Rep. Bass Elected to Chair House Subcommittee on Africa, Global
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Rep. Bass Elected To Chair House Subcommittee On Africa, Global Jan Perry Declares Candidacy Health, Global Human Rights and for Los Angeles County Supervi- International Organizations sor (See page A-2) (See page A-14) VOL. LXXVV, NO. 49 • $1.00 + CA. Sales Tax THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12 - 18, 2013 VOL. LXXXV NO. 05, $1.00 +CA. Sales “ForTax Over “For Eighty Over Eighty Years TheYears Voice The Voiceof Our of Community Our Community Speaking Speaking for forItself Itself” THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 2019 BY NIELE ANDERSON Staff Writer James Ingram’s musi- cal career will forever be carved in the Grammy ar- chives and Billboard 100 charts. His rich and soulful vocals ruled the R&B and Pop charts in the 80’s and 90’s. Ingram was discov- ered by Quincy Jones on a demo for the hit, Just Once, written by Barry Mann and FILE PHOTO Cynthia Weil, which he sang for $50. STAFF REPORT investigation regarding He went on to record the Los Angeles Police hits, “Just Once,” “One Long before the 2015 Department’s Metropoli- Hundred Ways,” “How Sandra Bland traffic stop tan Division and the in- Do You Keep the Music in Houston, Texas, Afri- creasing number of stops Playing?” and “Yah Mo can Americans have been officers have made on Af- B There,” a duet with Mi- battling with the reoccur- rican American motorists. chael McDonald. One of ring fear of driving while According to the re- his milestone writing cred- Black. Some people be- port, “Nearly half the driv- its was with Quincy Jones lieve that the fear of driv- ers stopped by Metro are on Michael Jackson’s 1983 ing while Black, is associ- Black, which has helped Top 10 hit “P.Y.T.” (Pretty ated with a combination drive up the share of Afri- Young Thing). Ingram of citizen-police relations can Americans stopped by was a two-time Grammy and the historical beatings the LAPD overall from 21 Award-winner and a two- of Black men and women. percent to 28 percent since time Academy Award The issue of being stopped the Metro expansion, in nominee for Best Original by a police officer is a a city that is 9 percent Song. systemic problem that has Black, according to the In a statement, Mr. affected people of color analysis.” Jones said: “There are no nationally with new solu- In the South Los Ange- words to convey how much tions and yet the same out- les area alone, Metro offi- my heart aches with the comes. cers are pulling over Black Recently, the Los An- drivers more so than any {See INGRAM A-10} James Ingram COURTESY PHOTO geles Times conducted an {See LAPD A-8} BY STEVEN HERBERT City News Service A star on the Holly- wood Walk of Fame hon- oring Oscar and Emmy- nominated actress, Taraji P. Henson, was unveiled in connection with the Feb. 8 release of her latest film, “What Men Want.’’ Getting a star on the PHOTO CREDIT: KOI SOJER / SNAP’N U PHOTOS Walk of Fame ``really Founder of PAFF, Ayuko Babu confirms that, in spite of the circumstances in your BY SHAQUILLE WOODS vent negative stereotypes life, whether you were Contributing Writer through the power of film. born into them or they just But film isn’t the only happened along the way, It’s one of the most pres- experience you’ll find at the it doesn’t matter because tigious Black film festivals event. with God, all things are PHOTO BY WILLY SANJUAN/ INVISION/AP in America. The annual Now on its 27th year, possible,’’ Henson told Actress Taraji P. Henson poses during a ceremony honoring her with a star on the Pan African Film & Arts PAFF is expected to bring City News Service. Hollywood Walk of Fame on Monday, Jan. 28, 2019, in Los Angeles. Festival (PAFF) highlights even more culture and cel- “I want to say to all the international influence ebrations where festivalgo- of the little Brown babies the hood,’’ the 48-year-old at God. The Hollywood Hollywood. I’ve worked of Black creativity. Since ers can enjoy spoken word, all over the world, look actress said. Walk of Fame is a journey so hard for this. It’s sur- 1992, PAFF’s mission has art shows and even a com- at me and see you. I was “I never focused on my through history and today real.’’ been to reinforce posi- edy night. a single mom raised by a circumstances. I focused my legacy will be forever Henson recalled walk- tive images and help pre- {See PAFF A-10} single mom and lived in on my dream and look etched in the history of {See STAR A-8} BY CRAIG CLOUGH City and county Stentorians donate fire equipment and LAAW-PAC hosts gala dinner. City News Service BY CORA JACKSON-FOSSETT After more than a year Staff Writer of speculation and travels to political hotspots across the country, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti an- nounced today he has de- cided against a bid for the presidency in 2020. “Reflecting on those CORA J. FOSSETT/L.A. SENTINEL travels and recognizing Zambian First Lady Esther Lungu, center, joins L.A. city the incredible opportunity and county officials and firefighters on Jan. 25, in front I have every single day as of one of the donated fire engines that will be shipped to mayor of this great town, Zambia. I realize this is what I am meant to do,’’ Garcetti Mrs. Esther Lungu, the at two memorable events. said at a City Hall news JAE C. HONG/AP PHOTO first lady of the Republic of Fire Apparatus Presen- conference. Mayor Eric Garcetti, a fourth-generation Angeleno Zambia, visited Los Ange- tation “This is where I want of Mexican-Italian-Jewish descent, had been edging to- les last week and the city’s During a formal presen- to be and this is a place ward a presidential run, using the midterm elections to Black community rolled out tation to Her Excellency where we have so much launch a tightly choreographed play where he traveled the red carpet to honor her {See ZAMBIAN A-8} {See GARCETTI A-10} the country. E. MESIYAH MCGINNIS/L.A. SENTINEL AUDITION IN 3 WAYS ON-LINE, MOBILE APP, OR IN - PERSON A-2 A-6 LASENTINEL.NETLOS ANGELES SENTINEL NEWSNEWS THURSDAY,THURSDAY,JANUARY JANUARY 31, 2019 9, 2014 Joins 2020 Race to Represent the County’s 2nd District SENTINEL NEWS SERVICE The Councilwoman is to stand by her side as we known as one of the archi- both attempted to cut out Jan Perry, former Los tects of the revitalization City Hall corruption at Angeles City Council- of Downtown Los An- its root. And today, I am woman for the 9th Dis- geles. Perry brought $15 proud to support her bid to trict today declared her billion in private invest- become our next County candidacy for Los Ange- ments, $52 million in net Supervisor. les County Supervisor. If new tax revenue, 90,000 From July 2013 to De- elected she will fill the- va full-time jobs and 1,000 cember 2018 Perry served cancy in 2020 due to term affordable housing units to as the general manager limits. the 9th Councilmanic Dis- of the City of Los Ange- “I am running because trict of Los Angeles. She is les Economic Workforce I believe every family in viewed as one the most ef- Development Department the 2nd District should fective and visionary leg- (EWDD) where she over- have a pathway to eco- islators in recent memory. saw a broad range of pro- nomic prosperity,” said “Jan Perry is innova- grams offering assistance Councilwoman Perry. “I tive, compassionate and to business, job seekers see tremendous poten- views public service as a and disconnected youth. tial in our communities, calling. Her entrance into During her tenure, the de- if we are creative and te- this race is timely,” said partment enrolled 91,000 VALERIE GOODLOE PHOTO nacious, we can attract former Councilmember people in its training and good-paying jobs, build and Chief of Police Ber- placement programs. Cur- affordable housing, ensure nard Parks. “We desper- rently, she serves as the COURTESY PHOTO every child in the district ately need Jan’s integrity executive director of the Jan Perry, former Los Angeles City Councilwoman for the 9th District receives a quality educa- to combat the criminal el- Infrastructure Funding Al- tion and has access to so- ement that has undeniably liance, a national initiative challenges. She lives in To find out more about Twitter, Instagram, and cial services that can help permeated our public ser- to meet future infrastruc- Ladera Heights with her Jan Perry visit us at jan- LinkedIn. them meet their full poten- vice community in local ture, economic develop- daughter and her rescue dog or follow us tial,” she continued. government. I was proud ment, and environmental Frank. on social media Facebook, BY CORA JACKSON-FOSSETT presents are the Black Sawyer, 59th Assembly the L.A. County Alliance STAFF WRITER Child Conference, the Sat- District; Dr. George J. of Black Educators. urday Success Academy, McKenna, LAUSD board COBA’s 2019 execu- The Council of Black the Multicultural Coalition member and COBA past tive board, in addition to Administrators (COBA) and the Dollars for Schol- president; and Dr. Kandice McLurkin and Dillard, aims to help African Amer- ars Foundation. Also, McLurkin, COBA presi- consists of Dr. Jamila Gil- ican students succeed by COBA is recognized by dent. Doris M.