Brief Announcement: Statement and Liquid

Bingsheng Zhang∗ Hong-sheng Zhou School of Computing and Communications Department of Computer Science Lancaster University, UK Virginia Commonwealth University, USA [email protected] [email protected]

ABSTRACT the issues. The cost of identifying the best voting strategy is high, The existing () voting systems, e.g., representative democ- even if we assume that the voter has collected accurate information. racy, have many limitations and often fail to serve the best interest What’s worse, misinformation campaigns often inuence the voters of the people in collective decision making. To address this issue, to select certain candidates which could be against the voters’ own the concept of liquid democracy has been emerging as an alterna- interests. In the past decades, the concept of liquid democracy [6] tive decision making model to make better use of “the wisdom of has been emerging as an alternative decision making model to make crowds”. Very recently, a few liquid democracy implementations, better use of collective intelligence. Liquid democracy is a hybrid of e.g. Google Votes and Decentralized Autonomous Organization and , where the voters (DAO), are released; however, those systems only focus on the can either vote directly on issues, or they can delegate their votes functionality aspect, as no privacy/anonymity is considered. to representatives who vote on their behalf. Due to its advantages, In this work, we, for the rst time, provide a rigorous study of liquid democracy has received high attentions since the spread of liquid democracy under the Universal Composability (UC) frame- its concept; however, there is no satisfactory solution in the form of 1 work. In the literature, liquid democracy was achieved via two either paper-voting or e-voting yet . Is it possible to introduce new separate stages – delegation and voting. We propose an ecient technologies to circumvent the implementation barriers to liquid liquid democracy e-voting scheme that unies these two stages. At democracy? the core of our design is a new voting concept called statement vot- 2 A NEW CONCEPT ing, which can be viewed as a natural extension of the conventional We could approach the above problem via multiple angles. In this voting approaches. We remark that our statement voting can be paper, we propose a new and clean concept: statement voting. State- extended to enable more complex voting and generic ledger-based ment voting can be viewed as a natural extension of traditional non-interactive multi-party computation. We believe that the state- candidate voting. Instead of dening a xed election candidate, ment voting concept opens a door for constructing a new class of each voter can dene a statement in his or her ballot but leave the e-voting schemes. vote “undened” during the voting phase. During the tally phase, CCS CONCEPTS the (conditional) actions expressed in the statement will be carried out to determine the nal vote. (STV) is a → •Security and privacy Public key encryption; Mathematical special case of statement voting, where the voters rank the election foundations of cryptography; Distributed systems security; candidates instead of naming only one candidate in their ballots. The ranked candidate list together with the STV tally rule can be KEYWORDS viewed as an outcome-dependent statement. Roughly speaking, the E-voting, UC, Liquid democracy, Statement Voting statement declares that if my favorite candidate has already won or has no chance to win, then I would like to vote for my second 1 INTRODUCTION favorite candidate, and so on. In terms of liquid democracy, the vote delegation can be expressed as a target-dependent statement, /Referendums provide people in each society with the op- where a voter can dene that his/her ballot is the same as the target portunity to express their opinions in the collective decision making voter’s ballot. Of course, the target voter can also state whether process. The existing election/voting systems can be mainly divided he/she is willing to be delegated in the ballot. To obtain the basic into two types, direct democracy and representative democracy. Al- intuition, let’s rst leave privacy aside and consider the following though the former one treats every voter equally, it is not scalable; toy example. therefore, the latter one is widely used in most countries. However, Example: Each ballot is in the form of (ID, action, target). If a voter representative democracy has many limitations and it often fails to V is willing to be delegated, he/she sets ID := V ; otherwise, sets serve the best interest of the people. For example, to make correct i i ID := ⊥. If V wants to delegate his/her vote to another voter V , decisions, the voters have to invest tremendous eort to analyze i j then the ballot is B := (ID, delegate, Vj ). If Vi wants to directly ∗This work is partially supported by EPSRC IoT Security Research Hub, EP/N023234/1. 1All the existing liquid democracy implementations, e.g., Google Votes and Decen- Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or tralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) do not consider privacy/anonymity. This classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed drawback prevents them from being used in serious elections. Here, we note that for prot or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation straightforword blockchain-based solutions cannot provide good privacy in practice. on the rst page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must be honored. Although some blockchains such as Zerocash [1] can be viewed as a global mixer, they For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s). implicitly require anonymous channels. While in practice, all the implementations of PODC ’17, Washington, DC, USA anonymous channels suer from time leakage, i.e., the user’s ID is only hidden among © 2017 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). 978-1-4503-4992-5/17/07...$15.00 the other users who are also using the system at the same time. Subsequently, the DOI: 10.1145/3087801.3087868 adversary can easily identify the user during quiet hours. ( vote ) vote for vi , then the ballot is B := ID, ,vi . Suppose there Functionality FLiid are seven ballots: B := (V , delegate, V ), B := (V , vote,v ), 1 1 7 2 2 2 The functionality FLiid interacts with a set of voters ( , vote, ) (⊥, vote, ) ( , delegate, ) B3 := V3 v3 , B4 := v4 , B5 := V5 V4 , V := {V1,..., Vn }, a set of trustees T := {T1,..., Tk }, an B6 := (⊥, delegate, V3) and auditor Au, and the adversary S. Let Vhonest, Vcorrupt and Thonest, B7 := (V7, delegate, V3). Here, the eective vote of B1 is dened Tcorrupt denote the set of honest/corrupt voters and trustees, by B7, which is further dened by B3; note that B3 votes for v3; that respectively. FLiid is parameterized by an algorithm TallyProcess, ∈ [ ] means, B7 votes for v3 by following B3. Now let’s consider B6: B6 a table Tab, and variables result, T1, T2, T3, and Bi for all i n . follows B3; however, B6 is not willing to be followed by anyone; as Initially, set result := ∅, T1 := ∅, T2 := ∅, T3 := ∅; for i ∈ [n], set a result, B6 also votes for v3. Finally, let’s consider B5: B5 follows Bi := ∅. B4; however, B4 is not willing to be followed by anyone; as a con- Preparation: sequence, B5 is re-dened as blank ballot, ⊥. After interpreting the delegation statements, the nal votes are (v3,v2,v3,v4, ⊥,v3,v3). (1) Upon receiving input (InitialTrustee, sid) from the Careful readers may wonder why this type of natural voting idea trustee Tj ∈ T, set T1 := T1 ∪ {Tj }, and send a noti- has never appeared in the physical world. Indeed, it is typically cation message (InitialTrusteeNotify, sid, Tj ) to the S not available in the real life. Dierent from the toy example, in the adversary . (2) Upon receiving input (InitialVoter, sid, η) from the reality, the voters care about privacy and anonymity. To ensure voter Vi ∈ V, if |T1 | < k, ignore the input. anonymity, the voters are not willing to leave their identities in Otherwise, send (InitialVoterNotify, sid, Vi ) to the ad- the ballots. If no identities (or equivalences) are included in the versary S. If |Tcorrupt | = k, then additionally send a mes- ballots, then it is dicult for voters to “follow” other voters’ choices. sage (DelLeak, sid, Vi, η) to the adversary S. The election committees might assign each voter a temporal ID to Upon receiving (VoterID, sid, Vi, wi ) from S, achieve anonymity, but a voter needs to obtain the target voter’s if Vi ∈ Vcorrupt, then set Tab[i] := wi ; temporal ID in order to delegate his vote. This requires secure peer- otherwise, if Vi ∈ Vhonest and η = 0, then set Tab[i] := ⊥; 0 ← { }λ to-peer channels among all the voters, which is not practical. In else, generate random temporal ID wi 0, 1 , and set [ ] = 0 “our design” paragraph in the Introduction, we will present the rst Tab i : wi . digital construction for implementing full-edged liquid democracy. Voting/Delegation: (1) Upon receiving input (Delegate, sid, Vj ) from the voter 3 MODELING LIQUID DEMOCRACY VOTING Vi ∈ V, if |T1 | < k, ignore the input. Other- = ( [ ], delegate, [ ]) We for the rst time provide a rigorous modeling for liquid democ- wise, record Bi : Tab i Tab j ; send a message (ExecuteNotify, sid, V ) to the adversary S. racy voting. More concretely, we model liquid democracy voting in i If |Tcorrupt | = k, then additionally send a message the well-known Universal Composability (UC) framework, via an (Leak, sid, Vi, Delegate, Vj ) to the adversary S. F ideal functionality Liid. The functionality interacts with a set of (2) Upon receiving input (Vote, sid, vi ) from the the voter voters, trustees, and an auditor, and consists of preparation phase, Vi ∈ V, where vi ∈ V and V contains all pos- voting/delegation phase, and tally phase. During the preparation sible votes, if |T1 | < k, ignore the input. Other- phase, the trustees need to indicate their presence to FLiid, and wise, record Bi := (Tab[i], vote, vi ); send a mes- the election/voting will not start until all the trustees have partici- sage (ExecuteNotify, sid, Vi ) to the adversary S. If pated the preparation. During the voting/delegation phase, each |Tcorrupt | = k, then additionally send a message voter can either directly vote for the candidate(s) or delegate his (Leak, sid, Vi, Vote, vi ) to the adversary S. vote to another voter. In addition, each voter can use a ag α to Tally: indicate whether he is willing to be delegated. Note that, when all (1) Upon receiving input (Mix, sid) from the the trustee Tj ∈ T, set T := T ∪ {T }. Send a notication message the trustees are corrupted, FLiid leaks the voters’ ballots to the 2 2 j adversary. (MixNotify, sid, Tj ) to the adversary S. If |T2 | = k, do For i ∈ [n], if Bi is not dened, set Bi := To model the privacy of mixing type of e-voting, we let FLiid re- (⊥, vote, ⊥). place each voter’s ID with a pseudonym. The functionality FLiid (B ,..., B ) then sorts the anonymized ballots lexicographically to hide the Sort 1 n lexicographically to form a new ballot vector (B˜ ,..., B˜ ). order correspondence and reveal them to the adversary. Note that 1 n (2) Upon receiving input (Tally, sid) from the trustee T ∈ T . this type of information leakage is consistent with the conventional j 2 Otherwise, set T3 := T3 ∪ {Tj }. paper-based voting system, where a voter submits his ballot to a Send a notication message (TallyNotify, sid, Tj ) to S. ballot box and the ballot is mixed together with the other voters’ (3) If |T3 ∩ Thonest | + |Tcorrupt | = k, ballots. To model end-to-end veriability, we introduce an auditor send (Reveal, sid, (B˜1,..., B˜n )) to S. Au who will verify whether the election result is mis-presented. (4) If |T3 | = k, Note that the auditor can be performed by any party, and here we compute result ← TallyProcess((B˜1,..., B˜n ), Tab). model auditor as a single entity for simplicity. (5) Upon receiving input (ReadResult, sid) from a voter Vi ∈ We emphasize that in practice, virtually all threshold crypto- V, if result = ∅, ignore the input. graphic systems suer from selective failure attacks; namely, dur- Else, return (ResultReturn, sid, result) to Vi . ing the opening process of a threshold cryptographic system, the last several share holders can jointly see the content to be opened Figure 1: The voting functionality. themselves before hand. Hence, they can decide if they want to actually open the content. However, surprisingly, this subtle issue 5 DISCUSSION AND FURTHER REMARKS. was rarely modeled in the literature. For instance, the only previ- In this work, we initiate the study of statement voting and liquid ously known e-voting functionality [7] fails to address it. During democracy. We remark that our statement voting concept can be the tally phase, the tally will be released if all the trustees agree signicantly extended to support much richer ballot statements. to proceed. The formal description of the ideal functionality is It opens a door for constructing a new class of e-voting schemes. depicted in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. We also remark that this area of research is far from being com- pleted, and our design and modeling ideas can be further improved. For example, if there is a delegation loop in which a set of voters TallyProcess delegate their votes to each other while no one votes, then what Input: a set of ballots B := (B ,..., B ) and a set of voter labels 1 n should be the “right” ? Should the ballots be reset as blank L := (V1, ··· , Vn ) ballots? This might not be ideal in reality. One possible approach is Output: the tally result result to extend the delegation statement to include a default vote. When Label Check: a delegation loop exists, the involved ballots could be counted as • Check the uniqueness of each label in L. If there exist their default votes. We nally remark that, voting can be i ,..., i ∈ [n] i i ··· i V = V = ··· = 1 t , 1 , 2 , , t s.t. i1 i2 heavily inuenced by local legal and societal conditions. How to V , then replace all the labels V ,..., V in B with ⊥. it i1 it dene “right” voting policy itself is a very interesting question. We Delegation statement interpretation: believe our techniques here have the potential to help people to • For each ballot Bi ∈ B, parse Bi in form of either identify suitable voting policies which can further eliminate the (Vi, delegate, Vj ) or (Vi, vote, vi ) and do the following: barriers to democracy. If Bi is in form of (Vi, delegate, Vj ) and Vj , ⊥, try We remark that most non-trivial functionalities (including the ( , ·, ·) to locate a ballot Bj in form of Vj . If founded, e-voting functionality) cannot be UC-realized in the plain model replace B := B ; otherwise, if B is in form of i j i [3–5]. Typically, we need trusted setup assumptions for UC secure (Vi, delegate, ⊥) set Bi := (Vi, vote, ⊥). e-voting systems, and the Common Reference String (CRS) model Repeat the above step, until Bi is in form of (·, vote, ·). If there is a delegation loop, dene and the (Random Oracle) RO model are two common choices. In Bi := (⊥, vote, ⊥). practice, if an e-voting system uses CRS, then we need to trust the 0 0 0 party (parties) who generate(s) the CRS, which, in our opinion, is • Denote the processed ballot set as B := (B1,..., Bn ). Tally computation: a stronger assumption than believing no adversary can break a 0 0 secure hash function, e.g., SHA3. Therefore, we will realize our • Compute and return result ← TallyAlg(B1,..., Bn ), where TallyAlg(·) is the original tally algorithm. liquid democracy voting system in the RO model. Alternative approach is as follows: we rst use multiple party computation to generate a CRS; then we construct liquid democracy Figure 2: The extended tally processing algorithm. voting system by using the CRS. This approach has previously been used for constructing anonymous cryptocurrency Zerocash [1]; 4 OUR DESIGN please see Ben-Sasson et al’s recent eort [2]. We remark that, Our toy example shows that it is possible to interpret the delega- this approach might be problematic for cryptocurrency systems: tion statement by extending the tally algorithm. However, it is not typically a cryptocurrency system will last for many years and immediately obvious about how to apply the same technique in it is very dicult to ensure there is no attack on the CRS during conjunction with privacy. Before the voting/delegation phase, each this long time period. Interestingly, this limitation does not apply voter can pick a temporal ID. However, the main challenge here to liquid democracy voting systems. If there is an issue with the is to distribute the temporal ID to the ones who need. The same current CRS, we can use MPC to generate a new CRS. as all existing end-to-end veriable e-voting schemes, our design requires a publicly accessible consistent bulletin board, modeled as REFERENCES global functionality G¯BB. We let the voters post the re-randomizable [1] Eli Ben-Sasson, Alessandro Chiesa, Christina Garman, Matthew Green, Ian Miers, ¯ Eran Tromer, and Madars Virza. 2014. Zerocash: Decentralized Anonymous RCCA encryption of their temporal ID on the GBB. If voter Vi wants Payments from Bitcoin. In 2014 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy. IEEE to delegate his ballot to voter Vj , he can include a re-randomized Computer Society Press, 459–474. [2] Eli Ben-Sasson, Alessandro Chiesa, Matthew Green, Eran Tromer, and Madars ciphertext of Vj ’s temporal ID. More specically, Vi sets his ballot Virza. 2015. 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