Congressional Record—House H1916

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Congressional Record—House H1916 H1916 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 11, 2013 take comfort in knowing that his leg- er of the Year in the championship leled winning streak, capped off by the acy will live on through those of us he game. Unselfish, but a thief, he’ll grad- Cards’ third Men’s Basketball National influenced. May Coach Billy Tate al- uate with the school record for steals Championship. Go Cards. ways be remembered for the excellence in a season and career. f he inspired in all of us. Big man Gorgui Deing is unselfish, THE AMERICAN JOBS MATTER ACT Today, I ask my colleagues in the too. Louisville’s record-setting shot- United States Congress to join with me blocker and monster rebounder used The SPEAKER pro tempore. The and the hundreds of debaters he taught his jump shot to pull defenders and find Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from in his 40 years of coaching in cele- teammates for six assists in the cham- Illinois (Mrs. BUSTOS) for 5 minutes. brating the life and legacy of a native pionship game—three to Chane Mrs. BUSTOS. Madam Speaker, I rise Alabamian and a nationally renowned Behanan, who tied Louisville’s single- today to talk about our most pressing debate coach, Mr. William Woods Tate, season dunk record, officially making issue facing my district and our coun- Jr. him the latest doctor of dunk. Cutting try, and that is boosting American f down the nets in Atlanta was great, manufacturing and creating jobs here but they should give Chane the back- at home. HONORING THE UNIVERSITY OF boards because he owned them all Just this week, I introduced a bill LOUISVILLE CARDINALS night. called the American Jobs Matter Act. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The This commonsense bill would enable 1030 Chair recognizes the gentleman from b the Federal Government to find out Kentucky (Mr. YARMUTH) for 5 min- This team also showed tremendous how contracted work would impact utes. perseverance. Wayne Blackshear over- American jobs. Contractors would be Mr. YARMUTH. Madam Speaker, I came two shoulder injuries to reach able to include how their offers would rise to honor the University of Louis- the starting lineup. And it’s a good create American jobs. ville Cardinals, who went to a second thing: he hit threes to start the Cards’ My bill would raise the importance of straight Final Four this season and re- scoring in both championship halves. creating jobs at home in our country turned home national champions. But the Final Four’s breakout star and building our manufacturing indus- Going into the NCAA tournament, was its most outstanding player, Luke try here as Federal contractors are the question was whether the Cards’ Hancock, who scored his career-high in considered for their jobs. It would also stifling defense would be enough to win the semifinal and then broke it 2 days help ensure that taxpayer money is it all. Well, we’ll never know, because later. Luke didn’t use the force; he was being used to create jobs in places like the country’s best defense became the a force. And nothing would stop him Rockford, Moline, Galesburg, and Peo- best offense too, shooting 52 percent to from winning for his father, for Kevin ria, and in cities and towns across my a tournament best 79.5 points per Ware and, as always, for Louisville. district, across my State, and across game. That’s more than crazy. It’s That’s what Coach Rick Pitino our country—not overseas. ‘‘Russdiculous.’’ taught this team, the master I’m proud to say that this bill has They said he never met a shot he motivator, who’s done everything this been incorporated into Congressman didn’t like; but during the past month, week but cartwheels on the Moon, built HOYER’s Make It In America plan, Russ Smith hardly took a shot he a team and mentored men we should be which seeks to promote American couldn’t make, setting Louisville’s new proud of. workers, jobs, innovation, and infra- tournament-scoring record and earning And like Pitino, Jeff Walz will tell structure. the respect and affection of a city. The you this isn’t about one person or even Madam Speaker, we need to do more All-American, regional MVP, and de- one team. It’s about a program and a to create jobs and support American fensive phenom no longer cares who’s community. Trust him. That mad sci- manufacturing. My bill does just that. scoring, as long as the jersey reads entist led U of L’s women to four f Louisville. straight NCAA tournament upsets, in- When these guys say the team motto cluding what is considered to be the THE IMMINENT THREAT POSED BY ‘‘Louisville First, Cards Forever,’’ they biggest upset in college basketball his- NORTH KOREA mean it. We saw it when the team ral- tory. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The lied around their injured teammate, Behind the jaw-dropping plays of Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from Kevin Ware, as he courageously re- Shoni and Jude Shimmel, sharp- Hawaii (Ms. GABBARD) for 5 minutes. peated, ‘‘I’m fine, just win the game,’’ shooting of Antonita Slaughter, tenac- Ms. GABBARD. Madam Speaker, I before being carted off the court during ity and skill of Sara Hammond, rise today to address the recent devel- the Elite Eight. We saw it when they Sherrone Vails, and Bria Smith, and opments and the growing instability on came together to ‘‘Win for Ware.’’ But the unbelievable toughness of Monique the Korean Peninsula. before that, the Cards won with Ware. Reid and Shelby Harper, the national Today we are seeing an increasingly On this team, Kevin was one of eight runners-up crashed nearly every party belligerent hostile stance by the North Cardinals to score double figures in a around. Korean regime toward its perceived en- tournament game. That doesn’t even These players and coaches define an emies. For some, this may sound like a include the players who set this team extraordinary program. Only three far-off annoyance, saber rattling com- off on some of the year’s most unlikely coaches in NCAA history have gone to ing from the East; however, nothing and electrifying rallies. a men’s and women’s basketball final could be farther from the truth for Walk-on Tim Henderson scored six of in the same season. Louisville is the families in my home State of Hawaii his season’s 22 points in 45 seconds to first to add a BCS Bowl victory to the and in Guam who sit as named threats cut a late 12-point Final Four deficit in mix. by the increasingly aggressive and un- half. All year, Stephen Van Treese But if you think it’s the last, you predictable regime led by Kim Jong snatched rebounds from future NBA big don’t know Athletics Director Tom Un. men, denied them in the paint, and set Jurich. With sparkling new facilities, He has demonstrated a pattern of bel- precision picks strong enough to stop a outstanding coaches, and stellar stu- ligerent threats and even unprovoked truck. And freshman Montrezl Harrell dent athletes in competition and class, attacks on South Korea in recent provided a constant spark off the Tom has every U of L sport at the top years. This new leader has adopted bench, his unrelenting effort the only of their game and climbing. many of the same destructive policies thing close to matching his natural The university and the community of the past in his pursuit of nuclear ability. have thrived along with them, con- weapons and ballistic missile capabili- Peyton Siva embodies the ‘‘Louis- tinuing a proud tradition that began ties. He’s revealed the willingness to ville First’’ spirit. Happier setting up with Peck Hickman and rocketed to sacrifice the safety and needs of the his teammates than knocking it down the top under the great Denny Crum. North Korean people in order to ad- himself, Peyton reminded the Nation I’m honored to congratulate the Uni- vance his hostile, unproductive agenda. he can also drop 18 points on the Play- versity of Louisville for its unparal- Rather than caring for his people, Kim VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:28 Apr 06, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD13\RECFILES\APR2013\H11AP3.REC H11AP3 bjneal on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE April 11, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1917 Jong Un remains singularly focused on Considering the serious threats we owned businesses, and female- and mi- making provocations and establishing face today and the fact that the threat nority-owned businesses in their abil- a ‘‘military first’’ doctrine. of missile attack on the U.S. is likely ity to hire. As my colleagues know, the Along with Guam and Alaska, Hawaii to grow, I’m deeply concerned about Federal Government has a small busi- has been placed in the crosshairs of the President’s proposed cuts to the ness contracting goal of 23 percent. We this intensifying threat. It’s crucial for missile defense budget in fiscal year have fallen short of that goal in the the United States, and Hawaii in par- 2014. This is a portion of the budget last 6 years, and sequestration will ac- ticular, to take these threats from that should be increased, not de- tually make it harder to ever achieve North Korea seriously. We cannot be creased, to ensure the safety and secu- that goal. complacent. We cannot afford a mis- rity of our people. I also met with my local chamber of take that puts the lives of our families In the coming days and months, I commerce to discuss its desire to ex- at risk.
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