Psychology’s Feminist Voices Oral History Project Interview with Lyn Mikel Brown Interviewed by Xinfu (Grace) Zhang and Alexandra Rutherford Pittsburgh, PA March 5, 2016 When citing this interview, please use the following citation: Brown, Lyn Mikel (2016, March 5). Interview by X. Zhang and A. Rutherford [Video Recording]. Psychology’s Feminist Voices Oral History and Online Archive Project. Pittsburgh, PA. For permission to use this interview in published work, please contact: ©Psychology’s Feminist Voices, 2017 Alexandra Rutherford, PhD Project Director, Psychology’s Feminist Voices
[email protected] ©Psychology’s Feminist Voices, 2016 Psychology’s Feminist Voices Oral History Project Interview with Lyn Mikel Brown Interviewed by Alexandra Rutherford & Grace Xinfu Zhang Pittsburgh, PA USA March 5, 2016 LB: Lyn Mikel Brown, Interview participant AR: Alexandra Rutherford, Interviewer GZ: Grace Xinfu Zhang, Interviewer AF: Alexandra Fox AF: Maybe you can say your name, date and place of birth? LB: Lyn Mikel Brown, February 12, 1956, Calais, Maine, a small town in Downeast Maine, on the Canadian border. GZ: Tell me about how you relate to feminism? LB: I relate to feminism very personally. For me it has been a way of seeing the world, a way of interacting with people, a way of understanding politics. So it is very personal and it is obviously very political. It is a way to be in connection with people who want to address social injustice and to work toward social change. GZ: Was your family very political as well? What are their points of view on feminism when you were growing up? LB: I grew up working class, working poor, and my family moved gradually into the lower-middle class.