AAC, 18 Ableton LIVE, 84 Absorption, 40 Absorption Coefficient, 40
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-17042-0 - Cambridge Introductions to Music: Music Technology Julio D'Escriván Index More information Index AAC, 18 A-weighting, 16 Ableton LIVE, 84 azimuth, 48 absorption, 40 absorption coefficient, 40 balancing, 29 abstract algorithms, 78 Barron, Louis and Bebe, 146, 173 ACID, 84 BBCut2, 70 Acousmonium, 90, 104, 188 BEAST, 90 ADAT, 20 Beatles, The, 42 ADAT Lightpipe, 19, 32 Bell Laboratories, 10, 57 additive synthesis, 13, 77 bidirectional, 48 ADSR, 80 Big Bank Hank, 114 AES, 19 bit-depth, 10 AES/EBU, 19 Bliss, Melvin, 111 Afrika Bambaataa, 105, 114 Blu-Ray disc, 59 AIFF, 16, 17 Bongers, Bert, 165 AKAI MPC60, 88, 106, 191 Boulanger, Richard, 160 AKAI S900, 106 bounce, 35 ALESIS, 19 Briscoe, Desmond, 151 ambisonics, 61 Brown, Earle, 173 amplitude, 3 busses, 24, 29 analogue, 7 analogue to digital conversion, 9 Cage, John, 145, 173, 175 aperiodic, 13 Cakewalk, 109 Apple, 17 capacitor, 34 Apple loop, 17, 110 CD quality, 10 Arduino, 106 Chamberlin, 86, 104 artifacts, 18 channel strip, 27 attack transient, 12 Chemical Brothers, 117 audio, 21 Chic, 111 Audio Engineering Society, 63 Chion, Michel, 132 audio sequencers, 27 ChucK, 160 audio signal, 7 CNMAT, 68 audio technology, xiii codecs, 9 automation, 32 codeword, 9 auxiliary channel, 24, 29 coincident pairs, 55 Avraamov, Arsenii, 130 Coldcut, 116 210 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-17042-0 - Cambridge Introductions to Music: Music Technology Julio D'Escriván Index More information Index
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