0517_29 x giov:Layout 1 17-05-2007 2:12 Pagina 1 w è d


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s u w i t ALLA BASE n o . a

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u R o o n v e s a s

t r a r o o

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s a I l s

r G e a

Centinaia di metri in barca i t o c u r t h n t i a

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di una splendida bambina tanto sensori, cavi, meteo. "Sinceramente, penso che n Lo dicono in tanti, e l u l

d e m e

le barche della Classe sorridente quanto golosa. Giusto per avere un'idea, quando ci sia poche volte". n e l l a g r i

e C Coppa Marco è alla seconda esperienza parliamo della quantità di cavi Donati, anche se frequenta a r . o r c e p t in America's Cup utilizzati su ITA 94 e 86 questo mondo da parecchio o sono le F1 del mare. p r a a m t (in precedenza con Mascalzone ragioniamo in chilogrammi, tempo, sa ancora emozionarsi, i Latino) e fa parte del team circa 80, che se trasformati "La vela mi entusiasma, LUNA ROSSA GOES BIKE CRAZY

di elettronica di Luna Rossa. in metri sarebbero qualche se poi penso che lavoro L U N

Che cos'è la vela per te? centinaio". per Luna Rossa, A R O

"Sono solo un grande Contando che la barca è lunga ho realizzato il mio sogno". S S A ,

appassionato, non un matto 26 m si potrebbe arrotolarla Ma voi, uomini a terra, che I L G I

di velista. Ho giocato per anni come un arrosto! rapporto avete con O R N

a pallacanestro e quando posso, "Conquistare la Coppa è l'equipaggio, vi sentite anche A L E D

vado in snowboard, anche ovviamente il nostro obiettivo, voi a bordo con loro? E L L A

se da quando sono arrivate per raggiungerlo dobbiamo "Si perché siamo sempre C O P P

“le mie donne” e vivo a , migliorarci sempre e per questo in contatto con i navigatori, A -

dove la neve non abbonda lavoriamo duro, anche Plazzi e Ivaldi, sono i nostri P R O J

di certo, ho accantonato 12-13 ore al giorno e nei rari "mentori" grazie a loro sappiamo E C T ,

A ben vedere, lo sono un pò queste attività". momenti di stanca ci carichiamo dove intervenire e cosa D E S I

veramente, sia per la bellezza Marco durante la campagna cantando in coro l'inno modificare, le sinergie G N

e l'eleganza delle linee che del 2003 sei stato ad degli alpini...". che si creano fra noi e gli uomini & P U B L

per la potenza che riescono con , Abbiamo visto qualche scelta in barca sono vitali per la buona I S H

E Stregati dalla Luna ad esprimere, e, soprattutto, "si ma solo per gli ultimi sei discutibile da parte degli riuscita di una lunga avventura R M

per tutta la tecnologia di cui mesi, in quanto prima ero Afterguard nei Round Robin come questa". I C REGATA PERFETTA DI LUNA ROSSA CHE BATTE BMW ORACLE E SI PORTA SUL 2 A 1. DESAFÍO ESPAÑOL PORTA A CASA IL SUO PRIMO PUNTO CON EMIRATES TEAM . OGGI GIORNATA DI RIPOSO H E

dispongono. Marco Donati, in Italia per l'allestimento della appena conclusi, molte volte si Marco, certe volte anche L E _ C di Viareggio, trentacinque nuova barca. Per la squadra di sono giustificati tirando l'elettronica della Ferrari fa O N C I anni da compiere Luna Rossa seguo tutte le parti in ballo la sorte. Tu credi cilecca..."Può essere, visto che N A @ H

il 10 giugno, sposato e padre elettroniche della barca, alla sfortuna in barca? in Ferrari non lavoriamo noi!" O T M A I L . METEO C O M C O N L U C A O R I A N I E T O M M A S O O R I A N I , © C O P Y R I G H T G O T H A LVC Semi Fina l M S R L , I T A L Y - 2 0 1 0 0 M I L A N - 8 , V I A D E I P I A T T I , P R I N T E D I M P R E N T A L L O R E N S , V A L E N C I A - D . L . V - 2 0 2 6 - 2 0 0 7


SEMI FINAL PHOTO Spilt start • Luna Rossa prende la destra, al primo incrocio è 130 metri avanti, gira la boa con 29” di vantaggio • Oracle sfida la barca italiana in un duello di strambate, Luna Rossa copre bene e al cancello mantiene 24” su USA 98, tenendo sempre la destra del campo • Spithill guadagna in bolina e gira la boa con 45” su Dickson • poi Luna Rossa controlla l’avversario, precedendolo sul traguardo di 31” 3


QUOTES OF THE DAY Action in the pre-starts VALENCIA A day of stable sailing conditions when the Spanish team recorded their first win in style imposing a penalty on Team New Zealand in the pre-start while Luna Rossa dominated the start against BMW Oracle going on to take a comfortable There’s something about cycling lead and cover all the way to the finish. Luna Rossa had led Oracle around every mark of the semi finals to date There is no doubt that Alto Turia region inland from friendly landscaped gardens, The America’s Cup Parks and cycling is a popular Valencia offers innumerable sports grounds and exhibition harbour has some 1 million sq. sport in Spain scenic routes of varying levels of areas. Now Valencian’s can enjoy meters and the distance from and there is nothing difficulty and duration. Another safe, leisurely cycling along the one side of the harbour to the like success at the top level popular area for off road biking 10 km route, which is due to be other is over 6 kms. to inspire the ordinary is around the Descento de Las extended in 2008 from the City A cycle lane has been built enthusiast to get involved. Palmas near Benicasim around of Arts & Sciences museum to all around the entire stadium At the professional end of the 90 kilometers North of Valencia. the Port. When the America’s of sailing complex. Have a look scale Spain currently has some at any of the team bases and they of the best road racing cyclists have assembled bike racks in the world. Alejandro stacked high with an assortment Valverde, runner up in last year’s of bone shakers, recumbents, Tour de France, has started the mountain bikes and ordinary Karol Jablonski Eric Doyle James Spithill 2007 season in emphatic style, road bikes, it looks like Helmsman Helmsman Strategist Helmsman finishing 4th in this years Tour a scene from Amsterdam. Emirates Team New Zealand Desafio Espanol 2007 BMW Oracle Racing Luna Rossa Challenge de Valencia in March and sitting Cycle lanes have also been The only thing that went right All the starts are intensive with We didn’t think the race was won In the start we were feeling pretty amongst the top in the overall installed in some of the main boulevards in and out of town today was the wind, unfortunately some pretty close situations at the start but as it turned out comfortable because I’ve got standings. Other tour specialists like in Avenida del Puerto and we were on the left. but putting a penalty on the pressure came in nicely from a lot of confidence in these guys. Oscar Pereiro and Reyes Vicente aspire to repeat Avenida de Francia, Right from the start things didn’t them doesn’t win you the race. the right hand side and there was It feels like we’ve got a really the achievements of Miguel and on any evening after racing go well, in the pre-start We had to win the right hand a right hand shift and that side strong team and the guys were Indurain, winner of the Tour de you’ll see swarms of team the penalty was an error that side of the course, which of the course was favoured about really digging in on the handles. France some 8 years ago. members cycling home along I made but we still believed was favoured, and fight until 85% of the time and they were When you’ve got that kind Spain’s biggest event, La Vuelta the Paseo Maritimo to their if we sailed well, could lead and the end. The crew did a great job, on the correct side. of belief it gives you that extra boost Ciclista a Espana takes place apartments along the beach. control the race that we could build all credit to them, you know how They did a nice job downwind in yourself. The guys pretty much later in the year in September. Bike shops have sprung up up a big enough lead to offload the difficult it is to beat despite our efforts to out gybe them. said to me put the boat Groups of competitive road But in the city of Valencia Cup first came to Valencia around the city to support penalty. We worked really hard but the top teams and we are happy There were fewer opportunities with wherever you need to and the sails cyclists can be found training the roads are pancake flat in 2004, the teams set up, the new explosion in demand the breeze went right quicker to be back in the game. one side being so favoured. will be there, and they’ve delivered. in the mountainous regions and cycling has not been the bases were built and as and there are a number of bike a particularly popular pastime. the development of the hire facilities all round than we anticipated. 1-2 is better than 0-3. There is more They sailed as the conditions So full credit to the guys. of Spain, where many villages However when the River Turia America’s Cup parks grew, team the port of America’s Cup, With all these teams you have to come but pre-starts are dictated, they sailed really well The right hand side and towns have a club, that organise trips where enthusiastic was diverted around the city as sailors, staff of the cup, media so what’s stopping you, to be prepared to be reasonably complicated, it is very easy to turn in the shifty stuff. Today was more was pretty favoured and cyclists can ride in groups. a result of the infamous flood of and operations personnel, all 2 wheels are better than aggressive at times but from hero to zero. We promise consistent and they were able we got the right and were pretty For the mountain bike 1957, the riverbed was converted started to use cycles to ride to 4 and cycling is this one just didn’t play out. some more action for sure. to play the tight game. comfortable. enthusiast, the terrain of the to provide environmentally and from and around the port. a great form of exercise.