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VOLUME XVI NUMBER 2-JUNE, 1956 R • VOLUME XVI NUMBER 2-JUNE, 1956 r WITH TWO GREAT NEW ALBlJMS ON BOTH LONG PLAY AND EXTENDED PLAY 1956 MEDALIST WINNERS AND THE 1956 CHORUS WINNERS FROM THE MINNEAPOLIS CONVENTION J\ , I I BARBERSHOP BALL THE SCHMITT BROTHERS 1951 INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONS S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A. ON LONG PLAY: Sleppin' Around· If I Hod My Way' Alabama Jubilee' Mighty Lok' (] Rose' Tuck Me to Sleep in My Old 'lucky Home' Shine' lazy River • The Sunshine of Your Smile • How I Wish thai I Could Help tho Sandman • Brahms' Lulloby • Carry Me Bock 10 old Virginny • 'Twos Only on Irishman's Dream. OL 8280 ON EXTENDED PLAY: Part One If I Had My Way· Tuck Me 10 Sleep in MyOId 'lucky Home' lOly River' Brahms' lullaby. 1:0 2348 ~~&qillII Port Two ll/!: Mighty lok' 0 Rose' Alabama Jubilee' 'Twos Only on Irishman's Dream ~ • The Sunshine of Your Smile. ED 2349 ----~M~I ~' Printed in U. S. A. , June 1 VOLUME XI'/ /f)56 NUMBER 2 Int'l M agazine Committee Features R. M. Hockenbrough. Chairman Curtis F. Hockett. Edi,or A,fjlllleapo/is-"lVe're all Our Way" ~. .... 2 Contributing Editors A merica's Youth Want Barbershop. ........••...•....•.••.. 3 Calmer Browy President's ROllnd Table. ....••..... 4 Robert G. Hafer Nell' Film, "Voice Expressioll".. .. .. ... .. .. ...•... .. 6 R. M. Hockenbrough Jamrs F. Knipe Chapter Program Survey ........•..••.....•...•........... 25 \Y. L. Otto • Membership Pictllre .......................•.........••... 36 J. Grorge O'Brien Richard Svanoe F. Stirling Wilson International Officers Comment President A fl EndOll'mell/ Fund? ARTHUR A. MERRILL, 1567 Kingston ........................ 4 Avenue, Schenectady 9. N. Y .. (Di­ Tlte lVay I See It ...... .. ... •• ••. .... .. ........ .. .. 7 vision Manager. General Electric Co.) Professor lVilsoll .... ••• ....... •• .. 8-9 Immediate Past President Status Quotes. ............... .. ..• .. ••• •.. .. ... •. 12 BERNEY SIMNER. 1708 Olive Street, St. Louis}, Missouri (District Man­ Share the lVealth 14·15 ager, Acme Visible Records, Inc.) Do You Remember? .....•............ .18-19 First Vice Presidenr Lil'e Up To Our Name . .........••..........•.• , .... ,•. 26 ROWLAND F. DAVIS, Room 1757, 195 Broadway, New York 7. N. Y. (American Telephone ~ Telegraph Co.) Dellarlmenls Second V ice President JOSEPH E. LEWIS, 2912 Gaston Ave· Barbershop Craft ............•••. .....•........••......22·23 nuc. Dallas, Texas (President. Na­ tion... t Bond (1lnvutment Co.) Comillg EI'el/ts ......•••.......... 11 Treasurer HarmollY Heritage .............•.... ,......... •• . 10 MARK P. ROBERTS, 1438 Fischer. De- Key Changes from tlte Cltapters .... .. ..••... .. .....3/-33 troit 14. Michigan (Attorney) Secretary New Chapters ...........••••........•.. 21 ROBERT G. HAFER Neil'S About Quartets.. .....••.•. .............•...... 20-21 Board of Directors O"er the Editor's Shoulder. ......•••........ 28 (Tum EJtp;,i"9Jurlf lO. 19H) R. Tucy E..,ns. 221 Illh SlUt!. Pukulbu,g. Wul Vilgini" (SUlf Ro)d Comminion) hmu S. MIllin. 12122 Rirhl,d A,.-rnur. Pllos Hrighll. lIIinoil (Pruidfnt. Jlmu hhllin Co.) Ghn II. Ihid. 511 E,ir Avrnur. Loglnlpo'l. Ind. (Color Photo Courtesy of The Akron, (Conllfuuion Ind COnluuing) John 5llin. HOlr! Wfnlwoflh. 59 W. 46lh 5[.. Ohio Beacon Journal) N. Y. l6. N. Y. (Blnk-rr. GUflnly Tun Co.) Four Akron, Ohio S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A.-ers: Edlu.J J. SUISO". 1217 CI,dinll 51 .• Nr..... Brd· fo,d. hhn. (SUll0n'l Suprr Srnicr SUIion) Arv Benson, Paul Steurer, Bob Evans and (Tfrm I;.'Jtpirin9 Junf JO. 19'1) Fred Triplett-adorn the colorful cover of Homr. J. AIPY. 2-18 Mocking Bi,d bnr. Soulh Pludrna. Calif. (lIomrr J. A1PY Allodatu. this issue of The Harmonizer. The boys are Public n,lIlions) pictured as they took part ill the recent "Gay Cllmu Dro.... '. 21-18 WUI bwn Annur. ~hdi· son. WilCOnsln (!lurings 5upflvho•• Wil. Pub. Nineties" Night sponsored by our Akron Suv. Comm.) Chapter. The Sunday Roto Section of TI,e Dwighl L Calkins. 1102 NOllh IIlhnlic. Spo. hnr. Wlshinglon (ellk!nl f."'nuhuu,ing Co.) Akron Beacon Journal carried three pages Willilm H. Ihl1, 469 S.W. 261h ROld. Milmi. of pictorial coverage of the uGay Nineties" Floridl (P,uidul. 1I0usr of Hounon) Evening of Harmony-including the color­ Judgf LUlhrr Slrurn. 4026 XUIfrI Avrnur N.• Minnupolis 12. Minn. (Municipll COUtl) ful cover you see on your Harmolliur. International Secretary Robert G. Hafer ilssociate International THE HARMONIZER is thr offiri,1I public~lion of thr Sorirtl' for tin PUH'\'llioR IRd [Reour· Secretaries ~gunull of lhrbu Shop QUI,lft SiRging in Amt,ic,. Inc. It is publishrd qU'rlfrll' in MIlCh, Junr, Seplrmbtllnd Dtctmbtr H InttrnJtion~1 HfJdqu~rlr". 20619 Prnkrll AYr., DClroil 23. Ken Booth Michig~n, ,nd tnleud IS second·cl", m~lItr ~t lhe POlt ollier ~1 Drlloil. Mich!g~n. undrr the Au of Milch l, 1879. Editorial Jnd t\d\"fllising officu JU II Inlrrnllional HudqUHtuS. W. L. (Bill) Otto NOli" of changr of Iddrtn should b~ submilttd 10 Ih~ rditolill officu of THE HARMONIZER H lUll lhirty d~l's btforf Ihf nut publiulion dHt. 5ubHriplion prier is S2.00 rudy Ind lrltematioll,,1 Office $.50 In issue. 20619 Fenkell Avenue Detroit 23. Michigan KEnwood 2·8300 MINNEAPOLIS- U'l11' tlVe'l.e On Our Way" As the time for our 1956 International Convention nears, thousands of barbershoppers across the North Amcrican Continent are making final plans to attend the gala song fest in Minneapolis. Probably the busiest barbershoppers in the land at the present time are the members of our Minneapolis Chapter who are beginning their final "push" toward making the 1956 International Convention OUf "biggest and best." Here is a list of thc exciting contest singing events scheduled: Starting at 2 p.m. Thursday, June 14-First half of semi-final quarlet contest, featuring 20 quartets. 8 p.m. June 14-Second half of the semi-finals, featuring 20 quartels. From these forty competing, 15 are selected on the basis of points scored. The 15 finalists are to compete at 2 p.m. Friday, June 15, from which five are chosen as the 1956 Medal winners. Also on Friday, at 8 p.m., 14 barber­ shop choruses compete for the championship spot. Saturday, June 16 at 2 p.m., the 25 semi-finalist quartets appear in The seemingly quiet, poaceful metropolis of Minneapolis the Jamboree Session. The climax is at 8 p.m. Saturday, pictured in the above aerial photograph will SOOIl be filled June 16, when the Medalists will determine who the 1956 with harmonious chords of barbershop harmony when thou­ International Champion Quartet is to be. sands of barbershoppers from all over the United States can· verge for our International Convention beginning June 14. SPECIAL FOR LADIES For the ladies, a bruncheon will be held at Dayton's Sky Headquarters) so that they can send you information about Room at 9:30 a.m., June 16 for only $2.50-including a the baby sitting service which will be available in souvenir and an exciting fashion parade, featuring the latest Minneapolis. fashions for summer living and relaxing in Minnesota's Planning to bring a teenager or two? The Teenage Com­ marvelous playground. The exotic creations are fashioned mittee has a terrific program lined up. Lend your ear and by designers of the Northwest's leading women's wear. A gaze at this: Morning dip, topped off with a delicious special trip to Betty Crocker's kitchens is scheduled for breakfast at one of the Minneapolis City lakes, singing and Friday morning, June 15. Friday afternoon a two-hour chinning in the Barberteen's Room at the Radisson Hotel, sightseeing trip around Minneapolis is scheduled at a cost plus an evening of fnn and froliciJlg at Excelsior Amuse­ of $1 per person. If you are planning to bring young chil­ ment Park, including specd boat rides, park rides, dancing, dren with you to the Minneapolis Convention, you should special "teen" afterglow, entertainment by invited guest notify the Ladies Hospitality Committee (c/o International quartets, and'a special souvenir dinner in an Oriental mood (no silverware-jnst chopsticks!)-all just for $4! It's quite a program, but there are also other events going on at S.P.E.B. S.Q.S.A. Headquarters at the Radisson Hotel. The Minneapolis Chapter's Hospitality Room, Ladies Hospitality Roolll, Woodshed and numerous others ... Then for qniet relaxation, listen to half-a-hundred quartets singing in var­ ious places throughout the entire downtown area. Here are some of the proposed spe­ cial outside events being planned by General Chairman Maynard Saxe and the Public Relations Committee for the Convention: I. A colorfnl street parade on Fri­ day morning at 10 a.m. around the Minneapolis loop area, featuring quar­ For those lucky Barbershoppers who will be staying in Minnesota for the Con­ tets in costume being conveyed in vention "Afterglow:' the relaxing atmosphere pictured above will prevail. For those wishing additional information about the posl convontion activities at Gull "antique" automobiles with some good Lake. a complete report is contained in the accompanying article. There are barbershop music to thrill the crowds several lodges on the lake viithin walking distance of each other. (Col//il/lled 011 p(/~C 35, Col. J) 2 THE HARMONiZeR - JUNE, 1956 America's Youth Want To Sing More Barbershop Harmony A REPORT OF THE SOCIETY'S ACTIVITIES AT THE BIENNIAL CONVENTION OF THE MUSIC EDU­ CATORS NATIONAL CONFERENCE HELD IN ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI, APRIL 13-18. It was big business when the Music Educators National Conference held its Biennial Convention in St. Louis on April 13. There were 13,000 music educators and students on haud for one or more days of the official couvention ses­ sions, which ran from April 13 through 18. There were more than 200 commercial exhibitors at the Exhibition Hall and Before their appearance before hundreds of Music Educators the Society was fortnnate to be one of the 31 organizations at the MENC Convention at St.
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