Awana – News Sergey & Madina Perminov Russia [email protected]

Dear friends! Warmly all I welcome, I thank for your prayers, material support your work for glory of the Christ, and I want to share blessings В этом выпуске with which we are blest with the Lord in service. 1 Сообщение миссионера Since last academic year we have begun

2 Новости training under the program sowers. 25 clubs and 14 clubs under the old program have been 2 Краткий очерк opened. 3 Служители Have passed training seminars in many 4 Предстоящие события cities. Have spent 2 conferences. Were trained more than 500 leaders.

Now many countries endure economic difficulties and it has certainly concerned services of Avany in Russia. We understand that we depend on means offered you on service to children but as we understand that completely we depend on God. Unfortunately, in Russia it was necessary to reduce quantity of missionaries and We see the big now only two missionary pairs, but service of prospects of Avana continues to develop. development and possibility We see the big prospects of development and possibility but as there are not enough forces and now we are strongly limited in the finance, Avana develops slowly. We find new possibilities. We train students of seminary, we organise actions for children together with other services. We closely co-operate with Sunday schools that as helps development of Avany in церквах where there is only a Sunday school. We co- operate with camp service and we think that it will help development of camps Avany and then to opening of clubs. As have adjusted mutual relations with club service and we plan to develop it helping each other imparting experience and resources.


Russia located in east Europe and Severgoj of Asia, is the greatest state of the world of 17 098 242 km ² that makes 11,46 % of the area of all land of the Earth that almost twice more than at Canada taking the second place. The population for 2012 makes 143 030 106 persons, now the country takes the ninth place in the world on this indicator. A state language in all territory of the country - Russian. In 23 subjects of federation along with Russian other state languages are used. Capital - the city of Moscow.

Employees of Avana in Russia


Moscow - Sergey and Madina Perminovy

Kaluga - Lyudmila and Alexander Popovy Co-ordinators: Kirovo-Chepetsk - Rublyov Alexander

Omsk - Ahmadeev Denis

Krasnoyarsk - Krapivin Iakov

Krasnoyarsk - Haljavin Vladimir

Anapa - Tverdaya Ludmila

Employees of Avany in Russia Denis & Oxana Akhmadeev Denis with the family lives in Omsk. When Denis has started to be engaged in Avanoj at once has opened in Omsk seven clubs. A year or two from now all clubs, except one in which Denis was engaged, were closed. Was both frustration, and despair, but nevertheless desire to serve children and prayers have helped Denis not to lose courage, and to continue to work. At Denis of three children, and now it also "father" of five clubs in Omsk and area.


In 2012 in our blest God the city of Omsk 2 clubs "AWANA" have opened. Having passed training attendants of churches "Neemiya" and "Corner stone" have begun, I will not be afraid to apply a word as GREAT service to children. Children come to these clubs under the invitation of the friends which already are аванавцами, the Lord applies children through the games spent on platforms in court yard. Also I hasten to inform you a joyful message: «in ours to a regiment has arrived»! In Russia on one club became more so, even more children will hear the Good Message, will be children's laughter even more. So! The club in settlement Achairsky the Omsk region starts to function. The settlement costs on the bank of the river Irtysh, I to you will tell, a picturesque place. Talking to the pastor of church of settlement two years ago about club opening, he has told that there is no person who undertook club. Prayed. And God has answered a prayer. It has enclosed in heart of the brother desire to bear the Message to children. Experience at Konstantin is in service to teenagers, and service to children is not new to it. On a photo from left to right: Denis, Kostja, Volodja (the director of clubs). Ромка future авановец, the missionary, the evangelist. We ask to remember club in Achairsky in your prayers.

Awana with all the heart and heart Ahmadeev Denis.

Alexander &Svetlana Rublev The most unruly. Being the director of club, married leader Avany - Svetlana. Now they together work in club in the city of Kirovo-Chepetsk and are responsible for work of clubs in Uralsk region..


Vladimir & Tatyana Khalavin Vladimir and Tatyana Haljaviny. Develop service of Avana in Krasnoyarsk region.

Yakov & Oxana Krapivin

Develop service of Avana in Krasnoyarsk region.

Alexander & Ludmila Popov

In December I met the pastor of church "Good fortune" and their command of children's attendants they like the program of Avany and they have a desire to develop this service. This


year at church have opened sports - a hall, now children can be engaged during convenient time for them. As the sports - a hall in church of the item of Shablykino already work. This small church has Christmas holidays and accepts on 150 children. After such mass actions at them the club replenishes with children. As every summer at them the big tent in the settlement centre where children with parents come is put and learn about Jesus Christ and club work where children continue изувчасть bible trues. In Bryansk there is a children's centre for children of needy and drinking parents. In it passes club for children, children with pleasure play and learn verses. This year we plan to hold the regional Olympic Games on the basis of the centre. And as training under the program "Sower". In the Smolensk region there is a club in Dorogobuzh, sisters work bearing children a good message, but not all parents allow to visit to children club. In the item of Kardymovo club mobile, sisters go there where doors open, and spend directly in court yard of game in the summer and tell bible stories. To Ryazan the club works in приюти where children have intellectual backwardness. Games pass with pleasure listen to story, but verses do not allow to learn with children. This year in the item of Torbeevo there is a possibility to visit church "Renaissance" children's home, plan on December, 15th, to conduct the first lesson. As the club at church works, we remove sports - a hall, very much it is pleasant to children on employment, children of faithless parents come. In October at me the meeting with the pastor of church of Tarusa, blest church, not big, but live has taken place, loving God and is ready works for piety to children, but there is an obstacle from a city administration, do not give sports - a hall. Now we pray and try to see, where God operates. On November, 25th I with a command of Avany have visited club in church Balashikha, it have helped to conduct the first lesson, have divided with them pleasure of opening of club. Now to all церквах and clubs there is a preparation for Christmas is the most favorable time for piety to children. Through it благовестие we see new children in our clubs. There are prayful needs: on club work in Safonovo, the pastor would want that the club has earned, there are sports - a hall, but there is no director who would take responsibility on work with children. In the item of have suspended club, there is no command who can be engaged with children. In church of Udomlja need the director of club. Pray that God would send workers on the Divine field. Thank God for the tool, club "Авана", for piety to children. In February have invited to conference of children's attendants to make club Avany presentation to Tver. Popova Lyudmila.


RU 000375 Omsk.

The report on club AVANA RTS HVE "Neemiya" opening In January, 2012 in church "Neemiya" after short reflexions we have made decision to begin new (for us) service for children and have entered the international Christian children's club "AWANA". Up until that time in our church there was a sports class on which we tried through sports, through work in commands, through kind rivalry to teach children to win, rendering glory to God; to teach them to transfer loss, accepting defeats it is worthy: not to lower hands, not to despair, never to surrender. But all the same there was a desire more than children's attention to turn on Slovo Bozhie - the Bible, therefore, when we have learnt about club "AWANA" program in which are combined both sports, and studying of bible verses we with pleasure have accepted the invitation to enter in club. On club presentation in our church we have handed over to children who have handed over entrance examination (them were 7 persons) T-shirts and club "AWANA" textbooks. We know that in 2014 there will pass the All-Russia Olympic Games of clubs "AWANA", therefore not simply want to get there, but also we will be going to show worthy result and if God allows that and to win. We welcome you Jesus Christ love and we pray that you succeeded in Its knowledge and of any good deed.



Forthcoming events

Next year we plan to make active training of leaders under the program "Sowers". First of all it is the central region and Siberia. 150 leaders in the spring will be trained. We pray about 60 new clubs.