Black Patch Smethwick
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1 Development Ready BLACK PATCH SMETHWICK DRAFT INTERIM PLANNING STATEMENT AND MASTERPLAN JULY 2018 Development Ready 2 CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 3 2. VISION, AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 4 3. BACKGROUND 5 4. THE CURRENT SITUATION 6 5. PLANNING POLICY 7 6. INTERIM LAND USE FRAMEWORK AND MASTERPLAN 10 7. CONSULTATION 16 This document has been prepared by: Planning Regeneration Team Regeneration and Economy Directorate Sandwell MBC Sandwell Council House Freeth Street Oldbury B69 3DE For further information telephone 0121 569 4254 or email [email protected] 3 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 This Interim Planning 1.4 This Interim Planning Statement has been prepared Statement aims to; to set out Sandwell Council’s current position on the area Set out a clear defined around Black Patch in boundary for the area Smethwick, and seek to in which regeneration establish the intentions activity is to be regarding its future land use. It concentrated; will provide an overview of the area and identify the Set the context and development priorities and background in which proposed land use changes this Statement has during the interim period whilst been prepared the Local Plan is being reviewed and adopted. Establish a vision for where we wish the area 1.2 This Interim Planning to be in the near future, Statement does not establish and a range of new planning policy but, through objectives to help setting out the background and deliver the vision; context to the regeneration plans, aims to help encourage Set out the future land the type of development that is use proposals to in keeping with the future vision guide development; of the area. Establish the Interim 1.3 This document will not Planning Statement as constitute a Supplementary a material consideration This document has been Planning Document (SPD) as for future development prepared by: part of the Local Development proposals. Planning Regeneration Team Framework. However if adopted following consultation, Regeneration and it will be treated as a material Economy Directorate consideration for any Sandwell MBC forthcoming planning Sandwell Council House applications or development Freeth Street proposals until such time as Oldbury there is a review of land use B69 3DE allocations in the adopted statutory plan for this area. For further information telephone 0121 569 4254 or email [email protected] Development Ready 4 2. VISION, AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 2.1 The incremental change 2.3 However, the sites are 2.4 The purpose of the from a residential nucleus to currently allocated for Interim Planning Statement is that of an industrial hub has led employment use or as white to set out the current context of to the deterioration of the Black land (unallocated) which would the area, identify the council’s Patch Area. The reduction of not allow for a residential vision for the future, recognise families surrounding Black development to come forward. where significant land use Patch Park has reduced its Any proposal for housing would changes may take place and significance in this once vibrant be against planning policy and address how it hopes to achieve and popular area. Due to the is likely to be refused. Whilst this during the emerging policy lack of a community, the Park the statutory Local Plan, the being prepared and adopted. has been left unused due to the Site Allocations and Delivery 2.5 The Interim Planning decreasing facilities it has to DPD has commenced its Statement will go through a offer. In addition, lack of review, the process from round of consultation during investment due to funding commencement to adoption is summer 2018. If it is considered issues has led to limited upkeep lengthy and it is unlikely that a acceptable, it will be adopted at of the Park grounds with anti- plan will be adopted to alter the Cabinet later in the year. It will social behaviour and vandalism land use allocation for a few not form part of the Local becoming more prevalent which years. Therefore the aim is to Development Scheme nor has also resulted in the put into place an Interim constitute a Supplementary demolition of the once popular Planning Statement that will be Planning Document but will be Community Centre. The football treated as a material a material consideration for pitches have remained unused consideration for any future future decision making within for some time and the development proposals put the area. environmental quality of the forward for this area. area has declined significantly. 2.2 The vision for this area is to re-establish itself as a residential community surrounding an improved central park with the necessary infrastructure in place to support the residents. The development of new houses will introduce a new community and vibrancy to the area, increased activity may improve community cohesiveness, and more natural surveillance will increase safety and security. There will be an overall improvement in the environmental quality of the area. 5 3. BACKGROUND area concentrate on metal 3.4 Central to the area is recycling, car repairs and Black Patch Park. The park is 3.1 Black Patch lies within portakabin storage. The largest underused and subject to anti- the Soho and Victoria ward. sites are occupied by two long social behaviour in parts. The The area is delineated by the established major employers; Community Centre ceased to Midland Metro and rail lines to Sims Metal Recycling who be used once the maisonettes the north and south, the occupy a number of sites in the at Boulton Road were Birmingham Canal and Booth vicinity and Avery Weigh Tronix demolished some 10 years ago Street to the west. It lies on the located to the south-west. and it had been subjected to border with Birmingham City extensive vandalism and arson. and within the wider area of 3.3 To the south lies an It has recently been demolished Greater Icknield and Smethwick enclave of housing owned by due to its unstable condition. which is set for major Midland Heart. There are The Park has been dominated regeneration in the coming currently 25 semi-detached by traveller encroachment in years to deliver up to 5000 new homes and a hostel which has the past with damage to the homes and additional social recently been refurbished and park and extensive waste left infrastructure. converted into flats. An area to following eviction. the east at Boulton Road 3.2 The wider area currently holds a temporary incorporates Anne Road and planning permission to be used Foundry Lane, both dominated as a Transit Site. by older industrial premises and vacant sites. The uses in this Figure 1: Site Context Development Ready 6 4. THE CURRENT SITUATION 4.1 The area around Black 4.3 Black Patch Park lies 4.4 To the south lies land Patch Park is primarily industrial central to the area and consists either side of Kitchener Street in nature. Having once been an in the main of grassland and – an area cleared of its terraced area of mixed use, with Black trees. The park is dissected by housing some thirty years ago Patch Park set within a vibrant Hockley Brook thereby splitting and which is now vacant and resident community living into three distinct areas, the top overgrown. The road has been harmoniously alongside portion lending itself to pitches, gated to deter further anti- industrial uses. Recent years which could be used informally social behaviour and the land is has seen the degradation of for football, the south-eastern allocated in the Development the area, with the introduction section for informal recreation Plan for Industrial use. This is of lower grade businesses and and the eastern section is one of the sites being proposed the demolition of the housing at extremely overgrown and the for future residential use. Kitchener Street, Boulton Road location of much of the anti- and Wellington Street. social behaviour. The park 4.5 The second site to be seems to be used infrequently included for potential 4.2 The current policy for but does have an active Friends development is Merry Hill the area is contained within the of Black Patch Park Group. Allotments. Out the 113 plots Site Allocations and Delivery Due to the activities of fly- on site, occupation levels are DPD (SAD DPD) which tippers and travellers the area low at approximately 37% with allocates the majority of the is in an extremely poor condition limited cultivation taking place. land for employment related and unrecognisable from its The allotment gardens, like the purposes, except the Park former status as a main focal Park, have been subjected to which is allocated for point for recreation. The state high levels of anti-social Community Open Space and of the Park and unauthorised behaviour. The Allotment site is the Merry Hill Allotments which encampments has also meant not allocated in the Development are unallocated. that the regular football teams Plan, however any disposal of have found alternative pitches allotments needs to be due to concerns for safety. The authorised by the Secretary of Community Centre has recently State. The council is currently been demolished. consulting the allotment holders on a potential relocation and compensation package following support from the National Allotment Society. If a positive response is received from consultation with plot holders, this site will also be considered for land use change to residential. 7 5. PLANNING POLICY 5.4 The NPPF does not the residents and visitors to an 5.1 Any proposals for change the statutory status of area. Access to high quality development within Sandwell the development plan in open spaces and opportunities will be assessed against the decision making.