Theses and Dissertations Pertaining to the Right-Wing….Rev. 10/10/13

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Theses and Dissertations Pertaining to the Right-Wing….Rev. 10/10/13 Masters Theses and Doctoral Dissertations, page #1 Theses and Dissertations Pertaining to the Right-Wing….rev. 10/10/13 A considerable amount of the history of the conservative and extreme right movements in the United States is captured in academic theses and dissertations. Some of them subsequently were published as books – but most were not published and, consequently, they represent a unique and largely unknown resource for serious students of this subject matter. What appears below is a representative sample of this material. I have organized hundreds of titles according to the subject codes shown below. Most titles are available for purchase through ProQuest –OR- you may obtain them through inter-library loan from your local library. The link to the 93-page bibliography (Word doc) is at the bottom of this webpage: This will be FINAL edition of this bibliography. More info: TYPE CODE: DD = Doctoral Dissertation; MT = Masters Thesis; HT = Honors Thesis; X = Other (BA Thesis, Rabbinical thesis, Senior Thesis, etc.) SUBJECT CODES 101 Anti-Communism / Anti-Bolshevism / Red Scare / House Committee on Un-American Activities / Subversion / Internal Security / FBI & J. Edgar Hoover / COINTELPRO program [see also: “Miscellaneous Controversies” section below.] 102 Anti-Evolution / Creationism / Intelligent Design 103 Anti-Semitic Individuals, Groups, Publications and Ideology / Jews and Communism [see also: Holocaust Denial/Revisionism and Neo-Nazi Movement sections]. 104 Conspiracy Theories in Politics, Literature, Cinema [see also Illuminati and Freemasonry section below] 105 Conservative History, Philosophy, and Politics / Tea Party Movement / New Right / Neo-Conservatism / Libertarianism / Anti-Statism 106 Christian Right Leaders, Politics, & History / Fundamentalist & Apocalyptic Ideology / Christian Reconstructionism & Christian Identity movements [Fred Schwarz, Billy James Hargis, Carl McIntire, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, R.J. Rushdoony, etc.] 107 Holocaust Denial and Revisionism 109 Illuminati and Freemasonry / Anti-masonic movement / Jesuit conspiracy theories / Anti-Enlightenment 110 John Birch Society 111 McCarthyism / Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy 112 Miscellaneous Controversies: Persons, Groups, Publications and Ideas Attacked By Right-Wing 113 Neo-nazi movement / American Nazi Party / Fascism in U.S. or Elsewhere / Authoritarian Belief Systems 114 Power Elites / Council on Foreign Relations / Trilateral Commission / Bilderbergers / New World Order / Cecil Rhodes and Roundtable / Tax Exempt Foundations 115 Right-Wing Extremism---General /Radical Right / Patriot Movement / Militias / Posse Comitatus / Biographies 116 White supremacy and nativism / xenophobia = individuals, groups, ideology / KKK / White Citizens Councils / state sovereignty commissions / Masters Theses and Doctoral Dissertations, page #2 anti-Catholicism / Know-Nothing Party / racism / segregation / Jim Crow THE FOLLOWING DISSERTATIONS ARE IN PROGRESS: [Titles may eventually change] Type AUTHOR TITLE Univ/Yr/ Pages S- Code DD Barrett, Marsha Nelson Rockefeller Confronts The Radical Right: Rutgers University 15 The Life and Death of Moderate Republicanism in the 1960’s 2012 DD Bruner, Karen A Crime Against The Nation: Syracuse University 01 Steven Nelson, the Supreme Court, and the Anti-Communist Crusade DD Carey, Roger Combating Détente: University of FLorida 05 Neoconservatives and the Domestic Dispute Over U.S. Foreign Policy 1968-1980 DD Ceren, OMri The Identity of Conspiracy: University of Southern CaLifornia 04 The Non-Epistemic Dimensions of Conspiracy Rhetoric DD DunMore, ThoMas Managing World Order? University of Chicago 14 Trilateralism and the American Foreign Policy Elite, 1972-85 DD HoLLand, Diana M. Ideas of a New World Order From Immanuel Kant to Woodrow Wilson Kansas State University 14 DD Matzko, PauL The Rise of the New Christian Right: Religious Broadcasting, the State, PennsyLvania State University 06 and the Origins of a Conservative Christian Grassroots 1941-1976 2015 DD Petenbrink, Eric Five Minutes After Midnight: Indiana University 01 The Cold War Communist Party and the Black Freedom Movement DD Pierce, Laura C. “'A Splendid Group of Patriotic Women': ClareMont Graduate University 01 Women's Activism and the Rise of Anti-Communism in the U.S., 1946-63 DD ReynoLds, CoLin Enemies Within: Emory University 10 The Politics of the John Birch Society 1958-1963 DD Rosenzweig, Laura Hollywood’s Spies: Univ. of CaLifornia-Santa Cruz 13 Jewish Infiltration of Pro-Nazi Groups in Los Angeles 1933-1945 DD SpiLLMan, DanieL From Bloomington to Washington: Emory University 05 Second Generation Conservative Intellectuals in America 1967-2001 DD Stockton, Nancy All Along The Watchtower: TuLane University 16 The Feminine Contours of White Supremacy in New Orleans, 1877-1914 Masters Theses and Doctoral Dissertations, page #3 101- Anti-Communism / Red Scare / House Committee on Un-AMerican Activities / Subversion / InternaL Security / FBI Type AUTHOR TITLE Univ/Yr/ Pages S- Code DD AdLer, LesLie K. The Red Image: University of CaLifornia—BerkeLey 01 American Attitudes Toward Communism in The Cold War Era 1970, 513pp MT Al Naqeeb, KhaLdoun Socio-Cultural Factors in The Perception of Internal Communist Threat: University of LouisviLLe 01 A Sociological Approach to The Problem of Perceptual Distortion 1970, 81pp DD Alwood, Edward The Hunt For Red Writers: The Senate Internal Security Subcommittee Univ of North CaroLina-ChapeL HiLL 01 Investigation of Communists in the Press 1955-1956 2000, 399pp MT Assante, Katherine A. Through The Naked Eye: CoLLege of Staten IsLand-NY 01 FBI Surveillance of the War Resister’s League 1923-1973 2009, 62pp HT Aston, RosaLie All-American or Un-American: Anti-Semitism and the Univ. of CaLifornia--Santa Barbara 01 House Un-American Activities Committee, 1938-1945 1994, MT Atkinson, Hugh C. Bibliographic Citation as a Propaganda Technique: A Case Study University of Chicago 01 [Re: E. Merrill Root’s book, Brainwashing in the High Schools] 1961, 74pp DD Bach, Morten None So Consistently Right: The American Legion’s Cold War 1945-1950 Ohio University 01 2007, 315pp MT BaiLey, L. Blake The Right Enemy: Martin Dies, West Texas A&M University 01 House Un-American Activities Committee and the Fascist Agenda 1997, 201pp MT Barbero, Andrew Riverfront Reds: Southern ILLinois University 01 Communism and Anti-Communism in East St. Louis 1930-1935 2011, 76pp MT Barker, Peter M. Un-Americanism and the Papers: Miami University—Ohio 01 Anticommunists and Their Use of the Press 2009, 48pp DD Barr, K. Kevyne Investigating Broadway: The House Committee on Un-American Activities Saybrook Graduate SchooL 01 Meets Members of the New York Theater Community 2006, 167pp at the Foley Square Courthouse August 15-18, 1955 DD Bass, John L. Bolsheviks on the Bluff: A History of Memphis Communists and Their University of MeMphis 01 Labor and Civil Rights Contributions 1930-1957 2009, 332pp DD Batvinis, RayMond J. “In The Beginning"... An Examination of the Development of the FBI’s CathoLic University of AMerica 01 Counterintelligence Program, 1936 To 1941 2002, 363pp DD Baxter, RandoLph W. Eradicating This Menace: University of CaLifornia-Irvine 01 Homophobia and Anti-Communism in Congress, 1947-1954 1999, 711pp Masters Theses and Doctoral Dissertations, page #4 DD Beck, CarL Contempt of Congress: A Study of Prosecutions Initiated By Duke University 01 The House Committee on Un-American Activities 1959, 429pp HT BeLl, MalcoLM H. The Un-American Activities Committee in a Liberal Democratic Society Harvard University 01 1952, MT BeLL, Royce O. Ramifications of the House Un-American Activities Committee’s University of RedLands 01 Subpoena of California Teachers in 1959 and 1960 1963, 148pp MT Benson, ThoMas W. Congressional Debates on the Dies Committee 1937-1944 CorneLL University 01 1966, 352pp DD Berkowitz, Aaron Mr. Khrushchev Goes To Washington: Domestic Opposition To University of ILLinois—Chicago 01 Nikita Khrushchev’s 1959 Visit To America 2010, 176pp DD Birdnow, Brian The St. Louis Four: St. Louis University 01 The Cold War and Anti-Communism in Missouri in the 1950s 2000, DD BoLin, Steven D. Religious Scruples and the OkLahoMa State University 01 Politics of Anti-Communism In Oklahoma 1917-1951 2009, 329pp HT Booker, WiLLiaM J. Give me Liberty or Give Me War: 1950’s Conservative Intellectuals Harvard University 01 and the Battle Against Containment Policy 2001, 63pp MT Botsaris, AMeLia J. Procedures of Un-American Investigating Committees CorneLL University 01 And Their Deviations From Traditional Civil Liberties 1957, 126pp DD BraukMan, Stacy L. Anticommunism and The Politics of Sex and Race in Florida 1954-1965 Univ of North CaroLina-ChapeL HiLL 01 1999, 306pp DD Breheny, Jessica “These Were Our Times”: University of CaLifornia-Santa Cruz 01 Red Baiting, Blacklisting, and the Lost Literature 2004, 259pp In Mid Twentieth-Century California DD Brenner, SaMueL Shouting at the Rain: The Voices and Ideas of Right-Wing Brown University 01 Anti-Communist Americanists in the Era of 2009, 688pp Modern American Conservatism, 1950-1974 DD Broadwater, Oscar J. The Search For Security: VanderbiLt University 01 Dwight D. Eisenhower and Anti-Communism in America 1952-1961 1989, 448pp DD Brooks Jr., RonaLd C. Red Scare Rhetoric and Composition: University of OkLahoMa 01 Early Cold War Effects on University Writing Instruction 1934-1954 2004, 251pp DD CaiLteux,
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