Boris Johnson

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Boris Johnson DEC-01/08 REPORT OF AN INVESTIGATION BORIS JOHNSON MAYOR OF LONDON CHAIRMAN, METROPOLITAN POLICE AUTHORITY BY JONATHAN GOOLDEN, BA(LAW) SOLICITOR 24th February 2009 SCHEDULE OF EVIDENCE jonathan goolden SOLICITORS PO Box 117 Louth LN11 0WW Tel 0845 370 3117 Fax 0845 370 3118 [email protected] regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority 1 This page is intentionally blank 2 Schedule of evidence Page Number Description 5 JTG 1 Letter dated 5th December 2008 from Len Duvall to Fiona Ledden, GLA – complaints against Boris Johnson 8 JTG 2 Biography of Boris Johnson 9 JTG 3 Home Secretary’s statement to the House of Commons on Home Office leaks 28 JTG 4 Times article – 29th November 2008 29 JTG 5 Transcript of London Assembly Plenary – 3rd December 2008 47 JTG 6 House of Commons Home Affairs Committee press announcement of inquiry into policing process of Home Office leak inquiries – 11th December 2008 48 JTG 7 Home Affairs Committee – uncorrected transcript of oral evidence – Rt. Hon. Jacqui Smith MP and Sir David Normington – 20th January 2009 75 JTG 8 Home Affairs Committee – uncorrected transcript of oral evidence – Mr. Boris Johnson – 3rd February 2009 88 JTG 9 Home Affairs Committee – uncorrected transcript of oral evidence – AC Robert Quick – 10th February 2009 120 JTG 10 Statement of Len Duvall – 11th February 2009 3 123 JTG 11 Statement of Catherine Crawford – 13th February 2009 127 JTG 12 First Statement of Guto Harri – 10th February 2009 135 JTG 13 Statement of Sir Paul Stephenson – received 19th February 2009 138 JTG 14 Transcript of interview of Boris Johnson – 3rd February 2009 151 JTG 15 Second statement of Guto Harri – 12th February 2009 153 JTG 16 Statement of Roisha Hughes – 10th February 2009 156 JTG 17 Notes of questions and responses – Damian Green MP 159 JTG 18 West Midlands Police Authority communications protocol – 18th September 2008 162 JTG 19 Cheshire Police Authority – protocol between the chief constable and police authority on critical incidents – 8th April 2008 164 JTG 20 Surrey Police Authority – protocol for sharing confidential information between Surrey Police and Surrey Police Authority – 7th November 2007 167 JTG 21 Letter dated 23rd February 2009 from Len Duvall to Jonathan Goolden with comments on the draft report 174 JTG 22 E-mail dated 19th February 2009 from Stephen Hocking to Jonathan Goolden with comments on the draft report JTG 2 J 4 JTG 1 5 6 7 JTG 2 From Greater London Authority website – 12th February 2009 Boris Johnson - Biography Boris Johnson, Mayor of London Elected on 2 May 2008 Boris Johnson was born in June 1964 in New York. His family moved to London when he was five years old. Few Londoners have entirely English descent, and Boris is no exception. He describes himself as a ‘one man melting-pot’, with French, Turks and Germans among his ancestors. Boris went to primary school in Camden and was subsequently educated at the European School in Brussels, Ashdown House and then at Eton College. He later read Classics at Balliol College, Oxford as a Brackenbury scholar. During his time at Oxford University he became president of the prestigious Oxford Union. After graduating he moved back to London. Much though he envies and admires the City, he lasted a week as a management consultant before becoming a trainee reporter for The Times. His career in journalism has seen him undertake various jobs. After a short time as a writer for the Wolverhampton Express and Star, he joined The Daily Telegraph in 1987 as leader and feature writer. From 1989 to 1994 he was the Telegraph's European Community correspondent and from 1994 to 1999 he served as assistant editor. His association with The Spectator began as political columnist in 1994. In 1999 he became editor of the paper and stayed in this role until December 2005. Besides his work as a journalist, he has published several books, including ‘Lend Me Your Ears, Friends, Voters and Countrymen’, an autobiographical account of his experience of the 2001 election campaign, and a novel, ‘Seventy-Two Virgins’. He regularly appears on TV and has been a contestant on Have I Got News For You. He has also produced a series on Roman History from his book of the same name, The Dream of Rome. In 2001 he was elected MP for Henley on Thames, replacing Michael Heseltine. He has held shadow government posts as Vice Chairman, Shadow Minister for the Arts and Shadow Minister of Higher Education. In July 2007, Boris Johnson resigned from his position as shadow education secretary so that he would be free to stand as Conservative candidate for Mayor of London. He resigned as MP for Henley shortly after becoming Mayor of London. As well as being a passionate cyclist, he enjoys painting, playing tennis and spends much of his time bringing up his four children with his wife Marina in North London. 8 JTG 3 House of Commons (Hansard) Vol 485 Part No 2 House of Commons Debates 04 December 2008 Government Information (Unauthorised Release) 11.21 am The Secretary of State for the Home Department (Jacqui Smith): With permission, Mr. Speaker, I should like to make a statement on the current police investigation into the unauthorised release of government information. As has been widely recognised across the House, some very important principles are at stake in this matter: that nobody should be above the law; that the police should have the operational independence to conduct their investigations without fear or favour; that Members of this House should be able to do their work and be able to hold the Government to account; and that the impartiality of the civil service should be protected. Members of this House will, of course, understand our obligation not to prejudice an ongoing police investigation, but I shall be as helpful as I can in my statement. On 8 October 2008, following consultations with the Home Office, the Cabinet Office requested the assistance of the Metropolitan Police Service in investigating a series of leaks. That request was made by the Cabinet Office, as it has ultimate responsibility for the security and integrity of the working of government. No Cabinet Office Minister was involved in the decision. The request followed a number of internal Home Office leak inquiries, which had not identified the source of the leaks. There was concern that an individual—or individuals—in the Home Office who had access to sensitive material was prepared to leak that information. Faced with what appeared to be the systematic leaking of classified information over a sustained period, given the damage that that was doing to the effective conduct of Government business and because of the sensitive issues, including national security, that the Home Office deals with, I agreed with the view of Sir David Normington, my Department’s permanent secretary, that it was essential to request police assistance in identifying the source of those leaks. The sustained level of leaking that had already taken place clearly suggested that this could go on, would escalate, and that more information of greater sensitivity could potentially leak. [Interruption.] Since the request for police assistance was made— [ Interruption. ] Mr. Speaker: Order. Allow the Home Secretary to speak. The subject is important. Jacqui Smith: Since the request for police assistance was made, the Home Office has co-operated fully with the police investigation. A full list of relevant leaks, including 9 those involving highly classified material, was passed to the police for their consideration. As acting commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson set out in his statement yesterday, after initial inquiries the Crown Prosecution Service was consulted. The police officers involved were satisfied that they had reasonable grounds to make an arrest of a junior Home Office civil servant. On 17 November, I was informed by Sir David Normington that an arrest of a Home Office civil servant was likely in the next few days. On 19 November, the Home Office civil servant was arrested on suspicion of misconduct in public office. On 27 November, the police arrested the hon. Member for Ashford (Damian 4 Dec 2008 : Column 135 Green) on suspicion of conspiring to commit misconduct in a public office and aiding and abetting, counselling or procuring misconduct in a public office. As the statement issued by Sir David Normington on 28 November made clear, he was informed by the police at about 1.45 pm on 27 November that a search was about to be conducted of the home and offices of a member of the Opposition Front Bench. Sir David was subsequently told that an arrest had been made. This was the first time that anybody in the Home Office was informed that a Member of this House was the subject of the police investigation. I have made it clear that neither I nor any other Government Minister knew until after the arrest of the hon. Member that he—or any other hon. Member—was the subject of a police investigation or was to be arrested. I hope that those who have asserted the contrary will now withdraw their claims. Let me be clear that even if I had been informed, I believe it would have been wholly inappropriate for me to seek to intervene in the operational decisions being taken by the police. I will not do that and I should not do that. On 1 December, I spoke to the acting commissioner to reassure myself that the investigation was being pursued diligently, sensitively and in a proportionate manner—[Hon. Members: “Sensitively?”] Sir Paul informed me— [ Interruption. ] Mr. Speaker: Order. Jacqui Smith: Sir Paul informed me of his intention to set up a review of the handling of the case to date, which I welcomed.
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