
March, abov~j is tA.,"A.11 UI1"4c another stal' of bt'lUlant Charles Lau&,hton, in a picliurEratlon ~l ;fiel,.a of Vlctor'1'1ugo'8 immortal book; "lif1. possession limits: . ~uek! Miserables," to beshowtl a~ the Ritz all kind and not in possession In Hale Center Sunday afternoon lind ot "fflore thart 10 it 8U kind. Geese Monday nig~t. lindt/rant-four of aU kind and not mottf than four of all kind' In posses. sion; ' Woodcock-four of all kind and AAA Ginning tax. i nO.t inore tban Cour in po8sc.ssion, ' Ooot;.:-.16 of all kind and not more Cut to S~.5 Cents .than '. 16 in possession, Wilson's '...... " '!I nlp~ or jacksnlpc-16 of aU kind and Cot ~ nn Cent('r Whellt District com· 1 ax Exel~Pho. n 1ag 'In. 01 .1I10re than 16 in'possession, I,osrd of the school districts of Cotton Salt' Pl'lce Also MiJins by which waterfowl may be I'ent.cr, Clements nnd Center Plains, R d' d taken: Shotgun only and not more Committeemen: J. C. White, chairmBII, e uce than' 10.guage and not capable of --,--.0-- :'of. F. McKnight ond C. B; Benson. A reduction in the Bankhead cot. ! holding more than threo shells. From CI.EMENTS SCHOOL PLANS For Hn le ('t'll ter lun ginning tax from six to 5.45 cents land or water with the aid of a dog CARNIV AL ON. HALLOWE'EN (~ . i th b I Hale Cenler Wheat District com· per pound of lint cotton, waJ! announ· 'Ilnd from blind. or boat or floating Opening at Keven o'clock, a gala a t:rn?Oi" n, Ie UB· jJost'd of the school di . trict. of Hule <'ed his week by the AAA. . Icraft of any kind; not more than 100 Hallowe'en carnival i8 planned tor e In enact on 0lon r.onter, Happy Union, HOOPer, Stone. Tho Bankh~ad law pl'ovldc8 that I feet. from the Rho-reline, or where 'ruesday night of week ..t Cle. n \I lJock, Mllyfleld ond Iowa Avt'nue. 0 tax shall be collected on all cotton , tbero ~, natural. growth of vegetat- menta school. Ladies will .ell cakes, ::.:~eonnnttt.eEmre:rt:--W.· -G., ·~;eaF~~ai~Itin!!llll!.l1!. e.xc.e~~ of a na.tlonsl allot· I iO' /Illt more than 100 feet from plus, sandwiches and cocoa and inter· n)an, J, E. Cox and Fl'onk .Well. mimI. The AAA said ·'10.90 cents peT .~ .the glO.,th. IH'ott.gcfeic. I caml~I,.. _,~~.:'~~eilf1!1~ · triiffiij~n;;~;:;~~~:;;~';.:::i~::--___..;... .J Halfway Wheal District, composed pound hIlS been determined 08 the 'the surface' of the water. They may fishing ponds·'I ,,( tht' school districts of Hnlfway, nvemge price of lint· cotton "for II not be taken from or by Ihe aid of an will be featured, No admission to West Sido ond Sunshine. Committee. H'IlI'esentalive period." nutimoblle, oil"J)lane, sink box, power- the carnival will be charged and only :\It'n: Eo A, Gilbert, chnirman, Wayne Thl' 8unkh(' ~d low I)rovides thot boat or sail boat or from. any craft small chnr~e8 will be made tor the noted star, .he tantaJizlI& her luver Boyd ond M. C, Cornelius. ,lh(c tax snllll be liO pI'r cent of the towed 'by one of these. They must various entertainments. Proceeds of almost beyond endurance, even let. PNersburg Whellt [Jistr"'t, compos. /lverage nUIl'ket price of % inch mid. not bt> lured by the us. of grain, salt the affair will be Wled for athletic Ung him go lo .far as to borrow money Neither aall nor cd IIf Ihe school di"tt'ktH of Peters. dling spot I'ollon on the 10 spot mar. Ot' ony kind of rood 01' by use of live equipment. This i1J the third year the from her as the dress maker to spend .' andITaclt Mcfarland, bUI'g, Wilson, Lakeview, Lllkosid. and Iwls (or '4 repr".ortative period, wat('rfowl decoys. school has h.ld a Haliowe'encamJval, on her as' the aelre88, When her WIth Hall, • .I~o escaped F:lJen. Committeemen: L, W, Hoal'd , !lowever, Ih., tllX may not bl' less thun ' The open season on mourning doves and although it is two nill'hta before has the .desired effect, c~rs were damaged con. ,J, ('. 80yd und It A. five cents pel' pound. is drllwing to 0 1'10'.. Ollening on the regular spook night, plenty of Trent is a very co~trile, but aprre. Halls machine Will . llaulrherty. At the some time, the AAA en. S... ptember 21, .it will close October lun and festivities is aSlIured all who ciat'ivl! swain,

around by the impact, MUBt Jlave Map of Farm nounc ... d l\ j'l'duclion in the sale prIce 31 in the north 0 zO!le, The rail sea- attend. Ha)e Center merchants have Three complete showings of "DI'e5s. COU 0 . . All producers orc required to milk. '"r cotton tnx exemption certificate9 Bon (except coo~) ,opened September been ~olieited. fo'l" donations o.f mer· ed To Thrill" wlI.1 be (liven ~aturtJay f1IN Ni'Y lS' I"oltarti -d6fl , the Methodlllt ON WEATHER PROGRAM wtll" dlaesa· weftt amonlr Hnl. ('ODlCt· rt'Ridenh ul· nnd Mrs. 111. E, Fillrchild, Mllttie Dr.u: · churCli'llt .-Au..AASllrtm.'lJlt a Ir.qre attel\dQCf fol' tendln&, the . tyle . how held in con· lon, lUi. Ilitrhey, Adn Louise ShIpp, E. Roblnacin, lonlr·time resident of nistration (AAM corn.hog -prollue. Pl!Op~ of tM, t ,,'::rr~'i·~t~Ol'Y~. ~.'"';ii:;;;f.;:;;;;:';;';;" -,...--~_ and ask all who· attend noction with mnrkl't "'N'" fe. liviti •• Wnmel' Hn/rond, .JRI'k Mc(;~e Nooml! Hule county who Rerve~ a.~ pastor If tll,l/l control prolrram will be continued morning, A dnsh of I'ain, a 80" bookl," in I.ubbock Mondny night. Ki ~ ( ' r, D('nn Evett. lind fn.z Hender. the Plainview church,ln Its early days, for another ,ye¥,-:o Rtlnr. W(ll'e held in five flai. cast skies allaur~d .ddltlonal fOlKture, Me.ors J, D. ' .'orbes and Jack . . county com.munhlcs this week where , . D .• '- '. Roberts if Tllylor, Texa~,lInd Henry I Men'iber. of the Halo Center .. Ep· detaUs of the prolrramwere explain. 111£1 HODI8T CHURCH Chlldliock, Rob(·~t Cotton BndThomlll ' worth"1:f"1\l8. plan 10 .ttend a mee~ eel. Tha meatiq here wa. held Tuea. Rev. R, R. Gilbreath, paator, 'Barnel of·· R ock~ale, Texas vbltod In . ing ofle Terry Union o.t Lea",ea ~ day nll'ht. . ' Sunday Sehool :: ...... ~ . , .... lO.:.OO a. m, the E. J. Davi ~o n home la8t week. ' Abernatllv Sunday .rternoon. All farmers are eligible Preac.hln, .. _, ...... -...... \1,00 a, Ill- visited • they have been Sermon subject will be a cilttinua· lion of the lIerics on the Apostle', brlor «old tor Jear ~rr:!n -- Ap~~ go~::t:el';"IJi:ooo~iio:iiiO 'Plae. our roJd ItO$I Ja u«_ f9.400,OOO.OOO. or rougJll, f2,OOO.()IlO.OOO more tlaan ... lteJd here' wJ)en the. dnlla'f' 1I'U dctlllluet1 UDder Pretldent All. t'" NeSt;o i. WJrtI ,c.o ..mic~r : ltoosenlt'a InstrllcHonl. io op.,.t. .114 "I, to bep cT...... It Aet\ml IlIIpoplbte to'ettrlbu1'fl thl. c,us' of ill nne porul,'n ,nam,1 fth16tt. heR", aDd pro1onged Inno" to- In, .in· ,I~ cause. Immedlntel, afler· do".hl­ ,rlnn of tile doUar, there w.a .. rte.ad1 .tream of rellow metal betided 'tor the i'hi~dem method 01 cooking V!«;: ~n=E~m:'tm:t G!~~:~ j I~ tAlt e~tbech:al tile. O!JPQ~ I,~ at United, Slates w'hlcb ",lui due .1moat gives you food flavored at its best enllrel, to I doSlre of Adlel'I(1.o holt!, lUId .....retenIIU'e. toned from S@attte :ra:: :~~\',t::l~~:h ~:~~::: ~ PrJ of' gold, tt'mporarU, stored nbroad, roUth-al (leva]opmcntll In tbe lft8t'foW' (or linn. ,tC't reDresent the United when SolomoD leut ,he 1100 of ~. blgh Bayer Aspirin Che.p.,.·CI•• n.,·· to rt.'I)8lrlote_ But even In that CIUJe, wet'klll hn,'(> been romple,teiy dominated THE a.tt., •• Statel at thE> formal fIItabUsbment cd prlellt. ~ltb ' olhcr UJ" lit tbe prIest' luok the o,rl,ln~ 11 Go'net or S\ldun visited In' thu J, L, hlgb mrary cffect on onT eJ1}Mtfl, In (' refl~ : Herbert n oo\"(~r, m. -<\ $17.90 forthe new ,- , , "~er tbe ftrt\.t II~ 10 blltor,bOrh Ark ('he' (:ovcnsnt with sub- Phillips ot him,' Mann home Sunday. 66 lnlr tbp.1'I"I to lome erteot anll II 1\'n8 pot IIhotM at the New [leal 1n lIeycl'ftl ISPATCl!ES r tb Air' ctl6 r~Sld('.1U .nd th.: Vlr-e I'tttlhl"elli ",!luting AO lm1tattoo :Irk, mucWto the Mr. and Mrs. F..arl Fiilher ot [A1ct· Nesco Automatic Roaster tnC'n!'n8l:n,g the IInh,nc~ or pnymentl!l !'lUI! '1,l)(>('heJJ I ~\'l' agunled the Democrat. war rrtnt to wore oun.ld", 11nltod terrl-ta,., Indllj:llutfon or Solomon andi that btRb D a,.ro~UbJI!'C~Pd (':~ Stou~. to this l"OUntT),. So, we find onr poUC'lea mllC'h more Ulan tlll'Y ore wUHng to ney spent thu week-end 'here, ..,ere a thoe th .. , art\' nol I. tbe aame lime. SteNtor.,. or Statt l)tlel'lt. In JUBtlee to the hlgb prte.!'8 $2.90 down; $1.90 per month ~nbJp -that II, Pollettfl ~t .the Itoouvelt nd· Ullmlt nnd, nntwltbstnndlng auerttnDfI Min DeEtta Smith ls spending this ODI, tlnutllt.rter1 but ofU' " quite UUn Wo.l 10., rlotla; oftl(!lal ~ to ROn. II mUlt be _,tated tblli. IA .angel Dealers inHale Center mlnlfl'lratioo-fetflODslble tor the Itnrt of autlatacHon, ltle1 hD\·ft thrp"n in the PUI'ry Greer home It ••• a ~ery speciar offer uarelllbte. AU IIln'" 0' ",nnlloRlI Wubln.c~n aod .."..., ... 't1, and ,Av6 , bltDilutructiOD8 of the lnna\\,. . fI@W fp.nr tnt.o Lbo lap. ot the They Offev.. Satisfaction ~~:!~~~~~~~~~~t.~~;~~r~.r~'~h~nlld~~~~~~~~!I~IC~~!.~~~~.~v~~ D -.. --~-~ - Good Sen ice tbeJD..., tl'Ue. 0ntI lurb .. o-e U!:::rth:~<;!~-;!O:t~l:= P"'"BU·-t. l"'tW'h"'.LB-..- •• -r-;;;,~~~.-:-,;;;-;. ---t~~ home ...,.,. !""" · Djlbou'~ ...... So... "· 11'1'1 poUcle.. foreign poweri tound cited the New Dealerl and eon· kn4. lb., ttal~D' -.:lUed a cumber ot And Proved 'Products Etblopla. SQo-C:8Ued. II an .,~atloD thell' ~lh~"11l1ml fO the laid .tahltor,) Ict\'aU'Ve DemOC!rl'lra. they hnl&-almost DrUlIb SomallIaDd tubJ&et' DCar Ltrt .e'tere11 alraln1'4. Silver parthnRf''' b, flrec."llllrftted I riot amon,:( the Repub­ Of Quality EtbIopIaD maUer• .ntH of lbe 1'h> ot trlbell, one ruled · rllrl1 wtll b, Ihl1!' Selaasle. who II caUed "Em· ttl~ treASUf')' Md Oft elTcrt. The «'n.· lIennl ot whom he mUllt 00 SAid to be, U.. befq roe_ben of the t'1IIaIe: blnat1an primarily rewohAlhlc fllr ftt I(>a llt. the leatler. The blilk p.ror." ~he otberll dollll about 8S tbe, wn titular cGItHI ~t la a port ot r~ tolnotDI th~ se('Ond tUl'Ih ot ~ Id . fit I'b~ n~ublr('an" ~ ook uvon Mn .1I.fm,. "BrUlIh VIc. ' Co-n!!ltll Low" 1,lense. tn IllW~ ,tribes. Suhl'lequentll, the lIolIDa·Ethlop1nn Roo"l"r, ~use at these recent lanr4; II... lb., ltallaM tHUJ I:ttsed .ot tbese wMt pleMe. Ille noUvel! would 8eem atrnfll;o to us, enntl'<'vetll beg3n to tnl!.4! 8.rlotl9 form fI£IP.(>chl!ft, 18 a potentlol Republican .R. L. BURGESS ..4 11101 • lnt of catlle AOu 'l'4t~ F!"It I!If; talu'O, among tile Hnn"ktl.l • elld " new flood of golrl1o Am"r\c'o dp- nllmlnce for the rte81tllfnr~ a"aln~ t lIr.. Ilr1U.b ~lJIiu,d. ,,"(.Inped. Thlll wnR flltrrrf'nt thnn tll:1I RooRP."clt neIl yenr. 'I'llp)' lome upon CIIrt.IDly pt,tttlOPI bttwMn fla.!j lI:nd In dy "'1\1 not mnrry II gentlmnn n until Agent. Hale Center 00 pro"p.A that he htIl killed al lealt which Md Immedlnl('ls 11nkf'.h·d It 1m- 111 m, turtlwr, fUI no Inl11vldllnlwllo •• Ol'tlt Drllala .~,. grmdl)lI: \Ji'hNfr rour men, And he mll~1 prll\'tl II by enllse thla mOVf'm~nt \~n.!l rl.'l alpll (I.) lIkC'l y to dl~rllpt plans t110t t'ontem· elll ant:! there wen, !!IIlV,. 11",(O('(lno. TI'Y the 1nIClrn3t\nn:al condltlnUR ot, II rnlltlrnl p]nl~ rflJ('ont'l1Intlnn, " love fea.1". Something New! POLY GAS rbi, tbe ,wo nllrlun, ... "ulll bP 1111 "Qrh brlnl,tlDg: IKll·t ~H111, Idl'lltlflPd Texas Utilities Company trlll,':roeole ot tnur muUl"Ied bodies. nOlure wbN'ClaR th~ prP\'lous mo\'rment nmpnlr the \'nrlnUM (lu:t1on8 u( thl! nel­ otber'. throata betlM'e lon-" '·III·ltr\t­ 011 Sale At All Our Stations , :!.I orrled life tII.·ltb su('h a ludy 6.l\uuld lind rMiulled without M'lallnn 10 IIlIClr· IllIh)lcnn ~rIY. TIley have bf'en alrnJ:" fl!ll b."e \tWo 'I) I deadl, (''Old tunUOt never tie duU. nntlonnl'Btrl(f' In II mIlUnry,\\'n,- but gUn!: to III,." blilse tor thlR 10Ye ff!IUlt ,..It ItQ~ thtt, toond Ollt 11.1111 ~111.'IS'. cel.ltet<'d whollr upon Amprlrnn mone· IInil hfM'aU10 of the Intense hntl'i!d thlt llJU', rtleftd. IUliS ~rn Coloa 11" sUr \\'aJ1I ~,lInc. w!!.,." ,:0. Standnrd OU pollde3 -and rhpJr ptrect upon ROme of th~lr number ha~ for Mr. G.P CUI .oU-Uritbb ht\'oll In ~)"pt. ","tid rore1'er. worklnl:'. economlf: conditions ahroad. Roovt'r. hIli Beth·lt, bas Ollened this !Ju" the tiotder btlt-_II £:ypt lIad on Walter TIDKle, tieDd of Standard -on hrf'of'h again, made It I blood·red It.Uan LlbJ_ ' the ..... ne tit .wltt t. Now, let us consIder what CiWI hftp' wnub!'l. CODte.DlraUua · of trotJ11. on boU! Ildes. :~.~~t~/!'!1r~: :~~:.o~ ~~~·e::~I~~ pen. Those at'lillalntcd ...· IUI tlnnnt In thf! e'l' hnve ahnwn 1111 manner of exeitemeat mfU~ bAr~l' : _ ytar• . Tn 8,·old tl1 What IRlc-nce of a ihmntt:o bemuse Mr. Iloove1' hnl made no atate-, [T:~P~!! 1:::-::::' ~~ ::: ment wheHler he Dot .J-" . f~ll nl. lIr. 't'euc:le would 11'11 Drltlah fltork of ~old-the will or ,,'ut be • ...al IUtlon. lbl UuooUnJ ••• rNd, Cern Hap".n (10)'41 Dutch-Shel1 and largf'JlI In AnwrlC'!n rondhlate tor tbe RepubU('an nomln.· to tn4 UJe ' wart.,. Sf be ... re ,lnD A~l(l-lr:t.nlft.D blatnr, an~ ft(tprol:IDlurely 4Itj per cent Uon. In pin In words. thes haTllt been ..• but.nfter nil is saidoand contlllerable ceulon. of t.rrHflf" •.ud art ..... ", ...iiir<.V' ••• lI ~r uu~~:!~~llJ" or the enUre world I tOf'k-tbe P'Ilst, t..,ln8 "nllnntly In ('Onl1nC't • "rn" c:ertalD lar,. ftOQomle enefl trI a It IndE!i'd It 18' not rhot 1\'"111 smoke ont Mr, Uno ... done. it's the it·

Hal16 StI... I, WI•• det.fDll1wd ft_ ltallua. _IIDt "tTl".J ttlolf'Ol 0 .. " ; •. tile qllestion is, lb. eutlte ~1I.U11 .111~ !un-peror lI­ ~t wUUDI' to ..... op a,. or t,,.. ilter,. does it ~lIit YO II? The 111'11"01 DOP wert Jubilant otef ' d ....UG8 of Dqlae Uane &elaUl_ GUlli aad ...... ,,1 ttWu-od, """lere,. Tbla Uq;u II .....111- ... ",r eta. e-mpetor Ind a • Iftndlllt _f KLnI .I0hD "tao rtlCQed ID tb~ lalt feDtul'J. The tnJror ...... tn­ tltAUId II rlUl 01' eblctftllia of the.or­ C:ODled ceJ'ftto". stI!Ollc," nU.blt report. 'f6ftI me4lfll IIII.llonatl.. Itt the ...ntMt'a acl.f)t., IlIld Uti ltana1l,' tii6 1.ll. ~,.I. ) ,,~ .tlI.r · ll1., ' 1>0 . 01 lltfed; ml.xtur. of ·both. or' \It ; .Uk, it 1I ImpOI:tant to know .how to launder t,bem ,0 tblltl they retarD t.belr loto hlJJ -own. And &udde~ dl~ orIginal "beauUful l1leeO. The Orat Ilppeara,nces and mysterious .I"atha are point ot ItgolHca.nce 18 to rewove all reported lrom time , to t\Ole alung the spoll -and Itat08 which bave not beeD Colorado ' rl ver UDd WCl t of the Pr.cOJ!. takeo out JmrnMIDtel1 atter the, 'Almost I inee the Hut day tbut Prea, were made. 'rbe napery 8bould be lde,ot l\Q.9Jey'e\t aot . ~ prcmlum on new· looked o't'er betore puttlDfJ loto the Iy-mlned gold there hili been a Ilead,. wub ~wDter. and lhen wark' .b.ould revival In the 0111 Kold c.amf)!. be trealed, for .th eA.ttt~ c1 0UI dues oot Carl .Duorutl, a Klrwlb I

WANTED for IIowillt;b Ro .... c..tro. COehran, Hockley CoUDli,' om! 1101, Center. Writ. tud.y. R.,,· Iolib Co., Dopl. ·TX-827-SB. Mom· STONEBACK NEWS phi., TODD. Ul.Jayod) , lin thnt he HandJ; have been bus)' tbe la,t few WITH WEATHER LIKE Ithf! flpnke UUs weeks &,8thni.n¥ eotton and feed Ihe .c:lrl Hhook 1If1Ib" ... ··&t.I·lIf Il1o _lIfoet.... for crop:!. H8rvr.it In this ~aununit, II WE'RE NOW HAVING " Not Will:' ahe ,flte', Dot th.- .. .. GUAT CHIIISTOPII&R much better than .farmera throqbt klnll to. ',onl Ofli .be lh·es. he'll ItanrJ en Claro ...... Alb •• it would 00 thil summel'. You Should be Intel'ested in New by her," _ W-OJII .Dd M,. and Mn. Pannell of eotiee. 'Murm , 1'IOrce IncllJ:~a:nlll 'MI.ted: Call...... aac.t . Why B1JY '''I ' h e~'!1 noihlng, flod"umb R' " g\'lOtI villt. Kaa, visited hi!' silter, Mn. PDlION DRUG CO. atood. h'flllIn~ Imlf11cnt l)' mnn Ihlt l'lI got ml::n~ urr w·lth II u Ne!wHat? thn Joml. nr lilt' duor, fl nllllnJ,l' WOI1l11:I; nnd J'vu • mlud to Co ' Th. SCtHD production of Lei Mist'. Lo~~~. ~~:i~:.e~ ~~::~~;Ck visited them nil. "lie don't hnve to bllrry, \VIII 1In." , _,. Dr. F. W. Zachary rabies h .. r.c~IYed uDIUnted p"". n~ ' ur Aoomathy Sunday-;-'- SHOES hll;:ht c1cchle til '!I tIlY." } he 8n1(1 8Oftly, JenllY IImlled wiser,., ~Y.II'II not," from all lhe crltk., and bas bun un· Mr, and Mrs, Todd and ton, Albert, We can make! youI' old .., like hnnll!W 1II1" Illpn." I5R ld Uul!ly, Mh ... fl Hli l. "\'011 OI!ycr will." YEHEIBAL CLlNlC ~I.rvedl,. ~Ol'tied by the p, T, A., ot Pendleton are vbiting in tbe Char. Come in and Be. our tine or .lyle ahoes for Fall IIIrall,lIng. ""n;' (I\'4'n H lie ~(tn't like And ~lnrUl rlt'r ~, l)Crceh'lng III fhe hat look new-factory me, he'" hnOlll1nlll1' lUI (h<,,)' Irlrl " wl'lIilom grl!ater thull bf'r' OWI1, ....., MJrkk, BIIlWl., ~uncil of Enalw~ Teachers, lio Todd home . In blato aDd brown., romp~" finish. . 1.t:'ke'e e,)'NI w('re llln,.k willi nna:I'r, lIf'vt'r did, . ' ... mUa ... otyanilatioos u one Mrs. A. F, Fox and children vl.lted f;i1c lfl-lI,::IH.. d III hl~ tll!:I'. IIlul ~he KllliJ 10 tho "'(>I'k:. Ilrt~r flUldY'1! re-turll, ...... T.... OllUlandtn. picture. of tbe thll Oscar Jenkins h~e Sunday, ~;S-$4-$5-$6 10 80ft 1olU!!I : "rull ('UO IIPf\' hI' rlnll't Amy f'urel f .. 11 more anti mOffi lotu Ihe builit of comln:.: throug;1l UIV woOch" 729 8rOld.a)' PlainvieW' like- me, Will. I'll hnve to nmke him ilkI' 1116 hl"rMI' I 1:(':' 10 !WI.' the old WUnintl Wild tlUt J:lrl will) tvtrybod,. f:ml~.ap,~;:~ with Mh, Arthur Landeh, __, Allm See Ou.r 'Nf''fr" LIne- ur Cluthlol, Hat. and Haberduhery ____ -f~~~~~~~E1~~~~~~J;·~C~.~H~un~'.~ma~M~p~rio~t~~~.: ~~~· ~~~po~w~.~n~g~~.t~.~~~..~.~t~hi~.~ 75', 1.1'k@ j'rl~fI, In J'h"klnl: t'!nllT'N"rullnn: dWI·1t hl!rn III IhI~ hou ~~ dh'hlf'd" Win W(! y~y Postage A CGmplele Stock i "\'011'\'0 11110 mnll olitHlllel 110\\' lIan'u'!f I'Ilih. Ilf Ibe house f"n nO\\'n, *. ------­ , more Into tn 7..eke "!rlllll, ","011 j;A flut IInll t ell him hit rlill ",0," ahe !lnld. "Ttlll Davis' 'hlm 1'111 Ihroll.:h wllh hIm !" And wh"l1 l'ruJI)hlhlJ:, It Wlillle) not he Ion;, un, I') 1iJ.:lltl" lluttu l'l f! rt' ~ 5tllrt.f\d to IIfllUl.k, bell· hI! he!lll:l lf)tl: "11('" JII.'I { fI Hllh' 011111." !ellfl nlt'lI5urefl 0' rt!rmlr weru tllkf'll, . BOTWATIR Dry Cleaning (If '''tet! ror II OIomelif. Iheu Jtal d ~lwOlr she ur<":('Il, ,!I·rlsh·"' ;.- I'nJ41llnJ;. "\'Oll'\,(, W I thut IUllt the hOU811 'lIg~Nl Man's.Shop I l11t1 uaJ.ly: "Wen. lSlI.rt said 110 " 'liS ~ nn C'li ll In I~ .frn h l ~" WI'ul(l), dllwll\vurli In In 'co llu ~i'11 Wili .t Clact .41 fAe 809 Broadway __ .. P)ainvlew ItlJ: t!1.I",(I brouJi. Ii ~ hllla:, alld be COIPI!' It"., W. 7.{'kl' :qi{lt'nlfO t! tn \\'111 " 'llh n gII1111'1": rulli, Murm 1'J('n ~" 8hn t her e,foJJ III . HNfIt ,., 1'.... , fl; lIti Will I!IPUkl' wrnrll:v, " flu Uhf'lIIl, llib "u r~ e\'('ntllnlItJ; rct thO. molter by the fvnt ur tile liartl !lull 1"'fId. I;) Will', i.tUl'C, null d .."I : hled to f$top bl 7.A!1t ..... Ill' " nhl, lIu lllnl1!hu{. ",],hl~ hl'n,'1 pnlJ'rllled lu'uctknl pruhlews ton. ~ream Producen unt! l!iol'U \\ Ill. So Iltl \"I l mbe'l up, 100 Automatle water beatID, Sa complete­ Hllh.h"'n 11! ' 1lI ~ , If 1(11"'11 II mimi tn tl l llY," ~llllll'lIl11l"8 wlu!1I 1'lI ln lIrovo Ilu'out1, 01 0 thll t ~ ~' I'l~l!e 011l+'r~ mldlt n,1! tiN. 111I're """I,oj Ull"ll I'll d It'il:.;-e ut 11M ALL1'Ollll~ ly carefree with an Automatic Ou nll'lay tnnk III'f Juor hnl 111111 l:il,1 II tim root ,ItI tbe ntln.'r aide, It IWtlllt'J M{lrlll Nt'lnhlli'll III 11 det'li f'!: tlcutJ ur Iii !.: I'ntb; a nti h., snld 1.ck. n .. naMe' sill' tOIlI'hl.'" h.>r hnlr \\'l!h lU'r thrnuglJ. blll!l'l~.Hml or throu;:h plllS fl'r rtfe:'l'1! YOllll ....Vc:aa Stor.,. Water Heater. You 4 COfUe RIIIII l:! und ur,lun'<1 hlw 011' the DIP blunl"'. ,Ielmy II tlUuJ up nnd nu'vNI 1 1~ (]1\~lml)(' MAI'~' 1'I. cr~I!'8 own. 11~lft . II' IUIIII'rlHl ~l\: ne,nr worry about the water ,ettma .. , " I 1111·Il""tlitnk "a. nl1l('1i !. \\' h • .-d IIlIf' Illth'll, 1I1It.! he tJ ltlu't wOIIL 00 troub'" The towllril Iht' tluor: hilI IInl lly 1' :11, 1 so)rt · I h.' hoUlHt", lind rQ!ulp. a lIur!ltH' c~ there, 100 hot In the boiler: You know that Farmers' Corner ~ u he II~'IJI 001 fur huml!., Plains Ceoperative, I,: "I)nn't )'IIU I:u! 'i'hf'rt"" nmm 4Hlf'C J Uli O, ))rOI)I»Iotl ,"king tnt purt'r s:Jy t.,tM"U" your .upply of hot water II tbere­ VOLU&IE I "~lIe ahut her m"urh:" Alit." report · "Uut wht'lI bt' Gut tu llle brlt.lle, Zeke , IDe. HaIr Center. Ten.. Friday, Odobe; n. 1935 NUMBER J4 emmgll for thl' h"th of UR. I ,luII'1 !loll lillt! mAlor1A' to p,oot the othpr faithfully, unerrin,ly. ell, "nart l uhl IIho ~ln'l of InuJ;hf'd . ), our Will ~" ... 1111· lit the willi .... agulnst Rmlluur\t: bllt all'., f,Un i:tIlSh UI'! Ill' lIuld \\'111 ::~~ 1~:~ '~h~~"~II~,;I~?u;:.tJll:~d[J~~ t~~~ I PabIJ.hH Sa!:!" Week I,. Will prutl'stetl hl'n\·tly: "lJtllll." " but the old ,.01ll&D ' ,ould 1I0t consent. W e hfl,\'{' on han'd In good used "",Iy, .... ~lIt at It," ,'011 • .111' h ille, )'uu'tI hU\'1! h.l 0lf'1If1 ." \\'ollhll!'[ 5:lve Win the' I.llt!arllu "' U ~ enop~" 'to :terrlfy a the Wll~' CENTER IHPLEMBNT CO. machines : Rei. Preparfd.1lHI im Inoll;~. • ' 'bur," Allil ~he .rctll'('tlld : ~h-.. cunclulled: "And Zeke kind ot 1olil! ""IIYS!'" '"' Uoo," 'hI!! tlet-h.re .... " \\'1It..1r.lut doo8 ,;:et lOU t!, j[ dUlI't Illl)' uut,urG"ul't1 him, 'rhat'» olt," Uton-Walt and ONe Hultty WIll'I 1I11illl"n l, ""lOllI!, dun· \\'heo AIIl1 t.'tune to IUIlD · . W!IU" One lOx2u McConnick.Deerin& to roof whll him." Jmul' had a ""liduu vh"ld meruor1 of A ne.ro· who was the lather 01 ceroull, "r)on't tllik 10 me!" "ho r~ with tll e!i~ two, tn th" warm kU('llI,n, rllbui\t tractor in t'Xet'lient shape, a ti,lY wll('u Illit} too had IlU r"ri '~ " tWeln chUdren ~ked 'n the ,arne · toned, " ,\rlpr feff'hl";:: liI'r In III"N' Ihl! ghtl! cHu ld rIOt '"11 to remnrk the In· 'J'here "'eN utlwr da,t·. whun Alii ) llllUI! tbua tu be willi thel~I, 'l'hoy wert" t-Itlhl,t' 011 JlIIIl hl,b lInl;*!, 1.)'10; nnkod cradle, wa. putUnl' the latelt ar- mlnuto I WUII a:nll(!. t 111m 10 l'ltll)'; creaslllg dIJt rt'Plllr: nnt! ,d'9 IIr"",,1 . . Unl' Vf!r)' good used grain drill, 11" B Ilugan In lb. IUb'. tHnbtuce. and rival to .lrep. . And It yon try to Im !4~ l1Ie III'(lUlld, )'U ~'lIr", l'len.., 'to take UH!llllurell AI ~"" '·C lJIl1t1'. ttUIU 1M t'errlu larm : but Amy Will not-f, ~'ruUt \\'111', IlIHce d, "Child. chUd, "'Til 'bout . lOne." replll!d Ra!lttb, I , Too Ure.t I RUlk OM l·oal cook IttoYe. ",,",u all bett.h get 'bother, Bnd get 'ruillid ",11('11 Itt. Rille of the bouse fal,... Teacher: "Robert, It you are al· a 1111 tu wull:h Dlid »l~ tim trOUble It "Un" hudu't UII;:ht to hure ,tiC wltJI II good ont-one that'll lur." ways v ... ry kind Dnd polite to aU It is &,ettaDI' prett)' I_te tor feed lIU1kel (or ,t','II, Urt~1l tlanr It ,OU tt)· i'.... ke," Jellll)' UrlOl.d. "(lite" he', r4'1ll1wd that bll 0 •• your pl"ymate~. what will tht'y cutt,lnv .and We . till hIVe a Cood I~I n;(>lId 811)'thlh.: be'li (uklJ .. ,1I0\IIUn bf· huw," ahlrnl P'erc.' tt auented. think ot you f" ",rBln bmder and'some uled row ...... 'MI,MI ••••••• "IIMI. to )'(lU," ~It " 1 .(u)~iHI 10 me h,,'d bit orr· too bll I binden it any une pli in .. rueb "lie arouod upln. II!J he'" Alarm chunk wlu!R he 1.cke a' Robe"rt: "Some of 't"m wuuld THE EASIEST AND CHEAP. "Il'ne demanded lurtly, "I dltln·t {1",,,led .u.'Io to flni."h cuttin&" better let' tbele " Hlill orr, I, ho ?'" think the)' could Hck mel" EST WAY TO GRIND LrVE kilO'';' but he'd died 10 I l:uUei aoaut­ 1.1IuK'oinll, prielld rilhl, &lorm !'Icree be'Jltuted, .book bet STOCK FEED. wherel.before DOW," "Be COOl'" to our place rl,hl alon.... bt'u.... "N'o. not 10 ""CIIIII. or/' .h...... Am, IIUllred the~ ''There'l· a new " OIlI)'-I{1 a, mllfh~ h.d bUW(Jr, U. lIeCORMICK.DEERING- B. ....p."d- Why not "ad. tn THE MeCORJ,lICK .DEERtNG .U~R UI 01111 putllllJ" lD d\.lWD brollk bit­ wall 'lIi11"Una: alld barking It Aw, w* -the only cream leplra&r' witb Your old F.nnall tor .. New Me. NO. lA HAIIMER lULL OPERA· loW here. IlPlklldle whore Seth'. QlIll I COQIe MWU,," , Aud ,be BAld ,Iuwl',.balf to hetlelf: .talnlell .teel dillel. ~ Co rmlc:k ~ D~rin•• ~annal1 Trutor, rED BY A. McCORM'ICK~DEER- lIsud 10~, 'J.'h9' come In from Uti­ Call on ua for a demon,baUon, ______--'- ____IING PARMAJ.L 80. TRACTOR. l'rl" '"(.~". Win, he" "MkIO, there. " . WII' a mind 10 rettb AIUI Il10_ to Itll, ttle nl{(h& .nlt. Ul." ' B" c0ntea UI~ Ilnd blm lod 1lIitt let tll~rc, ~e flure to lIee thb latt.. and lind drink Itld brue." ibe llhlOd huaItJ· "Wby'''' JeDIl1 ukeJ, (1,,"Ie4. . 'l'he- oUJtlr ,,"umBD .hook her Md. . :reatel\ I.c:hievlment In lIeConnitk I, : "WtD, bu'l .~lnt~a: up to Huh',. Oterina- Cream "paratora, {oo." ,,' .dUDOo... I dldri1t Ule tlu,,· we, U.. rt E .., to clean, E ••, to operate, acte<\. I100ked 14'10 01' be" 1II1,bt.. ·tak.· . "'Tbat ca.1d tooll"Uarl'll '-Ierce n' (lilt ttOn, lit., Dependable ,.rvlt. In 0...... ,. chdtJ'led. • aa' ld -~ .. , Iba" lbar* .... , ,.... 'Own nelt;hbo,hOOd. "You .(M>' 10, to. bJame him." b.lIlh,.. U. suh' ruotun" ~eeril. like Ibe o: a~ • lJloli Qf ..tf.t.~"~ · ID lind ,e-tUD. Itlm Itt film' attar." '''But 1 'dOla'& , ..Itb . e. ue cslled for tbe utr:01aPr1l AO(l lloothMyer, . of'f'etlng thelll· rewArd, .t ~Jd 11111 01 - poelt,'oB .(T~",. ' "9)-\ <, . . '1' , " ,,(. ' b. 'Ollnlel.tll,'onghi ,ID"a' tJlll' ~"C!. tlnn of lhe Queen (v •• JO.10). ,The queen ""8e IIcrl!.ll.pI tbe wlt' of He­ buehlldnezr.ar ",110 reDlemHi'~d " DaD' lei', _"Ice In Interpretlu, UI. dttla of her h1lsband. ban'1nnl, orangeR, musk· III . OOllnl.1 Inttrprt.tJ til • .Wrltlng fa 1511U1. lICKS, benns. I1ml whUe (V\', 17·28). . nrc fuol1 l1 whlrh h~ve been 1. Dnlllel', addrf."8S to !be tina (n. fn lit> vC'ry Ilftldl'ut itrTNlut" ln::: 17-21), . the flllI ~ ht lwld c('eb limited by the kin!;,! ,lrt. As wentloned Rhr)\"c ' teln. much Acid· h. He revIewed before Bellbl,,znt '"rmlll':: fnnd II II f'M liP too mll('h or yOllr Ibe history ot Nebucbadne:u;sr ,n, hotly I'1l1'rloC)' In Ir~'I~ 10 O\"('rrome II" 18-24). Ho "howed elenr1, Ibnl Uel· M('ld quutlllt'8, ond )'ou feel ID EY (llltl sb'1ltZ!tr 'II hould ~11lge profhcd bl the FI\IESTONE TJiEs .re built cruroreat - chey -r1fl~~rlCa..--t~~~ c"T,.h-;;";,',:IO;;(:'tU~~tt b;:: eJi~~~~:~eel '::cr~:etf:..t,~~r··ot the writ· V. IIrldoll! which II the IUIme ,hen ttl 10K In. 2.\-~: '- - ' 'i'hefle It),mptOm!. . fl, "Mene" me%lol- '''TluPJberet1- (y, ill ooy ocher trUck tiro. The bod, is built ",iii. Gum.Dipped High SIi-t'kh cords. Gum·l)ippiDs. w:l~e~C!~ ::::::~~~~ ~~~I:i:eO~~~:= :'!!; S:~-1DI~:: tl!!Dbered, thl tlnl' or a~lrlo ll" Ihlll th~'" I. IctuaJly set b. "" mean, "wel;hecJ" ('f'. 21). che ptooted firestooeproCesa, ab.... the cora· ap In !lome Indh'ldllols who ' uito'" "Thou art well:hl"d 1n tbe balan~e. and in ,pure IiqGid Nbber, ·;osWauos ood co.tilIS ; thlll ndvlf'c ton ('Ios el,. A ("(Illdltlnn Dr art round wnntl"!;." . "o)l,olmd&." wheN> the blood nnd tlK- t.. "Perca" melin, "divided- (9. e>cry _ad io ""cry cord. Thi> is ... by FiralOol .uel !Ire Ion nihil.\\> III do UliM wOl"k "TIIY kln!;dom II divIded. and ,''Ven to Tires lUO cooler Ind ate 5trOoge(e lIrnllerl,. the Meilflll anrl Pp-I'Ill1n.... '( Now \1,' 6 till wnnf to be rtf nnr hf'st. IV, Th, JudlJment Ex.euttd C'n. The uead is made of a nciv and coughet to be ntetore. Interpret thla whole Icene mileage. Firestone locks Ihis wider, helVier aDd .or axIlU"I,,!: IIwm fhnt we Kre l('rt na 1l!,lnting to the ('onditlon' at .the m(ire rugged lrC~ad securely to the Gum-Dipped 'llatleu Imt! IIrf'd. 1\f'(,IUI !i(!, ol'tllr 1111. d01l~ "o' rhe tlmo·or the Gentlles. and (lU' " illl'!\fI" or "PCI'" df>pt·nd to a grellt 88 kdumbrQtlnR Ihe lr pre.,,\Ilnc COO' cord body of W. u'" by building cwo .,..... I.yetl e!ctent In (Jllllnl"III ln, the ". Iknl! reo dltlone. Let lIa noto o£Gum.Dipped cords (paJenlu/) under che tteOci. ler"." nt Ih" ~I.Y . Any tll'll&rture 1. The Itupldltl ot mel). Reish". f1'om Ihl a alkali 1'('5en·c. 11l8t a llowlI tor. I1ke peOI/le todRY. did nol learD the 1.11 004 II IIlI tl S8 I1 ~1S In gel mQrfc! b,. e :< lImllle. Nebu('bDl1n~u.nr·. rate These uclMJi..w constrUction leaNrcs result in nellr), to Ih(l odd ('nn rmlnn meltn!! sholiid htll'o deterred 8elahnnar. __ nil pn' ",;/~. The JargeSc operaton ~ JU l t tlllli mudl l'1 ck ot elUlf ll )' or de- 2. 1'he maS'"lflee nt IIplendor. Ttll. .lr~ to \\'(lfk, erent teoRt "~ 8 c:'bar,cJerIEed b,. pomp. tbecouoUJ aftd opentotl of all types of equipmcM Another Imp"rtflnt polot Is Uilil ollr tl181)lftJ and pftfode. How ('haroetor' ky Firestooe Tira year .fter year . DO cheir rt'lhllancc to Inr.. <'llon II le!lS(' ned" latle or our nWIl flJ:,"f: t the Alkali ,,'8(>nf' II! M 1 JJllllntu lllld. S. Lusury, 'I'be rnmoul haOllo. "cost-reduciog ped'ormaoce• 1 n .. nO(• .•..OI ,sllt'rlmCnfn l ",.urla.IIM.I 1r ' 1 MDr". • n• .o . r Bllbyh"n "'ere .ft nOlewoftb1 'I1tHt' 4flUclW1h 't! e ~' llh'n( ' e thnt ~ ~!I1I.'.~6. 01 IUlur,. abttUnd to. rel l. ,nn('e fo ' tI... or;UnlllDl M o( IllteC'· dBY on everl tilln ()Plumd ll,lo a larlCf' !lxt t'1I[ In · 4, The IIccntloulneBt ('It the klnl ,nIDln.; .. n ell ('f!U ot t )ll' II lkqUIII"menta with hll manl ""h'ct snd roncublnnL In Ill" t1 5111 .... ·• Thll "ljllnlM wh y nur l.kcnUmumell II likewise . nolorloull, mniliera, wll,bnut III IUwlll ~ DIII('h "hout Ilr(>\,ftl (lnt todlt),. . alk"U re&er\'''. , lIl'lt ilL tUI you lIKllerl . 3. Ulullhemuul urrlleue. Tbe t ne· Ih,. hilit nr mol'(! te:tlpnon. or bllkln" rliP-Ke of (hll «1ft, mn, he ID ~seeP lOll" . 'hen our ,tomlu'hl W~ upset. ot th.. fJr llelll bnuar'. dal and a· or 'W e _ I;l nl Ih r('. I~nC41 with !II ('old.. It prt. tea 1~1t In t. reol .f'iclIlI~ Ir'elllm(>flt III p:1.. a. A profes81on· Gr '~II"on for bR.IQI "I(I~ "nih', IbHO circum' pft'unlar, IRln. anelal and political .Umct'S. Illl'fermeliL 'fhe thllll ", hl, eb('n, III "1M! the blood . b. The glOP or the pulpIt ot tbe, anti ' ''!!Inn In IIIO~ h t>u~lh ('4lntal0 Cbrl!llU!1n mlnl"lr;t fot noto'l~tl .~ rn"" .lk. lr thlln add ..tl'menta ontl l· ... nn ror the VfOl'lliatlon ot 'aile doe- ,our be ~' , b tut lth Ih!pfodl 1I1)(lU m'.1 ln· trine. . t ..~ tJ.'.aJka ll..ruern}. ('.' UnlHnw Wltll me C!l'urrrh and at· sOme !leall-h wrltrrt a dvise ft ('N is in ImulomoG at the l.oro', ta ble 110 ,1 to ,,"entice 'or .nutllne to , eld {c 1(1I13 l'U\'ur up IO('f't't lin.. ,.. ,ut no 'ilCrb rwe ClD l» .(hillt-d. rOt 4. 'l'be use 01 Ihe Word Dr God to tllcre aN dlffcftl nC('1 In ~h ~ pUIDl to • JOke. tn lhl ' .mnuo' of w(Jrll e. J)cu,lhR tllll l tbe IlI ble 1.1 094' • .,." I partleul., bodJ \\·(lrd. m. ~l m: tt I bOO k or trwr'" food.. 1II)'lh& I nd leKund e. t. Iftghest Prices Paid For Your C.'eam And Eggs ,., ·WHITE ~. SWAN ," .OF-FEE l ~ pound ., ...- - , -. 32~ Z pounds .. __ .. _... 80~ 3 pOlmds __ .. _ 85~ -'f

Adventures of Tarzan COMEDY AND SPORTS REEJ.-"8A8-k8TBALL TECHNIQUE" Sunday ,Matinee •. MondaJ .Nite -Monumental! ~ Victor Hugo'slmmol'tahBb) :t ~' QtMan's . ina" ;}J;ty