u re deeper in debt but managing better •j LOUI&K COOK centers aero* the country "Your Judgment It M good u mine," Mr. Presson Mid. outstanding debt. Andrew F. Brimmer, a former member ated Preu WrUer The increase in borrowing has some people worried, but tighter control over their ot lae Federal Reserve Board, was quoted recently at tadividuab apparently are keeping their financial heads credit card*. Abo, the debtors manage better." saying: "The expansion of the credit has been a major IW*II»yi*tcki to cover rising costs, but there above water (ate way h which people may be managing to pay their source of the expansion of the economy." PMM tatta* hare learned to manage tktlr httto H Kent Presson of the Administrative Office of the bUli la by saving leu. In 1M7, Americans saved an avenge On the other haad, 0. William Miller, the board's at fewer people are going broke, United State* Courts said that the number of people filing of T.I percent of their after-tax income; In 1177, they saved chairman, has said that the level of debt Is a cause for •ind of Jidy.wutaedlaK consumer installment for relief under Federal bankruptcy lawa had declined only 5.1 percent. Toe tread contrasts with toe situation in concern because it could mean that Individuals will trim , not aaataag wrtgagns, totaled }ut over |t*7 biUkm. steadily in recent yean after reaching a record high In other major industrial aations where savings are Increas- spending In the future, touching off "more widespread ft»«» *•• »1-1" '«f ««» »»«. »«ni»n and child in 1171, when the recession was at Its worst. ing. In West Germany, for example, the amount of after-tai financial difficulties."' Prom fiscal 1*79 to fiscal 1178, Mr Presson reported, Income saved went from 11. J to 14 percent in the It-year Mr. Gibson said that the biggest danger for the Individ- •0U1 debt, lackjduig mortgages, hid topped »l trillion the number of Individuals filing bankruptcy petitions period. ual was "using credit as a supplement to Income," buying by the end of last year, and outstanding personal debt dropped from M ,114 to 172,42), a decrease of 21 percent. Another reason for the lower bankruptcy rate may be something you can't really afford without knowing where ranted in •1141m* high of 71 percent ot ptnonal. The overall number of bankruptcy petition*, from individ- that although inflation In worse - the Carter Adminis- the money win come from to pay for It. uals and businesses, declined 20 percent In the three-year tration Is predicting an 8 percent Increase In consumer You also are in trouble if you find yourself dipping into people for the world of worm, but we are period. In 1971, Individuals accounted for Just over It prices this year, compared to a 7 percent rise in 1(7} — savings to cover routine bills, if you charge everyday quipping then to mike good financial declakws," said percent of all those filing bankruptcy petitions; in 1*70, they unemployment Is much lower, averaging about ( percent, purchases like groceries, if you are always behind oa t Ofceoa. president of tlw National Foundation for accounted for 85 percent of the filers. compared to I percent 'in 1975. credit-card charges and always pay only the minimum r Credit, « non-profit agency with 111 counseling Why the decrease' Economists have mixed opinions about the rise In See Yea-re deeper, page] The Daily Register VOL.101 NO. 77 SHREWSBURY, N.J. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3,1978 15 CENTS Hazlet shopping center controversy Tow away cars of bus commuters By MARK GRAVEN York-KeansburgLong Branch Bus Compnay's parking lot, lo- Those commuters who signed up and were issued permits "And they tie up traffic for an hour each night on their way HAZLET — Fifteen bus commuters had their cars towed cated across the highway on Route 36, have been parking their are safe, but 48 cars were parked Illegally yesterday, according he said. yesterday from the parking lot of the Aiport Plata Shopping cars in the Airport Plaza Parking Lot. to Mickey Caruso, who handles public relations for the shopping Mr. Caruso said that they have been looking at the problem Center for falling to have a proper permit, according to After initially suggesting that bus commuters pay $180 per center. of commuters parking in the Airport Plaza lot for two years. He shopping center officials. year for a space in the Airport Plaza lot, Mr. Scudlery decided, While towing began in mid-morning, 33 of those parked explained that a filing system has been developed to keep track "My tenants are 1M percent in agreement," said Victor after conferring with township officials, on a plan whereby illegally were spared, as operations ceased at about 1 p.m., the of who the parking violators are. Scudlery, owner of the shopping center. "Get rid of the com commuters from the township would pay S45 dollar per year, point having been made, according to Mr. Caruso. Those towed have been notified in the past about the mutan,"nesaid. while out-oftowners are charged 185 per annum for parking According to Mr Scudiery, surveys show that commuters consequences of violating the parking rule, he said. Bus commuters, cramped for parking apace at the New privileges. don't do much shopping at the center. Mr. Caruso said that he personally acts as a spotter for cars that are parked illegally, noting that he had conducted one spot check at 6 a.m. and another at 9:30 yer yesterday. Commuters arrive long before the shopping center stores open at 10 a.m., he Fish platforms said. One Irate bus commuter, who declined to identify herself. except to say she lived In Holmdel, angrily confronted Mr Scudiery and Mr. Caruso, in their shopping center office at seen possible about 4 p.m. yesterday. "1 Just came back from the city to find my car towed,"she said, charging that she wasn't Informed about the parking rules, and noting that the bus company had directed her to park at on area bridges Airport Plaza Mr. Scudiery told her that signs were posted all over the lot By SHERRY CONOHAN states like North Carolina and on the parking regulations, and that the information has been in Florida, provide fishermen the local newspapers. TRENTON - The Byrne with access to waters which After the woman left, Mr. Scudiery ran a check on her car, administration it looking at the otherwise would be largely in- dicovering that the files listed her car as one where a warning possibility of Including the con- accessible except to those with notice was given. struction of fishing platforms boats or residents of homes The cars are being towed by the Hazlet Towing Company, on certain bridges around the along the shore. which charges the commuters $25 a piece for its service. stat* as part of a com- They are a hire also to tour- And although many commuters were spared yesterday, Mr. prehensive program now being ists who are interested In fish- Caruso said they would be towed today if they came back. developed to promote fishing Ing. While Mr. Scudiery has set aside 200 spaces near the la New Jersey, It was learned Derek Bennett, executive highway tor commuters under the plan, he asserts that it Is yesterday. director of the American Lit- See Tew away, page 2 A proposal to add platforms toral Society which had sub- tor fishing and crabbing onto mitted a detailed proposal on some county bridges In Mon-fishing platforms to the Mon- mouth County was suggested mouth County Board of Free- Avoids sharks to the Monmouth County holders, said he was "de- Board of Freeholders three lighted" the governor's policy yean ago — but never got any office was picking up the Idea. farther than the study stage. He said that while states and swims on Donald Llnky, director of like Florida and North Caroli- ABOARD THE IDLE DAY toward the North Miami the Office of Policy and Plan- na have built state bridges (AP) — Although stung by Beach area. She began her 100 ning, said the advocatlon of with the fishing platforms In- poisonous Jellyfish and men- mile-plus Journey at 10:40 a.m. ' such fishing platforms waa one cluded as part of the original aced by roving sharks, Stella Sunday from a tiny island of various Ideas under con- construction, small wooden Taylor stroked doggedly south of Bimini sideration tor Inclusion In the platforms could be added also toward Florida today in her Miss Taylor's lower body .comprehensive program. to existing bridges at a nomi- Police car 54 at bottom of ravine A houte goei down into hole secern attempt to become the was rendered useless Monday Now In the preliminary nal cost. first person to swim from the night as fatigue and cramps stage, the program to promote Parking, lack of bathroom Bahamas to the mainland. took their toll. Her powerful fisting In New Jersey and Infacilities and trash are the The 41-year-old veteran arms kept her at a steady water* off the coast It being three main problems as- Landslide watch continues stunt swimmer was reported pace, sometimes helped by developed In light of the 200- sociated with fishing plat- LACUNA BEACH, Calif. (AP) - Geologists and dis- Olson said a hall doten other homes were hanging somewhere southeast ot Mi- Gulf Stream currents. mile limit on fishing off-shore, forms, be pointed out. He said aster workers In this exclusive seaside community kept precariously over crumbling cliffs and "they could go at ami early today, and aides ex- This is Miss Taylor's sec- Mr.
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