FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DATE: JULY 11, 2013 CONTACT: Craig Murphy PHONE: 817-845-0111 EMAIL: [email protected]


Former City Councilwoman Linda Koop today announced she will be a candidate for the Republican nomination for State Representative in District 102 which covers parts of North Dallas, Richardson, Addison and Garland. Koop represented North Dallas on the Dallas City Council from 2005 until this year when she was term limited from seeking re-election.

Koop seeks to replace Republican Representative who announced this week that she will run for Texas Railroad Commission.

In recent years on the Council, Koop has been known for opposing tax increases. Koop successfully worked to hold off proposed tax increases in 2008 and 2009. In 2010, tax increase proponents pushed the biggest Dallas property tax increase in 20 years. Koop joined her North Dallas colleagues and then-Mayor to fight the increase which passed by one vote.

Before her service on the Dallas Council, Koop and her family owned National Shoes, Inc. National Shoes, which was started in 1929, was one of Dallas’ oldest downtown family owned businesses.

“I trace my strong opposition to tax increases to my involvement in small business,” said Koop. “I know what serious damage tax increases can do to small family owned businesses. I will bring that voice of experience to the Texas Legislature. Big businesses get all the media attention but small businesses produce most of the new jobs.”

Koop also opposes Obamacare which is going to damage state government’s financial security as well as those of big and small businesses.

“One of the key problems to face Texas, Texas businesses and individual Texans in the next two years is the implementation of Obamacare,” said Koop. “In recent weeks we have seen news story after story about major, serious and costly problems with the implementation of this legislation. Nothing seems to be happening at the national level so we must act here in Texas.”

On the Dallas Council, Koop served on the Economic Development Committee. In that position, Koop worked to make Dallas more business and job creation friendly and attract business to the area.

“Texas has a unique opportunity for economic growth,” said Koop. “We must continue to create and protect our state laws that attract the high quality jobs Texans deserve. I will be a strong conservative voice in the Texas House fighting for low taxes, elimination of needless regulation and smaller, more efficient government.”

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Paid for by Koop for Texas, P.O. Box 794042, Dallas, TX 753790