Tectonic Deformation of Icy Surfaces: Application to Pluto and Charon. S.A. Kattenhorn, Department of Geo- logical Sciences, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID 83844-3022,
[email protected]. Introduction: Spacecraft missions to the outer so- also been inferred on Enceladus [4]. Evolving tidal lar system have revealed a diverse range of icy moons, bulge heights driven by orbital recession (changing with surfaces sculpted by tectonism, cratering, mass distance to parent body) and internal differentiation wasting, thermally/compositionally driven endogenic (changing Love numbers) create explicit stress fields processes, and deposition of loose material to form that should be manifested in the deformation patterns regolith. Many icy surfaces are pervasively tectonized, [2]. Despinning will reduce flattening, providing an replete with fractures, faults, and significant topogra- additional source of stress. Tidal bulges may also mi- phy (e.g., Europa, Ganymede, Enceladus, Dione, Rhea, grate latitudinally in response to polar wander [5], pos- Titan, Miranda, Ariel, Titania, Triton). Such features sibly explaining fracture patterns on some icy moons. record a history of deformation in crosscutting rela- If tidal deformation stresses are too small to overcome tionships, with feature orientations indicating evolving the strength of the ice shell, ice shell thickening could stress conditions through time. Although extensional induce an isotropic tension [6] that augments other deformation appears to dominate, shear deformation sources of stress, helping to drive deformation. On (strike-slip faulting) and contractional deformation are Pluto and Charon, tectonic deformation could have also possible. The identification of surface deformation been driven by NSR, orbital recession, and despinning on Pluto and Charon, which have experienced stress [1]; however, all possibilities should be considered.