15 December 2015


Item 1: 07/15/0866/F

Location: Land at Cock Lane adjacent to the A10, , Herts, EN11 8LS

Description: Erection of a ground-mounted solar photovoltaic array and associated infrastructure

Applicant: Mulbrick Clean Energy LLP

Agent: Green Cat Renewables

Date Received: 15.09.2015 Date of Committee: 15.12.2015

Officer Contact: Peter Quaile Expiry Date: 15.12.2015

Ward Councillors: Councillors Gordon, Hutchings and Rowland

RECOMMENDED that: subject to the application first being submitted to the Secretary of State as Green Belt development under the Town and Country Planning (Consultation) (England) Direction 2009, permission be granted subject to the conditions at the end of this report.


1.1 HCC Flood Risk Management – No objection subject to conditions

1.2 HCC Highways – No objection subject to conditions

1.3 HCC Archaeology – No objection subject to a condition requiring archaeological investigation prior to commencement of work

1.4 Environmental Health – No objection but advises that an Environmental Management Plan should be provided for the site.

1.5 Herts and Middx Wildlife Trust – Suggests a condition requiring an environmental design strategy to promote bio-diversity and on site ecological enhancement

1.6 Herts Police – Raise concerns over site security and CCTV coverage


2.1 The application was advertised by means of site notices, newspaper advert and neighbour letters expired on 11th February 2015.


3.1 No objections have been received to date.


4.1 The following policies of the Borough of Local Plan Second Review 2001-2011 (adopted December 2005) apply:

SUS2 Energy SUS18 Surface Water Drainage GBC2 Development in the Metropolitan Green Belt GBC6 Proposals for Non-Agricultural Uses of Green Belt Land GBC16 Landscape Character Areas and Enhancement HD1 Effects of Development on Nationally Important Sites and Monuments HD17 Retention/Enhancement of Landscape Features HD22 Community Safety IMP2 Community & Infrastructure needs linked to new development

4.2 The Borough Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) (August 2004) is relevant in this case as it provides design guidance for all forms of development.

4.3 The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) 2012 also needs to be considered as it sets out the Government’s planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied. In particular, paragraphs 79-92 deal with Green Belt locations and applications for renewable energy projects while paragraphs 97-98 guide planning authorities in setting a strategy for renewables and dealing with subsequent applications for such installations.


5.1 This irregularly-shaped site adjoins the western side of the A10 immediately to the south of where Cock Lane road-bridge crosses the . The pedestrian bridge which accesses the eastern edge of the Broxbournebury Estate lies to the south of the site. The application site has an area of nearly 9.5 hectares while the array would occupy an area of just over 9 hectares.


Application Site looking north along its eastern side

5.2 The site falls towards its southern boundary and as the A10 is in a cutting at this point, the site is set around 5 metres above the level of the carriageway at the boundary. The site itself has the profile of a an upturned dish with a raised central area. The site has been extracted for gravels, infilled then capped with gas vents dotted across the surface. The capping is covered with topsoil and some rough grassland of poor quality has established since the quarry was closed in the 1990s. There is dense woodland to the south side of the site, continuous tree/hedgerow along the A10 boundary and woodland along the majority of the northern boundary. To the west there is some tree cover but there are views from the open Green Belt into the application site. The site lies unused at present.


Western Boundary Eastern Boundary

5.3 Vehicle access is taken from Cock Lane on its southern side via an unmade track and field gate. The nearest dwelling is North Lodge to the west of the entrance along Cock Lane while Hoddesdonbury Farm which is a listed building is further along Cock Lane on the northern side of the road. There is a moated mediaeval site, which is an ancient monument, in the woods to the north-west of the site.

Vehicle Entrance from Cock Lane


6.1 This is a full application to install a solar photovoltaic (PV) array which would generate a maximum of five megawatts by means of approximately 17,840 solar panels facing directly south set at an angle of 25 degrees on metal frames secured by concrete bases. The maximum output equates to power for around 1000 houses. The rows of panels would be set around 5.4m apart at the northern end of the site but would be closer together at the southern end due to the slope of the land; the overall height of each of the generating structures would be 2.577m. The individual panels would be 99cm deep and 165cm wide. The generating panels would be served by five inverter stations (which are required to convert DC current to AC so that it can be transmitted into the national grid network) and a sub-station. The maximum height of the inverter stations would be 2.92m and the sub-station would be 3.8m high. All these installations would be finished in dark green. There would be a mesh security fence and CCTV guarding the site.

A4 6.2 The applicant has indicated that the connection to the National Grid will be below ground. Confirmation on this point is being sought from the applicant and an update will be provided to the Committee.

Proposed Site Layout

Proposed Solar PV Installation

A5 6.3 The application is supported by a suite of documents as follows:

 Design and Access Statement  Landscape Design Report  Flood Risk Assessment  Ecology Assessment  Environmental Appraisal  Environmental Management Plan

6.4 The applicant sought a pre-application screening opinion in which the Council, as local planning authority, stated that a formal environmental assessment would not be required for the installation of a solar PV array on this site.


7.1 The relevant planning history relates to the mineral and waste operations.

7.2 Permission was granted 9th October 1979 under reference 7/588-1979 for “Use of existing vehicle access onto Cock Lane and new internal access road for extraction of sand and gravel.”

7.3 Permission was granted 11th November 1981 under reference 7/864/1981 for “Restoration of worked-out gravel pit by infilling with putrescible and non- putrescible waste.”

7.4 Permission was granted 23rd June 1998 under reference 7/226/1998 for “ Erection of skid-mounted, electronically operated pumping and flowing plant for the continuing safe dispersal of landfill gas.”


8.1 The main issues for consideration in this case are as follows:

i. Principle of installing the solar PV array on this Green Belt site. ii. Design, layout, and appearance; iii. Impact on amenity of neighbouring residential properties; iv. Highways; v. Ecology

Principles of development

8.2 The relevant National policies in relation to the Metropolitan Green Belt are set out in paragraphs 79-92 of the NPPF. Paragraph 81 advises councils, amongst other objectives, to look “for opportunities to…..improve damaged and derelict land”

Paragraph 91 of the NPPF notes that “When located in the Green Belt, elements of many renewable energy projects will comprise inappropriate development.”

With regard to climate change and flooding, Paragraph 97 of the NPPF states that local planning authorities should “have a positive strategy to promote energy from renewable and low carbon sources.”

A6 In relation to determining planning applications for renewable energy development, Paragraph 98 of the NPPF states that local planning authorities should “approve the application if its impacts are (or can be made) acceptable.” The footnote to this guidance notes “unless material considerations indicate otherwise.”

With regard to Local Plan Policies, SUS2 Energy states the Council will support energy conservation and reductions in energy demands by (d) “Encouraging, wherever appropriate, the development of renewable energy sources, subject to other environmental policies of this Plan”. Policy GBC2 sets out the uses and operational development appropriate in the Green Belt but to an extent is superseded by the guidance set out in the NPPF. Policy GBC6 sets out criteria against which non-agricultural uses of Green Belt land will be assessed.

8.3 The erection of structures in the form of the PV panels and supporting structures, along with the inverter stations and sub-station is considered to be inappropriate development in the Green Belt as they are not a category of operational development explicitly set out as appropriate in national or local policy. In such circumstances, it is necessary to demonstrate very special circumstances in order for a development to proceed. In the case of the application site, it has been used for landfill purposes, including putrescible waste, then restored with a series of gas vents. It currently has no beneficial land use and is clearly damaged land of poor quality. Paragraph 81 of the NPPF notes that one of the primary objectives for planning in the Green Belt is to “improve damaged and derelict land”. It is considered that the application site falls squarely within the category of damaged land as set out in the NPPF and that this a very special circumstance in favour of its development. Allied to this, the installation of a PV array would be accompanied by landscape and ecological enhancements which, over the period of the working life of the facility which is initially set at 25 years, would help to return the site to a usable condition even if only as pasture/grazing land. This scheme, albeit inappropriate development, is in accordance with a fundamental objective of the Green Belt as set out in the NPPF. The proposal is lent additional weight by the NPPF policies set out in Paragraphs 97-98 which offer strategic policy support for renewable sources of power generation and a development management presumption in favour of their approval “if its impacts are (or can be made) acceptable”. In the context of the current nature of the land and the strong local and national policy support for schemes of renewable energy it is considred that there are very special circumstances which support the principle of this development in the Green Belt. The detailed assessment revolves around the material impact which would result from the use and operational development proposed on this site and any other material considerations.

8.4 The Council has a positive planning stance promoting renewable energy sources in the form of saved Policy SUS2. The rider on that policy is that approval of applications is subject to other environmental policies in the plan which reflects the approach of Paragraph 98 of the NPPF set out above. Paragraphs 8.7 onwards assess the design and appearance of the proposal and this helps to inform the decision to be reached in the context of a general policy presumption, both locally and nationally, in favour of schemes for renewable energy generation.

A7 8.5 In terms of the criteria set out in saved Policy GBC6, there is no loss of good quality farm land in this application as all the land, apart from the areas for vehicle access at the edges of the site, has been mined and backfilled. There would be landscape enhancement in the shorter and longer terms. The highway impacts are considered in paragraph 8.10 below. The environmental impacts are examined in paragraph 8.7.

8.6 Subject to the detailed considerations relating to environmental, highway and any other impacts the principle of installing a renewable energy facility in this Green Belt location is considered to be acceptable.

Design, layout and appearance

8.7 The design of the PV array is to a large extent dictated by the technical requirements of optimising the output from the given site area. The angle of attack to the sun at 25 degrees is set, the orientation facing south is ideal and the size/appearance of the individual panels is also standardised across the industry. The distance of the installed panels from the application site boundaries would be a minimum of 8m and would more generally range between 10m and 20m. The layout of the scheme would not crowd the boundaries. The height of the overall structures retaining the panels would be modest at less than 2.6m and the 0.8m clearance above ground would allow for maintenance and for wild flower planting around and between the supporting framework. The necessary, ancillary inverter stations (four in number) would be typical utility buildings finished in dark green and at less than 3m in height would not be visually intrusive. The sub-station making the link to the National Grid would be sheltered from public view by woodland near to the site entrance off Cock Lane so would not be visually intrusive.

8.8 With regard to the wider impact on the Green Belt and its openness, the first point to note is that, given the nature of the proposed development, it is almost inevitable that the land available of the necessary site dimensions will be set within the Green Belt. In this context it is considered preferable to use a site which is damaged and which has a good degree of existing visual protection from its topography and planting. The overall height of the array is less than 2.6m and the tallest ancillary structure (sub-station) would be 3.8m high. Although these heights are not tall in the context of buildings and structures, the sheer scale of the work proposed over a site of over 9 hectares means that there will be a significant impact on the openness of the Green Belt. However, this impact needs to be considered in the context of the nature of the site and the policy support for renewable energy generation in the NPPF. On balance it is considered that the harm to the Geen Belt is acceptable when weighted against the beneficial proposed use.

8.9 In terms of the particular site characteristics, it is set well above the eye line of drivers on the A10 and there is a strong planting belt along this eastern boundary which would also help to minimise the visual impact when travelling west along Cock Lane over the dual carriageway. There is dense woodland to the southern and northern boundaries which will allow for minimal views of the installation from outside the site. To the west the boundary is characterised by a more open vista but the applicant is amenable to the vegetation being strengthened along this flank of the site and a condition is proposed to secure this site improvement. To the south there is a pedestrian bridge which travels across the A10 from the end of Norris Grove into a path through the woodland into the Broxbournebury Estate.


View of site (arrowed) from the bridge

8.10 While the PV array will be clearly visible when crossing this bridge it is considered that this one main view of the site would not be sufficient reason to warrant a recommendation for refusal. Members will be aware that the fact that a development is largely protected from public view does not mean that it cannot have a materially adverse impact on the Green Belt and the reasons for a site’s inclusion within it. In this case, there will only be limited public views of the facility and this is again set against the backdrop of local and national policy militating in favour of development of renewable energy sources. The projected lifespan of the generating project is 25 years which in effect means that its impact on the Green Belt is likely to be removed in the longer term. Overall the design, layout, appearance and impact on the wider Green Belt in this locality are considered to be acceptable in compliance with saved Policy SUS2 and the objectives set out in the NPPF.

Impact on amenity of neighbouring properties

8.11 There are two residential properties in the vicinity of the site, North Lodge and Hoddesdonbury Farm, both of which are located on Cock Lane. North Lodge was originally built as a lodge serving the Broxbournebury Estate, the remains of which form Golf and Country club course and grounds to the west of the application site. The lodge is set between elements of woodland which run along the northern borders of the application site. The garden of this house is set to the south and as a result there would be views of the PV array from the house through the gap in the trees. The distance from the rear of the nearest array of PV panels to the end of the rear garden of North Lodge would be c.27m; with a height of less than 2.6m for the structures it is not considered that the appearance would be materially intrusive to the occupiers of the nearest house. The fact that the panels would necessarily face away from the house, orientated south, means that there would be no potential dazzle reflecting from the installation.


Rear of North Lodge viewed from the application site

8.12 Hoddesdonbury Farm is set across Cock Lane and the listed farmhouse is set well into the site with a large barn being the main frontage building. Although the farmhouse would face towards the application site, it is around 100m from the application site’s northern boundary and there is dense woodland intervening. The proposed panels would again be orientated away from the house preventing potential dazzle so it is not considered that there would be a material impact on the amenity of this house.

8.13 Overall it is considered that the proposal complies with Policy SUS2 as it would not materially affect amenity for the neighbouring residential properties.


8.14 It is proposed to retain the existing access from Cock Lane which has previously been used by considerable numbers of large commercial vehicles in the form of dumper trucks associated with gravel extraction, then for infilling, capping and restoration. In its proposed use as a renewable energy centre there would be negligible traffic, confined to infrequent maintenance visits from service engineers and landscape contractors. There would be a period of significant commercial vehicle access during the construction phase but the County Council as local highway authority does not raise objection to the use of this access subject to agreement of sight lines from the access point and a construction traffic management plan. In terms of highway safety, as the array would be set well above eye line and is designed to absorb as opposed to reflecting light, it is considered unlikely that there would be a significant risk of drivers being dazzled in conditions of bright sunlight. Installations of a similar nature have been approved in similar proximity to main traffic routes elsewhere in the south of England. Conditions to deal with sight lines and construction traffic management are proposed as part of the recommendation and overall the effect on the highway is considered to be acceptable in accordance with saved Policy T3 of the Local Plan.

A10 Ecology

8.15 The application includes detailed assessments of the natural features, flora and fauna on the site. The ecological survey has not found any evidence of protected species and the majority of the site is of low ecological value. The main areas where there is wildlife are the tree/shrub belts around the perimeter and in the adjoining woodland which is outside the application site. There is a good cross- section of bird life in the tree belts. The intention is to retain all the mature planting along the boundaries and to strengthen it by infill planting along the western boundary which currently has significant gaps in its bordering vegetation. The applicant has proposed planting wildflowers across the site to enhance bio-diversity as an element of long-terms reclamation of the land. Herts and Middx Wildlife Trust has suggested that a better approach, as part of an ecological design strategy, would be to plant wildflower seeds across the site and a condition is proposed to ensure that the correct approach is taken over the life of the development and beyond to maximise the ecological potential of this Green Belt site.

Surface Water Flooding

8.16 The site lies within Flood Zone 1 with no watercourses in close proximity and no known history of flooding from surface water. As the site exceeds one hectare in extent the surface water flood risk falls to be assessed by the County Council as Lead Local Flood Authority. The applicant has submitted the necessary flood risk assessment (FRA) to accompany the proposal but the County Council has evaluated the document and found it to be inadequate in terms of the Government’s technical guidance. The applicant has amended it and the County Council no longer raises objection. A draft condition is proposed to deal with the matter of surface water flooding.

Other matters

8.17 As a result of the historic landfill use of the site it is contaminated by reason of mixed household waste being tipped for many years. The site is currently capped and ventilated to allow methane and other gases to escape. The works to install generating infrastructure is intended to be minimally intrusive to the landfill with a maximum depth of 20cm for cable channels and wherever possible, connections to run on the surface. The Council’s Environmental Health section has recommended that further details be submitted in relation to how the trenching will be undertaken. In addition, that section has suggested that an Environmental Management Plan should be submitted to cover both the construction stage and the ongoing maintenance of the facility. Although a document has been submitted with the application which covers some of the above points, a much more detailed Plan is required to ensure that all relevant issues set out above are managed and monitored and is required by condition.

8.18 Herts Policy Design Advisor has noted that a mesh fence is proposed and is concerned that adequate levels of security are provided as part of the proposal. The applicant is aware of this concern and is amenable to a condition which requires further consideration of security measures, including passive security lighting, designed to ensure that valuable on-site resources are adequately protected. The design of the fence will need to be carefully considered in discharging the condition so that it does not have a visually jarring effect on this semi-rural part of the Green Belt.

A11 8.19 Hoddesdonbury Farm which is to the north of the site across Cock Lane is Grade 2 listed and the remains of a motte castle which is a scheduled ancient monument, lies in the woodland to the south of Cock Lane. Neither historic asset would be physically affected by the proposal. Due to its distance from the site, the setting of the listed building is not considered to be materially affected. The motte site is located in dense woodland well beyond the boundary of the site and its setting would not be materially affected by the proposed installation of PV panels.

8.20 An archaeological investigation is not considered to be necessary for a landfill site.

Planning Obligation

8.21 The application has been assessed having regard to the objectives of saved Local Plan Policy IMP2, the NPPF and CIL Regulations. It is considered that in the context of local and national planning policy the proposed development does not meet the policy criteria to seek a planning obligation to mitigate perceived impacts and would not meet the three statutory tests set out in the CIL Regulations.


9.1 This application proposes the first large-scale renewable solar energy scheme for the Borough. It is proposed on a landfill site in the Green Belt to the west of the A10. The scheme constitutes inappropriate development in the Green Belt but the report concludes that there are very special circumstances apparent in this case. The principle of the scheme has been found to be acceptable in terms of the NPPF and in general terms it should be noted that national and local planning policies contain a presumption in favour of developments providing renewable energy, subject to other material considerations. Although the scheme will have a significant impact on the openness of the Green Belt, the report concludes that, on balance, this impact is acceptable on this particular site.

9.2 The impact on the two neighbouring residential properties has been assessed and found to be acceptable as is the wider impact on the Green Belt. The County Council has not raised objection in terms of highway safety or surface water flood risk. It is considered that there would neither be a material impact on the setting of the ancient monument which is located in the woodland to the north-west of the site nor on the setting of the Grade 2 listed Hoddesdonbury Farm across Cock Lane to the north of the site. Subject to condition the improvements to the quality and diversity of flora and fauna on the site are considered to be acceptable. Fencing, passive security lighting and CCTV would be installed to ensure an adequate level of protection against intruders.

9.3 Under the terms of The Town and Country Planning (Consultation) (England) Direction 2009, the Council is required to notify the Secretary of State in relation to certain categories of development in the Green Belt. Where a proposal comprises “any other development which, by reason of its scale, nature or location would have a significant impact on the openness of the Green Belt”, the application should be referred to central Government. In this instance the report concludes that there would be a significant impact on openness and it is considered necessary to submit the proposal to the Secretary of State before finally determining the proposal. Members are recommended to approve the application.


10. RECOMMENDED that: subject to the application first being submitted to the Secretary of State as Green Belt development under the Town and Country Planning (Consultation) (England) Direction 2009, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out below.

1) GEN01A Standard Time Limit – 3 years 2) GEN07 Development in Accordance With Numbered Plans 3) GEN15 Fencing (Notwithstanding submitted plans) 4) LS01 Landscaping Scheme Required 5) LS02 Landscaping Details including new tree/hedgerow planting 6) LS03 Replacement Planting 7) Ecological Design Strategy 8) VEH01 Visibility Splays 9) Full details of the design, implementation, maintenance and management of an appropriate surface water drainage scheme 10) Wheel washing for construction vehicles 11) Construction vehicle management plan, including parking for contractors’ vehicles to be submitted and approved prior to commencement of works 12) Hours of construction work (8-6) Mon-Fri, 8-1 Sat and no Sundays or Bank Holidays 13) Environmental Management Plan 14) Submission of details of all external lighting and CCTC installation 15) Full details of site reinstatement when the facility falls redundant, to be completed within one calendar year of closure.


The following schedule sets out the applications outstanding in excess of the Statutory 8 week/13 week period as at 15 December 2015 Ref No Description & Location Reason for Expiry date Delay/Comments LARGESCALE MAJOR TOTAL MAJOR THIS MONTH: 0 TOTAL MAJOR LAST MONTH: 0 SMALLSCALE MAJOR 07/14/0569/O Outline application for Awaiting s.106 26.09.2014 residential development of 13 obligation. dwellings, access, car parking, public open space and other related development - Former Wormley Primary School St Laurence Drive Wormley 07/14/1133/O Outline application for the Awaiting s.106 19.03.2015 erection of 14 dwellings with obligation. associated access and landscaping - Land adjacent to 54, 56 & 58 Kennedy Avenue, Hoddesdon 07/15/0126/F Variation to conditions 6 and 16 Awaiting 15.05.2015 of planning permission amendment from 07/11/0403/F - Formerly Applicant. Delamare House Delamare Road 07/15/0423/F The demolition of the existing Awaiting s.106 11.08.2015 building on site, and the obligation. erection of a new part two, part three and part four storey mixed use building with a single commercial unit on the ground floor (use class A1-A4) and 36 new residential units (C3), car parking, landscaping and ancillary features (Re- submission 07/14/0904/F) - New River Arms High Road Turnford 07/15/0587/F Conversion of existing offices Awaiting s.106 25.09.2015 to13 no. residential units (Refer obligation. listed building application 07/15/0586/LB) - Riverdene House and The Colonnade High Street Cheshunt 07/15/0715/F Residential development of 14 Amended report 27.10.2015 dwellings - Cheshunt Park Farm to December Park Lane Paradise Cheshunt P&R TOTAL SMALLSCALE MAJOR THIS MONTH: 6 TOTAL SMALLSCALE MAJOR LAST MONTH: 9

A14 MINOR 17.03.2011 07/11/0043/F Change of use of the existing first Awaiting floor of the property from B1 office withdrawal. and premises to C3 residential dwelling, subdivision of first floor to create 4 no. self-contained residential flats - 89-93 Turners Hill Cheshunt 10.11.2011 07/11/0730/O Outline application for new Awaiting s.106 footbridge over railway line at obligation. Park Lane, including bridleway route via level crossing to be discontinued with new alternative pedestrian footpath, cycle/bridleway route (Refer 07/11/0731/F) - Land opposite 116 Park Lane 13.03.2013 07/12/0703/O Outline application for first floor Awaiting s.106 rear and side extensions, addition obligation and of a second floor and conversion additional to provide seven residential information re apartments (Re-submission parking 07/12/0064/O) - 75-81 High Street Waltham Cross 10.09.2013 07/13/0608/F Construction of 3 no. additional Awaiting two bed flats at third floor level - clarification on Former Hoddesdon Snooker Club S106 from site Conduit Lane Hoddesdon applicant. 17.01.2014 07/13/0980/F Erection of 2 no. two storey blocks Planning obligation to provide 32 rooms with received, awaiting communal facilities and parking issue. for occupation in association with The Vicarage (Re-submission 07/13/0071/F) - 11 Amwell Street 27.08.2014 07/14/0566/F Re-alignment and introduction of Under traffic lights at the junction of consideration Brookfield Lane West and Flamstead End Road - Road Junction Brookfield Lane West and Flamstead End Road, Cheshunt 09.09.2014 07/14/0634/F Demolition of existing place of Awaiting s.106 worship and replacement with obligation. new Kingdom Hall and new minister's accommodation and new pedestrian access gate - Kingdom Hall Charlton Close 21.11.2014 07/14/0867/F Continued use of vacant industrial Awaiting flood risk site as open storage, parking and assessment. container storage (Refer 07/13/0868/F) - Plots F and L RD Park Essex Road Hoddesdon

A15 12/01/2015 07/14/1041/F Retention of rear wall mounted air Seeking further conditioning unit - 247A Turners advice from Hill Cheshunt Environmental Health 03.03.2015 07/15/0009/F Retention of storage container Under (Refer 07/13/0947/F) - Calves consideration Croft Farm Darnicle Hill Cheshunt

21.04.2015 07/15/0155/F Demolition of existing (56-58 Awaiting further Turners Hill) and erection of a new information. three storey block of two retail units and seven residential units - 56-58 Turners Hill Cheshunt 22.05.2015 07/15/0267/F Change of opening hours from To be amended by 7am to 11pm Monday to Sundays applicant. and Bank or Statutory Holidays to 7am to 11pm Sunday to Thursday and Bank or Statutory Holidays and 7am to 2am Friday and Saturday - 74 High Street Waltham Cross 22.05.2015 07/15/0281/F Change of use from B2 (general FRA to be industrial) to B8 (storage) of up to submitted. 35 self storage units (shipping containers) - Industrial Yard Essex Road Hoddesdon 02.06.2015 07/15/0284/F Erection of a four bed detached Under house (Re-submission consideration 07/14/0333) - Lullingfield Yewlands Hoddesdon 17.06.2015 07/15/0345/F Demolition of existing stables and Awaiting further erection of replacement stable information. building - Feel Free Farm Cock Lane Hoddesdon 23.06.2015 07/15/0377/F Erection of 2 no. two bed semi- Awaiting s.106 detached dwellings - 118 Great obligation. Road, Cheshunt 10.08.2015 07/15/0540/F First floor rear extension with new Awaiting amended external staircase - 45 Turners Hill plans and Cheshunt additional information. 14.08.2015 07/15/0564/F Erection of steel feature entrance Under gates to both site entrances and consideration the erection of a single storey substation to the south east entrance - Land off Halstead Hill and Barrow Lane Goffs Oak 14.08.2015 07/15/0573/F Demolition of existing car garage Under buildings and redevelopment of 1 consideration no. three storey block of retail/office on ground floor and offices on first and second floors

A16 and 1 no. three storey block of 2 no. one bed and 4 no. two bed residential units - 110 Turners Hill Cheshunt 18.08.2015 07/15/0583/F Erection of a detached two bed Awaiting s.106 bungalow - 39 Dudley Avenue obligation. Waltham Cross 02.09.2015 07/15/0634/F Brick-faced ventilation shaft - 110- Under 114 High Street Hoddesdon consideration

21.09.2015 07/15/0706/F Stable block with feed and Insufficient bedding barn - Land opposite information Beaumont Manor Farm and provided adjacent to The White House Beaumont Road 18.09.2015 07/15/0716/F Erection of a sustainable, Awaiting environment friendly 4 bed amendments dwelling, including temporary before submission underground training and to P&R education center,using renewable energies - Land North of Pylon Farm St James Road Goffs Oak 02.10.2015 07/15/0746/F Temporary construction access Awaiting further from Dark Lane for the details in relation redevelopment of the former St to highway Mary's School (planning comments permission ref: 07/14/0076/F) - Former St Marys High School Site Churchgate Cheshunt 11.11.2015 07/15/0878/F Single/first floor rear extension Awaiting further and conversion into two self consultation. contained houses - 1 Turnford Cottages High Road Turnford 13.11.2015 07/15/0888/F Internal alterations, insertion of Awaiting listed two new external doors, building report replacement of modern window, insertion of conservation rooflight (Refer listed building consent 07/15/0889/LB) - 102 and 104 High Street Hoddesdon 24.11.2015 07/15/0915/F Demolition of existing bungalow Awaiting S106. and erection of 2 no four bed detached dwellings (Re- submission 07/15/0729/F) - 199 Cuffley Hill Goffs Oak 25.11.2015 07/15/0921/F Retention of farm access track Awaiting further and improvements to access onto information Park Lane Paradise - Cheshunt relating to Park Farm Park Lane Paradise materials used to Cheshunt create track 25.11.2015 07/15/0923/F Addition of one floor comprising of Awaiting revisions 5 no. 2 bed flats (Re-submission 07/15/0551/F) - Eleanor House

A17 33-35 Eleanor Cross Road Waltham Cross

27.11.2015 07/15/0933/F 45 Church Lane Cheshunt - Awaiting revisions Demolition of outbuildings, provision of five new car parking spaces, internal and external alterations including re-roof the main building and reconfigure the landscaping (Refer listed building application 07/15/0934/LB) TOTAL MINOR THIS MONTH: 30 TOTAL MINOR LAST MONTH: 32

OTHER 02.06.2008 7/0287/08/F/WOL Change of use of ground and first Awaiting floor to (B1) offices (Re-submission withdrawal. 7/1207/07/F/WOL) - 206 Turners Hill Cheshunt 03.09.2014 07/12/0110/F Change of use of ground floor shop Awaiting s.106 to 2 bedroom self contained flat - 23 obligation. Whitley Road Hoddesdon 23.05.2012 07/12/0253/LDC Certificate of lawfulness for an Under existing use of part garden for the consideration. storage of building materials part open and part enclosed - 2 Longfield Lane Cheshunt 24.06.2013 07/13/0139/F Continued use of The Vicarage as a Awaiting s.106 17 bed hostel - 11 Amwell Street obligation. Hoddesdon

31.07.2014 07/14/0280/F Small animal sanctuary with visitor Under facilities including ancillary consideration. outbuildings and various non- illuminated signage (Re-submission 07/13/0491/F) - Lucky Horse Shoes

Sanctuary, Cock Lane, Hoddesdon

19.09.2014 07/14/0393/F Change of use of ground floor from Awaiting s.106 retail to self contained two bed obligation. residence with single storey rear extension - 39 King Edward Road< Waltham Cross 31.07.2014 07/14/0483/F Change of use of first floor to self- Awaiting s.106 contained flat and loft conversion obligation. with rear dormer - 2 Clarendon Parade Turners Hill 02.12.2014 07/14/0896/F Brook Farm Cuffley Hill Cuffley - Under Retrospective change of use of consideration. agricultural buildings (Units A, B, H and I) to Class B8 (storage) use

A18 15.12.2014 07/14/0940/F Variation to conditions 1 and 2 of Under planning permission 07/11/0037/F to consideration. permit further occupation of the plot - 19 Leeside Wharf Road Wormley 27.11.2015 07/15/0934/LB 45 Church Lane Cheshunt - Listed Awaiting building consent for demolition of revisions outbuildings, provision of five new car parking spaces, internal and external alterations including re-roof the main building and reconfigure the landscaping (Refer 07/15/0933/F) 15.12.2014 07/14/0941/F Variation to conditions 1 and 2 of Under granted permission consideration. APP/W1905/C/11/2151926 to permit further occupation of the plot - 23 Leeside Wharf Road Wormley 06.01.2015 07/14/0946/LB Listed building consent to re-roof The Requires Beaufort Suite Hall - Beaufort Suite Secretary of Bishops College Churchgate State decision.

06.02.2015 07/14/1115/F Removal of condition 16 of planning Under permission 7/0078/05/F/WX - consideration. Newsprinters( Broxbourne) Ltd Great Eastern Road Waltham Cross 11.03.2015 07/15/0036/F Variation to condition 3 of planning Under permission 07/13/0583/F that the consideration workshop is completed in accordance with the proposals contained in drawing SG-019 A - Feel Free Farm Cock Lane Hoddesdon 30.07.2015 07/15/0499/LDC Certificate of lawfulness for the Awaiting more existing use of the pool house as a information beauticians - Brackendale St James Road Goffs Oak 30.07.2015 07/15/0500/LDC Certificate of lawfulness for the Awaiting more existing use of the outbuilding as a information graphics design and sign making business - Brackendale St James Road Goffs Oak 30.07.2015 07/15/0501/LDC Certificate of lawfulness for the Awaiting more existing use of the garage as a information residential dwelling - Brackendale St James Road Goffs Oak 21.08.2015 07/15/0586/LB Listed building consent for alterations Awaiting s.106 for the conversion of existing offices obligation. to residential units (Refer 07/15/0587/F) - Riverdene House 140 High Street Cheshunt 26.08.2015 07/15/0611/HF Replacement single storey garden Under studio/garage - 36 New Road consideration Broxbourne 24.08.2015 07/15/0621/F Variation to condition 3 of planning Under permission 07/10/0654/F - inclusion consideration A19 of words - The Hertfordshire Golf and Country Club White Stubbs Lane 31.08.2015 07/15/0628/F Variation to S106 agreement - The Under Hertfordshire Golf and Country Club consideration White Stubbs Lane 03.09.2015 07/15/0638/HF Retention of new garden fence - 33 Under Chadwell Avenue Cheshunt consideration 15.09.2015 07/15/0698/F Variation to conditions 3-7of Listed Under Building consent 07/10/0655/LB - consideration inclusion of words 'save for formation of foundations' after 'no works' Refer 07/15/0621/F - The Hertfordshire Golf and Country Club White Stubbs Lane 28.09.2015 07/15/0725/LDP Certificate of lawfulness for a Insufficient proposed single storey side and rear information extension, front porch and loft conversion with rear dormer - 35 Bell Lane Broxbourne 08.10.2015 07/15/0765/F Change of use from single family Awaiting dwelling to HMO - 3 Stoneleigh amendments Close Waltham Cross

07/15/0813/F Installation of front gates, brick piers, Under railings and vehicle crossover – Consideration Mayhurst St James Road Goffs Oak 30.10.2015 07/15/0870/LDP Certificate of lawfulness for a Awaiting proposed 1m high fence around land amendments to the side - 48 Columbia Road, Turnford 13.11.2015 07/15/0889/LB Listed building consent for internal Awaiting listed alterations, insertion of two new building report external doors, replacement of modern window, insertion of conservation rooflight (Refer 07/15/0888/F) - 102 and 104 High Street Hoddesdon 17.11.2015 07/15/0893/LDP Certificate of lawfulness for proposed Awaiting loft conversion with rear dormer and amendments change in roof shape from hipped to gable - 99 Stortford Road Hoddesdon 19.11.2015 07/15/0897/LDC Certificate of lawfulness for the Awaiting existing use of garage as a withdrawal residential habitable room - 2 Ellis Close Hoddesdon 19.11.2015 07/15/0905/F Retention of windows to side and Under rear elevations -The Coach House 6 Consideration Hogges Close Hoddesdon TOTAL OTHERS THIS MONTH: 31 TOTAL OTHERS LAST MONTH: 31 GRAND TOTAL THIS MONTH: 67 GRAND TOTAL LAST MONTH: 72 A20
