
Alphabetical Index of Articles Published in Studies (1986-2020)

Alderson, Simon J., ‘Swift and the Pun’, Swift Studies, 1996, 47–57

Apke, Bernd, ‘When Nature Took Sides: Richard Janthur’s Expressionist Illustrations of Gulliver’s Voyage to the Country of the Houyhnhnms’, Swift Studies, 2013, 115– 27

Arnold, Bruce, ‘“A Protestant Purchaser”: Bartholomew Van Homrigh, Merchant Adventurer’, Swift Studies, 2000, 42–50

———, ‘“Those Who Seek to Obtain My Estate”: Swift on Love and Envy’, Swift Studies, 1996, 25–45

Arnott, Les G., ‘A Letter to the Editor of The Independent: Modest Proposal’, Swift Studies, 2006, 125

Baines, Paul, ‘Swift’s Last Speech and Dying Words of Ebenezor Elliston: Reading the Ephemeral Text’, Swift Studies, 2013, 78–95

Baltes, Sabine, ‘Diversion, Dollars, and the Dean: and Popular Culture’, Swift Studies, 2004, 110–20

———, ‘Father Time: The Emblematic and Iconographic Context of “The Epistle Dedicatory to His Royal Highness Prince Posterity” in Swift’s Tale’, Swift Studies, 2005, 41–50

———, ‘“The Grandson of That Ass Quin”: Swift and Chief Justice Whitshed’, Swift Studies, 2008, 126–46

Bernard, Stephen J., ‘Jonathan Swift and A Key, Being Observations and Explanatory Notes, upon the Travels of Lemuel Gulliver, with a New Edition of A Key’, Swift Studies, 2012, 87–119

Blanchard, W. Scott, ‘Swift’s Tale, the Renaissance Anatomy, and Humanist Invective’, Swift Studies, 2001, 83–97

Bony, Alain, ‘Mutiny on the Adventure: A Possible Source of Gulliver’s Travels’, Swift Studies, 2004, 72–85

Boucé, Paul-Gabriel, ‘The Rape of Gulliver Reconsidered’, Swift Studies, 1996, 98–114

Boyle, Frank T., ‘Ehrenpreis’s Swift and the Date of the Sentiments of a Church-of-England Man’, Swift Studies, 1991, 30–37

Brown, M. Elain Dolan, ‘The Poet’s Mask: Swift, Horace, and Steele in “The First Ode of the Second Book of Horace Paraphrased”’, Swift Studies, 1990, 3–10

Bucholz, Robert O., ‘“Of More Stomach than Fancy”? Gender, Body Image, and the Historical Reputation of Queen Anne’, Swift Studies, 2015, 71–102

Byrn, Richard F. MacD., ‘Jonathan Swift’s Locket for Stella Swift: A Sacramental Marriage “Certificate”?’, Swift Studies, 1988, 2–8

———, ‘Jonathan Swift’s Locket for Stella Swift: Further Considerations’, Swift Studies, 1991, 38–48

Carnochan, W. B., ‘Church Monuments’, Swift Studies, 2012, 120–24

———, ‘Hartstonge, Scott, and Swiftiana in Hartstonge’s “Nugae Deliciae” (1815)’, Swift Studies, 2002, 36–43

———, ‘Swift, Locke, and the Tale’, Swift Studies, 1986, 55–56

Carpenter, Andrew, ‘ as an Irish Text’, Swift Studies, 2005, 30–40

———, ‘Dublin’s Jonathan Swift 250th Anniversary Commemoration Trinity College, 21-24 June 1995’, Swift Studies, 1995, 102–3

———, ‘Gulliver Travels: An Event for Voices’, Swift Studies, 2008, 167–76

Carpenter, Andrew, and Alan Harrison, ‘Swift, Raymond, and a Legacy’, Swift Studies, 1986, 57–60

Child, Paul W., ‘Once More into the Breech: Jonathan Swift and Excremental Medicine’, Swift Studies, 2005, 82–101

Coleborne, Bryan, ‘An Irish Gaelic Source for Swift’s Flying Island?’, Swift Studies, 1987, 114

———, ‘“By Great Want of Common Politicks”: Jonathan Swift and Eustace Budgell’, Swift Studies, 2014, 76–88

———, ‘Jonathan Swift, , and the Irish Administration’, Swift Studies, 2013, 137–44

———, ‘The Dublin Grub Street: The Documentary Evidence in the Case of John Browne’, Swift Studies, 1987, 12–24

Col, Norbert, ‘Bowel Motion: Gulliver’s (E)sc(h)atological Travels’, Swift Studies, 2008, 111– 25

———, ‘Oblique Writing in Time of “Moderate” Persecution: The Example of Gulliver’s Travels’, Swift Studies, 2013, 96–114

———, ‘The Struldbruggs and History’, Swift Studies, 2011, 108–19

Conlon, Michael J., ‘Original Swift: Anonymity, , and the Example of On Poetry: A Rapsody (1733)’, Swift Studies, 1997, 69–79

———, ‘Swift and Anglican Rationalism: A Retrospective View’, Swift Studies, 1999, 13–20

Cook, Daniel, and James Woolley, ‘Charles Ford’s Library: New Light on Swift and Arbuthnot’, Swift Studies, 2017, 9-44

Creaser, Wanda J., ‘“The Most Mortifying Malady”: Jonathan Swift’s Dizzying World and Dublin’s Mentally Ill’, Swift Studies, 2004, 27–48

Croghan, Martin J., ‘Savage Indignation: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Language and Semiotics in Jonathan Swift’, Swift Studies, 1990, 11–37

Davis, Herbert, ‘Twenty Years of It’, Swift Studies, 1995, 14–25

DePorte, Michael, ‘Novelizing the Travels: Simon Moore’s Gulliver’, Swift Studies, 1997, 99– 102

———, ‘Phillip Harth’s Swift and Anglican Rationalism: A Retrospective and Evaluation’, Swift Studies, 1999, 5–36

———, ‘The Road to St. Patrick’s: Swift and the Problem of Belief’, Swift Studies, 1993, 5–17

———, ‘Vinum Daemonum: Swift and the Grape’, Swift Studies, 1997, 56–68

Devine, Michael G., ‘Disputing the “Original” in Swift’s Tale of a Tub’, Swift Studies, 2003, 26– 33

Djordjevic, Igor, ‘: A Rhetoric of Courtship’, Swift Studies, 2003, 104–18

Doelman, James, ‘The First Publication of Swift’s A Satirical Elegy and A Portrait from the Life’, Swift Studies, 2014, 130–32

Downie, J. A., ‘H. Scriblerus Secundus?’, Swift Studies, 2016, 72-81

———, ‘Swift and the Oxford Ministry: New Evidence’, Swift Studies, 1986, 2–8

———, ‘Swift’s “Corinna” Reconsidered’, Swift Studies, 2007, 161–68

———, ‘Swift’s Discourse: Allegorical Satire or Parallel History?’, Swift Studies, 1987, 25–32

———, ‘The Augustan Age of England’, Swift Studies, 2015, 9–11

Duhaime, Douglas, ‘Swift, Natural Theology, and the Crisis of Newton’s Chronology’, Swift Studies, 2014, 24–41

Düring, Michael, ‘From Gunpowder to Krakatit: Notes on a Swiftian Motif in Karel Čapek’s Novel Krakatit: An Atomic Phantasy’, Swift Studies, 2006, 121–24

———, ‘Swift in Russia: An Annotated Bibliography, I’, Swift Studies, 1994, 100–112

———, ‘Swift in Russia: An Annotated Bibliography, II’, Swift Studies, 1995, 89–101

———, ‘Swift in Russia: An Annotated Bibliography, III’, Swift Studies, 1996, 84–97

Eck, Reimer C., ‘The First Leipzig Translation of Gulliver’s Travels: A Variant Issue of Teerink- Scouten 428A’, Swift Studies, 1996, 132–36

Edwards, Christopher, ‘From Pope to Swift: A Book from Swift’s Library’, Swift Studies, 2005, 174–78

Ehrenpreis, Irvin, ‘How to Write Gulliver’s Travels’, Swift Studies, 2003, 5–19

———, ‘Show and Tell in Gulliver’s Travels’, Swift Studies, 1993, 18–33

———, ‘The Allegory of Gulliver’s Travels’, Swift Studies, 1989, 13–28

———, ‘The Scriblerian Imagination’, Swift Studies, 1991, 49–57

———, ‘The Wholeness of History: Social Theory and Literary Criticism’, Swift Studies, 2004, 5–16

Elias, A. C., Jr., ‘A Manuscript of Constantia Grierson’s’, Swift Studies, 1987, 33–56

———, ‘Consolation for the Christian: A New Sermon by Matthew Pilkington’, Swift Studies, 2005, 132–42

———, ‘Male Hormones and Women’s Wit: The Sex Appeal of Mary Goddard and Laetitia Pilkington’, Swift Studies, 1994, 5–16

———, ‘Swift and the Middling Reader: Additions to the Faulkner Reprints of Pope’s Satires, 1733-1735’, Swift Studies, 2000, 61–75

———, ‘Swift’s Don Quixote, Dunkin’s Virgil Travesty, and Other New Intelligence: John Lyon’s “Materials for a Life of Dr. Swift,” 1765’, Swift Studies, 1998, 27– 104

Elias, A. C., Jr., John Irwin Fischer, and James Woolley, ‘The Full Text of On Poetry: A Rhapsody (1733)’, Swift Studies, 1994, 17–32

Elkmann, Ulrich, ‘A New Translation of A Description of the Morning into German, Swift Studies, 2018, 101-102

———, ‘Dr Franz Kottenkamp, Translator of Gulliver. Addenda to his Biography’, Swift Studies, 2020, 157-59

———, ‘Platzregen in der Stadt: A Description of a City Shower in German’, Swift Studies, 2019, 128-30

Elkmann, Ulrich, and Hermann J. Real, ‘Gulliver’s Travels to Several Remote Nations of the World: A Bibliography of Translations into Remote Languages’, Swift Studies, 2017, 117-32

Ellis, Frank H., ‘Notes on A Tale of a Tub’, Swift Studies, 1986, 9–14

Fabian, Bernhard, and Marie-Luise Spieckermann, ‘Pope in Eighteenth-Century Germany: A Bibliographical Essay (I)’, Swift Studies, 2000, 5–32

———, ‘Pope in Eighteenth-Century Germany: A Bibliographical Essay (II)’, Swift Studies, 2001, 5–30

———, ‘Pope in Eighteenth-Century Germany: A Bibliographical Essay (III)’, Swift Studies, 2002, 5–35

———, ‘Swift in Eighteenth-Century Germany: A Bibliographical Essay’, Swift Studies, 1997, 5–35

———, ‘Swift in Eighteenth-Century Germany: A Bibliographical Essay (II)’, Swift Studies, 1998, 4–26

Fain, Lucas, ‘An Ancient Greek Source for Swift’s Floating Island’, Swift Studies, 2012, 80–86

Fauske, Christopher J., ‘A Most Unlikely Friendship? Jonathan Swift, George Berkeley, and the Bonds of Philosophy With, Perhaps, an Answer to an Age-Old Problem’, Swift Studies, 2010, 148–64

Fenlon, Jane, ‘More about the Portrait of Jonathan Swift When a Student at Trinity College, Dublin’, Swift Studies, 2000, 33–38

Ferguson, Rebecca, ‘Metamorphosis and Mortality: Swift’s Death and Daphne’, Swift Studies, 2014, 52–75

———, ‘Swift’s Fleas and his “Lost” Poetic Feet: Entomology, Microscopy, and Generation in the Poems’, Swift Studies, 2016, 53-71

Filipova, Filipina, ‘Transformations of the Parodic in Gulliver’s Bulgarian Travels. Patterns of Translation and Reception from the End of the Nineteenth Century to the First Half of the Twentieth Century’, Swift Studies, 2002, 100–108

Fischer, John Irwin, ‘Learning “David”s Lesson’: Some New Information Concerning the Remission of First Fruits and Twentieth Parts in Ireland’, Swift Studies, 1986, 15– 23

———, ‘Swift’s Miscellanies, in Prose and Verse, Volume the Fifth: Some Facts and Puzzles’, Swift Studies, 2000, 76–87

Forster, Jean-Paul, ‘Swift and Wotton: The Unintended Mousetrap’, Swift Studies, 1992, 23–35

Fox, Christopher, ‘Getting Gotheridge: Notes on Swift’s Grandfather and a New Letter from Thomas Swift’, Swift Studies, 2005, 10–29

Fróes, João, ‘Additional Passages in Swift’s Letter to William Pulteney, March 1737’, Swift Studies, 1994, 33–41

———, ‘An Unpublished Letter from Lord Orrery to Martha Whiteway, Swift’s Cousin’, Swift Studies, 1999, 50–55

———, ‘“A Part Omitted” from Swift’s Sentiments of a Church-of-England Man’, Swift Studies, 2005, 124–31

———, ‘One of Orrery’s Sources in Remarks on Swift: His Scribal Transcript of Family of Swift’, Swift Studies, 1997, 36–44

———, ‘Swift’s Earliest Recorded Letter: An Additional Textual Source’, Swift Studies, 2000, 51–60

———, ‘Swift’s Prayers for Stella: The Other Side of the Satirist’, Swift Studies, 2003, 56–62

———, ‘The Cambridge Copy of Remarks on Swift Annotated by Lord Orrery’, Swift Studies, 1996, 16–24

Fuchs, Dieter, ‘Homeric Intertextuality: Odysseus and the Cyclops in Gulliver’s Travels’, Swift Studies, 2013, 145–47

Gámez, Luis R., ‘Richard Bettesworth’s Insult and “The Yahoo”s Overthrow’’, Swift Studies, 1997, 80–84

Gardiner, Anne Barbeau, ‘Licking the Dust in Luggnagg: Swift’s Reflections on the

Legacy of King William’s Conquest of Ireland’, Swift Studies, 1993, 35–44

Géracht, Maurice A., ‘Pedro de Mendez: Marrano Jew and Good Samaritan in Swift’s Voyages’, Swift Studies, 1990, 38–52

Gertken, Matthew, ‘Swift, Mottraye, and Charles XII of Sweden’, Swift Studies, 2017, 4578

Gottlieb, Sidney, ‘The Emblematic Background of Swift’s Flying Island’, Swift Studies, 1986, 24–31

Gurr, Jens Martin, ‘“Let Me Suppose Thee for a Ship a-While”: Nautical Metaphors and Contemporary Politics in Eighteenth-Century Translations of Horace’s Ode I, Xiv’, Swift Studies, 2005, 70–81

Hammond, Brean S., and Nicholas Seager, ‘Jonathan Swift’s Historical Novel: The Memoirs of Capt. John Creichton (1731)’, Swift Studies, 2009, 70–87

Harrison, Frank Llewelyn, ‘Charles Coffey and Swift’s “Description of an Irish Feast”’, Swift Studies, 1986, 32–38

Harth, Phillip, ‘Recent Religious History and A Tale of a Tub’, Swift Studies, 1999, 29–36 Hartle, Paul N., ‘A New Source for Swift’s Modest Proposal’, Swift Studies, 1992, 97– 100

Hart, Vaughan, ‘Gulliver’s Travels into the “City of the Sun”’, Swift Studies, 1991, 111– 14

———, ‘Jonathan Swift and the Architecture of Nature’, Swift Studies, 1993, 100–105

Haslett, Moyra, ‘Swift’s Birthdays‘, Swift Studies, 2019, 7-27

Hawes, Clement, ‘Cousins Sympson and Simson: Gulliverian Intertextuality’, Swift Studies, 2004, 49–71

Haworth, Richard, ‘Jonathan Swift and the Geography of Laracor’, Swift Studies, 2009, 7– 26

Hayton, D. W., ‘The Image and Historical Reputation of Queen Anne in Ireland’, Swift Studies, 2015, 103–19

Hines, William, ‘Some Recent Finds in Aberystwyth University Library’, Swift Studies, 2016, 129-136

Herman, Ruth, ‘Swift, Master, and the Commissioning of A True Narrative of What Pass’d at the Examination of the Marquis de Guiscard (1711)’, Swift Studies, 2000, 88–101

Hornero Corsico, Ana Ma, ‘Gulliver’s Travels on the Screen: Spanish Film Versions’, Swift Studies, 2005, 111–23

Jackson-Holzber, Christine, ‘Politicizing and Politicized: Swift’s Proposal and the Brothers’, Swift Studies, 2019, 28-63

Jestin, Loftus, ‘Splendide Mendax: Purposeful Misprision, Determinant Irony, in Gulliver’s Travels’, Swift Studies, 1999, 99–114

Johnson, Christopher D., ‘The Nature of Fallen Things: Another Look at Lucretius and A Tale of a Tub’, Swift Studies, 2006, 39–47

Juhas, Kirsten, ‘Du Cros, Leibniz, and An Answer to a Scurrilous Pamphlet’, Swift Studies, 2010, 7–55

———, ‘Viewing “the Diamond ‘Midst the Dunghill Shine’: Anna Young Smith”s Poetic Response upon Reading Swift’s Poems’, Swift Studies, 2008, 147–55

Juhas, Kirsten, and Hermann J. Real, ‘Never-Sleeping Goddesses, Pocky Queens, and Degenerating Flowers: Swift’s The Lady’s Dressing Room, ll. 119-144’, Swift Studies, 2017, 101-16

Karian, Stephen, ‘Annotated Editions of Verses on the Death of Dr Swift’, Swift Studies, 2004, 121

———, ‘Swift, Arbuckle, and The Beasts’ Confession to the Priest’, Swift Studies, 2006, 87– 106

———, ‘Swift’s Epitaph for Stella? A Recently Discovered Document’, Swift Studies, 2001, 109–13

Katritzky, Linde, ‘Gainesville Scatology in Swift’s Poetry and Burton’s Anatomy’, Swift Studies, 2009, 162–66

———, ‘Subtle Satire: Gottlieb Wilhelm Rabener and the Influence of English Satirists’, Swift Studies, 2004, 86–109

———, ‘Swift’s Mährgen von der Tonne and the Nachtwachen. Von Bonaventura’, Swift Studies, 2003, 34–55

Keithley, Walter Hank, ‘Swift Reading Bacon Reading Apollonius’, Swift Studies, 2006, 118–20

Keithley, Walther H., ‘Jonathan Swift, a Grub-Street Hack, and the Problem of the Popularization of Science in A Tale of a Tub’, Swift Studies, 2005, 51–69

Kelly, Ann Cline, ‘Arthur H. (’Joe’) Scouten 1910-1995’, Swift Studies, 1995, 5–13

———, ‘The Semiotics of Swift’s 1711 Miscellanies’, Swift Studies, 1991, 59–68

———, ‘Written in Stone: Swift’s Use of St. Patrick’s Cathedral as a Text’, Swift Studies, 2006, 107–17

Kelly, Charles Greg, ‘Dismembered Beauty: A Swiftian Presentation of the False Members’, Swift Studies, 2001, 98–108

Kosok, Heinz, ‘Another Stage in the Captain’s Career’, Swift Studies, 2009, 167–70

———, ‘Stage Versions of Gulliver’s Travels’, Swift Studies, 2002, 88–99

Kupersmith, William, ‘Swift and “Harley, the Nation”s Great Support’: Horace, Epistle VII, Book I: Imitated and Addressed to the Earl of Oxford’, Swift Studies, 1986, 39–45

———, ‘William Diaper and Two Others Imitate Swift Imitating Horace’, Swift Studies, 1995, 26–36

LeFanu, William Richard, ‘A Small Swift Archive’, Swift Studies, 1986, 61–63

Levy, Lindsay, ‘“The Kindness of Mr Hartstonge”: Matthew Weld Hartstonge’s Contribution to Walter Scott’s Collection of Swiftiana.’, Swift Studies, 2013, 58

Lowe, N. F., ‘Why Swift Killed Partridge’, Swift Studies, 1991, 70–82

Lowe, N. F., and W. J. McCormack, ‘Swift as “Publisher” of Sir William Temple’s Letters and Miscellanea’, Swift Studies, 1993, 46–57

Lynall, Gregory, ‘“An Author Bonæ Notæ, and an Adeptus”: Swift’s Alchemical Satire and Satiric Alchemy in A Tale of a Tub’, Swift Studies, 2009, 27–45

———, ‘Swift’s Pneumatics, Fanatics, and Satiric Mechanics’, Swift Studies, 2014, 6–23

———, ‘“Talking Flowers and Topsy-Turvy Trees”: Swift, Shadwell and Robert Boyle’s Occasional Reflections upon Several Subjects’, Swift Studies, 2011, 7–21

Macinnes, Allan I., ‘Queen Anne and the Making of the United Kingdom’, Swift Studies, 2015, 120–38

Majersdorf, Remi, ‘Adapting Swift for an Imagined Audience: A Comparative Study of the Adaptational Strategies and Implied Child Readers of Four Twenty-First-Century Children’s Versions of Gulliver’s Travels’, Swift Studies, 2020, 83-105

Maner, Martin, ‘The Authorship of Jonathan Swift’s A Tale of a Tub - Once More’, Swift Studies, 2006, 27–38

Manning, Susan L., ‘Mirth and Melancholy: The Generative Language of Fantasy in Swift and Smart’, Swift Studies, 1992, 54–68

Mannion, Elizabeth, ‘Swift Plays of the Abbey Theatre’, Swift Studies, 2008, 156–66

Marks, Arthur S., ‘Seeking an Enduring Image: Rupert Barber, Jonathan Swift, and the Profile Portrait’, Swift Studies, 2001, 31–82

Marshall, Ashley, ‘Epistolary Swift’, Swift Studies, 2011, 61–107

———, ‘Richard Steele’s Rhetorical Duel with the Authors of The Examiner (1710-14)’, Swift Studies, 2019, 64-85

———, ‘The Lives of Jonathan Swift’, Swift Studies, 2013, 10–57

Martin, Kelly, ‘Swift and Post-Structuralism: The Death of the Author in A Tale of a Tub’, Swift Studies, 2016, 40-52

Matlak, Richard, ‘In Memoriam Richard Hodge Rodino, 1949-1990’, Swift Studies, 1991, 5–9

May, James E., ‘’s Printers, 1706-1715, with Evidence from Woodcut Ornaments, Swift Studies, 2018, 33-98

———, ‘Edward Young’s Responses to Jonathan Swift’, Swift Studies, 2003, 63–79

———, ‘Swift and Swiftiana Offered, Sold, and Acquired, 1991-2002’, Swift Studies, 2002, 140–88

———, ‘Swift and Swiftiana Offered, Sold, and Acquired, 2002-2005’, Swift Studies, 2005, 143–73

———, ‘Swiftiana in the Antiquarian Book Trade. 2007-2009, with Extended Notes on Editions of John Partridge. The Tatler, and Early Biographies of Swift’, Swift Studies, 2009, 88–152

———, ‘Swift in the Antiquarian Book Trade, 2007-2008’, Swift Studies, 2008, 10–79

McCann, E. J. W., ‘The Priced Copy of the Auction Catalogue of Swift’s Library, and Some Other Dublin Catalogues’, Swift Studies, 1986, 64–66

McCarthy, Muriel, ‘Swift and the Foundation of the First Public Library in Ireland’, Swift Studies, 1989, 29–33

McLaverty, James, ‘Italics in Swift’s Poems’, Swift Studies, 2011, 22–37

McMinn, Joseph, ‘Jonathan’s Travels-Swift’s Sense of Ireland’, Swift Studies, 1992, 36– 53

———, ‘Was Swift a Philistine? The Evidence of Music’, Swift Studies, 2002, 59–74

Mertner, Edgar, ‘Christoph Martin Wieland’s Criticism of Swift’, Swift Studies, 1993, 58– 66

———, ‘“Communication without Language”: A Note on Gulliver’s Travels, III, v, 21’, Swift Studies, 1988, 124

———, ‘Lilliput, Satire, and German Petty States’, Swift Studies, 1996, 137–39

———, ‘Sir William Temple and the Bishop of Münster: A Case of Serendipity’, Swift Studies, 1989, 87–90

———, ‘The “Horrid Penance”: William Hayley and Swift’, Swift Studies, 1992, 101–5

Miller, Pat, ‘The Contents of Jonathan Swift’s Waste Paper Basket Recovered’, Swift Studies, 2007, 102–12

Morgan, Peter E., ‘“Last Week I Saw a Woman Flay”d: Swift’s Meta-Social Discourse and the Implication of the Reader’, Swift Studies, 1999, 56–70

Mueller, Judith C., ‘Swift’s Reading Contract: Precarious Peace in a War Zone’, Swift Studies, 1996, 59–69

Müllenbrock, Heinz-Joachim, ‘Cicero and Quintilian as Mentors of British Journalism: The Rhetorical Structure of Swift’s The Conduct of the Allies’, Swift Studies, 1987, 57–66

———, ‘Edward Ward, Unacknowledged Journalistic Ally of Jonathan Swift’, Swift Studies, 2002, 135–39

Müller, Patrick, ‘Shaftesbury on the Psychoanalyst’s Couch: A Historicist Perspective on Gender and (homo-)sexuality in Characteristicks and the Earl’s Private Writings’, Swift Studies, 2010, 56–81

Nash, Richard, ‘Did Swift Write It Cannot Rain but It Pours?’, Swift Studies, 2002, 44–58

———, ‘Of Sorrels, Bays, and Dapple Greys’, Swift Studies, 2000, 110–15

New, Melvyn, ‘Classical Allusions in Swift’s “To His Grace the Archbishop of Dublin” and “The Faggot”’, Swift Studies, 1993, 106–8

Noçon, Peter, ‘Rediscovered Gulliveriana from World-War-II Germany’, Swift Studies, 1992, 70–77

‘Swift Translated: The Case of the Former GDR’, Swift Studies, 1991, 115–18

———, ‘The Dramatic Fortunes of Isaac Bickerstaff’, Swift Studies, 1993, 109–12

———, ‘The Eighteenth Century Reviewed: The Case of Ainsworth’s St. James’s’, Swift Studies, 1996, 140–41

O’Brien, Gearoid, ‘Athlone Felt Hats’, Swift Studies, 1998, 108–10

O’Collins, Gerald, ‘Peter Daniel Steele, SJ, AM: Priest, Poet, Academie, 1939-2012’, Swift Studies, 2013, 7–10

Ormsby-Lennon, Hugh, ‘Pinching Snuff: Dean Swift as Paralytic Gnomon in James Joyce’s The Sisters’, Swift Studies, 2014, 89–129

———, ‘Pinching Snuff: Dean Swift as Paralytic Gnomon in James Joyce’s “The Sisters” (II)’, Swift Studies, 2016, 82-128

———, ‘Swift and the , I’, Swift Studies, 1989, 34–62

———, ‘Swift and the Quakers, II’, Swift Studies, 1990, 53–89

———, ‘Swift’s Spirit Reconjured: Das Dong-an-Sich’, Swift Studies, 1988, 9–78

O’Toole, James, ‘A New Book from Swift’s Library’, Swift Studies, 1994, 113–17

Panagopoulos, Nic, ‘Gulliver and the Horse: An Enquiry into Equine Ethics’, Swift Studies, 2006, 56–75

Parnell, Tim, ‘From Hack to Eccentric Genius: Tristram Shandy and A Tale of a Tub, Again’, Swift Studies, 2007, 146–60

Passmann, Dirk F., ‘Degeneration in Gulliver’s Travels: Excavations from Brobdingnag’, Swift Studies, 1986, 46–50

———, ‘Jonathan Swift as a Book-Collector: With a Checklist of Swift Association Copies’, Swift Studies, 2012, 7–68

———, ‘The Dean and the Turk: Jonathan Swift, “Mahometanism,” and Religious Controversy before the Discourse Concerning the Mechanical Operation of the Spirit’, Swift Studies, 2007, 113–45

———, ‘The Drapier, Gregorio Leti, and Pierre Bayle’, Swift Studies, 2017, 133-36

———, ‘The Lilliputian Utopia: A Revised Focus’, Swift Studies, 1987, 67–76

Passmann, Dirk F., and Hermann J. Real, ‘Barbarism, Witchcraft, and Devil Worship: Cock-and Bull Stories from Several Remote Nations of the World’, Swift Studies, 2008, 94–110

———, ‘Charles Bernard, Horace, and the Critical History of Lydia’s Lips, with Some Sidelights on Jonathan Swift’, Swift Studies, 2019, 86-118

Pauschert, Uwe, ‘“It Should Be Only Rationis Capax”’, Swift Studies, 1986, 67

Peterson, Leland D., ‘A Letter to the Editor on the Occasion of His Correspondence about Swift’s The Beasts’ Confession to the Priest’, Swift Studies, 2005, 102–10

———, ‘“Gulliver”s Travels’: Ancient and Modern History Corrected’, Swift Studies, 1991, 83– 110

———, ‘James Arbuckle, Author of The Beasts’ Confession to the Priest’, Swift Studies, 2007, 169–73

Phiddian, Robert, ‘The Reaction to Collins’s A Discourse of Free-Thinking “Not Politicks?”’, Swift Studies, 1989, 63–76

Philmus, Robert M., ‘Andrew Marvell, Samuel Parker, and A Tale of a Tub’, Swift Studies, 1999, 71–98

———, ‘Dryden’s “Cousin Swift” Re-Examined’, Swift Studies, 2003, 99–103

Pickering, Oliver, ‘An Early Manuscript Fragment of Sir William Temple’s Poetry’, Swift Studies, 1991, 119–22

Pollard, M., ‘George Faulkner’, Swift Studies, 1992, 79–96

———, ‘Who’s for Prison? Publishing Swift in Dublin’, Swift Studies, 1999, 37–49

Pritchard, Jonathan, ‘Swift’s “Bishoprick of Virginia”’, Swift Studies, 2016, 9-39

Probyn, Clive, ‘David Leon Talbot Woolley, A. M., 1924-2005’, Swift Studies, 2005, 7–9

Probyn, Clive T., ‘Jonathan Swift, the Earl of Shaftesbury, and the Monosyllables’, Swift Studies, 2007, 97–101

———, ‘Swift and the Ladies: A New Letter’, Swift Studies, 1995, 57–61 de Quehen, A. H., ‘St. Patricks Verses by Jonathan Swift’, Swift Studies, 1994, 42–50

Read, Sophie, ‘Punning and Identity in Swift’, Swift Studies, 2011, 38–620

Readioff, Corrina, ‘“Very plain, and with little or no Ornament”: coats, allegory, and the Politics of Fashion in Jonathan Swift’s A Tale of a Tub’, Swift Studies, 2018, 18-32

Real, Hermann J., ‘A New Letter from Swift: His Answer to the Earl of Strafford, 29 March 1735, Recovered’, Swift Studies, 2003, 20–25

———, ‘“A Printer Brave Enough to Venture His Eares”: Defoe, Swift, and the Pillory’, Swift Studies, 2010, 165–66

———, ‘Daniel Schiebeler (1741-71), Swiftian Parodist’, Swift Studies, 2019, 125-27

———, ‘From Madness to Ménière’s to Alzheimer’s: A Bibliography of Studies on Jonathan Swift’s Medical Case History’, Swift Studies, 2013, 148–50

———, ‘Paul Hennings (1893-1965), Swift Collector’, Swift Studies, 1994, 118–23

———, ‘Professor Frank Hale Ellis (1916-2007): A Personal Memoir’, Swift Studies, 2008, 7–9

———, ‘Stella’s Books’, Swift Studies, 1996, 70–83

———, ‘Swift and Flavius Vopiscus’, Swift Studies, 2009, 171–74

———, ‘ Swift and Stella – A Modern Post-Mortem’, Swift Studies, 2018, 99-100

———, ‘Swiftiana Iocosa’, Swift Studies, 1988, 125–27

———, ‘Swiftiana Rarissima: New Acquisitions by the Ehrenpreis Centre’, Swift Studies, 2020, 152-56

———, ‘Swift’s Answer to Lord Palmerston, 29 January 1725/6: The Autograph Draft Recovered’, Swift Studies, 1997, 45–55

———, ‘The Dean’s Grandfather, Thomas Swift (1595-1658): Forgotten Evidence’, Swift Studies, 1993, 84–93

———, ‘“The Most Fateful Piece Swift Ever Wrote”: The Windsor Prophecy’, Swift Studies, 1994, 76–99

———, ‘“The Renowned Dryden” as the Lady in a Lobster’, Swift Studies, 1990, 112

———, ‘“To the Dean”: A New Letter by Mary Barber’, Swift Studies, 2004, 17–26

———, ‘Two Swift Autographs Rediscovered’, Swift Studies, 1996, 4–15

Real, Hermann J., Ulrich Elkmann, and Sandra Simon, ‘The Holdings of the Ehrenpreis Centre: Swift’s Lives in Poetry, Drama, and Fiction’, Swift Studies, 2009, 153–61

Real, Hermann J., Hayrie Salish, Sandra Simon, and Bernd Zumdick, ‘The Holdings of the Ehrenpreis Centre: A Bibliography of Rare Books’, Swift Studies, 2007, 7–96

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