1977-1979 Spay-TELACU
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l3ol Spay Prog 4-28-78 78-1960 ' Spec Ar;smt 3-16-78.^, 78-1151 Ani'raal-question by Lien Prop - Reconvevance " Cal,.{:'F' Humane, Ccl 1656-58 W 36th Pi .Thomas Peaa,--- $771.58^ ^^ _^ Speakman Roger 6-17-77 77-2668 Special Assmt ' 3- 9-78 7,8^1014 Claim auto dmg Lien prop - reconvey undet amt 1265-76 W 39th PI Randolph T Parker Spears Charles 2-10-77 77-677 ^Special Assemt 8-30-79 79-3919 Claim pers inj & auto drag : lien-reconveyance , • 6200 Bertha St Sierra Mar Land Co-o'i'mer Spears George " .8-2-77 77-2900 : Special 7- 7-77 73-3305 J Wachs . -' ' ' Citizens Comt - 73-3080 " Adj in meraory Election procedures ...:. r.. ' • -.' , •' •. .. '• . / Campaign contrib &'expend' spearman Richard l-5'-:78 77-5623 Spec Citizens 8-17-78 73-3080 Claim pers inj Comt on Campaign Reform 73-3305 undet amt , Final Rept 73-2033 Spears Kenneth 2- 7-77 77-578 Special 4-25-77 77-1655 Claira auto drag .' ' City-County Comsn - 10 mbrs- $1,122 • Consolidation City & Co Flre- Cepts - rept & stCidy-Gibson Spears Lois E • 4-5-77 77-1488 Special , 8-4-77 73-3003 Claira pers inj" »• .' Committees - ' ' undet amt , -; Appointments i Specht; Frances"- 11^-23-77 . 77-516l' 1977-79 _ Claim'pers inj.. & , • . /S-l| Special Dist 10-10-79 79-4.371 gen dmg ' •- Augmentation. Fds .$100/000 .7 .' Distribution Specht Tammy 11-23-77 77-5161J LA Co- Auditor/Controller Claim pers inj - - • S-2' Special Event 4-5-77 .77-1477 $105,000 - All City Outdoor Art Festival Barnsdall Park June 24-26 1977 Specht Thomas J 11-23-77 "'77-5161 Claira false arrest & Special Event 2-24-77 77-843 pers inj Art Extravaganza by. Aged & _ 'undet amt '" :_ Handicapped- LA Mall-3-25/26-77 Special 6- 9-77 77-2480 ! Special Event 8-31-77 75-4172 Assessment Lien- 2400 Cabrillo Festival Laurel Cyn Blvd-Lot A Cabrillo Beach 10-8-77 _ Tract 4086 , Gibson Special Assmt. 7-13-77 77-3075 Li 2n - reconveyance Special Event 10-13-77 '77-4563' Charles-Prince- Visit-10-26-77 12 37 W 2 2nd St $965 .....Ih^alicr '• , . ., „ .. F erra.ro Special'Assmt'. 6-23-17 ' .11.-2120 Special Event": 4-14-7ft -70 7 ' Lien-1725., E 22nd St to "Publix Title Co-$973.75 , , ,- . - . Wilmington Rec Center Specill^Assmt 7-21-77 "\ 77^3206 " Special Event 5- 2-78 Lien to Noel'A Burbank-1770 W Cuban Flag-raising 78- 2043 22nd St^$l,.197.73 "7 ' . ,5-20-78-$100 -BPW ••..••.. ' special: Event 6- 2-78 78-2689 'tSpbci.ai "Even£": "'llM^ Coramuter Computer - New Prog •^ Lebanese Cultura-i Union-"'' .. -'•• ! SB 283 -, 6-8-78 ^. Flag Raising Cere'rao'Ay ' . •••.•.. .:.•• Curb lane closure -1st St \ : 11-22-77,.CH'1st st .steps-./. "Special Event 4^2-1-77 .74-1130 I j Special Event7 ' -•• ;3-27>^8"'' - '^78-133:3 .i . Clttco de Mayo - I LA Coram-a.nity Colleges us'e"- * i Wilmington area-Banning pk - Faciiities-Ctty' HaLl-'5,!i20,-~78 .if' 4-30 & 5-1-77 - Gibson •'J A V- ^^'^'^ ' • f - -7 -. -77- " Special Event 10-'3-79 79-4343 r Special Event 9-r .-8-78 . .78-4351 Downtov/n/LA Arts Discovery Fest 1 L A Counxy .Lung Assoc wo'rkshop ^^ 10-19/21-79 : City Hall Tower 10-6-78. .„ - .Fin assist- .,J.-Wachs,, •...:. Special Event' 3-17--77; 74-1056 I'Special Sveht^: ' ri72S:-77- t 77~46D0; El Dia- prog-$l',715 [ Ret.ijted LA Ci-ty Emp Rec & Parks-Lindsay 7 use Ccl- Chambers 12r-.1.6-7-7 Christmas Party :" , . ': Special Event 4;-ll-78 78-1685 .Special Event , 3-15-77 "'••'7 0;78"50"'""' El Parque de Mexico ' I St Patrick.'s .Da'y. flag.-.raf&ing $1,490 Ceremony-declare 3-17—'-77 . 5-5-78 ,Shyder Special e-veht 10-31- 78' " 7 8-519^ Special Event 9-1-77 • 77-aB60 fee v;aiver San Pedro High School - • CAO-BPW 75th Anniv 10-22-7-7 Harbor. GMI Terralnal.-Glbs.on "Special" Event :• 6-14:^77 77-2566 Special Event 4-19-77 77-4.680 15th Cclmanic Dist Annual Rept Sec ond .Annua 1 > Mayb r"' s Meeting - 8-6/7-77 Salute, to ;Vol'>.inte6rs Wi'lmingtbn - J Gibson • 4-28-77 - Triforium ' Special Event . 2-10-77' :77-523 \ Harbor Towers-2-19-77 Special E vent ' 12-13-77 77-^;5463 Grand Opening Ceremonies ^ Sr .Citizens dinner-12-15-77 .jwawT' Gibson Goidsn Age "Resort- - • Special Event 1-17-78 .78-122; 'Farrell - . • •' , History of Mexico - • jspecial Event '' :;5"- ^2-78' 77-T1117 27th Fir Tower Room .. : ! St closu'res-prbds ^'& provisions __:;l-17-78 ._r. .• -;_; • •'' LAMC Sec 41.20-amd .- ' ' ., '. Special E'vent 6-14-77 ,- 77-2567 ' Special Event " ~^3i^2i-7S" 7lr^840 Inauguration ceremony-7-1-77 j Welsh Flag raising ceremony $57500 Gibson • s. • 3-27-.78 : .'•• ' -• '..• - "special event 1-26-77 77-384 Special Event . 2-17-78 78-667 Jazz Concert & Scholarship i Wm Grant Still "Corarnun award - LA Mall 2-14-77 Arts Ctr-ded ceresi'ony - •- ^ . 3-11-78 - $966 . - ,;;..;.,-._: :.... Sp.ecia:! Event 1-13-78 78-211 Dr Martin Luther King Jr- Special Event 7^7-78 - . 78.T3243 Geremony honor memory 1-14-78 Wc'A-iens Lawyer's: of LA ' '- ...Pershing Square.,- L-li-/.d.sav . CH Tower reception-^•'7'-31-78 Special Event ' 3-27-78- 77-4470 Specia'l Event 6- -1-77 .-- •:7.7..-2336 . La Piacitade Dolores Youth Cultural Fa..ir-r-6-^4r7-7'.'- : $2,645 - "Huraan Relations Bd •.• - -.- ... Special Event 2-28-78 78-452 Special -Event' 5^t -2:^8 ,.,78-1975 League of V7oraen Voters- Youth Day - Ai^riual .Conf^r-ence- Luncheon-3- 2-78-$86 $8 00-$2,666 City Hall Observatn Tower Roora ,.___,..^ _ .'- Special 1-18-77 77-204 ; Special Gas Tax 5- 4-78 78-2104 feature fij.ms - alloc $100 ,St Imp Fd to 6th St-Gramercy PI "^-.•••7-llbr'a'ry-^r'egions:;-'" - - Br'onson Ave Snyder,!- •; •^^. i, , •Spec Gas Tax 4-25-78 '" 78-1870"" : Special-^ 7'-9-14-78, 75-5525- I,; St Imp Fd to Terra Bella St Firt'anbi'al'St'atus Rept Or^g A ' Bridge Widening-Pacoima Wash ipiv .2-nd Period end 8-26-78 ' -'' Channel-$162,935 GAG - : r :•'- .., ," .,:'.. Spec Gas Tax 10:r27-77 77-4746 , Spe~c'ial F!d •' "•9-12-79 • '79,-4043 ' St Irap F\ind-•$12,12.5- Fire Dept vac facils ..Tujunga Ave- Morrison St .", -Sale rproceeds"'- deposit ._ -., y";.. .-•?-. - • ..«' , •-,. 7special '6-27-77' 77-2815'" Special Gas Tax-' X 1-78 78-904 1 Gas Tax.St imp Fd ; .'. , St. Imp.,,Fd-$149,90p-City-State i. Apportionment -1.04^ & .725"? Traffic S'ig'nal Pro'js . Var->.ous Jf^rojs Special Gas' Tax* 3-14-78 77-4411 Spec Gas Tax 10- 4-7? ' 77-4411 St Imp Fd to Astoria St Storm St Imp Fd to proj'-Astbria St S^torm Drain GlenQa.k.9' Blvd to Drain-Glenoaks Blvd-San Fernando "Sart- Fg-rnahdo Rd-S120 , 000-Rdnka $166,700 '_ _ :. • _ Spec Gas-Tax- -3-17-^78 78-1161 •Spec Gas Tax" 10-11-77 74-3956" St Irap Fund to Ceres Ave Storm • ' St Imp Fd-$27,540 & $600-Alley • ";.Drain-5th.^ to "6th St ' •'•.....• Lankershim Blvd- Valley Spring '$49,7,95- -., . _., . - •• Lane Spec Gas Tax 4r20-78 78-1790 i Spec Gas Tax 3-16-78 75-2430 Stlmp Fd' to'El Sereno - " • I St Imp Fd-$77,881- - Storra Drain ' • -. ' ' •Rayen St- Sepulveda Blvd Monterey- Rd* L'a ter al y * A'11-61841 Special GasV 3-3,l-.78 74-5002 "Spec Gas Tax "" 3"-'-l7-78 : 78-116L'" Tax St Imp Fd-$41,4 4l ' St Imp-Fd-$5,550- Topanga Cyn Hiawatha -St & Amestoy Ave Blvd-Circle Terrace Spec' Gas Tax7..- 12~f4-77 77-5469 iSpec Gas Tax 7-6-78 78-2400 St Imp Fd-Huntington Dr-Land St Imp Prog scaping Locke Ave to Monterey Rd- ^' ..- CIEP $110,000 • •• Collis. • A ve-Hjantington ' Dr-$39, 0^0 R Wilkinson " Spec Gas Tax • 4-25-.78.- : 73-2083 Special Gas 8-13-79 77-3800 St Imp Fd to I St-Alameda St to " ! Tax St Imp Fd approp to Ballona • Dominguez: ehannel-$30 ,920' Creek Bikeway-$220,000 &*reimbur - i . ., .~ ... • . •' . $100,000 P Russell. _ .. ^ .- - -..'_..' <-• -i • . '•- .1 ;-. ;•. , - Spec Ga's" Tax' 3-24-78 ',76-1327 Spec GAs TAX 8-28-79 79-3592 St Imp Fd to Lighthouse St Imp Fd apport 1.04<:-approp S-l Bridge over .Ballona Jjagoon- $177,687-Plummer St & Corbin Ave Repairs-$25,000 . H Bernson Spec Gas Tax 8r2S-79 76-1020 Spec Gas Tax- - 3-1-71 78-9 06 Imp Fd 1.04* apportionmt S-2 St Irap Fd-$3,500 ' ' • trans $400,220 to Overland Ave ,Lby-:ola Blvd:- & Manchester Ave Bet National PI & Palms Blvd CALTRAN§,. _^_ ......... ..-. '_-.....; Spec-Gas Tax7" ^5- 4-78- 78-2170 : Spec Gas Tax 11-16-79 79-5102 St Imp Fd to Osborne St Bridge ' St Imp Fd-Lorabard AveS • Widening over "Pacoima Wash ' Storm Drain-$65,000 - ' ' . Diversion Channel A. •_ _ i DeLasOlas to. Pacific Ccififii- Hwv „ "spec" Gas Tax '. .10-21-77., 777-4674- Spec Gas Tax 5- 2r-78 75-2249 St Ira p Fd-raanhole covers- ; St Imp Fd to Victory Blvd '• .-Sepulve'da-Lincoln Bl-^rd-Princeton Bikeway-$72,990 $2/ 10:b>r:Agrmt-:CALTRANS ..