton, profit along with public money consider investing office and NEPTUNE (AP) - Police Association, concluded there Paterson, Trenton, New and "good citizen" below-mar- service jobs in downtown have charged a 24-year-old was a new optimism in the Brunswick, Jersey City and ket loans by banks. areas. Neptune man with two counts urban areas. Hackensack. The report said Inner city —Tenant and block associa- of assault and possession of a The rise of city leaders in- The first five cities were crime was decreasing while tions should be fostered by dangerous weapon after he al- tent on staying and Improving recommended by an advisory suburban crime rates rise. government, church and civic legedly shot at a young couple the environment and Interest committee because they organizations sitting at the end of a fishing in city living among middle- seemed to reflect conditions In "Crime and anti-social at- —The State of New Jersey pier. Income households does not all New Jersey cities. The last titudes, poor schools and un- should establish a firrn urban, GENERAL CONSTRUCTION • ATTIC *OOMS pleasant race relations were Capt. Willis Ackerson said guarantee revival, but offers a five were added as potential policy to steer economic and Steven Bonaflede. 24, is ac- DORMERS • FINISHED BASEMENTS bast on which new policies by metropolitan centers in Important causes of the down- social mainstream back to the fall of American cities in the cused of firing two 22 caliber business and all levels of gov- northern New Jersey. cities. 1150s and 60s None of these (hots at the couple, whom po- ernment can build, the study In summary, the document NO DOWN PAYMENT have been solved, but...crime More thin 200 participants nce declined to identify, as TERMS ARRANGED ON ANY IMPROVEMENT said. states every city had at least rates are beginning to decline, In the survey will meet in New- they sat on the bench at the "one splendid neighborhood end of the Ocean Grove fishing Tomorrow's session will de- particularly In relation to the ark on Wednesday to discuss MONMOUTH PHONE: 741-5060| whose appearance could com- suburbs, and with community the report. pier Sunday. termine whether revlUUiation pete with neighborhoods in Hwy. 35, Middfetown of New Jersey's cities is of organization, antisocial be- According to Willis, the cou- [CONSTRUCTION CO. suburbs or cities anywhere In havior has modified, especial- Regional Plan Association ple heard the bullet hit the pier crucial importance and how it the country." is a New York-based research might be done. ly vandalism. about 25 feet away He said Parks and public places are and planning agency sup- they walked away from the The study was based on a well kept. Public Investments "There is hope tor further ported by voluntary member- pier when they beard another year-long survey of 10 New have been made recently In Improvement since the crime- ship to promote the co-or- bullet strike the ground nearer Jersey cities, plus 20 years of schools and colleges. prone years are 18-29 and that dinated development of the to them. It's our 53rd Regional Plan Association re- Taxes In some cities have age group has stopped Increas- New York-New Jersey-Con- Willis said the two fled into starch and public partici- been cut. mainly as a result of ing," the report said. necticut Metropolitan region. Bradley Beach where they alerted police. Bonafide was ANNIVERSARY found hiding in a parking lot. Pressmen to vote today Red Bank man gets 4 months FREEHOLD - Joseph Wilson of Pearl St., Red Bank, LOOK WHAT on new pact with Post who admitted resisting arrest by Tinton Falls police officer -100 NEW YORK (AP) - The portedly have been instructed pers, but insisted the union The Post-Pressmen's pact Rudolph Grasso, was sen- New York Post, which has a to report tor work tonight In consider Its $10 million losses provides for the same W8 per tenced to four months In the tentative pact with striking anticipation of a possible In 1177. weak wage boost for the county Jail. pressmen, says It plans to re- Wednesday afternoon edition. The troublesome question pressmen that newspaper Travis Lane of South Pearl sume publishing Wednesday or A copy of the contract, ob- of the size of pressroom work truck driven won In tentative St., Red Bank, who pleaded SILVERWARE Thursday, while the New York tained by The Associated crews has been left to the agreements at I all three pa- guilty to a disorderly persons Tunes and Dally News have Press, shows the Post has times and News to Settle, as pers. charge of interfering with a ™» STEAK KNIVES suspended negotiations with basically agreed to abide by has a formula for establishing The three dailies have been police officer in connection the union until they study the what the Times and Dally a list of pressmen to receive closed since Aug. I. A deadlock with the same Incident July 26. SPONGES Pott agreement. News ultimately negotiate job guarantees and alterations over the size of pressroom 1177, was sentenced to M days • Draperies •* <" SISAL TWINE In pension and welfare pro- The tentative pact, reached with the pressmen. But the work crews has idled 10,000 In the county jail, of which all — POT HOLDERS late Sunday, has put the Times Post also has kept the option of visions. union employees and cut off but SO days was suspended. He • Corning Ware and News under new pressure rejecting what the the Times Any "new items" nego- the papers' 3 3 million circula- was placed also on six months to end the 95-day walkout so and News negotiate. tiated by the other papers tion probation. SAUCEPANS the Post does not get too big a The Post assured the would be submitted to nego- • Corning Ware Sets Jump on them In returning to pressmen it will accept most tiation "to the extent Post fi- '"•RUUEIGIOVES the newsstands. provisions in any contract nancial conditions permit," and open stock Talks between the 1,550- reached with the two other pa- the AP learned KITCHEN KNIVES member Pressmen's Union • Corell Ware and the Times and News re- RUG SHAMPOO sumed Monday, but quickly re- The future • Revere Ware cessed until after the Tuesday ROLLING PIN union meeting on the Post con- and sets tract. If the tentative contract Is is now at • Lamps approved by the union, as rec- ommended by its leaders, the Post plans to publish as soon 1S7 Broad Street, 1st Floor, • Wail & Table Clocks SHOP EARLY as possible. Post printers re- Red Bank, N.J. • T-Fal That's the address ol Metropolitan Lite Insurance AND SAVE Bell to Bradley: Company's new office We are no longer at the old familiar 12 Reckless Give lax views Place. Red Bank TRENTON (AP) - With a But the same familiar laces will be in the new New Jersey visit planned next office ready to greet you Our Manager. Edward B week by Howard Jarvis, co- Bezyack and his stall will continue to provide sound author oi California's Proposi- insurance planning and dependable service |ust as Vj tion It, Republican U.S. Senate always candidate Jeffrey Bell says his When you talk to them they'll make sure that you OFF Rag. (.79 Democratic opponent, BUI receive personal attention regarding any of the various WHISTLING C32 SHANTONE Bradley, should clarify his Metropolitan Life products or services you may need TEA KETTLE 3 SCALLOP a LOOP position on citizen-mandated tax cuts. This goes beyond lite insurance Io health and •KUHMMia disability insurance, tixed and variable annuities and WINDOW "I'm committed to giving CLOTHES 192 New Jersey voters the right of pensions BASKET 2" in .Hi. mi «•«.» • SHADE Initiative and referendum, but Come see us soon. Let us show you how our WHISTLING KM I've heard Mr. Bradley give services can help you and your family, your estate and TEA KETTLE 9 two different answers," BeU your business Or. give us a call and we'll come see nmm said yesterday. you B*U has announced support UQHTtEASV MIS for a bin to change the state 157 Broad Street. 1st Floor MOP 2" Red Bank. NJ constitution and give New Jer- LIGHT A EASY n sey voten the power to force a Telephone « 747-2200 N public referendum which could WtT MOP IT mandate Proposition It-type These sizes only on new roller OKMTAL Q tax cuts. Come »Meoopoa»^Ssmp««yyouf Me. H "Free Cotton Pull Ring" In a debate Saturday before CLOCK ™ an NAACP convention. Brad- ley sidestepped a question O Metropolitan about his position on Proposi- 32 BROAD ST tion lit which Calfornla voters and to cut local property Ux Where the future is now rttti by an average 57 The Daily Register Our bureaucratic spenders

Established In 1B71I - Published by The Red Rank Renter By JACI ANDERSON »"'»"»«' barbecue, a trip to the MO, • managed to stop over at Las tci pirty &nd the TCXAS In- Vegas and Reno on the .way The mounding public out- ARTHUR Z. KAMIN WASHINGTON tern.tlonal Fishing Tour- lialow explained that there cry over sky-high taxes, most nament. One memo kept the wen two government facil- President and Editor dramatically voiced by Call- *s< 'F1V1V supposedly hard-working con- ities at the Nevada gambling fomla voters In their approval JV^EilisCi , t of he tennis resorts In Deed of first-hand of PropoalUon 11, hai (ailed to feree aDreu t Thomas J. Bly, Executive Editor William F. Sandford, Associate Editor scores, noting that "the men's Inspection. penetrate into tome corners of >•••• t >•••• MiiiiiiiiiMHiiiiMiii singlet crown remained safely the federal bureaucracy. in the (school) chiefs' corner." la 1I7«, lialow spent $J,tH • TUESOAY, OCTOBEH 3, 1978 for a first-class trip to Europe. For many paper shufflers, expenses, but each super- Despite the solemn claim a government Job Is a free intendent was paid $800 in that the conference was strict- He discovered Paris, London ANDERSON Three men in a tub ticket to the good life, a "consulting fees." The Office ly business, 12 officials brought and Amsterdam, explored the passport to see the world on of Education assured ui that their wives along. An addi- European Space Research Or- concerned with propelling key federal travel vouchers — toe conference - with its tional 45 children - one aged ganization and touched down members of Congress on sub- flying to sunny climes, staying $118,000 price tag - was a no- 24 - traveled to South Padre at the Famsborough Air Show orbital flights around the at luxury hotels and dining In nonsense academic gathering. to take advantage of the Gulf in Great Britain. gourmet restaurants at the The superintendents were paid globe. Coast'i sun and surf. Last year, lialow limited taxpayers' expense. their consulting fees for re- These so-called "familiar- Excessive Junketing' by bis trajectory to the United searching the topics that they ization" trips are first-class all Like all Americans, these education bigwigs has stirred States, dropping In on New Or- discussed with federal officials the way. No cramped space- bureaucrats have an In- some misgivings In the upper leans, Tampa, , Las and each other. ship quarters or powdered or- alienable right to the pursuit of echelon of the Health, Educa- Vegas and Los Angeles, afore ange drink for the legislators happiness. The difference is Some of the memos handed tion and Welfare Department. recently, he flew to Vienna, and their aides. In 1(74, for that they have come to feel out to the visiting school ad- Undersecretary Hale Cham- Amsterdam, London, Paris instance, then-Sen. Frank they're entitled to pursue hap- ministrators give quite a dif- pion warned in a confidential and points In between. Moss, D-Utah, chairman of a piness at public expense. Each ferent impression, however. memo to Education Com- (pace subcommittee, took conference, symposium, "Golfers wishing tee time or missioner Ernest Boyer: "The A NASA official told us that giant steps for mankind that speaking engagement, field rides for this afternoon should Office of Education Is of prime while all the bills haven't come took him to Dallas, San Diego, trip, Inspection or consultation come to the information desk," concern ... because of recent In yet, Ualow's Grand Tour of Los Angeles, Honolulu and becomes a welcome excuse to one memo instructed the meetings either held or sched- the Continent will probably Australia. The taxpayers' tab escape from the dull routine of uled In Las Vegas and Wil- cost the taxpayers more than educators. "Fishing and boat- for Moss and his colleagues the office and head for the liamsburg Would you please 13.200 airport. ing are two sports you can ask your people to keep an eye that year was more than enjoy right here on the Island." The school superintendents on It? Las Vegas, 1 might add $12,001 gushed another memo, add- "I frankly think we don't from all 50 states, for example, needlessly, Is tougher to ex- The undisputed king of travel enough," Malow told recently Jetted off to South ing: "Thirty fish - that was plain than Willlamsburx." the catch of the boat carrying NASA's Junketers, though, is our associates Jim Grady and Padre Island, a resort off the Richard Malow, the lanky, Tom Rosenstiel. "That's when coast of Texas, for an eight- Dr Robert Brunelle and Dr H EW Is not the only Junket- Chad Chase on Saturday (sic) prone agency in the federal bespectacled clerk of the you really find out what's hap- day frolic with federal of- House subcommittee that con- pening in the field." He said he ficials, one of two such Junkets and Sunday's excursions Into wonderland. The National trols the agency's budget. He uncovers Information that the educators take each year. the deep water." Aeronautics and Space Admin- istration, charged with explor- takes an annual jaunt to the leads to investigations, but Not only were they reim- Other memos described the ing the frontiers of outer West Coast with a JSO-a-day conceded that he rarely files bursed for travel and living delights of a Mexican fiesta, a space, seems almost equally expense account. In 1(75 he written reports on his travels. Judges at the lower rung

By JAMES J KILPATKK K ui"" mum IIIII mi t character misrepresenta- alike; none of them ever had A stupid little Incident the tions." When word of the more than two beers. In speed- other day In Norfolk, Va., CONSERVATIVE Judge's action spread around Ing cases, speedometers are prompts a few observations on Norfolk, the newspapers always broken. The other guy an old theme. My thought Is raised such Cain that Judge swung his fist first. It is no that when it comes to the judi- VIEW Hitchings dismissed his own winder that the serene cham- ciary, prestige and salary citation. End of story. bers of an appellate court have fun-lino* scales are upside down. We iiiimiiiillllliilmiiiillimliiiiiiHiiiHMimil That was the end of that greater appeal . aren't getting the greatest from a police officer, he story, but there probably is not Yet for N percent of our judges where they are needed abruptly dismissed the a major city In the country people, the bottom rung of Jus- most — down at the bottom charges and called the next that has not heard similar tice Is all they will ever see. Teachers and the courts rung of the ladder. case. stories a thousand times Their Impressions of our Judi- It appears that Norfolk is before. All too often, our court cial system, for good or 111, will Mrs. Savage was burned up KILPATRICK An Associated Press story last teachers, and we can only hope that afflicted with a thin-skinned at this cavalier treatment. She system manages to place the be formed Just as Mrs. Savage In Norfolk formed her Im- week described a pattern that is we have seen the end to those depress- fellow In the city's traffic took pen in hand and wrote a worst Judges at the very point court, Vernon D. Hitchings Jr. pression of Judge Hitchings. spreading across the nation. It con- zinger of a letter to the Norfolk where the best Judges should ing and illegal maneuvers. by name. Judge Hitchings has papers. She said Judge be sitting. firmly In line; he listened at- The Judge who Is testy, Impa- cerned striking public school teachers It Is upsetting whenever any been around for almost 25 Hitchings was "too busy" to As a young reporter In tentively to both sides in an tient or sarcastic does harm who are defying school boards and the striker defies a Judge who is upholding years. He boasts that In this listen to evidence; the inno- Richmond, I used to cover po- accident case; he could be not only to the litigants in his courts. period he has run his court cent have no voice or chance lice and traffic courts. The courteous, compassionate and courtroom, but by extension to a law. It is doubly troublesome, severe In the same hour. He the .image of justice as a As* a result, teachers in such "like a railroad," disposing of to state their case; his court city's principal police court though, when teachers invite in- 200 to 100 cases a day. To Judge was like a three-ring circus, had three terrible Judges In a knew law, and he understood whole. places as Fall River, Mass.; carceration by refusing to obey a law. from press reports, his and he had "sided with a pret- row. The first of them became justice; these are not the same It will never happen, but It and Dayton, Ohio; Detroit, Mich.; They are depriving young people of an brusque manner on the bench ty young thing" in the accident a legend for his abuse of Negro thing. When he later became might help If we paid top chief Justice of the Virginia Tacoma, Wash., and Levittown, N.Y., education, and they are displaying a has dismayed many members case at hand. defendants. The second, a salaries at the bottom, as an are facing the prospects of being fired of the Norfolk bar. The letter appeared on a splderlegged, sour-mouthed Supreme Court of Appeals, a incentive toward getting the lack of respect for the law which is great trial Judge was lost. or jailed. A couple of weeks ago, a Sunday morning. On Monday fellow, was no better. The very best Judges where the hardly in keeping with their status as retired bookkeeper, Mrs. third retired under a cloud and Judges like Snead are ail most people are Involved. The principal reason most of the Mrs. Savage received a big fat professionals. Frances Savage, 58, appeared summons for contempt of subsequently was censured by too rare. Ordinarily the pay Then limit the Judges' tenure teachers are refusing to return to their In Judge Hitchings' court. Her isn't much at the police court to four years or six years to There is no doubt but that serious court, an offense that carries a the state's Judicial Com- classrooms is salaries. In general, the husband had been charged 190 fine and-or 10 days in jail. mission. level. The work is hard and keep them from turning Into problems can arise which cause facul- reasons school boards have not ac- with a minor traffic offense; The Judge was quoted as But I also covered a great demanding. After so long a despots, ham actors or ner- ceded to pay demands are budget ty-school board confrontations, but he had brought two witnesses saying that while Judges are "bottom rung" Judge, Harold time, the squalor, the sordid- vous wrecks. Such an arrange- in his own defense. The judge F. Snead. As trial Justice of ness and the lies tend to numb ment would end the worst of squeezes. An example of that is shown well educated and reasonable people subject to criticism, "they do gave them no chance to pres- not have to endure mis- neighboring Henrico County, even the good men. Drunk- the three-ring circuses, and a in Cleveland. Its 10,000 teachers, should be able to solve them without ent their case. After hearing representations of fact or lie kept witnesses gently but driving defendants are all good thing, too. whose pay averages $14,873, are de- resorting to illegal measures. manding 20 percent increases. The There are laws and regulations school board maintains it cannot come which apply to just about everyone, anywhere near that type of a hike, and Just because we may vigorously dis- points to the fact that it had to get a like some of them does not give us the Red Bank busing opposed 120.7 million emergency loan from the right to ignore or violate them without state just to be abWto open the schools expecting to pay the penalties. Red Bank cislon and I only hope that famUles, for good health and last month. We do not like to see teachers To the Editor: other parents eagerly agree happiness always. In its sampling of those five school jailed, but neither do we like to see How dare the Red Bank FROM OUR READERS with me and help fight the pro- Mrs. Roger LaFrance Board of Education state that posed resolution. districts, the Associated Press esti- them on picket lines. We'd like the LttHrt M IM MH«r miitl U i«M ••* MM IM wrltar'i cnan *4 they will consider a resolution *m ami MipliMt numfctr Thtv mutt n« *imd Nt mil. Nil tccttt I encourage all parents who Fine citizen mated that close to a half million obit art pcttrv. «fld*rltm*flti 1 £§n#4«ltt ftr »mct tr tndtrttmnlt tl teachers' image to be one of a stauch to study bus boundaries and CMnnttrcTal produttt feel as I do to write as I have Shrewsbury students are affected, although some defender of the law. If they want to possibly add bus«s if neces- done and express their feel- To the Editor: of them are getting part-time instruc- campaign for a change in the no-strike sary. ) Ings The Shrewsbury Borough put up with the "minor an- tion. law, that would be proper. If they want How dare the parents on School from home which is the Anna C. Hollander School P.T.O. would like to the Westside get angry and same distance under the same noyances"? publicly thank Mr. Richard We in Monmouth County have ex- to defy the law, however, they threaten not to send the chil- conditions as their children do, Uy children at one time or Major, president of Ballay Gift perienced the effect of striking school Great men shouldn't expect public support.' dren to si hool unless the buses and yet I was told no busing at another during the total of Marl (Shrewsbury Plaia Shop- are provided. all because of boundaries. eight years, walking the same Union Beach ping Center), for his most gen- How dare the ruling be Why now must the bound- distance, had to fight to pro- To the Editor: erous contribution to our or- An answer is needed changed now! My three chil- aries be changed? Why now, tect themselves or take anoth- While traveling through ganization. dren walked to River Street when so many other'children er route home; cross the same HaHet, my husband started to Mr. Mazor, for reasons of Tora Doremus is a respected On the Brookdale board, however, tracks. have pains In his chest and his own, chose the Shrewsbury member of the community, and we she appears to be among those I'm so angry, I'm livid. I trouble breathing, so we went P.T.O. to be the recipient of see no reason why the Board of to the police department. They have praised her over the years for trustees who seem to want to put all of the proceeds of the merchan- her many worthwhile civic services. Education has to back down were fabulous and called the dise and Jewelry show staged the board's powers in the hands of the now when It didn't before. first aid and stayed with us At the moment, she is president of under the tent at Shrewsbury college president. Each day, I would leave until they came. The squad Plaza on Saturday, Sept. I. the Rumson-Fair Haven Regional home before my children left took him to the hospital. And Her performances on the two Although a resident of Mid- Board of Education and is also a for school. I would say a my heart was so tub of grat- dletown, Mr. Maior has boards thus create a variance, the member of the Brookdale Community prayer that they would make It itude for their help. They were proven himself a good neigh- College* board of trustees. Her reason or reasons for which we do not to school and home safely. so efficient and knew just what bor to all of us In Shrewsbury, I know that I'm not the only to do, and not a word about not philosophies about these two boards quite understand. and certainly a fine citizen. We parent who feels this way. living in their town. are happy to have shared In interest us. Perhaps, one of these days, Mrs. There are many of us on this We want to thank them the anniversary celebration of At Rumson-Fair Haven, she Doremus will enlighten her two consti- side of town that have had through your newspaper and his organization, and again espouses a strong board which prac- tuencies as to how she can operate anxious moments. Now I have let the people of Hazlet know thank him and wish hlnfwell In angry moments and I em- what great men they have to tically has taken away many of the under what we regard as two clashing his future years In our town. phatically state I'm against care for their town. Rose Strong superintendent's responsibilities and philosophies. the Board of Education's de- I pray for them and their President duties. That's one of the reasons Dr. We think there is a middle ground John F. Kinney was harassed out of that, if implemented, couldbe of value his job as superintendent. to both boards. Monmouth Players Today in history By The Associated Press In 1*44, during World War he would not resign even If On this date In 1K5I, the II, U.S. troops cracked the The Monmouth Players, which four productions a year, all featuring Indicted British exploded their first Siegfried Line north of One year ago: Former since 1956 has made its home in the area talent. He is director or "Send Me atomic bomb, in a test off the Aachen, Germany. Prune Minister Indira Gandhi Navesink Library, this month is cele- No Flowers," which opens Friday coast of Australia. In 1M2, America ports were of India was arrested In New brating its 25th year of existence. night in the library with Bob Waldron closed to all ships carrying Delhi on two charges of cor One of the first "little theater" In 1866, war between Aus- cargoes to Cuba. ruption while In office. of Atlantic Highlands, a favorite of tria and Italy was ended by the groups to be formed in the county, Today's birthdays: Writer Players' audiences, in the male lead, Treaty of Vienna. Ten yean ago: The army In Gore Vldal Is SI years old. Or- Monmouth Players has given its mem- and Krisha Benoist of Monmouth In 1878. Johns Hopkins Uni- Peru overthrew the govern- chestra conductor SUnlslaw bers many moments of great satisfac- versity opened In Baltimore. ment of President Fernando Beach playing opposite him in her SkrowactewiU is St. tion, and it has given its loyal au- In Its, Iraq Joined the Behinde Terry Thought for today: One of debut. diences pleasant and enjoyable enter- League of Nations as a British Five years ago: President the difficult tasks in this world We're glad Monmouth Players is Hcrblork h on viiiiiliun mandate ended. Richard Nixon termed charges Is to convince a woman that tainment of extremely high quality. against Vice President Spin alive and flourishing, and we wish it In 19J5, Italy defied a cove- even a bargain costs money - John Hemleb of Rumson is presi- 'ilc\, wail a niinulr! nant under the League of Na- Agnew as serious but said It Ed Howe, American Journal- dent of the gfeupr which puts on about. many more years of success. Whirr'* the guv, with the Nwordr" tions and invaded Ethiopia. was proper for Agnew to say lit, MN-1H7.' . SHREWSBURY. NJ TUESDAY. OCTOBER 3. 197B The DWfyRegMCT 7 Case endorses Bell in Senate seat race WASHINGTON (AP) - Ending months of specula vote-getters, in the June pri- publican seat In the U.S. Sen- tinue to differ on some im- BeU said merits without continually *», OS. Sea. Clifford P mary for the Republican ate would further weaken portant questions, 1 am a Case said he has not having their attention di- Case, RNJ, endorsed Re- nomination. both the influence of the Re- great admirer of his long- changed his position on any verted to the question of publican cindldite Jeffrey publican minority in the Sen- standing commitment to of the issues about which he whether his views accord BeU on Monday In his race The four-term legislator ate and our party's effective- such Issues as human rights disagrees with BeU. with mine," Case said. ness within the two-party for Cue's Seniu teat. had withheld an endorse- and the preservation of a se- "Since, as a practical ment of Bell until yesterday. system. cure Israel. "My record is well known; It stands," Case matter, it would be im- possible for me to av But the 7*year-old liberal "I believe this endorse- said. "With this clear, it wiU "I am deeply committed "Accordingly, I endorse being drawn into such cont- legislator said he would not ment by the greatest vote- be unnecessary for me to the preservation of the Jeffrey Bell to succeed me in inent should I be present at campaign far the con- getter In New Jersey politi- to comment separately on American two-party sys- the U.S. Senate," Case said. meetings at which Mr BeU servative BeU In his race cal history will significantly the individual positions tem," Case said In a pre- speaks... I plan not to attend against Democratic can- aid our campaign. taken and statements made didate BUI Bradley. pared release. 'The preser- In a statement read by by Mr. BeU during the such functions," Case said. vation and strengthening of his press secretary John course of his campaign the Republican Party is es- Mueller, BeU said, "I am "If elected on Nov. 7, I Mrs. Frances Henderson, Bell surprised veteran po- sential to the preservation of deeply grateful to receive will actively seek Sen "The people of New Jer- an aide to Case, said the litical observers by beating Case's advice and counsel sey are entitled to consider senator would not elaborate Sea. CUff.nl P. Case the two-party system. The the endorsemnt of Sen. Case. Case, one of the state's top loss of New Jersey's Re- While it Is true that we con- over the next six years," Mr. Bell's views on their on the news release. Jeffrey lei Lindberg continues testimony in conspiracy trial

NEWARK. (AP) - The. U.S. njval officer who says he U. Com. Arthur Lindberg, stationed at the Naval Air international case. New Jersey highways and disguised as trash — in crushed gained the confidence of Soviet secret agents in an FBI probe Engineering Center in Lakehurst, is the government's key Lindberg already has testified that he agreed to pose as a cigarette packs, dirty mUk cartons, orange Juice containers and into a possible Russian spy network was to continue his testi- witness In the espionage case against two employees of the double agent at the request of Navy intelligence and the FBI. He auto radiator hoses, Lindberg said. mony today at the conspiracy trial of two Soviet citizens United Nations who were arrested in May. lured the Soviet agents, he said, by dropping off a note in August Lindberg photographed secret documents to pass to the Valdlk Aleksandrovich Enger, J9, and Rudolf Pelrovlch 1977 on a Russian cruise vessel that offered his services as a Soviets, he said, and was assisted by FBI agents. He received Chemyayev, 41, are free without ball in the custody of the Soviet spy. more than (20,000 in cash for his co-operation, said U.S. At- ambassador, but could be sentenced to life In prison if convicted He told the Soviets in the note that he was a Navy officer torney Robert J. Del Tufo. Talk slated on of the charges who wanted to make some extra money before his retirement. The naval officer said he left the undeveloped film in trash Lindberg testified for about eight hours Saturday and was to Lindberg communicated with the Soviets through a series of containers at prearranged "drops" on the New Jersey Turn- continue his description of the spy scheme in the trial before notes and telephone calls and never met face to face with his pike and Garden State Parkway. press freedom U.S. District Court Judge Frederick B Lacey. contacts, he said. ' The defendants were arrested May 20 near the parkway in The trial was delayed because of the Jewish holy day, Rosh He was warned by his telephone contact, identified as Woodbridge on charges they conspired with a Soviet diplomat to "Jim," to destroy all the notes he received, testimony indicated. pass U.S. defense secrets to their homeland. EATONTOWN - "Free- Hashana, at the request of defense, attorney Donald Ruby. publican program and selec- The naval officer, however, handed over all material to the FBI, The diplomat, Vladimir Zinyakln, possessed immunity from dom of the Press" Is topic of a Lacey has decided to hold Saturday sessions to speed up the tion as one of the county's he said. prosecution and has left the country. He was named as an talk to be given by Mrs. Hazel case because the IS-member Jury, Including three alternates, is most influential people. sequestered to protect It from publicity generated by the The notes and cash were left at specified phone booths along unindlcted co-conspirator. S. Cluck, director of the Ocean In 1177, Mrs. Gluck became County Board of Chosen Free- the first woman to be elected holders, at the meeting of the to the Ocean County Board of Jersey Shore Public Relations Chosen Freeholders. Association to be held noon Most members of the Jer- Friday at Rosle O'Grady's. sey Shore Public Relations As- John J. Giordano, director sociation are active pro of community resources at fessionally within the counties Paul Kimball Hospital, of Monmouth, Ocean and Mid- Lakewood, has made arrange dlesex. Mrs. .Frances S. menu for this presentation Morehead, president, advises and will introduce the speaker. that those In public relations, Mrs Cluck has built an im- DialN Pay bills advertising, or related fields pressive record of community who wish to attend this or oth- service since the early 1980s er association meetings, may Currently, she Is: a member of contact her at the Farm- Ike llonmouth—Ocean De- Ingdale office of Monmouth velopment Council, a voting CouncU of Girl Scouts. member of the New Jersey Association of Chosen Free- by phone holders, a member of the Hot line Coastal Counties Development Committee, prime sponsor for the first Advisory Commission at Edison on the Status of Women, a That's right! With a simple phone call to Dial 'N Pay. toll- member of the board of to inform trustees at Paul Kimball Hos- free from anywhere in New Jersey, you can pay utilities, pital, and a member of United PRINCETON (AP) - A department stores, credit cards, mortgages, loans and more - Way Board of Trustees. telephone hot line was estab- lished yesterday by the state just by telling us who and how much to pay! You can even Awards and honors recent- Department of Higher Educa- ly received Include a Dover transfer funds between your Howard Scotfree Checking and tion and Thomas A. Edison Township Young Republican College to teU New Jersey resi- Regular 5K^> Passbook Savings Accounts by phone! award for effective contribu- dents about post-secondary tion! and outstanding service education opportunities in New In advancing the Young Re- Here's how it works Jersey. Red Bank man By dialing 800-7»2-8J55, All you need is a Scotfree Checking state residents can obtain in- Account and Regular Savings Account to formation about financial aid gets 6 months and program offerings at the sign up for Djal "N Pay. You select who FREEHOLD - A Redstate's coUeges. you want to pay and complete a simple Bank man, who admitted The hot line is the "critical form. We then send you your own possessing a pistol without a first step" in helping residents permit In Manalapan Nov. 7, find the educational alter- individually coded list of those you can has been sentenced to sixnatives which best suit their pay Then, just call Dial 'N Pay and tell months in the county Jail needs, said T. Edward John Gerecke of West St., Hollander, higher education us which bills to pay and how much - we Red Bank, was sentenced by chancellor. mail out your payments. Your monthly Superior Court Judge Donald "Too often," he said, "peo- Scotfree Checking Statement shows 1, Cunningham. ple fail to avail themselves of Joseph Sweeney Jr. andexisting opportunities because these payments along with any checks Michael Ward, both of Ken- no one took the time to steer you write. And the cost is only IOC for tucky Ave., East Keansburg, them In the right direction. By each transaction. who admitted setting fire to a devising this network, the De- pick up truck owned by partment of Higher Education Sweeney last Feb. 10 In Howell and Thomas Edison CoUege Dial 'N Pay the easy Howard Township, were fined $M0. hope to remedy this situation." Sweeney also was given a sus- The O million program, powered .way pended M+day county jail sen- funded by stale and federal tence and placed on probation sources, Is expected to handle Just think. Instead of all the for one year. about »,0OO calls annually. nuisance of writing checks, finding envelopes, licking stamps or running to the bank, you can just talk to Dial 'N Pay. It's so easy, it makes paying bills almost fun! NOW... Find out about all the conveniences Dial "N Di.il'N Pay sounds great! Pay offers. It's America's fastest growing and IV,>%i' M.'IKI nil' complete information most successful system for paying bills by phono Mull.. Sundays Too and it's only at the Howard. Stop at any Howard Thi' Howard Savings Bank office—or send in the coupon—or phone (201) Marketing Department 456-5900 for full details and.a sign-up kit. No 76K Broad. Street obligation, of course. Why put it off? Newark^ I 0710]

Just a few of the bills you can pay Namu byphone Public Service Electric & Gas. Bamberger's. VISA. Exxon, Sears. American Express. Stern's. City Bloomingdale's. Shell. Hahne's, B. Altman's, Gulf. Sunoco. Mobil. J. C. Penney. Lord & Taylor. State Zip Texaco. Korvette's, Master Charge, plus hundreds of others. L. Jim Bishop SAVINGS BANK In

The Sunday Register Member FDIC Ncw.k'r«.'y'sl*jyi«j Ivmk with umc*5 m KMVX. Ueryen, Mi HIM. I'MSAIC Monmoulh, Cmidcn iiixl BurttnykM COUP MONMOUTH COUNTY'S GREAT HOME NEWSPAPER 8 The Dldy Register SHREWSBURY NJ TUESDAY OCTOBER 3.197B Cancer-virus link is reported hahne's

PHILADELPHIA (AP) - Todaro said at far as he ly to the scores of cancers in about a year. tiling happened in humans and Two teams of sci knows, the Philadelphia re- caused by environmental or The information uncovered discovered that there were" he- cntitu say they have solid search has surpassed any hereditary factors The find- by the scientists did not come reditary and environmental evidence thai viruses can cancer studies underway ings do mean that there la an from a single, spectacular ex- factors to the disease, most came cancer in humans and elsewhere in the nation increased chance that viruses periment. In both cases, the abandoned the search for a one

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SHOP 6 NIGHTS TIL 9:30 AJ MONMOUTH WAL Settlement nears in negotiations between board, school workers *S WAMBN ftlCHEY collected and then re- paid II,IK per month. conferences from five to three too deeply Into the pupils' time. distributed by formula to Louise Tidd was appointed would not leave enough time EATONTOWN - The 1 school districts to be used as as a part-time Title I teacher. for teachers lo meet with local The superintendent ex- Eatentown Teachers' Associa- carry-over funds in the Title I She will be paid |M5 per month parents to discuss their child's plained that In most grades, te (ETA) president said yes- program. from Oct. 1 through Feb 28 school performance. during the parent conference terday that year-old contract The board authorized Su- times, school ts recessed at negotiations between the perintendent Palmisano to rep- Mr. Collins, speaking as Mr. Palmisano said the noon. He said teachers are Board of Education ind custo- resent the district at an Im- ETA president, told the board number of conference days available to meet with parents dian aad cafeteria workers In pacted Aid Committee meet- that a group of teachers were had been cut because It was individually for 10-15 minutes the district arc clow to settle- Ing In New Orleans in mid- concerned that a cut In the thought that the week-long during what would have been ment with a vote by workers November. number of days for parents' conference period was cutting the afternoon session. on a draft contract expected Board member Robert Pat- ' wtfun the month tenon, In making the recom- ETA President John Collins mendation to the board, said the « combined custo- stressed the importance of dams and cafeteria workers tt "staying Involved" In the The Daily Register Eatontown schools will be giv- educational lobbying group to es an opportunity to accept or Insure the district receives Its SHREWSBURY, N.J TUESDAY. OCTOBER 3.1978 reject the two-year U78-7J con- share of federal education aid. tract after the draft is re- Mr. Patterson said that viewed by union negotiators. about one-third of the pupils in Mr. Collins said that while the district fall under the Im- there wasn't a major stumbl- pacted Aid program. ing block during negotiations, The board member said the contract was delayed st that at least part of the reason Ask moonlight OK least partially because of the the district received $JJO,ooo recant orgsniution of three more than anticipated in the By MARK MAGYAR "Under this plan, the track would be sufficient to pay the new labor groups In the dis- Impacted Aid program was would pay the borough, then policemen. trict representing custodians due to district representation FREEHOLD - More than the borough would pay the of- "With an average atten- and cafeteria workers, secre- at the committee meetings. a dozen borough policemen, ficers," Mr. O'Connor said. dance of around 5,000, and a taries and a group represent- Mr. Palmlsano's expenses accompanied by their wives "Assuming we started out with head tax of Just five cents a ing district administrators. for the trip are not to exceed and children, asked the this arrangement, then the head, that tax wouldn't pay the The contract, which would $300. borough council last night to track decided it did not want salaries of three or four police be the first negotiated contrict The board Is considering a protect the "moonlighting" the officers, would we provide officers a day for very loag," for the group since Us or- request by the Eatontown Elks Jobs at Freehold Raceway the officers anyway? Of course Mayor Kane said. ganisation, will be retroactive Lodge MOI for permission to upon which they and their fam- not Mayor Kane said also he to July 1, Mr. Collins said use the Steelman School park- ilies have come to depend. "And because we wouldn't, thought the police officers In other action last night, Ing lot (or overflow parking for Almost all of the borough's the courts could very well look would have to be paid time- the Board of Education de- the Elks proposed Broad IS policemen work at the track at this as a devious way to and-a-half for overtime. cided to readvertlse for bids Street lodge. at least occasionally, but those circumvent the law." he said. Councilman John O. for a termite extermlnstor to The board Is expected to extra paychecks will cease Patrolman Charles Platt McGackin noted that tax treat the district's three reply to the Elks' request In a Friday unless they can per- said that "our attorney thinks dollars could not be used for letter to the Planning Board by suade the state, Attorney Gen- the conduit plan Is legal," and administration, insurance or The board's decision came the end of the week. eral's office that there is no urged the council to try It if the any other costs of a "conduit" after rejecting a bid from The Issue of where the Elks conflict of Interest In the prac- Attorney General's office program. AAA. A-Une, of Staten Island, lodge will be located — a run- tice. gives the go-ahead in its meet- Mr. McLoone suggested in , for about ROW ning 10-year problem - is Reasoning that "No man ing with representatives of the a letter- to the council that PROJECT LAUNCHED — Red Bank Mayor Frank McKenna, left, mans The bM wss rejected be- pending decisions In the Plan- can serve two masters," the borough police force this week. three or four policemen be as-. shovel with Councilman Joseph Falvo at groundbreaking ceremonies for a cause the company did not ning Board and Zoning Board Alcoholic Beverages Com- But borough officials ques- signed to the track as part of $244,000 curbing and sidewalk pro|ect on Shrewsbury Avenue. Michael El- comply with the specifications of Adjustment. The two agen- mission (ABC) has forbidden tioned the feasibility of the their regular shifts, but Coun- legood, borough federal funds coordinator who authored fhe application for of the bid that the compsny cies are considering the Elks' off-duty policemen from work- conduit pjan, whether or not it cilman William A. Gunther the money, wields a pickaxe. Work on the five-block area should take about submit proof of prequaliflca- proposal to locate the lodge on Ing where alcoholic beverages is approved by the attorney said that would leave the force two months. Uon with the sate. Broad Street. are served for fear they might general. "awfully short downtown." The board, which has re- The board hired also Janet be reluctant to enforce alcohol- "Joseph McLoone (track "The boys are on duty any- jected bids twice for the T. Peterson, learning disabili- ic beverage control laws president) says he thinks the way," said Mrs. Carol Platt, project, Is now permitted un- ty teacher consultant to be against their employers. policemen can be paid for out the patrolman's wife. "It's der state law to enter Into paid HO a day, and William Borough policemen were of the head tax, which every their responsibility to go to the Borough officials direct negotiations with indi- Casey, school psychologist, to hopeful that the council could track pays to the community track when people start throw- vidual companies. be paid $100 per day for his act as a "conduit" for or communities In which it Is Ing bottles and cutting heads State Title I funds unex- services. payments between the track located to assist with traffic open. You'll be awfully short pended la 1177-78 totalling Rosemary Pappa and Pene- and the moonlighting officers, costs and other special ex- downtown then. Why not just 111,111 were transferred to the lope Conway were both ap- but Richard T. O'Connor, penses," Mr O'Connor said. assign the boys to the track to lead revitalization board's 1(70-71 budget pointed full-time Title I teach "But no one's ever used the begin with?" borough counsel, said he By JULIE MCDONNELL tion of new sidewalks where necessary, new School Superintendent An- en effective Oct. 1 through thought that the attorney gen- head tax for policemen," he Detective Ken Mount said curbing and decorative lighting and shade thony Palmlsa.no explained Feb. a. eral would see at least "an said. "In fact, every other that the borough police still RED BANK - With pick and shovel in trees. track has Its own security that each year unused Title I Pappa will receive $1,J1» appearance of conflict of In- planned to try to seek a stay of hand, borough officials yesterday launched the The project is being funded by federal Com- forte and doesn't hire local i throughout the state are per month and Conway will be terest" In the conduit plan. Friday's deadline to quit work- second major Westside revitalization effort: a munity Development (CD) money, with the policemen ' Ing at the track if talks with $144,000 sidewalk, curbing and lighting project borough's CETA workers doing the labor. Mayor Roger Kane ques- the attorney general proved on Shrewsbury Avenue. Further Improvements on the street are tioned whether the head tax fruitless. Mayor Frank McKenna, who manned the planned for future CD funds. shovel for the traditional groundbreaking cere The first major Westside revitalization monies, told the dozen persons gathered at the project, housing rehabilitation, was launched Lawson takes over corner of West Bergen Place and Shrewsbury in May, with a $90,000 federal grant. Avenue that the work was "the beginning ol The borough undertook the rehabilitation of fulfilling our commitment to the Westside the Westside as its major goal back In January "With the Improvements along Shrewsbury of 1177, but actual work has been delayed, due Avenue, we hope to revitalize business on the In part to federallyrequired paperwork and chairperson's post street to what It was some years ago," Mr. difficulty in obtaining reasonable bids for the McKenna said "And we hope that it will also work. eventually have a profound effect on the entire Also on hand for yesterday morning's cere- one held on Sept. 13, where the turnout was •y MARK GRAVEN borough." monies were Councilman Joseph Falvo; so low that one unopposed candidate lost Paul Shaffery, Westside project manager, Michael Ellegood, federal funds coordinator FREEHOLD - Keyport Councilman because he didn't receive a single vote. In said the work would extend from West Bergen for the borough; Ethel Frankel, senior citizens' James Lawson was chosen last night as two of six election districts, candidates Place to Catherine Street on the west side of center director; Patrick Gllvary, project temporary chairperson of Check Mate failed to file, thus the official representa- the street, and from West Bergen to Leonard architect; Stafford Thompson. Democratic Inc., the private corporation slated to be- tion of the poor on the board now stands at Street on the east. council candidate;.Robert Clark of the county Monmouth County's anti-poverty five. The construction, which should take about Planning Board; and Mrs. Catherine Cadman, The CSA. has already advertised for two months to complete, will Include Installa- vice-president of the Board of Education. Only 14 trustees were present last night applications to the posts of executive di- for the first meeting of the corporation's rector and comptroller of the new agency. board. Ten members from private or- Trustees expressed concern that the ganizations must still be appointed by the executive director's salary has been ad- board, and another publk election must be vertised at $15,000-10,000. held to choose five more representatives of "Can we get a top person for this kind of Track field is out the poor to bring the board to Its full money?" asked Trustee Anthony membership of N trustees. NardleUo. Mr. Lawson was chosen on the third But'according to Ms. Anderson, federal ballot after the trustees split their votes anti-poverty legislation passed In IW4, sets between him and George Schlesinger, a the limit for such positions at $15,000, al- says commissioner though a waiver of an additional $5,000 Freehold resident who served on the and repair the facility, however, that he felt "quite could possibly be granted by the CSA, she By WARREN RICHEY Cttlsen's Planning Committee charged 2)construct a chain-link fence strongly that the Insurance said. with setting up the new agency, on the first Artie O'Keefe around the track and 3)provide question Is a very serious road two ballots. The trustees have scheduled a meeting EATONTOWN - While the Board of Education president Insurance coverage up to one block to the construction of a Nominations were reopened for the for Oct. 11 to adopt the bylaws million dollars tor bodily in- track over there." third ballot, and when Addison Tallalerro The trustees decided not to adopt the expressed optimism last night Freeholders getting hat the Borough Council Jury, $500,000 for property Meanwhile. Board Presi- of Cream Ridge was nominated, the tie by-laws last night because not. everybody damage- and two million dent Gerald Tarantolo said he was broken. had read them. night reconsider funding a 1100,000 combination track and dollars In umbrella coverage. was In the process of writing a "I was very surprised," said Mr. Law- The trustees decided to have Ms. An- Mr. Largey said last week letter to Mr. Largey to arrange son of his selection. "I will work with the derson draw up an application for funds for plea to oust Smith nccer field on board property, lecreatlon Commissioner that while the borough would a meeting between the two rest of the trustees to make sure that a planning grant, which they are expecting have financed the estimated with each group's Insurance services reach the poor." to take action on at the next meeting. Joseph A. Largey discounted By MARK MAGYAR be behind me too," he said. any suggestion that the council $100,000 construction cost of agent to discuss the policy. Mr. Lawson said that be could bring Ms. Anderson said that the planning "As Trustee Gordon Litwin the track, "the other condi- Mr. Tarantolo said that the "objectivity' to his Job as temporary grant from the CSA could total upwards of LINCROFT - Artie might reconsider Its earlier said Thursday, something is withdrawal. tions are untenable from our insurance recommendation chairperson, noting that be had "no al- $»0,N0, and would be used over a 11- O'Keefe, Brookdale Communi- seriously wrong with fiscal situation." had come from the state Board legiances" to anyone on the board. month period lo develop anti-poverty pro- ty College student government "The offer has been Brookdale, and the apathy of withdrawn and there Is no op- The councilman Indicated of Education and that the fig- "Being In the health care business. I grams for the county. leader, said yesterday he the Board of Trustees was that the borough's Insurance ures mentioned to the council think I can bring forward some Ideas with Ms. Anderson said that the fate of would ask the county Board of portunity for the project to be shown even more clearly when considered in 1978." Coun- agent, upon reviewing the were only suggestions since it merit," said Mr Lawton. MCAP should have no affect on the de- Freeholders tonight to demand they didn't answer his board's request, reported that was the opinion of the local In Us first act as "Chairperson pro velopment of Check Mate. MCAP lost Its Brookdale President Donald cilman Largey said. criticisms, and never bothered The councilman, standing the coverage called for was board that the borough might tern," Mr. Lawson signed an application to funding this past year because of alleged H. Smith's "immediate resig- to reply to our demands for "completely Improper" be- not be adequately Insured to the federal Community Services Adminis- financial Irregularities. nation." by comments made last week Smith's resignation. when he announced the coun- cause the borough would have cover the track. tration to have Check Mate designated as "This Is a whole new agency," said Ms. Mr. O'Keefe caUed for Dr. Mr. O'Keefe said he would no control over the facility. In stating his Intention to the county's official anti-poverty agency. Anderson, and It's proven lo date to be one cil's intention of withdrawing Smith's resignation at a col- ask the freeholders to Councilman Largey said meet with Councilman Largey, Den Let Anderson, CSA field repre- of complete responsibility." lege Board of Trustees meet- its offer to finance the track, scrutinize also the/ole played said that the best the board last night that he understood Mr. Tarantolo said, "as tar as sentative, said that designation should be Ms. Anderson said there Is "no reason" Ing Thursday night, and told by the Board of Trustees dur- that the project had a "lot of I'm concerned it (the track forthcoming without difficulty. for Cheek Mate to have problems dealing the trustees he would take his could do to ressurect the ing the recent eight-day Non- project would be to submit a validity for youngsters in the project) Is not dead." Ms. Anderson said the fact that the with creditors case to the freeholders If they Academic Staff;, Association school system." He added, He pointed out that without Monmouth Community Action Program An audit, still incomplete, is expected to dad not give him "a satisfac- proposal to the Recreation strike, and to "really sit down Commission to be considered the help of the council the (MCAP), the comity's former anti-poverty show that MCAP will owe private creditors tory reply by Monday." and think over Jvhat kind of board could never consider tfsaey hasn't paid ail Us bills. Is no bear- at much u IMt,tM, according to sources. next year by the council for As of last night, the East people they wiiswii the Board Inclusion in thi 1I7» borough Belly dancing such projects. Councilman Ing on whether Check Mate can be deslg- "We have terminated our deslgatlon of Keansburg student said he had of Trustees thelext time ap- Largey said the project would MCAP, said Ms. Anderson, speaking for heard nothing from the pointments coma up." Largey, however, said classes begin have been funded partially Mr. Lawson will serve as chairperson the CSA. "And we have no role In MCAP's trustees. through federal Revenue-Shar- The terms of two trustees, that In Iff! there would be a aatt It new members Iron) private or- "The students are solidly MIDDLETOWN - Addi- ing funds with the federal gov- William O. FkKkensteln and "different council with dif- gantatkns are appointed, officials said. David Cohen, a former MCAP trustee, behind me." Mr. O'Keefe as- tional courses have been an- ernment funding 50 percent Leon Zuckerman, expire in ferent people on it and thry Tit trastees set up a committee last has charged that no one will want to do serted, noting that the As- nounced for the fall season by and the boroagh fading the December, bat Mr O'Keefe may have different priorities right to research which private organist- Tniiaansi with the new agency, until sociated Students of Brookdale said his criticisms are aimed the Department of Parks and other half MCAP's bills are paid. next year." Oesa should be represented. Rut a date for Community College, a "town at the board in general, rather Recreation. The proposed hard tart ace a second election to choose representatives Resumes for the executive director and meeting" form of student gov- than Mr. Fleckensteln and Mr. Last week the council an- Belly dancing classes have six-lane track was to be av aftbt poor wasn't decided upon. comptroUerposUaredueOct.il. ernment hi which every stu- Zuckerman In particular. nounced that It was withdraw- began In the Community Cen- stalled with a drainage system According to Nancy Velardl, CSA dis- A committee was set up also to review dent has a vote, voted Ml-U Democratic Freeholder ing the financing offer because ter, Route » and Kings High- sad a soccer Meld In the trict director, the next election will have to the appocattoas to make a recommenda- latt Monday to ask for Dr. Ray Kram* Is the only free- of three requests, at the Me- way, aad will continue to meet track's Wield. The total coat Smith's resignation. be aeU tader the same (sidelines at the tion to the board holder who has said he sup- morial, and Vetter Schools, each Wednesday at T p.m. for of the project was estimated at "And the taxpayers shook}* ports the ouster of Dr. Smith. that die counci: I) maintain the next It weefe IUS.HI. Pressure? Just ask Bucky Dent

BOSTON (AP) — George Sleinbrenner, owner of the New York Yankees, walked into the Boston Red Sot clubhouse, stuck cat bis hud to Manager Don Zimmer and said, "It's too bid thai the best two teams in baseball had to play this game " The Yankees whooped It up in their clubhouse yesterday alter banging on lor a M victory over the Boston Red Sox and Sports the American League East title It was only the second play-off to decide a race in AL history. 10 SHREWSBURY. N J TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3,1878 TV Yankees rallied from a 2-0 deficit in the seventh inning keyed by a lam-run homer by light-bitting Bucky Dent. New York added another run in the inning and Reggie Jackson Yaz with a fastball It I was going to lose, 1 was going to do It applied the clincher with his 27th homer into the center field with my best." M—clhri to lead off the eighth "I've gambled all my life and have been In a lot of photo "No. I didn't see the ball hit the screen (over the left field finishes, but this is the biggest I've ever lost," said Zimmer, well)." said Dent, who ripped the off-speed pitch from Mike whose Red Sox finished the l«2-game regular season even with Torrei, despite pain from a foul ball off his shin. "I just heard the Yankees, M victories to (1 losses. toe fans. I've been struggling and I can't believe it, really It Gossage. after yielding two runs In the eighth, got Butch was the biggest hit of my career. And talk about pressure, they Hobson on a fly ball for the second out of the inning and struck really put pressure on us In the ninth Inning with runners on first out dangerous George Scott. and third. That was a struggle." Torrez, the Yankees World Series pitching hero a year ago Jackson hit a fastball off Boston relief ace Bub Stanley for while playing out his option, was unable to hold the early bis 17th homer of the year and the decisive run, as the Red Sox came back to score two runs in the eighth before leaving two advantage for the Red Sox. men aboard in the ninth. Guidry. who hurled I wo consecutive two-hit shutouts against "I knew it was out as soon as I hil il," Jackson said " But it the Red Sox in September, was nicked for a run as It-year-old wasn't my home run that did it. Bucky Dent, all the guys, Carl Yastnemski drilled a homer into the right field stands deserve the credit " leading off the second. It was Ytstnemski's 17th homer of the Ron Guldry, a runaway winner for the league's Cy Young season and No.303 of his illustrious career. award, collected his 2jith victory against just three losses with The Red Sox added a run in the sixth on a double by Rick help from right-hander Rich Gossage, who earned his 27th save Burleson, a sacrifice and a single by Jim Rice. of the season by rescuing Guldry when the Red Sox threatened The Yankees, checked on Just two hits by Torrez for six In their half of the seventh. , innings, rallied with one out In the seventh. Gossage ended the game and the dramatic finish by retiring •rum Carl Yastrzemskt on a foul pop to third baseman Grain Nettles Singles by Chris Chambliss and Roy White started the rally. lT'S OVER-New York Yankees' Craig Nettles em- League pennant over the Boston Red Sox yesterday with runners on first and third in the ninth Pinch hitter Jim Spencer (lied to left for the second out, but braces relief pitcher Rich Gossage after they de- at Fenway Park. Other Yankees are, Dick Howser, "When Yaz popped up, it was the greatest feeling in my Dent followed with a curving shot Into the friendly screen lor a feated the Boston Red Sox, 5-4, to. win the American Art Fowler, Willie Randolph and Jay Johnstone. whole life. I can't describe It," Gossage said "I went right at homer, his fifth of the year. The Yankees got another run in the Inning as Mickey Rivers walked, stole second and scored on Thurman Munson's double to left center. Munson, who had struck out his first three times at bat against Torrez, connected against reliever Bob Stanley. The Yankees got the decisive run In the eighth when Jackson led off against Stanley with a towering drive into the Yaz rooting for Yankees, now center field bleachers for his 27th homer of the season. In the bottom of the eighth. Jerry Remy doubled and Yastnemski singled him home for Boston's third run. Carlton BOSTON (AP) - The Red Sox lost the season yesterday increased their tally to five, one run coming on Reggie Jack- Fisk then singled and Fred Lynn delivered an RBI single before afternoon, but the atmosphere In the clubhouse, while sad, was ton's 27th homer of the year. The Red Sox battled back, scoring Gossage retired Hobson and Scott. not bitterness two In the eighth, but Yankee relieved Rich Gossage held on to The Red Sox had one final shot in the ninth when, with one "We like to think of ourselves as winners," outfielder Fred preserve the victory for Ron GuMry, 25-3, for the victory. out, Burleson walked and Remy lined a single to right which Lynn said after New^York edged Boston 5-4 at Fenway Park to "I guess I'm Just numb, to tell you the truth," said Lou Pinlella lost in the sun. Rice, the major league's home run •in the American League East by a single game. Yastrzemskl, who popped out to end the game before the sellout and slugging champion, filed to right, and Yastnemski popped "They won, so they're that much better," said veteran Carl crowd of 32,923. "They have the two best pitchers In the league foul to Nettles to end the game. Yastnemski, who slugged his 17th homer of the year. "I'm — Guldry and Gossage. Dent, who had only four homers during the 162-game season, rooting for the Yankees all the way (in the playoffs and World fit came down to one ganpe, sudden death, what can you collected his 38th, Stth and 40th RBIs with the homer. Series)." say?" Yaz said. "They won It and we lost It." Then Jackson applied the crusher by belting a M pitch into Boston suiter Mike Torrez, 16-1], had to answer the in- In the bottom of the sixth inning, with Boston leading, 2-0, the center field bleachers off Stanley at the start of the eighth. evitable question: How did he allow light-bitting Bucky Dent to and with runners on first and second and two out, Lynn lined a Andy Hassler replaced Stanley after Jackson's homer and belt a three-run homer in the seventh inning? shot into the right field corner. Yankee outfielder Lou Pinlella, had to give way to Dick Drago in the ninth. The Red Sox were "You can call It a mistake pitch, but It was a pitch I was with the harsh sun directly in his eyes, made the catch to end unable to catch up against Gossage, who recorded his 27th save trying to do something with, and he hit It," the big right-hander the Inning. despite a two-run Boston eighth. Kid. "It waa a pitch where Bucky wanted it." "Anybody who tells you that Piniella Is not a good outfielder Dent's homer gave the Yankees a J-! lead, and New York can go jump in a lake," Batton Manager Don Zimmer said. The Red Sox, who led New York by M games on July II, "I've never seen him make a mistake In the outfield." before the Yankees began their comeback, made a game but vain bid to pull out a victory in the eighth. Nf W YOUK >DITON "I couldn't put In words the way they (his players) fought k»r»M the last two weeks," Zimmer continued. "What this club has Remy led off the inning with a ground double down the right III I 1 I 1 I Binleifl •• field line and, after Rice filed out, scored on Yastnemskl's line III! Remy *> done the last two weeks is incredible." c S0I1 Rice rt First baseman George Scott said, "They (Yankees) could single to center. Yastnemski came around on singles by Fisk 10 Vilrlmi i and Lynn before Hobson filed to right and Scott struck out to 111 1 FllFl k c have given in, but they did not give in, they kept swinging the 1111 Dully X> City Royals in the AL Playoffs this week. DOTlH 4 111 Evmiipft "It was my feeling that the winner of this game was going lo TtM Mill TaM Playoff Outlook I Yankees Red Sox NnrVark <•• l«o 'I I I take the whole ball of wax," lynn said. 0 1 • 0 0 1 I (••It .( Fivt) NATIONALLIAOUI LOft-NCW vofk e. Boilon Zimmer was depressed. AMERICAN LEAGUE River*. Muntofl. GScott. lurlelon, R. Today's OMM Box Score "I've gambled all my life and have been in a lot of photo New York IBeoltlt 4-Vt at Kaniai City Los Aftotlti IHooton It Wl at HMto HH-Deirt IS), VMrimul 1171. R.jocU tfvlphla n 11 M),1:11 p.m. (77). Si—Riven} 3-Srohwner, Rtmy finishes, but this is the biggest I've ever lost," Zimmer said Just ILfXHK»d!l in.l.Xlpm. IF HUB* tr TMnin-tm'i Cam* one year after losing to the Yankees on the next to last game of New York at Kantoi City, 1:30p.m. f Q MtM Lot AnotrtsotPttlKidtlpNo, 1:» p.m. Guldry W.K-J 41-14 I 3 the regular season. Thtfrutey'i Oanif GOMO»« 111 S 1 1 No pom* ich«Oul«d Frtar't $2.1 million loser. Redskins' Mosley kicks-Cowboys, 9-5

WASHINGTON (AP) - Washington blunted the only Mosley field goal after Wash- ond period with completions of "Last year I missed three field serious Cowboy threat of the ington had gained a first-and- It and 14 yards to wide re- goals against Dallas here and night. goal on the Dallas 8. ceivers John McDaniel and It cost us the game," recalled Houston, the Redskins' Both teams effectively Ricky Thompson. The two Mark Hoseley. "As Texans, strong safety, stepped in front moved the ball between the 20- sideline receptions set up neither me nor my dad heard of a pass In- yard lines. Stabach amassed Hosely's 42-yard shot. the end of If tended for Drew Pearson In 212 yards passing while the third period. Minutes M I • I 1-1 But now, Jack Moseley of Theismann threw for 1M. But 1 1 1 •-• earlier, Washington had held Woert-FG Motelev SI Livingstone, Texas, can do a while Dorsett was held to II WoUi-FGMoteMyo story-telling of his own since Dallas to a It-yard field goal yards on 21 carries, Redskin Dol-FG Sepllen It Woth-FGMofeleyl? son Hark pounded field goals after the Cowboys had gained romped for a Dot—Solely Theltmonn tackled In end of it, 42 and 27 yards last night a first-and-goal on the Redskin game-high 96 yards on It at- ri afati as the undefeated Washington 1 taempts , the NFC's DM) n R<•MlIM Redskins clipped archrival Mosley booted the Redskins Flrildowm II Dallas M and pulled two full leading rusher, was collared into a M halftime advantage, Dinhn yordt M-117 Potilng yoro. in IM games atop the Cowboys In the for a 1-yard loss on third down connecting on field goals of 52 Return yonn M B East by linebackers Harold McClln- MM uni and 42 yards. PuMl $•» Ml Division ton. Brad Dusek and Houston. Powin im li 14 On Washington's second P««olll«»yorcta 144 111 "I'm Just now coming Rafael Septien then came possession of the game, Rig- INDIVIDUAL Hum around," said Moseley. "I had on and kicked Dallas' first gins burst through the center HUSMING-Oolloi. Defiell II M. points of the game. NewttouM M». Sloubtth Ml. WmMng- a slow training camp and the of the Cowboy defense for 21 lon. RlfMlni It-H, Thenxn 1M0. leg Is finally beginning to feel The Cowboys returned the yards, setting up Mosley's first P«SSING-D>lloi. Stouboch I] 11 I-111. Woihlngttn. Tnellmann strong." favor on the next possession, three-pointer. ll-n-l-lM. holding the Redskins to a REC£l«ING-D«lk>i,Mllli;i,OuPre The same obviously could Theismann opened the sec- 341. D Ptorson 4-71, P.PeofMn 1-11. be said of Washington's entire WmNnglon. TMxnpton Ml. MtDoolel MS.Onmll-17. APPMe defense, which yielded only a AERIAL ACROBATS— Washington Redskin Waters (41). Redskin Don Hover Vies to keep the field goal to the touted Dallas Mike Bragg (4) almost has his kick blocked by pressure of Bragg. offense. A giveaway safety at Shipp set sails ' Bruce Huther (58) and Charlie the end of the game accounted for Dallas' other Jwo points. from Houston Defensive tackle Diron HOUSTON (AP) - Hous- Talbert, another Texas veter- ton Oilers offensive coordi- an of the Redskins, declared: nator Ken Shlpp, one week af- Ocean's Cooper lauded "Ilove It, Just love it." ter an argument with starting Washington Coach Jack quarterback Dan Pastorlni Pardee said: "I'm not too sad and having some of his respon- OCEAN TOWNSHIP- "We were putting a outstanding performances over the weekend after this one. We had a great 1 sibilities assumed by head of faith in Gerry this season," said Ocean were Shore Regional ! Nick Lubischer. Terry goal-line stand. This Is one of rownship football coach Carmine Magnotts in Nedy of Red Bank Regional, John O'Brien of coach O.A. "Bum" Phillips, the teams I'd never beaten in has resigned. ttscussing halfback Gerry Cooper, the Dally St. John Vlanney and Tony D'Andrea of Wall. my coaching career and it Register's "Offensive Player of the Week." feels great." Shlpp, in his second year as Lubischer scored twice and gained 171 Oiler offensive coordinator, President Carter, wife Cooper sparked Ocean Township to its sec- yards in II carries as unbeaten Shore blanked submitted his resignation yes- Rosalynn, son Chip and daugh- I victory with a three-touchdown per- Marlboro, 2W, for its second straight shutout. terday following the Oilers' ter-in-law Caroo sal In crisp against Rarltan in a game which 1UJ victory Sunday over the autumn temperatures and i, 24-11 Overall, he gained 144 yards Nedy, a junior with 1.8 speed in the IN- . 2> carries. yard dish, raced for US yards In helping the watched a defensive battle be- tween the arcnrivals. "I bate to see it because he Bucs defeat Maaasquan. 144. I* l good football m»n and I Washington' quarterback BATTING CMAMPIONS-The dominant hitters '•Gerry Is not overly quick." said Magnolia. am the one who hired him," O'Brien gained ISO yards rushing and Joe TfeeunMM added insult to of the American and National Baseball Leagues' •Bat once he Hods a bole, be Is a good open PW111P. said 'But the way he injury by prancing out of the 1978 season ore Dave Parker, left, of the Pit- scored a pair of touchdowns as unbeaten St. feels, he thinks It would be the I raaner with great acceleration. end tone on the game's final tsburgh Pirates and Rod Carew of the Minnesota John routed St. Thomas Aquinas, JM, Friday. oM 'or »U concerned for him play to give Ike Cowboys a Twins, Parker is the first Pirate since Roberto "Gerry has really worked hard at it. We lost to Hep Midi." ol oar passing game from last year with stfety. Clemente to win two straight National League Wall lost to Neptune, 22-11 la the final two Hastorinl sUlked out of A interception titles, while Carew won for the seventh time, Stevens and Dave Ginda. but Cooper has mantes, but it wasn't the fault of running back pnetkt last Tuesday after to the pressure aad tie coaching Tony D'Andrea who scored all three of Wall'. la the end zone and a third putting him into a tie for third place on the all- time vnij/or league I ist. Shipp had crlllclred Us play Also recogaiied for taelr Y, touchdowns BMW VMpCeT quarter goailine stand by calling SHREWSBURY. NJ TUESOAY. OCTOBER 3. 1978 The EM?I 11 Royals predict change of luck this time

KANSAS CITY (AP) - The little shortstop with the broken Henog's critics accused him of being outsmarted by Billy In the major leagues, alone in the dugout, his face la ail hands It wasn't until we went to spring training that I was able to put It haul, the third bwmm "who chokes," and the manager "who Martin and his shoulders shaking. out of my mind " geu out-managed" see their bad luck turning good and the "Give me Sparky Lyle to bring out of the bullpen," replied "That picture is going to haunt me for a long time, I guess." "1 weal back home to California," said rifhtfleUcr Al World Scries heading for Kansas City. Henog testily, "and it'll amaze you how much smarter I get." Patek says. "I was a long time getting over it. But I'm over It Cowens, "and every tune I saw somebody I hadnt seea la i "The only guy la the worM who wanted to see the Yankees But Lyle was working for Martin that night and he finished now. All I ever wanted was another opportunity." while they'd bring it up. They'd say, haw sorry they were that and Red Sox go to a one-game playoff more than me was the Royals on a pop fly and Fred Patek's game-ending double "All winter long," said catcher Darrell Porter, "I'd be we'd lost, and then they'd rehash the whole thing and I'd Just (Baton Manager) Don Zlmmer," said Royals skipper whitey play grounder. somewhere, having a good time, feeling pretty good and then I'd stand there nodding. People kept bringing It up and bringlag It H«no|. "For the last two years we've been like a blackjack Millions of television viewers saw Patek. the smallest man think about what happened and I'd get depressed all over again up" dealer who had a hot hand all night, then all of a sudden watches It turn sour at dawn. II anybody's due for a good break, If* us, and the Yankees and Red Sox playing Monday might be a sum that our luck's changed. "They're having to use two pitchers they didn't want to use, and the winner might Just be a little flat after such an emotional Top 10: Upsets change picture game"

UfeeUevakle victories There was a substantial shake up in the Daily Register's John Vianney (t-0) move from the. six position to fifth on the list they're not complaining They're just going out and playing The way the Yankees beat the Royals for the American Top 10 this week. The Lancers posted their second shutout with a 18-0 rout of St. solid football. North held a powerful Matawaa offense in check league pennant the put two years has been almost ghoulish The tint three teams In last week's poll, Matiwan Regional, Thomas Aquinas of Edison. O'Brien also recorded his second Saturday. The Lions move from eighth to seventh. A bad call by an umpire a, the eighth inning of the fifth game Red Bank Regional and Shore Regional, held on to their two touchdown day. Uonmouth Regional (1-1) makes its first appearance la the » New York two years ago cost them a chance to have George positions. But beyond that there was a complete facelift. Manasquan (11) played a superb game in a loss to the In the eighth spot. Top 10 The Golden Falcons did everything Brett come to the plate with the bases loaded. Brett, who had hit Uatawan (1-4) was put to the test by a rugged Mlddletown Bankers and they'll play that way against anybody. Hawkins' right in toppling Rumson-Fair Haven Regional, 2M. iithree-nin home run his previous at-bat but committed two North defense, but came away with a Ml victory. The score was troops shifted from number five to number Is six. Also on for the first time Is Red Bank Catholic (1-1) In ninth wowing errors In game No. 1, watched helplessly moments set up by an equally tough Huskie defense that blocked a punt Don't let Mtddletown North's 0-2 record fool you Kubu's with a M-l win over . Rumson (1-1),(mirth last week, ater as Chris Chambllss bashed a ninth-inning home run to beat and set up fullback Al McPherson's one-yard plunge three plays Lions may have one of the toughest schedules around, but drops to 10th. later. Last year In Kansas City the Royals led all the way until Red Bank (2-0) still number two, had a typical game against they were again overtaken in the fateful ninth Inning of the fifth the Big Blue Warriors of Manasquan. A pass from Buccaneer Phillies in need Blues victorious game. Henog paraded three pitchers to the mound but was quarterback BenJI Mlnton to John Semple with 10 seconds left unable to stop the Yankees from scoring three runs, one on gave them an exciting 14-8 decision. The Bucs will get their test LINCROFT - John Lolodice scored twice and Earl Marlell Brett's throwing error. when they face number three Shore Regional on Saturday at assisted on three goals as the undefeated Brookdale Community Hollow-eyed, the Royals filed Into their dressing room while home. of early wins College soccer team turned back Brandywlne. i-t, for Us fifth- Nick Lubischer scored three times and the defense recorded consecutive victory, yesterday. Lotodlce scored 22 minutes Into the first half, and then found Its second straight shutout as Shore (20) held on to Its number PHILADELPHIA (AP) - The Philadelphia Phillies have Bucco netters win three ranking by blasting Marlboro, 23-0 the net again al the M-minute mark. Frank Lazo lit the board at heard the talk that if they don't win the first two games of the 42 00, all with assists from Martell. LITTLE SILVER- Red Bank Regional picked up its second Now here are where the changes appear: best of five National League Playoff at home they'll be a victory of the season yesterday by blanking Point Pleasant Ocean Township (2-0), number nine In last week's standings, bridesmaid for the third straight year. Brookdale was blanked in the second half, bat held Bran dywine at bay. except for a penalty kick by Bob Martin that Boro, H, In girls tennis. The Bucs have lost four times. rushed up to number four by virtue of a 24-19 win over Raritan. In fact, Phillies second baseman Ted Sizemore admitted found its way into the net. Lisa Brodfuhrer ol the Bucs blanked Margie Stevens, «-0, n-o Gerry Cooper paced the Spartan attack with three TD's. yesterday that the players had been talking among themselves In the first singles to get the Bucs started Pam Peseux and Lisa Spsedster John O'Brien and a staunch defense helped St. on the same premise. Brookdale goalies Craig Planko and Nick Pallas bad 7 and 8 saves, respectively. Mazzucca won the remaining two singles. The Phillies, Eastern champions, open the series here THE DAILY REGISTER TOP II tomorrow night against the Western-winning Dodgers. The Brandywine goalie Steve Goodman picked off t Jersey Blue shots. LlK> SrodMvtr d Morglt Ul.mi II 4- I I.MaUwatReg (H) I Maaasoaaa (II) second game is Thursday afternoon in Philadelphia, and games Pom P4ttu» d. Jontt Smith. * 1.4 O U» Muiuccod Motlo Sougon. M. H 2. Red Bart Reg. orto1 Potnl ioro PtoMMOCkOT Tomaino worked hard for the victory, taking advantage of a of the season for us. In fact, that trip won the season for us." Point BtNKh at Red Bonk Ktvpoti ot Powit *oro Second money went to Harry Reed of Clarksburg with Mike Ctnttal ol Tom* Rlvtr South high move by Rod Cunllffe of Point Pleasant In the 31st lap of Htfiry Muthon a) Holmail Mukmuti ol MiJMimoajfh the it-lap race to get a half-length lead on the inside and go on to Stevens of Wrightstown third, Charlie Okerson of Freehold CrouCovotrr Romton FM ol R#d Bonk \ fourth, and John MegUl of Wall, fifth. Holnviel ot Ktyport iocktonot Control pick up the $1,000 first priie. Souttwrn ot Tomi Rlvor North Htnrv Mudoon ot KotmooJ Vinnle Green of Red Bank chased Frank Blddle of Farm Bengals show KMmitiwraatMonmourh TMtft mien Cunllffe left the gate open, after leading from the Snort, SI Rott ot Motor Dtl St John ol Holmoal Ingdale down to the wire for the Modern Stock Car cham- Ntptun* at Hotvtll Wortolopon ot WtorRtort fourth go around, Jim Hendrickson of Freeport, N.Y. also went pionship and although Green won his fifth feature it was Biddle Monotopon ot Rwmoor. WotI Ot ton* Bronch Point Booth ol Mtnr v Htiooon Short of MofKhtrUtf low and Into second behind Tomaino with Cunllffe getting back with the most points at the end. In the right groove and able to hang on to the third spot. BUI Cameron of Howell Township paced the field from »e disappointment rt«m»*«gol RiHinon FH pVthufv Port «< Wtwrwiw* Marlboro. Long Branch ot Mo«Mon Brkh at Tomt Rlvor $oulh This is how they finished at the checkered flag with cham- sixth lap through the 38th lap of the 40-lap race but Green got a Holmdtl ot Krnort •WHlio.lll.il •Ubury Port ol Shore ' Milmam Ot JMortoor* pion Gil Hearne of Wrtghtsjown fourth and Don Stives of East length as they turned for home and went on to win. Cameron CINCINNATI (AP) - Members of the Cincinnati Bengals Point Boro ol Monchottor Wrt.rfTwwRlwSowrti Windsor, fifth. came home second. voiced disappointment after the firing yesterday of Bill Johnson as head coach of the winless National Football League club. "In no way Is our O-and-J record his fault," said veteran center Bob Johnson. "Bill's kind of taking the rap for for everything," said quarterback Ken Anderson. "I've never known a man I had Freehold Today more respect for." "He was the one who had to answer for it," said veteran IM: Poet, 1 HLINrMlipoM. CNM. Monofclnl (Conaol, 1-1 FuMo Ftghltr ;No Drlvtf> f-3 Sir Porttr (Ruttoll) is i offensive lineman Rufus Mays, while calling Johnson "a great

Johnson said the change "was inevitable. There were people Games played \vookond of Oct. 7 RwmtoHi tot (Roilno) H Jontt Thorpt IPoDflneor) IS I •*• POCo). i **, Purio U,1H. cunt M H Fiilon) who thought it should be done after we were 0-3. It had to be Deadline Thursday Oct. S at S p.m. 1 done. But it still comes down to the players not playing as well B@S£E$ spHr-^* :: SeEEji iisL • as they ought to." m General Manager Paul Brown announced the coaching • Cincinnati D Miomi rVltollool rirTjunol 41 Jornot HooMv I Ktlly > o-l VIMoc (Cthnoilll K-1 lin Poco.l M.PorMll Ml.Cliot change through a prepared statement in mid-afternoon, after a Llt!S CtTrVoll VMBIum) M MtrElICorlttloll . iri Mormon Bfo«n (HBlctl IS I Blut Orou Mutt IFoolonl )l D Buffalo D New York Jets F^JO»7irit!lSS i " KXTKSOV KM) 11-1 I* P«t. I M, P«nt Oi.100 Sltult, (K.llyl 1-1 meeting with Johnson in the morning. Quarterback coach a r»uloVarr!>wToXw4icnin4l ill MvdTKt C«ry IUPOrll IS-I »ront«xi (Poullnl 1-1 JutMItt Chip (« Flllonl 41 D New York Giants D Dollos Sl^rlotmlSoT » tm'rmStUrmUMLttm. CowSoS Pom (lolnmot 71 SMpptr Soup IStoftotdl M Homer Rice was elevated to the head spot for the remainder of a $)T*«^(TWCOllOl .' »l C» MOUMT IMIIIor) J-l $CtrlNo»oloonlNoOrlytrl 4 I Jttl Kin, IMcOtt) 0-1 the season. D Brown O Primtton 0 »rd* Poto! IKJPOTli OUN,CM «td Abbot Ktilotil (Sovo.41 7-1 Dorter. DuM ItrtinoHonl SI Lucky Role* IPooutll II ivOtVotl»Dotll^^^ !l HlwtaoCKOtilOiNoOTlVtr) . ... t-1 Hoyol Ttromoi IMoluyrvl II Horold Monovtr (¥ovo«l Jr I It I Brown's action brought an angry reaction from former D Rutgers GYole D MlttlwlTlowwor (Koiiy'i'".'.'.'.'.".'.'..'..'.'.'.'.*. M ScorlT Jo KnltlrHoovoil Jr.) o-l Swntnorttdo (Ooodiy) 10-1 Brth Courlor IBoctiol *VI Bengal tight end Bob Trumpy, now a local radio talk-show host. FJMol(Hutidorlri«id)...."!!^!:'.!!~!.!...4.l AdoroiHor H tetoctiyl J-l • j-, • I I It a. D Toms River North He blamed the Bengals' decline on Brown. D Mrddlelown North D SKt,«iK!E~:Et! B$tgBgfesE=£E& Freehold Results "When Paul Brown came to Cincinnati in 1MB he said he D long Branch D Raritan o 1 I wanted complete control so he would not be faced with the D Brick Twp. D Matawan Reg. D situation he had in Cleveland (where he clashed with Browns D Marlboro D Monmouth Reg. SS'&" it! SSr^* ^B1S3» S«.W«1%' --rr-'S^^wssi owner Art Modell over personnel Issues). He said he had to D Sodo Scolt ;0Hvtrtl S-l HoWo Mo. (Ho Otl«rl 4-1 ""^ T4rtllStTC{'eoiee Btoclwl (•Itiol 3-401.40 D Shore Reg. D Red Bank Reg „ - , M:Poa,IM.PtnttimTlmtl:n.) MtodcrCortylH Flllonl 1.10 control his own destiny. Then he committed the same sin he D S^l4>4I>tll>llU SkKHM.Mom»nutntrl MOI4OI0O ttocltlllltt a;B1 hated in Cleveland. That's unforgivable," Trumpy said on his • Rumson-F.H. D Manosquon •IH»IIP» BcAkts Butlor, IPoccMol U.M4.01 tt> Poet, I M.Porit MM. Tlm.lt] 1 a ._»_. „ . ._ BrolBot Caoo N ISIIvo) , .S.40 Choromor Sport (M. Flllonl... 4.M4.00M0 Monday show. I-BeetsleBarrett.SiHCity,trvitalBraady ,"M*?11.SSITTM»>-B>I "o*»eiiiSIUKHMIOI 100340 D St. John Vionney D Red Bank Catholic D ! - Georgia Teci, Lletl Carrall V, Dea Crest .SWitt^^RiftSi Tufty G1" 'B&« «:> '" D Holmdtl D Manchester D IM l Lancers seek coaches D Mater Dei D Keonsburg l-rjHU,MUalyDaaa,»ll«Swltt Batler j^SKrrl^SSri':,:: :: .'"!:S offlSkl*«» *lS &% a I l HOLMDEL - SI John Vianney High School is seeking a D Monalopon . 0 Freehold D 4-f»jtaSeatt,Mia»eUal,Ar«brePl«eeB , »!?Si ,J3irT1«,.o.i ?^!P&±=:™JS|S junior varsity and freshman boys basketball coach for the D Ocean Twp D Mlddletown South S-SarlaK Ben, Merita, Saddea Tkaader T!lprS^iSotT™' "Tu^sio4'.M "•""«»«'"^JJJJ^ '» upcoming season. a 1 o i t l-IWAI*et«ilfat,CapBeaser,Ad.raiSUrH K?,Sc S^ r E:E:::::::. '?J:S MftMi.^.l^T...*. Anyone interested should contact athletic director Ken QKeyport O Point Beach D 7 — Reval AaaeaL Anabre Vkter, NeWe Max HMuonto aoMtiE ROMIILOOMVI »o 10001» > ^rJTTTir i-kt« .ill aikli. n.^«l »:p*t»i IWMOIM mimmcoiomoo isovotti MO ..."..*-. »k t>-L. e,HBt4nt>ri)Jl> Grtflt Gont (H. Flllonl ..3.00340 Ciocio 17 IUI to D Neptune D Howell D I — ADBequatea,uaarersu«e,oiono»c™ur m«oiycuromoioiioIDOHOVIICW 100 ninpoto.IM.pomumTHMIMI W -^M^r^Fartte. F^tt* Akril .^j^JSKniii Bp&Sfev^nSg D Freehold Twp D Asbury Pork D II — Supper Seat, BhK Grasi Malt, aleata Mm sirtokor IKHIVI s HI 401.10 Limt KM ixing jr.i ; i.« .Prevent TIE BREAKER - Total number of points scored by all teams »fST IHTT- Polllp Mol IIHkl PkKM«.4FUMeadowland« s tonighII t ngUuttn Illll Stlomont Tt«o» Tom (ton FMuotto II . jfcalUI) Ottouldlct... UMtrtoMdllrll Orotr lt-1 Wlndtoopl Snort IlltlK. Coitndo 4 1 li 11071 Milt Wormy ol Flow* (llll No toy JdnclnM Girl (111) I. Moprt Telephone Rtmorkoblt (llt)Thomot 10-1 Not) Ooo (lit) Bnccwo f-l jiimr 11 trouble Sllvor Oollonl I nil Mocoom 4 1 Hi,. Porto oVeoi, (ML COMMJ. OMOO * Tonnor . II Ml. Fotowt (ItSI P-ltllov Sllonl lid tut) Whlloty 3-1 U400,) VO tod of, aKMOtrry Ootn (111) Amy 41 Joyful Pltowtt (I til Mociolti Mall of deliver to: Football Contest, The Dally Register. troollite Wind (llll Llvtlr < 4 PUR Dolton Road lilt) Mocktlh . . . 4 1 Soltmnly Sxtor Illll Mo Boy How To win (lit) S. Mono ' nlimerotr IM H. r>»r>4IIMtt, Clm, U..O. One RetjteoM Plan, Shrewsbury, N.J. 07701 by 5 P.M. Paym County I mi Orotr 10 I InfathMMo (lit) Mocatth TO, IA4 1 Win ThurtMf (114) Ptrrti Hall ond Soil (lit) Uvtrv si aWtUill»IStlomo «T«Ot ft* PumuJM.Cttin •«••.»TO* Thursday Oct. 5. SuMttrwm (1711 llvtly VI SprunollltlUvtry Ctotattt'iOolltydUl Motion (N.J.I, t FUR KingLovtt tlli) K.Cmtmto TV. Covoroot (Itfl Thomoi II TurMUfMMlltllWIV YortMorkoT (lit) V»Aop*f .... FOOTBALL CONTEST RULES CMcMo Imoot 1114) Mitt IM FtoH*r>ocy(IIIITo«itr.... Toby Too IIUIK CMMdo Little Grid (1011 Milt SoWloonllltlBorccMt...... ^._^n Stnoll too (117) Urawa GIvtlloTrrdUlatoccim Vltfto KntQhl (Mi) K. Cmrrvda Fortt>M| ("41 MIM IlVti'i PrMO IHtl Flovorot Sir JofttiC (WICollo D Road test D Clean sump G screen* ALL ENTRIES MUST BE IN AN EMVELOPE My Sottr lord INN PorMi...... Ill jointly ond Joiy <1U) •ncr.MM FotlOwttl Mm Ktlly DotlyO-Owo.otl ..IH Mtiutllltl III?) t. WtOH ...S-l 0MMOn* (111) Grttr Shortwoch Som O>*l D. Nk: Pwit 1IM00.1 TO o«d o> P»M. Oot Co Go Burn* 1111) Ml« etun tie peraena sslacitii .... S-l MHI IT) Moid Y«ur Ticket (111) Mit* up t» aii eaMea. tmtUm law Comrrtr Loty llll) voiouol.'.'...... n CwtMo (1111144 Boy in most orimen kern Hot Imoorlol Orotr lilt) TMmt».... HIM Hill Aoorm .... n O4ot> (Iro)Ptrrtl <> c«arto« ttttKiton atoutid ae r*u Voti Oroom (III) Mitt IM IO>:Pt>ttllMI0.1TaitM AMorryRMtlllub. omi ToWcPrfn (Mil Mw OOTMOtlCI too** ojm, feted tbvn wtoh. CwMafioo are al- Rovol PIW (Do) Orotr .'."»l Wtll Cmlllil IU7I PorrH iBommiPitMrti HI HMryi Pfl*t DOI TttrogH ctnwity. lot hct, tiM.oa. 2nd teoed to out** em aaa*. JoKnltnCrttddlllNoooy II •ttal KftKdy (114) Kocltlx . Jl 3.1 RactfM)Kop(W) VMt Traitor MMvat Place, M0.OO. M Mac*. sketched tacoKH.. Entry tO4d Doro 1107) Prouoroo.. 0-1 im ion IIMI «WHt» .11 ttt-M. M: Porttiojoo.ci»>i. iim I tOoM Dtd-l Idol Word (1MISKojl n roqulro coohMV lerao reareditced el ItotlMUt... o-l OO. IM 1 WI4 Meadowlands Results on mo at a Me, afcoate . n bo) oavtotTMontMt bv ttM H0W04I Pol(IHID. NM .0-1 M-IMMOMdJojOVurolPor. lilt O Dotn IGtootl 1.10 *t4.*»0to<*nu«tool j aMce kt I P.M. m Now wt KM CUD Milt l*kltl»»0U «JOJ.»1I41 • HACTA (1-41 Ul M We fix transmissions because we knot* Nm. 0omw»odiao4>lllolr»otmii VWTt «HM HitKHII Jr I I m I 40 4»-ll44tOFI4ltMomlVt>tUPIII4 by a*1 me Vmntmi O • M Mon-Fii 8 to 6, Sat 8 to I MHoB* Ofo)f Kor» Joaot dortootrtol U01.001 40 Renwrnbci. this is a preventive moinlvnottce service C4Or«4ti(«44ttl o.» 1401.40 O icotooigl) I 41101 Selections 004 • WM N PvH IMncclMo) I* II you olirady havt iiansnussxm ptotHrrm. nk aucran-DitMo about cur othn rrluMr vrtvicev n»—Motivoaupn MM a*w ma,Ce«frc]fLady UMO>MonOM ITktmM... N10 II Its 40 In • •)• anot |wu tMrWcl OM* ol a« eoM M-<14otlT4M4Jo4Por V4M« WM1 IMocoMk) 11.000.40 •M tMiM a* a alMW. I aria m aaa r, t Oyr.tr.llt (Cdllontdol A HonoMoot (Milt).... 1 It LtxaUrimind aaimnHdbr you Cottmam Mom -•A lauouo •XACTAd-ntm-it ee»jm ae e OSM O> ymm Mai I- 0K-IIU0tlVt««PIMn)|PM. ItamlMMii :• •: 1S t urn lorotmoJOMasa •a sad «o> kt a -=^«S5i% Z2Z lMU) Shrewsbury Ave. at Rt. 35 In roor "•»»•• Shrewsbury By pertupetng «i *m conont. tie amw or omt, tt IMotHtl coneani K> me uae ol men name. atMeM a G*G*I«w,PraM* tartan, •-MiaoojtjvtKPoT. THIHCTA11-14) *o«p> karl lorocclolt Jtl S.«>.» 110 542-6822 ttoiiet arm/« atjwtwng promotur, ol to CO BEST BBT: Aaa PMSTIHII (M) •.3d. (To—or) 100 3.10 Moodtt - ti.rn.tit- AW o i4.ni nmunerakon Mkar Cool your spices

oat! Blisters galore from peeling, carving and slicing the pears. DEAR HELOISE: Surely there was an easier way! I learned the hard way whea I was a bride many years ago The potato peeler was the answer! to never keep spices near the stove. No more blisters and faster, too. - Mrs. B.W. Lowrey Spices should always be kept in a cool, dry place In the summertime. I keep many of mine in the fridge. - Janet LETTER OF LOVE McCurdy DEAR HELOISE: ^^ According to Polly Murray, manager of consumer services Wha waaU ever dream thai I weald he setlag ay alara a of a large spice company, Janet is absolutely correct. waek bear early )asl to write to yea... Spices do not like heat or moisture and wbea stored where Bat I tad that I have sa aaay Mats la share with yaa that I these conditions exist, they low the essential oils very quickly, caa a* laager wall to fad Mat hat rather saaaM Bake tlae. - therefore lose flavor. Daly Reader Often you see the spice rack hung over the sink or range. These are the two areas in the kitchen that generate the most Folks, this lovely lady's letter was written at 4:15 a.m. How heat and moisture caa I ever repay such thoughtfulneu and faithfulness, to her Also, haven't you at one time or another, picked up a and all the rest of you wonderful readers! All I can say from the bottom of my heart Is a simple "thank you" and God bless each of you. - Helolse

DEAR HELOISE: HINTS FROM HELOISE If the pales aa yaar hathreea ipacesaver shelves have becaae aaslghUy aad caa aa laager be Bade eleaa-leeklag, bay the aUstk skewer red cavers la a celer ta ga with year drear. container of spices and sprinkled It directly into a steaming pot? Cat to ahe aad slip aa. Leeks se-e-e gaad aad ek! aa easy la I have... but, according to Polly, this is a no-no! a!-s.R. This not only causes the spices to lose flavor, but will make •MlMlMlplM them cake in the container as well. They come In all kinds of different colors and are very UNIQUE TREASURES -Three area antiques merly with Llbble's Country Store, Sea Bright. They Some spices do keep well when stored In the fridge, pro- ip . dealers have combined their talents and resources have joined with Barbara and Barney Silkworth, vided there is not too much moisture; however, a cool dry part I really like that flea Thanks, Hon. - Helolse. to establish a new shop. Antiques and Uniques at 32 Oceanport, In establishing the shop, specializing In of your cupboard is equally sufficient. Willow Drive, Little Silver. Dorothy Wild, left, who antiques, old furniture In the rough and antique-type Posies to Polly for sharing her lips. Let's follow her advice formerly ran Apple of Your Eye Antiques, Little Items. Co-proprietor is Alice Jacobi, formerly of DEAR HELOISE: and keep the spice In our spices! — H ugs! - Helolse A great beat reaedy tar reaevlag grease spats trwa Silver, chats with Llbble Holmes, Little Silver, (or Apple of Your Eye Antiques. cMMaf Is toappl y baby pawder ar etatr tak la Ike ipal. DEAR HELOISE: Leave II aa tar at least Iwa hears, thea ase a dry, ckaa I write frrqurptly railed numbers la red Ilk tat ay peneaal toalhhnsh to reaaave Ibe pawder, braihlag lightly. phoK directory. Hoc aval • aal eaapletely reaaved, repeal the praeeaa. They are mack easier I* read thai whea all the Mathers are Watts every taw far aw. - Teal Raffia written down with one coiar •( lak. - Mrs. Labbe THIS COLUMN Is written for you... the homemaker. If yau Real Lifestyle DEAR HELOISE: have a hurt or a problem write to Helolse In care of this I often wondered why my mother disliked making pear newspaper. Because of the tremendous volume of mall, Helolse TUESDAY. OCTOBER 3. 197B 12 preserves (my father's favorite, and now my husband's). Is unable to answer individual letters. She will, however, answer fishy When it became my lot to perform this chore, I soon found your questions in her column whenever possible. By EIMA BOMBECK There'! one thing I've always said about fishermen. They may not always catch fish, but they at least know why. lt'i too late In the day. Gal in trouble It's too early In the day. The water level li down. They're spawning. The rain stirred 'em up. The atom bomb screwed up the lakes. Dear AM Laaders: I'a a M- saaare, bat I galaed a let at la* aalaab caae to Hve tfcere. You need a boat. year-sM girl wHa a great big respect far yaa whea yaa toM We waal to ewthne to eajey You need waders. anhten. There b aehedy I eaa Ike Better at a teea-age girl Ikelr friendship bat the aa They are'nt biting on worms (avocados, sauteed talk to except ay girl Meads that eace kMs start la have atx saallary eaadltiaas la their slirimp or peach melba). aad they dtai knew aay aere Ikey waat stop. Vaa advised aaae are aare taaa we eaa It's too hot. ttia I da. My aather weaK her to give her daughter "the lake. Please, Aaa, tell thea It's too near an Army base. kill me If she kaew what 1 have facts." WeU, that's what I Ikey are galag to hae as (aad They're too small to take the bait. beea datag aa that's eat. Vaa aced, aad sa da Ms at alker •then) If Ikey daa'l cleaa ip They're too large to bite. areByealykepe. teea-agers. Please deal let as their act - Sick hi Saa Fraa- They haven't bitten since the Democrats took office. I've gaae steady with three dawa. Ill call aysett-JUl CaM Without a doubt, fishermen are the moat Imaginative gays la ay life aad had sei Dear Jill; You need more Dear Sick: YOU tokj them and if you want to make sure they see it, send them this col- umn and sign your names. AT WIT'S END They deserve to know the ANN LANDERS score. •» There Is a big difference be- sportsmen who ever tat on a bank and tried to outsmart a tween cold and cool. Ann fish that has 11000 their site, 11500 their weight and 150,000 with all 1 then. I lest ay (information than I Can give Landers shows you bow to play their brain. virglalty whea 1 was 14. The you in this limited space so I'm It cool without freezing people Probably the best reason I've heard to date was when PEDIATRICS VISITOR — Enjoying a laugh with Winnie the Pooh is Sabrlna big lave affair dlda't last very going to recommend a very out in her booklet, "Teen-Age my husband straggled home a few weeks ago from a day Atwell of Rumson and Barbara J. Calabrese, RN, assistant clinical coordi- Uag. The gay was 17, gal late frank pamphlet called "The Sex - Then Ways to Cool It." at the lake. The only fish he caught were on his hands. nator of pediatrics at RIvervlew Hospital, Red Bank. Friendly Pooh visited triable with the law aad left Hassles of Becoming a Teen- Send Ann Landers, P.O. Box "What happened?" I asked. the children at Riverview during his rounds of area hospitals. His visit was towa. age Parent."II Is put out by the 11H5, Chicago, Illinois mil. "The lake Is polluted with Kimberlys," he said. sponsored by Sears, Roebuck and Co., Mlddletown. My aeit ax rn.sk was U.S. government and It's free. "What are Kimberlys?" "Rick," aad I was IS Ikea. Write to, Family Planning PERSIAN ART "Kimberlys are three-year-old children who run "Rick" was aeal bat ay folks Clearinghouse, Box 2215, TRENTON- There will be around the lake screaming, 'I got one! I got one!' They dkta'l waal ae to ga with kin RockvlUe, Md. 20851 an exhibition of Iranian weav- trip over the worms and the entire can falls in (he water — because he was II, had a beard Be sure to enclose your ing, including klllms, tent enough to feed every fish through a nuclear attack. Popok heads Bond drive aad M toe. We'd Beet aa the name and address. I urge pa- hangings and animal cover- "Kimberlys throw rocks into the water when they get sly aad kad sex a tot. Whea I rents of teen-agers to send for ings, on display at the New OAKHURST - Mrs. Women, and a past president cal student at Emory Univer- bored. Not little pebbles, but rocks that are five times tttugkl I was pregaaal he It, too. Your kids will ap- Jersey State Museum Oct. 7 Herbert Popok, a leader In the of the Sisterhood of Temple sity Medical School; and their size and you wonder how they can lift them. Some- dripped me. It laraed aal ta be preciate your Interest. If you through Nov. 21. The show will Jewish community here, has Beth El, Douglass, a student at times they fall in the lake and you lose your pole assisting a false alarm aad 1 dropped want the pamphlet In Spanish, be part of the Acquisitions '78 been named chairperson of the "I am delighted to learn Brookdale Community Col- In the rescue. Ma. please say so. It's available. program sponsored by the Israel Bond committee of that Paula Popok will be head- lege. "The payoff is when Kimberlys throw in sticks and the Tke gay I'm galag with aaw Dear Aaa Laaders; Oar best Friends of the Mumeum. Other Temple Beth El in Oakhurst ing the Israel Bond drive at State of Israel Bonds are a dog swims over your line to retrieve them." Is terrific. Bat I'm having the friends, a ceaple with a yaaag Temple Beth El," said Tex primary source of Investment events In the program will in- "That's terrible," I said. "Why didn't you just move on A member of Temple Beth same IraaNe. I realise ay laek child, have twa cats aad Iwa Weiner, Israel Bond Regional capital for Israel's programs clude an exhibition of Klpton to another spot?" El for more than 25 years, caa't last forever. I'm sare to medium slied dags. These Chairman for Monmouth and of economic development and Kumler photographs of Per- "I couldn't. Klmberly caught her limit and I hung Mrs. Popok Is a member of the gel pregaaal aae at these days aaimals daalaate the aeaae. Ocean counties. absorption of new immigrants. sian scenes, d demonstration around trying to see what kind of bait she was using." temple's board of trustees and aal there will be bell U pay. The eats sleep M the dlalag "She has served the Jewish of nomadic weaving techni- board of directors. My talks wll tkraw me aal af table aad are fed w tke kltct community with great distinc- ques and a documentary film She is a past president of thekease. ea eaaaler. Tke dags sleep al- tion for many years, and she is aeries on an archaeological the Asbury Park section of the Neae at Ike three gays ever ternately with Ike child aad completely dedicated to the search for remnants of the National Council o[ Jewish •vd aav preteetiea. They all the eeapte. The adar af eat Flower show cause of Israel." said Mr. Persian Royal Road. seemed to think that's ap to Brae permeates Ike haase. Weiner. tke girt. I've heard a let aaeal Waea sapper Is tver, Sara pals Mrs. Popok Is a co-owner of ART SHOW tke pill bat that aeaas gelag to Ike plates M tke near far FUt winners named TINTON FALLS - New Jean Swartz Fashions, (Jeal. DANCING a dector aad I caa't da It. The aad Raver to flalsh whatever She started a scholarship fund HAZLET — The Root and John Stenger and Mr. Hardy. Jersey artists and craftsmen same ftr a diaphragm. I knew there Is. It Is abaaately sick (Jmulcl Rmlltf tlkmtc at Temple Beth Kl and is a Branch Garden Club an- Harold Simmons and Mrs. state are invited to submit I saeald ase seaelalag, bat eaiag. lHo.fr™ Jn» » T;. benefactor of the temple's nounced prizes at Its flower Aumack won in other catego- their work at the second and what? We ea>yed Sara aad Jack's Torah fund. ' fljaaaatfaj show here. Alfred Hardy, past ries. . final open viewing scheduled to tklak yaa were very aaek kelere president and flower show In foliage house plants, oth- by the art selection committee She is a graduate ot public Floor fcfffretof chairman, received the Peggy er winners were Mrs. Henry of the Monmouth Festival of schools in the Long Branch Rohloff perpetual trophy for Schaefer, Mrs. CoUins, Mrs. the Arts, Sunday, Oct. 8, at the area, and attended Tulane Uni- the best arrangement. Stanley Cuilwik. Mrs. Monmouth Reform Temple, versity. WALLPAPER Other blue ribbon winners Aumack. Mr. Bottger. Mr. Hance Ave. Work will be Her husband, Herbert B. for arrangements were Mrs. Simmons, Mrs. Cuilwik, Mrs. viewed by appointment start- Popok, has been a certified George fl. Aumack, Mrs. Wil- Simmons, Mr. Bottger, Mrs. ing at 1:30 pm Caryl K. Sills, public accountant for 26 years. FASHIONS liam R Anderson, Mrs. Harold Robert Bonn, Mrs. Jack Wil- Clover Lane, Rumson is arl Mr. and Mrs. Popok are the Bottger and Mrs. Harold liams, Mrs. Kofoed and Mrs selection chairman. The Ninth parents of three children: Kofoed Tara Anderson and Hornecker. Annual Monmouth Festival Ami, a graduate of the Univer- Fall Sale Sharon Breil won in the chil- will be March 24-28. sity of Miami; Steven, a medi- MRS. HERBERT POPOK dren's divison for under-clghl- In the vegetable competi- ; 5 days only- Ends Oct. 7th year-olds. tion. Mr. Hardy, Mrs. Saccone, Horticulture winners were John Ackerson and James • Extra 10% Discount Mrs Peter Orlasky, Mrs. Bot- Ackerson were winners. on all book orders tger. Mrs. Lawrence Saccone. Judges for the show were Mrs. BATHTUB RESURFACING (•Jtapf Wilt Tex) Stephen Potosky, Mrs. An- Donald McNabee, Mrs. Har- • All lri*Stock derson, Mrs. Nelson Walling. mon C. Hendershot and Mrs. SAVE $1000.00 wallpaper sale oricerl Mrs i. Emmett Collins, Mrs. Raymond Delca OR MORE NO NEED $1 to $4 single roll TO REMOVE • No mixing charge CUSTOM DRAPERIES NO NEED WALLS, TILES MARLI BVANS TO REMOVE AND PLUMBING on all custom coloring SLIPCOVERS-UPHOLSTERY BATHTUB of Benjamin Moore Paints] Petite Miss Dance. New York City All Sales 1177. FREE SHOP-AT-HOME WE RESURFACE TUBS, SINKS, TOILETS, TILE. AND REPAIR Final CRACKS AND CHIPS. Remitter Now! SERVICE CALL 747-2543 • Malar Plumbina Co. Colon • High Gtoai f Mali • Dona On Location - No Ramoval, DOROTHY TOLAND o Rattoring Not Dattfoying 351 Hwy. 35 North DANCE STUDIO RED BANK DRAPERY SHOP Middletown ol Monmouth County 747*3461 MCkarpa 39% Broad Street Red Bank 671-0978 •at la* 74I-3SM Sutter-Russo TUESDAY. OCTOBER 3.1978 13

ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - la St. Agnes Md sUtlatlcs at Conrail. The couple reside in Weddings Bomaa Catholic Church here Sept. I, Miss Gail Mount Vernoo, NY Reae Rusad was married to John G. Sutter. MEETING MEMOS The Rev Paul Feeley celebrated the nuptial Bailey-Brennan Maas. There was a reception in the Cob- blestones, Mlddletown. After a FALL MEETING not be received at the Pariah HIGHLANDS - In St. Andrew's Episcopal trip to the New England Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. states, the SHREWSBURY - House before Wednesday; but dwfck km Septa, Hits Cathleen J Brennan reside here. Sebastian Rusao, 17 Viola Ave., Leonardo, and Shrewsbury Historical Society any articles, except books, wai married to James S. BaUey. The Rev. Mrs. John B. Sutter of the Broni, New York, will meet tomorrow at 8:10 may be brought to the home John Patterson celebrated the nuptial Man, and the late Mr. Sutter. and then mi a reception In Rum Runner p.m. In the Fern Ross Mrs. Richard Melae, 92 McLaren St.. beforehand. Mrs. Restaurant, Sea Blight. Mrs. Sutter was attended by Mrs. Richard Auditorium of Shrewsbury Melae will also arrange pick- The parents of couple are Mr. and tin. C. McCauley, matron of honor, and Laurie Bore School. up from donors' homes. Timothy Brennan, S Delaware Ave, Mid- Manigrasso and Maryanne Tlerney LONG BRANCH WOMEN dtotown, and Mr and Mrs James G BaUey, a Jack McCarthy was best man. Thomas LONG BRANCH - The Ralph St., here. t> O'Sbea and Andrew Rusao were ushers, and Woman's Club of Long Branch AAUW SOIREE The bride was attended by Robin Brennan, Christopher Tleroey was ring bearer. will meet at 1 p.m., Thurs- WEST LONG BRANCH - maid of honor, and Patti and Laura Brennan, day.ln the YMCA Club Rooms The Jersey Shore Branch of brtteataaids. The bride is a graduate of Mlddletown Miss Dorothy L. Ryan, presi- the American Association of Ronald Luddy was beat man. Charles Township High School. She is employed as a dent, will introduce a musical University Women and their Cowers and Joaeph Anthony were ushers. secretary with Conrall in New York. program, and there will be a guests will have an autumn Mr. Sutter attended Bronx Community Col- Mr*. BaUey Is a graduate of Mlddletown business session. Mrs. soiree at Monmouth College lege. He is employed as a supervisor of budgets MR. AND MRS. JOHN SUTTER Township High School, and Is employed by Clarence Planti, chairman of here, Saturday. Proceeds from Mainstay Federal Savings and Loan Associa- the Ways and Means Commit- the party will go toward the tion, Red Bank. tee will report on the luncheon scholarship and fellowship Mr Bailey, a graduate of Henry Hudson Hackmann-Minton to be given Tuesday, Oct. 31 funds. Regional School, Is a self-employed carpenter. MR. AND MRS. JAMES BAILEY Other officers are Mrs. Joseph A. Driscoll, second vice presi- EAST KEANSBURG - In St. Catherines Hackmann. The Rev Vincent Lloyd of St. BEAUTY CLINIC Roman Catholic Church here Sept II, Miss Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Keyport, dent; Mrs. John W. Mount, re- EATONTON - A beauty Jan L. was married to ~Thomas officiated at the ceremony. There was a recep- cording secretary; Mrs. Ken- Davidson-Hembling neth B. Orendorff. correspond- clinic for Mack women will be tion In the Morganville Fire House. TINTON FALLS - In the Reformed Frederick Davidson. The Rev. Arthur Landon ing secretary. Miss Geneva D. given at Bamberger's, Mon- Church of Ttoton Falls Sept.l, Miss Suzanne officiated at the ceremony, which was followed Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Layer, financial secretary; mouth Mall, in the Captain's KM Hjnbltag was married to Thomas by a reception in the Rum Runner restaurant Donald Minton, 58 Johnson Ave , Matawan. and and Mrs. Bernard L. Parker Galley Restaurant, Saturday, In Sea Bright. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hackmann. 41 Atlantic Jr., treasurer. from I a.m. to noon. AU Ave., Matawan. aspects of black skin care will Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. The bride was attended by Judl Cowles, TRINITY GUILD be discussed, and Flori Rob- Raymond Hembllng, 8 James St., Lincroft, and RED BANK - The annual erts cosmetics will be demon- Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Davidson of Lynchburg, maid of honor, and Diane Borowski, Laurie Miller, Ton! Vlclno and Jill Minton. rummage sale of the Woman's strated by an make-up consul- Vs. Guild of Trinity Episcopal tant. There will te sample Mrs. Davidson was attended by Joan Ronald Hackmann was best man Bobby Church will begin at 10 a.m. gifts and continental break- Yukas, maid of honor. The bridegroom's father Gray, Tommy Vena, John Vena, Brian Thursday. Contributions can- fast. was best man. Mark and Chris Hembllng were Hackmann, Rob Minton, Wally Sebar and Dougy Sturt were ushers. ENJOY; Mrs. Davidson was graduated from Mr. and Mrs. Hackmann are graduates of Douglass College, New Brunswick. She Is stu- Matawan Regional High School. He Is a dying towards an MS degree In public health LOSING WEIGHT carpenter employed by John Vena In Cllf- WITH MVOLUnONAtY NEW TECHNMUi CAllED nutrition at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and (wood. State University In Blacksburg, Va: After a wedding trip to Canada, the couple Mr. Davidson, a graduate of Virginia Trch, reside In Cliffwood. la working toward an MS degree In chei try Mft. AND MRS. THOMAS HACKMANN (MjivUOriM there. After a wedding trip to Luray, Va., Mr. and •FREELECTURES{ KB. AND MBS. TIOMAS DAVIDSON Mrs. Davidson are residing in Blacksburg. Keyport club's benefit PB00RASTUDENMT KEYPORT - The Worn projects, Including Bayshore dren's room at the Keyport 842-3443 in's Club of Keyport will have Terrace Park and the chil- Library Zingler-Harding a fund-raising dinner and fash- CD BANK HOLMDEL - In St. Benedict's Roman Ion show Oct. 12 at 1:10 p.m. in Catholic Church here Sept. 1(, Miss Diana Don Quixote Inn, Route 34, Carol Harding was married to Glenn John Matawan. Zlngler. The Rev. Anthony Carotenuto of- Women's fashions from ficiated at the ceremony, which was followed Wallace's Country Clothes, Keyport, will be modeled. Make a Date by a reception at the Knights of Columbus, Keyport. Models' coiffures will be by Halrquarters, also of Keyport Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. A paid directory of coming events for non-profit organiza- OCTOBER I Tickets are available from Robert F Harding, 8 Lake Ave., Haxlet, and tions Rates: $100 for 3 lines for one day, 11.00 each MTH ANNIVERSARY of the Calvary Gospel Chorus, Sun., Mrs. Thomas Fallon or other Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zlngler, II Fir Place, additional line; MOO for two days, $1 25 each additional line. Oct. 8, at 3:10 P.M. Calvary Baptist church, Red Bank. club members. Proceeds of the Haslet. $5 for three to five days, $150 each additional line; $8 00 for Guest speaker * choirs will be Rev. Tarvor from Communi- event will be used for club The bride was attended by Debra Harding, 10 days; (2 00 each additional line. Deadline noon 2 days ty Baptist Church, Lakehurst. N.J. In the evening at 7 P.M. her maid of honor, and Susan Zlngler and Lynn PRESERVING FLOWERS before publication Call The Dally Register, 542-4000. ask lor there will be a choir festival Waszfctewicz, bridesmaids. the Date Secretary. Richard Wasxktewici was best man. Kirk LINCROFT - Flowers can be enjoyed all winter If they OCTOBER 9 Zlngler and Thomas Harmer were ushers, and OCTOBER J are properly preserved. A two First night of MAECOM classes, register now, by mall Richard WaatUewki Jr. was ring bearer. Parents Without Partners Chapter 044 Cocktail Party * session, non-credit workshop or in person, at 1 Main St., Eatontown or at Monmouth Mr. and Mrs. Zlngler are graduates of Dance, held at the Hideaway. 2 Fearey PI., Morgan, N.J. on "Flowar Drying and Ar- MaU, Sept. 25 to 30th Information call. 542-3439 Raritan High School, Hazlel She Is employed Cash Bar. Free buffet. Featuring the Carey Rowe Show. rangement" has been planned by Prudential Insurance Co. of America, lselln. 8:30 P.M. Members 12.00. Guests (400. Information: MR. AND MRS. GLENN IINGLER by Brookdale Community Col- "Jack it the Beanstalk", live theatre for children, slated Mr. Zlngler, who attended Glasaboro State 501-0170 After a wedding trip to Florida, the couple lege. It will be held from I: M for Mon. (Columbus Day), Oct. 9,11 P.M. at 1st United College, Is employed by Ford Motor Co., to 11:30am, Fridays, Oct. 1) Rummage Sale, Rumson Presbyterian Church. River Methodist Church. 1st 4 Grand Aves, Asbury Park. reside In Lakewood and 20. Rd., Rumson, Tues., Oct. 3, 5:30 to i P.M. Wed , Oct. 4. 9:10 Tickets (1.00 available at door or by calling Monmouth A.M. lo 12:30 PM County Park System (71-0283 Mon Fri., 8 A.M.-4:30 P.M. Twin Mothers Club meets The Italian American Aux. of Hazlet is having a Chinese HAZLET — The Bayshore (Mrs. E. Gary) Stover, S. DANCE CLASSES Auction October 3rd at Buck Smith's. Tickets 12.00. Call St. Rose, of Lima School PTA Flea Market, South St., Mothers of Twins Club meets Woodland Drive, Fair Haven, Knroll Mow! 739-1977 for information. Freehold, (-4. Rain date, Oct. 14. Space: (5.00, tables, (3.00 the first Tuesday of every for additional Information. additional. Food available. 780-0142 or 431 1527 month at I p.m. ID the Haxlet Serving with Mrs. Elser are Ballet, Tap, Toe, Jazz, Gymnastics, OCTOBER 4 Recreation Center. Mothers of Dorothy Kelly, Mlddletown, Disco, Twirling Old First United Methodist Church. Locust Ave., West First night of MAECOM classes at Red Bank (Mon twins In the area are Invited to vice president; Feme Long Branch, "This* That Sale". Wed., Oct. 4,9:30 A.M. to Tots from 2Va — Tarns — Adults night Classes at Long Branch begin Oct. It) register now, attend and may contact McClain, Cliffwood Beach, and 3:30 P M. Luncheon served 11:30 AM to 1 P.M. by mall or In person, at 1 Main St, Ealontown or at Valerie (Mrs. Charles) Elser, Kathy Kousouris, Keansburg, OCTOBER 5 Monmouth Mall. Sept. 25 to 30th. Information caU. 542-3439 president, Snug Harbor Street, secretaries, and Emily LEAH MAUER SCHOOL OF DANCE Monmouth County GASP (Group Against Smoking Pol- Highlands, or Rosemarle Leonard, Keyport, treasurer. lution), 8 P.M. Second Floor, Red Bank Police Station, 51 37 E. Front St. 34, Matawan. Cash bar. Dancing and Annual Rummage sponsored by the Womens Guild of featuring Carey Rose Shoe, 8:30 P.M. Members (3.00. NEW ART CUSSES vsar Trinity Episcopal Church, White Street, Red Bank begin- Guests (4.00. Information: Mt-0170. ning at 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. -mmSMNU HBTWKTWM M- OCTOBER 11 ItriMtnitOfnri Mlddletown CHINESE AUCTION, for benefit of Monmouth Day QUEST, weekly forum for single adults, Unitarian Care Center, Buck Smith's Restaurant, East Keansburg, 8 KttaOMhMIng Church. 1475 W. Front St., Lincroft, 8 P.M. No sermons but -UNTO •MBnUTNW NOW MM* KOn»- P.M. Tickets (1.50, available at MDCC, 0 W. Bergen PI.. lots of no-holds-barred discussion of subjects of Interest to ffsrMt*iC«S:*«f-raM is in for a loss. Red Bank. 741-4213 ft Hat*** May M T»e O*Mr single, separated, divorced persons. Nominal donation of .CometoaFiTfandi IS, Includes convivial glass of wine and simple eats. You I Registration and regular meeting folio* may even get a chance to dance. For sure, yci'll get out of OCTOBER 11 CUSTOM FRAMING SALE your shell. Charity Court No. 38 Order of the Amaranth, Annual •17:1 Card Party, held at Masonic Temple, 780 River Rd., Fair WE REGULAR OCTOBER Slit Haven Donation: (1 50 Prizes, refreshments. 8P.M 20% OFF PRICE OF ANY Rummage Sale, St. Johns Church, Points Rd., Little wmms COUPON Silver, Thursday evening, October 5, £8:30 p.m., Friday, OCTOBER 20 October 0,10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wayside United Methodist Church. 1223 W. Park Ave., CUSTOM FRAME ORDER Ocean. Bataar, Fri., 5-0; Sat. 11-0. Unusual items, (lea OCTOBER I market, Tupperware, plants, baked goods (Sat. only) New York Dinner-Theatre Bus Trip, to "Tribute" star- Snack bar, Fri Ham supper, Sat., 3-0. Adults, (4 25 Chil- ring Jack Lemon, 129.00 total package price. Leave Lin- dren under 12. (2.25 croft 4 P.M. - return 11:30 P.M. Call (71-9283 for tickets, Hon. through Fri., 8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. The Long Branch Police Wives Association Harvest Ball, at Squire's Pub. West Long Branch. 7 to 8 P.M. S Rummage sale 4 Homemade Food Sale, Fri, Oct. (, 10 Cocktails. Prime Rib dinner. Music: FDR. Drive. Backed up by an eesy-to-lr»e-wilh diettrSTeveeven llete s you and buUv A.M. to 3 P.M., Middletown Reformed Church". Kings Tickets: (2000 per person. I29-04M or 222-2S41 evenings (or eat spaghetti, bagel*,'°« <"*"" Highway, Mlddletown tickets

G3 OCTOBER (, 7 OCTOBER 21 Bring intt^andMyonry S&00 Rummage Sale, Sharp Circle, St. Luke's Methodist1 Hailel Fire Company Number 1 flea market and craft Church Broadway it Washington St., Long Branch. Fri., 5-8 show. Sat, Oct. 21, M Haslet Fire House, Holmdel Rd , P.M Sat. 10-12AM Hazlet. M for space. Call 2*4-0487 »»r«i«inw i*un* «it» In IM« UM'I i*n»wa iw 20 Monmouth St. OCTOBER 7 NeSJsmytOl-757-7677 Flea Market, benefit SPCA Spaying Fund, held Ely Fantastic Jazz Concert, Sat.. Oct. 21. Warren Vache & Red Bank II00 WO w—t m4 1100 »ti >Hl mti. Mill, Pleasant Valley Rd., Holmdel, (-1 p.m. Syncopatin' Six. proceeds for scholarships Brookdale Com- munity College. 8 P.M. General admission. ($.00, Students, 747-4849 OCTOBER 7*14 seniors and kids. (3 00 CaU 842-3335 for tickets or at door CAR WASH-Sponsored by the Senior Class at Mon- mouth Regional. Oct. 7th and 14th. Form 0-12. at the school. Monmouth County Hiint Race Meet oa former Haskell Tickets, II. estate, Cooper Rd., or Chapel Hill Rd.. MkMJelowlr. (500 per person. Children under 12, free. 11 A.M. on. Five bpmHoi 30, W» steeplechase races, pony rides, refreshments. Information: Mlddletown Senior CHUens Club wiU hold a flea market. CaU 741.7041 Leaving Busine^i Sat. Oct. 7 at Croydon Hall, Leonardvllle Road, Leonardo, It lo I, rain or shine. Spaces indoor/outdoors, 13 For M. nm. m fell *m. t reservations call (711134 or 171-3100. Ext. 214 or 495-9205 NOVEMBER I Save on.... Bayshore Recreational Center Is sponsoring an adult Pancake Breakfast, Sun, October 8, 7:30 A.M. to 11 bus trip to the Meadowlands, U 00 per ticket. Bus leaves all foundations A.M., River Plaza Hose Co. No. 1. 70 Foster St., River Bayshore Recreational Center, I P.M. For Information call 7*7-1880. girdles Plan, Mlddletown, Tickets at door only.« OCTOBER I NOVEMBER I bras 1171NORWEIGIAN CULTUHAL FESTIVAL 12 noon to Flea Market. Nov. 4, rain date, Nov. II, 9-4 p.m. Church I P.M. at Knights of Columbus Hall, Rt. 3*. Keansburg of Nativity, Hance k Ridge Rd., Fair Haven. IS outside Free admission Demonstrations In arts and crafts, folk space S) Indoor table. Reservations: 741-4543, 741-8084, sleepwear daacera to perform, meat baU dinner 13 50,1 P.M. to 4 P.M. 741-O17. v it prosthesis I ii- i - - 11 — 11 - i - r r Business Using an employment agency •y SYLVIA FORTH If an agency knows, say, that It's competing 14 SHREWSBURY. N J TUESOAY. OCTOBER 3. 1978 (Fknt *i lw» num) wth a hsWdosen to a doienothers.lt might send in If you're u employer ptataiiig to we u Krone Just to keep IU hand m - a watte of time tnfkqmtat igeacy to find the beat men or wom- for you and (or the agency Certainly do not we an en available lor Jobs you have open, bow do you go YOUR MONEY'S agency to check the market U you have no hiring about It ao you get t*p retntti? Or If you're an •Uns your company may as a conaequeace dad it N.Y. stock quotations hard to get cooperation when you really need it. •VMBflovad worker aeeklag to Had the Job you (S) For speclaliied technical podtloni, give the Ottmt id i a w> m BH. % IM I SI M4 4JH 434- It want through an employment agency, what art DWM| U 7TS « MM MH- % i TI i at MH Ml MH the role, (or you? There are guideline!, ways to WORTH agency suggestions of companies who may be AEadMMlWMi DIII4X I at" II BH IIH B PMH. 1 tl 1 II 114 IH IIH employing the kinds ol workers you need. Also, DMr Utll III M* Tn dm* % IMM IM at lltk IIHM44 H avoid past erron and get what you need In the Pi Ml Hit* Ldw • MII 4a a* it* ItM- * pmdaiCd in na ItH » ltH.IH cautions Dale of United Artists, "tell the agency MII MI itM a* an* * PirtME 4)IS atMH 84 MH« H ahortest possible time, but where do you find those • !»! 71 tmTli I I 7M 41* 41* 41*- % pnur i an tsMH a MH- 4 the type of personality you are looking for, not AMF MH* H rule* and guidelines? 4» am at% son ai U*H ia iaM«i* M4 MH PhHdCIIMM ai ITH ITH 17*. only the skills and work experience If maturity or AlA I HI 71 H Dutd* ID 11171 a rP* It* Today'j column It directed to you, the em- AM4U> J41S 411 14 I4H PMIMr Mill IU m nt n i « pie not actively looking who might be perfect (or artlculateness an required, tM> •booM •* ex- AOdrig Mil 41 17V, 17 OwljLI I.Till HI 17* I7M I7M PMtPMiat as 14V. MH MH- H ployer; tomorrow's will be (or the guidance ot the job, but who are reluctant to answer a blind dim JltM I Bl 41V, 414IU.+ EdUAIr SI4W II II* IIH« M ntanra 11 nUH MH MH. H you, the employee. plained to the agency." What this point really Is AlrPrd Mil Oil MM MM*'« eotfCF MII no is* ISH im— •- Pim» IMM Ml» g BH- H ad. warning you Is, be honest. Don't let a prospective AkMM Mil M 14% 14%14'*- ElKdd 111 IIM 4IM 40H IIVi.lM PWdfcill 111 II 8H MH BH. H (1) Before you even call an agency, agree with AICMA IM s nt am at* ElMn ITS 4 41 MM It* MM* M Polaroid lid 751414 474 MO. H Any recruiting effort that doesn't Up into this employee assume that the atmosphere in your Alkjld I a I II II* MM EcMU, 7114 71 14% IM 14 • M PortGEITtll M IIH 114 MH all who are Involved in the hiring on precisely AitflTp 1.71 I IT! II* ITH EIPM. I.II f Ml ITM ITH ITH ProctG IM MM 17 M% what skills and personality are needed (or the pool of prospective employees eliminates some of company U different from what It actually is, Emn£ll.ai7 114 14* 14% IIM PS.COI IMII Tt IIH ItH the employer's brightest prospects (National Per- based on your company's past reputation. AlkMtr IM I 17 ld% 7d* MM, EndMC l.H 7 4M ISM UH IS * % PSvEG Ml t IMa* 8H position that's open. Be specific to the agency. In AIIHO, ini m am a fMra 114 7 is a% a a % PfWt IM I B 114 ITH sonnel Associates discloses that four out of five («) It could be, If yours Is a hard-to-dD position, Umn 1*4 7 4T WH MH 74*. MPullmn I Mil 14 4SVW 444 the words of Eugene Taylor, president of National AlCdd I 7 IM M% 4SH Eimi IMi aiuDv, n HM. M Pw,4» I.M t I 17* 17V, employees placed by Its network of agencies last AMI Lisa Mt M MM Personnel Associates, a network of Independent thai you should make special arrangements with 1,11PM. 7 III 71* HH IIH- * SUMO I.M • 41 M ISV, year were already employed - in short, part of turn ibM in IM li* EiCMOlM t IH 14% IM 14 OuXSIOMIt 41 the agencies you have chosen. At least explore the AmAIr Ml HI 14* 14* 17 UH management-level employment agencies with MO AXMUMI M MH M a EHMA IM I INS SIM SIM SIM. % offices In IM cities: tbls pool.) advantages of making such an arrangement. The Atdtu I 411 Mt Sf* UH - P-# - *CA IM t IB MM ItH MM. H Me* t.ri 7 a » a* M FMC ia 7 pa HH a * M «LC Ml IS 11% 17* IIM "Never say 'management engineer,' (or In one Taml Scribner, vice president-human re- agency, (or Instance, might use search techni ACydP. I.MK « M 7M a«- Mi " MM 114 14* IS* IM* * IllillPur StM Ml UM M 14 - M ques but work primarily on a contingency basis AEICW ia i« g> s » Mt Ml M* It* a*«l Hamad 13445 4514 IS M Id** J* company that might mean a project engineer, in sources. Campaign Communications Institute of AFdmllMtl II IM II1*n - w 774 7V» 4* 4*-- % •d*Cd I*IM 41 14% 34 II - M America, puts it clearly: You, the employer, might agree to pay the cost of AWMi.au m M m 1114 II 14 1 471 17* ITM II* •drMiiail US M* IT* 47*. H another someone In charge o( processes." Adds AWHIM Mil II IM UtM FtdDSHMI K7S 14M 14% 14% mutadi 11 si it MM atH- M OrviBe W. Dale, personnel administrator of Unit- advertising or provide an incentive to be applied MMdn u III Ui It MrdMIIIIIO 711 IM IM II* *9*chCh .71 I II 14* MM 14* "The key objective (or the employer is to get to MM It M M MH FtChrl MS IS IIM IIM MM • •fill III I 41 14V, a* MM ed Artists, "always be sure the agency under- know the agency very well. Treat It as a consul- toward the agency fee If the agency fills the job FUCMcllll MM n* 14 • M HMVOII .141] U 14% 14 14 A1MMI 141 7 ia 44V, 40* 1 You, the employer, and the agency might work ATT uiiuam a« fur*, inn • a% a* a%• % fttvMff I MIS 174 54 SI * S3** IV, stands what you are looking (or. People who left tant even though you're working on a contingency AMTMC MH n mat Fl44IEnl 17 talM ISH ISM IM* H••ynln I.M I IU dl* II* UM- % their last Job because they were working (or three cooperatively with a search (Inn. Anw.1 II in 17 U« FHPL MI )4i w, an »*- % P.4yMlt IM t Ut MM 35'* Id * * basis. Make it part of your personnel department, AIKMHIM I M >l MM rwPdwlM 7 17 II* IIM II*. * •IMAM 4jit t a n* n - M people apply to me (or Jobs where they'll be get the agency people into your office, so they can And let the agency help sell the candidate you A>cwo.a> t ss 17 14* Fluor l.a t 41 It* H ItM* M H4o*nt .IM IM IIM II II * M want on taking the position. With the Job market Artm IM i 17 a* it* FordM IM 1 M MM IS MM- % RKkwl 1.M 7 47 14'* MM MM . working (or lour." understand what the work is like, the positives and, Armed 4 Mil IIH MM ForMKI.14 4 171 7JH 77 77*. * DMirlnd 4 SI 14* U Id - M (I) Ask the agency If the salary you have in getting tighter, this help can be of enormous value ArnMCk III M If* It FronfcM .all MM I* f* •ttfdr Mil TM II HH lt*-l* negatives." AMKd M IN II* IIMIS'*- M FrtMMIMlT M I7M UM UM P.C Col I.04M III II ITH IT*. M mind is realistic. Too often it Is not - and this (4) Use only one or a very few agencies to (IU — and the agency probably will offer to help AWOII 1 I 111 M 45% M FnaM IM I It II* IIH IIH- * RoylO44Sdl IStuM* 14 d4*.1% slows down the search.' persuade the applicant's spouse to relocate, if this AMOS I III Ml MM Ita* -t-a - «yd.fS Ml III 74 »'* 25*. M the position, so the agency will work harder for AIIP.kM.Mt « UK IM OAF M tt UVt IM UM- M -%-* - (S) Learn bow toe agencies work, especially you. If you have tentatively chosen an applicant ia needed' ATlMCd M 11'* U 11 — M OdMKrttlMM 17 IIH 4SH M KM I.MI IM BM IIH OM* * AntCf M 4 IM IIH 3t*11 . H GllCdMdl.M1l 74 17* I7M 17% S«4|«l »• H 41 41* d)«4 % their relationship between their counselors and but want to see a (ew more, be frank with the Tomorrow: How an employee can best use an Awry im III IK 17*II*- % G4*Oyn UI n It n * * UdMfl l.»ll II 17* ITM 77*, H Av»tl Til M HM a*II . '* OtMSI 7.MII1S17 SM O S> * M MLSdFMII 11 Mai M* M*. % Job candidates. TJie counsellors know many peo- agency and it usually will cooperate. agency. Aval IMII 774 MW u*SIM. M OHM 1.44 t 441 U* U% IM* M UlltFUll 111 II* 11% IIH* % -a-*-' OMM MM W MM »% MM- M IdrrdJdl MM at 17* 14* 17*. M aMMkW.NM MT II U* 14 . * OAMIIIII.1411 M a% it* M%* * SF.Ind 1 a 7 IM 34* 14 MM- H wMiji m M» a 14'* . GMdt 41M liaiMM 41%. M SF4lnl MIS 111 17'* M% 17 * M •MUMINt ITt 77% W17%*t % GPU 1.74 1 in II* ItH II*. It SchrPl4l UM 441 n 17V, 17*- H •udildl I MM OH41%. * GTE id i a n MM a%- M KMirdllMlT 4M tl tt* t*H< % SdafTrvMII S74 41% 4MDM* Vi OTin i.» i ill an a* a*— M VcoltP 14 t 145 It* II UM . «4«lfd IMM 441 14* >l* GdflMCd 14 S7 dM I I — M iMtCL 1M 5 M »* 3M DM- M Mar U M 5* GoPoc III US ItM MM ItH- % I4WMS SI Mi II* IM UH* M • tut n am an G4fly l.ail M 4IM 41 4IM- M S«on I.lie 11171 a* 17* OH . i ii 7 11 m M GltrFn M 4 a IIV, 11% IIH— M SMIIOIIIM 7 151 14* 34% MM- M Conrail, Amtrak service rapped IM 7 17$ 15* 7SM OHkMMIMII n IIH IIM IIH Snrwln 73 15 M* 75 * % II IM d* 4% Goodrh 1.17 I III tl av, BH_ % Slonol I.M I n SIM SO* SIM* H _ .mi TSS ir* am Goody, 1 » 7 m ITH 11% ITH SlmpPoUdll IS II* IIM IIM- M »MIM I M m IM OtuU I.MI 41 IIH IIM IIH* M SMMT M 4 IM It'* II* It • H NEWARK (AP) - De- the conflict between the state- private, forprofit corporation, railroad management." and the congressional man- aMcMV Mil IB It* ItH Oroco IM 7 M4 a* ItH MM* '* Skylln* MID Itl M 11* IJ* teriorating commuter rail ser- assisted commuter train oper- was set up by Congress In 1(76 Gambacclni noted the prob- date Itself does not support, MI.MM w g m OtAlPclldST 71 7V, 7% 7* SCrEG 141 7 St IM IM in I IJMt Mt MM 41V, OIWFIr, I I m a% ItH MM« M IdCdia 1.14 I ai BM MM BH. M vice in New Jersey and similar ations and the federally-as- to combine six bankrupt rail- lem is particularly acute In making more pressing com- C l.a I IM IIM MH OOlont IMII K B 14* II VwMCll S4111071 1IU ISM IJ* • M sisted Amtrak and Conrail. roads. New Jersey because the state muter transportation needs - » 1.71 M»M M Griyll 1.04 I IS] IM IIM IM IdNCdtlB 7 415 14 34* 14 .IV. states "can be linked directly aw(» 14 a n* »* OrvmnlJI I II N ItM It* SdwPoc IM • ao IIH a* an 4 to the establishment by the State Transportation Com- Although Conrail operates must try to overcome the subservient to the ambitious •dsid 1.4)11 17 IS* ISM» OHWltn .711 at IS MH IS 4 M tdvUV 7M 7 114 14 I] M .IM •vain mm ii IIH U4. I* GirffOII I.M I Ml IS* SH BH- M SprryP. IH I >ai 44% 41* 44 -* federal government of the Am- missioner Louis J. Gambacclnl New Jersey's commuter lines, years of neglect to railroads by plans ol Amtrak (or high In •rMM IJtllaJM W* IM M • » OWMU) I.M I 117 II It* I] MTMrO IM t 473 14% OH MM- % trastate trains," he said. nimtJtti w i7v, i7*I7H OMTUM M I M II UM I4H- M SouH* 1.1711 134 a* 37% HH- M trak and Conrail corporation," testified about Amtrak's "ex- Gambaccinl noted, "Conrall's private operators. "We find bnM Til in 14* 11%lilt- It - M-H - Stlrnd I MM 105 77% 14* MH- M treme Insensltivlty" to com-original mission and primary that the allocation of resources Commuter Wives Aisocla •ocrCr M 7 Ml It 17* II • It HdiiiM i.M|i or n* IIM TI** * SKJIICI 7 M I HI 47% 44* 47 . M Rep. Andrew liaguire, D-N.J., •will Hit 71 alt* It If - * HdrttHiMIS I W» » UOInd IM I ITS SIH SIM SlVi. H has told a federal hearing muter needs, citing the side- concern Is to make a profit to these lines must and does tlon of Monmouth County awllMIM I 111 ItH lie.ItH* It rurcuta III 411 II* 14* 14* sionc* MII ai av, IIM IT*- * from its freight operations. avrino IM 7 u 0* 4i% 414* H HMHInlMIO 111 17* 17* 17* ItauKI, II 15 43V, 4] 43% . here. tracking local traffic In favor compete, often unsuccessfully, chairwoman Joy Ferguson awTot) IMM M4 71 T7774* — It HMIPkMIt t7 M% 17 UM- H SMrlDo 7711114] IIM II* II • % liaguire and Rep. John of its Intercity runs. Conrail has tended to view rail with Cornell's regional and complained o( the times al- -e-c - Molldoy Mil OU a% ITH IT*- M SltvorUl.a I an II* 11% ll%- % passenger service as an un- CM Ml 111 II* It* B4— 4 Mollyl t IIM. n* M IhWdr II 44 41* MM 40*- M Burton, D-Calif., chairman of Gambacclnl also serves as system freight Interests," he lotted to commuter trains and CIT Ml 111 HH OH1414 » It HOTdMsldlt 114 Id* 17M a*.I SunCd I.MI IB 4* 41 44%. M wanted child; one which did CPC 1.711 II 4t% M*If - It Hoowll l.a t 414 IS MH M « H - T—T — the House Subcommittee on chairman ol the Northeastern said. delays caused on the line by Camtd IMII 111 II MVmi t . -145 i m a* a* a*. % n« IM • is a* M MH* M Commuter Rail Authorities not have the attention of top New Jersey la considering late Amtrak runs from Flori- Corpw i.ti i «m HM n*nit- w >M in m n a* n*- & TWkry II n 14M II* Id . Government Activltes and CdrrCd Ml 1141 17* 14*J7 - H limn SH UH- % TtrnvC I.B I II 11% II 11%* M Transportation, conducted the Committee which represents using an operator other than da. CddflClcMtt Ml 11 IM ait- it -. .MM Ml UM II* 13*— M Tandy II SI] It* »* 71 - M CMrfT IMII m M* 17*M'A- H HufMTI till 144 41M 41* 41*- M Tondyttt II II H« 77 17M. % hearing yesterday to discuss the commuter agencies of New Conrail for commuter opera- CttadMM 71 W W 4ilt • 4 T4dwwr .4011 141 IIM 10* 11 * M Jersey, New York, Connecti- Food Fair tions, Gambacclni has said. C«ildWI.I4 I IMt Id* U'41414— It ic IM IM i a »M a* it * % Tittma 4414 alSI 47ft 41* 47MI M CdMrOM 111 IM »* 11% 1114* It IHACp IM 4 IM 44M 41 MM— % Tatoa II Ml 7* 7* 7*4 M cut and Pennslyvanta. Gambacclnl complained cniMd M i ii 11* IIHnit* w lUlnl IS 7 » ItM II ItM* M Tmnco t 7 #1 IIH 30* IIH* * Amtrak was established by the coat of electrical mod- 4)W. It MdJwP t.a t 14 II IS* IS*— M T4MT0 154 10* lOVi ItH- % Dow edges files for Ckmpllil.M I - - a • 4 UMa Id) 7 44 71V, B UM* H TudCd 1 I HIS 14* 14V, 14M- 14 Congress in 1(70 to take over ifications required by the Fed- CMjmiti.ni an n* MM114 . liWKp MS H IIH 71* IIH* M Tnltt UO 1 114 a* M MM- M OMM MI n wt m144 INCO tlltlJM 11% 14* 17%. '.'. Tlalmtl.MI! IH « M% It .1 passenger operations from eral Railroad Administration's auMto urn i4» » it* IMICd .1117 M II* It* II** M Ttalnt 14 m I* M •*« M protection Indtr* 1 I ia M ItM ItH* % TaaOOf .a I 115 n IIM IIM- H up 5.54 railroads that wanted to drop Northeast Corridor Improve- Chriicn n 44 II M InMSIIlM I Itl H* 17* «%. * TapcLd.40.ll 3 44* 44* 41* passenger service. Conrail, a ment Project to make all sys- Chryitor I 14] II IIM Inklk l.ail 17 ItH a% IM* M T.aUIII I.S7 I 351 »% 20M »% CHIcr. 1.14 I Ut MM MM IIM II.SIM TITMtM IMHMIM*IM TnitH i.aii st it* TI an. * NEW YORK (AP) - Blua- PHILADELPHIA (AP) tems compatible Is borne by CltktSvl.n I Ml u5S% 14* InlFkrv Mil 414 14 14* UM* M TtalronIM 7 Ti MH 30V, 30*. M — Food Fair Inc., the na- Cllylny I 4 iJM IIH Id* IrrtMorvl.ll 4 III MM M 40%. * Thtokdl l.a t Ml a* ISH ISH- % chip and glamor Issues led the fc'asf Keansburg man commuter agencies, at a cost CMTte 7 7 117 M ITH miMIn IM 4 S3 MM ItH It** % Thrifty 511 II 14* 14* MM- % stock market to a moderate tion's 16th largest retailer he estimated at f UO million. CI«VEI i.i41 in a% it* »'*» Vt lnlPop.r I I 4» 4S% 44M IS « M Tlotrln! 4010 07 It* ItM Itti CMro> Ml IM II* IIH 114- It InlTT I I 414 II* 11* 11* • % TlnwtM lit IS7 B* 33% 32M- * gain yesterday In the quietest lo make restitutitm with a chain of East Coast The Improvement project CMWC4 Ml n It'* ItM Iflt— 14 Inlrwoy M 4 It 11% a* a*— M Tlmkn IM T II M M M * H supermarkets and discount Cdcaaii MII in IM i I • 14 lowoBI SI S >» 40M ItH »*- «, TWA S til 14* 4* 74*. M session in nearly three months. FREEHOLD - A tt-year- wool help commuters, Gam- CocoCI Illll 117 44H 44 4(4* 4 inrdpii.ti 7 in* n* a** M Tranm l 7 IM II* UM 1IM Analysts said activity was stores, (lied yesterday (or bacclni contended, because Okjp.1 III m a* a% - J-J - Tronicol.10 7 la II* IIM IIM- H old East Keansburg man, who CdrNn l.M I • IIH IIHa« JlMMdnlMI 311 UM II* MM* * TrovlrilMS US 17* 17* 37*. M limited partly by the ob-admitted defrauding an East protection under Chapter 11 work wlD further tie up com- CdtOM 1.14 7 lit 17* 17M JohUn I.T0II Itl H% IM UU* M TrlCMilttt 71 It* ItM I*** M CanbCn M14 a H* HH JonLgr, M I 45 I4M UM UM TCFoal Too 4 SS 34 UM 13*. H servance of the Jewish holiday Keansburg man of $6,000 by of the Federal Bankruptcy muter Urns via increased fre- CMXnlMt IM » a* Joittnl .1410 II aV, »M »% . Act. OmrE 141 I 15] II* IIM a . JoyMtg 1.441] It IS* 34* 14*— % UAL •> 5 411 IfH MH att. % Rosh Hashana. representing that be would quency and priority status of Cornier! Ill M 41* 41* MH - It—K - UMC ia• u a m m The Dow Jones average of build an addition to the man's Food Fair President Jack the Amtrak trains. Contd l.a 4 ID 14* 14%414 • K morl .7111 lia 77* 17% 77V,- * UNCR41 4) I 1} HIV 74 |4H 144 M Industrials climbed 5 54 to house and not doing the work, Friedland said the filing, in Patrick J. Callanan, Ridge- CdoFdt I.M 7 141 14 71m*t KolKAII 40 4 111 37 UH 14** % UVIntf I 5 Jl avt 204 20H . CntNG 1.74 7 In at M* KaM>e 1.M I 11 ItM It ItM • M UnCnrblM f W 77ft Jtv. »'*• 'A I71.N. has been directed to make U.S. District Court - south- wood Transportation Commit- CdnaPtrlUI IM 141* a4 KonPl.tl.14 7 W IIM 71% IIM* * UnEl4cl.nl US IS MH 14H. Vt 114* Vt Kdtylftd 4 37 t* tH M . UnOColl.40 7 ]*uS4H SIH MH. H The daily tally on the New restitution. em district ot New York, tee chairman also attacked the CdntlCdl.TII ..IU. M% K14H* . I* Koufir X I 103 IH IM IM- "> UPflcC III IH 54% SJ4 I4H. 4 will allow the company to CnttOrpl.M 7 til M* aH a4- it «4ll«Ogl.lOI7 as 77 tl* IIM- * Unlroval.Sni 174 If, 74 74- H York Stock Exchange showed Robert O'Nell of Port Uon- treatment given to com- CentOlllMt Ml MM ItMmt* it K«wcT.Mt Ml 17* 17% 17*- % UnBrnd.lStll 71 IIH I1U lltt about five Issues gaining for mouth Road, East Keansburg, operate under the protection muters. "We do not believe, ConlToll.H I IM M liH u • it KirrM I.UII 110 44* 45* 4I*-I USGyptlM 4 117 aH M MH . CIIDato .111 Itl M 17', a * » KlmtClIM I IM 4SM 41* 4IM- M Utlnd HIM IU IH 14. Vt every four that lost ground. had pleaded guilty to a charge of the court while the firm Coooln 1.441 M 4t% M*4f - '4 KnI.ISa 401] 70 IT* 17% 17% . USSMollMIS 7*1 17 M% IdH. H works out arrangements to Plan bank merger CdmC IMII II MM »Mavt* it Koppri I.II I M IIM IIM tIM . UnTttfi I I 517 430 414 494. Vt Du Pont, up 2* at 1MH, of obtaining the money under CrwnCfc I M Uvt 37V. Krdfl I.M I M MM 47H 47* . UMTtl I.M I lit IfH ItH ItH . pay Its creditors. Crwldl l.M I 171 14'/, 34 mt* vt and Eastman Kodak, ahead false pretenses from William 14W* '4 Kritxr 1.71 7 SO I4M MM 34M* * Uploftfl 1.111] ISM 41 MH M . Vt JERSEY CITY - The CurlW Mil J4 in IIM - i—I — r- utllFC .44 7 14 HH BH SH- % IM at »1(4, accounted for a IIylea, Shoreland Terrace, The announcement was lilt- It LTV IM 10% t* 10M* M Commercial Trust Company, — D—D- - v-v- sizable chunk of the Dow's East Keansburg, June 16,1(77. made at Food Fair's Phila- Oorilndl.Mt IM 4M 41*IMt- vt LnrSg Ml 44 IIH 11% IIM* * Vorlon Mil M IfH It It4. Vt here, and the Community D0MO4A 17 II IIM MM•i - n L44EM Kll I 14* M* M** M VoEPwl.lt 7 MS 14H MH 14H. H gain. None of the average's 28 O'Nell was charged with rep- delphia headquarters follow- Oovco .Mb I II IIM MHU'.n Vt L4hmr> 704 III II MH It* - W—W — State Bank, Linden, have Joint- OdytPLI.Mll M IIH II*lilt* Vt LtvlliF .SO 7 134 H* It* I}** H Wocfwv M t 11 tlh IIH UH- H other components moved as resenting to Mr. Hyles that he ing a meeting of company 044(4 1.40 1 144 3SM 14* LOF k dk n I7M IT II ly announced an agreement U4* It WolMrt .7117 11 a% 17H »%. vt much as a point. would build the addition to his officiate. D.MUnl.7011 114 41* 41* 4Ht- '* Llofl.1 7 SO C » 34* 14 14 — * woium I.M i a a IIH a . i whereby Commerical Trust OcttoAtr.M 7 lit MM 47*M - Vt LHIyEIM40N IIS 4M 41% MM . WlhWI 1 7 17 MO BH 214 . In the glamor sector In- bouse (or 16,000 and accepted Friedland said the com- Dmnyi "" 141 10* 10*ait Litton .501 Itl ISM 75 14*- * WnAIrL M 4 25f 114 112 UH- Vt will acquire the assets and lia- D.IE0 int tt ISH IS* LockM I ItO MM a% >** % WnBncnl.34 7 22 a I7H ITH ternational Business Machines the money but not intending to pany took Its action to gain 114 bilities of Community State L04WI l.a S 41 MH MM MM* % WUnlonl 43 I 215 ItO IIH Iff - % picked up 3% to 28»ft and Tex do the work. "breathing space" because Anierican UtlMr l.a I a IS* ISM IS** M W4ttgEI f7 7 401 B% 114 It'/.. H bank. LILC. 1.71 11114 M* 1M IM— M WtyarHrMl! 17] IfH !t% Itvt. Vt as Instruments gained 1 to 8», County Court Judge Wil- of "a temporary liquidity NEW rOHKIAPl . MoMoy iHUcltn LOLMIM t M> MM UM 71* • % WtwfflF 1013 IT ItH If lt%. % Commerical Trust operates notlonQIprlciilor Amor Icon LdPdC Mb I 111 H II* II*— M mirlpll.ai 407 UH » MH. H while most other Issues liam T. Wichmann gave O'Neil problem." He said all the SlockEacnono4l»HMt LIKIII.MI1 tl 14* IIM II** % WhltaM! #4 114 11% 11%- '/. snowed fractional Changes. a suspended one year county company's supermarkets 18 branches in Hudson, Bergen Lytn MI M* t* 10%* * Wtittto* .15410 75 IIS 14H IdH. Vt and Middlesex Counties. Com- PE heft Won Low Clot. Cho. Walt Disney Productions, Jail sentence, placed htm on and discount stores will re- AigliCp 7 41 IV, IH .H . awe Tit VtV. , *$&.%'££> .'.S'ltH.H main open with normal oper- munity State bank has 10 of- AIMArf ISM IH 7 TM which announced plans for three years probation and or- for i*"*. All4cCp Ml IH IM IH* M «".3! i US 88 B18 SIXTH 1 T 9 3=3$9M million worth of newdered htm to make restitution. ations. fices In Union and Monmouth ASclE 041 I K A I* . IWkFd th 41 MH MH I4H. H WOI^HTI.40 4 HO B IIH IIH. vt Counties. Armln nil 1} 10 tH 10 « M MoglcCt M 7 Ml nil ,1 114. H _x—V-I. theme-park facilities at Disney Alonwr » 331 IIH 17'* II'*- M MAVC0I.M1I f> MH U U%- H X4f0. HI ai S44 SS4 54H. % AthCM I, 10 I* 1* I* MofotOlMI lllliSIH SIH BH- H lalKv t t 71 ItO If* 1f4. H World in Florida, rose % to AtlOtCpwt II | I I . MorMM Mil a IIH 11% IIH. H ZMItlft I 117 MH 11% MH Bonlllr .4014 IS 10* lOVi 10*4 M ST-t'S'iS" » a im »VH vTr«* «'<.»<'l>r.""7i- IS.rj.nB I |S I'/, IV. IV,. M M Given the slow pace and the Sdvdrly It 70 IV, I* I1/, MOKO 5111 40 aH OH BH. H STOCKS IN TMIiroTLIGHT MouyF 111 II 104 104—% NEW YOHK (API- Soks. Ipm, pflci selective nature of the ad- a Daily Register classified service SowVall 1511 M M aH Wi * SrodldN Mil IB II 10* II , •••, MoyDSI.a7 151 MH ISH ISH. H ond net chong4 ol IIM IIM4M, moll ocllvt vance, brokers weren't in- BroKon lo 1 11 14% 14 14% • M MdvtglMolO n SO ISH 84— H Niw York Stock EUM104 Invti. hour*- CKPtl .1144 It UH MH IIM* M McOKfnt I 4 214 17 MH MH. H trading nationally ot mort thanII. clined to read much into It. Coraol l.ail 111 »% II* II*- M McDald Mil MO SIH S04 504- % Romodoln . 4!1,400 144 « H ChompHo 117 1 I*. J UcOonDM I » O 114 » HolKMylnn 4M.300 174 _ V, In foreign-exchange trad' Clr•»"'••• - The Daily Register MoCdO t » Mt KM M* NxMal.il I ITT MH MH MH- H £252!!™° .J2 The NYSE's composite In- OnrtA IS* I 14 TS T* TM- M Pf Md If IH IH 1*. M 222J.V2!!.. i Itt "i 2 v SaiTIfcsa*''::::::::::::: » dex of all its listed common (ONE REGISTER PLAZA • SHREWSBURY, N.J. PCEdfWl.SI II a MM MM . NmtUIIJSlI Ml HH fH W — H c R G PECp Ml I dl IM 1 IM N4»N0«IM I W MVt M% MH- H CMMVMirSX^ZZZ.... 14 stocks gained M to S7.I8., -ii nni is NoStPWIMI 14 25% B JSH. Vt ^gMflVMUIrM IH Ramada Inn* topped the _l 1 II U* IIM ll«« M MBfW* I.M I Bl 44H 44H MH— H EltclrvJlk Ajtoclatn II call the classified action line . nun « Mn IM- M NnlAIrl TS 7 B 11% att II • % EAC UWIM4 active list, up 1 at 14%. The Uvt * M 4tt Ml HTM m • II Nwncdl.M I a IT MVt MH—H IFF company announced that It im SIH di* n *s NMMITS 1 tn a an an-H SfiHELi." n i II IIH II n** u, had agreed to buy a hotel prop- 542-1700 Htlta It a SS% 544 55%. % HSKiiEHf-.-^.' iu. • a II IIH u « M erty In Atlantic City, N.J., to M ft IM HI* M •mrtun tit MM mi mt mt-H HStj" ... .'.'".""".' vi 14 IT* U* IT* the casino gambling OcciP4ii Tin 1731 an itH a . H $ibUj!attylr» glrtrf 15 New York Channels — 2, I, 5, 7, 9, II. 13 " .theatres DAYTIME MOVIES EVENMO CM NEWS ABC Sportt wUI provide live 1:12 MM SANFORD AND SON- coverage ol iha lint game In GD MOVK -(MAMA) »« CD MOVK (XCDdKCS NEWS NEWS the American LMgue playoff "Camaony" IBM Laurence The Orel! It Omntr Put • terlee iron tha dry ol the GD LOVE Harvey, Sanh Mi)o« Man li •MOVMMCH raw •enlanced to die lor murder JOKirtw ( > CBS NEWS Wetter* DMiion championi W ODD COUPLE :0 JOKirtwui CO MOVK -(MUSICAL) " committed during bank holdup 00DC0UHE GONG SHOW Brother plant hie eacapa with ^ ' ° "TIM Crane* Una" 1064 Jane (DO) NEWS' TOOAY M DELAWARE C NBC NEWS condition that man i gki yiald' (B MOVK ZOOM Rutaell, Gilbert Roland A 11.-IS ( BRAOY BUNCH to him (2 hra.. 8 mini) The Egg eM I' TKTACOOUON wealthy girl In Parla la D JACK BENNY SHOW _ 4:00 NBC NEWS ABC NEWS romanced by a Frenchman (2 1:30 CD HOME I LOVE LUCY BOWLNM FOR d)» CSS LATE MOVK CD JOE FRANKUN SHOW Vl Sky HUM W TC TAC DOOOH 'Barnaby Jonei Sunday 2«) d) MOVK DATINMcmO C«.ME I NEWLYWEDOAME W (9) OPHJM ' Doomaday' A former convlcl CD NEWS ' Part » "* 000 COUPLE PI M. 'The While Powder' Thit aanda Barnaby and Batty a 3) MARCUS WELBY, M.D. program locuaat on heroin eeriei ol morbid lettera aad DKK CAVETT SHOW ~ *=" uaart In Hong Kong, tha notor- glfta announcing Barnaby'a We're Celebrating 7:30 CD MOVK -(MAMA) "' aen.«|i. l»T».lti ii| loui canter for Illegal drug death (R) Contattiont 01 Tha t I 0.1. DIARY "Spawn ol HM North" IBM djllingi (60 mini) DA Man' Start: Robert Con I EVENING MAGAZINE George Rafal, Henry Fonda A "THE BLACK PEARl our 0:30 red. Harry Morgan. SIM BEAUTY group of Rutalan plratei try to QD (1) THE TONIGHT INTEST BLACK EDITION eieie Iha aalmon Induilry (2 SHOW CAROL BURNETT AND MERV GRIFFIN hra, li mint) ANNUAL YOU DON'T SAY Beat Of Carton' Quettl: Tony Mi 2:tg HOLLYWOOD SQUARES MO Curtia. John R2ttar. Charlet CD MOVK -(0MMA) "• MATCH GAME 0D 8D TUESDAY NIGHT Ainevour. Freda Levetter. (R; "TIM U«ht Thai Failed" 1MB OCTOBER FEST NEWLYWED GAME MOVIE BO mint) Ronald Colman, Ida Luplno A STARTING SAT. Stpt 30 I Sun Oct 1 t BY! ON Carrie' Slari Slaty Spacak. (Jj HOOAN'S HEROES war corraipondenl turned GOLOE Him CHEVY CHASE )•» NEWS John Travolta. An unpopular QD TAKE A GOOD LOOK painter lindi hlmaelf going continujng every Fri. Sot. ft Sun in Oct. DKK CAVETT SHOW laeneger uaat her lupernatural (It HONEYMOONERS blind, but not before he flniehei BlACNEIL-LEMRER powen to gain davaatating hit maatarpiaca. which the MAKE RESERVATIONS MOW! REPORT revenge agalnat her cruel "' 11:4S modal daalroyt (2 hri. 6 BAD cltiimitei (2 hri) (I) (D TUESOAY MOVIE OF mint) 1.-00-10:00 see HIGHLIGHTS FROM (D® PAPER CHASE CDOD BK) EVENT MOVIE THE WEEK :S0 Tha atudy group't well-laid little Woman' Stara: Meredith 'Shootout' Start: Gregory „, ' * Farrah ftmtit* Ma)rjra plant lor a weekend of frivolity Baxter-Bimey. Sutan Oey. Amy Peck. An ex-gunmen la torn QD MOVK -(MYSTERY) " "THE STUDENT PRINCE" oll-camput go awry whan travail in Europe aa companion between hit obiattlon with "The Houaa on Oraenapple to a relative: Beth outlet HI revenge and hit reeponelbility "SOIWIOOT KUID lost 2 frMay. In Oct • Firil I Sunday, in Nov. Profoltor Kmgtlleld givea a Road" 1BSB Chritlopher monumental ataignmanl lor health at home; and would- for a tix year old girl end e Qeorge. Janet Leigh A mild- HERHUJUND" w Monday. (SO mine.) be-author Jo goea aa a gover lonely widow. lilmanneree o d huiband f aart lor the nett to New York where aha hrlilea .ol Ma promiacuoua wile (2 lain In love lor Iha first time. QD MOVIE -(ADVENTURE) CD . 20 mini.) (4) "GRANDPA (Concluding epieode. 2 hri.) eee NEWS •edrKyiai terror I arnoae * 601$ 10 OB) LET'S MAKE A DEAL "Deeperate Journey" 1M3 2:46 W W CINEMA SHOWCASE Errol Flynn. Raymond Maaaey. CD PRAYER "THE IUCK PfAM" CALL WASHiNGTON"- 'Pumping Iron' Thit documen- A group ol downed American tary foouaet on the body- Iliera commit actt of aabotige M STAKJACK building culture, examining tha in WW II Oermeny. (2 hri. IB 291-0224 llvet and motivation ol man who mini) AllKTSON l») train rigorowely lo compete for (f) MOVIE -(DRAMA) "h At*. Open Weekends the Mr. Olympn title (SO "Flood Tide" 1BSB George QD GRANDPA GOES TO mini) Nader, Cornell Borchera. An ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS "EXCEPTIONAL ADVENTURE." Only - Nov. 1-April WASHINGTON Innocent man la convicted ol CINEMA 291-0141 '1.50 -»Hb*S A|Mf1 Senator Joe Kelley material (9) TO TELL THE TRUTH murder on the evidence ol e wlta with a crooked land „ 10:00 led child (BO mini) John Trmvottm developer lo aave the baiebill (E)(H)0 NEWS rTWILIGHT ZONE field wed by hia grandaon'i (!) UNTOUCHABLES 11:30 Olivia BACHERTS Itie league team. (SO mint.) 10:30 (HI NEWS N l 1 CROSS WITS (B NEW YORK, NEW YORK 1:00 HOfBRAUHAUS ) (I) AMERICAN LEAGUE W PROGRAM (I) CD TOMORROW CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES UNANNOUNCED Hoal: Tom Snyder ducat: Wil- liam Manchaatar, author ol OCEAN AVE. American Caaaar - Douglaa ATLANTIC Mac Arthur 1880-1964 (80 7 end. HIGHLANDS At the movies mini) W MOVIE -(DRAMA) ••• MOHMOUTH COUNTY RUTOiat PLAIA CINIMA II — UUHn TOWNIHIK "I Want You" 1BS1 Dana CIHIMAM- Somobodv Killed Her Hutbond (PCI Andrewt. Dorothy McQuir. Tha Who'llStaemi Rotn (Ml T:30. t:4S emotional account of tha affect •TIATNMOni CIMMA I - the Korean War haa on an GrMUG)7.t P8 M a»M NOW PI AYMG AT TKATRES EVERY WHERE STaATHMOlia CINIMA II - American family (2 hri) Heaver IPGIMl.fll t- aMMCMa. (P*mm Met II »el ASBURYPARK E BRUNSWICK SHREWSBURY ATLANTIC HISMLAMt ealaM atcmmiilii air aanat ar ATLANTIC CINIMA - StAVIEW COUKTY LOEWS SHKWS8WW 2 OraanlPOIl.t CINEMA MMITCII #2 •ATONTOWH Mutlc Maktra COMMUNITY I- Thealrei FREEHOLD TOMS RIVER WM'lllNwmillaln(«ll:a,t:ai ' COMMUNITY II - Hollywood BRICKTOWN MALL OCfM COUNTY AMMSamrw IPOI'».»:» MONMOUTH aWNMOUIN MAUOmMAl HAZLETPUUA WU*1 IATOMTOWN MIVIIN - Oraan ;POI )». II: Amatkon Mot Briefs ARTS II, "ID IIH |~" WIN A FME TRIP TO SMIN. MXKItJ CENTER 747-MM raitHOLO HOLLYWOOD (AP) - Bob I GET OSTULS Kf THJKTtHS IVIHYI»Mim.| MALL I- Hope salutes the 75th an- FOR OHOUP SALES ONLY CALL 212-HI IM4 Mvmaa or Itv. Pink PMimir 1POI niversary of the World Series THEGtEATESl" MALL II- Who'll Sloe tin Roln^ll ll.t « In his first special of the season SIUNTMAN 1) MAIL III on NBC on Sunday, Oct. 15. lowwnodv Klltvd Mtf HWUKmo IPO) AUVEI t uc.«» Hope's guests Include Steve Martin, the Muppets, cover Briody's] HAIL1T PLAIA- Tht Block PoorUPGI7H.t: IS girl Cheryl Ttegs, Charo and CINIMA I- Danny Kaye. of Rumson »»nntm» KllHd H.f HJUKUKI ,PGI I. CINIMA II - Trie special comes on the DAILY UM tunmor IPGI '»; Alorkan first day of the 1*78 World Onumipoii aT Hoaivaw- Series on NBC. LUNCHEON & DINNER EVERY TUESOAY AND THURSDAY, lanNn ;P«l 7n. »>; MM oan HOLLYWOOD (AP) - IP«H 4 P.M.-8PJL CC4.0MUL- Gregory Peck, Laurence YaanaFraranMlMK IPO) >•».»:» Olivier, and James Mason star SPECIALS •avpoar YOUR CHOICE ... ITMtAMD- in "The Boys From Brazil," TRY OUR Ulflo Anael Pun (XI II. 1. IX. 6 ». from Ira Levin's best seller iallsbury Steak '± »», Ffenct. Cloumotei IX) 1.1:19.1:11. !:«,»:• about a former Nail doctor LOBSTER SALAD LONO MANCH involved in cloning. lied Liver and Onions &r> 3 9 UOVIISI - FOR LUNCH FOMl PlOV IPGI 741. t 4i The story centers on the lit of Fish MOVIIIII - Somebody Killed Her Huioond IPGI 1. Infamous Nari geneticist, Dr. [E FLOOD MARTHA III Turkey MIDDLITOWN Josef Mengele, whose experi- mm snut Ht UN> u «» MIPDLITOWN I - ments earned him the appella- WED. NIGHT Rl. t SAT. NIGHTS Serverj w«h choice d potato and ngalaote, hot dinner rod, AnMMH0UMlP.il ».<:M NORSEMAN $150 For Your Stnglnf anal Llaoan- WATCH KH OCTO-I UA MIDOLITOWNII - Cote' «od lea aw, No or pudding. tion "Angel of Death." Peck 74M:4S InsPlaaaura BER FEST NEXT WEEK V stars as Mengele, Olivier as a CIOH IIKOUWIIH of the Third Kind Nail hunter and Mason as one IPOII.III Children's Special OMAN TOWNIMIP of Mengele's colleagues. MI0OLia«0O« MOVIII I - HOLLYWOOD (AP) - Bnody's (Under 12) Greoie|PG>7 4S.t 43 Burt Reynolds has been in i.HVH n. 842-2133 IUMSON. spaghetti w/i rsmrsf named 1178 male star of the sauce IIOIANK 1 MOKMOUTH AIT< ClNTI« - year by the National Associa- tmum MM M INUtlMIUI or HoopOflPG|l:».»:Il tion of Theatre Owners. MOVIII III- ir IIMIIII it 1111»111111 li'tr OreouPGII 41, • 4! Reynolds will receive the Hamburger and Fries MOVUIIV - MonomonlPG) !:•.•:» award at a presentation cere- Includes Coke' and iMiawtaunr mony Oct. 18 at the NATO con- CINIMA I - John Olivia ict cream Foul Play,PG> 7:45. t:4S ventkm In New York CINIMA It - (or dessert. The ilock Peon.PG)7:»,t» Travolta Newton-John CINIMA III- Someeodv Killed Her HinCond IPGI I. II -fla» Reed, NY Daily News MIDOLIIIX COUNTY MINLO PA*. II CINIMA I - ALL SEATS. li.M Deotti on rrte Nile IPOI 3. 4:35. 1:11, aMaioaoa MINLO PAtK CINIMA II - MeovenConWolt(PGI!.4,«.l. n YOUNG W00OMI00I FRANKENBTEIN W000UI0U CINIMA I - atoodbromeoim 3:15.4 45.7 ».«:« euan annul WO0OUI0U CINIMA II - Gotdle MONDAY DATE NITE Revenalolltie Pink PoMMf IPO) 1.4. •.Kit IOMII1IT COUNTY IOMM1IT Hawn •tUTOlM PLAIA CIMMA I - MMiai 01 Me Pink Panther IPGI 1:45,1:41 Rte.35 Chevy Brookdale Community College Presents Chose

Ro/alind AM is the word rXWSWaiTS lWll«IE/CUa«B KM uonn aonctMuHom nourax QSu Jimaswanmsm Newman JOttlTWWUA (UVHtCWTCNJOrti .-Q "...extmnely beautiful Among!"

.movement for its own NOW PLAYING luminous pleasure. •Mctonm KlOOKIInNI PfMajaaJir mts/m Oct 5,8PM ^M •MKIIHI ' Excellent dancers... MNIMTOB I [AST NMatWICK NnMIK MMNKOt '41 m Perfuming ^WA SAWORD Itnuniiiciiiouwn Ilia tSZSOFL* k they are not to Art. Center ^* urn* LTH »»• ^rV n NewPtAUl Thk ia ihc first event of bemissecL Brookdilr-i pit Purple Seriea. LamSkapm uimsm TiSl WMwuw. BUY SERIES TICKETS AND SAVE BiaWlCtaar UVINCSION DI 0AKUNB '•»• •MVW1 MANYHU CINEMA nmmm *»mn> ;*•,••"{" Oat -- Raeeand 5i«wnan mil Dencm WTMM • MaaaT - umn«M SIMIMMOUt MTUm SRKu." StrU-o...- .namKmkin Exaustvn !MONtOWH DI f ASIAN IRIPltX mm '«• f.MBOII MO BRANFORD roHnruASMT Fit lotnat ««IHF«»NMIN Trnlrc far toW MENLO PARK raw ARNOID [•OQLBVtTEHEOl MMUT HAMSEV CINEMA 16 The D^ Register SHREWS8UHY. N J TU6SOAY, OCTOBER 3.1878 2. Autos For Sow I.TntctwoMTrtlltrt Tiger - OavraM OJS. O«P 2. Autos For Sole iainp irr- 1. Autos For Sol* Rt. u mwa To Hcn» ClaMK. a. RITTEI HOUSE CADILLAC l«77 SEDAN - Fully CHEVROLET WA6OH It7l - Pawar PUMKlMHEAP, -ntyiD KES* VOOP LINCOLN Ml RCURY. UK. * M lielr.it fettarlar. fewlll- MS Ocaax Twp Auto* For Sou wtiaal. auaraof. crulta can •at Hwy. M riF Can —Jar a. SJMtTl SHO«E CHEVROLET IMS CAPRICE - Air WC PACE* MM - »mim«IK. vahra-Trh •toarlnS. •*-, AM/FM I<«M raa CAMARO rt7» TVPE LT tamWIaalfta. malar At condition iSuwK. SIS-TUB on* Una IMIW SMS Plaoaa toll a»ytlma. aat-sao FORO VAN - HM. paad STilN C CHEVORLET Hal - FaurHoor. «U AsatURY AVE.. USURY PARK AMC PACE*. KM - CAMARO LT m - Fully MaaiM. M T7H umfsmn CK - OPEL ^ CATALINA tfN - Four-rjaar. AM/FM Eft Sypar Hwy IS Ba> TRAILER - Tjra-M* MO. •«* Utrao. air candMafHM. pawar avary STRAWS • naaratat npj. S II. k»mMt^» Mnp, UOO ar teal a*. Bl-ait) M- fS Pac>^.. Ocw»»arnilM»SS. hraan 114 , autamatlc. air, pawar r HSR CHEVROLET IMPAIA lf?l TRUCK INSURANCE SMr, 71 joe mllat Ml. mafca Coll 74H4II altar I am CHRYSLEK NEWPODT - IW. rwa WO CHIVROLETPICKUPLJ,0M auiCIC UruiK - Wi Fi.r mi. CHEVY VEOA ST im GOO? SttfOAf fMtf attparMlanIf (W lp#ftcri lw. III* j !! v< Far im » «—«» tin «a». a~«i HofcMact. taal altar rnQM7^PWPBY4MC*S, faWfattJ - Jw«IVV ™lfl. 4MI147 COROLLA TOYOTA lfT7 - Fowf Ona aaoar an* laimi oOaarlfta. THUNOCRBIRO Hl>- EacaWnt raJM.MnM> StBKTsor*IMaac iM*d (roRwn(ul*n. tac«l E. Nawmon Sprlnft Rd, Rad CHEVROLECHE ET CAPRICCAICEE - CMtllc. 3U Main SI Molowow Jy etna In aicaltanr thopa, u?s llrm ITt J* Ullim EATONTOWN CAOILLAC l«> FLEETWOOO - Cori to cho«M Irom Call Mr. FrMtr T4l-a4M. Fl »« tl IM m il tlMlMa apnmn , includindi g sii r ick* at t«MOt Ponllpc. IH Irood St., FIAT im - Four door MdanT u\mt NO IN URVICI - Itn Horlay m. . AM/FM ilaraa. pMar Had B«* 741 SW WM FORD MUSTANG MACH n ml 5 icalMal coaOllon Latt ol OMMI MMB mltof. onl affar avar II.100 Coll ho*rt, lupar ••§ mlltooa, (WO Only WO mllai aail altar CADILLAC SEDAN DEVILLE - ItTS. DOOGE POLABA - Itn. air •MVt huMt ami tut fiiln or KM GM aiacutlva car. Prlvata Coll offar Coll ikVISM CMEVtOtCT VfOA 1*74 - Two-door FORD GRANADA Ifll - il.Stt mllai. FORD lt» MAVERICK - Fe HARLEY SPORTSTER m) rosns. n>:» tm. iwaaiLi,, u,m mum, IHTM I»—J, 301. V4. air. AM/FM ilaraa. pawar H7St ar kaal altar A If74 CVCC - Flvt !»••<, A I Cnrytiar Plymaum WmXT"- CADILLAC It74 - CaHpa Davitta Blua AM/FM Ktrt* Mtf enfflf, v«ry joo** D0O6C COAOMIT - lltarlng/brokti. raar dadafoMarf . ta- uunt or num ImitttWtlM*t. Ttf m p.g RtswtarHI. wltti wttlta vinyl tap. 41410 mllai. ai- MHI MUitf «m. IM-tll? otV 7 HAM mllM. Awtonwtlc, pMrtr i llanlMIII i, M loo lM4nilM . on.r Asking i/br«M. Olr U» 747-*IT7. ollanlc FORO COUNTRY SQUIRE WACOM Itn- MB mini ollanl c»a»IHa». O.a». SUJPH _ Iff) - Good condition ma Coll IMPALA COMVERTIBLE IH4 - Ml. W]l» ar W4U4. two tor IWMH owl man. G«o*J con- dttlon »«t offor. UI IS* VOLVO tt74 - US. fMr-cylUMtr, lowr ]. Airtot For Sal* 2. Autos For Sole 2. Autos For Sale 1. Autos For Sole FORO Itn - SMIan ngon. OL.. •paoU «tr. AM/FM t»woo,roo« rack, • rfTa. a*ad candi- motlc air. Runt aMcallant. no danli. n« JAGUAR W7S — X«C, two*«» owttor, WJJ*J nvlkt. Aiklng vfritow, tan Marlar, ano-yaar waraA- rint im. 741 43U , lit loat Ntwmo* Sprbioi Rd., FORD OALAXIE - IMt. Cooa tront KAWASAKI 1171 - MO. on ponatlon IW KITSON CHEVROLET CO. VOLVO STATION WAGON ItTS Coll aflar I. W 1PJ1 Fwtl ln|*Klod, outomotlc. powtr ttttr '»7I-J7I4 ar HI I4X WIOOO ma. olr, rodtol whllowollt, oood condl FORD Itn LTO - T»4aor, ana ttow, QtAInT^ Coll tv ajm mllat Fully aavtppM OLDSMOBILt SUPCR H ItN - LABRIOLA MOTORS INC Powtr •tttrlno/brohoi. Cxctllanl VOLVO IM - Flrt -' condlllon In and awl. Mual Nawmon Sprlngt Rd., Rad Bonk S4>7HS altar I body and runninf condition, ON.otttr Call fe • 74IJ4U 74MU|>, onytlmt FORD THUNDERBIRD tt7S - krawn LEMANS Itll —• Good condition. Ntw OPEL STATION WAGON Itn - Mr VOLKSWAGEN Itn - ond tan. AM/FM ttrro. ntw r digit, tlrti, air, powtr win cftankoHy At, otklno ll,0fi Ona amcallanl condition. M.ise 471-03*4 tfMn/brohti/ttotrlng. Aiklng tttS. FORD THUNDf RtIRO IMS - Sfown owntr Coll 741-2SVI. 1975 DODGE DART CUSTOM •nd Ion. AM/FM OPEL. GT ltti — EMttlltnt coftdltlon VOLKSWAOEN IUO IN4 4 Dr, 6 cyl. white black vinyl rool. black vinyl interior, Ntw llrov low mlltoo* %tt Otttr. Mi-41 It 3aHaT7. d^t S p.m. AM radio, air cond, power steering, power brakes, FORO Itn - Cronadada GMa. V4. h>a door, graan and lattlta. hll PINTO It74 - Eictllant condlllon. ttlta. hilly i .raw" nmw M.W mutt mini ton VOLKSWAGEN IM* * Runt pfM IM automatic, whitewall tires. 44,989 miles. Stock » 005. Urn rnimm HT W 11000 llrm. VaHif Rpan lor aorti. im Mat oil dltlon Spaclol ot Bits Rad Bar* Val — tatora I p.m. FORO LTD - Itn. taur-door, Mr. vo lit Eoai Nawmon Sprlnot Rd.. Rad •III, IMWI, olfcr » p.m. powar tlatr Ino/brokai. mini condltlan. PLYMOUTH FURY II ttot MERCURY COLONY PARK WAGON Ipara lira. HIS. Iti-tlti. b_ '2650 xtiTIiiw. coii awn ' - Air, powar torokn/tttfrlng. FORD Ifat LTD - Country Soulra machonlcal condition. 170C YAMAHA - IIS Endwra. 4SSS mllai. " Woowi. Powar ttaartna/ brokat. laoi. PLYMOUTH CONVERTIBLE - Ittt VOLKSWAGEN IM4 - Runnlno condl Kormann Ohio. 1HS vm in n Call 717 fl» T * fSi FORD iIf/m1 —- NInt-MMtnecr LT VI, automatic, powtr tttor- YAMAHA lt7S - SRI mlh Ing/bfoht*. air, »J00mllti Al only PLYMOUTH ARRO00 W It7| - Four- i, U.0OD mil« Rtilobl*. dftta I»H. Rod •or* voivo, 11* Goal Now- ?P^^' tSS'"^.'* ^' •howaam condi- moil Sprlnoi Rd., Rod tonlt. H\sm. tion. SMI mlltt. Flvt-yaor worronty 1975 LINCOLN MARK IV 1975 OLDS 98 REGENCY Inchtdod. utea Mutt toll. 544-tJtff ofttr | white, Dk, brown padded vinyl fool. MERCURY \m - Hint patMUfttr «to jtsjrmVs. Jll CYCLE SERVICE, INC. Ok. Jade Met, V-B, auto, P/B. P/B, tWMI WMOfl. Full POWtr. EKCtlltnl can a I IT catl Htwlritn brown & while luxury group, leather in- LINCOLNMERCURY Sank. 74IHM white landau top, Ok. green velour In- Shrtmbury Ava., ol Syconwn dltlon Motor ovtrhoul PLYMOUTH SPORTS FURY - IMS lerkv, twin cornlort lounge seats, 6-way terior, power windows, power locks, air itwwtnbury 747X opo. Artlnj tlOpy. MJ-5J HI, aytomotk. FlrJ U00 tokti It VOLKSWA•OENtUGifW-Ltui MOB mllai on rebuilt OMIM, rronl ond power teats both sktot, AM/FM stereo cond.. AM/FM stereo. 6-way power GRAND PRIX — im. powar itt«r MO MIDGET \WS - Convtrtlblo, Auto AM/FM radio, four-teatd, 17.000 PLYMOUTH 1*4* - 47,000 orldlnol raor and. Good botfy,"nttr.or. 1710. V-8. automatic, air, P/S. P/B, cruise seats, tilt wheel 25,607 miles Slock # Ino/tofohai, powar wlndowi, V-t, - - USED CARS pow«f bucktt MOti. olr conditioning. mil—. Coll Kotht oftor S, 12147*9. mrttt, Oil orlOlnol, no ru»t, noodl work Services/Parti control, power vent windows, till wheel, 924, AM/FM, r«or Otfogoaf. M40O mitt*. 741-MM. VOLVO 1U - ItTO Four-cyllnoar. | 47,888 mites Stock *018 al-000 miles an ntw motor. Guoronta*d PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON - PONTIAC FIREBIRD IW - Standard four-oar, dwtamotlc. AM rodlo, lion MOR -..Aii pam. mm. InapaKtlon. Ntw brohtt, ntw rocHal Ittff, toctory olr, Hntod wlndowi, thlft, good condition, M7i Coll Hrn, ntw muffltr, ntw two loot lot powtr itoorlng. outomotlc, vtry good 1M-W]f SSIURT" • mil**. A Morty car •4295 •Mr point. Cor h tn MINT condition. condition, ltd. Coll MI SSSO bttwoon ,^j p> a_ fc , • • - 1 m ItN SAAS tt '5995 UM0 or bnt ofttr. Coll TrtVtU

PLEASE STOP 2. Autos For SoU 2. Autoi For Sole WHfLAN PONTIAC SUICK-OPEL TRIUMPH SPITFIRE - IMt, parti, Hwy. t now and Mod. lncludatbi*ridi*awlo». BY AND SEE packoaa daol avtrlMMa. Coll t» 4«T7 OUR WIDE SELECTION PONTIAC FIREIIRD - Itn B0, V* 3 Trucks And VOLKSWAGEN ItM MOTOR outofnottCf powar tttorIno/oroktl, olr, US OF CLEAN USED CARS — NEED A CAR? AM/FM, vinyl roof, rod wllti whlta top Trailers Call oWar s p.m.. uytM) ALL AT PRICES THAT ARE and Inttrlar. IMS Klotwoy mllat. GET RE-ESTABLISHED CHEVROLET PICKUP l«4 - Folly « Auto Rent/Lease cvttamltad, aat^M tar camplna - mutt SURE TO PLEASE YOU. Da taan. SDOO or bail altar, wrists RENT A VAN — Law. law ratal. Call UP TO 48 MONTHS TO PAY 7S7 7tSl. Marty, TOM'S FORO, Hwy. M. Kay ALL PRICES EXCLUDE TAX i LICENSING FEES outomotlc Ironamlulan. 75,400 mllai, Otr, OOWtr RvOtr InO/oraaX tv, ^fn/rfn CHEVROLET TRUCK IMS - Vl tax, aljljMroct jr^g.TlUdnt smO. Call ahart body, naw llrai, oady In ancallant I "HOMEOWNER SPECIAL" condlilon. naada rlngt. 17)0 llrm. 7 Auto Insurance UP TO M MONTH8 IF QUALIFIED PONTIAC TEMPEST - IMS. VI, ou lomotlt, olr- II» CHEVROLET Ws CREW CAS - ]>]. Call unrv. •ur-Whaal drIva with tnow plow. 400 h.p. anoint. Oat SMN; oatfit tnto. COMPUTER Call SlW ANY CAR • L. 100% FINANCING IMC. /4l-a»0. CALL 7. J. REID HARRI WIN KAEON No Co-M«R«ra — No Gimmicks RAMRLERLER INIM44 WACON moNty mm mamnt. RATES REDUCED FOR MANY '< on KM Spot Approval ll.Ouallllid ri-nsi grW 1 pm DRIVERS - CMC* wr dlt a " VOLVO H7S Dodji Tradaiman I0S, ll«. SPRINGS RO. cylMdar. con ba takt Indlvlouoily ar 681 SHREWSBURY WE.,N.1 747-5400 iCof Mr. Bonks 566-6120 or 6411 >too»a aaoi. Buns. 2. Autet For Salt 2. Auto* For Salt 1. Autos For Sal* IT'S NEW FORD TIME AT... HYER FORD Stop in and see the exciting

You have to see it New 1979 Models during our to believe it... 1979 MUSTANG

The New Breed! FRIDAY-OCT. 6th 4 P.M. to 9 P.M.

79 FORD FAIRMONT! 5»ee our magnificent SATURDAY-OCT. 7th AFFORDABLE FAMILY COMFORT. new flying machine. r Thunderbird

'Monmouth County's Largest Ford Dealer..." •ML 700 Shrewsbury Ave. (Corner Sycamore) ^mm^ 741-60001 Wanted I AUtMMtlV* Nubbin SHREWSBURY. N.J TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3. 1978 17 LAOIEf-MEN _ at Mat. an •» VOUK&A BOX Of Do you 71.M*rC*>M«M 71. WANT IT CHOCOUtTftft, »R. FerSole F*rS«Jto ITS A BieT CrlPT- WtWPEP J 72 Oarage Sales sizjnviT'mSs!'" " t'ffii.".i.

Call mum OUKII SLEEPER - lacMaat. Hka il. Business 71. MtrdKMditt PIMCR me GEES CLOSET SALE - Sl.HtlpWonteO ^SfSiiTST'Wad.. Tkurt . Frl . II II LIFE INSURANCE REPRESENT SIHtlpWonfd OppertiHirfle* For Sal* Maadawbraak A.. , Na.atlnk. ATIVES - OpaanunliY |ml MM SPECIAL NEEDS TEACHER COOR ™aw RatMayrarM rvorrae snap EVERGREENS - Ploaa. AataWofcr aa aarty cajtarv St.rllni Thanatan »anli yaa.l PART OR PULL-TIME - SS.II ptr DINATOR - Greduata daa/at with Estimated annual graw. gMJaTSeol Praaraailvt marlm. craaHn aMar. ham- artla tnvHIan ol Alcoa. Na an LIHCROFT - Aide aartawn nirmai u II voan m aMar. cariMcaflan In iaactai Educatlot. ar ing capacity ol« Rtgh troftk HKaHan Sll lac aj>aiiS»a.l I Jam, mm Pwdialaav aivt. two vaart f ati laiif t HI **•*•*,. Ownar wilt consider sta&TSSTJz warding with cMMran In the araa af P.M.M. to audited bvyar. All new FIREWOOD rsfJzsa> •due*tan Hi ag*s 1 ta ». totary MtMTateM MTM air FIREWOOO tiara. OcW. a. Hfc M aaidi i PART-TIME POSITIONS la Manmavth County P«r»annal Dapt, Jv aaad man anal aamaa la wort day T.Miin.d kardajaada, win il llldj Rl| Orlaa. Hall o* Reco»d». Main St.. FrtanoW, l^m&m NURSERY SCHOOL - Prt-KIn daHvarad. famRi afiar » a'w. SEARS SSR CR RACK) Pwi.l«. deroorlen Day Cart Locattd In LIVE-IN'S Bayihore area Slate approved lar MFIREPLACE - EMclrlc aaatar-Rad I Faataas Plua. SUB CONTRACTOR - For rooting, old •rUt. aaVtonllc laatMi. 1MB Call YOU ARE CUP.DENTLY NEEDED children Write to Boi Q lit. The Daily work, mutt hovt compensation and Register, Shrewsbury, N.J 01701 arastt. DUE TO OUR EXPANDING QUALI- llobtllfv lnwroncr Call W IS*. ORLI PERSON - Pan Hma. Taat . Rm TY NURSING SERVICE OUR STAN mm*.FISMER SLATE POOL TARLE - «dj DM ICE BUILDING DAROS ARE HIGH. OUR PAY IS EX- Par tajaVvlaw iTaarara li a.m. and SUPERINTENDENT - For large aaal arlar accaalai. E.caHant candl MOVINGI - Garaaa aala. L__ S'taJS. aTaa. E.iaMtVctd "it.: ELLENT. RENEFITS INCLUDE orlar I p.m.. 74I-U11. Friandly let lion Call tvanlna. HI Ma. See our od under Commercial Property FREE HOSPITALIIATION. LIARIL- Craam Shap, 1*1 Rraad SI FURNITURE - Sala nod._.._• ITY INSURANCE. VACATION AND SMaMkurr, MN J ~saaaxr. •ONUS WEEKLY PAY NEVER A equal Opportunity Emptoytf tetrad Coll tor appointment. Ml i SNOW JBLOWERS raamtal wla> walrtilia) cataa claaal POUCH AMD PATIO SALE - Wtaat- PEE. LET US TELL YOU ABOUT and maMni lairli. Call ««« LltHailllar Rapak'caalar. STUFFERS - And Moller* URGENT PART-TIME SCHOOL CUSTODIAN - SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR - VII LY NEEDED! I2S.00 per hundred aaa. Llltla Slim id. Pa. HHl«k»..( oil, SS haur aaat. Man. Rwawan Frl. t p m •-.full or port time Sttody wark 2JSStt«urfl& GUARANTEED Send telladdrcssed FURNITURE T la Warn. Allpanailti Muttpaiaaaiaf SOFA - Dart Hat vatvat. . 2£M .*4*»'1»*«T - Parttlmt, OLSTEN Call stamped envelope. TK ENTERPRISE, F urnllvro at a fracRan afeaaa caat. Aay A VARD SALE - Frl.. Od 4, Man. illlRjIi Hr Hock Saal Ikanta. «pp -LEVISION - CCTV video moln Ba»Trtft, , CO tW?l nema brand a.allaWa. wch aa Bart lif^vjr -° "•• in. HOII.I. A Jja I^U O.J tmA I . . — ^-,_ -, . Hl_^. t J_ tenonce technician or wrvlce perton ninftja^avi rlMi ~^^PWa.y UPHPHRJ Ha^ppaj, ' rift iffiiir '*" '' "* mpnaiirvnafive rrmciptu, niontanOi WANTED - Any bus!ne*syreal estate Health Care Start Immedlotety Full or port time Or.Ml. Hanlaaa. llaiiriaaa. RaMr. TARO SALE - HaaM. Sal.. Oct. 1, f that needs financing, management, Thomaavllla, CanhN*v. and many mara. AlARM INSTALLATION EATONTOWH: 111 ft* 11 WHM J m'uu Full baneflti Monmouth County or etc Mr. Smith, 111 UM«H. .4. a Laaa ilaJL PART-TIME - Glota and icraan rt Far mara Inlarmatlan. coll wiafcaa.i. SERVICE a SALIS """"•ait amoloymaM aaaartunlly MACHINIST - Small . FreahaH oreo Coll il* JH J7M. W J I), pm wtfvM lataraHry writ. » BO! •aakt panan la da oonorol mochlnlni •ok a^rk. Sot Slavt ar Von, Prawn'i. TTMPOR"ARY WAREHOUSE - Help jjjBJJ" Oalry RaaiMar. Shrawabuiy. end malnlananca work. Apply lo Jock (M'F) Three lo lour weefci US* per 63 Money To Loan Para. Saatipjll FroducfTllk . Port hour Coll Mr. Mulltr ot SU-tM. 77 Peti And Livestock Manmaum. N.J. m SPim 1MB. «£aacalltaflar "LOAN" BY "PHONE • «RJa. MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR TRANSFORMER For Fast service! Secondary mortaoac Advanced And Beginners Ta laka efcaraa at a amall malntananta PART-TIME AMWAY - Otl M »t,olt PRODUCTION loom! MAJESTIC FINANCE CORP TEROF «O~8AMk "Fl'no'hKnitwrVfoV DOG TRAINING aiclttag nary. Call 7W Rt t. Howeli, ask tor Mr Lewis compr ntor i. wol.r traalmanl and aan- la«. l«7 tarawa»ur> Ay. UP TO Stf-aMI. Opwtlrm f.iil In cotl winding, coll CALL US TOLL FREE IHCTOII or HuniNO - NUT tral pMnl mamMnanca. E.<.n.m Ean proctulng, (omlftotlng ond gnwrol «- GRAVELT - I' •»• THREE-PIECE - Colonial llylno *?*>!< *••» < Carnal M fllh. Sand rawjma and tolory Mitary I. PERMANENT - Patltlon ovtiltoblt UtnUy. W« will train yov. it you hovt (BOO) V2-9999 lor llld atoon. drii d loam tat. aaai bad. lawaiaat and chair $5.45 PER mtchonlcol tltudt aMtwo WILLING saa COM mutt ana. i p.m P«.iyER WANTED - Part tlma ^KV^M d N.J. HOMEOWNERS Mart Claisified majhh Mutt hava own car. Apply In GETTING NEW START TWO ROMEO - Eaacvlht aMM. HOUR MAINTENANCE PERSON - Mbv HAMMOND & BALDWIN on Next Page partan. Clrcla Put.. 11 HWT M. PHOTOGRAPHERS - Condtd wed PAY OFF ALL BILLS o*xa. Hack ataal ami aaaarl aiaa. ding*. EXPERIENCED ONLY. Mutl EIMI Rd , Noptunt. N.J. (Juil oil EtM PIANO AND ORGAN navar wad; two Mornoy Slaaara Wtwd W»l»orh»aY). Mrival cfiaki wrm walnut ormt. Mack EA«N - Monay no« Toko anHn lor hovt 111 comtro and odtouatt itrobe ItgjmVHO.*; month CENTER IN. Commercial MECHANIC - MalnMki imall flnl ol wtm tome far twcki* Sample* re TRUCK MECHANIC - DivUl t* 170,000 lleOH month Ford von* and porMMa camprawart. autred far Inttrvltw W-IIM. 130.W0 »41 » month Division at AllanDorg Rental* E«parlancad rai p*Ki«nct and tool! neensary Apply In JflT'aJalTcaV.. HOTOORAPHIC - Rtloucntr ond rion. Schwortt Inlwnational, Ul W PIOOO HOUM I. Cell mornlnai until I) HatvPar Warvliw. call Mon.. Ti> (LICTRICIANS - AM MOrKlan'l .Ahhar. Wark at alaaiawt wrrowd Old you know and Wad . kataaaa IM am. Jgpjri aNparlanca datlraMa. Call K nt St . Red ftonk now MMHTttU »»a MODELELS M/F - For lna>. Esparlanca In naaallva rt- TRUCK DRIVER - Mull ba aver II. KStood Coll nowl We Are N.J.'S. UPRIGHT PIANO 21.000 sq tl (1 floor 9,000 739-0377, Ext. 5 laactataj. Mwit b. oWt la wark with All company twn«llt> Al Nihl atntlH. chott. ami dya« Coll I4MM. Largest and Oldest ILfCTRICIANS HtLPCRS - t, rtody to . it wd Lloyd Rd., NEW START FINANCING at) tl; 1 floor 12.000 *q It) aMlvonci yvor cor Mr or |u»t a l)»9tnntr — ar will train, far raiMantlol ar«xsw Piano Dealer lailgale loading, rwa-oad aid- »lrtnjj Can m-MSt aril today tor anolnttnonl Ntw Ytxrh PRESSMAN IM/FI - Chl.l B". Ei 363-2700 VICTOROLA - Victor Talking Mo atrhmca o mutl. Full llmt pomion Mown ond Hamllri. Klmball. SoMnor. Otflllvltd ROJETTE MODELS, TYPISTS BoWwIn, Kowal. Knob*, Evaratt. Cur cNna. mamiianii canaala medaC in*. ing, private parting air condl EXECUTIVE OIMCTOH - Fadarally Mann KPM. ancallaat coMRInm PART-TIME rlar. Hardman and Playar Urn— lioned. tprlnktorad Public For on coll duty Writ* Bon 0 277. The; NURSES - RN. II lo 7. aarMMa PROGRAMMER - wa art looHlng lar Dolly Rogliltr Shrewsbury. N.J. LARGE DISPLAY OF transportation w<»fcanaV Frl. and Sot. Apply in ptr aararklanl RPG II araarammtr. ond WATER SOFTENER - And Pwmor. orltr proortnlv. r.lponilbllltlat and GRAND PIANOS. ••Ctttofit orvwth on Stota ol th* Art vm. 301 MAIN STREET mei < 747-1100 ytort of Administrative e« •qutpmvnt. S«fid rtn>mt to Box K 231. TYPEWRITER - Rapolr tcchnlclon, 71 Merchandise For ASRURV PARK, N.J. 07711 ja&!*• " '"" NURSES - RN. 11 tfl ;. hill Mm. Tht Dally Rt0ttttf. Shrtmbury, N J IBM and or Royal txpcHtnc* «•(•• EKcaUanl aananH. Satarv u«l waaklv. Witt, tonioct mtW Sale Apat> In prrun Arnold Walter Nun WAITRESS M/F - Port-time morn 71. Merchandise 71Mcrchonditc REAL ESTATE - Ht» imlrtr Ingiand nlghti. Experienced only. Ap For Sole For Salt MnM tw OM of MMdtttownt tootling ty In perton to heod woltreu. Palace ing doors, no track. ISO e NURSES. RN •f*nc>*s CofMW* Of hofMHInfl •• fner, 4S Monmouth St., Rad Bunk HAMMOND AURORA ORGAN - E. tcutlvt clt*ntt(«, lull tlm* only. WAITRESSES M/W - Full or port AUTOMOTIVE - CAR POUT til- An) MEDICAL rftvmm Mctlen. draw bert. coll orlar Uovnw a mint. EtptrltAca helpful but time Mini be experienced. Apply In ERIENCE pm. W-UU SURGICAL not nocMwry, SopMillcot«d morkef person, Rex Diner, 111 W. Front It., Call atla Ing and tratnliw proorotn available 3 LINES Red Bont.. ICU Modtm •fftci Wttfi otTttMnttai totil EXPERIENCED - tload Rank Tack. Ilk*. M*mbtf of MLS. Call Foulfci WAITRESS WANTED - M/F. Mon. 5 DAYS %4W* •bdkjflfeaaaat, law aaldbM allM tViHaia U>l,ui> ecu fftiton AMNKV, tot conthtonttol In through Frl , inom ipm. Apply In •^•PPa^pfwaj 0 av*l nami awilll, L^Fl.ajl •¥?•-• *#T#W Jam ul In o proaratUva. RIOOMMI aracaMmaal donor unlit, ARO and Kh. ttrlvtw Faulht Prvilan Agency, otrMNi, Chor lie's PI , II White M . Red HOT WATER - Elactrlc Norm J.ruy J CAM. occrodiHmt hat- •71-MN. J Wood-wx). MMAtrtoXn $3.00 Iwoltr. Will hoot taraa room. 175 Call tyaton aattady dotactlon lain. STS. pllol. Full lima, port tlm. ond on dUm The Register FAMILY ADS con sell "•I. Mky R i A. camaanant prtp nina poutloni o.ollotl. an Ra MaM Win. REAL ESTATE-- So»«. WAITRESSES (M/F) - Full ond part your unneeded Items tor you quickly i. amacatney aMamant af Wood, E.cllMil Mitary ond bomrilh Including ttmt Four Lafctt RMtauront, Llncrort Merchandise tor salt ONLY HOUSE FURNISHINGS - UMd. two cammanurua »ltti oblllly. W»Of »OT PWTvOvf/fvWfl •____ or* ixptrMnccd and ogarttU v* In rtal from househoM. not e« polntad driaiari and mlrran. SV toe h ; madlcairdrnM PWi and'uiiiiarm M- N pMtMtihto with no up Front moMy _ not line, tl e» No dlicounl It degree proarom Contact Edward Mldtd. f% mort mformalMm call. Ktypo cameled before expiration atyWiaMar natam trama aakt and Zampello. Pertonnel Olrtctar, •na IMUhlna. Mwl aa aMo to cul •toy* 11UU or tvM.. Ml *M0 7*14000, Ext. 3H, Ut aw s»imethli>g "to tell) Vnone RECEIVING/INCOMIN:CE VtHCMCOGG «p« 52 Babysitting/Child HURRICANE DOG PEN - a' hlfh nCI rrt, •KMrltnco MCttMry, call Care »<». eo.l UOO. botl otrtr coll FULLY CERTIFIED - Taackar Auto- ST. FRANCIS Vlwjol Lota . Ill Jati, John m Hr R»)p>liitmint. 542^1700 irum tort la work wlm Tltta I ttudanti atari- COMMUNITY BABYSITTER Occasional night.. IAR Oct. M ta Juna B. im. PlaaM and Rumtort area Call RUJTM TYPEWRITERS Raiiwil la Mr. Jatta* McKay. Rad RESTAURANT PEOPLE - Clam HEALTH CENTER optntKi. comnor, grill, ttc Apply In THE DAILY •ant Roord or Education. N trancn IS McWIlllami PI. Rant wlln apHanfct t Ava.. lad Rank. H.J. pvrion, Big At'i, Long Branch J.rny Clly. N.J Vm HOUSEKEEPER - Manage hout« JEWELRY - Ta 1 _ hold, two children, three and five, In REGISTER .n'l diamond ond auortod rmat. G. PULL TIME COOK - EaparMncod. PANTRY PERSON - E«aarlanctd. school part-time. Five day,, school •«r-row>d potlllon. Ronaflrt. Good hour*. Relerences. 74I40N CLASSIFIED ADS brocalal. platinum ond dlamai ADMIRAL Ho R.acVia'VS' Hahndtl M#m*' Center Asking ll LOVING CARE .tfi43i7 ^ PART TIME - Drlvtr to tramp«rt REFERRAL SERVICE KINDLING WOOD - Lorge boat, campany cltonhto an d from Rod Bank day c«n PAINT - S3 ta IS W o gallan It you or* o loving person and In ll SO Red tank Lumber, f Woli St. -—.-—-. —• WK HM PmWQyl« atr^nOO|r tor, II ho«M p«f wtwk. UK pV how tcretted In coring lor children In your All kinds •MftHD.k - Parl llmt, a. Minx. own home, realtler with Loving Care Call W MM or 7%1-mi PART TIME - Rttoil Referral Service clients available AIR CONDITIONERS - SOW L . KITCHiN CABINET - tli. alHce SN ICMOLT.'RI WESStl'.. itS* Coll WJSU.^V 11 JOB BTU Storting at Mi. New - uleO choirs. (II. oos stave, til, round table. daan. N.J. M, ntvar Mad WMB BTU aa» furnoce, MOTHERS HELPER - Lighthouse new darnooed Over S00 In stock Will m it-tin DISCOUNTS FOR PART-TIMTIME -- Pram t-M a.m.. la do deliver and Install Call «tJ tftt _ •MHlafriaai In bar. Plva days ptr waak. ANTIQUE - Sewlrto mochlne. Iriadll, LAUNORAMAT - UD. oil burner, Glttwca, ua. pat befty RN OR I>N - F«r 1*4 mm. Coll Mr. "••"•aMHWI arlar I p.m 53 Domestic Help -'- -1. like new, S7S, three Donioitri SENIOR CITIZENS PART-TIME WEEKENOS - Fat ICAL „ RN COMPANION AND LIGHT HOUSE g^MU.M.MII* KEEPING - For elderly woman, live _ . OFF LIST! CHKK THIS UST Of MERCHANTS WHO ARE SKILLED NURSING FACILITY Fraa dallvarv. Ehmbv product. Call FULL TIME. II 7 in ofatarrtd. Call W n* ANTIQUE OAK FURNITURE - PART TIME Areo's torgast ond llntst selection in All frintn. lotarv commtmurott with FATHER - With three young children OtratMG SINIOI CITIZEN DISCOUNTS DAUY tuoVtonco. Well trotntd itofl Coll Squonfcum Yellowbrook Rd . Form NEED EIGHT h live in housekeeper In quiet Red InBduli. MM! to Howetl Pork > neighborhood M a week Send INDUSTHIAL HAKOWARE STEADY WORKERS McLAIN. WH3T1 (J doys) Wonted WAAIHOUM MANAGER ranees ta Box M US. Tht Dolly W«'P RN WANTED - Port-lime evening*. BATHTUB - Otdfotnloned cost iron, BULDMG SUPPLES RESTAURANTS >Or*'t M W fflail St KaVOOf Mutt bt dtpondptu and ow II, with tM Mm. Apply at Garden Stote Monor N.J cngi. LIVING ROOM SET - Choirs, tables, white with Clow teet Stondord tlic with lamps, mirror, kitchen alt. »»!>. IHSULLATION INSTALLER uwn troniportotloo and «M« to w«rk Nwnlng Horn*. U Van Brocklt Rd , HOUSEKEEPER - Three day* toucatt. ta sags ooad cawdman. IM-HW. atlar I aw & SERVICES WANTED - Hjahatt waft paid. Ytor from * It p.m U» to weak, must be rtlfc" must hove cor SM T »" BLACK e. WHITE - Television round word. Trafttportafton from ol »% DISCOUNT Console U0 Special DtRMf matw * POSITION Ik. la lot pr..ld»Tcoll Mi-mi b. HOUSEKEEPER - Two ooys a wtefc $270 PER full lime, Mm retail eKaarlanct a Coll W1»11 oner t eHpertencad. mutl have own cor ond tar trae tsftmottt mutt Company benefit*, dlicountt- Call aaai nVs* Appi in peraon. recant references Coll UI41H. BLACK t WHITE TELEVISON - IS" MATCHING G.E. DRYER — And tfl WEEK v Sllvertonc, portable, with new stand I OPENING M yaw art not wftlltnt to work,ptoeM do HOUSEKEEPER - Llva In or out •rather with mini bosket, OM buys 51 Help Wonted raboll ear.anlena Good clear picture SCJpSOL PSYCHOLOGIST/ n«t call Ml nwnbor. 7Jt«7. Monday. PERGAMENT Flve-doy week Two In family Send both. Will consider trod* tor boat >7S Call S41-M41 IIHROL SOCIAL WORKER, poc TtiMday. WtdBMday, MM a.m. At* torHwy M ond f*aa*t Avt Hailet reference, to Rax M-311. Tht Dolly OLOfi UNION HOUU Mr. Rvow. Raajitar, Sfwawabory. N.j. — BOXES Corrugated Pocking sup- K% OMcawM ta Saatar Cttliant taraa«/«,s.w. prararrad. Ttra SAIE5 * PHARMACIES in ta tdtr ON OUR EARLY tlltO SPECIALS dMntar mat h conttm wlm Spa y HOUSEKEEPER - Three ooy* per Eorr» »n.»TuSiper SHREWSAURV PHARMACY PART-TIME NEWS waak. f*. Ul o day, own trontpon K claVfdMatlan laachart ond coun MACHWI DESIGNER/ „ Wtafc coll »t UU PAPER Han, raftrawew. Ca» ^41 K1, t-S BUSCNER •)• SAX UOO, Bwndy W», Ml ctonirifld chlldran. EM- «1M, Bundy clorlnei, FM, Holtan clar SALESPERSON WANTED - Full or HOUSEKEEPER/COMPANION " PALACE D4NER I nactilory Mutl ba FtOJEO ENCMEER HOME DELIVERY (net. Ile5. m IO3 otter * p.m. ar port time. Mvst hovt eKperlence In For etderiy couple Live In |p MOWER - Stori I HP. RMtr, US. lt% OHCjwnl ta iantaf CHlww Mon. Sat., 44 o m.. ottoMIMwd routci HU4fl by Naw Jaraay Start. Da- no collaKting. imnt hovo cor. Call women, reody Iftwtor Apply In per lionol turrauntr •AVSHORE PHARMACY 1*1 Ift* oartma.l al Educollan. land av modotlorn, |fl< CALORIC RANGE - Ultro Claon. not PAA Praaram - Frat DaMvarr «, tsataOr. Ltaaardc. JaMraya. urtl gat About seven year* aM Best aavsnart ~ia*a, AIMnnc Mianpana'S. REOOAK DINER SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS - Pull or LADY'S COMPANION - Owlet home NEVER USED — G.E rtlrlf- offer Con be seen al Henrv Hudson W% OHcawnt ta All Senior CRInm Jr DUaclor CMM Study Sarvlcot. pori-tlmt, wlrri llceni* ot will train on beautiful take In oreo Need* under erattM'treeitr, aoW. IS* CM ft. ftatt Rtgionoi School CaH m«m. at* far Rt » Haitat. IMCUe Ra tank MkMta Scnaal. Harding Apply In perMM.R Hcrrrlche.Soni.I03 standing lady, preferably |lv» m Room after. Coll HH7IS SowWt tmni Avt.. W*»t Ktowhurg. Mr^Thomr LIHCROPT PHARMACV aO Nn NJ.tmi. ond board only at exchange tor port SECRETARY/RECEPTIONIST - Ex lime, or tome Mtary also potilbif tor COBBLE STONES - l WVITVI r • 4ajiHaii ^••laiavnal uiavvpii i»jn •trtawcad arafarrad awl not ntcettarv. more hours Write: Advertiser. Post TIRES~ 51. Htlp Wanted arad. wa aartklaala « PAA Pragramt Send Rtavimt ta *.. ll. Kcyport, N j Office BOK 431. Asbury Pork. N J O77>1. Give phant no. Call n\*Z CROWN TIRI MART SECRETARY - Far dtvanlfltd dutle. COCOSPOT - II ctt, I*. Chart fraatar. CHKtunh to ALL Stwlir CIMIont. Hwy. tn CPA otike Mutt ba proficient RELIABLE PERSON - >o 'clean sewing mochlne with dojtk cob... 't, 11. Port Moamaula. '•>->arf. POSITION house, da laundry and iron On* day a ond pool Illttf. M4jej7 Shr.wtbury Avt , Tlnlon Falll, waak, Rumaonaraa. Uper hour Refer PIANOS ORGANS RADIATOR WORK R». a) »d R«v Lant Ia3 encev Celt HIWI Many Mad rr ode Ins. s»*ntt». canto Its. SS&XS; emingto uprights ond oronds Most major RIO RANK RADIATOR WORKS lla> n.-an. TIRE SERVICE OPENING ECRCTARV HEEDE-MHD to -r MarvlaajGol/Guy. WANT TO GO SOUTH fO« WINTER? brand* Unltmlled r*nW» from »7» ArAwti o AiAri Cn.dCdWm M 11t, ClCaoHnMg aWOTinariar rypeno OTMI - EWtrty gentleman desires reliable CONTENTTOF AP«TMTNf - Can- par month Guoronteed love it prlcts Srstamt All Mlnar Aw«a RtMtrs SPEECH COMECTrONMT I with cuttomen Impor- woman to live In. Very llghl house ttrnparory living room, dining room, W% Discount to All Sentor C Itliens blti moke thU heaping In return tor room and board I Experienced tire service personnel required, Giades K through 6 Musi ba queen site bedroom, console cotor flat net wim our la-vaar parti ond ta- mw FrantSt..Bae}BaMk,M1 UTT. ond Kifery In Delroy Beoch. Flo Coll bor ovorontee experienced truck tire changer also required cortilied by the Bute Depart oftar 4 pfri., 741 HO TVU", tempt, toWes, octestorie* Excellent condition Mutt sell oulck FREEHOLD MUSIC CENTER Coll for Appointment . U '. Excellent company and company benefits Ap- ment ol Educinon Red Bank HONIST 54 Situations wanted gMJB4 Put*; School., Red B*ok; thatfantc atke. Exafrlonc* e ^ • ply in person. Employees Tire Warehouse. terra* E»ct«»CTt wlary/btwttm. Can- CROW DECOYS N.J Experience prtterrsd Female tManttot SanOtaumak P.O. Boi $71. n-j doien, S3g tor the lot , 3417SunsetAve,Wanamassaor Call Ml «Wi Send Inquiries to Or Leonard BABYSITTER - Mature, retsonirble. C. Jeffreys, Jr., Director part or full time, reosonobTe roles CUSTOM MEDITERRAWeAN - Sofa, SECRETARY - Ta _ two choirs, table Ntw SiBM Like new, Child Study Services. Red ecutlvt. aort ttme. (21 Ml «m par Need tronsporlotion. Leonardo AUon K asking U» Call MW a Doily Register classified service Mak). ailtti good unit In typing and ! Hlghla/Kh vicinity 791 Q\>* Bank Middle School. Harding Call (201) 922-0002 it«ra ttatta CilctllaMt working condl EXPERIENCEDMOTHERS"- Willing Road. Red Bank. New Jersey tlant, WrIH ta *.- G-jn. The Dolly to core lor Infants lo one yeor, In Daily-Sunday 07701 ', N.J irni. lvate home. Mon.-Frl . 1 V» II Hi SECRETARY Earn CHrHtm«Ca»h CretteO .Ull IU I17i MARY'S CUSTOM SI WlNi- REGISTER mtaratt wart. Pleatotit ot- -oar Classified Ads .SCCRE.CRETARY-A— c «irn a nan-prarlt aatney la lla .„. UPHOLSTERY WORK NOW... as low as CLASSIFIED •onkarao iaod akarlMod oM haMg CMn only CMW> aark. I rtquUad Wa wont a ptrtaa «ma n . *iuralTTi r raotonablo r 41 cents «>M»I1 liana. Start** llal • rttaiar Incra- WORKINO LADY - Laakmptor oov' i YOU CAN PUCE manll. ExnlMI frlnaa DanaHti pro war* to da aaaaral haul, chain,. i» I tram. Ptaaat womil rawmt and. tttlar p.r ao, cdSl Ml IK) tavtna «*y Yaw wawM lifct mu aaal- For FAST RESULTS BUSINESS DIRECTORY IHa.WK to lo. Ill, Shraarabury AT LOW COST H.J. «WI. CLASSIFIED SERVICE PERSON - Far phone A DAILY GUIDE Hanlna end haatlnt cameany stoatMtcharatoi, sn Tin Situations Wanted REGISTER ADVERTISING Of BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS Male D WOK m Classified Ads n. ttc. ctvontd ON SATURDAYS MISCELLANEOUS PAINTING * 542 1700 DECORATING Tall Frat tram Hawaii Araa •0OKK1EPIN0 SCRVICES from 8:30 A.M. t. 12:30 P.M. 5&S3SB 566-8100 il Butlniu Tall Fro. tram MMWatawn Arao for Monday insertion CAKES gAjSJ|D_ STENO-SECRETARY 471-9300 Gaad a»llli fa MO. Front oltlct. Opportunities ROOFING 4V SIOINO aMItv a) daol allti axacailvaa. DESKS. FILES toM.1. iholn.odd A.I EMPLOYMENT R SHOP - Far M Ifwj machinal, typaarrllart. attic, in m Rroad SI Ml-im Rad «an> •ajwlamant. ttc. ot taraam prKat. Mrja ROOFING ANO Illn,;". - tnt nil ar mad. AA c DtSKOUUET. il*> Rl. IS. Oakhurtl Sll JPH. i. m MU D i HE 11E «T - All MrrnlcowHn ti. ctakv aaad candmon; HI FI comaM. aaad candlllan. M' paal. all atumlnum TRUCKft AUT O VALUABLE COUPON aim dack. na tintr. tl RENTAL The Daily Register DIHINO ROOM - Frvltwaad CanMm aarary . M», Hi lakiamk tklaaad (ONE REGISTER PLAZA • SHREWSBURY, N.J. 50 CENTS OFF vahjaf cRakt. burial and tarvmf cart. Twa Taatlmata and laRlti and L- •VSL Your Next anaptd tauth mm* v ap in;. call the classified action line DININd] ROOM - CaaMM laMt and DAIY REGISTER OASSflED AD dialrv R,auklrai,l. SociHKt. mvtt 542-1700 By prtsentmg this coupon AVIS Wlwn pijc«>a youi classified ad fSonjr. net good towtri% fimily M Ctl Adrmtnn) Regular Office hours, Monday thru AD MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE Friday are from 8:00 A.M. to ISTORAGE Call 542-1700 PAPEHHANOINO RU« ctMCkt to: Tt»> Oil, Pla>>MK 5:00 P.M. Call 542-1700 Ont RRtMw Hut. *lift«fl*»T. NJ. 07701 18 The Daly Register SHREWSBURY. N J TUESDAY. OCTOBER 3. 197B 131. Houtei For Sole 1S2 Boats And M. Nozltt 217 Monmoulh Beach LITTLt ULVili NICE»T ITUET AcctMtrtts MOTeCS - l»»l[llall Tkraa maatartln Piooe* take »*U* lhal DM M __ n. Pets Aitq Ltvtsttcfc IN Commercial montnitum e>oa)Ca*a» — »-•<••'> mwi MiTiimi iMn W^IMMI AXSWIM 5'me Tl imeiilr. of Halt* ffiouw. and State ol Htw JorVey (no* REO BANK - Hka tun Rcntols Tkraa Wl MHI*til of The number to call to fta« Otakwj raam. f U4d aactsM IW) of the Zontsw DrtNiMtsicc to lioj W »11I Re* rniml II I Ifcoroal djaMoiurtlltles Iraa. •Mnwinodar not as I* parnsH croon** of NM ISMMM m oltVittwi.wsy concurrUt*. that: IEU14UI0 - »,ll II MM Emu* .—,, FlarMa .VMCMM ke-S*> ALL GEOiGEOUS M"Ba4 ITATE RENTALS Mr 1111 1 1 1 4*aa» aOkM •ne l*l, and ata* r*Haf Irom tol cav lal aad Id at Sacttaa 1 m4 Paraarap* H •rajt, b*Mf V ISX where 8% I* per It) at aadtan 4 Im ardMaen aMNad Cancel or Change miffed on pramftM Hciitt on ilf Mr "Aa Ordlaaace Pravldlas Par lur.l.hed « t»lUI _ ria_l«a Barauak aj At your Classified Ad* tor. tpliHuNtet. aentM A tlltper tpptnl is now on the Secretary . c*t*n & ""TW MO already located Ihort, OH smal 4kr, and a puerftc hearinB Im be*n oratved far Od tl. 119. I IS PM _KM Suck Ap- a RIVERSIDE AVE i", pouts' and oMrtmil « be and me torn* i* herefcy Ss' BOAT - And e. «ttMMrood«Mt*w.: , iii *Mla ar OHton. musl soil I Sflcttaa I. Tbe lmpr*veme»»l at car brio aw .in alacMcaaaaar. CdSI ljf4»4S Krlert to S*cliM 3 of tMt ordinance is eve., OVC-, etc. LOit *or opfWrnfment. hereby eulhorltod as o tmrel Im MATAWAN - Oftl AMEBICAN SKIIEP. - 1071. J» K> We wont vow! TotKtp ir* keep rent* at -tor's dema W hours pravoerwM to be moot by m* Borowgh CAMASCAMASSSA AGENCY. Realtor*. MLS Ca4l Itiwi Jtwnet fislokg of MoMnoutti Beach, Now J*r»*y For 542- we are effectively I Parker Ave., Little Silver 747 tin. IJ7S**er.mM the said Improvement *»ot*d Ml S*ctton rents Hw. Studio* starling at «7S, one ru: Zifgr Eves mum •OAT INSUHANCE We*i Keamburg, N J J. mere is h)W*e^***>rofrtos»d fti btdrotins starting of »]ft, Iwo MATAWAN - I Mofct and AHonllc d Oct. 3 M4t of %rM.MO.OO Mid sum b*ing ine KITTENS LITTLE MLVCfl - Tlm'i an omoj itorllng at 1M<>. three AM*., MW fwnwMMd More. no. amount of room in this charming MOTfCB Call S*MI2) •OSTON •»«!» IT, 41N p.. >Uc thret bedroom Colonial Location is PJi-*f >et*HeeKt thai Ihe under MIDOLETOWN - Lundwofirrt*, HO* loos Owners have been Irawferrod Irk tfarl Marcurv ttrd AUIng isss If and hoot, eat cooking, •q ft . patMiHal l«r worttty ot wt ond ar* walling for offers E A " Coll WtlJI AXIstrnent ol'ifce Township of Hoitei l»,J».e»astt»edown IMwwr (ktrmn, TV stcur tarrprlMt for oaarrtdv* todlvWool for • variance tram tht provision* of avaltaWe tharefor 'by Vlrtwe "of" pro mlftf pool, HIM, marina, ARMSTRONG AGENCY. Realtor. Hi DINGHY'S - EH, Skimmer, Dyer AmaK pofktno Catl *n **M after I. Preoptcl Ave . Uffl* Silver. W *m Sumner, Zodiac. Mohwitr. II you can I Sectie* I m of Hit lontng oVdtwpKt to vision m a budget or budget* ol the 3M MMtrtrwnd poking Rental of- MIDOLETOWN find yowr nml eXnohy ol BOAT HOUSE attopermHlnslollotionofUFootbvU BorougSKISMh previouslI For yth adoptee IWaocWd o ol sold fice «pM H*M 4m o MM Call Bob OFFICE (PACE - Mwy U. Mid Foot In-ground *wlmming pool 10 feet Section £ F th financing 1700 Improvement and to moot me part ol Clccone at HI 741 im -sown, JM KJ ft In professlono from rear property line, where H 'eel sold IIK.SdS PJ appropriation ml m ' mHj. 11*5 per month -71 I*4H Kjutred on promises locattd or ~~ tIA BRIGHT - Thro* btoTtjom PROFESSIONAL - Office tpaca. MOO OAK HILL down payment, neootlot ocoantrerrt, M HOW Varti but IIM HUNTCM If' - 1*74 Throo soils Cus 1 Rd. known at M*ck Ht. tol >. — Ihe Bo.owan. ooctt to be kno, VtwfWK Cot, MWI — ft . furnished, utllitits included torn tnsorlr. Nlne-h p. volvo Fully the Tax Map whkh is within M0 leet of _.jMa»e. Sloe»oll and Povli _ par month CUSTOM BUILT lodl EMttori dlfian. In wa property owned by you. Thl* appeal Is Bond", ore Hereby outhorlied to be now on me Secretory* catendor. and a •8 A.M. To 5 P.M. Dally MUN SHEPHERD PUPPIES - SEA BRIGHT - Furnished efficiency WHALE AGENCY 7* fH. Issued In me principal amount ol rtment with every convenience, publtc hewing hot been ordered for lin.MI.lt pursuant lo the Local Bond C roaMared, Mack MMOH PROFESSIONAL OFFICE - Keyporl Heavily Wooded Acre 3d 11. ltTI al I IS P.M. prevaslina aroar aiiiraiilii, lin arm up. m im washer, tile bath witti sliding gtas* KEVPORT MARINE SALES Low, camlnutlna SECTIONS 40AJ I to ___r, »tif tteonlog oven, air condl Rt»tt)tnti*l. commerciol oreo olr ton time, in the Township Hall, fit MtrtcMe <0A 144 ol the Hevlsed Slolutet ol Ne« Saturdays 8:30 A.M. To 12:30 dHlanod. Enecutlve desk and choir ond HWV M. HAZLET Rood. Moilei. N j , at which lime you lton*d. private entrance, TV, SttS. Call TWO FIREPLACES WUMM IM 7174 _ clpgtipn of tht Usyonce M JW * Vin Illetabinel 11*4 a month. In may appear either In perse* or »y >s all utilities. 7OT-MB7. LARSEMH|T^»|» r«ias, l»7 agent, or attorney ond presenl ony ob . ssxh tMnds and lo temporarily It P.M. SEA BRIGHT- :instruction u progressing on ml* # none* said improvement, negotiable RED BANK — ZU Broad St. thro* •leoant home with Interior and ei h.p. Evlnrvde, tilt trailer, now CB OM ection which you may have I* granting notes of the Borough In a principal 7EB - MlnHvra, m mala, office suite* available ranging from erfif chorochrrltllcs. Uniquely suit spotllfiw, life preserver*, two built-in ol the appeal ~ AKC registered. Mack gas MMfcS iMal poe ih d This notlct is served upon you by amount not Mctedlng tl«),9M00 ore NOTE: After an ad It ordered It cannot be canceled or — 4 am . stl IIP* one room ot SI II per month lo on BXIIIM hereby author lied to be istutd SEA MIGHT - Four iorst ro«mt. floor olMsq ft ol MOO per month All Order of the Board ot AdlusTmenV pursuant to and within the llmilollon* changed prior to the first Insertion. modtrn AvallaW* Oct I. conditioning, carpeting, decorating, dimension* and fashionable extra* Respectfully. " utilities included. Ample on site Lydta Camporeale * "-d by said Law. The mattlmum UHMMM king Minimum one yeor tooM. Coll • 4 lorgt bedroom*. IW baths SI4 Line Rd ilerttt whkh any ol sold ob SHtRtWSBUBY TOWNSHIP — owner, Waller Zlmmerer ft Son. A formal dining room LENTZE MARINA — For Portion Bay Hailet _ . shall bear is sl« per centum ShftwttMKy Arm* Aportmenli Ap A thoroughly modern and convtnlenl boating In out berthing service for (5%| (peper annum rttcotlon* now btktg tokfffi ItrMtgnd* T4B0 or t44-4.ll. , lichen wwer and sail boot*, II to M'. Used S«tton 3. (b) The estimated mo. Swimming Pools two btarotw tanriwiHti Call M» MH. RED BANK - IS? Broad St., Rod Site saving proportion* ond de*lgn MMit sales 717 ?IJ». m of Hanai or nates to be Issued lor lit mwoal tlnonciol /pro(«u( A lovely formal living room ond sotd .imravomwn is UU.MO M 23* Red Bank with * WEST END - Codar Formt GorH handsome family room (Cl The eitlmotfd mailmum 239 Red Bank »f. MOTlng iomp<«tlon and n tailored with flroptacft BOARD OF I omounl ol money lo be raised from oil TAX NOTICB im ... occupancy, All wlltt olr cc Full basemen! and more II BCTHANY ROAD V Monad, carptttd and afcarat*d A HAXLIT, M1W JBRIIY e/7M sources lor said improvement i* t sale. Boranf*. ol Rod Bank lar non-o J im.mm m* nc*M ltt*r**t ever me POOL - Aoovt around, 74x41. with H»ot«r«motnlngr«ng«»ffom _ NOTICE AND INVITATION TO BID 1 •MaaaTDacomBar II. It77 ' oka 11 •wt^kSsok^ aam^ H t BBBAoava dal •kABakdaV au* flnW. Boot offer Call >»o>d IM rntdoni monootr. 1 _ _ n offlctn al 1100 ptf monlh to IIM MAKE ARRANGEMENTS NOW - THe Haiitt Board of Education In w »* 11, *aV*swaj 11 IfJ Jl •• t nprvi ojrt BPanwavw OF, 471-3714 or 471-1414. Av«., Apt Jf, W-tIK, _^_ tq ft, ivlt*». Ample on Hit parking Howling, winter (lino, storage boot* up i to be leaved therefortoeing th e amount of me soM SM.IWBS down WEST END - H*«ly rMorv. opart Minimum ant-y*ar Itaw Col) owner, 10 JS PISCES MARINE, 3M Hwy M. PRICE: dlmpre»ema»t mam, kldt, pttt ok., frtt wiitltl«». Belford «7 4001 1147,500 Icl The lyppli lal 83 CBs/Electronics wo»htr, Xtrot. »M0 TATE MUST SELL — Purchasing now boot- deal slaliiiieiil repaired ay saM Law T4T-f4M * CENTALS Ihr. 1*75 Hunter IS Sailboat, pop lop. shoal SEARS MB CB RADIO - with single has aeon Iliad w Me OlfKe of the ooec 1, (7.'KM), f f outboard, excellent lor of ma OMslia ol Local Oo«o,n 102 Houses For Rent WHELAN mewl » He Deaait I at She Tioas tian and inapplM, Entir* floor tingle REALTY GROUP REALTORS SACRIFICE - U' wood covered, reao atoua, os par me mtntmum SPOCH- at Now Jersey aad oftlc. or ihrM uiiln ovallobli - will t bl i 1W catlant which may be nalaiMe* and en 84 Merchandise dkMo to wll Coll i4MMS aoyt Ev.i 842 7565 SS p lie ot the Offke* of me Boord tocro- W14731 Canvas cover and mony extra* Musi Wonted MONWOUTH BEACH - One eor ok) DEAL EXECUTIVE - Big throo- 1 r soil. Asking 11000 Call after S p.m. The proposals property n*«H**t) TINTON FALLS - Sycamore Prt Colonial Four bedrooms, 3 /, both! 717*441, T *e Have ma m** remeaiei AAAAAA- LIQUIDATE UNWAHTEl esslonol Building, I adjacent lo m. Principals only. MUM. laW la ea, ar taraclaio Ma r KM ANTIOUES. JEWELRY, DUGt, fOI more, U)0 rents. •orfcway.. now completing ullro 7474434 STATE RENTALS Bkr. modern addition, immediate occ- NEW LISTING IN New Jersey's •JkaM ta made mm caadactad al at cordage arin Ma aravlUant al INTTJRHATIONA1 SALLEftlft cuponcy Unlimited parking, beau PM alaa,li ar lap Miat at Haw Janav entitled "Aa Ad cowcernlna unpaid Iff E. Newman Springs M. m DollhouM, Ocl. 1 t« ) tlfully londscaped Spoct ov of lob I* tor LITTLE SILVER Complete Marine Center 747-410 f monfti, Mcurlty and p my medical specialty, will finish to Absolutely charming ronch for the small family Move In to a large square POWER BOATS utllllUi Adolti p.. It (ft* nMil or Ond ocls ALL LIONEL TRAINS •W-CTIf. C1I MUfll Iving room with fireplace, dining SAIL BOATS room, den, kitchen with dinette, two Of Hyar. Tap cain aaprotsal. WHaB HIOHLANOS — fcnoV mrM-ro*m ceV At any Hme toefore Ma sole. Ihe unoerstoned will receive payment of the bedrooms, on* both. Coil us Im Discount •nsMldM oa any property with me Interest and casts up le me time ol .old Furniture. tag*. Sultatlt odulll. 11/i ptr month 109 Buildings/Garages mediately btcoust II won't last. Ill, lewelry, rum Top Dtut ulllltltt. Itcurlty rcquirtd. SHIP'S STORE JOHNSON OUTBOARD Jane Roosevelt! 10* ¥. iARAGE FOR RENT - Approximate $52,000 The saei tands. evbtoct le east daKrkaad on accordance with the to* CROWELL AG^CNCY^ 74HOW AAA RATED . I J*r*ty OV'jer daplleaM. fcxtuowia Kta name at the awiser at shewn aa Mo kw) tat duplicate HIGHLANDS - Coiy on#M*oo»n SERVICE CENTER . J A. KMtvwtkl Boord S*cr« Aoyo.td- . and aaaroaats ol hues, and other municipal chorees which ware a lien ANTiaUlf - GAT honw, |w»t itw, room tor kldt, rtodv OCEAN TOWNSHIP- Wayside WWoods / School BwtkAoM Adm AM Sp*. STATEMENT »e,eafaalhe thirtyUrsl day ol Oocemoer. It77. eacluslve. however, ol Hie TOUB, "J^g* Mo now, coll. ond Long View Vllloplage EJeoontEleyont new In* band ardlnonce published lien tor lousier the year al ItTI ore HIM below: UT-UU STATE WEWTALS ikr. Cotl 531 ^SW. FLAGSHIP MARINE .. jwHh has boon finally adopted and BOP.OUBH OP RBD BANK no Wanted To Rent ED SAIS UNSE Municipal Marine Basin Iht today period ol limitation within IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Atlonlk Highland* BOARD OF EDUCATION whKh a suit, action or proceeding HREE BBOROOM - Haute or apart chongina water view from ml* alder hillside Colonial. Bay views from din 291 M00 Eugene A questioning me validity ol such or tont. Unfurnlihed, ng roam anddtn. Sun deck oft mailer dlnonce can be commenced, os pro Open Six Days yidedlntheLocolBondLawhosbeoun — pms oil i/iiiI,le* nOftrenct*, so* bedroom, three bedroom* on second tA 4B E. StlCh UW.rrcmlSI 7t7 $4 floor, three on third. Atlonlk High Closed Mondays o run tr om the date of the first public a •A t Oakland investment Co II w: Front SI. 4S7 71 TURN YOUR DIAMONDS INTO curtty and lease required For appjlca- lands Marina nearby Ashing sH.tOO Wed. ond Fri. Illl I p.m. ton ol this statement. Statement to be II j A. P.MCII JS-I7E FranlSI UO! a llon and lo Inspect, coll Jock ••— with ordlnonce In lull alter DOLLARS - Convert Old Jewel.y to McGowan, Century Si McUowon/Ryt CENTURY II COZENS, tfearton II 7 L Mouer Mt River ltd U0S 77 Cosh. DOM PON'S JEWELERS WIU Hon. ISA a O. rwrrell ill Mechanic St 40174 Ky, RooHor 747MHO. 228 Holmdel B*jy Iron, private owners aad estate* 113 River I _ Bonnie Jo Moore 14 14 EslE. Jones 3t Prospect Ave 417.IS Clerk ANTIQUE CLOCKS REPAIRED AND 7417*1 NOTICE OF DECISION JS I Jersey Short Scots Clubet Mechanic St. IB4 4t JEWELRY DCilGNIO. m River Rd . Houses For Sale TAK E NOT ICE that on the 37th day OMi M I] snorweod Realty 7 Broad St. Poik Mavtn, N.J. Bef-agT. RUMiON WATERFRONT ot September. 1*71, the Zoning Board of 1 4 MNOdrlcklE Barnes P «t Shrewi FRENCH COLONIAL Adluttment of Holmdel Township, ol 31 II HYALBRR LEOHAUDO - Flv '. whltg brick, custom built, center OUTBOARD ENGINE - Evlnrudr, 241 Sea Bright hall Coloptal on one acre, Three 1T74, II hp, salllna type Electric er a puNlc hearing, repealed the rul no that o Variance II needed for the ceramic We both*, full wall Maryland •tad, remote control, alternator, ti TESOLUTION CONFIRMmO 5 !,F itono tlrajMoce In family room, live Iller maintaining (he iwlmmlng pool hessrr {?£,..: Ittnt condmon. Mini toll. 717-oMf. al the premises of Jock ond Lesley AFPOINTMBNT OF MATAWAN - Two-bedroom, lorge liv- oroe bedroom* Kitchen has ook cabl OWENS 1«U - ATTORNEY FOR BOARD ing room, oat w kitchen, enclosed rtor nets, plu| center altlt work area with Grumel, 7 Ook* Drive (corner 7 Oak* 2 { A Healthy B. Happy New Vtar. Marine. Circle), known a* Block ti, Lot MI5. or. OP ADJUSTMENT porch, full basement, aaraae. Close to May IfTI 5731 Bring Ptoce wood btfcher-black lop. Too many SO 3413 Resolution offered by; Wllmer Rtlyta Ifonoportatton. No pets. Adults pre - HltMottllt Cll t dtll the Tax Mop ot Holmdel Township A and Trongwlllly to the World RESERVE NOWf -Winter store any copy ol sold determinations ha* been Seconded by: Frank Montefusco ferrod. Security plui referenc.it Im boat on trailer in protected, fenced In RESOLUTION 45 Monmauth St. modloft occupancy- Coll HHW. area, at Atlantic Hlghlond* lor only lied in the office of the Town*hlp Clei s W Brood SI Silv ond it available for Inspection WHEREAS. Ernest Fosono. Esq., * ACRES NEW tlW Coll 270-3232 for reservation, now ne present attorney for the Board of MWawlmatonSt. Ill Apartments MIDOLETOWN — Ronch home, f» .- . ids X. Burke, Secretary Four bedroom*, )•' master bedroom — space limited. Adjustment of tht Borough ol Sea It Linden Pi flroploco. U» plus. m Zoning Board Of Adlustmtm suite, living room, formal dln.no room. IUM$6N AREA - Send for our irfohl, hat resigned effective August I, O Pints W Wathlnoton St super science kitchen, 70 family with Homes For Living" brochure, pics, Oct. 3 U.tO I) HChoowicfc KWoiMngtanSI Wl *M>. navtr a IM ... IS R Matdo firopioce, full recreation bosement dticrlptloni, prices on available WHEREAS, there tilst* tht need FwnHMi ajM intumllkaa rwim ond 154 Recreational IS C VonBrunt Two Itmury boms. Appllonce*- Sixties. oe* APPLEBROOK REALTORS, tor legal service* tor Ihe Board ot Ad •ullinrtl. TEICHEH AGENCY. HE XI Vic Rhode* Ine MELMED AGENCY 471 MM Aye Of TWO Rivers, Rum.on, uttmont of the Borough ol Sea Bright. Ho, f Iton Ave ATTOM. fc Ocoonaart Ava., Ocoon Vehicles 229 Keansburg Ktoybtn, Ine ;ounty of Monmouth; ond Wt Urowatiury Ave pan. aW-MBB. ^^ AL GREENE 4 CO . INC. t» H MlBOBWI I) Carl Jl TI ACRES WITH - Cl*ar running 14' WINNEBAGO TRAILER - Sleeps WHEREAS, funds ore or will be m t M Romas II Ava. f*t Hwy.3. brook; several greenhouses; good cln lift, heater. Icebox, range, electric. avollota* for this purpose, and derblock shop; large Ironing*, broke*, *?75 7S7 SO42 WHEREAS, the Local Public Con 3A WRInhowshl bungalow; asking 177,000. Harold Lin roctt Low, N.J.S A. 40A11 1 require* PORT MONMOUTH RV VEHICLE INSURANCE 1IA ftMtrlgoW rWtSlhJ!. 1 lotnonn, Brofctf, eatontown. MMIOJ that the resolution awarding Ihe con Jut l ni-BOM tor op room, U ouetl bedroom, IVi lux FREE quotes and binders by phone tract shall state the supporting rtasont MA RLtt 1U Catherine Jt CALL TOLL-FREE !•»•» f «3 II Tilton Ave sffi wry bams, 15' Snina room. It science THINKING OF - Selling or buying? at which tli... _ ond be printed In a newspaper of gtner Colt TRANS EXECUTIVE REALTY Ub GVVoton III Rivor St. STATE RENTALS Bkr. kitchen, coiy den, 34' gomtroom. full BLAZON TRAILER - >•». Sleeps six. the following: ol circulation not more than ten days il, garage. e71H00 *el( contained, extras. after potsoat ot Ih* Resolution. 31 W Milter tS Ltlohton Ave. RUMION - Attractive twobedroom MELMED AGENCY 1. Setting the date of a publfc hear 7 R William. cottog*. carpttlnfj, full basement, WO ACRES ON STATE HWY. -^Doll Call 717-7177 ng on Water ond Sewtr rales. NOWTTH ERE FORE, BE IT RE, TS I11N4 H N5 S woshor/dryer. aitJiwaihar, ntor stores artetaen ond coffee shop; oood two- " isotutlon re Financial Consul SOLVED by Iht Boord ot Adluttmtnt ol ond on busline. Avotlatt* Nov. I or ASKING SSMM - Mint condition, bedroom home plus IMO sq. ft hobby M Borough of loo Bright. County at building, W0JW. Horold Llndemonn. norevvtoutn tnOs ttte oppointmeni tor fnt a a i am twaYiiifi, w/fna anlliitt, fct* kaker, Eotontown UMin, batonct of the YeoTftTI mode by tht 1% mJM MAHodle E r UWHWUI • rwai. rairviww tojciron. UNION BEACH - Three-bedroom Chalrmon tl Arthur Goldiwelg be and Rw\ H MVoccorllto STATE MNTAL> Ur. 1*74 19' TIOGA MINI MOTOR HOME the some It hereby confirmed. The per -j-bedroom, corpel, washer, Xtro*, Walk to shopping and school. In opple anch. extras! Neor school ond shop- ftB USA NYftLBRR PW ordeTtoll us. PAUL P. BOVA. Sleeps si*, self contained, Dodge son hereby appointed I* a member of ping confer. lM.000 3*4 11W after t IMlS. 717-4347 or 717-24*5. M 1 L Morris HhUM STATE RENTALS Bkr. INC.. ReollOf. 471-1S44. he legal profession, a recoanittd pro 17 3 C Vincent jASCMENT Ml.fvO TRAILER - »' Fan, like new, self- 232 Long Branch iwion, ond II Is not posiibl* lo obtain IrWaaAva. SEA BRIGHT - Coiy cotioge, under Four spoclout bedroom*. IV. baths, U' WALKER t WALKER contained, electric lock. Call 772-U3I -elllive bids REALTORS IE IT FURTHER RESOLVED lhat 77 14 Continental Adv EATONTOWN - Jtnt SM woohlv, DM, move ml Nice Ocean or to Kience eat-in kitchen, full recreation mornings or evenings. ••SOLUTION 71 • C Varbrough 747-W4 STATE RENTALS Bfcf, basement, II' gomtroom. two-car go Shrewsbury Office 1741-»12 WHEREAS, due lo the Jewish Holi- __* of this Resolution be published 71 It R. Wllltom* move In I TV, oil utllltlet trte, roooy •oge Mlddtetown Office 471 J3I1 n The Dally RtoUier. a* required by now, coll. SHADOW LAKE VILLAGE - Oelmont day on October 3. If ft It ha* com* to tow within ten days of II* paisoge 7f n A Monftlro MELMED AGENCY WATERFRONT COLONIAL - LIrHe T4T44M STATg RENTALS Bhr model, two bedroom*, two both*, den. he attention ol the City Council ol ihe I, Dolores Goetie, Recording Set n tSC MAI*lon - attocnod oaragearose, anend unit on golf e71StlO 4*3^600 Sliver Point, deep woler. permanent City ol Long Bronch that It it ap- TV 17 E.LOwrtnce ELBE RON - Jvtt l», move Inl Coiy dock, stone bulkhead, approximately iltable Nov. BRICKTOWN - IMMEDIATE OC- propriate lo change Ihe workshop rr-nVol tK BoroSr," oi Sao B7I« •I 13A j Coin one bedroom, fro* ulllltlti, mony one jcrt, Spacious rooms, four- neetlng from Tuesday. October 3. lfTI hereo•^'.rtKrissryu'tfiih!y certlty that the loroaolng rei ; •1 1W J Coin Xtfot, call. CUPANCY VA approved, vo l Mdroomi, mognlflcenl sun porch, lotae rooms c o Wednesday. October 4. lt/l. ond ullon Is a true copy duly passed D 10 Unknown 747*434 STATE RENTALS Bkr. througtvoul, three bedroomi, dining ctocular view ol the Shrewsbury WHEREAS, Inoccordar.ee wltMhe approved by Ihe Zoning Board oll Ad H If ALucos HIGHLANDS - One Iwo bedroom room, den. garage, nicely, landscaped, rer One ol the choice location* on Open Public Meetings Act r) It ap- ustment al me regular (iircllnu h«(Id on U IB Unknown 747*414 STATE RENTALS Bkr. he river. Principal* only UI5.000 propriate lo change such a meeting by eptember IS. 1971. •4 1C Unknown OpartlTHHiti, waterfront For oppolnt patio, oukk closing lo audllf led buyers, 47-1013. FOUND - Soiling dinghy, latntlty ond csolutlon. m*m, coll Of«SI or Wl-STM. WEST LONG BRANCH ELITE - VA no down, FHAX minimum, 140.MO. pay far this ad. DOLORES GOETZt MA m F Potter Giant three-bedroom, two-bath, FIRE NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RE- Recording Secretory KIRWAN REALTORS/REAL ESTATE aM-aMI after * p.m. SOLVED by the City Council ol y t»A tat W. Ryon HIGHLANDS - Throo roomi, lullabl* PLACE, garage, Xtros, MM. SOLVED by the City Council ol Ihe City ONE, ?0l Iff JtOO; Tolt free, U2 Condominiums Of Long Branch that II hereby chanoti fl *O HMOOaow* oaultt. »WS per month ptwi ulllltlei. 74MW4 ™TATf RENTALS Bkr. 100-Wl-BHI, Open 7 days Illl », LOST - Mot* Stamts* cot, sine* S*pt. i mil SocwrttY roaulrod WHIM IJth, block ond white with one ear up. I worxstiop session of October 3. ivTI ?1 ,5 C Yorbrouoh HIOHLANOS - Thro* lootni, tu It obit • UV OR SELL - Your home through Town Houses Three years otd, antweri lo -Chlcor. October I 1*7.*3 243 Shrewsbury M $ Church of Our Lord BE IT FURTHEFURT R RESOLVEO that odultt. IIU per th l ltl 103 Rentals To Share on affiliate of the lorgest real estate SHADOW LAKE VILLAGE - Resales, Vicinity of Tlnton Ave . Tlnion Foil* M if SDukes company In the world-Century 11 the Ctly Clerk Is required to publish this Township Security requlf Varloui model* LAWLEY AGENCY, Reword. Ul-itU. Turner WIDO Coien* Realtor, 741 744*. Multiple W0 bO 11 30W Iq dtttown tor the permission for vari- tgcolherlneSI. No pot*. V2-%m. U"ODB'*' * ^ " ' horn rosary beads Lost with Cordovan tie*, move today! All utmtltt free. Property Agnkr handbag Tuts.. Sept. Ti. In Nep ance tor an In ground iwlmmlng pool UTIlhjfl Ave. SEA BRIGHT — N BECHT & CO. tune. No questions asked If bead* ore ocated ot I Pox Wood Run. Mid 250 Other Public Notices i s itsr-!tsr . MB River tl. furnished, efficiency REALTORS returned. Great sentimental value. dletown NJ Lot 36 Block 13 1 on tht •I It Mr. KotUJmliti HjmkSI KEANSBURG - Modern, (urnlthtd motel units. Dolly 842-3933 Pleote call W-7715 or 3*4 7330, TOM Map ol the Township of Mid Mr. K two-room ttudlo apartment with »rto* dlelown and that o public hearing will PuiTiTiwficI er both. Oft itreel parklg Suitable tor CUSTOM BUILT UO'I We have available a superb office be held ol Town Hall King* Highway The Board ol Director* of Ocean . ilnale or retired perw*. AH utltltlei Throe large bedrooms. Is' master Ulna containing appraKlnvattlYTno 211 Special Notices MMdlolown N.J. on October IS 1»7« at Senior Cltlien* Housing Corporation SEA BRIGHT - Four-room, nicely bedroom, (V» baths, U' science hitch ft. Four private office*, two targe Intkidad- HTfl monthly. The Lodge. furnished, private apartment home. (Poplar Village) hold regular meeting* 717-Bin, II' gomeroom, patio, garage. work areas, Receptionist area ond two ALL DRIVERS INSURANCE - Low Mr. e. Mr*. A, J. Luciano in the third Wednesday ot each month Immediate occupancy, 1315 ptr month. tl orge conference rooms. Other feo- rate*, monthly payment. Immediate • FOM Wood Run In tho meeting room of Poplar Village, KifYPORT — EMnanl •no-otdroom pl»» utilities. mSflt. ures Include ttoroge area, oft-slreet coveroge. 774-7073. rVi lad lei awn, N J, tl Skinner Drive, Ook huftfof 1:90 PM. oparirrMflt, booulrfut view of the bay. larking for JO cars. Priced to sell ot 1 &S.I0 Pair (do Zohner. Manooer tm Inctwatt oil utilities. 7*-U07. 105 Summer Rentals ELLEN S. HAZELTON, REALTOR 213 instruction oci. i Wn KEVPORT - Threo-room apartment. Member Real Estate Exchange -' Nov. 1. Unfurnished. S73Q o MOUNT POCONO - FourWoom, •41-noo 237 Monmoulh Beach 244 Tinton Falls 244 Tlnton Foil* I 244 Tinton Foil* rwobotti Chalet Fireplace. Prlvali AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN gall cour*t, ttnnit courts, beoch and -.HOP TINTON'ALLS , thro* bedrooms, IVj bolhV, llvli _ _ ORDINANCE ENTITLED "AN country club. Close to all resort*. ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR TAX IALB NOTICfi ' ' LINCROFT SINGLE - JuttSIK, m 713 5S43 'Ith fireplace, tormol dining room, ^ For taivpoyment ol «eol Estate Tones ond Sewer Service Charges In (he Borough ot Tlnlon Falls, us ot December II. today, full convenience*, near bus and .ot in kllchen. wall to wall carpel 137 Lots & Acreage DRAINAGE, SIDEWALKS, FOREIGN LANGUAGES CURBS AND PAVING ON throughoutougou : screened porch, poo*led ollector of Tones ol the Boroogfi of Tlnton Foils, M iC STATE RENTALS Bkr ti Principal* only KEANSBUHG - Building lot, »<100. Dr. Poko (42 7*15 106 Furnished Rooms recreatio sidewalks ond curb. Corner Woodside y ot October ItTI of 11:06 A.M. In the Borough BulhHng. SSI Ml-r7r7. Ave. ond Grovt PI WOOD 111 TWi PRIVATE INSTRUCTION OP MONMOUTH BEACH AP _ ._ed lands. FAIR HAVEN-ESTATE AREA Plono ond organ PROPRIATINO TNI SUM OP ..llclpol liens chargeable against Ihe some on Ihe list day ol Grocious Center Hall ranch with for J*4-!0*3 nu,eee M THEREFOR AND AU December, 1077, exclusive, however, of the lien for TOKOS tor the year im ot computed In tbe tallowing llsl, which STATE RENTALS Bkr mat dining- room, eat In kitchen, two 138 Mobile Homes THOmilNS THE ISSUANCE OP Includes Interest on sow omounl to the date ol sale toeolhor with cost ot sole. Property will bo sold at public vendue to such parsons at will purchase the some sublecf to redemption ot the lowest rate ot Interest, but In no cose In OHCOSS of MATAWAN — Big two btoroom, Moln DEAL AREA - (Ingle room, fireplace*. V/i both* and two flag.tone IITl.Ht.M BONDS OP TNI patios Located on one beautiful acre. EATONTOWN - Homette lf7T, 12«S2, BOROUOH POD PINANCINO ,lve percent per Call for detail*. I1U,JOO two bedrooms, two sheds, Immedloto SUCH APPROPRIATION", This sal_ e_ .Is madm> e under the provision ttl Article 4, Chapter I. Till* S4 ot Ihe Revise* Statuts of New Jersey im. CAMASSA AGENCY, Realtors MLS occuponcy. S414M4. PASSED AND APPROVED May entitled "Sale ol Real Property to Enforce Liens,'' ond act. swapWrnontorv tttorota ond MATAWAN BOP.0 - Three-bedroom, HIGHLANDS - Room tor mature buil- Tht told land* to be sold ond the names of person* ogoln.1 whom saW kit* hove IM i Porker Ave , Little Silver GARDEN PARK MOBILE HOMES - H. IPTa." •iK-rooff) opartmenl, eicelltfit area nttt gentlmn O d i i lot unpaid touts ore os lolliws although the names shown below — 7*7 fa. 6vt» MJ Sil? Bethany Rd , Hoitet Adult park. Walk Walk to tchaoli, ihopplng. troniporfa BLOCK LOT NAME o shopping ond N.V. bus. 2*4 Jtn. tlon. Heot wppllod. S»S month. FALL 222 Eatontown Eddie LI Marion L Kelly KEANSBURG - Nice room with kllch In love with this Immaculate three John ft Mary Smother* S*MTO pn. US O week. Mature genlltman prt bedroom Colonial home conveniently room*, one bath, , Joyce A. Oyden MATAWAN — Ken Gordons, big one trrod Colt m-mt otter J p.m. located on Sutra Vista Ave.. In Fair Ctowde ft Annie B Ellis and twa-atdroom apartment* ttartlng no S17.S00 Tak* a look. Call 717 4447 or NOTICE IS HGRSBV GIVEN that KEANSBURG - Furnlihet. rooms and Haven. Formal living ond dining 717 7354. Roy ft Barbara J. Otoornt HUX Corptilngthroipghout Akron rooms, gourmet hllchcn with custom on Saturday. October 14, 1*71. at the Citato Kelly dWrOntnfl Lots of porting. Swimming cabinet*, fireplace In the living room, MOBILE HOME - 42 Paradise Trailer parking lot In back ot Borough Hall. 47 JOt 1 Beverly A. Harris, Jr. pooland Ttnnls Courts Your very own lovely den. tnclo*ed porch. IV, bath*, flTood Stre«1. Eatontown. New Jersey Jomes ft Carrie P. Perryr,«r, Si . f Howard A«nue nom patio. W0H to shopping and NY. City KEYPORT - Private entrance. Hie ' " basement, two cor aarogt. beau " ot II:00 a.m. tht Police Deportment al F. I JO' II Steven Avenue commuting SU-aJlO Open t am,. twth and shower, gentleman only- Coll _.ly landscaped. |u*l minutes from the Borough ol Eatontown will sell at OlIO! H Howard Avenue between. 64 p.m.. 2e-t 304V beaches ond tennl* clubs, walking ** MOBILE HOME INSURANCE publilic auction ond receive bids thethereor n p.m., Mon. lo Frl. Raymond Agoe St William Slreel 17144 tanct lo school* Call to see this ex FREE quehn and binders by phone The following eajuipment. MIDDLETOWN — Modern two MIDDLETOWN — Room for rent with CALL TOLL FREE 100^2? tTW, Pottee I. Lula Russell 44 William Slreel Bicycle* found or recovered Katharine a Congo Jones badroom dupfti «71 per month, plu* ltlgn. 1 POT suant NJS40:47 20. utilities, security required W i**1 il 74147) Odessa Tyret 140 Real Estate Wanted Horryl Gloria Klrby n&issj ,i| MODEKN APARTME NT Nrui U:00a...... Emanuel Boptllt Church I»I!«I transportation, best time to call before 108 Commercial FIREPLACE IUHQ ELLEN S. HAZELTON - Realtor, an October 14. i?7l. Payment lor U.S. Vetr- — ai.n Mentbet Real Estate EHchonge. Quail- chasc e must be mode In cash ond In LonnleL - Four lorge bedroomi, 17' master I aot Hme of sale. 17144 MODERN GARDEN APARTMENT - Rentals bedroom, IVi full luxury baths, dining led listings desired Betford. 7S7 7J00. C Louro Morris 17144 Humson,lq-3I»3. Tht Police Deportment reserves Daily-Sunday Gory A. • MMnMG. Johnson One ond two bedroom* available Im room, 14 Kience kltcr ~ the right to rt|tct any ond oil bids 17144 modtotaty No pet* Coll between t S. AMPLE PARKING - Single*and com lit James A. ft Carolyn Dlxen 17144 tXrujfion office or classroom focllllitt. LISTINGS OF BETTER HOMES - In should il be in me Interest ol the uo Corlne Wootford II Paoch Slreel 1J44W4. Keansburg-Mlddletown-Hatiet- Boroughto a o so. REGISTER II 17144 All utlllf.es and cleaning - no eitraV I)D Harry t Betty R. Stafford II Paoch Street 74t.4l MONMOUTH BEACH - Ultra luxury lime ,uper Intended, 7711000 Holmdel Otto THE SMOLKO AGEN Oct. 3 U M Classified Ads no Lovmlo Mormon • Chorrystraal Si condo living, three bvdtoom. two-bath, HAVE BUYERSNEED LISTINGS Hod Bonk Airport Associates Stl Shrewsbury Avenue 7JO4.M kids pats. Vw. A1LANTIC HIGHLANDS -UQSsq. ft.. cjfr^j m I! in P. Ivor edge flood puitobt* retail, warthouse, office or Coll the Kerr Agency, Inc. WE BUY HOMES FOR CASH I inn 74J-UJ4 STATE RENTALS Bfcr. light monufocturlna. Air conditioned, Ut River Rd.. FolrHave*.. 741^477 NOTICE IS HEREBV GIVEN that no Ray * Evelyn Parkins 7BH«a»tdDrlve F dlil cll Jff M no 14141 Sheldon*. Rita Morion Lellor 144 Honce Avenue OCEAN VIEW - One-bedroom garden ctuellenl location. PleoiecolUtHgOP. HAZLET TWP. - Brand new home, the Regular Matting ol Mayor ond 370 t Carl 4 HlWo Klein JS Rlverdale Ave E. aportmctiti, free pool, bolcony il« three bedrooms, living room, dining Council, Borough of Eotontown, sched ATTRACTIVE - Modern office liTre- room, kitchen, utility room, IVi baths. vied for October 11, Is hereby cancelled I Carl I, Hlldo Klein 3tp.lverdoleAva.E. po7month. »•* p.m.. 7H*73S IS Knollwood Drive M leorcti center. Red Bonk. Avalloble In 44 Eugene M.I Adeline Reordon. Jr. , 144.fD0 For information, coll TJf J*JO DIAL THE Sll Tlnlon Avenue RED eV*NK — One-bedroom, un- "tire*, lour rooms or U I W 1 RECREATIONiL I ChorlesF • Eleanor p. Herrmon - Jmapartment ovaliabic ent. Full services. 7' M James W. Porker, Jr. 141 Woodland Moner H 2LET 7WP - SoMt omn r tnrM IIS Heckhockson Rood M^dti. 71" Sp*|>rlno SI * - "V * ' " I. Shartrer » M. Ullmon •ffl PBISBBB BJ^BBBBBI SBBBBBH Ml JW11<" oppoifitmont Hatan K, trlltan wot gronlcd o CLASSIFIED iJlSta tJWttp+o porting 747-*.**. pletely renodehid, reody to move-m, I,1,3JA Robert J. B Goye A. Nlckolows 4M Tlnlon Avt. v.n MO BANK — Cttaw two aodroom. bif aluminum ttdlnq, near school!. shop variance on Sautambai II. tfn le con il Morcel A Ullmon 1 Irving Shertier 7H Hockhockion Rood •ard tor kid* and pets, reodylO'l. col" 152 Boats & ilnKt a tingla tenll» dwtlllno on II1.S4 BROAD ST.I - Rod Bank. Modern center. Tran*poriaiofi I 4.S Arthur Bloke I7S.I1 MMfM STATE RENTALS Bfcr attic* suites. t7S par month Corptt. mm* i Accessories •lack lit Loh 1,1 ft.) In Htt Borough ol 7004// 4,7 JA Lea E. Janes large private parking orea Mot' at H.B. Locketl Est. mil tractive, convenient. Telephone KEYPORT - - HUT, aarlormanca Mil HflrflK Brltlon 741-Jlll before I p.m. Rocor Company. •jOLlom HvtaB raotn, cawMry tlKhan. ltonH Cltonp. EnMaK nWrtlonPloct itss 135. Commercial full Ml, all fcaal. KM EO Han - P.lm. •araM horot M an. Finn M.»»» la SI afflca aaaa with an-iilt porklng. Ona HUH. ••% Itaoact awilaMa mraua« *G STAR - With traJltt. S-TO^SfXJa • FORSALI ntactla>,aadltraatoMH«i>IKU. Will bulMtr. >M 1111 doyt. 7»-IIO» nlgHf ccepted 123 Fair Haven aft Wordell Road m.n coaptMa la wur raariramaal. f. Call IHiilitos. NMtH MM MVia I0NHW " 24 Hour Service SiSSKff ir LAMTRAKE -'Cruts«f» Inc.. HMD OF ADJU1TMIMT Whan the tax ond sewer tola lakes pkxe. payment E vlnrude SI ho. OWttward. llffMt. MlBt Al a Saatlol mrtllno ol IM Fair poM M CASH. CERTIFIED CHECK OR MONEY ORDER by the Fornwrty — Rotwrt HaU LINCROFT RANCHER pump, dapth fif»«tr. canopy, ' Hwnn HMmt •oord of Adlnlmanl ThH sa ad t in ranch home offers many winter cover. Excellent CL faHmuai 21, ifn. yaramw va poymant ot the amount due toaemer with (nterest and cast EXECUTIVE OfFICES - HI w-kjve return. Country kitchen opens V9 CM t»P1 oW*r S p m. wtr. anaikM M MrMr.. TaTad KMkraKMkra.. ttorttortt AUTCERTIFIEO CHECK OR!«»3iitYOROEROhlLY KMMburg. NMT J«nty alta Mow. M J Farmarl, vo votivry r ettn wtm nreewaco. tttt I). Lai IM. •. H OMOMn PlataPl . J. EEl ...... — ^taaaaat ** - * - - asst*^* L - M h.p Mttcwy The Ffw B(»n*>og 8400 tq It. itVeVaSj room wrm fsraptaco* njwr wort and Virginia M. Harvar. •laca '™J"?XZlt'UI'££XZX No a. Lot V, IM Fair Havan RoM buftttng 1 plus «cf« trte MIOMI AMDS - M0 M n . wHoHa > l servlie of notice to redeem, eicept Shot PM rWtt M redeem Parktng apprx 50 cars I OMa roaak or auto batty, UN par S2&£?l£fJ?% tg S IMlMt « service at nallte when the Munklpollly k the •katM iHllllln Sawtrly ,aqi>lrag _ lot let a prtsttotous Linen Daily area. SIH.tB). ^^ BECHT & CO. ir DVNAMOCLAU - tf JmnlaE CronM REALTORS Mercury Inboard, lilind H.It •43-3933 ceHenl condlHoa. 717-t7»l Register Snuffy Smith Dennia the Menace SHREWSBURY. NJ. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3.19T8 The D*iV Rcajartf 19

TATER F6RG0T '*\ HE DIDN'T Crossword puzzle TO PUT AWAY / FER6IT, ONE OF HIS / 33 Gat ZSftoow TOVS J 34 Cityon ' I CMncoka 26 Church ItMPo 38 Fooddu- 28 Brine W» 27 By-products 37 BMT C2 WKhout- 28 Navy man: '—O 38 Attach kith* abtor. SBTypaiia world 29Daiwn 40 NtdMOf: 63 Abtdanb 31 Mario infer. htn Andtani 41 Accumutaud 64 "PiarGym" 32OcaMca> 42 Fumi* chancttr 36 Ranch hand food SB FaVcon 38 Impsrson- MM » • u » 43 FWinM M ASnaad stes Hi and Loi» 45 Bookttora 39 Dance atap, DOWN inbsiat 47 Common or 1 Virgo's mo. 41 Taar apart MY.'YOU'RE BRI6HT YOU MUST HAVE 6OT UP 2 -daall 42 Pretty AND CHEERFUL/ m Dulway 3 Shadow ooe:var. EARLY ANP MAD YOUR of We 4 Putton 44 Oder tribu- COFFEE. 50 Sources of guard tary leakt 5 Wistful 46DaeVing 6 Aware of Yartnajy's Puzzl* Sohnd: 7 Formal veep 48IWrltsr WrtoJon. g 8 ReUtrvtiy annn nnnn nnna 50 "There- aaaan anau uutiu formulator tkneto..." unauu nuLjHtJuuuLi 9 Cheshire 51 Piano onan ••Darjaasaa cat, e.g. (avorhe nnfJHnn nnaoti 10 Certain 52 Botwean nnnnn soaaa celestial Wyo and nnn annnnn aaau object Minn. nnnnnnrannnnucina 11 Elbetribu- MSatastipu nnnn nnaDDti DDB tary letion TAKIN1 ITS AAORNINS WALK.' nnnun nnunu 12 Vehicle 56 Star in nnnnn noncicipi 15 Maydays Catus nnoDBnaoBB DDOD relative 56Chesaewith The Family Circus' nnnnDciniiH oBBBBa /ad rind nnnn nnnn nonnn 17 Certain 1 CALLED HER WHAT I HAVE TO TELL GO BACK TO VOU* WORK. nnnn ncinn nnna , beSavar 57 Ratraat OfTlCE ANDTHIY HER CONCERNS THE SAWE---n.LTALK.1OHER.' 21 Gut-like 60 Word with VOU A6AIN1L00K SAID SHE WAS.' WELFARE OF HER SON.' bird while I TCXO MOU AN MOOR AGO THAI nW&FAIRHOPE WAS NOT AT HOME/

U'izitril of Id

"Miss Johnson thinks she knows my trouble. What does 'hereditary' mean?" Andy (*pp Your horoscope, birthday SEEMS Ll« IK WCKSTTHINOS TUESDAY, Oct. 3 American educator. laurels late in the day. capable of heroic action Bom today, you are ex- George Bancroft, historian. CAPRICORN(D«e. 22 today, given opportunity tremely clever. As a child, Jan. It) - Loyalty to a and half a chance. you often nude adults un- To see what is in store friend is an essential QEMINI(May21-Juna20)- comfortable by your preco- for you tomorrow, find ingredient of the day's suc- • Know your direction and cious behavior and obvious your birthday and read the cess. Take time to appreci- purpose before you begin wisdom. As an adult, you corresponding paragraph. ate the young. to act today. Otherwise, may "put off" some sim- Let your birthday star be AQUARIUS(Jan. 20-Feb confusion sets in early. ply because of your high your daily guide. II) - Don't take offense at CANCER(June 21-July 22) intelligence and unwilling- WEDNESDAY. Oct. 4 unwittingly insulting - The difference between ness to play dumb. You LIBRAfSept. 23-Oct 22) - remarks. Look behind the sport and amusement. seek your own level of Take care that duality of words to the meaning. 'must be understood if Blondie society. purpose does not succeed PISCES(Feb. 19-March today's activities are to be You are a practical indi- in holding you back in both 20) - Meet the needs of the a success. II!'f MND OUT TME CUEP WWA.TD YOU WANNA vidual, knowing from ex- of them. day; in such a way you will LEOIJuly 23-Aus. ») - SEE ME A9OUT MY perience and from learned SCORPIO(Ocl. 23-Nov. automatically meet the Take the advice of a friend. truths the results of your II) - Fickleness may cause needs of life in general. You don't have to fail decisions and actions. Un- you to go to extremes to- ARIESfMarch 21-April 19) outright before turning to less you see success and day in your associations - Take your time with another for aid. rewards in the offing, you with others. Try to keep an decisions today. Now is an VIRGOIAug. 23-Sept. 22) - will usually refuse to be- even keel. excellent time to secure • An uncomfortable meet- come involved in an activi- SAGITTARIUS(No». 12- your own progress for ing with an old enemy may ty- Dac. II) - A nervous na- tomorrow. make this an unpleasant Alto born on this data ture leads you into actions TAURUS(Aprll ID-May 20) time for you. Keep a calm ant: Virginia Gilderslaeve. prematurely. Look to your - You may find yourself outlook.

West dealer Sheinwold's bridge advice North-South vulnerable NORTH • J 105 By Alfred Shelnwold By this time South was down paltry 50 points above the line. VQ10642 West had much to gain and 0 64 PAIbHSOSPeQAlltm srmrnsxe "Oh bridge," * famous to his five trumps, and a club ASI French player said upon as-lead promoted another trump very little lo lose. • KJ8, BS.AWW READ Sm.LE.yAH> KOU.. JUSTKNOUMIPtSNI cending the scaffold. "What trick for West. DAILY QUESTION WEST EAST HMAPRAmarmi GAB, AND WDfMY Iff. PHNO' crimes are committed in thy NO USE FOR HIS HEAD • AQ3 •9764 name!" Every alert reader will As dealer you hold: 0 9 76 4VAJ985


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BEAVER PARKA — This parka Is created In south- OFF TO THE STEEPLECHASET — Matching his and hers Finnish raccoon ern American beaver, now considered a threat to coats, gaining In popularity among both men and women, could go off to the tlmberlands. The American fur Industry reports It Is annual Monmouth County race meet In Middletown, where chic attire (and working with the state of Mississippi to help create a vehicles) turn up on the hillside. The meet this year Is set for Saturday, Oct. fashion marketplace for this fur. Return to hide and hair Men warm up to fashions in fur By CARL I. BIEMILLER "great coat" favorite will be Boston since the Civil War. vest worn above his running available for the outdoor man Well, as the Cro-Magnon coyote for the long-hair lovers. Today's beaver, however, skivvies at about the same price as a man told the Neanderthal, These warm, smartly tailored Is not Rocky Mountain beaver. Cops report that In New midsize car. hang on to your old suit, fash- garments are going for ap- Moat of the garment-type flat- York's Central Park, muggers The swing to male furs Is Ions go In cycles. proximately 14,500. But, if one tails come from below the Ma- actually sob to see all that clearly indicated in such short- And, sure enough the merely wishes to heat the up- son-Dlxon line where southern' wealth lurch by without See TV rw, page 8 hottest thing In smart men's per torso against the wind-chill beaver Is a distinct threat to pockets. However, nutria vests wear with the frost back on the factor, coyote parkas are the tlmberlands. Many of them also go well with today's pro- pumpkin Is fur. available at 11.900. find ultimate residence In to- letariat leans. But then, as Would you believe sable for Mink, as worn by the day's fur-lined coats which, de- long as jeans are worn even touch football? And nutria for locker-room rich such as Walt pending on individual prefer- sable ia apropos, and there are Joggers? Would you believe Frailer of the Basketball ences in furs, are selling well hooded Russian sable parkas raccoon and poplin reversible Frazlers, Joe Namath of the in the price range from $750 to Jackets for golf? And, maybe football set, and Joe Frailer of $1,000 the New York Yankees In the boxing millionaires, may Such coats are permanently Tanukl and poplin reversible be had for $4,500 and up. Ac- lined No "detachable" linings warmup Jackets? Tanuki, of cording to the American Fur Candia like the year round raincoat in course, is Japanese raccoon Industry spokesmen, mink is the closet. But, such are the" suitable tor ball parks with definitely for men. foibls of male vanity that all All Hrsf Quality short fences. The ghosts of Kit Carson, fur-lined coats flaunt a real fur collar clearly visible to shoul 1040 ROUTS35 Naturally, the 30,000 union Jim Bridger and the "moun- INIXI to ttit Villqe Ml) furrier workers, and the the class of its owner. tain men" may be pleased to MIOOLETOWN 290,000 people directly or In- know that beaver is once more And, speaking of class, • Vtea • Master Charge directly engaged in the fur In- preferred by fashionable nothing so distinguishes the af- • Ampto Parking dustry which accounted for males although nobody has fluent jogger so much these «.. Hi.1 lO-tla.W.. Sol Tw $875.5-million dollars in retail seen a beaver hat outside of days as an unplucked nutria and eitport sales In 1177 are delighted with the male return to hides and hair as high fash- ion. And so are the apparel merchants with leading men's Exciting new fall makeup can stores heading the parade Broaza through tha toward new profits followed give YOU a rich-girl look, too! dunging umn In a pair ol closely by the major depart- You. loo. can have this look Let us leach you your new EsMrs gwHrin* SwwMah Clogs ment stores now moving furs Esfca's Clog* ooma In a Into the men's wear shops and tall lace witr. !ne exciting fall shades in the opuleni wMevanatyofWaas. atytes. sporting goods areas. Peruvian Gold Collection Come in and try these and cotore. WHh aMwwood Nostalgia buffs may recall Peruvian treasures you'll come out with a wealth ol and birch KXM, arch supports, when a man's fur In this area beauty! Vbur friends will believe you |ust inherited a •no Qsnultts iMNtMf tops* was a raccoon coat with a million ana yo-j did! A million admiring glances! And May're orthopadteaty flamk full of bootleg booze as aaalgnad to support and an accessory. It may still be protect your Mat 8o * your teat naadv the number one fur In the new rrtond this Fad. stop Irrto a pair wave of fashion. It Is closely of danuMia Swatfteh Clogs. followed, however by nutria And snloy a cnang* tor . which Is weasel, muskrat and, the batter. in many circles, mink. Raccoon "great coats" o In the 48 to 5* Inch lengths and the stylish notched collars may The Place for the Custom Face be found In the U.OOO price range today which Is cheaper UPPER LEVEL • MONMOUTH MALL than finding grandad's In an NEAR AU AND f SCALATORS attic closet and having It re- haired like Senator Proxmlre. 542-0730 With 30 tocattons Including It Menu likely that the new 8 Main Straat. Eatontown So much more charm in this fashion boot from

THE CHARM OF THE WAITER'S JACKET combine. wllh ihr grace of a flared, flowing skirl in ihis lovely rnsemblr In dualy ro«r purr wool by Charloltr Ford for The Suit Company. Body jewelry is big news Not since the '60s have we alone; or two or three ear- had such a year for body rings at a lime in one ear. jewelry. All sorts of chains, Bracelets are mixed and ropes and tassels are wrap- ping the body, with orna- matched for texture interest; ments dangling. giant cuffs add a touch of Hair ornaments (from bar- shine. rcites to combs to elaborate Drop earrings, watch- hairpins) accent the new chains, tiaras are retrospec- smallhead coifs. tive comebacks. Giant glit- The earring look is gelling tery paste jewels add "drip- even iriore eccentric. Like ping with diamonds one dramatic earring hanging glamour.

The luxurious leather boot is fashion's newest charmer Particularly done with the slacked high-heel you see here Crushably soil leathers have been used to lorm one of the prettiest boots this fall With an all-important zipper lor lit Plus a fashionable instep strap Ready to blend with your wardrobe in burgundy, palomino, brown, grey or black »60°° "A fitting place for shoes since 1846." -AS. MIL -SHOECOMPANY- 18 BROAD ST. RED BANK STAY WARM AND WONDERFUL LOOKING in iht. •tanning camel-colored eapecoat over a vlcuna- rolored awealerdreu. Fi om Hanae Mori'i City wear '79 collection of Ready-to-Wear, this (• one look you won't want |ob« w|lh»»l! Fall fashions make smart news "Smart women are smart and the quality of the tailor- however, continue to be sup- dressers.'' So &ays Dr. Joyce ing are keynotes. ple, without interfacings and Brothers, herself the epitome Superfluous detail has linings. Clothes are less a. of her own observation. given way to dramatic layered. And this fall is the perfect simplicity: fuller shapes have Clean tailoring is played up lime for all women to indulge moved over for new, slimmer and skins are slim and often in "smartness!" lines. skinny. Pants are usually I American women care The vital, fulfilled, literate slim-legged but remain about fashion, and the Fall American woman is the true roomy at the top. '78 American designer show- fashion image of Fall 1978. The narrower but still soft i! ings promise a season that Angry, militant and punk dress top is more often a will truly give all and sundry chic are extremely faint tunic than a blouson. The a great deal lo care about, ac- echoes in American collec- waistline is marked by an in- cording to Eleanor Lambert, tions. teresting belt or wide sash. the first lady of the American Static fashion bores the in- Narrow daytime tkirts fashion world. telligent eye. The new open way up lo show a lot of The looks the American squared, firm shoulder alters leg in walking and at night designer favors this fall are trie soft, full top and narrows there is a terrifically sexy Teg understated, classic, for the the htpline. The focus now show. most part streamlined moves to the waist and legs. Legs and provocative The richness of the fabric American collections. necklines belle the sober purposeful look of clothes designed for walking and working. The rage for disco dancing has created a whole new clothes caiegory-sensnous, bold and costume-like. Jackets, vests, sweaters and short furs lake the spot- light. Some designers stress the double jacket in two nines and two lengths, lo be worn together or apart. The dress boom which began lasi spring is naturally followed by a great stress on coats. A variety of coats in POST-MODERN SPIRIT — Mary McFadden Is Men cloth or fur is seen in every here both In her unique mixture of a billowing, low- collection. belted mohair sweater with slim, ankle-tied satin Many double-faced coats pants and her latest contribution to design -- dramat- are seen in two shades, many ic wallcovering which takes Its Inspiration from an in elegant black cashmere. ancient piece of cloth from Egypt. Coat armholes are deep and roomy enough to cover a suit. shape. tate non-bulky collars or Many collections show Designer jeans in couture none at all. suits with companion quality and witty variations Sleeves remain full, and topcoats—rarely seen since in cut are news. the newest look is the sleeve the 1950's. Allover pleating, deep ver- rolled back or pushed up The collections stress in- tical shoulder tucks that casually. teresting pant shapes. Most widen the shoulder line and Fabrics we never expected pants are slim and often bias, minimal collars are Fall 1978 lo see again f«(urn to make but some designers show the keynotes. this a season of gilt-edged very full peg top or harem Wide shoulders necessi- luxury.

SOFT, SEXY SCENE-STEALER — That's you In this two-piece dress by Howard Lawrence. The slim easy lersey skirt Is topped with o cowl-necked sweater/ with a little pocket added on for whatever. It's an Irresistible look In chocolate, wine and Flemish blue. BEAUTY SUPPLIES RETAIL DISCOUNT CENTER Leather Boots PROFESSIONAL HAIR CARE PRODUCTS A COSMETICS AT SUPER Now YOU can buy professional hair care product* & cosmetics at substantial savings Our qualified personnel can answer your DISCOUNT PRICES questions on all the lines of products we carry. FRYE TYPE MOTS All Heights and Colors Hair Care Cosmetics Sizes to 14 Vldal Sasson • Clalrol • Revlon • Almay • L'Oreal • Wella • Roux Dermetlcs HEN'S DRESS BOOTS Fabrege • Jerome Alexander Jerome Alexander In black, blue, brown, tan and many more and many more

Choose from these famous Appll. Hair Brushes NaHCare brands, all at incredible All the professional Complete selection Nail Menders brands of: Blowers low prices: for professional Artifical Nails Curling Iron* styling; • JAM • Billy Acrylic Nails Vent Roller Frwmin • Harbor Round lye I Natural bristle Extensive lines Sim of lashes: 6-14 A-EEE All types, styles & colors Individual Personalized Service" Strip lashes by our wig Specialist All maior credit cards accepted I BS1 -MO Natural lashes Recombing • Wash • Set 14411 MICHAELS LTD. 246 Highway 35. Eatontown, N.J. 542-4ftftfl DISCOUNT MoSHOEn - FrSi 11 am to 9 pm 1213 Highway 35. Wanamassa I I V. mm south of Eatontown Traffic Clrcla - on southbound sM« **^* -»www (1 Milt North ol Asbury CirctoJ I Saturday 10 am lo6p.m Open Hatty MM a.m. - 6:00 p.m., M. H MM p.m. Women seek return to *city chic' VI \ The Full '78 fashion scene door activities protected and Proportion is everything Corduroy—Number one in luxury, with the look and feel this season sees Ihe reiufn of warm in shearling, quilling, this year—how the over- sportswear from velvety of natural fibers Silk. wool, city chic, according lo padding, practical layers of sized jacket works with slim no-wale to widest ribs. Vel- winterweight cotton, soft Mildred Sullivan, Director of warm lightweight fabrics or full fluid skirls, or the fit- ours..velvet and chenelle are flannel and viyella are the New Directions Interna- For hoedown fun. there s ted Spencer jacket with other softies. Lightweight feel-goods. tional Press Week, with country and western with "dirndl'' pants. Details wurm fuzzies are another Cashmere and Alpaca .»•• pared down proportions, fringed jackets, leg o'mutlon count. major category: mohair, an- the fall exiravagants (made willy details and glamour, sleeves, cowboy shins, and The look is much more gora, brushed-surface wools. practical by some super style and ease emphasized. corduroy everywhere. constructed than previous Texture interest comes look-alike synthetics) The Crawford-Stanwyck- The Fall '78 shape is suited seasons, with shawl collars, from tweeds, furs, shearling, So if you've been wailing Hcpbum look emerges once to a "T" with broader pad- shoulder padding, careful cut blankel wools, homespun for fashion refreshment and. again after a long absence. in ded shoulders slimming and draping (or you wind up and hand-woven looks. quite frankly, who hasn't. the mold of the new realistic down lo narrow hemlines. looking like a football Knits are a texture when Fall "78 has got it. It's got ro man tic of today: Fonda, Slim skirts, narrow leg player!). they' re bulky and big. or light spice, sensuous luxury and Kealon and Clayburgh—a pants (with lots of ease at the Touch and texture are Ihe and airy II a souffle with more than a touch of working woman who has put l»ps via pleats and gathers), bigT's in fall fabrics, with the openwork pointelle. All-over humor—the very essence of a new stamp on femininity. and either oversized or shon interplay of textures making jacquards in knits and wo- today's free-spirited woman She lakes man-powered and shaped jackets are the the fabric story special. Here vens are news. and the changes that are hap- clothes a step further, new components. are some of the players: Touchable fabrics are pure pening lo her. exaggerating peg-legs, broad shoulde-rs. military moods—and softens them up with witty details and luxurious fabrics. Predominant are free- spirited interpretations of the classics—mixing fabrics, playing with textures in a to- tally individualistic way. In addition, there's a sizzle of brilliant color, a touch of whimsy with a rakish hat. the kick of a seductive high- heeled shoe Casual wear reflects to- day's woman ready for ac- tion, going in for serious out- Another New Elaine Powers Figure Salon!

FORT LEE UNDERSTATED AND ELEGANT . . . • rlaulr, Washington Bridge Plaza man-lailorvd panliull of brlffr ronluroy U nnr of Ihr hi«hli«hl. of Ameri- 947-3377 can WlndMir'i Fall '78 rollrcliun, which rnjoyr

V^ t- flaw* Pw»» f i|un t«iow» 19Tt Elaine Powers # Figure Salons SHREWSBURY BRICKTOWN KENZOI The darttn« of Shrewsbury Shopping PUu Bay Harbor Plata Park JmlgM • Iwo-pjrrr flowing ikln, $44-1773 aoft Paris goes rich and pretty for fall ecclesiastical garment, shows how fashion may French fashion has glean its inspiration from all facets of life. Karl Lagerfeld for Chloe has abandoned much of the a new classic echo opulent romance for which By ANNETTE PETRUSA essence, taking its designer's he has always been known. A joys very seriously. trip to Milan turned him on to Metro Newspaper Service* What's new for fall from the use of huge masses of The parade of Paris de- the French? First, it would jewelry—chunky clusters of signer collections for Fall seem thai French designers rhinestones and immense 1978 was. for the attending have decided to march paste pearls — which he press and buyers, spec- shoulder-lo-shoulder into Ihe lavishes over the waists tacular in Ihe truest sense of fall-winter season. Last and lapels of his collection. the word. year's fascination with pants His evening clothes make a From Kenzo s circus tent has shifted upward, wilh al- very important statement presentation to Karl Lager- most every one of the major wilh Iheir new short length. feld's models unleashed from designers showing an interest The undisputed ruler of behind foreboding black in broadening the silhouette fashion worldwide. Yves St. prison bars to a runway fling at Ihe shoulders. Laurent, once again proves with Star Wars fantasies. For Karl Lagerfeld of his fashion power. Press and Parisian designers pulled out Chloe. this means highly- buyers alike know that the all stops in the showing of padded, exaggerated shoul- success of Ihe Si. Laurent their fall collections. ders on almost everything show is the key factor in the And. after Ihe dazzle, the from his daytime coats and success of the entire Paris daring and Ihe delightful jackets to his black velvet fashion front. And. for fall "dernier cri" doings of the evening creations. 1978. Yves Si. Laurent is presentations themselves For this season's classicist nuiKflifu t'/ll. were over, it was obvious that and every season's leader. Cone are his fantasy flings AROUND THE WORLD In witty (lobaj printprints from behind all Ihe runway show Yves St. Laurent. Ihe shoul- and beautiful peasant the active sportswear collection of t»stlebajac. trappings. Paris is still the ders have been slightly al- dreams. We see St. Laurent brightly colored shawl in an trend-setting fashion capital, tered to a larger top at his rich, tailored, truly ar- lank with tiny straps and making some very strong silhouette—a subtle new ap- tistic best. The plaid skirt be- wrapped al Ihe hip wilh a almost sarong style. fashion statements and. in proach, but hardly an impor- comes a superb creation of tant note in view of his entire close-fitting, swirling pleats collection. under his hand. He takes Ihe We see many haber- popular new lumberjack FASHION SHOW dashery looks — Iweeds. plaid and turns it into a glori- plaids, and woven sweaters ous, gloriously understated EVERY TUESDAY NOON with tiny jacquard designs. jacket. The mood for day Is Suzilya introduced Ihe new rich, relaxed, superbly de- rolled collar in his twin luxe. sweater ensembles, again Which leads us to Paris by realized in a broken stripe night, and Si. Laurent's one jacquarjl fling with the daring and de- Kenzo is still Ihe darling of lightfully impractical. The Paris designers—unique, word for evening from both willy and brilliantly against Lagerfeld and Si Laurent is the trend. He shows charm- short. ing ensembles of innocent St. Laurent chose to take lops and full skirts, brightly this opportunity lo present striped "pajama" outfits his interpretation of the disco and a total fashion mood of dress—a short, slinky satin youth and joy. Even the military look— which seems ominous, even threatening, in some of Ihe other collections — is re- duced by Kenzo to a charm- ing little tin soldier interpre- why the rich look tation, as offensive as a bril- liant band uniform. different from To Kenzo also goes special praise for, what is probably you and me. the most original and truly "fashiop-making" statement THE COAT OF THE SEA- of ihe entire Parisian parade. SON as trrn bv Aujarrf — His "clerical look." a high- You caitfot help but notice her There is an •lim. shawl-rollnrrd, clas- aurs ot dKteren* *hal gMS beyond ex- collared, softened, rich and pensive clothing or being beeuWuity en- sically KTi-iflc. clean interpretation of the dowed by nature And nowhere Is Ihle more evident than In her sttfn Because she. like many other women, had the good-fortune to tkat discover Orlane on her taps to Franc*. Hssdass to ssy. • was almost no lime at all before Orlane became an indispensable pert ot her beauty regime For Orlane created an exceptional skin care The Total system One which has bean called dramat- leafy and dynarNoaay dWem* Vet. suit- Fall able tor el types of sun Fashion ORLANE Scene — of parts

•n anV»iltaj» a/xroo* bf OT» sarM'i mosl b—uUlul sromwi.

of C.ourue!

59 Brighton Are. Wen End 229-5633 •4 oceanport avenue little silver 747-5444

e^v S^S^BB^r^V^n " %mBJSV Iv WOT t^MHjf Lynn Dell lives for fashion—and laves it

Some women follow fash- "standard-looking " clien- breathtaking— Imihfully six sion " every Friday, opening timesaver for the busy career ion. Others ul Iheir own per- tele. It's designed to please days of the week. her doors—and her mind — woman, and a lovely experi- sonal fashion image. And the active woman who wants Sundays. Lynn lets it all to anyone and everyone who ence for anyone interested in Ihen there's Lynn Dell, the lo look brilliant by day. ro- '"hang loose" and runs comes inlo the shop lo show getting a special fashion con- delectable little dynamo of mantically extravagant by around her home without his or her latest creations. sultation. the fashion world. She's con- night, always a step ahead of makeup, without dressing And. because of her willing- Lynn's personal attention ilanlly on the move and fash- the crowd. More than a shop. up. while her masseuse gives ness to look and listen and to her clientele has. however, ion is her fuel it's a whole exciting experi- her a rough, rewarding work her prophetic sense of style. led to a few amusing anec- Lynn lives fashion, finds ence for the woman who over, relaxing and recharging Lynn Dell has started many a dotes. Once, during a vaca- fashion, creates fashion, sets wants thai something special u body lhal never seems to be young designer up lhal first lion in the Bahamas. Lynn it. sells il, loves il and looks for any and every occasion. still for a moment during (he step on the ladder lo success. and her family chartered a it! Six years ago. Lynn Dell Lynn wanls her shop to re- working week. Lynn is also known and boat lo take them out scuba opened her first boutique. flect her own vibrant ap- One of Lynn's strongest loved for the personal atten- diving and snorkeling in the Off Broadway, that's been a proach to fashion as a con- points is her fantastic "sixth tion each and every customer sparkling waters. Lynn was bigger hit and a bigger suc- tinually new experience, and sense " that allows her lo In- receives in her shop. She is splashing around peacefully cess than most of the busi- so she buys front unique stantly spot new lalent—an quite proud of her very spec- when up from the water be- ness mi Broadway < Bui that sources alt over the world. ability that she puts lo use ial "by appointment" policy, side her popped a woman exclaiming. "Lynn, you may be because Lynn Dell Because she luves fashion faithfully in her business, re- whereby a busy woman may know you never did gel that has a second love in her so much herself, she buys sulting in clothes lhal are call and make an appoint- hem right!" life—show business. only clothes and accessories unique lo her shop, with ment and have one of Off At the lender age of three that she herself absolutely many one-of-a-kind pieces. Broadway's fashion experts But that's the price one she was doing commercials, adores. She also ncnn her Probably one of the most coordinate un entire seasonal pays for being as well- and grew up to add modeling choices, glittering, exotic, open-minded retailers in the wardrobe during one session. known, well-loved and re- and Ihen Ihealre (Off Broad- whimsical, witty, daring^ business. Lynn "holds ses- This is an incredible spected as Lynn Dell. way, hence the name of her shopllo her lisi of credentials. Love appeared again in Lynn's life when she met clo- thing manufacturer Sandy Cohen, and Lynn look a sab- batical from the Ihealre and her career to raise her three handsome sons. When the boys were grown, Lynn found herself with an intense find a creative outlet for her theat- rical yearnings, the fashion sense that was in her blood (her pareqls were both in re •ailing), and her phenon- menal energy and /»iV i/r vivrr. She opened Off Broadway because, as Lynn says. "In retailing, the show never closes, and fashion is really un extension of show busi- ness." Off Broadway is no aver- age retail slore with a stan- dard sel of clothing lines, a standard set of sales assis- tants, anil a uniformly Just Arrived on time for Columbus Day. New shipment of Oant dress shirts. Reg. retail 820. Our price 1O" Reg. retail 822 Our price


Parisian color MATAWAN and texturing HOURS: Route 34 Mon., Tues.. Wad. 201-983-1506 Paris is in love with leather. Interestingly and Sal.. 10-6 • enough, the one place it does Thurr & Frl. PRINCETON not appear is in boots, some- 10 a.m. -9:30 p.m. thing the designers seem (o Route* 27 & 518 have turned away from for 201-297-6000 fall. Instead, leather appears MasterCharge Tit fmtn DucoaM Stm in coats, jackets, a stunning Yves St. Laurent skirt. Jeans ViM for iw IMM mi ttiUnm are nowhere to be seen, to- tally replaced by slacks of corduroy, leather. ., The fur is back (continued) garments usually come in 32 to er length garments, many of Mlnch lengths. them reversible with fabrics. But where there are rabbits There are "Jackets" with there are foxes, and fox fur In raglan sleeves which do not "great coat" dimensions Is Interfere with a golfer's swing, growing In popularly. Phil among them corduroy Jackets Esposito, Don Murdoch and with rex rabbit fur. Rex rabbit, Dave Fairish of the hockey- I playing New York Rangers unlike the Monmouth County farmland bunnies, comes from may be followed by horssmen ranch-raised stock which dogs wearing hunting pinks any not shed hair like that our muff day. drinking uncles used to win on Coach Willis Reed of the the saloon punchboard. A rex Knlcks In seal and Spencer rabbit or perhaps a raccoon Haywood In muskrat are fol- Jacket may come with a MM lowed only by admirers. And price tag, bargains when com- Reggie Jackson in nutria and pared to shorter garment mink otter draws cheers for more at 11,100. Such shorter than hitting a baseball.


|NTR0DUCES |he opting of their Professional Facial and Skin Care Salon FEATURING Personal and Detailed skin care and waxing Consultation and Analysis INTRODUCING Miss Maureen - Certllied Cosmetologist Complete Facial.... *20°° Mini Facial *1200

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CHAMPAONE IS IN — The American Fur Industry predicts the color for foil 13 BROAD STREET and winter In 1978 will be champagne — for both men and-women. Hers: a champagne-dyed fox with shawl collar. His: a natural coyote great coat with RED BANK 741-1515 botched collar. NOW OPEN in Hit Village Mall, Middlttown When You Need COATS Fall Sophistication... SKI JACKETS Now, wardrobe compatibles go on the loose .in our marvelous ZIPOUT LINED selection of dressy separates! You'll lind a varied and versatile mix of RAIN COATS elegant fabrics and colors, shirred blousons. vestqd skirts, jackets, pants 20% OFF 20% OFF ASSORTED SWEATERS & BLOUSES All Fall $ S Fashions 11" values to 22°°

Large selection NEW—Girls' Dept. Sizes 7 to 14 of pre-teen Junior Bazaar A junior sizes MIMBOW r1PPr1R€L 39 BROAD ST. RED BANK 747-5292 VJILMGC MrUL HWV. 35 MIDW.6TOWN Open Wed. & Fri. 'til 9 » 671-O415, 10 A.M. to 8 P.M.. Frl. 9 P.M. Tim cover girl turned business uiiiz What does aneautiful She maayy sit for hours trytry-- sponsiblspunsihlce for handling duldata lends to shrug it all off with aa claims tlo spenspend d ""a alot ' of former model and cover girt, ing to convince herself that entrry overflow and procesprocess: - simple "it was a fun job ' lime in the morning making (he devoted wife of a promi- she really loves being a ing forr large corporations. You have to pull from up. "A lot." in the busy nent New York physician. "socialite." But all of these./ Did Jeanne know anything her—or more likely from one schedule of Jeanne Langel. the proud moihcr of three things "wear thin very about computers when she of her friends—the tact thai might very well mean a bright and talented sons, u quickly" And so Ihe very started'1 "No. but I know she was one of the lop models quick, professional ten min- well-known social leader in special Jeanne Langel de- hnximwx. and that's what for Harry Conover and ap utes. her own right and the over- cided to start her own busi- really counted." pcared on one of the first Whatever, her makeup is seer of a fabulous home in the ness in New York City. In three years. Jeanne has covers of Parattf. A fun job. always perfect, extremely country and a chic Manhui How did her husband and developed her business. indeed! subtle and natural-looking (an apartment — whut does sons react to this change? Langel-White, into a grow- She has maintained the und her hair (which her hair- such a remarkable woman ih> "They were fantastic, giving ing, glowing success and a strict beauty regimen of her dresser stops in and fixes with herself when she awak- me incredible support and company now known and re- cover girl days which shows every morning) is done in the ens one day to the realization encouragement all the way." spected for (he quality of ser- in her glowing, youthful simplest of styles to always thill net sons have flown the Nitt for Jeanne, u small vice il always provides. complexion and her slender, look fresh and becoming. nest" on to their stunning in- traditional "ladies' busi- How? Jeunne firmly an- agile figure. She has no definite prefer- dividual successes? What ness." Jeanne had ulway* • swers that the key to all sue Jeanne exercises faith- ence in perfume, but enjoys does yhc plan when she dis- been interested in the stock cess is lots of hard work." fully, watches her diet and splashing on "whatever hap- covers that she needs some market und is an active And so she works hard, ten gives a great deal of attention pens to be in Ihe tray in front thing to do till fivi iMi-H, some trader. She spoiled an oppor- hoird. to attain her goals. lo make up und skin care. She of her. " way to keep her tremendous tunlty for true business Her business day Marti energy and vitality going? growth and great financial when she arrives ul her desk She may try a whirl at Ihe success, "borrowed'' her ,ii H M) in the morning, and theater luncheon scene. She husband's wuiting room, rol- she goes non-stop all dtiy— did. She may, out of sheer led up her sleeves and dug checking her new Key fcdil impulse, go out und buy 19 into the complex, demanding I (XX) installation (the "Rolls fabulous winter coats. That job of establishing a com- Royce" of systems), super- she did. too. puter service business, re- vising her staff of 42. seeing Evening clients, solving problems thui may arise, developing new Gowns business, and gelling homeal eight o'clock if not lutei. As Jeunne sees il. that's Searching for that parl of the price she musi r«i\ Special Gown? in order to attain success. and she obviously loves Search no more . . . every hectic moment oi ii. LOVE LANE has Another fascinating aspect of this fascinating woman is the largest selection Ihe fact thai all this hard work of gowns seen has nol taken its toll on her anywhere. attitude or appearance. She is innately elegant: her luste is impeccable. underMuti-il and supcrh Ask Jeanne Langel how old she is. She laughs.her warm, deep Bacull like voice EVENING SHOES accompanied by a perennial dy*obk gold end silver sparkle in her eyes and quips "uhoul KM). I think. Maybe 111 The truth is that she looks at leasi 15 years younger than her age—the fine bom- slructure und clean rteuuty still attesting to her worth as a fashion model — and her verve, zest and joy make her ageless Jeanne is very quiet about her own man) personal achievements. Ask her about her modeling days and she

COVSR OIKL — J#on O'Htorn as the looked In the 1940s when she was one of the country's top models. Super Buy! Today, as Jeanne Langel, her success Is equally spectacular, She is tfie dynamic business force be- AUTHENTIC hind her own computer servicing company, Langel- White Associates, New York. DOWN Nov that tbt children art Back-to-Scbool... ruies Place JACKETS .b.Nails PLUS WEATHER-WATCHER mad* by PACIFIC TRAIL in the U.S.A. *mtm

Prim* Northern Down "^NailCarp .^__ WASHABLE Facials •Pedicureus $349* $4499 $5399 it Nail Hurt, OUT Sptcmlty • m •.•!••>.< Hill 4 |k>M *•<»' itaMlMU •bnSl.lt

The Original NaU Growth Salon Comparable lo YOUTH 7M-U70 lacketa coeUng W CENTER Cefct M** Prefcutea-J Ptm Vi ML (tort* *f ft. W $65 and Up. . (.Hi *•* In Mendly Red Bank at n Broad Mreet Li via Sylva: philanthropist, The ravishing Romanian business woman, great beauty

Designers discover synthetics! SHIRTS New perfectionism in shadowy foulards, paisleys weaving manmade fibers has and simplified flower pal- More Than. produced synthetic fabrics terns are often seen. A favor- fine enough to interest the ite patterned fabric -is jac- most exacting designers. quard woven silk. IF MADE IN USA This year, for the first lime, 100% No-Iron Permanent Preu, cotton A rayon and polyester weaves Big loose knits in thick, polyeiter.Miy care bland. Deluxe fabric, join suede look-alikes in the Meilculoui workmanship and correct ropey, moll led wool yam or Executive Styling. Whites and colon in: high fashion collections. thistle-down mohair are The stress on interesting popular for Fall 1978. They weaves and the play of to- are seen in everything from nalities mean fewer prints chunky coals to gossamer this season, but wavv stripes. evening dresses.

SURPLUS OUTLET STORES: Fantastic Selection Highway 35 A Harmony Rd. of Hand Crafted MIDDLETOWN STERLING SILVER & 671-5472 14 K GOLD JEWELRY Mon.-Frl.10-» Sal. 10-8 And AUTHEMTIC AMERICAN INDIAN POTTERY 8 WHITE STREET, RED. BANK. . a*2r6«96. The lovely woman in love with life jji

Ask ihe lovely, charming 4 Alphand was one of Prance s hard work, talent and devo- M.i.I.urn- Alphund whut she most priceless exports, the tion Nicole Alphund put into thinks her mot) important woman who captured the her uork for Pierre Cardin in quality is ami she smiles untl hearts of millions of Amen ihe US., the designer?. iintwen, "Jiuv rfc \i\n-. But «.anv who gf&OClJ ihe cover name is today nol only one of ihen. of course,1 I can 1 lake of I hue uiiigtt/inc iirul added ihe best knoun but lisa one emit I for that. 1 was born u note of elegunce to tho of ihe most highly respected withii!" Washington scene-. fashion Itbcll on this side of Nicole Atptt.uuf, wife of So it seems surprising lo ihe Atlantic. I rent '• I nu-i^n Minisui .tiui hnu ihat ihi*. iHining stai pi It is v. ilh thai .same "/<"' tU IHIIULI Amh.isMuIn^ 10 I he iniirnaiion.il relations man \i\ti " that Nicole Alphand U.S.. HCI/L" Alphuiui. can aged lo create quite •< si it approach*** her personal life. lake much more credit Cm hei some 12 )t*ars a^,. in lui n.i When asked sshal ihe be sparkling enthusiasm ih.ui live cuuntu when she took a lievei is the nu'si Important she is willing itt ;ulmil iuh .is Direcirice toi letting i|iuilitv in a person, she an- designer Pienv lardm ftWCrs. "Faithfulness, the Mini- Alphand explains. .ihiliu to stick Miih someone As lhe wile ol a diplomat. As the w ite of it high " through the BMKJ limefl and she htis lived u life ofconstvM ranking foreign n.iniMei. nn ihe bad." picssure. where lie vihiinj work was considered some It is a qualit) thai she .mil uiiuptabiltt) arc key* to epitomizes, giving her hus thing trf a |>0Mn^al. I lold p survival, where privac) apil a l*tenc (Cardml th;il nu hus hand. business associate* mini freedom of lifestyle are bund would nr«l have lo iiiul all uho place iheir trust UiMiiies one cunnol afford to agree, because this sort of in her an (inswtrrvmt! devo- even cohttlUet thing was jusi not done in tion. Her friends call her a real Europe. The wives of high Nicole Alphand adores trouper, having seen her ranking diplomats simply did America, calling ii hei "*»ec bundle impromptu dinner not work OIK! home." parties ,mj endless rocep She is diplomatic about the lions without one complaint Mine. Alphand went to differences in fashion here Of show of wcuknes*. and in Huiopc. There\ Says Nicole Alphand with General de Gaulle to find out if he had any objections He ^otul and had in both." typical charm. "When What is the ke> to lUCCCW you're in love with your hus- was not only in favor of (he idea ... he was delighted. for Madame Alphand. the band it makes these things rule she lives by. and Ihe ad- much easier." And she is After all. she would be work ing for the benefit of France. vice she would pass on lo very obviously devoted lo others * her husband And her husband' She simplv states. "I have an ab- "I try to appreciate and solutely darling husband enjoy what I have. Don t see Nicole Alphund admits And so Nicole Alphand what you don't have, see that she very much enjoyed broke all traditions, braced whatyoui/c have. Nothing in the challenge (hut living in herself for a whole new world life is brought lo you on a the United States and acting of people lo meet and deal lilver planer. You really as (he wife of an ambassa- haVc to participate.Things with, and went to work for THE WARM. WITTY Nicole Alphand, beautiful wife of dor—a (rue career—pre- don't just come to you in Pierre Cardin. France** former Ambauatlor to ihi* United Stale* and sented to her. . life—you have tog/'f' current internal tonal marketing director for Pierre Many wilt remember the Car-din, on a recent viwii tuNru York. Madame Alphand spectacular impression she Nicole Alphand hus al- it wearing m caramel-colored ea»hmere coat \*iih it» Giving, sharing, actively made on (He American public ways been a great admirer of own innovative Inside pockets (MO handbag to fun participating and always during the Alphand-. stay in Pierre Cardins fashions—lo with!) from Pierre CardinV latest collection. looking at the bright side — Washington in the days of ihe the extern that she wears <*«A these are Ihe wonderful qual- Pierre Curdin designs • s Kennedy administration Pierre Cardin came to her ities which make Nicole Al- Her job us (he Direct nee of one is doing something one One might say thai Nicole with the ease one finds w hen phand one of the most vital, trul> loves, eniovs and be- beautiful and thoroughly cap- lieve* in. tivating women in today's Largely because of the world. Bob McBee lost 85 lbs. in 90 days!

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21 Broad Straat Rad Bank 747-7770 centers Moo., TUM., Th«jf»., Sat 10 a.m.-7 p.m.; Wad., M., 1JI t 1000 RT. 35, MIDDLETOWN. N.J. 971-4940 omoNWc FROSTING MXAXINO . COLOMNO • HO4NAS ' tUC WOKKS Leafing through the old Well, today her great- Today's cameo rebirth is popular with the early Ro- .family photo album and look- grand-daughter is rediscover- strongest in the shell version mans, and were probably ing at those fragile brown ing the charm of the cameo, and. in addition to the cameo made by ancient Babylonians snapshots of yesteryear, you * the Jewelry Industry Council pin. there are cameos on gold several thousand years be- can see Great Grandmother reports. Cameos are made by chains as pendants and in fore Christ. Their popularity Cameos as she was in her heyday, using a stone of two differ smaller versions on link will probably continue as with that dashing young chap ently colored layers, carved bracelets, much like the long as there are young in the stiff celluloid collar. - so that a raised image in one scarab bracelets of last year. women who fancy pretty back in Chances are. Great layer stands out against the It is said that Josephine. jewelry. Grandmother is wearing the background color of the Napoleon's love, favored Confucious may have said traditional, immaculately other. cameos 'way back in 1800. it: "Cameos don t die*, they starched while lace blouse Favorite stones for cameos But cameos have a much just wail their turn to come fashion with long sleeves and high have been agate, onyx, and longer history than that. The upon the fashion scene neck. And, at the neck, there sardonyx. Cameos are also early Romans particularly again." Well. Pall '78 is will be a handsome cameo made of shell, molded liked the look of carved cameo's turn, the Council "brooch. Wedgewood, and synthetics. stones. Cameos were very reports.

great looks, great styles,


Spottol Group - Wool Wend Special Group - Contemporary I Junior famous Irnnd • Missy t Junior SKIRT SUITS FASHION SWEATERS TOPS ft PANTS DRESSES ft PANTSUITS WITH SCARVES "Priced Below WholtsoV' % Thta means you save 30* and more s urio 4"TV0 " off 30*ro 50 off prices sold slsewhera UP TO 40 Off Regular Retail PrtM utar MsK Me« "PLUS THOUSANDS OF UNADVERTISED SPECIALS"