Index Xylariorum 4.1 Compiled by Anna H. Lynch and Peter E. Gasson (version March 2010), and updated by IAWA under supervision of Frederic Lens (March 2016). Argentina SUCURSAL: Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "B. Rivadavia" (BA/BAw), Av. Ángel Gallardo 470, 1405 Buenos Aires, Argentina. (updated 01/02/2016). Curator: Dr. ROBERTO R. PUJANA (comparative anatomy of extant and fossil woods),
[email protected]. Collection: about 1000 specimens, 250 genera. Specialisation: Argentina, Paraguay. Herbarium vouchers: Yes; about 100,000; 92% of wood specimens vouchered. Periodical or serial publications: Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Samples for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes. Exchange: Yes. Wanted: Woods from Argentina and Paraguay. Catalogue: A catalogue of the wood collection is available on request from the curator. LA PLATA: Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales, Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Argentina. (new wood collection since 01/02/2016). Curator: DRA. SILVIA MONTEOLIVA and PROF. STELLA MARIS RIVIERA (wood anatomy, identification),
[email protected]. Collection: about 1000 specimens, 250 genera. Specialisation: Argentina Periodical or serial publications: Revista Facultad de Agronomía La Plata Samples for sectioning: Yes. Microscope slides: Yes. 1 Exchange: Yes. Wanted: woods from Argentina. Catalogue: A catalogue of the wood collection is available on request from the curator: TUCUMAN: Xiloteca of the Herbarium of the Fundation Miguel Lillo (LILw), Foundation Miguel Lillo - Institut Miguel Lillo, (LILw), Miguel Lillo 251, Tucuman, Argentina. (updated 05/08/2002). Foundation: 1910. Curator: MARIA EUGENIA GUANTAY, Lic. Ciencias Biologicas (anatomy of wood of Myrtaceae),
[email protected]. Collection: 1,319 specimens, 224 genera.