
– Forecasts for 2018

Main Transits

Your 7th ruler, Jupiter, is in your 6th house from January until November 8th and moves in your 7th house starting with November 9th

Your 8th house ruler, Saturn, is in your 8th house

You 9th house ruler, Uranus, moves into your 12th house from May 15th until November 7th

Your 11th house ruler, Mars, is retrograde between June 26th – August 27th in your 9th and 8th house

Your 5th and 12th house ruler, Venus, is retrograde between October 5th – November 16th in your 6th and 5th house

The North Node is in your 3rd house until November 6th and in your 2nd house from November 7th

The two total lunar eclipses take place in your 3rd and 9th house

The Overall Climate of 2018

In 2018 you will want to accomplish something stable. You no longer want chaos and unpredictability in your life – this year, you want to secure for your future and become autonomous. As a result, your job, your career, your finances will come into focus and will keep you busy most of the year. By the end of the year though, your relationships will take centre stage, and you can expect very positive developments in this area.

You can find it is more difficult to make changes in 2018, and will need to put more effort in than usual to get things done. But this is because you are now learning some completely new skills which will pay off in the future. You are building the foundations for a safer tomorrow.

Because Saturn is the 8th house of your chart, you can experience a lot of fear and self-doubt in the first part of the year. But this time you will not shy away from your fears – you will want to do something about them. You will want to finally put a stop to your anxiety, an anxiety which did not allow you to properly live and reach your fullest potential in the past. In 2018, you will also learn to trust others more.

Although you are now full of drive, and more responsible than ever, you can't do it fully on your own. It is not about expecting others to support you unconditionally – it is about understanding that you are part of something greater than yourself, and there is a set of rules you need to follow, and that in life there are things you need to learn to live without, if you want to make real, sustainable progress. Delaying instant gratification is the best recipe for success for you this year.

Your work life and career are very positive this year. Because you work harder than usual, because you take more responsibility for your life, and because you are more open to innovative ways of doing things, you can definitely achieve long-lasting progress in the work and career sector. And although you will work more than usual, your work will not necessarily feel like work. You will have more freedom than usual to manage your daily work in a way that suits you. You will notice that when you focus your work on helping others, when you put your attention on being of real service to the world, your life will get better too. If you are in a liberal profession, if you are a freelancer or have your own business, you will be especially favoured. If you don't have your business yet, 2018 might be the year when you consider becoming an entrepreneur.

The key of success for 2018 is to focus on your everyday tasks, on continuously improving day-by-day – don't get lost in unattainable goals because you can lose sight of what is actually relevant. If you focus too much on the future, you might miss the present. With the Lunar Nodes in your 3rd house, you don't want to do that. You want to be practical and stay focused on the present moment.

By the end of the year, in November – December you can celebrate your success. Now is the time to finally slow down and focus more on your relationships. If single, the end of the year can come with a new relationship which will make you very happy. If committed, your current relationship will become more fulfilling.

Astrology Forecasts, -by-Month

January: The start of the year is very busy for you. Everyday errands, short trips, visits to the bank, sending emails and letters, driving your car from one end of the city to the other will leave very little time to relax. On a positive note, you can get a lot accomplished this month. You are now setting the foundations for a successful year. You can also start a collaboration project or a partnership – the stars are favourable for any endeavours where you share resources, finances, investments with other people or institutions. January is also a great month to start self-exploration work – you can start self-inquiry, therapy or psychoanalysis which will show you which forces of your subconscious really drive your actions.

February: In February you can fully start the year. Now is the best time to make some planning. What do you want to achieve this year? Don't think 10 years ahead, focus on shorter time horizons. Do you want to have your own business? What do you want to achieve? Write down your desired turnover, and what main activities or products you are going to launch. If you didn't have time to travel for holidays, now is a good time to go on a holiday to get some inspiration. February is also an excellent month to start a new education, to commit to long-term learning.

March: In March your career will come into focus. A project you have been working on for , or even years, will finally come to completion. This will allow you to release some wound or shame you hold around the full expression of your creative spirit. Maybe one of your interests made you feel vulnerable and exposed, and because of that, you chose to keep it secret from the public. A recognition, an acknowledgement will make you finally release this shame and fully embrace the truth of who you are. When you are authentic, you can connect at a much deeper level with people who matter to you.

April: April is an erratic month – although you will have a lot on your plate, this is not the best time of the year to make big decisions and commit to new projects – or at least try to avoid signing contracts in the first half of the month, when Mercury, your chart ruler is still retrograde. The month is in turn excellent for social activities – so make sure you fill your calendar with meetings, events, group activities. You will meet some very interesting people this month with whom you can lay the foundations for successful partnerships later this year.

May: May is one of the most eventful months of the year. Uranus, the ruler of your 9th house of learning, travelling, laws and philosophy moves into your 12th house. Some of your priorities can completely change in May. You will suddenly feel less interested in worldly achievements and seek a more spiritual fulfilment. You can also decide to travel and even relocate this month – you can feel you need a different type of inspiration in your life, an inspiration which you can only find somewhere far away, or by doing something completely different. May is one of the best months of the year for you – both your job/career and relationships can improve, and you can find a creative way to reconcile your public and private life.

June: In June, your job and finances come into focus. Your income can increase, especially if it is connected to activities related to communication, internet, publishing, trade. You are more practical than ever and you can manifest whatever you want. June is probably the most productive month of the year, as long as you put the work in yourself and do not rely too much on your friends, on supporters or institutions.

July: July is a hectic month and you can feel you are all over the place. You can lose your focus and perspective, so if your motivation drops, remember that this is just a phase, and that Mars is retrograde. Some friends can disappoint you, or some sort of support you received in the past from groups and institutions can stop. Because of this, you will likely start learning some new skills to get better prepared for the future. Time to become more self-sufficient, more practical.

August: August is time to lighten up and have some fun. Romance, creativity, activities with children, are all favoured in August. This month there is a record of 6 planets retrograde, so this is not the best time to start new projects, or make serious commitments. And although you can experience an overall slowness, your job and career are progressing slowly, but surely. You are definitely heading in the right direction in this area of your life.

September: You've been busy much of the first half of the year. You may have neglected your family and those close to you. Now is the time to make up for this and put more energy into your home and your family. Your relationship with friends and co-workers can improve, too. In September, people in general become more important to you. You have been working so hard, you deserve to have more friendship and intimacy in your life.

October: Your romantic life comes under revision. If in a relationship, you will want to have more fun and excitement, and this is a good time to break the routine and change something about your relationship. If single, you can be tempted to revive an old flame and give a relationship from the past another try. There is also a possibility to start an affair at the workplace. Your work life in general is full of surprises in October, so you can expect some changes in this area, either a new role, revised responsibilities, or a completely new job. Try to avoid signing contracts until the 2nd half of November though.

November: November is one of the most eventful months for you. In the 2nd half of November you can expect positive changes in the area of relationships and finances. Jupiter, the ruler of your relationships, moves into your 7th house, and the North Node, which brings abundance, enters your sector of finances. Big disruptions are still possible at the workplace. There is a lot of change in your life but you feel optimistic about it.

December: December will bring you the long awaited recognition in the area of your career. You have not been working all this year for nothing, and in December you will reap the rewards. Your status can also change for the better – you can get a promotion, some sort of public acknowledgement, or even get married. Your popularity will increase and your friends will be very supportive this month. The only difficult part of the month is the first week, when Mercury, your chart ruler is still retrograde, but other than that, December is simply a glorious month. Pat yourself on the shoulder, you deserve it!