Patented Oct. 25, 1892
3 sheets-Sheet 1. (No Model.) D. S. STEWAR.T. TRACTION ENGINE. No. 484,828, Patented Oct. 25, 1892. (No Model.) 3 sheets-Sheet 2. D.TRACTION s. STEWAR.T. ENGINE. No. 484,828. Patented Oct. 25, l892. S s SS SN as G G e W. st RA alafi SS %6%.O. ass alo, ol% R rWol, IeS 2Ze(49. g (SGS es (No Model.) 3 Sheets-Sheet, 3. D. S. STEWAR.T. TRACTION ENGINE, No. 484,828. Patented Oct. 25, 1892. oO O O O O 3. O : O O O O O O O &O O 3 O O O O O O O3 O O O UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. DAVID s. STEWART, OF MORRIS, WISCONSIN. TRACTION-ENGINE. A. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 484,828, dated October 25, 1892, Application filed December 21, 1891, Serial No. 415,712, (No model.) To all whom it may conceriu: ner. As illustrated in the drawings, each of 55 Be it known that I, DAVID S. STEWART, a the shafts.j of tho front truck is connected at citizen of the United States, and a resident one end by means of a universal joint. I, with of Morris, in the county of Shawano, and in a revoluble shaft extending diagonally be 5 the State of Wisconsin, have invented certain tween the front and rear trucks and similarly new and useful Improvements in Traction engaged with the shafti upon the opposite Engines; and I do hereby declare that the fol side of the rear truck. These revoluble di.
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