ROMANY MEMORIAL REVIEW NEWS LETTER No 16 June 2016 Provides and maintains memorials in memory of the Birmingham BLACK PATCH Romany Gypsies

Chairman: Ted Rudge MA 118 Cropthorne Road Shirley B90 3JJ [email protected] phone 0121 744 5939

Secretary & Treasurer: Susan Arthur

President: Professor Carl Chinn

Dear Member I am writing this newsletter on a glorious June day with the sun beating down out of a cloudless blue sky. The opposite was the case last year when we met to unveil the new memorial in Black Patch Park, it never stopped raining the whole day. However as usual with your unwavering support the day was a big success with lots of public interest. Our NEXT MEETING: will be SUNDAY 24th JULY 2016 at the Tavern, Foundry Lane, , (post code B66 2LL) from 11am to 4pm. If you require food on the day the Soho Foundry Tavern will be serving a Bar-B-Q style meal all day no pre booking is required. Susan our treasurer / secretary will be there receiving your valuable donations towards the monuments upkeep and the running cost of your society. Josie and Bill Tombs will again be with us displaying the research they have undertaken into the family histories of most Black Patch Romanies. Hopefully we shall also be joined by “Romany Routes” the Romany & Traveller Family History Society on the day. They will bring with them the RTHS book stall, photos and information on many Romany families. If you have any Romany family history questions bring them along (they could get answered). BLACK PATCH PARK: In an attempt to do something about the wholesale dumping of rubbish in and around the park and to deter travellers from driving on and setting up home on park land Council have taken the following action. Removed some of the trees around the perimeter of the park and erected a fence, placed a large concrete slab across the middle of the bridge and closed up some of the access points to the park. Unfortunately I have been informed none of this has worked rubbish is still being dumped, the fence has been broken down and travellers have again occupied the park until last week when they left. WEB-SITE: Over the years I have placed some of the Birmingham Romany Memorial Review groups meetings/activities/photographs etc on the section of our website. Now I have decided to move most of what was on that part to a new section our the web-site devoted exclusively to the BRMR activities. This will enable me to place any current news on, post past newsletters on, show photographs taken at meetings and publicise us as a group together with the memorials for all the world to see. For members who have access to a computer just log on to on the first page at the top there is a list of sections that are on the site, click on the second one entitled Romany Memorials and you are there. If you don’t have a computer I am sure the grandchildren will let you have a look at theirs!!!!. NEW MEMORIAL: In the churchyard of St Mary’s Handsworth there are NO headstones to any of the deceased from the Black Patch this includes the graves of Esau (King) and Henty (Queen) Smith and at least 34 other Romany Gypsies. In an attempt to rectify this and tell the next generation I wrote in newsletters number 14 and 15 asking if you would you like me to pursue the possibility of a monument somewhere in the grounds of St Marys Church Handsworth. I also mentioned I would be truly grateful if you would consider this proposal and if you feel able to financially support the provision of a monument at St Mary’s PLEASE let me know. Adding, if you are in agreement I would prefer, if possible, to have the new memorial installed sometime in 2016. I am delighted to tell you there has been sufficient support to enable me to begin the necessary planning of a monument in the grounds of St Mary’s with the relevant church authorities. Detailed plans were submitted to the church diocese for consideration via Father Bob Stephen the minister at St Mary’s. Normally a process like this takes many months of negotiation to get approval. However our application was approved within weeks a great difference to the struggle I had last year with Sandwell Council over the Black Patch new memorial. Next problem was the cost we had at the end of 2015 just over £1000 in the societies account left over from your previous donations. Fortunately certain members have donated the extra funds enabling me to contact the same Stone Mason we used for the new monument at Black Patch. To provide a stone similar to the one installed at Black Patch last year we were quoted a very favourable price of £1,700 and the church have wavered their normal charges. With everything in place I went ahead and ordered and paid for the monument. Unveiling of the new monument at St Mary’s Church, Hampstead Road, Handsworth, B20 2RB will take place on SUNDAY 4th SEPTEMBER 2016. Before the unveiling there will be a service in St Mary’s church, lasting about an hour and a quarter. The service will be conducted by The Revd Dr Bob Stephen starting promptly at 1100 and Bishop Anne, the Bishop of Aston, will be doing the dedication. Bob Steven is currently inviting other dignitaries to the ceremony but it’s your attendance that is so important. However before then, to get some idea of how many of our members intend coming to the unveiling of the new monument would you let me know beforehand please. I do hope as many of you, your families, and friends are able to be with us at St Mary’s on the 4th of September. When we meet in July I will be able to tell you much more about this event.

Looking forward to meeting you all again on Sunday 24 July 2016 from 11am at the Soho Foundry Tavern. and on Sunday 4th September 2016 at St Mary’s Church, Handsworth just before 11am. Best wishes Ted Rudge