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Columbia Chronicle College Publications Columbia College Chicago Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago Columbia Chronicle College Publications 5-18-1987 Columbia Chronicle (05/18/1987) Columbia College Chicago Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Journalism Studies Commons This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. Recommended Citation Columbia College Chicago, "Columbia Chronicle (05/18/1987)" (May 18, 1987). Columbia Chronicle, College Publications, College Archives & Special Collections, Columbia College Chicago. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the College Publications at Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. It has been accepted for inclusion in Columbia Chronicle by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. Columbia produces two winners at film festival By Brian Kulpin A Columbia teacher and student have each won first-place awards for their entries in the I 2th Annual Festival of Illinois Film and Video Anists. Dennis Fmnk. a gmduate film stu­ dent. won the Director's Prize for his film " Peas with Mom" and Peter Thompson, a photography teacher. won the Best Film award for "Universal Ho­ tel." Frank a nd Tho mpson will have their films screened May 22 and 23 at Facets Multimedia. After the screening both filmmakers will be awarded $ 125 prizes during a reception at the Limelight. 632 N. Dearborn. The Festival was created by Anthony C hrunk~ITu1n H11lnulwL Chronick-/Robb Ptrt• Loeb, Chairman of the Columbia's Dennis Frank (right) a nd Peter Thompson, two first-place winners of the At tbe official opening ceremonies of the McCormick Place Annex, May 5, Film Depanment, as a showcase for in­ Treasurer Anthony Mandelini called the facility, "Tile leading trade show 12th Annual Festival of Illinois Film and Video Artists, say they plan to do depende nt filmmakers. their future filmmaking in Chicago. and convention center in tbe world." Frank described the honor as an emo­ tional experience. "I look at the award as a kind of vali­ suppons young anists during the early " It was great to win, I fe lt fantastic. dation of my work and you can't have pan of their careers." Riley said. But I was very emotional because I had too much of that." Thompson said. " The judges for the festival are pro­ Problem-plagued never won an award before. I couldn't fessionals in the field of film so no one According to Maureen Riley. Associ­ help it, I cried." Frank said. "But the can accuse Columbia of impropriety ate Director of the Illinois Film Festi­ when students win awards in a festival award is good karma. It is a positive val, Frank and Thompson were two of panially funded by the college, " Riley North annex opens thing that will keep me going with my four winners picked from a field of 87 work. said . entries from across the state. She said Thompson, who has been honored The festival has grown over the years their winning is good for Columbia. By Karen Brody According to the city's chief electri­ twice before by the Festival, agrees that and past winners have made the event cal inspector, Timothy Cullenon, the the award is a signal to keep up the good "I think having two people win puts more prestigious. Buzz Hirsch. the pro­ The McCormick Place Annex offi­ ductwork which transpons wires and work. Columbia o n the map as a place that ducer of the movie "Silkwood" and cially opened May 5, one year late, $60 cables throughout the building's ex­ Lisa Gottleib, the director of the movie, million over the proposed budget, and hibits is questionable. He believes that "One of the Guys" were both past win­ despite continuing concern over the damage to the wire insulation may have ners who found success in Hollywood. safety of the facility's electrical system. Fountain springs up occurred during construction. " By having the festival we want peo­ The $312 million annex, named, The original inspectors, Underwrit­ ple to know that you don't have to stan " McCormick Place North," is still ers Laboratories, said that 200 curved· in Los Angeles or New York to make it drawing heat from city inspectors who sections, buried under 8-inch concrete in this business." Riley said . say that the electrical system is a fire noors, were falsely marked during in­ Fmnk and Thompson say they have hazard . spection. no ambition to go to Holl ywood in If the allegations are found to be true, search of a career. the city expectS the cost of reconstruc­ ·· 1·m intcrcMcd in writing. producing tion of the system to be some $ 1 mil­ and directing in the Chicago area. I'm lion. independent and going to Ho ll ywood Reconstruction would also interfere depends on if you want to make a lot of with the facility's future shows. money. But money is not my best Anthony Mandolini , treasurer, said friend." Fmnk said . " What is impor­ the faci lity is "booked." tant in film is the actual process. How He downplayed allegations of faul ty you grow a~ a filmmaker is important. I construction that have been reponed in think Hollywood is j ust a myth." the media. The glitter of tinsel town holds no at­ "There will be every effon made to trJction for Thompson either. satisfy that the building is safe and in working order," Mandolini said. " I'm m Chicago and I have a lam1ly "The insurance company is satisfied so I have no ambition to be anywhere ,.with the condition of the facility, " he else." Thompson said. " My vision of said. "Its been open for months." film i> not in sync with that o f Holly­ The annex hosted its first show last wood. I want control over my work. I fall, however, official opening ceremo­ put my soul into it. I don"t want to relin­ nies were delayed due to inspection reg­ quish control over that." ulations. The independence Thompwn cher­ Contrary to problems the facility is ishc> enabled him to freely pur.;ue the facing , the annex opened on an upbeat subject of hi> award-winning film, note, featuring an outdoor ribbon-cut­ " Hotel." He made two trips ting ceremony. some 50 young violin­ to Europe and visited seven historical ists. and officials who stressed a posi­ Buckingham Fountain, located in Grant Park, sprang to life on May I a nd archives and two conccntmtion camps tive future for the annex. will continue its 1987 season past its usual Labor Day closing to October I . for the background. The film concerns Approximately 300 dignitaries. pub­ Twenty minute water displays are presented every two hours five limes Nazi war experiments on political pris­ lic officials, board members, and other daily from 10:30 a .m.to6:30 p.m. A major color display from 9- 11 p.m. is onc~. Continued on page 4 also presented daily. Continued on page 4 PAGEl Mav 18,1987 COlUMBIA CHRONIClE ' 1 \\~ News Briefs Pros advise students Christie Hefner to speak at Columbia's Ferguson Theater on future preparation Christie Hefner. the president and chief operating officer of Playboy Enter­ prises. Inc., will speak about challenges 10 the Fi n;! Amendment on May 20 al By Kathleen Misovic the Ferguson Theater from 4:30-5:30 p.m. The fourth annual Student Video Ex­ Sponsored by The Srudenl Journalism Club, Hefner will answer questions hibition. initialed by Columbia faculty from a select panel of journalism students. member Barbara Sykes-Dietze 10 create an awareness of the television depart­ The event is free and open lo the public. ment. will be held May 29 allhe Fergu­ "Dance Columbia Two ..:' ends season with premieres son Theater: " I fell it was crucial !hal students de­ "Dance Columbia TWo-Chicago Al lis Best" will conclude its spring sea­ velop an awareness of the quality of son with premier~ works by Mary Ward and Nana Shineflug during perform­ work developed in the TV Depart­ ances at the Dance Center, 4730 N. Sheridan Rd. , May 22-23 and May 29-30. ment," said Sykes-Dietze, director of Ward will premiere three works including "Thrmenlo," " Prelude" and the exhibition. " I also wanted lo create " Untilled," while Shineflug introduces "Meditations." an awareness among the Chicago video All weekend performances begin al8 p.m. General admission is$ I I and $8 community.'' for senior citizens and students. For reservations and further information. call "! think it's important for students lo !71-7928. showcase their work 10 their peers, .. New play presented at ~~andolph Street Gallery said Luke Palermo. also an exhibition director. "A' ~PI The Next Job Offer You Gel." a play using unemployment as its Nearly 40 videos were entered in the subject, will be presented al lhe Randolph Street Gallery, 756 N. Milwaukee exhi bition, according lo Palermo and Ave., May 22-23 al 8 p.m. Sykes-Dietze. ranging from music and The play will incorporate 22 performen;, I 2 video monitors and props to concert videos to video art, documenla­ create a mechanized, maze-like environment. rics, news a nd television commercials. General admission is $5. Admission for gallery members, srudenls and The only requirement was thai I he video seniors citizens is $4. For reservations and more information, call 666-7737. had 10 be part of a television class pro­ DePaul U. theatre school concludes season with ject and the class musl have been taken "Woyzeck" no earl ierthan spring of 1986. The deadl ine for video entries was " Woyzeck ..
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