8 Newsletter N° 173 – November 2019 in This Issue: HOPE Activities
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8 Newsletter N° 173 – November 2019 In this issue: HOPE activities Hospital Healthcare Europe 2019 released Digital Health Solutions to Fight Pain Awarded at the European Level Finnish Presidency of the Council of the European Union ePrivacy Regulation – Council Updated Draft EU institutions and policies Public Health European Antibiotic Awareness Day: Survey of healthcare workers’ knowledge and attitudes about antibiotics and antibiotic resistance in EU/EEA Antimicrobial Resistance: New MEP Interest Group European Reference Networks: Statement on Integration of the ERN to the healthcare systems of Member States – available in all EU languages Falsified Medicines: New EU Aide Memoire for Good Distribution Practices Expert Group on Health Systems Performance Assessment State of Health in the EU 2019 Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion Access to social protection: making social protection systems fit for the future - Council Recommendation Avenue Marnix 30 - BE-1000 BRUSSELS l www.hope.be HOPE is an international non-profit association under Belgian law Joint Research Center Breast cancer: new European recommendations Justice and Consumers GDPR- European Data Protection Board event Budget EU budget for 2020: Tackling climate change and delivering on other EU priorities European programmes and projects Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Telecom call 2019-2 closed: €5 million to eHEalth Cross-border Innovation Procurement in Health VIGOUR - Evidence-based guidance to scale-up integrated care in Europe project Consultation on the future of the Active and Assisted Living Programme Projects awarded funding within the 9th JPIAMR Joint Call Reports and publications Reports ➢ World Health Organization (WHO) Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in children and adolescents in the WHO European Region What is the evidence on the role of the arts in improving health and well - being? A scoping review Country profiles on environmental health inequality. A supplement to Environmental health inequalities in Europe. Second assessment report ➢ European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies Working at older ages: why it’s important, how it affects health, and the policy options to support health capacity for work HOPE – European Hospital and Healthcare Federation NEWSLETTER N° 173 – November 2019 Page 2 of 39 Sustainable health financing with an ageing population: Will population ageing lead to uncontrolled health expenditure growth? ➢ Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Health at a Glance 2019 Health in the 21st Century: Putting Data to Work for Stronger Health Systems ➢ Others International Report on Organ Donation and Transplantation Activities Executive summary Articles ➢ Health Policy The dynamics of health poverty in Spain during the economic crisis (2008– 2016) The growing role of seniors councils in health policy-making for older people in Poland Using national electronic healthcare registries for comparing the risk of psychiatric re-hospitalisation in six European countries: Opportunities and limitations Pay for performance for specialised care in England: Strengths and weaknesses Homelessness, health and the policy process: A literature review Substituting emergency services: primary care vs. hospital care Facilitators and barriers to implementing task shifting: Expanding the scope of practice of clinical technologists in the Netherlands ➢ International Journal of Nursing Studies Gender equality policies, nursing professionalization, and the nursing workforce: A cross-sectional, time-series analysis of 22 countries, 2000– 2015 ➢ BMC Health Services Research Contacting out-of-hours primary care or emergency medical services for time-critical conditions - impact on patient outcomes HOPE – European Hospital and Healthcare Federation NEWSLETTER N° 173 – November 2019 Page 3 of 39 ➢ BMJ Quality & Safety Factors associated with inappropriate use of emergency departments: findings from a cross-sectional national study in France ➢ Human Resources for Health The impacts of training pathways and experiences during intern year o n doctor emigration from Ireland Other news – Europe FEAM European Biomedical Policy Forum Medical Devices Regulations (MDR) – Discussion Health and climate change - Policy brief by CPME & Lancet Countdown Pharmaceuticals in the environment – workshop Antimicrobial resistance: A major global health threat - Webinar Fertility Europe event Social Dialogue and the Paritarian Model: Added Value in a Changing Labour Market A healthcare workforce for the digital age - Health First Europe Quality Cancer Care Week ❖ Data as a driver for improvement- ECCO ❖ Cross Border Healthcare promises and realities - Youth Cancer Europe ❖ Report on lung cancer: Early diagnosis and screening challenges - LuCe Lung Cancer Europe Patient safety: the perspective of chronic wound and pressure ulcer prevention- EWMA and EPUAP Conference “Migration, Health and Medicine” Improving Health Outcomes for People with Diabetes in Europe: The role of data, access to innovation and integrated care European Health Tourism Industry Summit 1st European Value-Based Procurement Conference 2019 EAHP Medicines Shortages Survey HOPE – European Hospital and Healthcare Federation NEWSLETTER N° 173 – November 2019 Page 4 of 39 Upcoming HOPE (and co-organised) conferences and events ICIC20 – 20th International Conference on Šibenik, 27-29/04/2020 Integrated Care 10th European Conference on Rare Diseases Stockholm, 15-16/05/2020 & Orphan Products HOPE Agora 2020 Brussels, 5-7/06/2020 HOPE – European Hospital and Healthcare Federation NEWSLETTER N° 173 – November 2019 Page 5 of 39 Hospital Healthcare Europe 2019 released On 29 October 2019, the latest issue of HOPE publication Hospital Healthcare Europe (2019) has been released. It represents an essential resource for European hospital healthcare professionals. Find the table of contents with direct access to the online version here Hospital Healthcare Europe provides a platform for over 200,000 senior stakeholders in hospitals across Europe to share innovative ideas on how to address their healthcare challenges and ensure they stay up to date with what’s going on in their industry. The digital journal and website is an indispensable resource for best practice information, pan-European guidelines and clinician-authored case studies from leading medical centres in Europe. Digital Health Solutions to Fight Pain Awarded at the European Level In 2017, HOPE joined the initiative launched by Active Citizenship Network (ACN) of the second edition of the bi-annual research- project conducted at the European level and entitled “EU Civic Prize on Chronic Pain - Collection of good practices.” This initiative aims to provide evidence of existing good practices in terms of struggle against pain across Europe, encouraging the exchange of experiences among health professionals, healthcare providers, institutions, civic associations and patient advocacy groups. 40 good practices were gathered out of which four were selected as winning best practices. They are all mobile apps and thus demonstrate the growing role of digital health in the treatment of chronic pain. Divided into four categories (patients’ empowerment, innovation, professional education, clinical practices), the good practices were evaluated by a pool. Besides a representative of ACN, these representatives came from the European Hospital and Healthcare Federation (HOPE), the European Pain Federation (EFIC), the Sine Dolore European Pain Foundation, the Pain Alliance Europe (PAE), the European Confederation of Care Home Organisations (ECHO), the European Multidisciplinary Network in Pain Research and Education (EMNIPRE), the European Headache and Migraine Alliance (EHMA) and from a retired university professor. Winner for the category “patients’ empowerment” MyDystonia, was developed by Dystonia Europe (Belgium), as an electronic diary available as a web-based service and as a mobile APP for dystonia patients to record and analyse the impact of the disease on everyday HOPE – European Hospital and Healthcare Federation NEWSLETTER N° 173 – November 2019 Page 6 of 39 life. By answering predefined questions (e.g. core symptoms like overactive muscles or pain; impact on daily living; etc.), the user is able to examine and to visualize their well-being according to the treatment schedule. The digital diary is designed to support and potentially improve patient- physician communication. The collected anonymized data can provide important information and knowledge on the daily life of dystonia patients and could lead to further research projects, improved treatments and hopefully a better quality of life for people living with dystonia. “DTX for PAIN” was the winner for the category “innovation”. It is digital therapeutics – developed by Lucine Group (France) able to relieve patient’s pain through active substances allowing analgesic neurostimulation. Customized, this option is adapted to each patient thanks to the measurement and analysis of pain through facial, vocal, and postural recognition. “DTX for PAIN” is the first digital solution that can measure and analyse patient's pain level using facial, postural, vocal and environmental recognition. The smartphone’s camera analyses the mobility of the face, the body, the emotional expressions, the semiotics of the language and the modulation of the patient's voice. After analysing the data, “DTX for PAIN” delivers an objective measurement of the patient's pain level on a scale from 1 to 100 and analyses