Guide to the Collection of Irish Antiquities
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NATIONAL MUSEUM OF SCIENCE AND ART, DUBLIN. GUIDE TO THE COLLECTION OF IRISH ANTIQUITIES. (ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY COLLECTION). ANGLO IRISH COINS. BY G COFFEY, B.A.X., M.R.I.A. " dtm; i, in : printed for his majesty's stationery office By CAHILL & CO., LTD., 40 Lower Ormond Quay. 1911 Price One Shilling. cj 35X5*. I CATALOGUE OF \ IRISH COINS In the Collection of the Royal Irish Academy. (National Museum, Dublin.) PART II. ANGLO-IRISH. JOHN DE CURCY.—Farthings struck by John De Curcy (Earl of Ulster, 1181) at Downpatrick and Carrickfergus. (See Dr. A. Smith's paper in the Numismatic Chronicle, N.S., Vol. III., p. 149). £ OBVERSE. REVERSE. 17. Staff between JiCRAGF, with mark of R and I. abbreviation. In inner circle a double cross pommee, with pellet in centre. Smith No. 10. 18. (Duplicate). Do. 19. Smith No. 11. 20. Smith No. 12. 21. (Duplicate). Type with name Goan D'Qurci on reverse. Obverse—PATRIC or PATRICII, a small cross before and at end of word. In inner circle a cross without staff. Reverse—GOAN D QVRCI. In inner circle a short double cross. (Legend collected from several coins). 1. ^PIT .... GOANDQU . (Irish or Saxon T.) Smith No. 13. 2. ^PATRIC . „ J<. ANDQURCI. Smith No. 14. 3. ^PATRIGV^ QURCI. Smith No. 15. 4. ^PA . IOJ< ^GOA . URCI. Smith No. 16. 5. Duplicate (?) of S. No. 6. ,, (broken). 7. Similar in type of ob- Legend unintelligible. In single verse. Legend unin- inner circle a cross ; telligible. resembles the type of the mascle farthings of John. Weight 2.7 grains ; probably a forgery of the time. Smith No. 18. The average weight of the unbroken coins Smith No. 1 to 16 is 5.34 grains. The standard weight of the English penny at this period was 24 grains of the Tower pound, equal to 22| grains Troy. It may therefore be inferred that these coins are farthings. JOHN (Dominus). Coins struck as Lord of Ireland, during reigns of Henry II. and Richard I.—1177 to 1199. Weight OBVERSE. REVERSE. in grains. HALF-PENNY. Moneyer Norman. FIRST COINAGE. DUBLIN MINT. 1. JdOHANES DOMIN' J<NORMAN: ON :DWELI YBER'. In inner circle, a cross Full face of John the potent voided. An annu- Baptist. let in each quarter. Nu- mismatic Chronicle, N.S. IV. p. 105. 10 2. (Duplicate). Do. 10 3. ^IOHANES DOMIN'I £<NORMANO: N DWE. 11 4. JdOHANNES DOM. ^NORMAN: ON DWE. 11* 5. ' Do. ON DW. 12 6. „ (Duplicate). 9 7- ON DV. Hi 8. ,, (Duplicate). iif Moneyer Rodberd. 9. JOHANNES DOMIN £<RODBERD: ON: DW n YBER: ELI. 10. „ DOMIN: Y. ON DWE. 10 11. „ DOMIN. ON DWE. 7j portion of edge broken off. 12. DOMI: ^RODBD ON : DW. 12 13. (Duplicate). 8* 14. DOMI. „ ON: DWE. 15. DOMI: „ ON DWE. 10| 16. DOM. „ ON DW. 10| 17. (Duplicate). Hi 18. DOM. ^RODBERD : ON : WE. 10 Monever Adam. 19. JOHANNES DOM. |<ADAM ON DWE. Hi 20. (Duplicate). hi Moneyer Nicolas. 21. JdOHANNES DOM. ^NICOLAS ON DWE. Hi 22. (Duplicate). 101 23. ^IOHANNES DOM. ^NICOLAS: ONDW. 10 Moneyer Tomas. OBVERSE. Weight EEVBKSE. in grains. 24. JOHANNES DM. STOMAS ON DWE. Hi 25. (Duplicate). n 26. ON DW. n Moneyer Turgod. 27. ^IOHANNES DOM. J<TURGOD ON DWE. 10 28. „ DO. DWE. n SECOND COINAGE. Moneyer Adam. 29. JdOHANNES DOM. £<ADAM ON DWE. ii In inner circle, a double cross pommee, a small pellet in centre, an annulet in each quarter. Moneyer Hugh. 30. JOHANNES DOM. JsHUGH ON DWE. *2 Figured Numismatic Chronicle N.S. Vol. IV. p. 105. Moneyer Tomas. 31. JrtOHANNES DOM. STOMAS ON DWE. LKJj 32. ON DW. HI 33. (Duplicate). 11 Moneyer William. 34. JJOHAN.NES DOM ^WILLEM ON DV. 111 FIRST COINAGE. WATERFORD MINT. Moneyer Marcus 1. JOHANNES DOMI : ^MARCUS ON : WA. 10f 2. „ DOM. £<MARC ON WATER. 111 3. Obverse blundered. ^MARC ON WTATER. (Broken). Moneyer Will. 4. JOHANNES DOMI. JAVTLL ON WATE. m Figured Numismatic Chronicle N.S. Vol. IV. p. 105. £< WILL DE WATER. T £<WILLDEW . ii Moneyer Geofrey. JOHANNES DO. ^GEFREI ON WA. hi DOM. ii DEM. ii OBVERSE. Weight 10 Weight 11 Weight OBVERSE. REVERSE. in grains. Moneyer William. 13. IOHANNES REX. WILLEM ON D. 12| 14. 11 15. IOHANNES RE. 10* 16. IOHAN REX. Hi 17. WILLEM ON D. 18. n 101 19. IOHAN RE. ON DIVE (?William). LIMERICK MINT. 20. IOHANNES REX. WACE ON LI. y 4 21. (Duplicate). 22. IOHAN REX. WILLEM LIME. 11 23. (Duplicate). 9 BLUNDERED AND UNCERTAIN COINS. 24. IOHAN REX. ? WILLEM ON DIVE. lOJ 25. (Duplicate). 26. ? Hf 27. Unintelligible ; 5f forgery of the time. 28. ? Defaced. FARTHINGS. 1. IOHAN RE. ROBERD. 61 In a triangle the King's In a triangle a blazing Head crowned, a star in star. (Engraved Lin each angle. Sup. PL 3 No. 67.) 2. 3. 4. 5. 12 HENEY III. 1216-1272. DUBLIN MINT. Weight OBVERSE REVERSE in PENNIES. grains. Moneyer David. 1. HENRICUS REX. DAVI ON DIVELI' 22 III. In a triangle, the King's Long cross pommee, a head, full faced, with pellet in centre and three crown fleury, sceptre in pellets in each quarter. right hand, a rose of five leaves to left. In some instances the legend is spaced with pellets. 2. 3. line ,, an inner without mark 20f 13 Weight . 14 Weight OBVERSE. REVERSE. in grains 34. Very rude. Legend EVE DIV ONR ELI blundered. Appears to be intended for 19 Richard on DIVELI. 35. HENKICUS EX. III. Blundered, appears to be 15| OIL LIN INE VID. (On Divlin ?) 36. Very rude star at left Blundered. 18* side of head, legend blund- ered. 37. Very rude type of Blundered long cross type 16| Henry's long cross English Legend unintelligible. coins. Legend unintellig- ible. CUT PIECES FOR HALFPENNIES, FARTHINGS, &c. 38. fd. piece. English, long cross type, Canterbury Mint. 39 fd. pieces. Four halved pennies. English, long cross type. 40 fd. pieces. Halved Irish penny (RICARD ON DIVE). This appears to be a penny cut as an experiment, the cut edges are fresh. I! i. pieces. 10 quarter pennies. English, long cross type. EDWARD I. II. or III.—1278-1377. It is not possible to distinguish the Irish coins of these reigns DUBLIN MINT. PENNIES. 1. EDW R' ANGL' CIVITAS DVBLINIE. 22 DNS HYB. Cross, three pellets in each In a triangle the King's quarter. bust, full faced with crown on breast. 2. '221 Do. 4 Three pellets, (or brooch of three jewels) on breast. 221 3. -J 'J 2 Legend spaced with small pellets. Three pellets on breast. 4. (Duplicate). 21| 5 91 £ 15 16 Weight OBVERSE. 17 18 Weight OBVERSE. 19 Weight OBVERSE. REVERSE. grains. HENRY VI. HALF FARTHINGS. called PATRICKS (1460). 1 . An open crown in circle A plain cross. Smith. 11 of pellets, outside which is Coins of Edward IV., PL the word PATRIK ; an 1, No. 12. annulet after the K. PA is separated from TRIK by a branch, and a similar branch separates the end of the word from the beginning. 2. 3. ,, Retrograde. 20 EDWARD IV. 1460-1483. Classified according to Dr. A. Smith's paper in the Transac- tions Royal Irish Academy, Vol. XIX. Where reference is made to Smith's plates the coins figured are from specimens in this collection. In some cases the weights given by Smith do not appear to be quite correct. Weight OBVERSE. REVERSE. in grains. FIRST COINAGE. 1461. GROATS. 1. A crown within a CIVITAS DVBLINIE. 44i double tressure of nine Legend divided by small arches, three pellets at crosses. A cross extend- each point of tressure. ing to circumference of coin, three pellets in each quarter, those in first and third connected by annu- lets. Smith PI. I. No. 1 2. 21 Weight 22 Weiglit OBVEKSE. REVERSE. grains 2. Do. Do. A Rose between E and C, probably sun be- tween S and D. (Much corroded). Both these coins are copper only. 3. Same type. Portions of rudely formed letters in legend space : appears to be a spurious imitation of No. 1. Olla Podrida Vol. II., PI. 25, No. 3. Copper appears to have been plated with silver. GROATS. 4. Crown in Double tres- CIVITAS DVBLINIE. 44* sure of eight arches. A, Legend divided by crosses, small sun in each angle type as first coinage. outside arches of tressure. Annulet in 2nd and 4th quarters. Smith PI. 1, No. 5. D. from same die. ,, No crosses after E. 42 Annulet in 1st and 3rd quarters. 6. „ but trefoils at ,, crosses after S and 371 points of tressure instead E. No annulet in quarters of pellets. 7. at two points of ,, Annulet in 1st & 45| tressure pellets, rest tre- 3rd quarters. foils. As No. 6. No crosses after E, annu- 401 let in 1st and 3rd quarters. 9. Broken at edges: ,, crosses after S and appears to have suffered E. Annulet in four from contact with sulphur. quarters (?) 10. As before. A rose in „ two crosses after S 421 each angle outside tressure and one after E. Annulet in 2nd and 4th quarters. Smith PL 1, No. 7. 11. ,, (Duplicate). 45 FARTHINGS. 1. PATRICIVS. SALVATOR. 12f A Bishop's head, full face A cross : roses and suns with mitre, at right side alternately between letters of mitre a sun of eight in each division of legend. rays, at left a rose of six A sun and a rose alternate leaves. in the quarters of cross. 23 OBVERSE. 2. Do. Eose at right side of mitre, sun at left. 3. „ but a small cross to left of mitre instead of a rose. 4. „ 5. „ 6. „ 7. ,, but different head, and mitre is natter.