Notices of Recent Finds of Coins in Scotland. By
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NOTICES OF RECENT FINDS OF COINS IN SCOTLAND. 547 III. NOTICE RECENF O S T FIND COINF SO SCOTLANDN I S Y B . GEORGE SIM, ESQ., F.S.A. SCOT., CURATOR OF COINS. EORGANDENNY. On Saturday, 15th May last, while a number of workmen were engage n makini d g excavation e foundationth r fo s f cottagee so th n o s estate of Freeland, in Perthshire, they came upon a jar, which on being broke o piecet n s brough o light t a largt e numbe f ancieno r t silver coins. The workmen divided the coins amongst them, and afterwards sold them to various parties, including the proprietor of the estate, who purchase a considerabld e numbe e procurator-fiscar L,5Th fo r . t a l Perth succeeded in recovering a very few of the coins, which were sent to Exchequer. The following is a list. List theof Coins. English.—Edward III., London Groats, ..4 . Edward III., Half-Groats, ..... 5 Henry IV., V., or VI. , . 8 . Groat ' . Calaisf so , . Half-Groat2 . Calaisf o s . , Groat of London, ..... 1 Penny of York*, ..... 1 Scottish.—David II., Half-Groat of Perth, ... 1 James I., Groats, ...... 4 James II., Groat Edinburghf o s , ...7 . Groat of Stirling (rare), . , .1 Illegible Coins, ...... 3 Total, 37 HAWICK. The coins enumerate e listh t n annexedi d d othersan ,-recoveret no , d e procurator-fiscalth y b , were foun n 10to d h September r M last y b , David Kennedy, druggist, Hawick, while digging a foundation for a 548 . PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY, JUNE 12, 1876. - Highouse th hn ei Stree f thao t t towiicoine Th s. havin t scattereggo d amongst the workpeople and others, were at different times, and with difficulty, recovere procurator-fiscale th y db send Exchequero an t ,t . As there-are e commonnonth f eo . " Servio " 1557 plack f Maro s n yi the hoard, and as the latest of the coins are hardheads of 1555, we can very nearly approac e deposit date th hth f eo . List of Coins. French.—Franci pierced)(pood u s I.ran ,Ec , ..1 . English.—Henry VIII., Base Groats of York, London, and . .1 . 5 Bristo, l (al . l poor), Half-Groat of London, ..... 1 Edward VI., Testoons, or side-faced shillings (mostly poor), 4 Scottish.—James III. and IV., Placks (mostly very poor, a few are well preserved fea wd hav an numera,e th e l " "4 after . .8 . - 1 . "Jacobus, . " James IV., Unicorn with " XC." under unicorn (find an e very rare), .....1 . James V., Placks (well preserved), . .35 1 . One-thir . d Side-faced Groat . , Mary, Lion with " Scotornm Eegina " (ver1 y fine)rard . ean , Half-Lion, 1553 (fine), ' . 1. Testoo1 n. " Dilicie, (rathe. "&c r fine) . , Hardheads (two fine), ....3 . Edinburgh Placks, varieties (many fine), . 392 Do., Half-Placks (many fine), . .16 Stirling Placks (well preserved), ... 4 Penny> with Bust1 , arche . d crow . n (fine), Total, 558 EANNOOH. About the beginning of December last, the coins of which the following s a,i list were foun t Rannocha d Perthshiren i , send Exchequero an t ,t , I hav t t beeeno bu n abl learo et particulare nth discoverye th f so . .'•«'• NOTICE KECENF SO T FIND COINF SO SCOTLANDN SI 9 54 . List Coins.of English. — Elizabeth, Shilling0 1 s (all very poor) . , Elizabeth, Sixpence s. (all ver.4 . y poor)0 , James I., Half-Crown1 , " . Quae Deus, . " &c. ; Shillings . , . 3 Do., Sixpences, Do., ..0 1 . Do., "Exnrgat," &c., ..4 . Charles I., Half-Crowns l wital , h oval shiel varied dan d mint marks, but being much clipped, the mint marks could riot be seen on many, . .14 Scottish Half-Crown (bent die), mint mark a thistle, , "Quae Deus," &c., ....1 . English Shillings, many clipped, mint marks varied, . 48 Sixpences (well preserved), mint marks anchor upright, and horizontal, A, Q., &c., . 14 Spanis . h .Dollar . Philif 7 so . ' p IV., Dollars of Albert and Elizabeth, Duke and Duchess of Bur- gundy, 1620, ...... 3 Total, 155 CBEGGAN. About the beginning of January, a lot of Scottish coins were found at Creggan, in Argyleshire, and transmitted to Exchequer. No particulars have been givene findinTh .f thes o g e farthing n compani s y wito s h many coins of James IV. would have been conclusive that these small coins really belonged to James IV. and not to James II. (as stated in Mr Lindsay's original work), if MrPollexfen had n&t long ago settled the question. List of Coins. James III., Groat of Edinburgh, .... 1 James III. and IV., Placks (several with numeral 4), . .182 James IV., Black Farthings; rev6 . 3 crown fleurd . lissan e d s, 9 Total21 , 550 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY, JUNE 12, 1876. GLENQUAICH. The coins, of which the following is a list, were found last month on ledge roca th f t Glenquaicheko a Perthshiren i , . They were enclosen di stonewara r bottleo r eja , which brok piecen ei beinn so g lifted, excepe th t necd uppekan r coine partTh s. were recovere the'procurator-fiscay db l t Pertha transmitted an , Exchequero dt . The l appeayal havo t r e been lon n circulatiogi n (thos f Williao e m being least rubbed) d weran , e probably deposited in the reign of Anne. 21sT APRIL 1876. List Coins.of Charles II. Bawbees, . .218 Turners, . .14 . .1 . Bodies,2 . ' ' Willliam and Mary Bawbees, . .16 Bodies, ..... 31 William III8 .1 Bawbee . , 1695-1697 . , Bodies, ..... 34 . Obliterate. 6d Bodies, Louis XIV. small Silver Coin, ... 1 Total, 350.