American justice episode guide

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Find Sources: American Justice - News Newspaper Book Scientist JSTOR (January 2009) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) American JusticeCreated byTowers ProductionsRepresentedBill KurtisCountry of the Origin of the United StatesNo. episodes255ProductionRunning timeapprox. 45-50 minutesReleaseOriginal networkA'E NetworkOriginal release 15 September 1992 (1992- 09-15) - December 10, 2005 (now re-run under the title Notorious on the biography of the channel)External linksWebsiteAmerican Justice is an American television program of criminal justice, which was broadcast on the network ASE, organized by . The show features interesting or notable cases, such as 's , Scarsdale Diet Doctor Murder, Hillside Stranglers, Matthew Shepard, and the Wells Fargo robbery, with stories told by key players such as police, lawyers, victims, and the perpetrators themselves. More than 250 episodes have been released, making it the longest-running documentary fairness show on cable television. The last new episode of the series aired on December 10, 2005. However, the old episodes are being re-released on Sister ASE, the network's biography channel, titled Notorious, with no changes to the episodes except for new credit sequences and commercial bumpers. Past episodes are also available on DVD. Past episodes are also currently available on the escape channel antenna television. Episodes 1-7 - Title Episode Summary 1 Damer: The Mystery of serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer, who was convicted of killing and dismembering 15 young boys. 2 Vigilante Judge Bernard Goetz of the subway shooting, and the case of the man who killed his son's alleged molester. 3 Mob Rats looks at , the first mobster to break the code of silence, and Sammy who helped convict gambino family boss 4 Lorena Bobbitt: women and violence considers a highly charged problem of battered women. Do they have the right to violence, and under what circumstances? Will Lorena Bobbitt's acquittal lead to an open season for men? And why are women increasingly involved in drug and gang-related activities? 5 The police officers at which the trial is being tried are considering how the police are treated as defendants and the types of sentences they face; and shows the results of studies that show that the police and the public at large are conducted to different standards of justice. 6 Attack on Waco Story of the tragic attack on the Davidian compound in and subsequent efforts to determine the facts and assign the blame to 7 Gang Busters looks on: Secret 6, a group of civilian-minded businessmen who helped in the shooting down of ; Drug trafficking in 's housing; and Gang Violence in the Midwest 8-15 - Title Episode Summary 8 Prostitution: Sex and Law From the Street Corner to a high-end Hollywood girl on call, this episode examines how sex sellers are prosecuted. 9 Riot: Chicago Conspiracy Forensics the tumultuous events behind the 1968 anti- war riots in Chicago that led to the conspiracy to riot the courts of the famous Chicago Seven. 10 Divorce Wars examines how divorce has changed from the days when women were considered the legal property of their husbands, to today's high-stakes divorce contests, which is typical of the battle between Donald and Ivana Trump. 11 Godfathers vs. Law Profiles of the best and lawmen who risked their lives to defeat the underworld. (2-hour version) 12 Kidnapped Look at the cases of biathlete Kari Swenson in and Exxon executive Sidney Reso in , and examines how effective law enforcement agencies are in investigating and negotiating a tense kidnapping situation. 13 Mafia Defense Look at the Careers of , lawyer for mafia boss Santo Trafikante Jr. and corrupt Teamster leader . 14 Witness protection interviews with several gangsters who show their lives as after receiving plastic surgery, new identities, legitimate jobs, and moving to new neighborhoods. 15 Bad medicine includes a nurse suspected of killing infants in her hospital's pediatric intensive care unit; doctor charged with nine counts of second-degree murder; and the owner of the Personal Best Plastic Surgery Centers, who was accused of allowing his chauffeur to perform medical duties and was struck by 212 malpractice lawsuits. 41-60 - Title Episode Summary 41 Mob Ladies Features , who helped build Las Vegas, Arnin Weiss-Brickman, who traded heroin even while working as an FBI informant, and the Mafia Antoinette Giancana, who professes great love for his father, mafia boss . 42 Alleged guilty features the murder of Janine Nikariko and how Rolando Cruz was falsely convicted and jailed for murder until a man named Brian Bryan later confessed to the murder. 43 Hired Guns includes the case of a corrupt businessman who was murdered by his partner and a millionaire who arranged for his wife to be killed to avoid sharing his fortune with her in divorce proceedings. 44 Cruel and unusual includes: Henry Young, who was kept in the Dark Hole of Alcatraz; Tommy Ortiz, who was beaten by prison guards with lead-filled gloves; and John Evans, whose body was charred in an electric chair. 47 Deadly Force features a police bombing at MOVE headquarters in that killed 11, and the shooting of 's wife and son in . 48 quiz Show Scandal and other scam program examines a game-show scam involving eminent Professor Charles Van Doren. 49 Cop Killers includes the murder of Texas State Trooper Bill Davidson by Ronald Ray Howard, who claimed that 's rap music encouraged him to shoot an officer, and the execution of rookie police officer Eddie Breen by members of a drug gang while he was sitting in his patrol car guarding a drug witness's home in . 50 Chicago Mob includes segments on Al Scarface Capone, Anthony Joe Butters Accardo, and Sam Mooney Giancana. 52 Vegas and Mob features an interview with , a former manager who was the mainstay of 's character in the film Casino. (2 hours) 58 Long Island Railroad Massacre A Look at the Colin Ferguson Massacre aboard a Commuter Train in New York in December 1993. Includes Ferguson's bizarre attempts to defend himself on the court. 59 : Buried Secrets Of the Strange Case of a successful businessman and volunteer parade clown who raped and murdered 33 young men and boys after luring them to their home in suburban Chicago. 60 Crime of Passion: Pamela Smart Story explores the dark side of passion by studying the case of Pamela Smart, who seduced her lover, a 15-year-old, into killing her husband. 61-80 - Title Episode Summary 61 Menendez examines the impressive trials of Eric and Lyle Menendez, the brothers accused of killing their wealthy parents. 63 Mob Hit Men Look at the Killers and the Terror They Committed on the Streets of Philadelphia. 64 Catch the Killer: Murder Detectives Look at men and women who look into the depths of evil to unravel the mystery of humanity's most heinous crime - murder. 66 Death Row women inside American prisons for a rare look at mothers and grandmothers awaiting execution on death row 67 Free to kill: Polly Klaas Murder The focus of this episode are repeat offenders who, like Richard Allen Davis, American justice failed to rehabilitate. We are also considering attempts to protect future victims Laws and aggressive police 71 Amy Fisher story case of Amy Fisher, 17-year-old who was willing to kill to get the man she she she 73 Night Stalker Look Back at the Year of the Murder boom of Richard Ramirez in , his capture and trial. 74 Alleged guilty look at the shocking case of Rolando Cruz and Alex Hernandez, who were sentenced to death for the rape and murder of a young girl, Janine Nicarico, a crime they did not commit. 76 Myth of the serial killer: The story of Henry Lee Lucas Probe in the strange case of one-eyed Henry Lee Lucas, sentenced to death in Texas. Were his confessions of hoax intended to deceive the police? 77 The rise and fall of the Jewish mafia Stories of the most famous Jewish gangsters in America, including Dopey Benny Fein, Abe Kid Twist Reles, , Meyer Lanca, and Bagsey Siegel 78 Crime Family Profile of the infamous mafia boss and how he built the most ruthless and powerful criminal family in the country. 81-100 - Title Episode Summary 81 Scarsdale Diet Dr. Murder covers case of school headmistress Gene Harris, who was accused of murdering his lover, Scarsdale Diet Author Dr. Herman Tarnower 82 Story Susan Smith: Mother's Confession Look Back at the Shocking Story of How Susan Smith Drowned Her Two Sons and then tried to deceive the nation by believing that an African-American man had committed the crime of the 83rd Texas Cheerleader Murder Plot probes the bizarre affairs of Wanda Holloway that would dwell on anything, including 84 Von Bulow: The Wealth of Evidence Exploring snooty, the aristocratic Klaus von Boulow, and if he tried to kill his wife. 85 Murder In Cold Blood Chronicles 1959 murder of a family mess in , and an investigation that led to the capture, trial and execution of their two killers, Richard Hickok and Perry Smith. 87 The Story of Donnie Brasco The True Story of Joe Piston, an FBI agent who risked his life to infiltrate the ruthless New York Mafia family and gather evidence against the criminal authorities of the 88 Preppie Murder Probe into the death of young Jennifer Levine, who was killed in New York by Robert Chambers, a handsome graduate of the prep school 89 Hillsideers Reviewing the infamous case of serial killers That killed 10 young women and girls in Los Angeles in 1977 and 1978 90 Pizza Connection story about how the FBI busted one of the biggest drug rings ever. The explosive case led investigators from a New York pizzeria on a sidewalk to the financial districts of zurich and at the highest level of the Italian government 91 Murder of Look at the twisted mind of Mark David Chapman, a deranged Beatles fan who grew up worshipping John Lennon and then stalked and killed him in December 1980. 92 Spree Killers Look at Crime and Capture of Charles Starkweather and Caryl Ann Fugate, teenage lovers who killed 10 people The 1950s 95 framed the shocking story of Clarence Brandley, an innocent man who was convicted of murder and spent seven years on death row before being cleared. 96 False Witness Strange case Gary Dotson, who was not released from prison even when the woman who accused him of rape admitted that she lied. 97 Marriage and Murder Consideration of three cases in which husbands and wives killed their spouses. The features of Charlene Brundidge, who killed her husband and then won a pardon because she was abused by her wife. 99 Bambi Hunt: Lori Bembenek is the story of the case of handsome ex-lawrencia cop Bambi Bembenek, who escaped after spending nine years in prison for the murder of her husband's ex-wife. 100 Dead Woman Walking: The Karla Faye Tucker Story recalls the controversial life and death of the first woman executed in Texas since 1984. 101-116 - Title Episode Summary 101 Green Takes Murder Mystery Former Green Beret, Jeffrey R. McDonald, is appealing his conviction for the murder of his wife and children. 102 Sam Sheppard's story Dr Sam Sheppard is convicted of murdering his wife, Marilyn Reese Sheppard, in 1954 and was acquitted of murder a decade later. 103 Selena: The Murder Star investigate the murder of Tejano singing sensation Selena and the case against her convicted killer, Yolanda Saldavar. 104 Fall From Grace Stories of high-profile people who have been embroiled in scandals, including sportscaster Marv Albert, former Rep. Mel Reynolds and former Miss America Bess Myerson. 105 Story Heidi Fleis Exclusive interview with inmate Madame Heidi Fleis shows her thoughts on her past employment and possible conviction. 106 Death Row Prostitute: Eileen Wuornos Eileen Wuornos, a self-described highway prostitute, may be the first woman to fit the profile of a serial killer. 107 Kidnapping of Sinatra In 1963, kidnappers receive a $240,000 ransom for Frank Sinatra Jr. 108 The Larry Flynt Story: Hustling The First Amendment Hustler publisher, Larry Flynt, wins the Supreme Court's First Amendment decision. 109 Teenage murder mystery examines the brutal murder of 16-year-old Laurie Shaw, whose last words led to the arrest of Lisa Michelle Lambert. 110 A Woman Scorned: The Story of Betty Broderick Elizabeth Ann Broderick kills her ex-husband and his new wife in 1989; after her husband leaves her for a young woman. 111 Murder in Greenwich: The case of Martha Moxley the murder of 15-year-old Martha Moxley attracts worldwide attention in 1975, as the murder suspect, Michael Skakel, is the nephew of Ethel Skakel Kennedy, the widow of Senator Robert F. Kennedy. 112 Justice Denied: Hurricane Carter Story Boxer Ruby Hurricane Carter was wrongly convicted of triple murder and served 19 years in prison before his conviction was overturned in 1985. 113 Til Death Do Us Part Barbara Stager Convicted in 1989 the murder of her second husband, Russell Stager, after being acquitted of murdering her first husband. 114 Body Evidence: Tom Capano Trial Story of former Attorney, Thomas Capano, who was sentenced to death for the murder of his former lover, Anne Marie Fahey. 115 Perfect Murder: Shannon Moore's marriage story to David Davis and Shannon Mohr comes to a sharp end when Shannon is killed in what is believed to have been a riding accident. 116 Drowning in Lies: The trial of Edward Post After a mistrial and successful appeal, Edward Post pleads guilty to murdering his wife during his third trial. 117-133 117 Payback for Bully : Murder of Bobby Kent 118 It's not my fault.: Strange Defense 119 Lethal Injection: Hospital Murder 120 Jonesboro Schoolyard Ambush 121 Sister vs. Sister: Twin Murder Plot 122 Rape in Connecticut: Alex Kelly Story 123 Debt, Honor... and the murder of 124 Nightmare Parents 125 Death Row Radical: Mummy Abu Jamal 126 Dancing, Drugs, Murder 127 Blueprint for The Murder 128 Killer Inside: The Murder of Katie Bonnie 129 Trial of Louise Woodward 130 Get Away with Murder 131 Deadly Magnolia 132 Kill Your Neighbor: George Trepal 133 Life and Death of Tina Brandon 141-160 141 Oil, Money and Murder - Courts Texas Oilman T. Cullen Davis 142 Free To Kill Again 143 Wife Who Knew Too Much 144 When a Child Kills 145 Murder Field 146 Murder on Reservation 147 Dangerous Medicine? 148 Confession of Son 149 Family Mystery: Death of Lisa Steinberg 150 Hidden in a Simple Sight: Tales of the Fugitive 151 Mother on Death Row 152 Erin Brockovich Story 153 Boy, Who Saw Too Much 154 Atlanta Child Murders 155 Who Wants to Kill a Millionaire (Ted Binion Silver Murder) 156 Shotgun : Fells Acres Abuse Case 158 Raised on Hate 159 Matthew Shepard Story 161-180 161 Lying Eyes 162 Conspiracy to Kill The Story of Ray Carruth 163 Elimination Of The Competition 164 Marijuana and Murder 165 As a Mother, Like a Son: Santa and Kenny Kims 166 Girl in Box 167 Disappearance of Madalyn Murray O'Hain 168 The Story of Mother's Murder 169 Death in a Small Town (Alvin Ridley) 170 Million Reasons, to Kill 171 Driven To Kill 172 Cult Murder 173 Brutal Revenge 174 Execution in Doubt 175 Suicide Execution 176 Witness and Hitman 177 While Children Slept 178-197 178 Monster Inside 178 Disappeared 179 Crib Death? 180 Black widow Vegas 181 in the hands of child 182 who killed Hannah Hill? 183 Justified murder? 184 Doubtful Doctor 185 Betrayal of Mother 186 Andrea Yates Story 187 Murder Before Homecoming (Murder of Heather Rich) 188 Shots in the Dark 189 Shamed in Confession 190 Mistaken Identity 191 Postal Order Murder 192 Corcoran Eight 193 to Save Soul 194 What Girl Saw 195 Murder Internet 196 Mystery at Sea 197-215 197 San Francisco Dog Mauling 198 Central Park Jogger Case: What Went Wrong? 199 Wells Fargo Heist 200 Blood Brothers: Derek and Alex King Case 201 Yosemite Killer 202 Don't Mess With Texas 203 Another Man's Crime 204 Murder of Mercedes 205 For Love or Money 206 Lethal Dose 20 Playing With Fire 208 Happy Face Killer 209 Murder on Boardwalk 210 Case 211 Traces in Blood 212 Excedrin Murders 213 Secret Soldier 214 Daughter Dear 215 Blood Relationship 216 -235 216 Thrill Killers 217 Sins of the Priest: The Story of John Geoghan 2218 Black Widower 219 Suspicion: The Case of Katherine Shelton 220 Stacey Story 221 Murder in Paradise 222 Children's Game, Deadly game 223 Murder B 224 Anger Mrs. Jones 225 Wife Dr. 226 Model Murder 227 Double Life, Double Murder 228 Bully Toulon 229 Love Triangle 230 Serial Wife 231 Who Hit za? 232 Accused in Appalachians 233 Briton and Bodybuilder 234 Lies Friend 235 Murder Warrant 236-247 236 Palm Beach Act 237 Deer Hunting Murder 238 Perfect Wife 239 What Happened to Carrie Culberson 240 Confession in Question 241 Scott Peterson Trial 242 Murder in Court 243 Countdown to Execution 244 Blood on Ladder 245 Bridge Murder 246 Hamptons Murder Mystery 247 Brothers Kimble Special Murder in College Cities Special Why O.J. Simpson Won Special Rosenbergs Special Who Killed Candy Heiress?: Helen Brach Story 1600 Why OJ Simpson Lost:: Civil Court Death in the Small Town Special Who Lipstick Killer 65535 Vigilante Pope External references American justice to IMDb American Justice in ASE American Justice website Links - American Justice - Episode Guide - ASE TV. American justice. ASE TV. Received on June 29, 2013. Extracted from the

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