Best Ag Programs How to Find Scholarships (Which One Is Best for You?)

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Best Ag Programs How to Find Scholarships (Which One Is Best for You?) winter 2014-15 Tips for getting accepted Where to find Canada’s housing best ag programs How to find scholarships (which one is best for you?) PLUS: Side-by-side listings of agricultural colleges and programs | 3 Getting started in agriculture? Let’s talk No matter what stage you’re at in your career, we’re ready to help. Customized loans, agriculture software, farm management training, specialized publications and support for ag clubs and colleges – if you think building the future for tomorrow’s producers is important, let’s talk. To learn how we’re helping young farmers, visit 33895 E YFL_8.125x10.75.indd 1 2014-11-06 9:24 AM contents | 3 34 how to get accepteD How can you increase your odds of getting the nod? Admissions experts give their best tips. SOS: StresseD 42 out students You might start to think that your new university life is a bit overwhelming. Don’t worry: there’s support for that. The hUnt for 40 (affordable) housinG The hunt for housing can be stressful, costly and can also determine where students choose to go to school. Go to colleGe, 44 See the world Many Canadian universities have 36 Show me the money partnerships to provide a broader Where do you find scholarships, bursaries, co-op programs and internships to help you Getting started in agriculture? experience for their students. pay for school and get experience so you can land a paying job? profiles Let’s talk british columbia saskatchewan ontario 6 University of British Columbia 12 University of Saskatchewan 21 Fleming College 20 University of the Fraser Valley 14 Western College of 21 Algonquin College alberta Veterinary Medicine 22 Durham College 32 Saskatchewan Polytechnic 22 Trent University No matter what stage you’re at in your career, we’re ready to help. Customized loans, agriculture 6 University of Lethbridge manitoba 23 Mohawk College software, farm management training, specialized publications and support for ag clubs and 7 Red Deer College 23 University of Guelph 7 Lakeland College colleges – if you think building the future for tomorrow’s producers is important, let’s talk. 16 University of Manitoba Ridgetown Campus 8 University of Calgary 18 Assiniboine College 24 University of Guelph College of Veterinary Medicine 20 Red River College To learn how we’re helping young farmers, visit 26 McGill University 9 Olds College 28 Dalhousie University 9 Lethbridge College 10 University of Alberta side-by-side listings 30-31 33895 E YFL_8.125x10.75.indd 1 2014-11-06 9:24 AM 4 | ag college guidebook | published by the Western producer fArMing A groWing inDusTrY WINTER 2014-15 ed to provide whole-farm animal health programs that include plans for feed ef- ficiency and disease avoidance, rather than responding to individual cases of animal illness. Veterinarians’ work spans the space between the functional Tips for science of primary practice and food in- getting accepted spection to the region where super-speed Where to find CANADA’S housing BEST AG PROGRAMS electrons are passed through animal tis- How to find sue to discover answers that were once scholarships (which one is best for you?) By Michael Raine | MANAGiNG EDiTOR only theoretical. PLUS: Side-by-side listings of Agricultural Colleges and Programs The demand for certified professionals onsidering an agri- to provide advice and information for pri- PubliSheR: Shaun Jessome cultural education? mary producers remains strong, as pri- eDitor: Brian MacLeod If you come from a vate industry fills some of the gaps left by MAnaging Editor: Michael Raine farm, you probably existing public institutions. Art DiRector: Michelle Houlden AdvertiSing DiRector: Kelly Berg have an idea of the The extension research that provides CReatiVe DiRector: Robert Magnell opportunities that farmers with tools and choices to improve MarkeTing MAnageR: Jack Phipps exist in your com- their operations is done by yet more peo- Editorial: 306-665-3544 munity. However, ple with agricultural training. Those jobs Editorial fax: 306-934-2401 the careers related to farming stretch well bridge the fields of scientific research and [email protected] beyond even a Prairie horizon. practice, and practitioners often say they C AdvertiSinG: 1-800-667-7776 More and more, people entering post- are among the most rewarding in agricul- Advertising fax: 306-653-8750 secondary agricultural programs don’t ture, as their work translates directly into [email protected] have farm backgrounds. Once considered farm profitability, improved environ- NatiOnal saleS: Lisa Graham / Denise Bott Suite 201 - 300 Willow Road a way for farm boys and girls to stay con- mental conditions and increased food Guelph, Ontario N1H 7C6 nected to a rural life or prepare them to production for a hungry planet. Tel: 519-836-4072 Fax: 519-836-2499 take over a family farm someday, food and Plant breeders and livestock researchers agriculture has always offered opportuni- with specialties in chemistry and biology SubscriptiOnS: 1-800-667-6929 Subscription fax: 306-244-9445 ties, but many flew under the radar of now rely heavily on skills in genetics. And [email protected] those seeking a career straight out of high genomics specialists rely on researchers Ag colleGe guiDebook is published by Western school. working on the fundamentals of bioengi- Producer Publications. Contents copyright 2014. The need for technicians and farm la- neering. All rights reserved. No part of Ag colleGe guiDebook may be reproduced in any form or by bourers to power the industry has grown Agricultural engineers develop more any means without prior written consent. over the past two decades, as farm consol- than just the ways to couple power to We strive for accuracy in presenting articles and idations have resulted in fewer farmers wheels, feeding, seeding and threshing charts. However, we are not responsible for errors operating ever-larger farms. components. Today’s machines are in- or liability in the event of losses resulting from The technology incorporated into ma- creasingly tied to highly-refined agro- readers’ use of our magazine and website. chinery has been refined, but has also be- nomic practices. Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: P.O. come more complex in the process. Tech- Farms can’t make use of great science, Box 2500 Stn Main, 2310 Millar Ave., Saskatoon, SK S7K 2C4. nicians were once mechanics. Now, hav- tools and staff without sound business ing the knowledge and the skill to repair management skills. Producers and indus- farm machinery are only some of the du- try require the best in financial planning ties that work entails. Understanding the abilities. And people with those skills rely electronics that run GPS and logics cir- on the work of agricultural economists to cuitry are as important as replacing a bro- guide them. ken shaft or worn part. Agriculture and food production and Livestock breeding programs often re- the information that fuels it is now global. Publications Mail Agreement No. 40069240 quire technicians to have a sound under- Opportunities for those with training in Registration No. 10676 standing of genetics and basic veterinary agriculture stretch from the farmyard to Printed with inks ™ practices. And veterinarians are expect- the boardroom and around the world. containing canola oil profiles Done with high school and unsure about your next step? We asked ag colleges across Canada to tell us about themselves and why you should choose them. 6 | ag college guidebook | published by the Western producer | 7 The UBC Faculty of Land and Food Systems aims to educate new generations of scientists to solve the most fundamental is- sues faced by society: human health, a sustainable food supply and the responsible use of finite land and water resources. TheFood and Resource Economics group uses economic anal- ysis to examine applied problems in the areas of food markets and UNIVeRSiTY of the economics of renewable resources and the environment. UBC established the Animal Welfare Program in 1997 to improve briTiSh columbiA the welfare and humane care of animals in agriculture, research, companionship and other areas, and to help build consensus on the Campus location: Vancouver, B.C. broader ethical questions surrounding the use of animals. Minimum entering grade: 70% Applied Biology major integrates diverse topics in Tuition: $9,800-$15,600 soil-water-plant-atmosphere systems with a focus on the science underpinning crop production and ecosystem management. It Application deadline: Jan. 31, 2015 for fall 2015 start allows students to tailor their experience towards a major area of Website: interest while focusing on global and local environmental issues. STANDOUT PROGRaMS »»The Dairy Education and Research Centre is a teaching and »»The Wine Research Centre conducts pioneering research in enology research unit and operates as a typical modern dairy farm and an and viticulture and to develop highly qualified human resources intensive dairy cattle research centre. 230 cows are milked each with relevant scientific expertise and enterprise who will promote day. The herd of 500 animals is large enough to provide an adequate the technological advancement of the wine industry in Canada. This number of research animals to meet the Centre’s increasing teaching new initiative is a collaboration between researchers at UBC, at and research requirements. other educational and research institutions and all facets of the wine industry. The University of Lethbridge has a wide variety of agricultural programs including livestock —primarily cattle — hogs and poultry, grains, oilseeds, pulses and numerous specialty crops. In this setting, aspiring agriculturalists learn about the physical and economic inter-relationships between agricultural produc- UniVersiTy of tion, marketing, trade and nutrient management, water, grazing, rangeland and riparian management. Students can achieve a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science LeThbridge in Agricultural Studies, or a multidisciplinary major in Agricul- tural Studies offered by the Departments of Biological Sciences, Campus location: Lethbridge, Alta.
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