
Cretaceous and Triassic -accretion, high-pressure– low-temperature metamorphism, and continental growth in the Central Pontides, Turkey

A.I. Okay† O. Tüysüz‡ Istanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Avrasya Yerbilimleri Enstitüsü, Maslak, Istanbul 34469, Turkey M. Satır§ Institut für Geowissenschaften, Universität Tübingen, Wilhelmstraße 56, D-72074 Tübingen, Germany S. Özkan-Altıner# D. Altıner†† Middle East Technical University, Department of , Ankara 06531, Turkey S. Sherlock‡‡ Department of Earth Sciences, Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA, UK R.H. Eren Anadolu Yerbilimleri Ltd. S¸irketi, Perpa Ticaret Merkezi, No. 1955, Okmeydanı, Istanbul, Turkey

ABSTRACT ~20 m.y. after the HP-LT metamorphism, ered the result of the collision of the megacon- and ~25 m.y. before the terminal Paleocene tinents , , India, and a small Biostratigraphic, isotopic, and petrologic continental collision. The Cretaceous sub- number of continental during the Ter- data from the Central Pontides document duction-accretion complex is tectonically tiary (e.g., Dercourt et al., 1986; S¸engör, 1987). major southward growth of the Eurasian overlain in the north by oceanic crustal rocks Here we show extensive precollisional growth by subduction-accretion accreted to the southern margin of Eurasia of continental crust along the southern margin during the Cretaceous and Triassic Periods. during the latest Triassic–earliest Jurassic. of Laurasia in the Central Pontides by accretion A major part of the accreted material is rep- The Triassic subduction-accretion complex and underplating of oceanic rocks in the Late resented by a crustal slice, 75 km long and is made up of metavolcanic rocks of ensi- Triassic and Late Cretaceous. up to 11 km thick, consisting of metabasite, matic arc origin and has undergone a high A second aim of the paper is to contribute to metaophiolite, and mica schist that represent pressure, greenschist facies metamorphism the evaluation of the mechanism of exhuma- underplated Tethyan oceanic crustal and with growth of sodic amphibole. Most of the tion of high-pressure–low-temperature (HP-LT) mantle rocks. They were metamorphosed at Central Pontides consists of accreted Pha- metamorphic rocks. Most HP-LT metamorphic 490 °C and 17 kbar in mid-Cretaceous time nerozoic oceanic crustal material, and hence complexes occur within the crystalline part of (ca. 105 ). The syn-subduction exhuma- is comparable to regions such as the Klamath the orogen associated with ophiolites and other tion occurred in a thrust sheet bounded by Mountains in the northwestern United States metamorphic rocks. In contrast, those in the a greenschist facies shear zone with a normal or to the Altaids in Central . Central Pontides in northern Turkey are closely sense of movement at the top and a thrust fault associated with sedimentary sequences with at the base. A fl exural foreland basin devel- Keywords: Pontides, Turkey, HP-LT metamor- ages that overlap the age of the HP-LT meta- oped in front of the south-vergent high-pres- phism, exhumation, continental growth, orogeny. morphism. Interpretation of the new isotopic, sure–low-temperature (HP-LT) metamor- biostratigraphic, and structural data indicates phic thrust sheet; the biostratigraphy of the INTRODUCTION that the HP-LT metamorphic rocks from the foreland basin constrains the exhumation of Central Pontides were exhumed in a forearc set- the HP-LT rocks to the Turonian–Coniacian, The Pacifi c mountain belts along the western ting during the ongoing oceanic subduction. North American margin have grown oceanward A third aim of the paper is to contribute to †E-mail: [email protected]. by subduction-accretion and by incorporation the regional tectonics of the Tethyan region. ‡E-mail: [email protected]. of oceanic edifi ces, such as island arcs, oceanic Geological data from the Central Pontides §E-mail: [email protected]. #E-mail: [email protected]. islands, and oceanic plateaus (e.g., Coney et al., have been important in models regarding the ††E-mail: [email protected]. 1980; Irwin, 1981; Ernst, 1984). In contrast, the evolution of the Paleo- (S¸engör et al., ‡‡E-mail: [email protected]. Alpine-Himalayan orogen is generally consid- 1984; S¸engör, 1984; Yılmaz and S¸engör, 1985;

GSA Bulletin; September/October 2006; v. 118; no. 9/10; p. 1247–1269; doi: 10.1130/B25938.1; 14 fi gures; 4 tables.

For permission to copy, contact [email protected] 1247 © 2006 Geological Society of America Okay et al.

Tüysüz, 1990; Ustaömer and Robertson, 1994, Sea in the north. The latter is a backarc basin, these two zones occurred during the early Late 1997; Yılmaz et al., 1997; Robertson et al., which opened during the Cretaceous above Cretaceous (Cenomanian–Turonian) (Tüysüz, 2004). A major part of the oceanic assemblages the northward-subducting Tethyan ocean (e.g., 1999). in the Central Pontides, interpreted in the past Boccaletti et al., 1974; Görür, 1988). The Cen- A major part of the Central Pontides con- to be Triassic or older, is shown here to be of tral Pontides includes two Pontide terranes: sists of metamorphic rocks, known as the Kargı Cretaceous age. This requires a reevaluation the Istanbul and Sakarya zones (Fig. 1). The Massif, occupying an area of 55 km to 120 km, of the Paleo- and Neo-Tethyan history of the Istanbul zone is characterized by an Ordovi- and generally regarded as part of the Sakarya Pontides, and their relation to the opening of cian to Carboniferous sedimentary succession zone (Fig. 2). The Kargı Massif is made up of the Black Sea, a potential hydrocarbon-bearing of passive margin type unconformably overlain northwest-dipping, crustal-scale tectonic slices basin. by Triassic and younger rocks (e.g., Görür et separated by Cretaceous and younger thrust al., 1997). In contrast, the Sakarya zone has faults (Tüysüz, 1990, 1993; Yılmaz et al., 1997; TECTONIC SETTING a of Permo-Triassic subduction- Ustaömer and Robertson, 1997, 1999). Previ- accretion complexes unconformably overlain ous studies consider the Kargı Massif to be a The term Central Pontides is a geographi- by a Jurassic and younger sedimentary cover Paleo-Tethyan subduction complex consisting cal term for the arched central part of the Pon- (e.g., Okay and Tüysüz, 1999; Robertson et of accreted pre-Jurassic ophiolite, mélange, tide orogenic belt (Fig. 1). It lies between the al., 2004; Okay and Göncüog˘lu, 2004). In the and magmatic arc sequences. Our fi eld and iso- I˙zmir-Ankara suture in the south and the Black Central Pontides the tectonic juxtaposition of topic data show the presence of a crustal-scale


Va r n a



0 200 400 km

Figure 1. Tectonic map of the Eastern Mediterranean region (modifi ed from Okay and Tüysüz, 1999). Dashed-line box shows location of Figure 2.

1248 Geological Society of America Bulletin, September/October 2006 Cretaceous and Triassic subduction-accretion and HP-LT metamorphism

Figure 2. Tectonic map of the Central Pontides (compiled from Tüysüz, 1998; Ug˘uz et al., 2002; Aksay et al., 2002; and this study). Dashed- line boxes show locations of Figures 3 and 11.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, September/October 2006 1249 Okay et al.

0 4 8 km

Figure 3. Geological map of the central portion of Kargı Massif, based on Eren (1979), Tüysüz (1985), and this study. For location, see Figure 2.

1250 Geological Society of America Bulletin, September/October 2006 Cretaceous and Triassic subduction-accretion and HP-LT metamorphism

Cretaceous HP-LT metamorphic unit in the cen- minor marble and metachert (~3%), and irregu- Two generations of penetrative foliation can ter of the Kargı Massif (Fig. 2). lar tectonic lenses of metamorphosed ophiolite be recognized in the Domuzdag˘ Complex. A represented mainly by serpentinite (~12% of steeply dipping fi rst generation of foliation asso- CRETACEOUS HP-LT METAMORPHIC the outcrops). There are no data on the protolith ciated with isoclinal folds, probably coeval with SLICE: THE DOMUZDAG˘ COMPLEX ages of the Domuzdag˘ Complex. Metabasites the HP-LT metamorphism, is preserved in the in the Domuzdag˘ Complex range from eclo- north near the Elekdag˘ lherzolite. The S1 folia- The Domuzdag˘ Complex forms a north- gite through garnet-blueschist to albite-chlorite tion is overprinted toward the south by a shal- west-dipping crustal slice, 75 km long and up gneiss, depending on the degree of retrogression. lower dipping second generation of foliation to 11 km thick, extending in a northeast-south- Metabasites and metaophiolite fragments domi- associated with tight recumbent folds. The inter- west direction and bisecting the Kargı Massif nate the upper parts of the Domuzdag˘ Complex section of S1 and S2 has produced an intersection (Fig. 2). It is tectonically overlain by Permo- in the north, where they make up >70% of the lineation parallel to the S2 fold axis. The dips of Triassic metabasite and phyllite in the north and outcrops, whereas quartz–mica schists are the S1 and S2 are generally to the north (Fig. 5). The by a slightly metamorphosed Cretaceous fl ysch main rock type in the basal parts of the complex shallowly dipping lineation shows a high scatter sequence in the west. In the south it is under- in the south. In previous studies the southern in its trend, indicating subsequent refolding. lain by a Late Cretaceous foreland basin and by part of the Domuzdag˘ Complex was assigned to The oldest sedimentary rocks that lie uncon- the metamorphic rocks of the Kargı Complex a different unit (the Bekirli Formation of Tüysüz formably over the Domuzdag˘ Complex are lat- (Figs. 3 and 4). and Yig˘itbas¸, 1994; Domuzdag˘-Saraycıkdag˘ est Santonian–earliest Campanian pelagic lime- The Domuzdag˘ Complex is a complexly Complex of Ustaömer and Robertson, 1997). stones. They are observed in a small locality deformed, structurally thickened but coherent However, the northern and southern parts of in the northeast, north of the village of Kes¸ler tectonic package with a pervasive penetrative the Domuzdag˘ Complex share a common meta- (Fig. 3), where a basal conglomerate 10 m thick, foliation. It is made up of quartz–mica schist morphic and structural history, and the south- with clasts of metamorphic rocks, passes up (~60% of the outcrops), metabasite (~25%), ward change in lithology is gradual. through a 2-m-thick sandstone layer into pelagic

Figure 4. Geological cross sections across the Central Pontides, illustrating the tectonic setting of the HP-LT metamorphic slice. For location of cross-section A–A′, see Figure 3, and for cross-section B–B′, Figure 11. Note the difference in scale between the two cross sections.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, September/October 2006 1251 Okay et al.

Complex (Eren, 1979; Tüysüz, 1990; Ustaömer ABand Robertson, 1997, 1999). However, apart from its larger size, it is similar to the other ultramafi c lenses in the Domuzdag˘ Complex, and our geological mapping reveals that it is totally enclosed by the HP-LT metamorphic rocks (Fig. 3). The Elekdag˘ lherzolite shows a tectonite fabric and consists of olivine with lesser amounts of ortho- and clinopyroxene and Cr-spinel. Ortho- and clinopyroxene occur in roughly equal amounts, ~10–15 modal% each. In several samples, olivine is partially replaced by Ti-clinohumite. Titanoclinohumite, which is compositionally similar to olivine but contains titanium, fl uorine, and hydroxyl, is described from several HP and ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) ultramafi c rocks (e.g., Aoki et al., 1976; Evans and Trommsdorff, 1983; Okay, 1994). The Elekdag˘ lherzolite is partially to completely serpentinized. Antigorite is the main serpentine CDmineral, which has replaced 40–100% of the peridotite. The smaller ultramafi c bodies in the Domuzdag˘ Complex consist of antigorite with rare relics of clinopyroxene. Metagabbro lenses with a maximum thick- ness of a few hundred meters occur on the mar- gins or within the Elekdag˘ lherzolite, or within the smaller serpentinite lenses in the schists (Eren, 1979). The metagabbro lenses consist of calcic and sodic amphibole, clinozoisite, chlo- rite, and garnet.


The HP-LT metamorphic rocks from the Cen- tral Pontides have been known since the time of Milch (1907) and were studied petrographi- Figure 5. Lower hemisphere equal-area projections of foliation and lineation in the cally by Eren (1979). However, there had been Domuzdag˘ (A and B) and Çangaldag˘ (C and D) complexes. Contours are at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, no petrological study of these rocks except for and 14% per 1% area. a recent description of a single lawsonite-tour- maline–bearing eclogite from Elekdag˘ (Altherr et al., 2004). Our study of the petrology of the Domuzdag˘ Complex is based on petrographical limestones ~40 m thick with Globotruncana Ophiolite Fragments within the Domuzdag˘ reexamination of >600 thin sections from the arca (Cushman), G. linneiana (d’Orbigny), Complex collection of Eren (1979) and Tüysüz (1985), as G. bulloides Vogler, Globotruncanita elevata well as >100 new petrographic sections. (Brotzen), and Marginotruncana coronata The metamorphic rocks of the Domuzdag˘ The metabasic rocks in the Domuzdag˘ (Bolli). At several localities, nummulite-bearing Complex comprise tectonic blocks of ultramafi c Complex range from eclogite through garnet- neritic limestones of early–middle Eocene age rock and gabbro ranging from a few meters up blueschist to albite-epidote-chlorite gneiss. lie unconformably over the metamorphic rocks to several tens of kilometers in length. These The degree of greenschist facies overprint of the Domuzdag˘ Complex. ophiolites, as used in the broader sense of the increases southward toward the lower parts of The geochemistry of the metabasic rocks term, can be compared to the Franciscan-type the Domuzdag˘ Complex. However, a common from the Domuzdag˘ Complex was studied by ophiolites of Dilek (2003). The contacts of the lithostratigraphy and the presence of HP-LT Ustaömer and Robertson (1999). On the basis ultramafi c bodies are parallel to the penetrative metamorphic relicts, even in the southernmost of whole and trace element analyses from 28 foliation in the host schists and metabasites. The outcrops of the Domuzdag˘ Complex (Fig. 6), metabasite samples, they interpret the metabasic largest of the ultramafi c bodies is the Elekdag˘ indicate that all rocks of the Domuzdag˘ Com- rocks in the Domuzdag˘ Complex as mid-ocean- lherzolite, 35 km long and up to 3 km wide, plex have undergone an initial HP-LT regional ridge (MORB) type . This is supported which forms an ENE-trending ridge (Fig. 3). metamorphism. However, because of the by the trace element geochemistry of an eclogite In previous studies the Elekdag˘ lherzolite was strong greenschist facies overprint, it is not studied by Altherr et al. (2004). regarded as a different unit from the Domuzdag˘ clear whether the Domuzdag˘ Complex records

1252 Geological Society of America Bulletin, September/October 2006 Cretaceous and Triassic subduction-accretion and HP-LT metamorphism

Figure 6. Geological map of the Domuzdag˘ Complex, showing the distribution of extant blueschists on the basis of the petrography of >600 samples.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, September/October 2006 1253 Okay et al. a coherent and single HP-LT metamorphic within the mica schists, suggest that eclogites 1–4 mm across, are set on an oriented matrix evolution or whether there are accreted tec- are not exotic tectonic lenses but are coge- of omphacite, glaucophane, and mica. Garnet tonic slices with different HP-LT metamorphic netic with the rest of the HP-LT metamorphic contains inclusions of omphacite, clinozoisite, histories. rocks. The lack of retrogression in proximity to lawsonite, mica, quartz, and rutile (Fig. 7A). The spatial distribution of the garnet-blue- the ultramafi c rocks is probably related to the Garnet-blueschists, differentiated from the schists and albite-epidote-chlorite gneisses selective absorption of the incoming fl uids for eclogites by the absence of omphacite, are (Fig. 6) and their fi eld relations indicate that serpentinization, leaving eclogites dry during common, especially north and southwest of the they are related by the varying degrees of green- the exhumation. Mica schists with the best pre- Elekdag˘ lherzolite (Fig. 6). The typical mineral schist facies overprint. On the other hand, eclo- served HP mineral assemblages also lie along assemblage in the garnet-blueschists is garnet + gites are generally found in bands, up to several the ultramafi c rock contacts. glaucophane + epidote + chlorite + white mica hundred meters thick and several kilometers The common mineral assemblage in the ± quartz. With an increase in the greenschist long, along the margins or within the Elekdag˘ eclogites is garnet + omphacite + glaucophane facies overprint, the sodic amphibole and gar- lherzolite (Figs. 3 and 4). The eclogite bands + epidote + white mica. The texture of the eclo- net are partially to completely replaced by chlo- also contain subordinate quartz–mica schist lay- gites ranges from granoblastic to porphyroblas- rite, albite, and calcic amphibole, and the rock ers. This observation, and rare eclogite boudins tic. Typically, idioblastic garnet poikiloblasts, grades into an albite-epidote gneiss with the


gl ph


law ctd gt gt

0.4 mm 0.2 mm



gl qtz

jd chl qtz law


0.2 mm 0.4 mm

Figure 7. Photomicrographs from the Domuzdag˘ Complex. (A) Eclogite (10B) with garnet (gt), omphacite (cpx), and phengite (ph). Garnet contains inclusions of lawsonite (law). (B) Mica schist (758B) with chloritoid (ctd), glaucophane (gl), and garnet (gt). (C) Jadeite fels (R484) with jadeite (jd) and quartz (qtz). (D) Mica schist (R259) with garnet (gt), lawsonite (law), glaucophane (gl), chlorite (chl), and quartz (qtz).

1254 Geological Society of America Bulletin, September/October 2006 Cretaceous and Triassic subduction-accretion and HP-LT metamorphism

mineral assemblage albite + epidote + chlorite and spessartine (1–8 mol%) end members Geothermobarometry + actinolite-hornblende + white mica. (Fig. 8A). These garnets exhibit minor pro- The HP-LT metamorphic minerals are rarely grade zoning with a slight increase in Mg and The temperature of peak metamorphism can preserved in the mica schists, in which the com- Fe/Mg ratio and a decrease in Mn toward the be estimated from the distribution of Fe2+ and mon mineral assemblage is quartz + white mica rim. Garnets from the chloritoid-glaucophane Mg between adjoining garnet and omphacite ± chloritoid ± garnet ± clinozoisite ± albite. mica schists are almandine-spessartine-gros- pairs. Although several recent calibrations of the However, at a few localities the petrogeneti- sular solid solutions with minor pyrope end garnet-clinopyroxene Fe-Mg geothermometer cally important mineral assemblage quartz + members (0–6 mol%). Garnets from chloritoid- have been made, they differ insignifi cantly from white mica + chloritoid + glaucophane + garnet glaucophane mica schist sample 758B show a the original experimental calibration of Ellis and was found (Fig. 7B). Jadeite, partially replaced strong growth zoning with a sharp decrease in Green (1979). The Fe2+/Mg distribution coeffi - 2+ by albite and coexisting with quartz and white Mn and an increase in Fe and Mg toward the cient between garnet and omphacite [KD = (Fe / 2+ mica, is observed in one sample (Fig. 7C, rim (Table 2). Sodic pyroxene in the eclogites Mg)garnet/(Fe /Mg)omphacite] of eclogite samples 9C R484). The common mineral assemblage in the is omphacite in composition (Fig. 8B), except and 10B cluster about 35, giving a metamorphic metacherts is quartz + garnet + sodic amphibole in sample 7, in which jadeite cores are rimmed temperature of 450 °C for a given pressure of

+ white mica ± epidote. Lawsonite as a matrix by omphacite, attesting to the immiscibility gap 17 kbar. KD values from eclogite sample 7 are mineral was found in one sample (R407), pos- between these compositions (e.g., Carpenter, consistently lower (15–20) and indicate higher sibly a former siliceous shale, where it occurs 1980). Sodic amphibole from the eclogites is temperatures of ~540 °C at 17 kbar (Fig. 9). along with garnet, sodic amphibole, quartz, and glaucophane, and, from the mica schists, ferro- Mineral assemblages with chloritoid and epidote (Fig. 7D). glaucophane in composition (Fig. 8C). In sample glaucophane are common in many HP meta- 8A the sodic amphibole is partially replaced by morphic belts, including Oman (El-Shazly and Mineral Chemistry colorless actinolite. Phengite with 3.32–3.49 Si Liou, 1991), the Western Alps (Chopin, 1981), per formula unit (Fig. 8D) is closely associated Alaska (Forbes et al., 1984; Patrick and Evans, Four eclogites and three chloritoid-glau- with paragonite. In the chloritoid-glaucophane 1989), Greece (Schliestedt, 1986; Theye and cophane mica schists were analyzed with a schists the amount of phengite and paragonite Seidel, 1991), and other regions (e.g., Faryad, Camebax SX-50 electron microprobe at Ruhr in the rock is approximately equal. Paragonite 1995). At 500–525 °C chloritoid-glaucophane is University Bochum to constrain the pressure- compositions are very close to that of the end- replaced by paragonite and garnet by the min- temperature (P-T) evolution of the Domuzdag˘ member paragonite, with only minor K substitu- eral equilibria (Fig. 9): Complex. Operating conditions were 15 kV tion (<0.7 wt%) (Table 2). Epidotes with Fe/(Fe accelerating voltage, 10 NA beam current, and + Al) ratios of 0.13–0.21 are minor constituents Ferrochloritoid + ferroglaucophane + quartz = η η a beam size 8 m for the micas and 2 m for of the eclogites. In eclogite sample 8A, clino- paragonite + almandine + H2O. (1) the other minerals. The estimated modes and zoisite with an Fe/(Fe + Al) ratio of 0.03–0.05 representative mineral compositions are given is partially replaced by epidote with an Fe/(Fe in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. Garnets from the + Al) ratio of 0.13. Lawsonite occurs in three Magnesiochloritoid + ferroglaucophane eclogites are essentially almandine-grossular of the analyzed eclogites as small inclusions in + quartz = glaucophane + paragonite solid solutions with minor pyrope (3–12 mol%) garnet, as reported by Altherr et al. (2004). + almandine + H2O. (2)

These equilibria were calculated for the ana- lyzed chloritoid-glaucophane mica schists from TABLE 1. ESTIMATED MODAL AMOUNTS OF THE ANALYZED HP-LT the Domuzdag˘ Complex using the THERMO- METAMORPHIC ROCKS FROM THE DOMUZDAG˘ COMPLEX CALC program (v. 2.75) of Powell and Hol- Eclogite Chloritoid-glaucophane mica schist land (1988) with the thermodynamic data set of Holland and Powell (1998). The activities used Sample no. 7 8A 9C 10B 269 758B 787 in equilibria leading to the P-T estimation are Garnet 6 28 29 36 2 16 – shown in Table 2. They were obtained using the Omphacite 32 22 27 45 – – – AX program of T.J.B. Holland (www.esc.cam. Sodic amphibole 7 24 30 –348 Chloritoid –––– 191410 ac.uk/astaff/holland). The program uses ideal Lawsonite – tr tr tr – – – site mixing for sodic amphibole, two-site non-

Clinozoisite –3––––– ideal mixing for chloritoid (WFe, Mg = 1.5 kJ), Epidote 2 10 6 3––– two-site mixing with regular solution for jadeite

White mica 29pa –2ph 4ph,pa 34ph, pa 26ph, pa 31ph, pa (Wjd, di = 24 kJ, Wjd, ac = 0 kJ), non-ideal mixing Quartz 21 4 – 2 25 27 37 for phengite and paragonite, and regular solu- Chlorite tr 2 tr 6 17 11 2 Actinolite –3––––– tion model for garnet (Wpy, alm = 2.5 kJ, Wgr, Albite –––1––– py = 33 kJ). Mineral equilibria 1 and 2 indicate Calcite –––––2– metamorphic temperatures of 475 to 500 °C at Rutile 2242 – – tr 17 kbar, similar to the peak temperatures esti- Sphene 12–1––– mated in other chloritoid-glaucophane–bearing Opaque – tr 2 tr –tr 5 py py py py ilm terranes (e.g., Schliestedt, 1986; El-Shazly and Apatite tr – – – – – tr Liou, 1991; Patrick and Evans, 1989). Note: tr < 0.5; ph—phengite; pa—paragonite; py—pyrite; ilm— The presence of paragonite and jadeitic clino- ilmenite. pyroxene in the HP-LT metamorphic rocks of

Geological Society of America Bulletin, September/October 2006 1255 Okay et al.

the Domuzdag˘ Complex constrains the meta- morphic pressure between 14 and 26 kbar on the basis of the reactions (Fig. 9):

ames 0.0093 Paragonite = jadeite + kyanite + quartz. (3)

Albite = jadeite + quartz. (4)

Metamorphic pressures can further be con- strained by equilibria involving garnet, clinopy- roxene, and phengite (Fig. 9):

Diopside + muscovite = = Na-Al. Abbreviations: inc—inclusions; inc—inclusions; Abbreviations: = Na-Al. 3+

COMPLEX pyrope + grossular + celadonite. (5) ˘

Diopside + hedenbergite + muscovite = almandine + grossular + celadonite. (6)

These reactions indicate metamorphic pres- iron was taken as Fe taken iron was

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 sures of 17–20 kbar at 500 °C. Average pres- sure calculations with THERMOCALC, using ct—magnesiochloritoid; mu—muscovite; pa—paragonite; ph—phengite; ph—phengite; pa—paragonite; mu—muscovite; ct—magnesiochloritoid; cz—clinozoisite; daph—daphnite; di—diopside; fct—ferrochloritoid; fgl— fct—ferrochloritoid; di—diopside; daph—daphnite; cz—clinozoisite; all the matrix phases in the eclogites, give 17.1 ± 1.3 kbar and 15.6 ± 3.5 kbar at 500 °C for eclogite samples 10B and 9C, respectively. The estimated peak P-T conditions in the Domuzdag˘ Complex are, therefore, 490 ± 20 °C and 17 ± 2 kbar. The temperature estimate is based largely on the garnet-glaucophane-chloritoid equlibria in mica schists, and the pressure estimate on the garnet-omphacite-phengite equilibria in the eclogites (Fig. 9). These P-T conditions plot on the boundary between epidote-blueschist and the eclogite facies of Evans (1990). Lawsonite must have been formerly present in the Domuzdag˘ metabasites, as shown by the common lawsonite inclusions in garnets (Altherr et al., 2004). Lawsonite must have reacted with the sodic pyroxene to produce garnet and epi- dote on the basis of the reactions (Fig. 9):

Lawsonite + jadeite =

grossular + paragonite + quartz + H2O. (7)

Lawsonite + jadeite =

clinozoisite + paragonite + quartz + H2O. (8)

These reactions, calculated from the mineral compositions of eclogite sample 10B, pass TABLE 2. REPRESENTATIVE MINERAL COMPOSITIONS FROM THE HP-LT METAMORPHIC ROCKS OF THE DOMUZDAG OF ROCKS METAMORPHIC THE HP-LT MINERAL COMPOSITIONS FROM REPRESENTATIVE 2. TABLE through the broad P-T fi eld determined from the

Eclogite 9C Eclogite 10B Chloritoid-glaucophane schist 758B matrix phases (Fig. 9), suggesting that the upper temperature stability fi eld of lawsonite has just been exceeded. In Fe3+-poor rocks the stability of lawsonite will extend toward higher tem- peratures, which would explain its presence as a in the sodic amphibole was calculated assuming 23 oxygens and 15 cations in the formula unit. In the sodic pyroxene the ferric In the sodic pyroxene unit. and 15 cations in the formula calculated assuming 23 oxygens in the sodic amphibole was

3+ matrix phase in some metasedimentary rocks. gt cpx laws glau epidote ph gt gt cpx laws epidote ph pa gt gt ctd glau ph pa chl nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd Nd nd nd nd 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.02 0.09 0.00 0.06 rim inc core rim Inc core rim

0.06 0.08 0.14 0.02 0.19 0.230.02 0.041.94 0.01 0.08 0.370.06 0.001.95 0.02 1.93 0.12 0.09 0.03 0.08 1.76 0.04 0.03 0.00 2.44 0.24 0.12 0.55 0.00 1.50 0.54 0.84 0.02 0.06 1.92 0.02 0.06 1.93 0.40 0.13 0.08 0.05 1.91 0.06 0.04 2.12 2.42The 0.06 1.97 1.54 0.18accretionary 0.00 0.09 1.96 0.06 0.09 0.58 0.57 0.02 0.08 1.96 0.95 1.96 0.05complex 0.05 0.14 3.97 character 0.04 1.95 0.03 0.00 2.08 0.03 0.00 1.51 2.22of the 1.98 0.54 0.03 1.29 1.01 1.66 0.00 1.34 1.39 0.18 0.02 3.03 12 oxy 4 cat 8 oxy 23 oxy 8 cat 11 oxy 12 oxy 12 oxy 4 cat 8 oxy 8 cat 11 oxy 11 oxy 12oxy 12oxy 12 oxy 23 oxy 11 oxy 11 oxy 14 oxy 37.8621.11 56.01 38.69 9.08 58.71 31.11 38.51 11.16 50.83 26.46 37.29 25.70 37.72 20.59 56.29 20.95 38.79 38.43 9.42 30.98 49.14 47.23 26.12 36.02 25.81 36.58 38.20 20.85 21.11 24.02 57.56 40.47 50.55 11.90 46.29 24.15 25.38 39.34 20.25

: The : Fe Domuzdag˘ Complex implies that it must consist 3 3 2 2 O 0.04 6.62 0.05 7.00 0.00 0.32 0.00 0.00 6.58 0.01 0.03 0.55 6.85 0.03 0.05 0.00 7.21 0.19 7.42 0.02

O of a large number of individual tectonic slices; 2 O 3+ 2+ 2 O 0.01 0.00 0.03 0.02 0.00 10.69 0.06 0.03 0.00 0.01 0.00 10.29 0.76 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.03 10.39 0.58 0.00 2 4 6 Note 2 Total 101.34 100.20 88.53 97.73 97.49 93.93 101.12 101.05 99.54 89.54 97.00 91.58 94.20 99.88 100.48 91.77 96.94 93.16 94.24 87.73 SiAl 2.98 1.99 2.03 7.97 3.00 3.45 2.98 2.98 2.01 2.03 3.02 3.42 3.05 2.95 2.95 2.00 8.00 3.46 2.99 2.66 SiO nd—not determined; alm—almandine; ames—amesite; cel—celadonite; chl—chlorite; clin—clinochlore; cpx—omphacite; ctd—chloritoid; ctd—chloritoid; cpx—omphacite; clin—clinochlore; chl—chlorite; cel—celadonite; ames—amesite; alm—almandine; nd—not determined; m laws—lawsonite; jd—jadeite; hd—hedenbergite; gt—garnet; gr—grossular; glau—sodic amphibole; gl—glaucophane; ferroglaucophane; pyr—pyrope. FeOMgO 30.41MnOCaO 2.92Na 0.46 5.62 8.47 8.65 0.74 0.00 14.14 0.00 0.02 8.51 17.75 11.42 0.09 8.30 0.80 0.05 2.31 23.93 0.05 3.79 0.00 32.88 0.06 1.66 30.70 7.62 0.98 3.01 5.02 8.23 0.33 2.47 8.43 13.78 0.08 0.00 8.71 16.99 0.09 23.53 0.00 2.33 0.14 0.01 0.70 3.16 0.09 30.81 0.05 0.31 33.28 0.06 4.16 1.16 6.79 5.54 1.57 24.14 2.26 11.94 0.01 2.80 3.12 0.21 0.09 8.09 0.37 0.06 32.84 0.00 3.26 0.03 0.00 0.15 10.07 0.00 0.01 0.25 TiO Cr Al K Al TiCr Fe 0.00MgMn 0.00Ca 0.34Na 0.03 0.00K 0.71Total 0.46 0.01activities at 17 kbar and 500 °C: 0.00 0.00 8.04pyr 0.00 0.00 0.54alm 0.00 0.01 0.46gr 1.00 2.31 4.00 0.0054 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.22 di 0.46 0.01 5.00 0.12 0.00 0.01 hd 0.083 0.016 1.84 0.00 0.00 jd 0.38 15.00 0.38 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 gl 0.26 8.00 0.00 fgl 0.032 0.20 0.00 cz 0.55 0.04 0.37 mu 0.00 0.07 6.99 0.35 0.93 0.65 0.001 pyr 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.0056 8.05 cel 0.18 0.70 0.00 di 0.45 0.45 0.01 alm 0.30 0.00 0.00 8.04 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.53 0.00 0.22 0.46 0.00 0.00 0.95 cz 0.43 hd 0.12 4.00 0.41 mu 0.01 0.00 0.00 5.01 0.33 0.01 1.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.01 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.14 0.01 7.00 0.0095 gr 0.91 0.47 0.86 pyr 0.015 0.19 6.96 0.36 0.00 cel 0.15 jd 0.40 0.06 0.15 0.00077 0.00 0.48 8.05 0.00 fct 0.81 0.00 0.00 gl 0.21 8.04 0.35 0.00 0.02 0.36 mu 0.01 1.68 0.00 alm daph 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.33 8.04 0.01 0.085 0.01 0.00 0.33 1.94 14.99 0.00 mct 0.20 0.01 0.01 0.00 fgl 0.137 0.00 0.03 cel 0.16 1.66 6.98 0.00 0.02 0.91 0.93 clin 6.99 0.00 0.05 10.02 0.00 0.048 0.00 Fe the boundaries of individual slices, however, are

1256 Geological Society of America Bulletin, September/October 2006 Cretaceous and Triassic subduction-accretion and HP-LT metamorphism

80 km 40 km 60 km

q ab jd ; ab—albite; 15

q ˘ Complex. Facies ˘ D gt-cpx AEA 7 omphacite

pa K jd ky EC /Mg) 20


2+ omuzdag lp l v alm pa gl


q gl f d t mc


aamv alm pa the D


GS dfglq fct garnet 32 35 ) diagram, showing equilibria rel- /Mg) 2+ P-T D gt-cpx K -(Fe D conditions of 9C and 10B LBS 400 500 600°C Temperature P-T —K





9C 0

0. O.



0 2 10B gr p

jd law

quartz coesite

10B ond phite

di+mu gra diam py+gr+cel= di+hed+mu alm + gr + cel = 300

22 26 18 10 14 Pressure kbar alm—almandine; cel—celadonite; cpx—clinopyroxene; di—diopside; alm—almandine; cel—celadonite; cpx—clinopyroxene; gl—glaucophane; gt— fgl—ferroglaucophane; fctd—ferrochloritoid; garnet; hed—hedenbergite; jd—jadeite; ky—kyanite; law—lawsonite; mctd—magnesiochloritoid; mu—muscovite; pa—paragonite; py—pyrope; q—quartz; v—H evant to the estimation of Evans (1990). LBS—lawsonite blueschist; EBS—epi- after boundaries are AEA—albite-epidote amphibolite; GS— dote blueschist; EC—eclogite; THERMOCALC calculated using were All reactions facies. greenschist of Powell and Holland (1988) (1998). program K abbreviations: Other Figure 9. Figure Pressure-temperature ( jadeite 80





= x


) Abbrevia- Complex. ˘




x e



F 0.44

( i S x Fe + Mg per formula unit x x x x x aegerine x 40 x Domuzdag x phengite

3.50 3.45 3.40 3.35 3.30 unit sodic pyroxene formula per Si D) 20 s of the B) 30 20 10 augite mrb rbk 10 x 20 alm + sps 30 +Al) x x + + x 3+ 20 + x x + x grs + + /(Fe + Eclogite Chloritoid-glaucophane schist 3+ 30 crossite Fe

7 8A 9C 10B 269 758B 787

phane laucophane



garnet sodic amphibole gla + +




fgl C) +Mg) /(Fe Fe

2+ 2+ Figure 8. Garnet, sodic pyroxene, sodic amphibole, and phengite compositions from the sodic amphibole, and phengite compositions from 8. Garnet, sodic pyroxene, Figure eclogites and chloritoid-glaucophane mica schist tions: alm—almandine; fgl—ferroglaucophane; gln—glaucophane; mrb—magnesiorie- tions: alm—almandine; fgl—ferroglaucophane; beckite; rbk—riebeckite; sps—spessartine; grs—grossular.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, September/October 2006 1257 Okay et al. diffi cult to map except in the case of ophiolite TABLE 3. Ar-Ar ISOTOPIC DATA ON PHENGITE FROM THE ECLOGITE 9C SAMPLE fragments. The individual tectonic slices must 36Ar/39Ar ± 37Ar/39Ar ± 38Ar/39Ar ± 40Ar/39Ar ± 40Ar*/39Ar ± Age ± have been metamorphosed at slightly differ- (Ma) (1σ) ent times and at different depths in the oceanic 1 0.0091 0.0001 62.273 0.0143 0.0211 0.0003 111.298 0.0191 84.543 0.0386 95.1 0.6 subduction zone. The higher metamorphic tem- 2 0.0678 0.0011 339.832 0.2143 0.0647 0.0008 286.600 0.1636 86.179 0.3201 96.9 3.5 peratures from eclogite sample 7 (Fig. 9) might 3 0.0138 0.0003 104.552 0.0723 0.0231 0.0002 128.185 0.0156 87.277 0.0826 98.1 1.0 be an indication of the independent P-T-t [time] 4 0.0030 0.0001 0.9073 0.0047 0.0141 0.0001 96.499 0.0180 87.556 0.0250 98.4 0.5 5 0.0037 0.0003 31.381 0.0477 0.0128 0.0007 98.791 0.0932 87.909 0.1364 98.7 1.6 history of an individual tectonic slice within the 6 0.0874 0.0045 878.141 0.7061 0.1163 0.0038 347.338 0.1327 89.117 13.408 100.1 14.7 Domuzdag˘ Complex. The estimated P-T condi- 7 0.0163 0.0004 281.699 0.1510 0.0492 0.0018 138.038 0.0865 89.933 0.1386 101.0 1.6 tions for the Domuzdag˘ Complex must there- 8 0.1158 0.0022 294.503 0.1687 0.1547 0.0015 438.141 0.1890 95.906 0.6486 107.5 7.1 fore be viewed as a broad pressure-temperature 9 0.0897 0.0013 348.287 0.2349 0.1248 0.0018 361.463 0.1769 96.310 0.3580 107.9 3.9 window under which underplating took place 10 0.6114 0.0067 655.916 0.6925 0.4259 0.0065 1,906.066 17.609 99.443 10.861 111.3 11.8 rather than that of a coherent regional meta- 11 0.0533 0.0032 274.185 0.2642 0.0727 0.0032 259.130 0.0964 101.697 0.9349 113.8 10.1 12 0.1055 0.0021 465.478 0.5673 0.1383 0.0031 413.529 0.2819 101.836 0.6126 113.9 6.7 morphic . 13 0.0403 0.0010 631.963 0.4616 0.0942 0.0015 223.241 0.1266 104.210 0.3092 116.5 3.4

Isotopic Age Data

Ar-Ar and Rb-Sr isotopic analyses were car- TABLE 4. Rb-Sr ISOTOPIC DATA FROM THE CENTRAL PONTIDES ried out on four eclogites and one mica schist Sample Mineral Rb Sr 87Rb/86Sr 87Sr/86Sr Age from the Domuzdag˘ Complex to date the HP- (ppm) (ppm) (Ma) LT metamorphism. The analytical conditions Chloritoid–mica schist are described in the Appendix. The isotopic age 247 Rock 153.4 98.30 4.5212 0.723913 ± 10 data are given in Tables 3 and 4, and the loca- Phengite 12.11 858.30 0.0408 0.717271 ± 10 104.3 ± 4.8 tions of the dated samples are shown in Figure 3. Chloritoid 0.559 1370 1.1811 0.717387 ± 20 137.5 ± 6.6 The only previous age data from the Domuzdag˘ Eclogite Complex were six K-Ar whole-rock, phengite, 440 Rock 14.0 142.0 0.2852 0.707620 and glaucophane ages published by Ustaömer Phengite 131.5 14.9 25.64 0.746055 107 ± 1 and Robertson (1997). Their whole-rock K-Ar 441 Rock 18.0 504.0 0.1033 0.707287 Phengite 94.0 116.1 2.343 0.711230 124 ± 9 ages showed a scatter from 37 to 106 Ma, 444 Rock 13.0 50.0 0.7521 0.705640 whereas the phengite and glaucophane K-Ar Phengite 49.8 16.3 8.860 0.717820 106 ± 3 ages were 83.7 ± 9.7 Ma and 106.8 ± 4.7 Ma, respectively. These ages were interpreted as the thermal resetting of the late Paleozoic–Triassic HP-LT metamorphism. ated with smaller chloritoid grains 0.1–0.3 mm Complex, on the other hand, imply a short time The eclogite dated by the Ar-Ar method long. The Rb-Sr phengite age from this sample span for the HP-LT metamorphism. This and the (sample 9C) consists roughly of equal amounts is 104 ± 5 Ma, comparable to the other Rb-Sr general absence of arc magmatism in the Pon- of garnet, omphacite, and glaucophane, which and Ar-Ar phengite ages. tides during the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous together make up 90% of the rock (Table 1). The closure temperature for the Ar/Ar sys- suggest only a short period of subduction before Phengite grains, 0.2–0.4 mm long, occur in tem for the coarse phengite grains is probably the underplating of the Domuzdag˘ Complex. amounts of ~2 modal%. Fourteen individual 400 ± 50 °C (e.g., Purdy and Jäger, 1976; Sher- Ar-Ar spot ages range from 95.1 ± 0.6 to 116.5 lock et al., 1999) and in the Rb-Sr system 500 Interpretation of the Domuzdag˘ Complex ± 3.4 Ma (Table 3) with a mean age of 104.5 ± 50 °C (Jäger et al., 1967). The ~490 °C maxi- ± 7.2 Ma. On an inverse isochron correlation mum temperature during the regional metamor- The HP-LT regional metamorphism, the pres- diagram, the data form a trend that intercepts at phism, and the inferred rapid exhumation of the ence of ophiolite fragments and deep marine a 40Ar/36Ar value of 305 ± 13 and yields an inter- HP-LT metamorphic rocks (see later discus- sediments such as metacherts, and the MORB- cept age of 99.5 ± 1.3 Ma. The proximity of the sion), indicate that the phengite ages correspond type geochemistry of the metabasites indicate 40Ar/36Ar ratio to air (295.5) suggests that any to the age of the peak metamorphism. The Ar- that the Domuzdag˘ Complex represents a sub- contamination from excess argon is minimal Ar and Rb-Sr phengite ages from the Domuzdag˘ duction complex (Tüysüz, 1990; Tüysüz and and probably close to detection limits. Most of Complex are coherent and indicate that the HP- Yig˘itbas¸, 1994; Ustaömer and Robertson, 1997, the “older” ages have much larger uncertainties LT metamorphism of the Domuzdag˘ Complex 1999). The mica schists in the Domuzdag˘ Com- 37 39 and slightly elevated ArCa/ ArK ratios, which is Cretaceous in age and took place during the plex were probably trench sediments, and the indicate there may be some contamination by a Albian at 105 ± 5 Ma. metabasite, metagabbro, metachert, and serpen- calcic phase within the laser spot analyses. The subduction, accretion, and underplating tinite are underplated fragments of the Tethyan The Rb-Sr phengite ages from the three in a subduction zone occur over a time span, oceanic lithosphere. Ustaömer and Robertson eclogites are 106 ± 3 Ma, 107 ± 1 Ma, and 124 which in places is refl ected in the geochronol- (1997, 1999) interpreted the Domuzdag˘ Com- ± 9 Ma (Table 4). The dated chloritoid mica ogy. For example, geochronological data from plex as a subduction-accretion unit produced schist (sample 247) consists of phengite (57% of the Franciscan Complex indicate that subduc- during the northward subduction of the Paleo- the mode), quartz (28%), chloritoid (12%), and tion and HP-LT metamorphism took at least Tethys. We concur with their model except for opaque (3%). Most of the rock consists of phen- 75 m.y. (cf. Wakabayashi, 1999). The limited the age of subduction, which is Early Creta- gite, which forms grains 0.5 mm long, associ- geochronological data from the Domuzdag˘ ceous rather than Triassic.

1258 Geological Society of America Bulletin, September/October 2006 Cretaceous and Triassic subduction-accretion and HP-LT metamorphism

TECTONIC UNITS ABOVE THE HP-LT The Çangaldag˘ Complex has undergone a during the latest Triassic–Early Jurassic Cim- METAMORPHIC ROCKS low-grade regional metamorphism in high- merian orogeny. In terms of lithology, tec- pressure greenschist facies. In the coarse- tonostratigraphy, metamorphism, and structure, Çangaldag˘ Complex grained metabasites, magmatic augite is the Çangaldag˘ Complex is similar to the Nilüfer commonly preserved. The common mineral Formation of northwest Turkey, which is inter- This is a pre-Jurassic metabasite-phyllite- assemblage in the metabasic rocks is actino- preted as an accreted Paleo-Tethyan oceanic marble unit, which forms two crustal-scale tec- lite-barroisite + epidote + albite + chlorite + plateau or a series of oceanic islands (Okay, tonic slices north and south of the Gökırmak sphene ± pumpellyite ± sodic amphibole ± rel- 2000; Okay and Göncüog˘lu, 2004; Pickett and fold-and-thrust belt (Fig. 2). In its northern ict augite (Fig. 6). Sodic amphibole occurs as Robertson, 2004). The regional metamorphism outcrop the Çangaldag˘ Complex is intruded by rims around actinolite or as incipient grains in the Nilüfer Formation is isotopically dated as mid-Jurassic granitic rocks that provide a con- growing around relict augite. The phyllites in latest Triassic, using the Ar-Ar method on phen- straint on its age (Yılmaz, 1980; Yılmaz and the Çangaldag˘ Complex are characterized by gite (Okay et al., 2002), and the marble layers in Boztug˘, 1986; Aydın et al., 1995). quartz + white mica + chlorite paragenesis. the Nilüfer Formation have yielded conodonts In its southern outcrop the Çangaldag˘ Com- In the north the Çangaldag˘ Complex is of Early and Middle Triassic ages (Kaya and plex forms a northward-dipping tectonic slice, unconformably overlain by Maastrichtian or Mostler, 1992; Kozur et al., 2000). ~5 km in structural thickness (Figs. 2 and 3), Eocene sedimentary rocks. Northeast of the lying directly on the Domuzdag˘ Complex. The village of Akçasu, thickly bedded neritic lime- Gökırmak Fold-and-Thrust Belt basal contact of the Çangaldag˘ Complex with stones of Maastrichtian age—with the large the Domuzdag˘ Complex is a 50°–60° north- benthic foraminifers Siderolites sp., S. calci- A fold-and-thrust belt made up of Cretaceous dipping shear zone. The HP-LT metamorphic trapoides Lamarck, Sirtina sp., Hellenocyc- to Eocene sedimentary and volcanic rocks is rocks of the Domuzdag˘ Complex exhibit grad- lina beotica Reichel, and Orbitoides sp.—lie sandwiched between the southern and northern ual retrogression into greenschist facies rocks unconformably over the metabasites through a Çangaldag˘ Complexes (Fig. 2). The fold-and- toward this Acısu Fault, over a transition zone basal conglomerate consisting of clasts of the thrust belt represents the southernmost outcrops of several hundred meters. In the shear zone underlying metamorphic rocks (Fig. 3). West of the Cretaceous–Eocene series of the Black the eclogites are completely transformed into of Akçasu, the metamorphic rocks are uncon- Sea margin (Fig. 2; Gedik and Korkmaz, 1984; banded, mylonitized, medium grained albite- formably overlain by limestones and pelagic Görür and Tüysüz, 1997). The structure in the chlorite gneisses. Mylonitization is largely marls of late Paleocene (Thanetian) age with fold-and-thrust belt is characterized by south- confi ned to the footwall of the Acısu Fault. Acarinina sp., A. mckannai (White), Moro- vergent thrusts and recumbent folds, ranging Microscopic and mesoscopic microstructural zovella sp., M. aequa (Cushman and Renz), from outcrop to kilometer scale (Fig. 4). The criteria for the sense of shear in the mylonite and transported Nummulites sp. (Toumarkine belt forms part of the major south vergent Ekin- zone are ambiguous. The Acısu Fault emplaces and Lutherbacher, 1985). veren thrust zone (Fig. 2). Eocene rocks are lower-grade and older Çangaldag˘ Complex In its second large outcrop north of the involved in folding and thrusting; major angular rocks over the higher-grade and younger Gökırmak fold-and-thrust belt, the Çangaldag˘ unconformities in the sequence, however, sug- Domuzdag˘ Complex. It is therefore regarded Complex makes up a northward-dipping, struc- gest that deformation also occurred episodically as a Late Cretaceous shear zone with a nor- turally thickened 10-km-thick sequence domi- during the Late Cretaceous and Paleocene. The mal sense of movement, which facilitated the nated by metabasic rocks (Fig. 2; Yılmaz, 1980, stratigraphy and depositional environment in the exhumation of the Domuzdag˘ Complex. Nev- 1983; Ustaömer and Robertson, 1997, 1999). fold-and-thrust belt are important for establish- ertheless, imbrication of the Çangaldag˘ and Intercalated with the metabasites are minor ing the tectonic setting before, during, and after Domuzdag˘ tectonic slices north of Kovaçayır phyllite, metaandesite, metadacite, metarhyo- the emplacement of the HP-LT metamorphic (Fig. 3) suggests that at least parts of the Acısu lite, and marble. The protoliths of the metaba- rocks. With this aim, we mapped the Gökırmak Fault were reactivated as a thrust in the Creta- sites are mainly pyroclastic and epiclastic rocks fold-and-thrust belt in detail and measured sev- ceous or later. with minor lava fl ows and dikes. As with the eral stratigraphic sections (Figs. 10 and 11). The lower 1 km of the Çangaldag˘ sequence is southern outcrop of the Çangaldag˘ Complex, dominated by phyllite and chlorite-albite mica small metagabbro, metadiabase, and more Çag˘layan Formation schist with rare marble and metabasite layers, metafelsic intrusives occur, which are <100 m The lowest exposed unit in the fold-and- which are a few meters to several tens of meters across. The regional metamorphism is in green- thrust belt is a highly deformed olistostromal thick. The upper 4 km is made up mainly of schist facies, and no sodic amphibole is reported turbidite sequence, >2000 m thick, consisting metabasite (>70% of the outcrops) with phyl- from the northern Çangaldag˘ Complex (Yılmaz, of dark shales interbedded with thin to medium lite and marble layers. Marble makes up <3% 1983). Ustaömer and Robertson (1999) studied bedded sandstones that comprise grain fl ows, of the Çangaldag˘ sequence. The protoliths of in detail the geochemistry of the northern Çan- debris fl ows, and olistostromes with clasts of the metabasic rocks are mainly tuffs and fi ne- galdag˘ Complex. In the trace element diagrams metabasite, phyllite, and Jurassic limestone grained pyroclastic rocks, and rarely lava fl ows the compositions of the metavolcanic rocks plot up to several kilometers across (Fig. 11). No and diabase. There are also small (<100 m) in the fi elds of basaltic andesite, andesite, and age-diagnostic fossils have been found in the metagabbro lenses within the metabasites. A rhyodacite; and in the tectonic discrimination Çag˘layan Formation. Generally an Early Creta- penetrative foliation, with an average strike of diagrams the metavolcanic rocks plot mostly ceous (Barremian to Albian) age is accepted for N67°E and a dip of 40° to the north, is promi- in the fi eld of tholeiite. Ustaömer the Çag˘layan Formation on the basis of scarce nent in the phyllites, albite-chlorite schists, and and Robertson (1997, 1999) interpret the Çan- foraminifers and nannoplankton (Gedik and fi ne-grained metabasites (Fig. 5). An indistinct galdag˘ Complex as a Late Permian–Early Tri- Korkmaz, 1984; Aydın et al., 1986, 1995). subhorizontal mineral lineation in the metabasic assic, south-facing, intra-oceanic magmatic The Çag˘layan Formation crops out over rocks trends ENE. arc, accreted to the southern margin of Eurasia large areas in the Central Pontides, and in the

Geological Society of America Bulletin, September/October 2006 1259 Okay et al.

45 Ma




>50 m 85





Figure 10. Generalized stratigraphic sections of the Gökırmak fold-and-thrust belt and the Çangaldag˘, Domuzdag˘, and Kargı tectonic slices.

few localities where its base is observed, it rests and debris fl ows, made up of metamorphic rock The Kapanbog˘azı Formation forms a marker unconformably over the Upper Jurassic–Lower fragments. Several sections were measured in zone throughout the Central and Eastern Pon- Cretaceous neritic carbonates. It is generally the Kapanbog˘azı Formation to constrain its bio- tides (Pelin et al., 1982; Görür et al., 1993) and interpreted as an Early Cretaceous syn-rift stratigraphy (Fig. 11). In the 26-m-thick Vakıf is interpreted as a postrift sequence deposited sequence related to the opening of the Black Sea section, a sample 3 m above the base of the following the formation of the fi rst basin (Görür, 1988; Robinson et al., 1995, 1996; Kapanbog˘azı Formation gives a Santonian age on in the Black Sea backarc basin (Görür, 1988; Tüysüz, 1999). Its deposition overlaps the HP- the basis of the planktonic foraminiferal assem- Görür et al., 1993). Paleomagnetic analyses of LT metamorphism in the Central Pontides. The blage: Marginotruncana coronata (Bolli), M. the Kapanbog˘azı Formation in the area studied Çag˘layan Formation does not extend into the pseudolinneiana Pessagno, M. sigali (Reichel), indicate a paleolatitude of 21.5°N, placing it Eastern Pontides, where the Barremian–Albian M. sinuosa Porthault, Heterohelix moremani between West Gondwana and Eurasia (Channell interval is characterized by nondeposition or (Cushman), Hedbergella spp., Globotruncana et al., 1996) with the implication that the West erosion (e.g., Pelin, 1977; Robinson et al., 1995; bulloides Vogler, Globotruncanita elevata (Brot- Black Sea oceanic basin was open by the Conia- Okay and S¸ahintürk, 1997; Rojay, 1995). zen) (Caron, 1985; Premoli Silva and Sliter, 1994; cian–Santonian. Robaszynski et al., 2000) (Fig. 12K–M). The rest Kapanbog˘azı Formation of the samples give a wider Santonian–Coniacian Yemis¸liçay Formation The Çag˘layan Formation is unconformably age. A point sample from the Kapanbog˘azı For- The Kapanbog˘azı Formation passes laterally overlain by the red pelagic limestones of the mation (413A) contains the planktonic foramini- and upward to a sequence of volcanic agglom- Kapanbog˘azı Formation, rich in foraminifers fer Dicarinella asymetrica (Sigal), the type fossil erate, tuff, and pelagic limestone 125–250 m and radiolarians and with a thickness ranging for the upper zone of the Santonian (Caron, 1985; in thickness. Pelagic limestones occur both as from a few meters up to 160 m (Fig. 10). The Premoli Silva and Sliter, 1994; Robaszynski, et interbeds and as blocks in the volcanic rocks. Kapanbog˘azı Formation consists dominantly al., 2000). Therefore, the age of the Kapanbog˘azı Pelagic limestones sampled from the basal and of thinly bedded red pelagic micrites with thin Formation in the area studied is Santonian, pos- upper parts of the Yemis¸liçay Formation con- shaly partings and beds. There are also rare grain sibly extending down to Coniacian. tain planktonic foraminifers characteristic of

1260 Geological Society of America Bulletin, September/October 2006 Cretaceous and Triassic subduction-accretion and HP-LT metamorphism

0 3 6 km

Figure 11. Geological map of the Gökırmak fold-and-thrust belt. For location, see Figure 2, and for the cross section, see Figure 4.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, September/October 2006 1261 Okay et al. the Coniacian–Santonian: Dicarinella primitiva Manetti et al., 1983; Akıncı, 1984; Çamur et al., sorted clasts include metamorphic, magmatic, (Dalbiez), Marginotruncana coronata (Bolli), 1996; Arslan et al., 1997). and sedimentary rocks. Large benthic foramini- M. pseudolinneiana Pessagno, Hedbergella fers of the Orbitoides and Lepiorbitoides type spp., and Hetereohelix spp. (Caron, 1985; Pre- Gürsökü Formation are relatively abundant in the coarse-grained moli Silva and Sliter, 1994; Robaszynski, et al., A siliciclastic turbidite sequence 625 m thick, turbiditic sandstones. On the basis of a detailed 2000). The Yemis¸liçay Formation was formed in the Gürsökü Formation, lies with an angular measured section (the Han section in Fig. 11), a submarine magmatic arc above the northward unconformity over the Çag˘layan, Kapanbog˘azı, Özcan and Özkan-Altıner (1999) and Özkan- subducting Neo-Tethyan oceanic lithosphere. and Yemis¸liçay Formations (Figs. 10 and 11). Altıner and Özcan (1999) assign a Maastrich- The subalkaline geochemistry of the Senonian The Gürsökü consists of interbedded sandstone, tian and a possible late Campanian age range magmatic rocks from the Eastern Pontides pebbly sandstone, shale, and conglomerate. The to the Gürsökü Formation, as determined from is compatible with a subduction origin (e.g., conglomerates are polymictic, and the poorly the benthic foraminifers. Several of our point




G K I 0.2 mm

J LM Figure 12. Photomicrographs of some important microfossils. Stratigraphic ranges are from Premoli Silva and Sliter (1994). Kirazbas¸ı Formation: (A) Planomalina cf. buxtorfi (Gandolfi ), A-7, late Albian; (B) Ticinella roberti (Gandolfi ), A-7, late Albian; (C) Dicarinella asy- metrica (Sigal), A-6, Santonian; (D) Heterohelix punctulata (Cushman), A-6, Santonian–Maastrichtian; (E) Helvetoglobotruncana helvetica (Bolli), A-5, early Turonian; (F) Dicarinella canaliculata (Reuss), A-5, Cenomanian–Coniacian; (G) Marginotruncana renzi (Gandolfi ), A-2, Turonian–Santonian; (H) Globotruncana cf. hilli Pesssagno, A-2, Turonian–Maastrichtian; (I) Hedbergella fl andrini Porthault, A-2, late Turonian–Santonian; (J) Marginotruncana sigali (Reichel), A-3, Turonian–Santonian. Kapanbog˘azı Formation: (K) Heterohelix moremani (Cushman), V-3, Cenomanian–Campanian; (L) Globotruncanita cf. elevata (Brotzen), V-3, Santonian–Campanian; (M) Marginotruncana pseudolinneiana Pessagno, V-3, Santonian–Campanian.

1262 Geological Society of America Bulletin, September/October 2006 Cretaceous and Triassic subduction-accretion and HP-LT metamorphism samples include benthic foraminifers character- Complex and the slate sequence must be coeval ited directly on the underlying metamorphic istic of the Maastrichtian: Siderolites cf. calcitra- or later than the Turonian exhumation of the rocks (Fig. 13A, 13B). The pelagic limestones poides Lamarck, Cideina cf. soezerii (Sirel), HP-LT metamorphic rocks. probably represent the back-bulge deposits of a and Lepiorbitoides sp. foreland basin (e.g., De Celles and Giles, 1996). The base of the Gürsökü Formation cuts down TECTONIC UNITS BELOW THE HP-LT The thinly to medium bedded micritic limestone from the Yemis¸liçay Formation in the south to METAMORPHIC ROCKS is rich in radiolarians and pelagic foraminifers. the Çag˘layan Formation in the northeast over a In the Kirazbas¸ı section (Fig. 3) a sample a distance of 4 km (Fig. 11), indicating differen- Kirazbas¸ı Formation—Turonian Foreland few centimeters above the unconformity con- tial vertical movements, possibly related to con- Basin Deposits tains Helvetoglobotruncana helvetica (Bolli) tractional deformation in the arc massif before (Fig. 12E), a foraminifer characteristic of the the deposition of the Gürsökü Formation. In the The Domuzdag˘ Complex is tectonically early Turonian (ca. 93 Ma; Gradstein et al., 2004) Eastern Pontides and Lesser Caucasus, an ophi- underlain by a Late Cretaceous fl exural foreland (Caron, 1985; Premoli Silva and Sliter, 1994; olitic accretionary complex was thrust north- basin with a metamorphic basement. Several Robaszynski et al., 2000). In other sections the ward over the continental margin during the late stratigraphic sections were measured in foreland planktonic foraminiferal assemblage is indicative Santonian–Campanian (Okay and S¸ahintürk, basin sequence, as its biostratigraphy constrains of Coniacian–Santonian or Turonian–Santonian 1997). In the southern parts of the Central Pon- the timing and mode of emplacement of the HP- age: Heterohelix punctulata (Cushman), Dicari- tides, turbidites of the Gürsökü Formation rest LT metamorphic rocks (Figs. 3 and 13A). nella canaliculata (Reuss), Marginotruncana unconformably over the ophiolitic accretionary The Kirazbas¸ı Formation starts with light sigali (Reichel), M. renzi (Gandolfi ), M. mar- complex (Dirik, 1993; Rojay and Altıner, 1998). gray pelagic limestones, 1–8 m thick, depos- ginata (Reuss), M. pseudolinneiana Pessagno, The widespread mid-Campanian–Maastrichtian siliciclastic turbidites in the Central and Eastern Pontides are generally interpreted as forearc fl ysch sequences deposited after the Santonian– Campanian deformation (Görür et al., 1984; Metamorphic rocks Koçyig˘it, 1991; Dirik, 1993; Rojay, 1995). Thrust fault Serpentinite Paleocene–Eocene Carbonates Gabbro A sequence of white and pale gray limestone A and marl lies unconformably over the Gürsökü and Yemis¸liçay Formations; they are preserved in Radiolarian chert the cores of faulted synclines along the Gökırmak m Red pelagic mudstone valley (Fig. 11). Their age, on the basis of ben-

>200 thic and pelagic foraminifers and nannoplankton, Debris flows with clasts of pelagic limestone, is late Paleocene–early Eocene. This sequence 0.1-3 m across marks a lull in the orogenic activity between the B early Paleocene and mid-Eocene. Conglomerate

Lower Cretaceous Slate Sequence

Slumped sandstone blocks In the west the Domuzdag˘ Complex is tecton-

200 m ically overlain by a slate sequence (Fig. 2). The Black, silicified shale, siltstone and fine grained contact is marked by tectonic slices of ophiolitic thinly bedded sandstone mélange, and is covered by Eocene and younger sedimentary rocks. The metaclastic sequence consists dominantly of yellowish brown slates, which make up 80% of the outcrops. They are White, thinly bedded Globotruncana-bearing intercalated with metasandstone beds 10–30 cm pelagic biomicrite Turonian-Coniacian thick. There are also thickly bedded neritic 1-10 m recrystallized limestone lenses, up to several hundred meters across, from which Late Juras- Metamorphic rocks: sic–Early Cretaceous fossils are reported (H.S. mica schist, phyllite, Serdar, 2000, personal commun.). The regional marble metamorphism is in low-grade greenschist facies. This Cretaceous slate sequence forms part of the extensive Lower Cretaceous turbidite basin in the Central Pontides (Fig. 2). The depo- sition and deformation of the Lower Cretaceous Figure 13. (A) Generalized stratigraphic section of the Kirazbas¸ı Formation (modifi ed from turbidites are associated with the collision of the Tüysüz, 1993). (B) Photograph showing the Turonian pelagic limestones of the Kirazbas¸ı Istanbul and Sakarya terranes (Tüysüz, 1999). Formation lying unconformably over the phyllites of the Kargı Complex. The head of the The tectonic juxtaposition of the Domuzdag˘ hammer lies at the contact.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, September/October 2006 1263 Okay et al.

M. sinuosa Porthault , M. schneegansi (Sigal), the sequence), which are locally intercalated leading edge of ophiolitic accretionary complex M. coronata (Bolli), Globotruncana cf. hilli Pes- with quartzites (10% of the sequence) and are were exhumed along a thrust fault at the base sagno, Hedbergella fl adrini Porthault, and Hed- associated with massive, thickly bedded recrys- and a normal fault at the top (Fig. 14B). A simi- bergella spp. (Fig. 12C–I) (Caron, 1985; Premoli tallized limestones (25% of the sequence). lar exhumation mechanism involving a basal Silva and Sliter, 1994; Robaszynski et al., 2000). Rare, banded amphibolites and small lenses of thrust and an overlying normal fault was sug- The pelagic limestones are overlain by a distal tur- metaserpentinite are present also. The recrys- gested for the Himalaya (Royden and Burchfi el, bidite sequence of dark gray and black siliceous tallized limestones occur both as interlayers 1987), the Alps (Wheeler, 1991), the Franciscan shale, siltstone, and thinly bedded sandstone, within the mica schists and more commonly as sequence (Harms et al., 1992), and Dabie Shan 200 m thick, representing the foredeep deposits large boudins in the upper parts of the sequence, in China (Hacker et al., 2000). The exhumation (Fig. 13A). The sequence also contains thick grain interpreted as olistoliths by Tüysüz (1990). Late of the Domuzdag˘ Complex is constrained to and debris fl ow zones. The clasts in the debris Carboniferous–Permian neritic foraminifers are a short period in the Senonian on the basis of fl ows include limestone, red mudstone, and red reported from some of the recrystallized lime- the early Turonian–Coniacian (93–86 Ma) age radiolarian chert. The 0.1–3 m large pelagic lime- stones (Tüysüz and Yig˘itbas¸, 1994). The meta- of the foreland deposits and the latest Santo- stone blocks are of late Albian age on the basis of morphism of the Kargı Complex is in upper nian–earliest Campanian (ca. 84 Ma) sedimen- the planktonic foraminifers Rotalipora ticinensis greenschist facies, and is generally regarded as tary cover above the HP-LT metamorphic rocks. (Gandolfi ), Rotalipora balernaensis (Gandolfi ), Permo–Triassic in age. Ustaömer and Robertson The depth (~57 km) and age of HP-LT meta- Ticinella roberti (Gandolfi ), and Planomalina (1997) report Late Triassic (211.7 ± 18.7 Ma) morphism (105 ± 5 Ma) give an overall vertical cf. buxtorfi (Gandolfi ) (Fig. 12A, 12B). With an K-Ar hornblende and Early Cretaceous (136.0 exhumation rate of ~3 mm per year. The forearc increase in the frequency of the debris fl ows, the ± 2.9 Ma) K-Ar whole rock ages from the region in the Central Pontides was made up of turbidites pass up into an ophiolitic mélange of amphibolites of the Kargı Complex. The struc- Triassic subduction-accretion complexes, which basalt, radiolarian chert, serpentinite, pelagic tural position of the Kargı Complex suggests were mechanically weak and contained a large shale, and limestone, interpreted as the wedge- that it is part of an exotic terrane, which collided number of shear zones, facilitating the emplace- top deposits of a foreland basin. The lower parts and accreted to the Eurasian margin in the Late ment of the Domuzdag˘ Complex. The triggering of the ophiolitic mélange show olistostromal fea- Cretaceous (Ustaömer and Robertson, 1997). mechanism of exhumation, however, was prob- tures, and the upper parts, tectonic features. The ably the underthrusting of the Kargı microcon- ophiolitic mélange makes up >90% of the out- GEOLOGICAL EVOLUTION tinent (Fig. 14B). Physical experiments have crops of the Kirazbas¸ı Formation. Apart from the shown that underthrusting of a crustal sliver in ophiolitic material, the mélange includes blocks Aptian–HP-LT Metamorphism and the subduction zone may have resulted in the and tectonic slices of metabasite, mica schist, and Deposition of Çag˘layan Turbidites exhumation of the overlying slab during ongo- marble, most probably derived from the overly- ing convergence (Chemenda et al., 1995). ing Domuzdag˘ Complex (Tüysüz, 1985, 1990; The HP-LT metamorphism (ca. 105 Ma) is The collision and accretion of the Sakarya, Yig˘itbas¸ et al., 1990). coeval with the deposition of the siliciclastic tur- Kargı, and Istanbul terranes took place in the The structural position of the Kirazbas¸ı For- bidites of the Çag˘layan Formation along the Black Cenomanian–Turonian (Tüysüz, 1999). The mation below the Domuzdag˘ Complex, the pres- Sea margin. The arc massif above the underplated jamming of the subduction zone and continu- ence of ophiolitic and metamorphic detritus at Domuzdag˘ Complex was a major source of detri- ing convergence resulted in uplift and internal the top of the sequence, the south-vergent folds tus to the West Black Sea rift (Fig. 14A). Most of deformation of the arc massif. The Cenoma- in the turbidites and radiolarian cherts (Tüysüz, the Jurassic–Cretaceous cover over the Çangaldag˘ nian–early Turonian was a time of uplift and 1985), and the northward dips of the imbricate Complex, as well as part of the metamorphic pile, erosion in the Pontides. Regional shortening thrusts (Fig. 3) indicate that the causative tec- was eroded in the Aptian–Albian. The kilometer in this period is illustrated by the north-vergent tonic load was an accretionary complex and size of the olistoliths in the Çag˘layan Formation emplacement of the ophiolitic mélange over the emergent HP-LT metamorphic rocks. The suggests that the Acısu Fault formed the main the arc massif, possibly from the steepened and Turonian–Coniacian age of the Kirazbas¸ı For- divide between the depositional and erosional overturned accretionary complex (Dirik, 1993; mation indicates that the south-vergent thrusting realms in the Central Pontides in the Aptian. Rojay, 1995; Okay and S¸ahintürk, 1997). A started ~20 m.y. after the HP-LT metamorphism. The general absence of magmatism in the present-day analogue is the jamming of the sub- The observation that the Kirazbas¸ı Formation is Aptian in the Central Pontides is noteworthy. duction zone south of Cyprus through collision not deeply buried suggests that the Domuzdag˘ Based on the magnetic isochrons in the Atlan- with the Eratosthenes block, a small, isolated Complex had been largely exhumed by the time tic Ocean, the convergence between Africa and continental terrane in the oceanic Levant basin it was thrust over the Kirazbas¸ı Formation. Europe is estimated to have started between (e.g., Robertson, 1998; Garfunkel, 1998), lead- 120 and 83 Ma, probably close to 95–100 Ma ing to the uplift of Cyprus above sea level. Kargı Complex (Dewey et al., 1989; Rosenbaum et al., 2002). In the Aptian the subducted slab probably had Initiation of a New Subduction Zone— The Kirazbas¸ı Formation lies unconformably not reached the depth of 150–200 km, required Coniacian–Santonian over a composite tectonic unit, the Kargı Com- for arc magmatism. plex, which is made up of at least two different The accretion of the Kargı Complex eventu- metamorphic sequences. Garnet-amphibolite, Turonian–Coniacian—Exhumation of the ally resulted in the outstepping of the conver- garnet–mica schist, and marble form the upper HP-LT Metamorphic Rocks gent margin and the establishment of a new sequence, and lower-grade metamorphic rocks subduction zone south of the Kargı Complex the lower sequence, of the Kargı Complex The development of the fl exural foreland (Fig. 14C). The deposition of the latest Santo- (Tüysüz, 1990). The lower part of this complex basin in front of the Domuzdag˘ Complex indi- nian–earliest Campanian pelagic limestones is dominated by quartz–mica schists (65% of cates that the HP-LT metamorphic rocks with a on the Domuzdag˘ Complex shows that the arc

1264 Geological Society of America Bulletin, September/October 2006 Cretaceous and Triassic subduction-accretion and HP-LT metamorphism




Domuzda? Complex

Figure 14. Sketches illustrating the tectonic evolution of the Central Pontides by outboard growth by accretion of crustal material. (A) Albian (ca. 105 Ma) HP-LT metamorphism of the underplated oceanic crust, and beginning of the rifting in the Black Sea. (B) Turonian– Coniacian (ca. 89 Ma) collision and accretion of the Kargı microcontinent and exhumation of the Domuzdag˘ Complex. (C) Coniacian–San- tonian (ca. 85 Ma) outward thrust of the subduction zone, and the opening of the oceanic West Black Sea oceanic basin.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, September/October 2006 1265 Okay et al. massif subsided below sea level by ca. 84 Ma. assic and Early Jurassic (Okay, 2000; Robertson development of oceanic crust in the West Black The regional subsidence throughout the Central et al., 2004). It was thus an accretionary rather Sea basin is diffi cult to establish because of the and Eastern Pontides is shown by the deposition than a collisional orogen. The ˙Izmir-Ankara discrepancy in their scale (cf. Fig. 1). of the pelagic limestones of the Kapanbog˘azı suture is a zone of convergence during the late The Central Pontides has been an important Formation in the Coniacian–Santonian over a Paleozoic and Mesozoic and represents both the region in the development of the concepts related deformed substratum. This event was related to Paleo-Tethyan and Neo-Tethyan sutures. to the Cimmeride evolution in the Eastern Med- a switch from shortening to extension facilitated The southern parts of the Pontides consist of iterranean realm (S¸engör et al., 1984; Yılmaz by the establishment of the new subduction lithotectonic belts that record successive out- and S¸engör, 1985; Tüysüz, 1990; Ustaömer and zone. The continuing oceanic subduction also building of the Laurasian continent from Trias- Robertson, 1997; Robertson et al., 2004). In all led to the fi rst arc magmatism in the Central sic to Cretaceous time. In two major episodes these models the HP-LT metamorphic rocks, Pontides and to the formation of oceanic crust in the Late Triassic and Late Cretaceous, the including the Domuzdag˘ Complex and the in the Western Black Sea basin. The pelagic active margin of Laurasia has grown southward Elekdag˘ lherzolite, were regarded as pre-Juras- limestones of the Kapanbog˘azı Formation are for >100 km through the incorporation of sub- sic units that represent the main Paleo-Tethyan commonly interpreted as marking the breakup duction-accretion complexes. The structure and ocean. Their Alpide rather than Cimmeride unconformity from rifting to the formation of evolution of the Pontides are similar to those age requires modifi cation to the Paleo-Tethyan the fi rst oceanic crust (Görür et al., 1993; Rob- of the in models. One implication of the new data is that inson et al., 1996). (e.g., Coleman et al., 1988) and to the Altaids there is no evidence for the existence of a Late The absence of Cretaceous magmatic rocks in Central Asia (S¸engör et al., 1993) rather than Triassic–Liassic Küre basin, which was mod- within the Kargı Massif indicates that this mas- to the collisional orogens of the Western Alps eled to have opened north of the main Paleo- sif was in a forearc position throughout the or Himalaya. However, the Pontides differs Tethys (Ustaömer and Robertson, 1997; Stamp- Santonian. Depending on the rate of subduction from these other regions by the general scar- fl i and Borel, 2002; Robertson et al., 2004). The and on the coupling between the subducted slab city of arc magmatism, possibly because the Küre basin is a forearc to trench basin above the and the arc massif, the forearc region underwent subducted oceanic lithosphere was not wide or northward dipping Paleo-Tethyan subduction either uplift or subsidence. An uplift of the arc the subduction angle was too shallow to gener- zone, close to the Eurasian margin. massif during the late Campanian–Maastrich- ate arc . HP-LT metamorphic rocks of Precambrian tian supplied detritus for the deposition of the The Central Pontides contains one of the earli- (Candan et al., 2001), Late Triassic (Okay and Gürsökü Formation. A further uplift occurred est records of the Alpide convergence in the East- Monié, 1997; Okay et al., 2002), mid-Creta- before the late Paleocene deposition of the car- ern Mediterranean in the Albian (ca. 105 Ma) ceous (this study), Late Cretaceous (Sherlock et bonates, and the last major phase of deformation HP-LT metamorphism. The Cretaceous–Ter- al., 1999), and Eocene ages (Oberhänsli et al., in the Gökırmak fold-and-thrust belt was in the tiary sedimentary sequences indicate that the 1998) occur within the relatively confi ned area mid-Eocene. The collision between the Central HP-LT metamorphic rocks were exhumed in the of Anatolia and attest to its location along active Pontides and the Kırs¸ehir Massif began in the Turonian–Coniacian at ca. 86 Ma in a forearc plate boundaries throughout the Phanerozoic. late Paleocene (Tüysüz and Dellalog˘lu, 1992; setting in a convergent subduction system. The Although oceanic subduction was a steady-state Görür et al., 1984; Kaymakçı et al., 2003). The exhumation of the HP-LT metamorphic com- process during much of the Cretaceous along shortening was transmitted to the Black Sea plex was guided by a basal thrust, which led to the Pontide margin, accretion of the subduc- marginal sequences in the mid-Eocene. the development of a fl exural foreland basin in tion complexes to the continental margin was the south. The upper tectonic contact of the HP- episodic and happened at different times in dif- DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS LT metamorphic complex was a shear zone with ferent segments of the margin. The triggering a normal sense of movement. Oceanic subduc- mechanism for the accretion of the subduction A major part of the Central Pontides consists tion continued in the Central Pontides at least complexes was collision of small continental or of Triassic and Cretaceous subduction-accretion until the Paleocene, and the exhumation of the oceanic fragments with the subduction zone. complexes. A similar pattern of imbricated Late HP-LT metamorphic rocks predated the colli- Cretaceous and Triassic subduction-accretion sion by ~25 m.y. The exhumation of the HP-LT APPENDIX: ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES complexes, including isotopically dated Late metamorphic rocks was probably triggered by FOR ISOTOPIC DATING Triassic blueschists and eclogites, was recently the underthrusting of a small continental terrane described from the western part of the Pontides (Fig. 14B). For the Ar-Ar analyses, the eclogite sample north of Eskis¸ehir (Okay et al., 2002) and from HP-LT metamorphic complexes, backarc was prepared as a polished section, 300 µm in the Tokat Massif (Bozkurt et al., 1997). The Late basins, and detachment faults are common in thickness, and was removed from the glass slide Triassic Cimmeride orogeny in Anatolia was the Mediterranean region; their temporal and and cleaned in alternate acetone and deionized previously ascribed to the collision of a Cimme- causal relation are controversial (e.g., Avigad et water. A 5 mm2 piece was selected for irradiation rian continental sliver with the southern margin al., 1997; Gautier, 2000). In the Central Pontides and removed with a scalpel, which was packaged of Eurasia (S¸engör et al., 1984; S¸engör, 1984). the Acısu detachment fault forms the southern in aluminum foil. The sample was irradiated at However, direct juxtaposition of the Alpide and depositional limit of the Cretaceous–Eocene the Risø reactor (Denmark) for 13 h. Neutron Cimmeride subduction-accretion complexes in Black Sea marginal sequence. During its main fl ux was monitored using GA1550 biotite (with the Pontides leaves no room for a major Cim- phase of activity in the Albian–Santonian, the an age of 98.8 ± 0.5 Ma), with a J value of meride continent. The Cimmeride orogeny in the Acısu Fault could have created the space for 0.0065 ± 0.0000325. Results were corrected for Pontides is related to the collision and amalga- the deposition of the turbidites of the Çag˘layan blanks, 37Ar decay, and neutron-induced interfer- mation of oceanic terranes—including oceanic Formation. However, any causal link between ence reactions. The following correction factors 39 37 36 37 plateaus, oceanic islands, and magmatic arcs— the structures responsible for the exhumation of were used: ( Ar/ Ar)Ca = 0.00067, ( Ar/ Ar)Ca 40 39 to the active margin of Eurasia in the latest Tri- the HP-LT metamorphic rocks and those for the = 0.000255, and ( Ar/ Ar)K = 0.048; these were

1266 Geological Society of America Bulletin, September/October 2006 Cretaceous and Triassic subduction-accretion and HP-LT metamorphism

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