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Aa Ac Ad Ag Ah Ai Ak Al Am an Ap Ar As at Au Ax Ay Az Ba Bc Bd Be Bi Bk Bo aa ac ad ag ah ai ak al am an ap ar as at au ax ay az ba bc bd be bi bk bo bp bs bx by ca cb cc cd ce ci cm co cs ct cu cv cy cz da db dc de dj dl do dr dt du dv dx dy dz ea ed eg eh el em en er es et eu ex fa fc fd fe ff fl fm fr fs ft fu ga gb ge gi gm go gp gu ha he hi ho hp hq hr hz ia ic id ie if ii il in ip iq ir is it iv ix jr kc kg kl km ko ks ku kw ky la lb li ll ln lo lp lt lu lw ma mc md me mi mo mr ms mu my na nb nc nd ne nf nh ni nj nm no np nr nt nu nv nw ny od of oh ok on op or os ow ox oz pa pc pd pe pg ph pi pj pl pm po pp pq pr ps pt pu px qt ra rd re rh rn ro rr rt rv rx sa sc sd se sf sh so sq st sw ta tb ti tn to tt tv tx ua uh uk un up us ut uv va vc vd vi vp vt wa we wi wp wt wv wy xi xs xt xv xx yd ye yo yr zn abc abe ace act add ado aft age ago aha aid ail aim air alb ale ali all alm alp alt ama ami amp amt amu amy ana and ani ann ant any ape apo apt arc are ark arm art ash ask asp ass ate aug auk aut ave awe awl awn axe aye baa bad bag bah ban bar bas bat bay bed bee beg ben bet bey bib bid big bin bio bit boa bob bog bon boo bop bow box boy bra bro bud bug bum bun bur bus but buy bye byu cab cad cam can cap car cat caw cay ceo chi cio cit cob cod cog col com con coo cop cot cow coy cpu crt cry cub cud cue cul cum cup cur cut dab dad dam dan day deb dec def dei del den des dew did die dig dim din dip dir dna doa doc doe dog don dos dot dow doz dry dub dud due dug dun duo dup dye ear eat ebb ecg eeg eel eft egg ego eke elf elk ell elm emu enc end ene eon epa era ere erg ese esp est eta etc eve ewe ext eye fad fag fan far fat fax fay fee fen few fey fez fib fie fig fin fir fit fix fly fob foe fog fop for fox fri fry fun fur gab gad gag gal gam gao gap gar gas gay gee gel gem gen get gig gin gnu gob god gop got gov gum gun gut guy gym gyp hac had hag hah ham hap has hat haw hay hem hen hep her hew hex hey hid hie him hip his hit hob hoc hod hoe hog hon hop hot how hub hue hug huh hum hun hut ice icy ida ifs ilk ill inc ind ink inn ins int ion iou ire irk irs ism its iud ivs ivy iwo jab jag jam jan jap jar jaw jay jet jew jib jig jim job joe jog jot joy jug jul jun jus jut kat keg ken key kid kin kip kit lab lad lag lam lap las lat law lax lay led lee leg lei lek leo let leu lex lib lid lie lip lit liz lob log lop los lot low lox lug lye mad mae mag maj mal man mao map mar mat maw max may med meg men met mew mia mid mig mil min mit mix mob mod moi mom mon moo mop mow mrs mud mug mum nab nag nap nay nea neb net nev new nib nil nip nit nix nod nog nol non nor nos not nov now nub nun nut nyc oaf oak oar oat obi odd ode oem off oft ohm ohs oil old ole one ont opt orb ore oui our out ova owe owl own pad pal pan pap par pas pat paw pay pea peg pen pep per pet pew phi pie pig pin pip pit pix plo ply pob pod poe poi pop pos pot pow pox pre pro pry psi pub pug pun pup pus put pvc qat qed que qui quo rad raf rag rah ram ran rap rat raw ray rec red ref reg rei rem reo rep res ret rev rex rho rib rid rig rim rio rip rna rob rod roe rom rot row rub rue rug rum run rut rya rye sac sad sag sam san sao sap sat saw sax say sci sea sec see sen sep seq set sew sex she shy sic sid sin sip sir sis sit six ski sky sly sob sod sol son sop sos sot sow sox soy spa spy sri sty sub sue sui sum sun sup tab tad tag taj tan tao tap tar tat tau taw tax tay tea ted tee tel ten tex the tho thy tic tie tim tin tip tit tnt toe tog tom ton too top tot tov tow toy try tub tue tug tux tvs two ubi ufo ugh uke ump una uno upi ups urb urn usa use uso uss ute vag val van vas vat vet vex via vie vim vip vis viz vol von vow vox wac wad wag wan war was wax way web wed wee wet who why wig win wit woe wok won woo wow wry yak yam yap yaw yds yea yen yes yet yew yin yip yod yom yon you yrs ytd zap zed zen zip zit zoo aaas abac abba abbe abbr abby abcs abed abeg abet able ably abri abut acct aced aces ache achy acid aclu acme acne acre acta acto acts acyl adam adar adds aden adit advt adze aeon aero aery afar afro afto agar aged ager ages agio agog ague ahem ahoy aide aids aiel ails aims ainu airs airy ajar akin alae alan alar alas alba alec alee ales alex alga alia alii alit alls ally alma alms aloe alon alow alps also alta alto alum amah ambo amen amex amid ammo amok amon amos amps amyl anal andy anew ankh anna anne anno anoa anon ansa anta ante anti ants anum anus apdu aped apes apex apse aqua arab arak aral aran arch arck arcs area areg ares argo aria arid aril ariz arks arms army arse arts arty arum aryl asap asce asci ases ashy asia asks asme assn asst aste asti astr atom atop attn atty auks aula auld aunt aura auth auto aver avid avis aviv avon avow away awed awes awls awns awol awry axal axed axel axer axes axil axis axle axon ayah ayes azan azar baal baas baba babe babs babu baby bach back bade bags baht bail bait bake bald bale bali balk ball balm banc band bane bang bank bans bant baps bapt barb bard bare barf bark barm barn baro barr bars bart base bash bask bass bast bate bath bats batt baud bawd bawl bays bdrm bead beak beam bean bear beat beau beck beds beeb beef been beep beer bees beet begs belg bell belt bely bema bend bene beng bent benz berg berk berm bern bert bess best beta bete beth bets betz bevy beys bhan bias bibs bice bide bids biel bier biff bike bile bilk bill bind bine bing bins biog bioi biol bios bird biro bise bisk bite bits bitt blab blah bldg bleb bled blet blew blip blob bloc blot blow blub blue blur blvd boac boar boas boat bobs bock bode bodo body boer bogs bogy bohr boil bois bola bold bole boll bolo bolt bomb bona bond bone bong boni bonn bono bons bony boob book boom boon boor boos boot bops bora bore borg born bort bosh bosk boss bote both bout bowl bows boys brab brad brae brag bran bras brat braw bray bred brei bren brew bric brie brig brim brio brit brix bros brow brut bubo buck buds buff bugs bulb bulg bulk bull buln bump bums buna bung bunk buns bunt buoy burg burk burl burn burp burr burs bury bush busk buss bust busy butt buys buzz byes byre byte cabs cade cads cafe caff café cage cagy cain cake caky calc calf calk call calm calx camb came camp cams cane cans cant cape capo caps capt card care carl carp cars cart case cash cask cast casu cats caul cava cave cavy caws cays ceca cede ceil cell celt cent cera cere cert cess cete chad chap char chat chef chem chew chez chic chid chin chip chit chiv chop chow chub chug chum ciao cigs cill cine cion circ cire cist cite city clad clam clan clap claw clay clef cleg clem clew clip clod clog clop clot cloy club clue clun coal coat coax cobb cobs coca cock coco coda code cods coed cogs coho coif coil coin coir coke cola cold cole coli coll colo colt coly coma comb come comm comp conc cone conf cong coni conj conk conn cons cont cony cook cool coon coop coos coot cope cops copt copy cord core corf cork corm corn corp corr cors cosa cosh cost cosy cote coth cots coup cove cowl cows coxa cozy cpus crab crag cram cran crap craw cree cres crew crib cris crit crop crow crud crus crux ctge ctrl cuba cube cubs cuds cued cues cuff cull culm culs cult cunt cups curb curd cure curl curs curt cush cusp cuss cute cuts cyan cyma cyme cyst czar dabs dace dada dado dads daft dago dags dail dais dale dals dame damn damp dams dane dank daps dard dare dark darn dart dash data date datu daub davy dawn days daze dces dead deaf deal dean dear debs debt debu deck decl deco dedi deed deem deep deer dees defo deft defy deit deja dele delf deli dell deme demo demy dene dens dent deny dept derv desc desk deus deut deux deva dewy dhow dhss diad diag dial diam dias dibs dice dick dict dido died diem dies diet diff digs dike diks dill dime dims dine ding dink dins dint diol dipl dips dire dirk dirt disc dish disk dist diva dive divi dlit doch dock docs dodo doer does doff doge dogs dole doli doll dolo dolt dome dona done dong doni dons doom door dopa dope dorm dory dose doss dost dote doth dots doug dour dove down doxy doze dozy drab drag dram drat draw dray dreg drew drey drip drop drub drug drum drys dsto dt's duad dual dubs duce duck duct dude duds duel dues duet duff dugs duke dull duly dumb dump dune dung dunk duns dunt duos dupe dura dusk dust duty dyad dyak dyed dyer dyes dyke dyne each earl earn ears ease east easy eats eave ebbs ebon ecad echo econ ecru edam eddy eden edge edgy edit eels eely eery efts egad eggs eggy egos eire eked ekes elan elhi elks ells elms else emir emit emmy empt emus ends enol envy eons epee epha epic epos eras erev ergo ergs eric erie erin erne erns eros errs erse erst espy esse etch eton etui euro even ever eves evil ewer ewes exam exec exes exit exon expo eyas eyed eyer eyes eyot eyra eyre ezra face fact fade fado fads faec faff fags fahr fail fain fair fait fake fall falx fame fane fang fans fare farl farm faro fart fash fast fata fate fatl fats faun faut faux fawn fays faze fddi fdic fear feat feci feds feed feel fees feet fehl feil fell felo felt feme fend fens fern fess feta fete feud fiat fibs fica fide fido fids fief fife fifi fifo figs fiji fila file fill film fils find fine fink finn fins fire firm firs fisc fish fisk fist fits five fixe fizz flab flag flak flam flan flap flat flaw flax flay flea fled flee flem flew flex flip flit floc floe flog flop flor flow flub flue flun flux foal foam fobs foci foes fogs fogy fohn foie foil fold folk foll fond fons font food fool foot fops fora forb ford fore fori fork form foro fort foss foul four fowl foxy fran frap frau fray frcm frco frcp frcs fred free freq fret frgs frit friz froe frog from frow frps frsc fuck fuel fuga fuji full fume fumy fund funk furl furs fury fuse fuss fuze fuzz gabs gaby gads gael

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    Merriam-Webster's Rhyming Dictionary Merriam-Webster, Incorporated Springfield, Massachusetts A GENUINE MERRIAM-WEBSTER The name Webster alone is no guarantee of excellence. It is used by a number of publishers and may serve mainly to mislead an unwary buyer. Merriam-Webster™ is the name you should look for when you consider the purchase of dictionaries or other fine reference books. It carries the reputation of a company that has been publishing since 1831 and is your assurance of quality and authority. Copyright © 2002 by Merriam-Webster, Incorporated Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Merriam-Webster's rhyming dictionary, p. cm. ISBN 0-87779-632-7 1. English language-Rhyme-Dictionaries. I. Title: Rhyming dictionary. II. Merriam-Webster, Inc. PE1519 .M47 2002 423'.l-dc21 2001052192 All rights reserved. No part of this book covered by the copyrights hereon may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means—graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems—without written permission of the publisher. Printed and bound in the United States of America 234RRD/H05040302 Explanatory Notes MERRIAM-WEBSTER's RHYMING DICTIONARY is a listing of words grouped according to the way they rhyme. The words are drawn from Merriam- Webster's Collegiate Dictionary. Though many uncommon words can be found here, many highly technical or obscure words have been omitted, as have words whose only meanings are vulgar or offensive. Rhyming sound Words in this book are gathered into entries on the basis of their rhyming sound. The rhyming sound is the last part of the word, from the vowel sound in the last stressed syllable to the end of the word.
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