
Twelve Western () Signs (Horse) the Twins: May 22 to June 21

Ruler: Mercury Element: Air Quality: Mutable Gemini is the Third Sign of the Occidental Zodiac.

Positive Traits: Dexterity, Quick-Wittedness, Perspicacity, Flexibility, Versatility, Performance

Short Comings:Inconstancy, Self-Deception, Impatience, Superficiality, Glibness, Indecisiveness

Gemini people are always looking at the bright side of whatever life is presenting. They see every sunrise as beautiful and presenting a fresh start. If it’s a rainy dawn they see the beauty in that and will declare. The earth needs this rain. Let it pour. Gemini people can respond to the rain in a childlike manner, running out with face upturned. To complain is boring and boring is a no-no. Everything and everyone is full of possibilities for the Gemini. They love to know the whys and hows and the inner workings of situations and people that they encounter. And they enjoy the company of likeminded friends and family. They have a gift for languages plus a gift for attention-grabbing storytelling. Clever, Gemini people have an ability to change to fit the new situation. They have no problem keeping up with more than one situation. They thrive on the “busyness” they create. Gemini people are affectionate, generous and forgiving. When there’s a party going on the Gemini will be enthusiastic participants as raconteurs and “sparkplugs”. Because of Gemini’s intellectual activity, relaxation and quiet time are necessary and it behooves the needful Gemini to learn and practice Fusion of the Five Elements. The results will assist in negating the effects of the Gemini mood swings. Further, this meditation will also satisfy the intellectual curiosity of the Gemini thanks to the Taoist view of heaven, human and earth. Gemini people crave respect and with their charm and attentiveness they will have what they desire. The Twins are great communicators thanks to their intelligence and bright and outgoing personality. The Gemini color is yellow.