273 Written Answers PHALGUNA 19,1913 (SAKA) Written Answers 274

SI. No. Name of the State Targets

9. Jammu & Kashmir 100

10. 15000

11. Kerala 3000

12. Madhya Pradesh 25150

13. 20000

14. Madhya Pradesh —

15. Meghalaya —

16. Mizoram —

17. Nagaland 50

18. Orissa 4000

19. Punjab 10000

20. Rajasthan 20150

21. Sikkim —

22. 5000

23. Tnpura — 100

24. Uttar Pradesh 11350

25. West Bengal 2000

Total 152750 [English] Pradesh has tha rights on the surplus water of Krishna river for according clearance to Sharing of Suiplue Water of Krishna Telugu Ganga project; and Rhrar

2019. SHRI K.P. REDDAIAH YADAV: (b) whether the Union Government have Will the Minister of W ATER RESOURCES re-examined the conditionalities put forward be pleased to state: for the utilization of water by the Govern­ ments of Karnataka and Maharashtra which (a) whether the Government of Andhra will be detrimental to the interest of Andhra 275 Written Answers MARCH 9.1992 Written Answers 276

Pradesh and will make Rayalaseema area a (d) If not, the reasons therefor? desert? THE MINISTER OF CIVIL AVIATION THE MINISTER OF WATER RE­ AND TOURISM (SHRI MADHAVRAO SCIN- SOURCES (SHRI VIDYACHARAN DIA) (a) No. Madam SHUKLA) (a) and(b) According to Krishna Water Dispute Tribunal Award Andhra (b) This is in accordance with Service Pradesh is at liberty to use in any water year Regulations ol employees of Indian Airlines the remaining water that may be flowing in the river Krishna The tribunal has not allo­ (c) No, Madam cated any water tor Telugu Ganga Project The award is open tor review after (d) Deployment of air hostesses for short 2000 A D Telugu Ganga Project, though it periods on ground jobs is not a feasible was techoo-economically appraised by the proposition for Indian Airlines Central Water Commission,its considera­ tion was deferred by the Advisory Commit­ Proposal to Introduce Additional Posts tee in April, 1988 as the project has not been in Air India cleared from inter-state angle In order to resolve the Inter-State issues the meeting of 2021 SHRI VISHWANATH SHASTRI the Chief Ministers of , Will the Minister of CIVIL AVIATION AND Karnataka and Maharashtra, convened by TOURISM be pleased to state the then Minister (Water Resources on 5 4 1990 could not materialise as the Chief (a) whether additional top posts in Air Ministerof Karnataka informed that the Chief India are being created Ministers would themselves resolve the is­ sues relating to shanng of Krishna Waters (b) if so, the details thereof and Govern The three Chief Ministers met twice in 1990 ment s raction thereto They are to meet again for consideration of the four tentative alternative proposals that (c) whether about one thousand posts emerged dunng their second meeting of low paid employees are lying vacant, and

Posting of Pregnant Alrhostesses in (d) if so, the steps being taken to fill up Indian Airlines these vacancies?

2020 SHRIMATI SUSEELA GOP ALAN THE MINISTER OF CIVIL AVIATION Will the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be AND TOURISM (SHRI MADHAVRAO SCIN pleased to state DIA) (a) and (b) Government has not re ceived any proposal from Air India (a) whether the Indian Airlines Airhos tesses are paid any allowance during the (c) and (d) About 809 posts are lying period of pregnancy in addition to the normal vacant as on 1 1 1992 and recruitment ac maternity benefits tion has been taken to fill these posts as per prescribed procedure (b) if not the reasons therefor Allocation for Development of Tourism (c) whether the Government have any in Maharashtra proposal to post them to other jobs which are 2022 SHRI ASHOK ANANDRAO notardous and DESHMUKH Will the Minister of CIVIL