Archaic Times to the End of the Peloponnesian War Edited by Charles W
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-25019-1 - Archaic Times to the end of the Peloponnesian War Edited by Charles W. Fornara Index More information INDEXES L Personal and Geographical Names All references are to item numbers and line numbers where appropriate. Except where patro nymics, demotics, or other place-names are given in the translated texts or are obvious from context, I do not distinguish between men of the same name. Identity is not necessarily implied Abbateya, 45 Akamantis, 15B.3; 68.2; 115.30; 124.6f.; Abydenes, 142 11.25 125.12; 134.9, 11, 33; 154.10f.; 161.If. Academy, Athens, 30A; 127B Akestor son of Epilykos, 26A Acarnanians, 130 Akr[--, 85.20 Achaea, 6B; 132 n. 2 Akropolis, Athens, 49 n. 1; 55.1 If.; 68.26, Achaeans, 6A; 9A; 29 75C.36, 38; 81.12; 94C.8; 99.38; 100.18; Achaimenides, 72 103.60; 104; 106.11; 113 n. 4; 118A; Acharna, 89B.36 119A.4, 15, B.5-13 passim; 127B; 133.25; Acharnai, 44A; 110; 140.1 136.25; 138.9; 140.51; 149.15; 155.29; Acharnaians, 89B.2f. 156.43; 160.23f.; 161.36; 162.33; 163.8; Acherdous, 109B; 134.25 165.8; 166.39; Corinth, 53 Achilleus, 39A. 1 Akryptes, 153.6 Adeimantos son of Leukolophides of Akryptos, 78.130 Skambonidai, 147D(B).53 Alexias, archon 405/4, 166.6 Aegina, 1A at 895/3; 4DE; 43 n. 1; 74B; 78.3 Aleximachos, 153.6; of Erechtheis, 78.70 Aeginetans, 55.17; 59.3 Alkibiades, 147D(B).l 18; son of Kleinias, Aegospotami, 147 n.
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