Environmental Indicators in Slovenia

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Environmental Indicators in Slovenia Environmental indicators in Slovenia Environmental indicators in Slovenia ENVIRONMENTAL INDICATORS IN SLOVENIA Publisher: Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment – Slovenian Environmental Agency (ARSO) Vojkova cesta 1b, Ljubljana Represented by: Joško Knez, Director–General Edited by: Urška Kušar, Barbara Bernard Vukadin, Nataša Kovač Editing of chapters: Air: Nataša Kovač Climate Change: Nataša Kovač Water: Urška Kušar Land Use and Nature: Urška Kušar Waste and Resources: Barbara Bernard Vukadin Translation and language editing: Translation and Interpretation Division, Secretariat–General of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia Design, layout and printing: Birografika BORI d.o.o. We would like to express our special thanks for the illustrations to Erazem, Mark, Neva and Timi. © ARSO, 2014 Circulation: 400 copies The publication is printed on Cyclus Print paper made of 100% recycled fibres. 1st Edition Gift edition Ljubljana, 2014 CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana 502.175(497.4) ENVIRONMENTAL indicators in Slovenia / [edited by Urška Kušar, Barbara Bernard Vukadin, Nataša Kovač ; translation Translation and Interpretation Division, Secretariat-General of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia ]. - 1st ed. - Ljubljana : Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment - Slovenian Environmental Agency (ARSO), 2014 ISBN 978-961-6324-53-3 1. Kušar, Urška 274293504 2 CONTENTS Foreword ..................................................................................... 5 Precipitation and temperature ............................................... 29 Introduction ................................................................................ 6 Extreme weather events .......................................................... 30 Annual growing season length .............................................. 31 AIR ............................................................................................. 10 Changes in glacier extent ....................................................... 32 Emissions of substances that cause acidification and Proportion of resident population living in a flood plain .. 33 eutrophication .......................................................................... 12 Lyme borreliosis ....................................................................... 34 Emissions of ozone precursors ............................................... 13 Energy prices ............................................................................ 35 Emissions of particulate matter ............................................. 14 Energy taxes ............................................................................. 36 Quality of transport fuels ....................................................... 15 Subsidies in the energy sector ............................................... 37 Air pollution by ozone ............................................................ 16 Final energy consumption by sector ..................................... 38 Air pollution by PM and PM ............................................ 17 10 2.5 Renewable energy sources ...................................................... 39 Exceedances of air quality objectives due to traffic ........... 18 Exposure of residents and children to polluted air due WATER ....................................................................................... 40 to PM10 particulate matter ...................................................... 19 Asthma and allergic diseases in children ............................. 20 Water exploitation index ........................................................ 42 Use of alternative fuels in transport ..................................... 21 Annual river balance ............................................................... 43 Public awareness about the effects of transport on the Groundwater recharge ............................................................. 44 environment ............................................................................. 22 Sea level .................................................................................... 45 Passenger transport demand .................................................. 23 Chemical and ecological status of surface waters ............... 46 Freight transport demanda ..................................................... 24 Biochemical oxygen demand in rivers ................................. 47 Transport final energy consumption ..................................... 25 Phosphorus in lakes ................................................................. 48 Nitrates in groundwater .......................................................... 49 CLIMATE CHANGE ................................................................... 26 Pesticides in groundwater ...................................................... 50 Greenhouse gas emissions ...................................................... 28 Bathing water quality ............................................................. 51 Drinking water quality ............................................................ 52 WASTE AND RESOURCES ....................................................... 74 Water protection areas ............................................................ 53 Packaging waste ...................................................................... 76 Wastewater treatment ............................................................. 54 End–of–life vehicles ................................................................ 77 Water permits ........................................................................... 55 Transboundary shipments of waste ....................................... 78 Intensification of agriculture ................................................. 56 Environmental management systems ................................... 79 Gross nitrogen balance in agriculture .................................. 57 Dwellings .................................................................................. 80 Consumption of plant protection products .......................... 58 Energy efficiency and energy consumption in the household sector ...................................................................... 81 LAND AND NATURE ................................................................. 60 Household expenditure ........................................................... 82 Land cover and land use ......................................................... 62 Size of the vehicle fleet ........................................................... 83 Brownfield sites ....................................................................... 63 Landfill of waste ...................................................................... 84 Habitat types of European importance ................................. 64 Municipal waste ....................................................................... 85 Species of European importance ........................................... 65 Hazardous waste ...................................................................... 86 Brown bear ............................................................................... 66 Waste from production and service activities ..................... 87 Farmland birds ......................................................................... 67 Threatened species ................................................................... 68 Direct Material Input and Domestic Material Consumption ..... 88 Naturalness of forest ............................................................... 69 Resource productivity ............................................................. 89 Compensation for damage caused by protected species ......... 70 Ecological footprint ................................................................. 90 Natura 2000 .............................................................................. 71 Protected areas ......................................................................... 72 Indicators, data souces and authors ...................................... 91 Valuable natural features ....................................................... 73 User opinions on Environmental Indicators in Slovenia ...... 96 FOREWORD Monitoring and analysing the state of the environment, as well as reporting to domestic and international audiences and institutions, are important tasks of the Slovenian Environment Agency, which operates as a body affiliated to the Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment. Through the Environmental Information and Observation Network (EIONET), which is run by the European Environment Agency (EEA), the Slovenian Environment Agency monitors, collects and analyzes environmental data, as well as other data and information relevant for the environment. In doing so, it links government institutions engaged in professional and research tasks in the environmental field to the EIONET. Accurate, reliable, targeted and timely environmental data are crucial for the implementation of legislation and for the monitoring of environmental objectives. These data are compiled into environmental indicators, which are among the most effective tools to assist decision making and raise public awareness. The environmental indicators developed by the Slovenian Environment Agency are presented in the publication entitled "Environmental Indicators in Slovenia". It is intended for both the general public and experts. Above all, we wish to reach also the youngsters as future
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