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Defies High Sheriff; Library the Laborers n i I mi iii i r i.rinijpD.niiii rimlmiji iiiwrMn vmii n,tmiininf ijpii1 "I'.' 1111 pPiPPpPPIppwwii iWgjppp tt it TXjT ft TT & NT Telephone 2365 Star Business Office .....STAR SECOND EDITION. m --i. .VOL. XIX. TWENTY PAQE8 HONOLULU, HAWAII, SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1011. TWENTY PAGES No. 5928 THE STEAMER SENATOR BIDS ON ONLY FEW OF DEFIES HIGH SHERIFF; LIBRARY THE LABORERS 1 Bids were today opened by Super- RUMORED NEW SCHEME vising Architect Kerr fdr th0 library GO TO ALASKA of Hawaii building as follows: Lord & Young, Bow-lo- r, $113,000; J. F. (Associated Press Cable to Star.) A REPORT THI8 AFTERNOON within a milo or bo of the channel 115,479; Pacific Engineering Co., The Association watching their movements HAS IT THAT. THE CHARTERERS entrance, heading out to sea, and then $122,600; E. P. Chapln, or mingling with them. This man can $124,090; F. SAN FRANCISCO, April 8. A few laborcrn from Honolulu sailed for M; OF THE STEAMER SENATOR ARE back again towards Pearl Harbor. She Redward, $133,295;, Evans, $137,772. speak the language of the majority Alaska today. The others will seek employment In Honolulu and Wash-ingto- CONSIDERING AN ENTIRELY NEW has a list to starboard again, which Lord & Young, lowest bidders, prom- of them, and' he Is thus enabled to SCHEME TO CARRY OUT THEIR would seem, to Indicate that her water ise to d6 tho work In 300 days. Chapin '.f keep track on them and can gather - ) PLANS. THE SCHEME IN QUtS-TfO- tanks are being manlpu'ated. $Jow wants BOO days. The contract has not Information first-han- d concerning IS TO BRING THE 8TEAMER and again dense black volumes of yet been awarded. UNIVERSITY FOR what they intend to do, or what their IN AND DOCK HER HERE AGAIN smoke pour .out of her funnels, iso it WASHINGTON, April 8. Senator Borah has Introduced a bill for a na feelings are. Theso men are not only 'IN HONOLULU, AND THEN AD- - would seem that a full head of steam Friday week, as presented to the tlonal university here to train people for the public service. scattered along the waterfront, but VERTISE HER AS .A PASSENGER Is being kept up. Supreme court by Attorney Ed Jit. MM Ml all over town as well. No point Is be - J STEAMER, OFFERING ACCOMMO- Yesterday. Watson was this morning granted by THE ARIZONA CONSTITUTION.- ' Eleven Got Away ing overlooked to keep watch on every DATIONS FOR AN EXCURSION TO Notwithstanding vigilance Chief Justice O. M. Robertson WASHINGTON, April 8. Is undecided constltu. th0 of the likely to contravene sections A Taft about the Arizona ALASKA, one the and ARHOfifntP' .TllsMnne, nnrl rln FARE $1 PER HEAD, OR police along tho waterfront yesterday Pnrrv tlon and will await the action of Congress. of the new act Th0 majority of ' SOME SUCH NOMINAL SUM. THIS morning about eleven got away In' a ttye Bolt For tho roasong gtated thp wK on uoaru uie uro MIGHT FILL HER WITH RECRUIT- launch to the Senator. One of them eeniuur Wftg gnmted Qnd poUUono dg. BATTLE NEAR MEXICALI. ED LABORERS. 'Pleas Reserved. charged, said Chief who returned this morning said that Justice Robertson MEXICALI, April 8. Williams at the head of elghty-fiv- e American In The arrests of Captain F. C. Milter, things were going along quietly on on the court asaomi1nn In G. A. McEldowney, Kasuml. T. Bait surrectos,' is engaged battle with 400 Mexican federals near here. A Supreme Court decision granting Everyone was satisfied, rcUt Jud Acton nvad board. and ezar and Alvarado under the provi- - the writ of habeas corpus asked for the food that was being up nd,ngB f COUrt served sions of Act 48 of 1911 which recently tih Wor?: MANY CONVICTS PERISH. "by Attorney Watson In behalf of the was good, and there was plenty of it. passed tho Legislature, wore made T,hat thcr wns no "herent power in clrou,t n BIRMINGHAM, Ala., April 8. Convicts to the number of 115 have per- - Filipinos taken from the Korea( and j Such things as these could bo observ yesterday, and the first three were re- - JudBea chambers, apart ' a orltblsing the atorneys lor tho ed, but other points concerning future leased on their own bond to appear In from statute, to require witnesses to lshed,ln mine exploslon here. prosecution for preventing WatBon movements etc., were kept carefully tho police court this morning. The Give recognizances to appear and EIGHTY-FIV- E DEAD. from seeing the Filipinos last week; guarded from all on board by the fe- - there were brief. Mr. tlfy before tho grand Jury when the at-- tho refusal of the captan of tho Sena- spouslble officials. It would seem that Wlnfield Dorn, the San Francisco accused had not been committed for CRANTON, Ala., April 8. There are eighty-fiv- e dead as the result of torney ap- - tor to allow High Sheriff Henry to police lacking vigi- who carte in the Senator, trial or held to await the action of the the' mining disaster. the was in thplr - peared for tho defendants. .He an- - board the vessel to serve papers; con- lance somowhat by allowing the sranA Jury and no incident was act- B t!fetner tinued closo guard of the waterfront, launch load to gtt past them yester- 2SU wltth ,A"ornf ually under consideration by the MORNING CABLE REPORT. M. Watson, he represented Captain ,, ... blocking the plans of the plans of the day morning, V' wltnes3es l but those who returned Miller and G. A. McEldowney. He did , . Senator, and a statement made to a are not telling, where they got away not know whether Mr. Watson had Ja" "uuuul B,V'"B luem uu IP""-see- n CHIHUAHUA, Mex., April 8. Madero hao offered to resign If Diaz wlU to the recognizances; . Star representative "by Attorney from. This morning tho front is well Kasumi, Balfazar or Alvarado "' f"ish and call a new national election for President. Dorn for the Alaska Packers, regard- guarded. 13vw point from WalklH since their arrest yesterday, but both That under the circumstances CITY OF MEXICO, April 8. Corral has been glvrn leav0 ing their reason for coming here, to Pearl Harbjr has someone to look he and Watson offered their services above stated circuit judges in cham-t- o of absence for six months. i Mr. Would e make up the principal local news today after It, and there should not be any them, and Dorn thought it hers have not the said power to re-b- CLEVELAND, O., April 8. Former Mayor Tom Johnson Is dying. agreeable to defendants. He concerning the strange situation that chance o anyone slipping through tho the quiro recognizances or to commit to SCRANTON, Pa., April 8. Twenty out of sixty bodies of miners havo has developed as a result of the at- today. Low placed his 01 lne ?omp'aint jail under an existing statute, been recovered. net Kben has and askedTtthat.all fivef cases be set for tempt of Alaska packers to take labor launch at the disposal of the police Wednesday for plea I Nc.ed for Further Legislation. from liore. "With the waterfront and they do not hesitate to use it as This conn, was ndnnted bv the ln lne omnlon 01 tno wurt. W AS" .guarded, remains helpless I the Senator Boon as tuey see any boat that look court. Judge Lymer directing that the soclate Justice Perry, opportunity Is cutslde, and a deadlock exists which at all suspicious coming or going, record show that Messrs. Dorn and taken to point out that tho power to High chool Principal .Is very costly to those who chartered Two Japanese Arrested. Watson appear as attorneys for the hind over witnesses by recognizances her. Two Japanese, who are said to be five defendants. and by commitment to jail in default Out to the Senator. members of the crew of the Spray, Disconsolate Father Wants His Son. of such recognizances to testify bo-Ch- In Hilo Suspend A paunch containing" Wlnfield Dorn, and who are supposed to have assist- - Kealohl, whose fourteen-year- - foro grand juries as well as at trials, Leal and Miller, both chauffeurs, Joe j old son Is supposed to bto on board"!? essential to the due administration ed in towing out the Concord , on (Wireless t0 the Star.) to afternoon, leg-th- e went out .the Senator this Thursday night, the Senator, yiwore to a warrant for "of jusUco In this Territory, and V Of course was no question con-- , wor, arrested this there apprehension of the boy' islation should be enacted providing concerning Dorn's denarture. but there mOrnlng. Word was sent to Detective but there 'HIL'0?"Aprir8. After a thorough Investigation work at the High" School seems no of the warrant be- - Rn extension, to this extent, of the "was expressed concern-- 1 Harry Lake that the two men wantad chance fr has been suspended until further notice. The sixth, seventh, and eighth astonishment remedy now furnished by tho statute, ing the, departure .of Leal and Miller.' were on the wharf, and soon afterward Ing served on the lad. The allegations grammar grades are not Implicated, and will continue work under the dl. It was supposed that the question of, the police patrol arrived and gathered made against the boy are'that he iias subject always, of .course, to proper rection of Miss L. Reyo. Richmond, principal of the High School, has been to scour the fold.
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