Photo : Clouds over Okushiri Island ADEOS/AVNIR March 29, 1997

Earth Observation EOC Center Archive Selection since 1978

EOC Archive Selection since 1978

Issued on March 31, 2004. Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency 1401, ohashi, Hatoyamamachi, Hiki-gun, Saitama prefecture Phone : +81-49-298-1200 Fax : +81-49-296-0217

Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Earth Observation Center

BCC04035H EOC Archive Selection since 1978

1 Preface Contents

Space-based Earth observation missions started with TIROS and LANDSAT satellites that the U.S. Chapter 1 Earth Pictured by Remote Sensing Satellites ………… 4-21 launched in the 1960s and 1970s. Since then, other nations have initiated the Earth observation missions and remote sensing technology and data application have accordingly improved In the 1960s astronauts let us know that the Earth is a dramatically. Current global concern focuses on how sustainable development enabling us to beautiful but fragile spaceship. The beauty has been pictured by artificial satellites and expressed in a form of image data enrich our lives can be harmonized with Earth environmental preservation. Accordingly, space- processed and analyzed at EOC, EORC and partner ground stations. We believe that the images will make you rediscover based Earth observation is expected to play an important role in monitoring the Earth environment how our mother planet is beautiful. on a regular basis. The Earth Observation Center (EOC) was founded as an outpost to develop remote sensing Chapter 2 satellite technology in October 1978 in Saitama prefecture (Hatoyama-machi, Hiki-gun). The Japan ………………………………………22-51 organization had acquired expertise through processing and analysis of the U.S. LANDSAT data. EOC started to operate in 1979, with a primarily objective of Accordingly, LANDSAT data played an important role in building up a basis of the EOC policy and receiving images of Japanese islands from the U.S. LANDSAT strategy, as well as spreading the benefits of remote sensing technology more widely. satellites. We will show you various image data of Japan that was collected by domestic and international remote sensing Following launch of the Marine Observation Satellite (MOS) in 1987, the Japan Aerospace satellites over 25 years. Exploration Agency (JAXA; former NASDA) launched the Japanese Earth Resources Satellite (JERS), the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS) and the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Chapter 3 (TRMM) satellite. These satellites pictured various Earth’s faces using microwave and optical Earth Environment ……………………………………… 52-61 sensors. Japan launched ADEOS and ADEOS-II in 1996 and 2002, Serving as a provider of satellite data, EOC has been working with the Earth Observation Research respectively. These remote sensing satellites are designed to and Application Center (EORC) to develop and operate ground control systems for Earth monitor the Earth environment on a global basis, which indicates Japan's determination to solve problems related to observation satellites. The year 2002 saw JAXA launch the Advanced Microwave Scanning global . ADEOS and ADEOS-II images shed light on the present Earth. Radiometer (AMSR-E) onboard , as well as ADEOS-II and the Data Relay Test Satellite (DRTS), a satellite that relays ADEOS-II data to the ground station. Observation data collected by ADEOS-II Chapter will be provided as soon as possible after being calibrated and validated. 4 Satellite Image …………………………… 62-85 This photo collection marks the 25th anniversary of EOC and inauguration of JAXA, and contains images EOC staff selected carefully from images archived in EOC or offered by other institutes. We Since its inauguration, EOC has received, processed and provided image data collected by a variety of remote sensing are very honored that the edition will provide an opportunity to let you know existing problems in satellites. We will show you these satellite images. the Earth, as well as the Earth’s beauty. Finally, we greatly appreciate your extending continued support and cooperation to us. Chapter 5 Earth Observation Center ……………………………… 86-93 October 2003 We will introduce our 25-year history and the current activities. Director of Earth Observation Center Yoshio Ishido Image Index ………………………………… 94-95

Copyright© 2004 Earth Observation Center. All Rights Reserved

2 3 Spring in the Arctic

This image shows the Earth over the North Pole as observed by GLI. The Japanese islands (upper right), Caspian Sea and Black Sea (lower right), Europe (lower), and North America (upper left) can be seen. The image in the lower right corner of the page is surface classification image, showing sea, land, snow over land, snow over sea ice, and clouds in blue, green, red, light blue and white, respectively. The black circle at the North Pole is the region not observed by GLI.

PacificOcean Japan

Shiberia North America North Pole


EEuropeurope Atlantic Ocean

5 Greenland

Norway Iceland and the Arctic Ocean Iceland

Iceland reflects the morning sunlight appeared from behind the clouds over around the Norwegian Sea. To the north of Iceland rises the thick ice sheet of Greenland in the dark Polar night.

0 500km 6 7 m k 0 0 5 d e v r e s b , s k n n w n i a s e a o t e O s e r p n r o d a s a g . h n J o l s d l a f k h i l d n s t o s g O I n a s e a r a f a l f e d e e l s s r o f I n S e a o a e l e u a n s k e h n I a e r t p o o p S e i o k s g i a h d a J e i n h h T e a o S h s e l k c t . a h d k e e r t n o h h d c i t s a t e n H A i w e a a u c l e w e e o h s h I s e s s a , h t s u u s n g h n y p i h t a e n i e s K c i s g S r n w n d a u n i o p u o d s m H g a i o y e l n m r e y i c e e l l e p h i r h o t d v m h T a a f n r o o w c o c a e f J 0

8 9 Sea Surrounding Cuba and the Bahamas

The crystal-clean waters appear turquoise, bright blue and emerald green, surrounding Cuba, called "the Caribbean pearl," and the Bahamas that were named for the landscape of islands rising from long shoals which look like extending to the end of the world. They make a beautiful contrast with the dark blue of the Atlantic.

Flloridaorida PPeninsulaeninsula Atlantic Ocean



Haaitiiti Jamaica Dominica

Caribbean Sea

0 50 100 150 200km

10 Japan’s Southernmost Island

Okinotori Island Okinotori Island, Japan's southernmost island, is located about 1,750 km south- southwest from Tokyo and west- southwest 910 km from Chichi Island in the Ogasawara Islands. The uninhabited reef island, shown in turquoise, has a maximum length from north to south of 1.8 kilometers and a width of some 4.5 kilometers, while it measures only 70 cm across at its widest point at high water.

Etorofu Island


200 nautical mile zone border

30°N OOgasawaragasawara iislandsslands MMinamitoriinamitori Okinawa IIslandsland Okinotori YonaguniYonaguni Island IslandIsland 20°N

120°E 130°E 140°E 150°E 160°E

0 10km

13 Indochina

The image is a closeup view of the Indochina, showing Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand. In the lower right of the image the delta can be seen across the mouth of the Mekong River, a major river in Southeast Asia. Originating in Yunnan Province of China, the Mekong runs through the Indochina and flows out into the South China Sea in Vietnam.



14 15 Ganges River

Spanning most of Bangladish, the Ganges River delta is largely covered with a mangrove swamp forest. The satellite image can show details of the delta.



India Enlarged area

0 50km 17 Nile River and Sahara Desert

The image shows the area around Egypt. Recognized as the cradle of one of the world’s greatest ancient civilizations, the country is also very famous for its pyramids. The Nile River is shown as a black vertical line in the right of the image. In northwest of the Nile delta flowing to the Mediterranean Sea fertile lands stretch and cities, especially Alexandria, enjoy prosperity. No forests can be seen in the left half of the image indicating that the eastern part of a vast Sahara Desert is dry with few oases. Some 97 percent of the country consists of desert areas.

0 500km

18 19

Huge Icebergs near Antarctic Showa Base

MOS-1 data was received at Showa Base.




20 21 m k 0 0 4 M T / 5 - T A S D N A L y b d e t c e l l o c s e n e c s 0 0 1 s e d m o n s f a 0 l o s s . t I s 0 i s 0 e 0 n 2 o s c o e t e g 0 n a 9 9 a m 1 i p e m h a o T r f J

22 23 Hokkaido Shakotan, Sapporo, Lake Toya, Lake Shikotsu

0 30km

24 25 Mt. Usu

The below images are four-direction bird’s eye views of Lake Toya, created using digital maps (elevation) produced by the Geographical Survey Institute and LANDSAT-5/TM data collected showing before the eruption of Mt. Usu.

0 5km

The above image in the right page is Mt. Usu after its eruption, as observed by SPOT-2. A thick carpet of volcanic ash can be seen as blackish traces in the direction of southeast from the crarter located south of Lake Toya.

The below images in the right page show changes in the region around Mt. Usu over two months. The images are lined chronologically from the upper left to the lower right. Volcanic fumes can be seen two months after the eruption.

26 27 0 500km Sea Ice


The image shows the northern Japan, as observed by ADEOS-II, indicating that there are thin clouds over the Sea of Japan and also a pack of sea ices in the northern part of Hokkaido. Scaly clouds can be seen from the upper right to lower right of the image. 2

Kunashiri and Etorofu islands can be seen at the left of the image, serving as “icebreakers”. 3

A part of Hokkaido can be seen at the bottom of the image, showing cloudy shadow. At the top of the image is sea where sea ices are drifting. 4

Sea ices begin their journey to Hokkaido about 1000 kilometers from the Russian River Amur. Sea ices are imaged like patched tiles, with a big sea ice some 10 kilometers in diameter.

0 0 0


4 2 3

50km 50km 25km

28 29 0 50km 0 50km

Towada-Hachimantai Ou Mountains, Kitakami Basin, Sanriku Coast Aomori, Hirosaki, Hachinohe, Morioka, Lake Tazawa Sendai/Matsushima, Furukawa, Ichinoseki, Omagari, Yokote, Yamagata

30 31 Kanto District

0 50km

32 33 0 4km Blue Tide in Tokyo Bay Blue tide occurs in eutrophic sea. In eutrophic sea, first, a large quantity of vegetable planktons appears and consumes the nutrient salts. The corpses of the vegetable planktons accumulate on the sea bottom, and microbes consume large amounts of oxygen to decompose them. Since this greatly reduces the amount of oxygen in the water, the water looks whitish or blue-green. The phenomenon is called blue tide, and sometimes occurs in Tokyo Bay.

0 30km

Tokyo Bay / Boso Peninsula

The image shows Tokyo Bay and Boso Peninsula in 1980. Can you see differences from the previous page over 20 years? How about airports and seaside cities you are familiar with? Is there anything different you can find in the Blue-green Algal Blooms in Kasumigaura 0 8km place where you now live and you have been? You will find how much the district has changed when comparing the images side-by-side. Blue-green algal blooms are phenomena where lakes and sea look blue or green by mass occurrence of planktonic algaes. Blue tide, blue- green algal blooms and red tide occur due to degradation of water quality.

34 35 Volcanic Fume

The image is collected on the day when abnormal odor caused by volcanic activity in Miyake Island drifted into the Kanto area. The image shows influence of the volcanic fumes on the Kanto area.

0 50km

Pre-eruption in Miyake Island

The island is entirely covered with vegetation.

Post-eruption in Miyake Island

The image shows Miyake Island after the eruption of Mt. Oyama, indicating that vegetation was covered with volcanic ash that rained down on the northeast of the island. The top of the mountain was blasted off by explosive eruption. Volcanic activity still continued and ash covered the entire island.

0 5km 36 37 m k 0 5 s g n i d n u o r r u S s t i d n a s n i a l P i b o N 0

38 39 m k 5 2 , - e . e y g u r a d t i B r s i a B k s e a t i g s a a r O t m i n S i i e n h h s e T a e k s . ) A e m b e h 6 n t 1 a : c g e n s z i i e i s w l d o e d h x e s i , , p ( n e y o e i e t i m n i d t a d t a m a u h n I t h . t e y a l h r t 0 n a f o e i l o t c u n l b o o i s s m i e o r v t f h t o g n i e e i h g c y n n r a a e r v d e n h h t t a i t s w r e , l o 6 b p 9 r i m 9 A e 1 l s a e n i r n S y o l i t O e a E s n o D l r c A e t t y s n I b o i d a m s e t h n c c a i e l K l h e o w c h , t s e t a o i t s w s o e d p g a m a o r o m c s i s r e e o l h c c T o c a y a B a k a s O d n u o r a a e r A

40 41 South Hyogo Earthquake

The image in the left page was created by interferometric processing of two JERS-1/SAR data, showing variations in the Earth’s crust. The one colored strip pattern corresponds to approximately 11.7 cm of the component of Earth crust variations, allowing us estimate fault movement parameters such as the amount and direction of displacement. The upper and lower images in the right page show pre-earthquake and post-earthquake areas around Kobe Port Island, as observed by SPOT-2. The post-earthquake image shows that the reclaimed land looks white, thereby indicating that asphalt was covered with mud and the like because of a phenomenon called liquefaction due to the earthquake.

010 20km

0 3km 42 43 Hiroshima 0 5km Okayama, Kurashiki, Shodo Island, Takamatsu 0 25km 44 45 m k 5 2 0 a e S e k a i r A d n u o r a s a e r A

46 47 Unzen 0 10km Isahaya Bay 0 15km The image shows traces of pyroclastic flow and mudflow that occurred in June 1991. After that, volcanic activity continued and damage was magnified. The The upper image shows Isahaya Bay before the dam was closed. The gradated area in the image indicates that shallow waters covering the Isahaya tidal lower image clearly indicates widespread damage caused by pyroclastic flow. Unzen-Fugen Mountains had continued its volcanic activity for four years after flat are taking on the form of tidal lands. The lower image shows Isahaya Bay after the dam was closed. the first pyroclastic flow occurred.

48 49 Kagoshima, Yakushima Island, Tanegashima Island 0 50km Okinawa 50 51 Earth’s Surface Observed by OCTS

The image represents the cloud-free Earth’s surface, composed of OCTS observation data collected for about 8 months from November 1, 1996 to June 21, 1997. High-latitudes in the north and south hemispheres can be seen because the observation period covers summers in the hemispheres.

Global Sea Surface Temperature Distribution Observed by AMSR

Four-day average data (April 20-23, 2003) of sea surface temperature (SST) was acquired. SST was estimated by using the 6-GHz vertical polarization channel, with atmospheric and sea surface wind corrections by other frequency channels. The greatest advantage of microwave observation is the capability to estimate SST through clouds. In addition, the 6-GHz channels enable us to observe SST over the global oceans including cold SST regions, while the TRMM/TMI 10-GHz channels are only appropriate for warmer SST regions.

52 53 Global Distribution of Water Vapor Content Global Chlorophyll Distribution Observed by GLI

The composite image is created using AMSR observation data. Over oceans, The image is colored according to the distribution of ocean chlorophyll-a estimated strong precipitation areas are highlighted by bright yellow; colors varying from from GLI data. Chlorophyll-a contained in phytoplankton is the most predominate aqua to dark blue correspond to increases of water vapor and clouds. Snow pigment in the ocean and serves as an indicator of good fishing grounds. The image coverage, dry and cold land surfaces, and sea-ice distribution in both polar is produced analyzing GLI data collected at various channels. regions are also indicated by bright yellow.

54 55 Ozone Hole Seasonal Change of Ozone Hole

Ozone is an important component of the atmosphere because it selectively absorbs the ultraviolet (UV) wavelengths of sunlight harmful to humans and animals. Although ozone layers may be thinning worldwide by such chemicals as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), the ozone hole is especially dramatic near the South Pole from September to October every year. Antarctic ozone levels observed from satellite since the early 1970s and was found be expanding over past years. On September 10, 2000, the ozone hole reached the largest- ever size of some 29.5 million square kilometers, -- twice the size of the surface of the Antarctic. In 2002, the hole diminished its maximum extent to some 20.8 million square kilometers. However, NASA reported in September that the ozone hole had reached the second worst record of some 28 million square kilometers on September 11, 2003.

© 30 28 Million Square kilometer 25 Size of North America A r e

a 20 ( m i l l i o 15 n Antarctica Size s q u a

r 10 e k i l o

m 5 e

t Area where total ozone is less than 220 DU e r s ) 0 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2003

Year © 56 57 Sea Surface Temperature Distribution in Tropical Oceans

The images were created using SST data collected by AMSR-E, showing the difference between the SSTs over the Pacific Tropical Ocean for some months and their climatological (i.e. expected) values. In November 2002 (upper), SST was 2-3˚C higher than normal across the central and eastern equatorial Pacific. In January 2003 (middle), SST in the eastern equatorial Pacific decreased to the temperature in normal year. In March 2003 (lower), SSTs in the waters off Peru, as well as the central and eastern equatorial Pacific, became as high as or slightly higher than normal. It can be confirmed that equatorial Pacific SST anomalies were insignificant. Given a fact that SSTs were maintained at the normal level after March 2003, it was determined that the El Niño event waned. Monitoring SSTs over time makes it possible to understand fluctuations of large-scale phenomena, such as El Niño.

0 300km

Rondonia, Amazon


Brazil The image is created piecing together multiple scenes of deforestation in Rondonia (8 degrees south latitude, 60 degrees west longitude; 13 degrees south latitude, 65 degrees west longitude) in Brazil. JERS-1/SAR operates in L-band (23 cm wavelength), enabling high contrast observation and accurate determinations of topographical features, such as short trees, dried lands and densely leafed forests. The red areas in this image are supposed to be cleared because “fishbone” patterns - significant deforestation evidence - appear. In these deforested areas roads are constructed clearing virgin forests and many farmlands gathered along roads.

58 59 Floating Tongue of the Shirase Glacier

It was found from these images that the 0 40km floating tongue of the Shirase Glacier, one of the most rapidly flowing glacial tongues in Antarctica, was moving at an annual rate between some 2.6 kilometers and 2.9 kilometers. Comparing with the image

pictured in 1973, the glacier tongue did not Showa Base retreat at all for nearly ten years and nearly remained the same size. The development of glacier tongues interacts with sea ices around river estuary that are thought to have an influence on flow rate of glaciers. Shirase Glacier


The Antarctic ice sheet has a steep marginal Antarctic profile and is slow moving. A crevasse is a large crack formed due to the strain built up when the sides moves faster than the central part. A crevasse can be pictured as several parallel white lines some 50 kilometers away from the coast.

© 0 5km

60 61 MOS-1 Observation Data

Winter Spring Summer Autumn

These images show SST around Japan through four seasons. Since Japanese archipelago is surrounded by oceans, changes in currents and SST have a significant influence on our lives, as well as climate and fisheries catches. Earth observation satellites collect data of SST and currents from which fisheries industry can understand fish population.

JERS-1 Observation Data

Crater in Arizona

The image pictures the Barringer Meteorite Crater. The Barringer Meteorite Crater, also known as Meteor Crater, is a gigantic hole 1200 meters wide and 180 meters deep in the 0 20km Arizona desert near Flagstaff. It is said that a Forest Fires in Indonesia small asteroid weighing 6 ton impacted the Earth and formed the crater approximately From August to October 1991, a series of huge fires ravaged wide areas of tropical forests in 50,000 years ago. There are many impact southern Kalimantan and Sumatra. These images show Banjarmasin in Kalimantan Island, craters on Earth, and Spaceguard Programme and smoke hazed the area in the upper part of the right image. The images indicate that Kalimantan began with an aim of monitoring asteroids large scale fires appeared to be mainly the result of fire used to clear forest and land for Banjarmasin against the possible impact of an asteroid or agricultural and forestry purposes. comet on the Earth. *Blackish red, red, green and light blue represent forests, grasslands and farms, cleared farms and urban Indonesia 0 3km district, respectively.

62 63 Radar Image of Amazon

Since clouds often stay over the tropical rainforest region, it is difficult to observe the regions by using optical sensors. SAR, an active microwave instrument, enables us to conduct observation, regardless of the presence of clouds.

0 500km 64 65 ADEOS Observation Data

OCTS and AVNIR : Two Core Sensors

ADEOS was a Japan’s Earth observation satellite launched from Tanegashima in August, 1996. The satellite mounted OCTS and AVNIR as two core sensors, making it possible to collect AVNIR data on details of the Earth’s surface and OCTS data on global warming. This image is OCTS data collected on December 15, 1996. Owing to its wide swath, OCTS can observe the entire earth surface for 3 days. OCTS also can measure global profiles of aerosols, SST and chlorophyll-a with 12 bands.

AVNIR scans an area more limitedly and precisely than OCTS. The left image enlarges the area around North Kyushu and Shimonoseki, as observed by OCTS. The right image is obtained simultaneously by AVNIR, corresponding to the red-framed area in the OCTS image. Since AVNIR has a pointing mechanism capable of scanning the wide range of target along the cross track, the sensor can observe the same area many times during a short period of time. This function is very useful for assessing a disaster area in emergency. The lower image enlarges the upper AVNIR image. ADEOS was equipped with such other organizations sensors as NSCAT, TOMS, TEDA, ILAS, IMG, POLDER and RIS, and was expected to play an important role in measuring sea surface wind and ozone profiles. However, the satellite ceased operation because of no reply to any commands from the ground in June 1997.

66 67 0

TRMM Observation Data

2002 Typhoon

80km Shikoku District (off-nadir image)

ADEOS/AVNIR scans about 80 kilometers swath width along the cross track. The pointing capability acquires the wide range of target within +-40 degrees around the nadir. The image is taken with an off-nadir line of sight (angle: 37.8 degrees, swath: 140 km), showing the wide range of target. Accordingly, it is possible to know the snow cover area of Ishizuchi Mountains at this time.

Shikoku District (nadir image) 1998 Heavy Rain in Western Japan The right image is a downward-looking (nadir) view (angle: 5.4 degrees, swath: 80 km), showing the same area the next day after the upper image was obtained. No change in the snow cover area of Ishizuchi Mountains can be seen.

TRMM observes the western Japan twice around 16:00 (local time) and 17:30 (local time) in the afternoon on that day. These two images show heavy rain bands (red areas) crossing from north to south. The three dimensional images of rainfall show the rain height reaches up to approximately 7km. Although the rain top altitude is not so high, heavy rain was brought.

68 69 2002 El Niño

Variation of Rainfall Distribution Anomalies of Sea Surface Temperature

These images are created combining TRMM data with data from geostationary meteorological satellites and ground rainfall These images present monthly mean sea surface temperature anomalies estimated from TRMM Visible Infrared Scanner (VIRS). gauges, indicating the variation of sea surface temperature and monthly mean rainfall anomalies related to an El Niño warm Areas where sea surface temperatures are higher than those of normal years had been shifting eastward from the western episode every two months from May to November 2002. It can be confirmed that rainfall distribution varies in line with the tropical Pacific since the beginning of 2002. In November, SST was 2 to 3°C higher than normal over the central and eastern variation of SST. equatorial Pacific to the waters off Peru, and El Niño reached its mature stage.

70 71 ADEOS-II/AMSR Aqua/AMSR-E Observation Data

0 1000km Launched on December 14, 2002, ADEOS-II is equipped with two sensors JAXA developed. One of two sensors is AMSR, and the improved AMSR, called AMSR-E, is mounted on the NASA’s Aqua satellite. The upper images show the area around Japan, as observed by AMSR. The radiometer operates in eight frequency bands and monitors AMSR Images at Eight Frequency Bands, Cyclones, First Image the horizontal and vertical polarizations separately, except 50.3 GHz and 52.8 GHz (vertical polarization only). The lower left image is composed of AMSR and AMSR-E data, showing four cyclones lined up over the Indian Ocean. The background image is an infrared cloud pattern acquired by geostationary meteorological satellites (infrared data provided by the Japan Weather Association). Combining ADEOS-II and Aqua satellites makes it possible to observe the wide area over a short period of time. The lower right image is the first image observed by AMSR, showing sea ices extensively distribute in the Sea of Okhotsk. 72 73 ADEOS-II/GLI Observation Data

Observation in All Channels

The other sensor developed by JAXA is GLI optical sensor capable of observing various regions ranging from visible and near-infrared region (VNIR) to middle and thermal infrared region (MTIR). The sensor has a total of 36 channels, with 1-km ground resolution (30 channels) and 250-m resolution (6 channels). The upper images line up all images of Japanese Archipelago (see pages 8 and 9) observed in 30 channels (1 km resolution) and in the cross-track direction (1600 km swath). Japan looks reversed, however it is observed like this in orginal images. It can be found that there are channels suitable for observing lands and seas, respectively. Analyzing multiple images obtained in various channels provided useful information for atmopshere, oceans, lands, snow and ice.

First GLI Image: Winter Cyclone

The right image is the first image obtained by GLI. Following deployment of solar paddles and confirmation of Communication & Data Handling systems, ADEOS-II/GLI successfully obtained the first image around 9:45 in the morning on January 25, 2003. The obtained data was processed into images immediately after received at EOC, and GLI staff was very pleased at the success. The image shows a great 0 500km cloud system which has formed as a result of the cyclone at the eastern part of Hokkaido island. This is a memorial image for GLI staff.

74 75 Scandinavian Fjords

The image shows fjords in Scandinavian Peninsula in Northern Europe. Fjords were formed by glacial erosion of river valleys and can be seen along the Norway coastline.

0 500km

GLI Image via DRTS

The image was downlinked to EOC through the first inter-satellite communications test between DRTS and ADEOS-II. DRTS successfully transferred the GLI image on real-time basis from ADEOS-II to EOC, because ADEOS-II was where the EOC ground station could not receive the satellite data directly. 0 500km The image was acquired at 14:00 (JST) on February 20, 2003, showing the snow-covered Tibet plateau, the sub-continent of India and the island of Ceylon.

76 77 SPOT Observation Data SPOT: Central Tokyo Observed by HRV

The French SPOT-2 Earth observation satellite carries two High Resolution Visible Imaging (HRV) Systems. HRV observes the Earth’s surface switching two modes: one is the panchromatic mode (resolution of 10 m) called HRV-PA (HP) and the other is the multispectral mode (resolution of 20 m) called HRV-XS (HX). Since HP and HX have its own pointing mechanisms, the same area can be observed by either HP or HX or the both. In addition, it is possible to observe an area with two HPs (or HXs) or HP and HX, singly. The upper right image shows the central Tokyo observed with an HP mode. Roads and buildings are plainly discernible, while waters and vegetation are not. The lower right image is collected at the same time with an HX mode. Since HX resolution is lower than HP resolution, its image is not as clear. However, the HX mode has three bands that allow us to discern waters and vegetation more clearly. Composed of two images is the lower image in this page. Combining HP and HX capabilities creates images that can offer much useful information. 0 2.5km

78 79 LANDSAT Observation Data LANDSAT: Three-band Composite Image

Data acquired by the LANDSAT satellites constitutes the longest continuous record of the Earth's continental surfaces. These images are obtained by an ETM+ sensor on the latest LANDSAT-7 satellite. ETM+ replicates the capabilities of TM instruments on Landsat 5, and can collect data with a high-resolution panchromatic mode, as well as seven observation bands. These images are created combining data collected in seven bands, showing the area around Yokote, Akita prefecture and Iwate prefecture. The three images in this page and two upper images in the next page are created combining data collected in three bands. Comparing the spectral characteristics of land features in multiple bands provides a better contrast between different land surfaces, or waters, vegetation, snow and clouds. The two lower images in the next page are obtained in the thermal-infrared region, but pseudo 0 15km colors are assigned to each band. Accordingly, difference of temperatures is clearly discernible.

80 81 ERS Observation Data

SAR Image

The left image shows Mt. Fuji, observed by ESA’s ERS-1, while the right image is JERS-1/SAR’s data of Mt. Fuji. Both images are obtained using SAR, but slightly differences can be found. The SAR receives a return portion of microwave pulses transmitted towards the Earth’s surface. Since the pulses are transmitted in a direction perpendicular to the flight path, the angle of the radar wave causes a variation in the backscatter on the ground. That is why Mt. Fuji can be seen differently between two images. In addition, microwave frequency also affects how the sea surface is pictured, as seen from Yamanaka Lake at the upper right of the image.

0 10km

Tokyo Bay

RBV stands for Return Beam Vidicon, which consists of television-like cameras to produce a video signal. The RBV system on Landsats 2 and 3 demonstrated a panchromatic resolution of 40 meters. Comparing the 0 10km present image of Tokyo lets us know how Tokyo has changed over 23 years.

82 83 IRS Observation Data IRS-1D: Highest Resolution Optical Sensor Imagery

IRS-1C/1D is an Indian remote sensing satellite that carries an LISS-3 multispectral sensor with a resolution of 24 meters (or 70 meters for some bands) and a panchromatic sensor (PAN) with a resolution of 5.8 meters. The two images are collected by IRS-1D/PAN, showing Saitama New Capital Front (upper) and Tokyo Narita Airport (lower). Since the images are collected by the highest-resolution sensor, in-town buildings and parking and flying airplanes can be identified. High-resolution images make it possible to classify land cover in urban areas accurately. RADARSAT Observation Data Ariake Sea (Semi-Floating Raft for Laver Farming) SAR measures the strength and round-trip time of the microwave signals that are emitted by a radar antenna and reflected off a distant surface or object. The radar antenna alternately transmits and receives pulses at microwave wavelengths longer than optical wavelengths. Since the SAR sensor is an active microwave sensor capable of obtaining high-resolution the Earth image, regardless of the weather, a semi-floating raft for laver farming can be seen clearly. 0 30km

0 3km

0 3km

84 85 EOC History

Year ~19771978 1979 1980 '81 '82'83 '84 1985 '86 '87'88 '89 1990 '91 '92'93 '94 1995 '96 '97'98 '99 2000 '01 '02 '03 '04 S Launch of a Launch of LANDSAT(former EARTS)-1 (July 23, 1972) Launch of MOS-1 Launch of JERS-1 (February) Launch of ADEOS (August)

t ADEOS-Ⅱ (February) e Cease of JERS-1 operation (October) (December) First flight of Space Shuttle Launch of MOS-1b (February 7) Cease of MOS-1 l

l operation (March 31) Cease of i

t Launch of LANDSAT-2 (January 22, 1975) Cease of AEDOS operation (June) AEDOS-Ⅱ e Launch of LANDSAT-4 (July 16) Launch of ERS-1 (July) Cease of MOS-1b operation (April 25) operation

m (October) Launch of TRMM Launch of LANDSAT-3 (March 5, 1978) Launch of i Start of MOS-1 data reception s Start of JERS-1 data reception Start of ISS assembly (November) Aqua/AMSR-E (May)

s Launch of LANDSAT-5 (March 1) at Ladkrabang ground station (Thailand) at Indonesia ground station Launch of LANDSAT-7 (April 15) i o

n Start of LANDSAT-4 Completion of MOS building s Completion of main building Commemorative ceremony data reception (October) construction (March) Visit by Emperor (July 25) construction (May) for ISO 14001 certified (March)

Completion of information Start of LANDSAT-5 Start of MOS-1 data building construction (June) data reception (April) reception (February) Completion of antennas for ADEOS (December) #1 Remote Sensing Seminar and Start of ERS-2 data LANDSAT data users meeting (June) reception and processing (April) E TV live broadcast of real-time O observation data C

e Start of ERS-1 operation (August)

v Completion of antennas for LANDSAT,

e start of LANDSATs 2 and 3 data (January) Reception of first JERS-1 data (March), start of JERS-1 full-scale operation (August) n

t MOS-1/1b, JERS-1 Ground Stations Meeting (August) Tree planting for 20th anniversary of EOC (April) s Inauguration of EOC (October) Visit by Japan's first astronaut Visit and tree planting by 25th anniversary Thailand's Princess of EOC (October) Sirindhorn


SPOT-2 SPOT-3 SPOT-4 ERS-1 ERS-2 MOS-1 MOS-1b JERS-1 ADEOS TRMM TRMM and Aqua data is QuikSCAT O transmitted to EOC via NASA RADARSAT/IRS p Aqua

e ADEOS-Ⅱ r a MOS-1/-1b, JERS-1 t Thailand ground station i o Indonesia ground station JERS-1 n Alaska ground station JERS-1, ADEOS ADEOS-Ⅱ o Wallops ground station ADEOS ADEOS-Ⅱ f

R Kiruna ground station ADEOS-Ⅱ e Showa base MOS-1/1b, JERS-1, ERS-1/2 m Kumamoto ground station (Tokai university) JERS-1, ERS-1/2 o

t Hiroshima Institute of Technology LANDSAT-7 e :Launch s e

86 n 87 s i n g s a t e l l i t e s EOC Capabilities Operational Performance ■EOC Facilities ■Receiving/Recording Data

Receiving Antenna No.2 Receiving Antenna No.1 Location: (for ALOS) 250000 1401, Ohashi, (for Landsat) Hatoyamamachi, Earth Observation Square Hikigun, No.2 Operation Building Saitama prefecture 200000

Plottage: ADEOS-Ⅱ 112,000 square meters Aqua 150000 TRMM URL: ADEOS Main Gate Scene ERS /homepage.html JERS 100000 SPOT Receiving Antenna No.4 MOS (for DRTS) LANDSAT 50000

Receiving Antenna No.3 (for ALOS) 0 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002

No.1 Operation Building ■Provided Data Main Building 350000

300000 ■EOC’s Business Process Flowchart 250000 ADEOS-Ⅱ Aqua Quicklook device TRMM 200000 Reception of ADEOS Scene satellite data ERS 150000 Data Data Data storage JERS SPOT recording processing and management 100000 MOS LANDSAT 50000

0 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002

Data recording system Data processing system Data storage system ■Stored Data Receiving system

Data (unit: terabyte) Satellite Media conversion subsystem Data distribution subsystem Browse data distribution subsystem Raw data Processed dataTotal ERS-1/2 12.3 0.7 13.0 JERS-1 50.1 0.9 51.0 TRMM 1.1 8.6 9.7 LANDSAT-2/3/4/5/7 51.0 0.1 51.1 MOS-1/1b 9.1 0.0 9.1 SPOT-1/2/3/4 3.7 0.0 3.7 ADEOS 9.8 1.1 10.9 ADEOS-II ー 21.3 21.3 Aqua ー 1.2 1.2 Total 137.0 34.0 171.0 CD-ROM or 8-mm tape Private lines Internet As of September 2003

88 89 EOC Network Photo 1: Photo 2: Photo 3: Photo 4: Photo 5: Kiruna ground station (Swedish Space Corporation) Thailand ground station Indonesia ground station Alaska SAR Facility (ASF) Wallops Flight Facility (WFF), Virginia State

Kiruna ground station (Swedish Space Corporation) Alaska SAR Facility (ASF) (see Photo 4) (see Photo 1)

Centre National d´Études Spatiales (CNES), Paris

Wallops Flight Facility (WFF), Virginia State (see Photo 5)

Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), Maryland State EarEarthth ObserObservvatationion CenCentterer National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (EOC) (NOAA), Washington DC National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC), Colorado State

Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), California State

Centre National d´Études Spatiales (CNES), Toulouse Space Center Thailand ground station (see Photo 2)

Tsukuba Space Center (see Photo 10) Indonesia ground station (see Photo 3) Hiroshima Institute National Institute of Environmental Studies of Technology Earth Observation Research and Application Center (EORC) (see Photo 8) Earth Observation Center (see Photo 9)

Tokai University Space Information Center (see Photo 7)

National Institute of Polar Research (Showa Base) (see Photo 6)

Photo 6: Photo 7: Photo 8: Photo 9: Photo 10: National Institute of Polar Research (Showa Base) Tokai University Space Information Center Hiroshima Institute of Technology Earth Observation Center (EOC) 90 91 Earth Observation Satellites Related to EOC

Marine Observation Satellite (MOS)-1/1b Japanese Earth Resources Satellite-1 (JERS-1) LANDSAT-2/3/4/5/7 SPOT-1/2/3/4 (U.S) (France)

Mission period February 1987 - April 1996 Mission period March 1992 – October 1998 Mission period January 1979 – November 2002 Mission period May 1988 – March 2002 Altitude Approx. 910 km Altitude Approx. 570 km Altitude Approx. 705 km – 915 km Altitude Approx. 825 km Recurrent period 17 days Recurrent period 44 days Recurrent period 16 - 18 days Recurrent period 26 days Objective Japan's first Earth observation satellites designed to monitor Objective To obtain land data for investigation and monitoring of Objective World’s first Earth observation satellite launched by the U.S. Objective French first Earth observation satellite. ocean currents, sea surface temperature, atmospheric water resources, land use, environmental change, agriculture and Major sensor TM, MSS, ETM+, RBV Major sensor HRV, HRVIR vapor, ocean chlorophyll levels, precipitation, and land fisheries, and disaster. vegetation. To establish common technology necessary for Major sensor OPS, SAR Earth observation satellites. Major sensor MESSR, MSR,VTIR

Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS) Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) ESA Remote Sensing Satellite (ERS)-1/2 RADARSAT (ESA) (Canada)

Mission period October 1996 – June 1997 Mission period October 1997 – Mission period August 1991 – March 2003 Mission period October 1998 – March 2001 Altitude Approx. 800 km Altitude Approx. 400 km Altitude Approx. 785 km Altitude Approx. 800 km Recurrent period 41 days Recurrent period -- days (not sun-synchronous orbit) Recurrent period 3 - 168 days Recurrent period 24 days Objective To acquire data on worldwide environmental changes such Objective To measure tropical and subtropical rainfall. Obtained data Objective To observe ocean currents, sea ice distribution and sea Objective Obtained data is used for monitoring disaster and Earth’s as the greenhouse effect, ozone layer depletion, and tropical is used for prediction of global environmental changes. surface wind, as well as atmospheric water vapor, ocean environment, and the like. deforestation. To develop platform bus technology Major sensor PR,TMI, VIRS, CERES, LIS chlorophyll levels, precipitation, and terrestrial surface with Major sensor C-band SAR necessary for the development of future earth observation high resolution. Obtained data is used for understanding systems. land use. Major sensor AVNIR, OCTS, POLDER, ILAS, NSCAT, TOMS Major sensor AMI

Advanced Earth Observing Satellite-II (ADEOS-II) Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) satellite-1C/1D Aqua (India) (mounting Japan's sensor AMSR-E)

Mission period January 2003 – October 2003 Mission period 2004 (planned) Mission period October 1998 – March 2001 Mission period May 2002 – Altitude Approx. 820 km Altitude Approx. 690 km Altitude Approx. 780 km – 820 km Altitude Approx. 710 km Recurrent period 4 days Recurrent period 46 days Recurrent period 24 - 25 days Recurrent period 16 days Objective As a follow-on satellite to ADEOS, to support the monitoring Objective High-resolution observation of the Earth's surface to assist Objective Obtained data is used for understanding land use. Objective NASA’s Earth observation satellite. To study interaction of global environmental changes while continuing and in the process of compiling very detailed maps of the Pacific Major sensor PAN, LISS-3 among atmosphere, oceans, Earth’s surface. furthering the broad-ranging observation technology rim region. ALOS will also be used to monitor disasters for Major sensor AMSR-E, MODIS, AMSU, AIRS, CERES, HSB created by ADEOS-1. To regularly monitor the water and environmental protection and for maintaining and energy cycle as a part of the global climate system. developing earth observation technology. Major sensor AMSR, GLI, SeaWinds, POLDER, ILAS-II Major sensor PRISM, AVNIR-2, PALSAR

92 93 Index Page Title Satellite Sensor Observation Date Color Composite Page Title Satellite Sensor Observation Date Color Composite

4 52 Earth's Surface Observed by OCTS ADEOS OCTS November 1, 1996 - June 21, 1997 ー Spring in the Arctic ADEOS-II GLI1km Nine-day composite data (April 2 -10, 2003) ー 5 53 Global Sea Surface Temperature Distribution Observed by AMSR ADEOS-II AMSR April 20 - 23, 2003 ー 6 54 Global Distribution of Water Vapor Content ADEOS-II AMSR June 30 - July 1, 2003 ー Iceland and the Arctic Ocean ADEOS-II GLI1km January 25, 2003 ー 7 55 Global Chlorophyll Distribution Observed by GLI ADEOS-II GLI1km April 3 - 10, 2003 ー 56 8 C Ozone Hole ADEOS TOMS September 12, 1996 ー Japanese Archipelago Observed from Space ADEOS-II GLI1km March 20, 2003 ー

9 h October 1996, November 1996, December 1996,

C January 1997, February 1997, March 1997,

a 57 Seasonal Change of Ozone Hole 10 ADEOS TOMS April 1997, May 1997, June 1997, ー h Sea Surrounding Cuba and the Bahamas ADEOS-II GLI1km February 7, 2003

ー p 11 September 19, 2002, September 11, 2003 a 12 t 58 Sea Surface Temperature Distribution in Tropical Oceans Aqua AMSR-E November 2002, January 2003, March 2003

p ー e Japan's Southernmost Island ADEOS AVNIR-MU March 20, 1997 True color image 3 59 Rondonia, Amazon JERS-1 SAR October 3, 1993 - April 1, 1994 r t 13 ー

e 1 14 LANDSAT-1 MSS December 16, 1973 ー

r Indochina ADEOS-II GLI250m June 24, 2003 ー LANDSAT-4 MSS December 3, 1984 15 ー 60 Floating Tongue of the Shirase Glacier LANDSAT-5 TM January 20, 1988 16 61 ー Ganges River ADEOS-II GLI250m February 20, 2003 ー 17 MOS-1 MESSR January 28, 1990 ー 18 Crevasse JERS-1 SAR June 8, 1993 ー Nile River and Sahara Desert ADEOS-II GLI1km May 10, 2003 ー 19 Winter MOS-1 VTIR January 31 - February 15, 1993 ー 20 Huge Icebergs near Antarctic Showa Base MOS-1 MESSR February 23, 1989 ー Spring MOS-1 VTIR May 15 - 27, 1993 ー 21 62 Summer MOS-1 VTIR July 20 - August 4, 1993 ー 22 63 Autumn MOS-1 VTIR October 14 - 28, 1993 ー Japanese Islands LANDSAT-5 TM 1990-2000 Natural color image 23 MOS-1 MESSR July 31, 1991 False color image Forest Fires in Indonesia 24 MOS-1 MESSR October 7, 1991 False color image Hokkaido LANDSAT-5 TM May 26, 1998 True color image 25 Crater in Arizona JERS-1 OPS-VNIR October 29, 1993 Natural color image 26 LANDSAT-5 TM May 26, 1998 True color image 64 Radar Image of Amazon JERS-1 SAR Composed of some 1500 scenes ー SPOT-2 HRV-XS April 3, 2000 Natural color image 65 April 9, 2000 Natural color image 66 ADEOS OCTS December 15, 1996 ー OCTS and AVNIR: Two Core Sensors April 10, 2000 Natural color image 67 ADEOS AVNIR-MU December 15, 1996 True color image 27 Mt. Usu May 5, 2000 Natural color image Shikoku District (off-nadir image) ADEOS AVNIR-MU February 23, 1997 True color image SPOT-1 HRV-XS 68 May 16, 2000 Natural color image Shikoku District (nadir image) ADEOS AVNIR-MU February 24, 1997 True color image May 19, 2000 Natural color image 2002 Typhoon TRMM PR、TMI August 30, 2002 ー

C 69 May 29, 2000 Natural color image 1998 Heavy Rain in Western Japan TRMM PR June 29, 1998 ー h ADEOS-II GLI1km April 10, 2003 70 TRMM PR TMI May 1 - December 31, 2002 ー ー a 2002 El Niño 、 71 28 MOS-1 MESSR March 15, 1991 False color image p TRMM VIRS May 1 - December 31, 2002 ー Sea Ice

MOS-1 MESSR March 24, 1991 Natural color image t ADEOS-II AMSR June 24, 2003 ー

e 72 4 AMSR Images at Eight Frequency Bands, 29 SPOT-2 HRV-XS January 18, 2001 False color image ADEOS-II+Aqua AMSR+AMSR-E February 13, 2003 ー

r 73 Cyclones, First Image

30 Towada-Hachimantai LANDSAT-5 TM March 3, 1999 False color image ADEOS-II AMSR January 18, 2003 ー C 31 Ou Mountains, Kitakami Basin, Sanriku Coast LANDSAT-7 ETM+ September 21, 2000 True color image 74 Observation in All Channels ADEOS-II GLI1km March 20, 2003 ー h 32 75 First GLI Image: Winter Cyclone ADEOS-II GLI1km January 25, 2003 ー a Kanto District LANDSAT-7 ETM+ December 20, 2001 and February 15, 2002 True color image 33 76 GLI Image via DRTS ADEOS-II GLI250m February 20, 2003

p ー 34 November 11, 1980 77 ADEOS-II GLI1km April 24, 2003 t Tokyo Bay / Boso Peninsula LANDSAT-2 MSS Natural color image Scandinavian Fjords ー e 2 Blue Tide in Tokyo Bay JERS-1 OPS-VNIR September 9, 1992 Natural color image

r 35 78 SPOT-2 HRV-XS, HRV-PA February 12, 2002 ー

Blue-green Algal Blooms in Kasumigaura LANDSAT-5 TM July 31, 1984 ー SPOT: Central Tokyo Observed by HRV 36 Volcanic Fume LANDSAT-5 TM August 28, 2000 True color image SPOT-2 HRV-PA February 12, 2002 ー 79 Pre-eruption in Miyake Island SPOT-2 HRV-XS January 16, 1996 Natural color image SPOT-2 HRV-XS February 12, 2002 False color image 37 Post-eruption in Miyake Island SPOT-1 HRV-XS July 22, 2000 Natural color image 80 LANDSAT: Three-band Composite Image LANDSAT-7 ETM+ April 20, 2000 ー 38 81 Nobi Plains and its Surroundings LANDSAT-5 TM March 30, 1998 True color image 39 82 Tokyo Bay LANDSAT-3 RBV February 6, 1980 ー 40 ERS-1 AMI March 8, 2003 ー Area around Osaka Bay ADEOS AVNIR-MU December 30, 1996 True color image 83 SAR Image 41 JERS-1 SAR April 1, 1997 ー 42 JERS-1 SAR September 9, 1992 and February 6, 1995 ー 84 Ariake Sea (Semi-Floating Raft for Laver Farming) RADARSAT-1 SAR December 11, 1998 ー 43 South Hyogo Earthquake SPOT-2 HRV-XS April 14, 1994 False color image IRS-1D PAN February 22, 2001 ー 85 IRS-1D: Highest Resolution Optical Sensor Imagery 43 SPOT-2 HRV-XS January 20, 1995 False color image IRS-1D PAN February 13, 2000 ー 44 Hiroshima LANDSAT-7 ETM+ July 12, 2002 ー * Scale in images is a rough standard. 45 Okayama, Kurashiki, Shodo Island, Takamatsu LANDSAT-5 TM April 26, 1997 True color image 46 Areas around Ariake Sea ADEOS AVNIR-MU January 13, 1997 True color image 47 SPOT-2 HRV-XS August 16, 1991 False color image 48 Unzen SPOT-2 HRV-XS November 30, 1992 False color image LANDSAT-5 TM April 5, 1996 True color image 49 Isahaya Bay LANDSAT-5 TM December 28, 2000 True color image 50 Kagoshima, Yakushima Island, Tanegashima Island LANDSAT-7 ETM+ December 29, 2000 True color image 51 Okinawa JERS-1 OPS-VNIR February 11, 1993 - July 18, 1998 Natural color image

94 95 Editor's Note

EOC was inaugurated in October 1, 1978 as one of organizations controlled by JAXA. On January 24, 1979, the center first received observation data collected by the U.S. LANDSAT- 2, and has since then played an important role in Japan’s Earth observation activity over 25 years. In view of the impending 25th anniversary of its foundation in 2003, EOC staff decided that an “Image Collection” would be created in celebration of the important milestone. EOC has maintained a large number of images, however, the Earth’s change cannot be clearly expressed using only images EOC staff selected. Accordingly, we called upon the National Institute of Polar Research, JAXA and EORC to analyze the images. Owing to significant cooperation from these institutes, we could introduce various faces of the changing Earth. We wish you can sense not only beauty of the Earth but also many technological and scientific achievements from this book. EOC became a member of JAXA in the wake of restructuring of space agencies, and is expected to produce satisfactory results. We continue to make every effort to contribute to progress in the Earth observation activity. Finally, we would express our gratitude for all organizations and institutes that readily offered valuable data.

October 2003 Compilation Staff

Cooperative organizations: National Institute of Polar Research University of Tokai Hiroshima Institute of Technology Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan

Editors (in alphabetical order) Junichi Inoue, Kenji Yagihara, Masao Ogawa, Masashi Miyazawa, Shingo Hirata, Takashi Nakazawa, Toyoyuki Takeba, Yoko Yamasaki, Yoshiomi Suga, Yuuichi Takahashi

96 97