(Dinophyceae) on Three Species of Ceratium: Effects of Prey Concentration, Prey Species and Light Intensity

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(Dinophyceae) on Three Species of Ceratium: Effects of Prey Concentration, Prey Species and Light Intensity MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES Vol. 147: 187-196, 1997 Published February 27 p Mar Ecol Prog Ser - -- -- Mixotrophic feeding of Fragilidium subglobosum (Dinophyceae) on three species of Ceratium: effects of prey concentration, prey species and light intensity Per Juel ~ansen',',Torkel Gissel ~ielsen~ 'Marine Biological Laboratory, Strandpromenaden 5, DK-3000 Helsingar, Denmark *National Environmental Research Institute, Department of Marine Ecology and Microbiology, Frederiksborgvej 399, PO Box 358, DK-4000 Roskilde. Denmark ABSTFUCT Growth and glazing responses of the m~xotrophicdinoflagellate Fraglhdlum subglobosum were studled as a function of prey concentration, prey specles and light Intensity in laboratory cultures In monospeclflc (exclusively phototrophlc) cultures the growth rate of F subglobosum was 0 16 d ' (doubling tlnle 4 3 d) at a light lntenslty of 45 pm01 photons m '5.' In cultures supplied with the photo- trophic dinoflagellate Ceratlum tnpos at a slmllar llght lntenslty the growth rate of F subglobosum reached a maximum level of 0 5 d ' (doubling time 1 4 d) at a prey concentrat~onof ca 10 C tnpos cells m1 ' The functional response of F subglobosum followed a Holling type I functional response At prey concentrations which resulted in maximum growth rate growth yleld equalled ca 40% However, at prey concentrations whlch led to lower growth rates, growth yield exceeded loo%, indicating that food uptake by F subglobosum stimulated photosynthesis at low prey concentrations When C trlpos cells were added In excess, growth and Ingestion rate of F subglobosum Increased with light intensity withln the studied range (9 to 45 pm01 photons m-' S ') Growth rates of F subglobosum were h~gher with C tnpos as food than with C furca and C fusus KEY WORDS: Mlxotrophy . Growth . Grazing . Holling type I functional response . Prey selection - Dinoflagellate . Fragil~d~umsubglobosum . Ceratium spp. Light INTRODUCTION mixotrophy is here used for organisms which combine phototrophy and phagotrophy. Phototrophic dinoflagellates are an important group Three different feeding mechanisms have been of phytoplankton, occasionally forming red tides in described among dinoflagellates, all allowing the coastal seas. Ingestion of prey by photosynthetic (plas- ingestion of relatively large prey (Jacobson & Ander- tidic) dinoflagellates has been known for a long time, son 1986, Gaines & Elbrachter 1987).The efficiency of but until recently only found in a few species (Gaines & prey capture depends on size, and experimental data Elbrachter 1987, Schnepf & Elbrachter 1992).Recently, suggest that dinoflagellates ingest prey corresponding however, a large number of species collected from to their own size most efficiently (Hansen 1992). Thus field samples have been found to contain food vac- dinoflagellates are true raptorial feeders. A few studies uoles, suggesting that mixotrophy is widespread in have indicated that even large heterotrophic and phototrophic forms (Bockstahler & Coats 1993a, b, mixotrophic dinoflagellates are able to feed substan- Jacobson & Anderson 1996, Li et al. 1996). The term tially on bacteria-sized prey (Lessard & Swlft 1985, Nygaard & Tobisen 1993, Neuer & Cowles 1995).How- ever, these studies have all used methods (radio- actively or fluorescently labelled bacteria) which po- 0 Inter-Research 1997 Resale of full art~clenot permitted Mar Ecol Prog Ser 147- 187-196. 1997 tentially may have led to artefacts or misinterpreta- rate was obtained at a light intensity of ca 130 pm01 tions (see Hansen in press for review). photons m-2 S-'. In mixotrophic cultures, the growth The role of phagotrophy in mixotrophic flagellates rate of F. subglobosum did not vary with light intensity varies considerably. Some species are primarily within a wide range of light intensities, even though heterotrophic (e.g. Poterioochromonas malhamensis, ingestion rates vaned by a factor of 2 to 3. Maximum Ochromonas spp.; Fenchel 1982, Anderson et al. 1989, ingestion rates were obtained at intermediate light Sanders et al. 1990). Others have an obligate require- levels. At light levels below and above this level, lower ment for light (e.g. Dinobryon cylindricum, D, diver- ingestion rates were found. gens, Ochromonas sp., Chrysochromullna brevifilum), The aim of the present paper is to study the functional and growth is primarily due to photosynthesis (Caron and numerical response of Fragilidium subglobosum et al. 1989, Veen 1991, Keller 1994). Acquisition of when fed Ceratium tripos. We also studied the growth essential growth factors is yet another role for inges- and grazing response of F. subglobosum fed 3 Ceratium tion of prey in mixotrophic flagellates (e.g. Uroglena spp. separately at 3 light intensity levels. americana; Kimura & Ishida 1986, 1989). However our knowledge mainly derives from studies of chryso- phytes and prymnesiophytes (Fenchel 1982, Anderson MATERIALS AND METHODS et al. 1989, Sanders et al. 1990, Jones et al. 1993). The role of phagotrophy in mixotrophic dinoflagellates has Culturing of organisms. The dinoflagellates Cera- only been investigated in a single dinoflagellate, tium furca, C. fusus, and C. tripos were isolated from Gymnodinium sanguineum (Bockstahler & Coats net (mesh size 20 pm) samples collected in the Kattegat 1993a). This dinoflagellate feeds selectively on small (Denmark) in autumn 1992. The mixotrophic dinofla- oligotrich ciliates. In field samples, the daily consump- gellate Fragilidium subglobosum was isolated from the tion of ciliate biomass by G'. sangulneum was tound to Kattegat (Skovgaard 199ba) and was prov~dedby the average 2.5% of body carbon and 4.0% of body nitro- culture collection of the Marine Biological Laboratory, gen with maximal values of 11.6 and 18.5%, respec- Helsingar, Denmark. All organisms were grown as tively. This suggests that G. sanguineum is primarily non-axenic cultures in B-medium (Hansen 1989) based phototrophic. Nevertheless, when G. sanguineum on seawater (28%0)at 15 + 1°C following a 1ight:dark occurs in high concentrations, its predation on ciliates cycle of 14:lO h. Illumination was provided by cool may be substantial. white fluorescent lamps and the organisms were kept The present paper is the third in a series of papers at a light intensity of ca 20 pm01 photons m-' S-'. Light dealing with the mixotrophic dinoflagellate Fragili- intensity was measured using a LI-COR LI-1000 radia- dium (= Helgolandinium) subglobosum. In the first tion sensor equipped with a flat LI-COR underwater paper, Skovgaard (1996a) descnbes the feeding mech- probe. The dimensions of F. subglobosum were deter- anism of F. subglobosum. Like Stosch (1969), Skov- mined by microscopic measurements of Lugol's fixed gaard was able to culture it photoautotrophically in cells (n = 20 to 30), and volume was calculated assum- monospecific cultures. In mixotrophic cultures, F. sub- ing a sphere. Cell volumes of Ceratium species were globosum feeds selectively on Ceratium species by estimated from the width of the sulcus using the equa- direct engulfment, which is an unusual feeding mech- tions of Thomsen (1992). anism for thecate dinoflagellates, but common in Experimental conditions. All experiments were naked forms (Gaines & Elbrachter 1987, Schnepf & carried out in 250 or 750 m1 polystyrene bottles allow- Elbrachter 1992). During the feeding process, the ing light to penetrate from only 1 direction. The theca of Ceratium spp. is dissolved and the prey cell is experimental bottles were mounted vertically on a transformed into a roundish food vacuole located in the rotating wheel (1 rpm) in order to keep the algae in center of E subglobosum. When feeding on the small suspension. C. lineatum, F. subglobosum ingests up to 13 cells prior Numerical and functional responses of Fragilidium to encystment and subsequent cell division. However, subglobosum. Experiments were carried out to study when feeding on the large C. tripos, it only ingests a growth and grazing rates of F. subglobosum fed Cer- single cell before it divides. In both photoautotrophic atium tripos at prey concentrations ranging from 0 to and mixotrophic cultures, E suhglobosum forms divi- 60 cells ml-' at an illumination of 45 pm01 photons m-' sion cysts as part of its life cycle. S-'. For each prey concentration, 3 bottles with F. sub- In the second paper. Skovgaard (1996b) studied globosum and 1 control bottle without F. subglobosum growth and ingestion responses of Fragilidium subglo- were incubated. The experiments were initiated by bosum as a function of light intensity in rnonospecific mixing cultures of C, tripos and F, subglobosum at a cultures and in cultures fed Ceratium lineatum in cell concentration ratio of 10:1, except at low prey excess. In monospecific cultures, the maximum growth concentrations (<l0 C. tripos ml-l), where a lower Hansen & Nielsen. Mlxol rophy In a dlnoflagellate l89 concentration ratio of 5:l was used. F subglobosum 2-way ANOVA analysis, respectively, was carried out was allowed to adapt to mixotrophic conditions for 3 d using a computer program (Sigmastat", Jandel). prlor to subsampling once a day for up to 5 d. Sub- Initial prey uptake. This experiment was set up to samples were ca 10% of the experimental volume. test whether the initial prey uptake by Fragilidium Fresh B-medlum was added to the experimental subglobosum was determined by the physiology of F. bottles, and the subsamples were fixed in 1 % Lugol's subglobosum or, alternatively, was due to the food (final concentration). Instantaneous growth rates of F. quality of the prey grown at different light intenslties. subglobosum were determ~nedin steps of 24 h due to Monospecific cultures of F. subglobosum were adapted the daily dilution of the samples as: p = [lnly,lly,o)]t~', to different light intensities. One set of F. subglobosum whel-e y,, = concentration of cells at Day to (cells mll), cultures was high-light adapted (45 pm01 photons m-' and y,, = concentl-ation of cells at Day t, (cells ml-'), S-'), while another set was low-light adapted (9 pm01 and t = the duration of each experiment (d).Ingestion photons m-2 S-'). Ceratiun~tripos cultures which had rates of F.
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    J Eukaryn Microbiol.. 46(4). 1999 pp. 397-401 0 1999 by the Society of Protozoologists Mixotrophy among Dinoflagellates’ DIANE K. STOECKER University of Maryland Center for Environmentul Science, Horn Point Laboratory, P.O. Box 775, Cambridge, Marylund 21613, USA ABSTRACT. Mixotrophy, used herein for the combination of phototrophy and phagotrophy, is widespread among dinoflagellates. It occurs among most, perhaps all, of the extant orders, including the Prorocentrales, Dinophysiales, Gymnodiniales, Noctilucales, Gon- yaulacales, Peridiniales, Blastodiniales, Phytodiniales, and Dinamoebales. Many cases of mixotrophy among dinoflagellates are probably undocumented. Primarily photosynthetic dinoflagellates with their “own” plastids can often supplement their nutrition by preying on other cells. Some primarily phagotrophic species are photosynthetic due to the presence of kleptochloroplasts or algal endosymbionts. Some parasitic dinoflagellates have plastids and are probably mixotrophic. For most mixotrophic dinoflagellates, the relative importance of photosynthesis, uptake of dissolved inorganic nutrients, and feeding are unknown. However, it is apparent that mixotrophy has different functions in different physiological types of dinoflagellates. Data on the simultaneous regulation of photosynthesis, assimilation of dissolved inorganic and organic nutrients, and phagotophy by environmental parameters (irradiance, availablity of dissolved nutrients, availability of prey) and by life history events are needed in order to understand the diverse
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