rAITE PUBLIC SCHOOLS County School Board Football Sponsors I * ®*"'**‘ Met Last Monday Are Being Marked MILLS COUNTY BUUGET IS ;U SEPTEM BER 4th The Mills County School Board Another step forward Into the met last Monday and cancelled Re-Elect Council city class Is being made by Oold- OPEN FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION 127 school transfers, including thwalte with the marking of the •cbooLs wUl City Council both those going out of the All members of the Oold- city’s streets. Walter Reeves Is years work labeling each curb arith a neatly Mills county citlsens have so far failed to act on the advlo* county and those coming in. thwalte High School Athletic usual high Seeks New Well Council were re-elected at a stencilled name of the street on of Governor W Lee O’Daniel, and are showing no Interet In tb* The results of the transfers, (schedule will meeting of the sponsors of the which It Is located. 1940 county budget which has been completed and Is available to At a regular meeting of the by schools. Is as follows: the week athletic field held in the District It will thus soon be possible the public In the office of the county clerk. city council Monday night, Cly­ Center Point, 88; Rock Springs, [ of school. Court room last Thursday. to refer to Ooldthwalte streets The average citizen and tax payer is satisfied that the affain de Lane, drilling contractor, was 3; Lake Merritt, 50; Sooth Ben [t books for Council members are A. H. and Intersections by names In­ of the county are being administered economically and etflcientlF asked to submit an estimate on nett, 23; Pompey Mt., 55; Ches­ shipped and Smith, president, Duke Clements, stead of by color and construc­ by Judge R. J. Oerald and the commissioners and therefore dow drilling a 10-lnch water well ser Valley. 0; Ridge, 17; Prlddy, hey will all vice-president, Raymond Little tion of the house which are lo­ not trouble himself to see what It Is all about. f through the sand which is now 195; Payne Gap, 18; Pleasant cated on them. r.e for open- secretary-treasurer, and S. E. For the benefit of those who are Interested but do not find Grove, 32; Nabors Creek. 14; producing most of the city water. Clonlnger, Kelly Saylor, Y. E. Meanwhile Charles Ragland’s It convenient to examine the bulky budget In the clerk's office. tiM He was also asked to figure on Kelley, 12; Jones Valley, 27; Han­ force of WPA arorkers Is keeping following summary has been prepared; eing clean- Hoover and Marvin Hodges They making a smaller test to see If nah Valley, 0; Minor, 22; Big Val­ busy extending the curbs and QU ' thoroughly announced that the same policies RECAPITULA'nON OF MILLB COUNTY BUDGET FOR 1940 . sufficient water could be secur­ ley, 70; Head, 14; Live Oak, 21; gutters which are their specialty. may be that proved successful last year Reaourrea 1939 194« ed from that sand. Chapped HUl, 21; Prairie, 57; Mt. ’This week they are working on will be continued this year. Net Chirrent Ad Valorem Taxes 33.953 00 A local dairyman sisked the Olive, 45; Pecan Wells, 18; Mid­ First street between Parker 29.519.00 A. H. Sm ith presided at the Other Taxes and Revenues 24.100 00 28.0O4J0 heavier council to enact an ordinance way, 51; Ebony, 31; Slayden, 0; and Reynolds, If you know what meeting, and detailed reports of TOTAL REVENUES...... 58.053.00 98,110.00 previous defining Orade-A milk so that Star, 281; MulUn, 257; Oold- we mean. If not. just look on council actlriUes for the past Sale of Bonds, Time Warrants and Pro­ roll Is he could place It on sale. thwalte, 594. the curbs for the street names. year were given by him and by perties ______as It has ------o------S.000.00 10,000i)0 he number Raymond Little, secretary-trea­ TOTAL RESOURCES _____ . 83.053.00 68,119.00 m surer and Kelly Saylor, chairman L'i a heavier F. F. A. Boys EXPENDITURES S60,000 More of the auditing committee. H . D. County Administrative — . 10.737JO To Encampment S. E. CHonlnger gave an opti­ Judicial and Law Enforcement . - . _.. ... 4,43400 ng of the mistic report of football pros­ Katherine Nine members of the local Charities ______2.90000 Allotted REA pects for the approaching sea­ Council Meets Health-Sanitation ______287 00 irere elected chapter of the Future Farmers son. The first game here will be Agriculture-Live Stock . In the 1,715.00 of America »rent to the F F. A.' on September 15 arith Killeen. On Roads and Bridges, Maintenance 25.015.00 r young Washington, D. C.. Aug. 10.— Mrs. Oran Carothers presided ... - - encampment at Lampsisas last September 22 De Leoa arlll play Capital Outlay 17.025.00 ; of Texas The Rural Electrification Admtn- at the County Council of Mills here and negotiations are under Payment of Indebtedness ______. . 9.080 81 IWomen at Thursday and stayed through Lstratlon has given preliminary County H. D. Clubs Saturday p. Si way to bring Coleman here on Reserves ...... ______have had Saturday. Entering In eleven of consideration to an application ___ 7,500.00 October 6. m., August Sth, at the court­ |ul teaching the contests held, the Ooldth- of the Hamilton (bounty Electric Loan—Jury Fund. Court House S i Jail ...... ______6.000.00 First scheduled game in the house. pine highly Cooperative Association. Hamil­ TOTAL EXPENDITURES. 1940 ______87.322 02 walte boys placed In nine of the league circuit will be with Fred­ First on the program were re­ ton, Texas for an additional TOTAL EXPENDITURES, 1939 ______61,S72JS work and events, which were as foUoars: ericksburg here on Odt. 13. ports from clubs that had held loan of $60,000 to extend 75 miles ESTIMATED INCREASE ...... I2SJM .4* third In horseshoe pitching; Ba.'ed on last yeari receipts, •oclil meetings. Mrs. Ora Black Is being of rural lines to serve some ISO reported for Scallom , Mrs. Har­ Of the exi>ected Increase cf nearly $26.000.00, over $21,OOOjOO U first In washer pitching; third there is a strong probAbilily that [and is said members in Ck>ryel, MilU. Hamil­ vey Hale for Big Valley, Mrs. A. Included In the estimated cost of securing right-of-way and mak­ In basketball; third In under­ the field and lighting system iltlon. The ton, Comanche, and Lampasa.s D. Robbins for Pleasant Orove ing other capital expenditures, chiefly for roads and bridges. water diving; fourth In boat- can be entirely paid for at the nent made counties and has outlined the and Mrs. Tom McArthur for Mt. If the State Highway Department falls to improve Highway 81, f » roaring. 180 meter swim, ja ck ­ close of tbU season. year Is steps which must be completed Olive. Most of these meetings as requested, the larger part of the expected Increase will not be knife dive, free style dive and ------o------— Duda grass. before an allotment of funds can were outdoor picnics, with fami­ expended. A public budge*, hearing arlll be held by the Coounl^ water relay. Sy to make be made. New Improvements lies of club members participat­ mlssloners’ Court at 10 a. m.. August 18. The boys who went were Rob­ to the The original application cover­ ing, some with basket lunches, ert Smith, Joe Shelby Langford, Dr. and Mrs. Campbell are add­ ! Ü and the ed 389 miles to serve 979 mem­ others having barbecues. Mt.. . _ . Douglas Baccus, Elmo Fallon. ing a glassed-in back porch to Individual bers. REIA has already allotted Olive reported 100 per cent at- i DUSinegg o e ttio n Oi Martha Raye To Be Shirley Mahan, Ira Lynn Grif­ their home. I keeping In $298,000 for this project. tendance of club members. fin, Darwin Denson and Mar­ Mrs. J . M. Bateman Is remodel­ M. E. Societies In Casa Manana At situation shall Miller. It wlU be necessary for the ing her home, the P. O. Palmer Accounts given by the dele­ eason Is in The banners which these boys project sponsors to obtain and house, and arlll have a very at­ gates to the short course at A. A large group from both Cir­ Fort Worth 2 Weeks that ar- brought back «rlth them are on submit signed applications for tractive home when finished & M. College, made those who cles of Methodist Missionary So­ made for Fort Worth, August 10 exhibit in Steen and Son’s arin- membership In the cooperative Mrs. WUey Howington of Prid- did not go this year resolve to ciety, met with Mrs. C. E. Bay- played at tha Raye, famous motion picture dow. as arell as applications for elec­ dy Is building a new house. attend next year. Mrs. Ora Black ley Monday, August 6. After a EK for the ------o------trical service from It; also ob­ Oerald-Worley have built a said that If are arould begin sav­ business session, Mrs. Joe Palmer singer, dancer and comedian, I tain signed easements for the new mill house here. ing our jjetinles now we wouM led a very educational and con­ will be represented at FOrt frltlng the Junior Leasee right-of-way for the power lines, E. J. Ward Is building a new have money enough to go next structive program on. “Widening Worth's Casa Manana for two en finally year, for expenses are very mod­ Missionary Service.” Prosfram and prepare and send to REA a rock home at his ranch. weeks, beglnninx Friday night. iven per- detailed map of the proposed ex­ Kelly Saylor and Walter Wea- erate. Miss Emma Scott gave a Miss Love Oatlln and Mrs. T. August 11. The girl with the Jscry few Subject: The Extra Mile. tension. therby have both finished new glowing report of the whole short C. Oraves gave a most Interest­ huge mouth has been starred In the rout Leader; Billie Collier. The same retail rate which has two-story houses at Lake Merritt. course. ing topic on “Missionary Work a dozen movies and she la being that the Song. Collection, Roll Call. already been established for the Arthur Bird has recently fin­ The project Home Food Sup­ In Various Parts of Our U. S. A.,” counted on to “pack ’em In” at as they Scripture: Addle Jean Porter. first section of the project will ished his new rock home. ply and Clothing Demonstration' one of which is so near to us, the the huge open-air cafe-theatre. We un- Prayer: Mrs. Brucks. probably apply on this new sec­ Raymond Wllllam.s. principal will be carried on another year. Mexican Mission center at Ozona vi-rs have Talks by the following; Bobby tion. Under this rate, residen­ of the Midway school, has also Miss Scott Is working on the new Texas. But Martha Raye is only one will be In Johnson. Jim Bob Steen and tial members pay a minimum built a new rock house. year books so she asked for sug­ The beautiful and sincere of the attractions, for co-starred r James Smith. bill of $2.45 a month, for which Coney McDonald has comi^et- gestions. Many were offered prayers offered by some of our with her Is Everett West, new national radio singing sensation. eui been Closing Song. they may receive 25 kwh. enough ed his new home ju-vt east of such as children’s clothing, ac­ older ladles, who have worked ¡the bulld------0------electricity to light the average the school ground. cessories. seam finishing, remod- and experienced much In the The hand.scme “high not tenor" already sixe home adequately and oper­ Walter Dinklage has built a ellBg, more vegetable cookery, work of the Lord, were an In- is well and favorably known to Methodist Church ate an appliance such as a house at Prlddy. etc. .splratlon to all. and they warm­ the people of the Southwest—In |h promts-1 (Fred J. Brack«, Paster) washing machine or Iron, and Bedford McBride is re-rooflng Present were Mmes. Alvin Og­ ed and stirred our hearts for fact, they “discovered” him as iterest to $5.95 pays for 100 kwh, enough his house here. lesby and J. M Oglesby of Cen­ those out of the ark of safety. far back as 1936 and *37 when he was the stellar member of the supplied We had a most encouraging for all these uses and operating Ray Ford and Jack Long have ter City, Harvey Hale and Floyd Arrangements were made to California Varsity ElghC-other- increase In attendance at all the a radio, a water pump and one both started new homes. Sykes of Big Valley. T. J. Hard- care for the entertainment of our wise, the Peppers—at Casas Ma­ services last Sunday. Now, we are major appliance, such as a re­ ------0------casUe and Tom McArthur of Mt. E>-angelist and son during the Olive, WlllU Hill of South Ben­ nana. H counting on every one to help frigerator. revival. Peach and Fruit Show First time Lawrence Tibbetts make our attendance even larger Speed In further development nett. Lee Tesson of Mullln, Ora It was decided that It would Black of Scallom. Roy Berry, A. heard West hit that marvelous met V. next Sunday. Then let us all of this project depends In Urge At Stephenville, 16th be best for them to stay at the D Robbins. O. Z. Berry, and high note, the Metropolitan |r:After pray that It may be a day of measure upon a continuance of parsonage and women working W hat Is said to be one of the Oran Carothers of Pleasant Opera star leaped on a table and eting, the spiritual uplift and helpfulness. the com munity cooperation In groups of three, send in the largest peach shows ever held In Grove. Oeo. Lewis, W. E. Gam er elr hand- The Sunday before the beginning which Is principally responsible cooked food each day. shouted “Bravo.” of our revival ought to be one of for the success of the project so Texas has been scheduled to take Bettle Eubanks, J. W. Dellis, and Held over for the first areek Let us all do much In prayer on Aug­ deep spiritual significance. Come far. If the information about place at the City Park In Steph­ Jake Brown of Lake Merritt, Ja­ of the Martha Raye-Everett West for our revival and remember er A new to all the services and bring this proposed addition Is satis­ enville, Texas, on August 18th. cob Saylor, Jim Weatherby, Jon engagement will be Abe Lorman the special requests for prayers, I r 4 tfter our your entire families to church. factory, REA expects to be able This event, the Texas Peach and Schooler and Fred Reynolds of and his Californian«, the or­ also the cottage prayer meetings water­ Cottage prayer meetings arlll to allot money to meet the entire Fruit Show, Is being sponsored Ooldthwalte, Vernon Perkins of chestra that has been settmg the which will be held Friday night. be held In the following homes construction costs. No money jointly by the Erath County Star and Miss Emma Scott. crowds arlld the past week, with Attend the one nearest you. mill be In on Friday evening of this week: will be lent to pay for rlghts-of- nurserymen and the Stephen­ The number of visitors present Red Pepper, huge trumpeter, and sriy. All Mrs. H. B. Johnson, Mr. and way. ville Chamber of Commerce. was very gratifying. Delicious refreshments of Rose Blane, torch-singer, «top­ pome. Mrs. Jo e Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. (As noted last week, efforts Registration will get under ------_ ._ o —— — . cookies and punch were served ping the show. Then there are i Drier.. Sparks Blgham and Mr. and are being made to secure exten­ way at the Recreatoln Building Band Mothers by Circle No. 1.—Assist. Reporter. Trlxle„ greatest aroman juggler Mrs. W. M. Johnson. You are sions to Lake Merritt, Big Valley at the City Park In Stephen­ ------a ------In the world; Oracella Danoers. |in urged to attend the one nearest and Pleasant Orove communities ville at 9 a. m., on the day of the Met Tuesday MARRIAGE LICENSES outstanding adagio team; Em­ to you. under this new allotment.) show, August 18th. Fruit growers mett Oldfield, acrobatic come­ The Sunday services; from all sections of Texas are The Band Mothers held an According to the records in dian; Adele Inge, «vorld’s cham­ Church School at 9:30 a. m. expected to be In attendance. enthusiastic meeting last Tues­ County Clerk L. B. Porter’s of­ pion acrobatic Ice-skater; Wan­ fpthodlst Morning Worship at 10:30 a. m. First Baotist Church Prlies are to be awarded by day night following the regular fice, two marriage licenses have da Tlcknor, Texas Ssreetheart ’ Wednes- Efjworth League Meetings at E. E. DAW80N, Pastor Erath County nursersrmen to band concert. been Issued this areek. No. 1, who sings, and 7® Texas ftr.st ser- 7:00 p. m. growers with winning exhibits. Plans were discussed for the The first arms issued to Floyd lovelies, in a show that—4a acts, P at 8:00 Evening preaching service at All regular services next Sun­ Including a grand champion furthering and Improvement of Green and Miss Fiorina Sauers, stars, scenery and costume«—U services 8:00 p. m. day. Everybody has cordial in­ prise for each class of fruit ex­ the band during the coming both of Pecan Wells. entirely different from the Casa church ------o------vitation to attend all of our hibited. These classes are to In­ year. The other was Issued to Ell Manana revue of the first two weather meetings. clude peaches, grapes, plums Tlie purchase of ten more uni­ Edmondson of Mullln, and Miss weeks. Spinks Oil Test apples, pears and figs. Ribbons forms was ordered. Way* and Bessie Fulton of Prlddy. ------o .. of Uano, Nearly Completed Nabors Creek Meeting will be awarded, along with means for paring for the uni­ Kt Dr. prises, for first, second and third forms were discussed. Saturday, ART AND C m C CLUB The Blue Bonnet Chib *1716 Nabors Creek meeting con­ He larger Next week will tell the world place exhibits. Heaviest prises August 28. was designated YEARBOORS PRINTED The Blue Bonnet <9ub met tinues through next Sunday arith other whether Mills county has an oil will be given for the best new Tag Day. The Band Mothers two services on Sunday, at 11:00 arith Mrs. Bachui, J» lr L pastor fruit Introduced that Is not have already secured the conces' Attractive yearbooks for the nine member« preeent field or not. The Spinks No. 1 and In the evening at 8:00. Church well near Williams Ranch has named and for the best fresh Sion In the athletic field for 1939-1940 club year for th« ^ I Mlw'y gUul Everybody In the community Is and Civic Club of OoMthwalte J ^ ,«it««d • I He has been shut doam at 1,770 feet to fruit display from one farm or the coming season. invited. Special music every have been printed in The ,,, ti^t louston, set casing preparatory to drill­ orchard. The Band Mothers call atten service. shop and dlstriboUd to the m«m-/deUcM« Je held ing Into the oil bearing lime. If ------tlon to the fact that they are our ho«t««e uthwest- REVIVAL MEETING simply a group of volunteers bers. (cake and «»M drink» no unforeseen events occur, that The study subject fbr the year ^ b« with |year. Ratler Meeting. The Revival Meeting at the working for the good of an oT' Oar n«xt meeting stage should be reached within te "The Printed Page.” *1 ~ nalkner. 18. ftlted to a few more days. We will begin a revival at R at­ MethodUt Church at Bethel ganlsation which they think U an outstanding asset to the toam moet InUrMting and meetin«. I evening Indications so far have been ler on next Sunday at 11:00 a. m. (south of Caradan) arUl begin slve group of progranu develop I Oailng**«». (are also uniformly favorable and backers All of the people of the com­ Sunday night, August’1$, and and school. Whatever you may do to assist them will be highly Ing this subject has been young of the arell are optimistic over munity and adjoining ones are close the foUoaring Sunday night. appreciated. ranged. the outcome Invited. Jack B. Hester. Pastor.

• %' - .« ' • - THE OOLDTHWATTE EAOLE. AUGUST 11, 1938.

bert and Ethelbert Nevln. How to Remove High Ceilings Scientists — Luther Burbank. Spots and Stains Are Out-of-date Dr. Crawford W. Long. Dr. W al­ ter Reed, John James Audubon College Sta.—Summer stains College SUtlon.—Old fashion­ 'lay al tij- ÌÌLfn£ and Jan e Adams. Í THE from fruits and beverages, auto­ ed Idea« that high celling« are mobile grease, rust or mildew re­ cooler than low ones are becom­ p l a z a f t j quire immediate attention if ing a« obsolete a« button «hoes Sell It with a Want Ad. • ANTONig Trent State they are to be satisfactorily re­ and buatle.s popular In the same moved. Mrs. Dora R. Barnes, Tex­ era. Proof that high ceilings as AiiM College Extension Ser­ are no cooler was obtained in re­ Bank vice specialist in clothing, ad­ cent engineering test« lor the A8tM OoUPtie Extension Service W O R l msweiMe vises. teMTI MO I t ’s best to begin work on re­ Room« with high celling« are C O N T R O L P á •KCKUTIOII No business too large moving spots Immediately, she harder to heat and therefore says, for old stains which have are more expensive in winter as e ^ MOlinsly 1|R( 1,5^ been "set” by improper treat­ well as being without advantage Wanus held b ■ • k AMomI«, »lx TtiM for us to handle, none ment are frequently hard to re­ in the summertime. chicks ^ stunt Ihslr Uawioyt «ppolMnuiti move. "Before using anything To obtain, this evidence walls g r o w I h I Add Dt. too small to receive else,” she suggests, "try the sim­ in two test house« were con­ Sslsbury's Avi*Toas pfcet« oi rofincMtnl-wlA ple. u n 1 V e r sal remedy—cold structed with Interchangeable to thslr mssb sad vie« and lupcrb cviú*« water. It does no harm and panels, ao that the location and , noiics lbs diHsrsncsl every courtesy and at- may do wonders, for it sets no number of doors and windows Gsl s pseksys iM tatw stains, endangers no dyes.” Any and the height of the celling rour chicks todsyl tention. aater spot remaining may be could be altered a t will. Ther­ HUDSON BROS. S A N ANTONIO steamed out easily. mometers on the walls did not TEXAS ' Druggists "In removing a fruit stain, reveal any slgnlflcent difference AIaO OpMfttUM I ' coffee, or tea, stretch the stained in favor of 10-foot ceilings as HOTEL WHITE. PLAZA uDj. uiA HOTEL PI.AZA in ^oryM C^l ! part over a pan and then pour compared with eight-foot ceil­ ^OVLTRV HCALTM Btlbbanr*« MmM* Goldthwaite, Texas ^ttry NMltk I . boiling water on it from a height ings. UtVKf STATIOM HOIE$ IMTTM AAA GANA|| J I so that the water will strike the — Member — A desirable arrangement of j stain with force." Mrs. Barnes windows and doors to provide Federml Deposit Insunutre Corp- says. She adds that Javelle wa­ cross ventilation and to take ad­ ter U sUso good for removing vantage of the prevailing breezes 52 these stains. does far more to make rooms Many stain removers had best comfortable than high ceilings JacK Long be purchased compounded, but ------0------Trench Silos Are a trench silo even though the a number can be made at home. silage is fed within six months Mrs. Barnes says, listing Javelle Undertaker Not Money Savers after stacking. water, oxalic acid, and potassium Service Stati Some claim that stack silos permanganate in this classifica­ Wanted During the past month we are better on level land on ac­ tion. In making Javelle water, LONG’S EASY TERMS— Five MonthiToPi The demi.'p of the Independent hare a lot of Inquiries about the count of trouble with water in diasolve one pound of sal soda workability and advisability of trenches. This is no advantage or pearl ash In one quart of boil­ merchant, due to the rigors of stack silos. By stack silos we since trench silos can and should ing water, and dissolve one—half competition, is often forecast by mean stacking green feed on be built above ground on level pound chloride of lime in two the pe•slnr.^tlc. But apparently NOW HEADQUARTERS top of the ground Feed so stack­ land, where trouble is had from quarts of cold water. Strain the independent refuses to take ed will rot inside for about 18 water. Trench silos are built both liquids and combine when the hint. Instead of dying, he’s Inches. In.dde the rotten layer above ground by building two cool Bottle and keep in a cool. In amaxtnirly good health. will be good silage. parallel levees of dirt any height, dark place. When applying a The Twentieth Century Fund, This method of making silage wanted. Place the feed between chemical, use a medicine drop­ an organi/.itlon whose specialty has been in use In Texas in a the levees and then cover with per, she advises. Is fact finding, irrespective of limited way for about 50 years. dirt. "For automobile grease, axle what the facts prove or whose The only advantage of the If the trench silo is dug pro­ grease, or tar. use kerosene; then toes sue trodden upon, recently Famous U.S.T1H stack silo over the trench is that perly, it should last twenty years. wash the article in soap and wa­ made a survey to find out just It saves the cost of digging a Therefore the cost of digging per ter,” Mrs Barnes says. "Cloth­ how matters stand in the mer­ trench. If the silage Is fed with year amounts to very little. The ing affected by mildew should be chandising field. And here is BIG SHIPMENT .FEATURING* In six months after stacking and loss in the stack silo will be great soaked in lemon Juice or vinegar the opening paragraph of the the stacking is done correctly, every year. Over a period of and salt and then placed in the Fund’s report: "Despite the rise “Ctl there should not be more than years the trench silo la cheaper sunshine. In removing iron rust of the Cham store and the de­ JUST T or 8 percent loss The longer than the stack silo. use any of the following: Lemon velopment of new forms of re­ AMERICA’S you keep a stack silo the more Trench silos are a safe place juice, salt and sunshine; Javelle tailing such as the super-mar­ loss there will be. to store grain. R. W. Hutchins. water; or commercial iron rust ket. the Independent, single-store , nCURRIVED AMAZING The disadvantages of the stack County Agent of Willacy county. eradicator.” merchants have held their own Mlo are; it can bum up. blow' reports that the farmers of Wil- in numbers since 1029 and now •way, be destroyed by rats and! lacy county are filling 1,400 operate nearly 8« per cent of the SAFETY u will not keep as long as silage in j trench silos with grain. The most store.s In the United States, • trench silo. There will be | of it is th re^ ed grain sorghums, “Read !Em and handling nearly two-thirds of TIRE •bout four times as much loss in | Some of it is grain sorghum the total retail sales volume.” • stack silo as there will be in heads. Reap” OUR ADS The better Independent stores That Stops ’ have emulated successful mer­ 4 to 223 Ft chandising Ideas of their com­ SENSMTIONIU. ‘ petitors, and in some cases im­ Quicker proved on them. In many case.s u. s. they have formed buying organ­ Tban ConvtiitWMl izations, In order to cut overhead ROYAL Ntw Tirti . SPECTACaiM and middleman costs. Like the Special Summer Bargain chains, they are substantial ad­ MONEY vertisers, particularly In their U . S . ROYAL I with h s local newspapers. They’ve gone SAVER ★ ASK FOR FUa I after bttsiDeas with all the com­ BRAKE-ACTION TREAD - T H E - petitive weapons at their com­ T b * SmtHy Tir« mand. and they've obtained and million» Can Afford kept It —Industrial News Review l a i I I 4CEf TRUCK ------0 ------SLASH HAUlAtfl Goldthwaite Eagle New Stamp Ispue rh 9 ThrIH TIrm of thm Ymt U.S.TRUCII A N D S I X MAGAZINES Will Honor Negro Washington, Aug. 10.—The post A TOTAL OF 136 ISSUES office department will Issue a 35- HERE’S H O W TO I stamp series of postage stamps Here’s What You Get! honoring famous Americans, In­ McCall’s Magazine ______12 Xll Seven cluding Booker T. Washington, WONDERFUL VA( Issues the negro educator. .S#*«* C lorU m t C ota Manarw. the he Woman’s Home Companion __12 Issues Postmaster General James A. For Only O f F ort W orth At 4miui¥‘ Farm Journal - Farmer’s Wife. 12 Issues Farley announced plans for the series, the largest ever Issued by Tlicr«*« Mitliif«« m *1 ««Jt* Country Home 12 Issues Hkm r«Mr « M MHemMmem m . . • m «tWr e eil7 n j ^ the United States, and the first pew eseieg tlM saMM l« g ra U a tl» c cMwra ■ .— Southern Agriculturist 24 Issues ever to honor a negro. Stamps me P * n T m ’H weHak eoeh »am - I i $ liv1_k. ___ iMir_____ >r TM- t -s._ • (» !■ skL. I . l . A*«wvtivf. w«rs American Poultry Journal _12 Issues X 5 0 wdll be Issued in denominations frIvfiSIr sat«way rttf wliara The Goldthwaite Eagle ___52 Issues of one cent, one and one-half cent, two cent, three cent and Famoii* C.elebritie» of five cent. Assignment of colors IÜ MovirUmd and denominations will be made t t - Resular Value $ 4.75 — You Save $ 2.25 later. Graat m b m basé«, a ilapwai»«» r** yWv In ike Haatli** largMt. flNMt. b ra a lifa l On«n Air Rralaarant. The series, expected to be re­ ic 1st tl»« ttar« a f a braasa^awrpt YOU WILL flET ALL SEVEN publiratoinx, and if you are already a subscriber to ANY leased late this year or early In Citi •f these SEVEN publirationo. your present subscription will be extended. Mail or bring 1940, will be divided Into seven SC it£ tBen the coupon below to our office AT ONCE, and you will receive THE SIX BIO MAGAZINES groups, each honoring men and £c m C t I f t L SMh month, and TIUS NEWSPAPER each week — th at’s «4 magazines and 52 newspapers women In a different profession. Men to be honored: — 13« l»ues in all for only «2.5«. ORDER AT ONCE because we may soon have to with­ I I I I t draw this offer or advance the price. Authors — Ralph Waldo Emer­ son, Samuel L. Clemens, Wash­ III II III ington Irving. Louisa May Alcott and Jam es Fenlmore Cooper. k a i i Artists — Jame.s A. McNeill Use This Coupon and Save $ 2.25 Whistler, Daniel Che.ster French. Augustus Salnt-Gaudens, Gilbert Charles Stuart and Frederic Gentlenien: ' Date ______Remington. I Tea, indeed, I want to accept your magaxine offer before It la withdrawn. Enclosed Is Poets — Henry W Longfellow. James Whitcomb Riley, Walt 8XM lii F l’LL PAYMENT for a ONE YEAR’S mbecrlption, new or renewraJ, to your newa- Ip-n Whitman, John Oreenleaf Whit­ ñ f par and the following six puMications: tier and Jam es Russell Lowell McCall’s M agasifie------.1 year Country H o m e ..... ______i year Educators — Horace Mann, Woman’s Home C om panion ------1 year American Poultry Journal ______i year Charles W. Eliot, Booker T Stoy at The Worth. Farm Jou rn al-Fan n er’a Wrtfe ------1 yoar Southern Agriculturist ______g years Washington, Prances E Willard ” y’o iir and Mark Hopkins. S

Inventors — Alexander Ora-1 ayvatataS raa»a. ■ ""til« •«** aMl Maaaaalaa My Name I s ______Address______ham Bell. Ell Whitney. Samuel i -Haa« af U- Waa« ■ J* F B Morse. B ia s Howe and Cy­ a .. eimre f j Nf•* Varlb. - | mm4 meoreei ike kka Town ------S h i t e ------rus H. McCormick. Composers — John Philip So­ usa, Bdward A. McDowell, step- I hen OoUlns Foster, Victor Her- THB OOLDTHWAJT1 EAOLE. AUGUéTT II, 1938.

NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC gust, September and October.) m in e r a l WELLS Lampasas and San Saba Or. F. C. Cathey New Game Laws Coantie* The Eyeslftat SpccialUt wfll be MINNOWS- -Unlawful to take at the Goldthwaite Inn Friday, ANNIVERSARY TEXAS Austin, Texa.s. Aug. 10 -Of the more than 200 minnows out of Aug. IS. Eyes examined and 94 game and fish laws pa.sscd at county at any one time. Olaases fitted. Ail the latest FOR REST &NO the recent session of the Legisla­ FISHING A special law was ■ 3 ^ tnunes and rimless glasses. Pries ture, 23 were local laws relating enacted that applies ONLY to RELAXATION range will be for complete Glass­ to hunting, fishing, trapping and specified lake waters in Burnet. •SALE* es and no more. From F7AS to other outdoor activities in 41 Llano, San Saba, Lampasas and ni t •, fllAO for glasses to see far and counties of Central and South Travis counties. The lakes re­ — At Your— near and guaranteed to be first Texas, the Game Department an­ ferred to are Lake Austin, Mar­ quality lense. A real opportuni­ nounced today. shal Ford Lake, Roy Inks Lake, ty if you need glasses. No Job Of the 23 local laws affecting Buchanan Lake and Marble Falls NYAL DRUG STORE over I11.5S complete. See Dr. Central and South Texa.s one of Lake. In these lakes the follow­ Cathey and see better. At the the most Important is that which ing bag limits are provided; fjoldthwaite Inn Friday, Aug. 18, SET OF SIX INITIALED GLASSES made certain changes In the uni­ black bass. 10; white ba.«, 10; in Goldthwaite. 8-11-ltc versal hunting and fishing li­ carppies, 10; catfish, 10. Pos­ B U IR H OTH cense statute that formerly ap­ session limit, 20 in aggregate of 39c plied to Harris County and to 21 all kinds of fish. Length limits; Proriainfl Üi* ultlmaU is faelUtiM I •lOüî 1S95 1939 other counties, all located In the black bass, 11 inches; white bass, With any Nyal purchase of 50 or over ilESCMlT for r»er*««i«n «»d leju veestleB iT ke Hill country. Under the new 11 Inches; crapple 7 Inches; linMt th*i«P*utlc b«lh« with corn- Note the special values on sale dur­ pUt* Eiflhtlwnil« lono •«»» J. N. KEESE law, Medina county Joined the catfish 9 Inches. Fish may be t ■ CIAÍHS vcianda. luauriou« •ooommodalion» group of counties rvguiring the taken from these lakes only with ing our annual Birthday Sale. Any pur­ BMuliful ground*- “W h*i* Amotlo* Marble and Granits Memorlali licenses, and Harris and Maver­ ordinary pole and Une, throw chase of Nyal medicináis or toiletries of Diinki »’• W*T to HEALTH!* Out­ Best Materials and Work­ ick counties dropped out. leaving line with not more than six door «cIít íU** * t Ui*ái b**t. • manship. 21 counties In which the Law Is hooks, rod and reel, artificial 50c or over entitles you to a set of six 22 now In force. TTie new law re­ bait, or trot line with not more fio Lout* GambtoU. Manngar My 45 yean study and *a- kt. Gold Initialed Glasses for only 39c. pcricsiee at your serrlce. quires that 90 per cent of the li­ than 30 hooks. During months Prices Lew cense money collected in each of March and April no fish may On Sale Only At Your county must be spent for game be taken fro mthese lakes ex­ Boo me before placing your and fish restoration work In the cept catfish and gasper. NYAL DRUG STORE county in which the money was The 5S-cent resident fishing li- | Plsbsr St. Goldthwaite, Texas collected. Also, It Is no longer cense formerly required of all | IIBE FOR THE EAGLE necessary, under the new law, fishermen on the Llano county for shooting preserve operators side of Buchanan Lake, Inks 152 Issues For $1.50 to pay to the Game, Fish and Lake and the Colorado River, Is Hudson Bros. Oyster Commission 10 per cent of no longer reqidred. It is still re­ the total amount collected In the quired under certain conditions Goldthwaite, Texas B«liev« It or Not sale of shooting privileges. The in other watets of Llano county You cjkS now $5 shooting preserve license is ------o------twy for $1.00 still required, however. •nuuirh grnu- In the 21 counties, resident Children Need in« 100% Min­ ers! Wells. hunting license si«ii sell for $2 girth Certificates Psio Pinto and be required of hunters ex County, Texas, cept those under 17. persons BAKERWELL Austln, Te xa s.—ParenU of | PROPERLY EQUIPPED SHOP M i 'l»h y d r s t • d hunting on lands they own or on children .starting school for the i minoral water eryslals to which they reside, or persons first time this fall are urged by j Balanced Parts Stock. Factory Trained suke 20 gallons No. 4 strong holding non-resident hunting li­ miners! water. Why suffer the State Department of Health | Mechanics, desiring to give Better from acbes, pains and ncrr- censes. F^irther, the resident li­ to make sure that they have a | ousness caused by acidity censes are good In any of the 21 birth registration certification i Service...... and constipation. BEWARE counties and In the State as a regarding their child and If not, I You car was built to give you Satisfactory Service. <1 . )W COACH LINES OF SUBSTITUTES. Call whole. Resident fishing licensM your local Drag, Departimnt to take proper legal steps sa soon | Let us look after it and you will get the itcrvicc you are sell for 55 cents and be required ! goldthwaite f o b b r o w n w o o d — Grocery Store or ' as possible to obtain this record. rightfully entitled to. of all fishermen except those un­ lA M.----- 1 !• p. M .------8:39 P. M. BakcrweU Mineral Water Co.] Parents who do not have regís- , Notbieg left off that is needed — Nothing put an thaS Mineral Wells, Texas. der 17, persons fishing on lands tration notification of the birth | fni DTHW AITE FOR AUSTIN AND WACO is unnecessary. they own or on which they re­ of their child are advised to con­ No Job too small — no job too large for us te handle [A M.----- 11:59 P. M. ------S:95 P. M. side, and persons holding artifi­ tact their local registrar of vital efficiently. i s t i OUTI i; .AT .S.AVLOR HOTEL cial lure or commercial fisher­ statistics with whom the certifi­ , f . man's licenses. A resident fish­ cate was orglnally filed. M> COMMO.M.i I SKI) Kling With All Other Lines ing license bought in one of the In many Texas school districts, SAYLUK GHEYKULET GO. AD MKDII M KNCKPT 21 counties is good In all the a notification of birth certificate ___ RATES EVERYWHERE a limiK .NKVl S r U ’KK others. Is required to prove the child is » TÎ . IS K.\TKD As A The counties to which the uni­ old enough to enter school. As iNElt .A.M) .MODERN COAUilES versal law applies are Mason. the Vital Statistics Department .> iT V a s s e t Menard, Kerr, Schlelchi r, Crock­ will be called upon to answer nu­ ett, Sutton. Kimble, Real, Ed­ merous requests for school cer­ wards, Blanco, Llano, Kendall. tificates, securing this record HAVE YOUR Gillespie, Ell Paso, Hudspeth, Cul­ early will .sjjeed up the process of berson. Val Verde, Kinney, Ter­ securing the needed forms before rell, Medina and Brewster. In school opens. Llano county the provisions of Acquiring a record of birth is TIRES the law do not extend to or In­ not only an Important part of clude the Colorado River, Inks the task of getting the child Lake or Buchanan I-ake. ready for school but Is an essen­ Other local laws applicable to tial item In the larger job of pre­ CHECKED nearby counties are as follows; paring the child for the future. officials emphasized that the list The time will come when he will AFTER YOUR does not Include ALL game and need a record of his birth. Pro­ T//j^r r//£ Ä/e/y/r 0^ fish laws In effect In the various per registration now will prevent / ;4 ¿ J S / i ß e c f ü / N 6 counties, but that In summarizes difficulty later on in his life. Holiday Trip only those laws enacted by the In addition to its importance (O fí MOy'/NC recent session of the Legisla­ at the time of admission to O F 2^ ^ F F £ r ture. school, birth registration may be CO.MANCHF, COUNTY necessary for obtaining a work P £ F Y £ ^ /^ Q U A IL—Unlawful to hunt permit, an automobile driver’.«» quail with gun or deg on private permit, the right to vote and the • Long trips at high speeds sub-' lands of another without first right to marry; for proof of pa­ ject your tires to terrific punish­ obtaining written permission of rentage. inheritance of property, owner or agent In charge. No settlement of insurance and in ment. How arc jo t n tires after permit required while hunting establishing Identity. the holiday trip? The last few ------o------in company of owner or agent. miles are worth so little that ic Coryell County doesn't pay to take chance I r ,Í4!' DEIEIR--Unlawful to hunt for Gladioli Pests a five years. 1 1 with thin, smooth tires. Perhaps . Ál'f College Sta.—Gladioli growers, WILD TURKEY—UnUwful to -i V'> who generally have little to fear now is the time to let us e x ­ hunt for five years. FISHING—Unlawful to fish in the way of Insects and disease change your worn casings with had better beware of the gladio­ *i)‘S with any device other than ordi­ safe, dependable Mansfields.' nary hook and line or trot line lus thrlp. which has spread with great rapidity In practically all Drive in and let us check your ■Y;!? • 16«*« or rod and reel. Set nets of not states where gladioli are com­ less than one and one-half Inch tires today. Inspection costs mon, says R. R. Reppert, Ento­ TI/AJr/VBA/yOFKOTVF square mesh may be used to take MuVis nothing.mdmaysavcfournuchl mologist for the A&M College Ebc- P ^ T ^ F suckers, buffalo, carp, shad and FPL/CF F i?F c£ ^ gar, except during February, tension Service. The adult thrip is dark brown Mansfield Tires Have A Written Gua­ 0 9 , 3 4 0 ) / J ¿ / J F C 7 £ / ^ March and April. This latter and measures about one-twen­ rantee Up to 15 Months. ' yOí/O iAA O F£Æ /9T£ restriction docs not .however, jP A r . “ t t / f p t F £ sr/jA /o/A A O apply to landowners, who may tieth of an Inch in length, while SPECIAL THIS MONTH use seines or nets on their own the wings have a light colored /lFA ^yoFA A oF^A iy'C4 / , 2 0 0 ^ property at any time. Unlawful area at their base near the center Mansfield Tourist Tires to sell catfish or have catfish In of the body, Reppert said In des­ Reg. Special possession for purpose of sale. cribing the insect. He added that Size Price Prioe Minnow seines not more than 20 the thrip’s larva Is pale yellow AND i n A FACT THAT THE MORE and pupa is orange. Generally 440x21 ______$6.65 $5.57 feet long permitted when used 450x21 ______7.20 5.85 KLECTRICITY YOU USE THE for taking minnows for bait. these last two stages are found HAMILTON COUNTY Inside the buds and leaf sheaths, 475x19 ______7.45 5.95 and are seldom noticeable on the CHEAPER IT GETS DEXIR—Unlawful to hunt for outside of the plant. 550x17 _ _ _ __ 9.50 7.45 five years. 6 0 0 x 1 6______10.35 7.95 Your household electricity is billed on a slid WILD TURKEIY—Unlawful to Gladioli attacked by the thrip have the appearance of being •ng scale— the more you use the cheaper i It hunt for five years. withered, bleached, and spotted; nets. As you add appliances and increase your FISHING—A special fishing F O X SERVICE STATION law applies ONLY to the Bosque the plants are stunted; and bad­ consumption, your average cost per KWH River In Hamilton County. It ly damaged flowera fall to open. Phone 221 24-Hour Service comes down. It pays to make full use of your makes lawful the use at any Even when the petals are open. electric service. time of a net or not less than Irregular, allvery blotches may GOLDTHWAITE, TEXAS one Inch square mesh with which appear on them, Reppert said. to take suckers, carp, buffalo and To prevent damage by the shad. When netting for these thrip. a spray haa been develop­ fish, however. It Is unlawful to ed by the U. S. Bureau of Ento­ ^ (#ÍMn and AlerlandEaj^ ^ P U B L I C ^ possess any other kind of fish. mology. In Includes tartsir eme­ 0 Taxpayer K R V I C I To Sarve You Unlawful to use drag seines at tic. one ounce; brown sugar, four .CO M PA N Y^ ounces, and water, 12^ pints. MANSFIELD ant time. kClnnow eelnes not more than 20 feet long for use In The plants ahould be sprayed EXTRA MILEAGE Uklng bait permitted. (Former­ thoroughly with this solution. ly was lawful to take rough fish ------*—A— — only during months of July, Au- Fatiwalae Bagle THE OOLDTHWATnt EAOLE. AUOU8T 11. IM».

EN'ITRTAINED WITH aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Daniels Mr and Mrs Walter Summy Big Valley Uveme LAWN PARTY at Rock Springs. and son, Walter, Jr,, left Sun­ Bv Mr«. W. W. Long Charlie day for a weeks vacation on a Mr. and Mr.« John Hesur en­ Mr and Mrs Floyd Sykes spent day. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS visit to her sister, Mrs R J. The Hartman family had a píe­ Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Ben tertained with a Uwn party at Smith, and family, at Kermit. nte supper and reunion on the Long. their home last Thursday even­ They will also visit the Carlsbad Colorado River Thursday night. Urs Lacy TTiompson la In Dal­ Mr. and Mrs. B C. Northington ing, In honor of their son and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller of Cavern before returning home. Láveme Sykes spent Friday San Saba visited the Long and New York, las for a weeks visit. of Temple spent Sunday with his • • • daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. • • • cousin, Mrs Claude Eacott. and Walters Hester and baby, of and Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Miller famUlea Friday and Fri­ have ’ Mrs Jim Weatherby returned « 1 000,000 o iZ l Mrs Will Burks and Mrs W husband and other relatives Cameron. Out of town guests D. Hartman and Dorothy of day night. *hhiu at thi B Jackson spent Sunday at Cen­ • • • last Wednesday from a visit with were Mr. and Mr.« Micky Steph­ Goldthwalte. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sykes and relatives at San Angelo and Ran­ Sykes, Mmes Ben Long and R. Pair. ter City Miss Sue Burch of Dallas ar­ ens, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mc­ kin Her sister, Mrs Ross Wheel­ T. Padgett and Donald Mack al­ • • • rived Monday for a weeks vaca­ Cann, of Lometa, Mr. and Mrs er, and sons, of Rankin, accom­ Anniversary Sale—Hudson Bros. tion with her brother and wife, Ben Hester, of Brownwood, Mrs. so visited In the home of Mr. and panied her home for a two weeks Mr and Mrs. Claude Burch. Jesse Carroll and daughter. Miss Mr.« Hartman Saturday. Mrs W W Stevens, of Hamll- • • • visit She will also visit other Norma Jene, of Odessa, and a Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Padgett relatives here. and Donald Mack visited Mr. and ton. visited frlends here last Misses Mary and Ama Ander­ • • • large crowd of local people. Wednesday son and Mrs C H. Vincent and Mrs. Leman Reagan and the new .Anniversary Sale— Hudson Bros. baby boy on Saturday afternoon. son, of Brady, spent Sunday In • • • Wedding of Interest A d van ce Miss Margrarete Preellng, of the E B Anderson home here. Those who called In the J . H Dallas. Is visiting Miss Billie • • • M Y. Stokes, J r and two sons, In San Antonio Hale home Sunday were Mr. and Weatherby. Lawrence and Melmoth. will a t­ Mrs. Orville Hale and children • • • Cullen Biggs, of Lometa, Miss BARTLETT, Aug 5.—A wed­ tend the convention of the West of Naruna, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dottle Jewell Crawford and Mis.« ding of interest to many central Miss Jo Riley, of San Marcos, Texas Press Association In Pecas Woods and family of Rock Fall Showinql Billie Helen Smith are guests of spent the week end with Mias today and tomorrow. They also Texans was that of Miss Letitla Miss Virginia Smith this week. Springs and Billie Dennard. Lottie Hester expect to visit Carlsbad Cavern Hardwick and Dr Robert S. Sut­ • • • Mls. goods stores, and Roberta Robertson. Mr. and vacation. They were accom­ bone of Clabe Locklear. Henderson, spent last Thursday every other line of business. — Mrs. W. A. Daniels came after CURTAIN SGIIH panied by hla brother, Arnold with his brother, Roy WUkli«. Comanche Chief. Billy Ruth Sunday night. Wilkins, and family, as far as Misses Sarah and Catherine and family ------0------Charles Dennard spent last San Angelo. The Roy Wilkins’ 36-inch Wide, All Colon Fhirman returned Saturday from • • a PatroBlaa Bagle Adverttsan I week working for his uncle and also plan to go to Menard and • Tlalt to Marlin and Dallas. i Mr. and Mrs W S. Hendrix Per Yard return by the way of Austin. f * * * 1 and son, W S Jr, spent the • • • Rev. T. M McClendon of Jal, ^^d with their parents and Mr. and Mrs Delma Grumbles c relatives in Gold- other relatives and friends in Far Better 4 of San Saba are rejoicing over » w a ite over the week end. : ^oian County 1 OTHER ITEMS ON FINAL! > the arrival of a little daughter MILEAGE CA on Tuesday morning at 5:30 a. , áenlversarx Sale -lludco Mrs. Elmer Scoby and their and they will call her Velma Miss Nell Kirkpatrick, of mother, Mrs. Laura Sulliva'i. ECONOMY Elizabeth. Mother and baby are Brownwood, is visiting this week spent a pleasant outing at Bu­ r ) I Ì doing nicely and have an apart­ try with Miss Irma Harrison. chanan Dam SUhday. I r > » • • • ment with Mrs Henry Martin. • • • V Henry Webb, of Austin, spent CONOCO GAS and Germ Processed Oil LITTLE' Mr and Mrs. Otto Kendall are "SINCE II9S” Saturday and Sunday as a guest spending this week with his Anniversary Sale—Hudson Broo. J * In the home of L. J Oartman. mother. Mrs. W C Wilson In Highway Garage O O L D T H W A IT E , TE) Irirydada. Okla. Mrs Wilson CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Mrs Fred Faulkner and »n, | her 83rd birthday last FARE8T FRAZIER, Prop. Paul, of Fort Worth, are here lor ^ ^jonday Mrs. Dan Bush had the pleas- _ . Use m y'i^n ^o Broniz - z - z MLss Clara Bowm.m is «pend­ M-« Eacott purchased a fine Carroll, and Flora Nell. ing several days with her cou-^ regi'iered Delaine buck. Next on the scene came Mrs Mn. Miss Imogene William, .m cf • • • J. E. Peck and family from BunllU-r county. j • • • Mr and M-« Cland Laird and Georgetown, bringing the follow­ children, of Oalve«tnn. »pent the ing children: Warde. Alson, Ge­ The E K. Kennedy farm on week end with her mother, Mrs rald. Celestia, and Henry Law­ tbs Colorado River was sold to I M E Faulkner Cleta and Doyle, rence. The last to arrive was | Ifc B. Burnham. Jr., in a buslne.v< I who have spent the .summer with the grandmother. Mrs. C. T. etlon this week. their grandmother, returned with Bowman, from Hamilton county, ! their parents to Galveston. accompanied by Mr. and Mrs CONOCO M B Coffee left Tuesday to I • • • James Williamson and daugh­ attend a teachers' meeting at Mr.« Barton J Keese and aorw. ters, Imogene and Patricia. ObDege Station The meeting will .Lamar and Kenneth, returned They were welcomed by Mrs taut through Saturday. • • • Thursday from a month’s vaca- F. P. Bowman, and soon every­ ' tlon to Birmingham, Alabama thing was in readiness for a •aiiliwaaiJ Sale—llodaon Bros. Her sister. Mias Una McCay, of grand feast. The weather held Decatur, Ala., accompanied them fine, and after lunch, the rest ■ Mra. Jease Carroll and daugh to Goldthwalte for a visit. of the day wu spent In boating ter. Miai Nonna Jen e of Odea-| • • • and swimming, as well as sing- j aa are visiting her parenU. Mr. Mrs J . C. Sanderson and son Ing and indoor games. and Mra Tom Keeae. James Robert, and daughter, The company left late In the • • • Doiis Jean, returned Sunday, afternoon, taking leave of Mr W .C FRAZIER, Conoco A MiH Emma Scott and Mrs from a delightful vialt In San and Mrs. F. P. Bowman and Walter Simpaon attended the Antonio, with Mr. and Mrs. D E childivn. all happy in spite of Morrow-Trammell family re- Royal and Mr. and Mrs Bnory several cases of sunburn among Phon< anlon at Oatesville Friday. L. Talley. the youngsters. fice 210, Re«. 217 GoldtUaite , T<

A. V * V - -ZINSES


EDITOR GOES ON VACA’HON left ’Thursday morning for an several states. ‘‘in«, extended vacation trip to Holley Mrs. R. H. Patterson, editor of Springs, Miss., and Memphis, If you have visitors, a party, of Interest From County Communitiesthe Mullln Elnterprlse and Mr. Tenn., and other places of Inter­ an accident or know anything of 'Oing, Patterson, postmaster at Mullln, est. They will visit relatives In news value, call us I way and daughter, Bettle Marie, Joyed Saturday at the Burdett other Improvements made on his of San Angelo, Mr. and Mrs. Al­ reunion. place. vin Ketchum and Alva June, and Dwight Nlckols and wife and Mrs. Henry Crawford and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Held. Mrs. Jam es Nlckols and son, children from Mullln spent last . f Wll- « fiom town, visited In the Nlckols week with her parents, Mr. and ■ v and Satur- home P’rlday night. Mrs. Horton and canned peach­ ■ with Mr. Wll- Live Oak By Mrs. J. H. Brown A R. Kauhs and family visited es and plums. » also weiu In the McClary home Sunday a f­ ------o------R!;cre they ac- Mrs. Ida Duncan, who had been ternoon. We^ve Returned B ifu i cryitall*^ South Bennett sick for quite a while, passed Shirley Nlckols and wife, from H g r exterior oe- By Mts. M. L. Casberr away last Monday morning at town, and Beryl Roberts visited ■ nev flagstone her home In the South Bennett In the ’Traylor home one nlghi under con- We had 31 present at Sunday community. Funeral services last week. From Market! school, Sunday and a small at­ were held Tuesday morning at Mrs. Eula Nlckols visited Sun­ .jpii the re- tendance at church In the after­ Pleasant Grove, conducted by day morning early In Big Valley Our Buyers have been in the Markets making Autumn B the Caradan noon to hear the Rev Mr.« Kee­ Rev. Dawson She leaves a hus­ In the Sellars home. ^ b t h four con- ton, from town preach She will Purchases from the South's most complete Fashion band, four children, five sisters, Jack Kirby, from town, spent Hthree additions preach again for us next first six brothers and an aged father Sunday with Jack Robertson and Showing, for the past two weeks. ' " 3 1 Sunday. to mourn her going. We extend wife. In the afternoon Woody ^■beme Is near- Eric Eddy and family from San d W o ^ our sympathy to the bereaved Traylor and family visited In the Hundreds of the nation’s most outstanding lines of la a very' at- home. Angelo visited her brother. Clyde ones. Ready-to-Wear, Millinery, Hand Bags, Novelties and H t h of Caradan. C. E. Holcombe has fixed a car Featherston and family, Satur­ Rey- Mrs. Eric Eddy and daughter, shed and a barn on his place day night and Sunday children’s wear have assembled under one roof for the williams. of San Angelo, and Edgar Simp­ ur k j f M Mrs. A. F. McGowan left F H. Hlbler and family spent ■ daughter had son. of South Bennett, visited In showing of Fall and Winter merchandise. the C. O Featherston home Sat­ Thursday to visit her daughter. the week end with relatives at Laura and San Saba. urday morning. Fay, and husband In Arkansas. She will be away two months or Valeria Stacy spent Saturday K ^:ln Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs Will Fox were longer. night with Mrs. M. L Casbeer DRASTIC REDUCTIONS ON ALL pHI and son dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed As I close. It is trying very hard and family. H r d Mra Floyd Randles Sunday evening. ni t a j H to rain. A good rain would be' Mrs. Ed Dennis visited a few B elted with Mr Lee Parker, Homer Denman and Coley Stevens left last fine, as some are heading malz days recently with her sister, SUMMER GOODS OW! ■ ■ Reynolda last Thursday for Iowa, where they and baling. Mrs. Sam Morris, at town. have employment. Mr. and Mrs. W alter Simpson Every Department in the Store has used the knife to cut Grandpa Featherston returned Lake Merritt and Mr. and Mrs. Wllli.^ Hill a t­ to his home Saturday, after a By Mrs. Douglas Robertson tended the funeral of Mr.s John­ the prices so deep that thrifty shoppers from miles B r i ’mrth Briley ill weeks visit with his son. C. G ny Crawford Sunday afternoon. around should lay in supplies of goods to finish this Featherston. and family. Bro. Brucks preached at the We want to extend our sympathy HvSr Egger and I’l - ■ Miss Mordlne Brown spent the school house Sunday afternoon to the Crawford family In their season and begin the next summer season with . . . B i d Royce, oi week end with her parents. at three o’clock. bereavement. SSE« cs here over George Ballard returned home ’The Baptist meeting is going Blondle Stacy visited with Henry Simitson, Saturday night. ------Saturday, after a months stay at on at ’Trigger Mt. this week. Bro Shop The Economy Store This Week ■fell here Fri- Camp BuUls. While there he won Morrison from Brownwood Is do­ Lee Ola Kelso spent Saturday ■ farther north a scholarship to Howard Payne ing the preaching. night and Sunday with Gladys B r k for several College for the coming year, for Donnie Earl, little son of Mr Kerby. being an outstanding boy In the and Mrs. R. D. Price has been Mrs. Walter Simpson attended — T h e — B i:e th . Home camp. Congratulations. George. seriously 111 with diphtheria. a family reunion at Oatesville B ^ t of Jasper Mr Alvls Newton has been Mr. and Mrs Hubert Scrlvner, Friday. ¡¡id Sallle Ann Blondle Stacy spent Fridav making syrup the past week. Melba Kennedy and Geraldine Bhr.r. Home ar- The Jolly Chatter Club meets Petty were baptised Sunday af­ night with M. L. Casbeer and Economy Store le s .. 1 home Fri- with Mrs. I. Z. Woodard In ternoon. family. weeks va- IRVIN BORNSTEIN, Prop. « » e s ___1 Goldthwalte Friday afternoon, Felton Waddell and family Clyde Featherston and family August 18th, Instead of with Mrs Kathleen Smith, Misses ’Thelma visited his sister, Mr.s Longley Reeves Earl Denman, as was previously Lois and BUlle Helen Smith and family, at San Saba one day Our Slogan: “OFTEN A PENNY LESS SELDOM B w a c o Sunday announced. spent Sunday in the Robertson last week. Mrs. Lee Parker and Evelyn home. Ralph Brown and child­ Burthel Roberts and wife and A PENNY MORE.’’ » L 1] üü|^ ■ d his mother. are staying with Mrs. R. A. Par­ baby visited his parents. Mr. and ren, Jake Brown and children and Mrs Mrs. Maynard Roberts one day 'olon 1 ker during her husband’s ab- also called in this home Sunday the Cun- .sence. morning. last week. ^ ^ ■ t Zephyr Sun------o------Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kenne­ We extend congratul.itlons to Rock Springt dy from Happy are visiting here Mr. and Mrs. Monk Welch over who has this week. the arrival of a boy In By Mrs. Eala Nickels ^ ■ tn Los Ahge- R. F. Daniel and family at­ home, August 3. Mother BVnlversIty of tended a reunion at Lampkln baby are both doing fine. MIRACLE WHIP SALAD - LIGHT HOUSE 3 cans ^ A L l I srrived at The meeting started Sunday Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Burthel Rt there she morning with Rev. Early, from Mrs. Mae Gill and children are BeHlon at San London, doing the preaching. visiting In the McNutt home. day night with M. L. There was a big crowd out Sun­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kennedy and family. Dressing qt. 31c Cleaner 13c ■ s .d son. Ray- day night. There were people Mrs. Grady Kennedy and child­ r B«riwood vislt- from Goldthwalte and Center ren spent Sunday in the Clint Cicero W arren awhile Monda 4 Cans— e| ■ l Sunday Point. Come and hear some good Petty home. afternoon. MAXWELL HOUSE— .sermons. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brown and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ca.sbee B > - rd Egger We welcome Adrian Long and children from Sweetwater. Mr Jr., are the proud parents of ^Bater Friday. family back In the community. and Mrs. Buck Weston and child­ boy which arrived July 30. The Tea 21c Pork & Beans 19 EXASI visit rela- They spent several months In ren from Weatherford are visit­ are staying with her parent Full Pound Cans ■ ih ? Estes re- Big Valley, where he has another ing relatives here. M and Ms Challe Simpson t farm. Live Oak. BRIGHT & EARLY— ■ F Bateman V. D. Waldrlp and family, from Bina Beth and Sybil Casbe« Regular Size— 2 Boxes ^Wjohn Robert, Scallorn spent Monday night and ’Tuei Brown County, spent Sunday In Mrs. Cora Ford B t from Satur- the Collier home. day with their grandma an B at the Wll- grandpa Casbeer at town. Coffee 19c Mrs. Hugh Nelson and daugh­ ■were on their We had two good rains last Several from here attende Corn Flakes 15c ter, from California, vtslted In ■ ¿T ern s and week, one Sunday evening andd ^hend their va- the Spinks home last week. the other Friday. Grandpa Featherston ret 1 GALLON CAN— Beryl Roberts spent Saturday Marvin Laughlln and wife, ed home with his daughter, CRYSTAL WHITE— ^Blph Wilmeth night and Sunday in Glenn Mrs. Webb Laughlln and Grannie Eric Eddy of San Angelo, ^ B t of Dulin at- Nlckols’ home In town. Laughlln sp>ent Saturday in Kel- day, for several days visit. Sunday, Those who attended the Shel­ leen with Wörter Laughlln and Cooking Oil 73cSoap, 5 bars 16c sraa-ay and ton reunion at the Patterson wife and Chester Ford and wife arle, of San Park Sunday were A. F. Mc­ at Belton. days as a result of .sticking Friday to Gowan and wife and Mmes. Mrs Lila Crawford and son. splinter In her f«»t. Sunday. Odd Slices— SPAGHETTI or 4 boxes and Mrs. Spinks and Nlckols. There were Garland, and William Hogh Henry Simpson .spent Sundi relatives from Lometa. Brady Ehrans spent the week end In Mr with Blondle Stacy. and daughter, and Coleman. There was lots of and Mrs. Albert Herford’s home. J. M. Stacy, Jr. visited Cly« Sliced Bacon 8cMacaroni 9c ¡went to Mer- food and plenty of Iced tea and Mrs. Ora Black spent several hls parents water. They bid each other good­ days with her sister, Mrs. Stan­ night. Cellophane-Wrapped Egger vlslt- bye about four o’clock, hoping ley Black. LARGE PKG— Fi'iine Sunday to meet again next year. Mrs. Cora Ford and Fleming aunt, Mrs. A. D. Walker Cartrlght Oglesby, Lacy spent the week end In Lometa family at San Angelo. nn went to Thompson, James Hyslop and and attended church. Oxydol 19c y to be with Roth Robertson, from Big Valley, Ml.ss Cecil Joe Kuykendall re­ CARD OF TH.ANKS Jowls, lb. 6c fL. Singleton, were out joy riding In this com­ turned Friday from Brownwood munity Friday afternoon. They where .she has been attending 6 Rolls Gauze Toilet— ^'■th, J. R all have good times In that summer school. thank.s to the people that ha NO. 1— palled at the Ogle.sby model T, especially when Mrs. K it Claunch, of Lampasa.«. been so kind and thoughti 1 Mitchell and they get off the highway. spent several days with her son during the lllnes.s and death pme Sunday our wife and mother. Especla' Tissue 23c Martin Clark visited In Brown- and his famUy. ! Salt Pork, lb. 7c wood and Indian Creek last week Those that visited Sunday Ir P Jones and end. Marvin Laughlin’s home were expressed their love and NICE SIZE— f'«ve moved Worley Laughlln and wife and Mrs. J. M. Ballard was a guest LARGE SIZE— Iplace. son, Charley, Webb Laughlln and tlful flowers, before her death. In Joe Morris’ home, north of ' San Angelo wife. Grannie Laughlln, Jimnvle town, Saturday. She also attend­ another Armstrong. Earnest Johnson and Limes, doz. 10c ed church Saturday morning. to be Im- wife, Mrs Tom Hale, of Chad W. L. Oliver Dead Dressed Fryers W. A. Daniel and wife spent wick, J. L. Ftord and wife, and 2 HEADS— ha* recelv- Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. islis. Ed Evans and 'wife. W. L. Oliver, aged TT, ■ Slue Thomp- Richard Sauders and family Mrs. Lora Mound attended the 3 Boxes— Dorothy spent Saturday night and Sun­ baptism at Lometa Sunday after­ ter, Mrs. Harry Couch 1 Temple re- day with relatives In San Saba. noon and dattended the night morning a t one o’cloex, Lettuce 7c appendlcltls Woodrow Spinks and family services. 8 Chipso 17c Nice and Firm visited their parents at Center Mr and Mrs W E Steven.von Funeral services and ta getting Point Saturday night and Sun­ and Mr. Hunt attended services Mr "npuen day. at Lometa doing the meeting. week. J. T. Stark and mother spent Worley Laughlln and wife and and chlld- Sunday In the Joe Davis home. J. D. Fbrd and wife went to Ris­ at the M. R. Circle and Beryl Roberts ing Star Sunday afternoon after Church. this past stacked feed for Mrs. Bula Oleta and Reba Ford ’They spent Mr. Oliver leaves to mourn 1 Long & Berry Nlckols last Thursday. the week with their aunt Net loss, two daughters, Mrs. Hai Landy Ellis and wife enjoyed EUis Couch, living near Goldthwal two days last week away from Ran Gunn had a well drilled and Mrs. H P Fagg of MldU Goldthwalte, Texas home, sight-seeing. and has a wind mill over It, and and one son, Kervln Oliver J- T. Robertson and BUlle en- Is now having a house built and Odessa. THB OOLDTHWAmS EAOLg. AUGUST U. I»38 f. T H E GOLDTHWAITE EAG^^ THE POCKETBOOK ¡mfrat'tJ SUNDAY Published E\"ery Friday by The EAOLE PUBLISHING CO. Uai/erm neighboring 1 Inttmatieaal SCHOOL k n o w l e d g e ITEMS FROM LOCAL PAPERS op Mrs. B M. THOMPSON o / Editor and Publisher L ESSO N ■=• B . H A B O L D L . »-1'>»0 « V I S T D. D_ . — $1.50 D *u o< Th* Moody Bibla InaUtuM 1 Lampasas lubscriptlon, per year. (in advance) ------ol C^cajo. ______05 (lU U a—d by W o ifr a Wawapapor UcUon.l i S a b * Single Copies Mr. And Mrs. George W. Oart- ‘'ü Bntered in the Post Olllce at OoldihwalU as second-class mall vOo Letson for August 13 man visited Sunday and Monday 88. In Aiutin in the home of their ' OÍ neir Bi{ ¡ County, YU ^ Looooa aubjKta ond Bcrlpturo ta«U daughter and aon-ln-law , Dr. and % l*el«d «nd copyridbud by Inloraa^ol ^>rrs who ^ Council o< Rtuiioud Kducatlaai uaoA br Mra Weir Krlby. •me A»oTo*cyei,e. pornuMlaa. iMt ThumJt MVCMTcr «y w wau «tiä Mrs. E. C. Lam bert returned o» WIMTU«. - MAÍÍ . IN l(M, came to th» UNAS taivi- »V yrtAM/ ELIHHA; A LIFE OF Tuesday from Ooldthwalte where to h w î? me eoi.r* «utfPMP HELPFILNEIW she has been visiting with her ».■» PiWlP*. and renuhK(||^.' daughter and son-in-law, Mr Diarrled then a i Any erroneous reflection upon the character, standing or MAOIMfi LESSON TEXT—n Kln« Dean ~ ______K i9W,T«e«i wv«e sequently charactcriftie at thoae Mrs. Ben Peak were In George­ morning at ij|.¿ COTTON QUERY 7 . OOO, OOO who love and serve Him. The world WA^MIl4 0 MACHINES town Sunday afternoon to attend when after smgJ IH THIS COUNTRY. bai all but forgotten these virtues, the funeral services for C. M There’s a Cabin in the Cotton, T9«4V. TMf« for In Its brutal determination to ness her soul n,T AM / Mo»e T>tAM /foo AATftmQ AAf Edetvt. The deceased was a bro­ Heavenly hoat 8 0 INCOMfOXATeQ m TMT A40MMW At A* achieve remilts there la only an out­ But no Cotton in the Cabin- /3. v-a/, l / av>0 €K i rjpu*^»r* erfotmt o a ther of Dr. M M. Landrum, of cof^rrAsny a/rfi* awoc..— ward veneer of courtesy and consid­ One 01 U» ¡y Aunt Jemima’s gettin’ supper eration which extends itself primari­ this city and was drowned In the *t the Old ly to those from arhom some advan­ Colorado River early Saturday Thursday In a dress of acetate; tage may be obtained or who are morning while with a fishing can oxen sad * - highly regarded because of their party _ __at Smlthwick_ on the Colo- Uncle Peter in a polo shirt wealth or position. The poor and i here from ok 1 ’ needy, the Med and alTlicted ara H Yates. They i And pants of rayon yarn, quicldy brushed aside as unfortu­ A company composed of twen­ •Maynard W ears a tie of purple silk-spun ill? ° nate hindrances in the path of prog­ ty local cltizeru has been organ­ youn^t^fg TAtn ress. ized for purpose of making an rxcrsp In all times God'a people have «■«rt. a brsad «iq While he’s milking in the bam; a 6e«AUMy. COAMf oU test In the western part of the thrm ,4 »ATiOUtO OUT TO Tut been those most considerate of oth­ Sara Manth’s peelin’ ’taters in M.'5a/C..- «IAANV ers. It if they who have given time county. The company Is known Recently 4TONC» WH.I. S tU OMir IN l «7 * S O W R N M InIT t T m« u V rOlLfCTIrP u'*i Aoune r e CAO» Mi c o r n roa raeatKuAM lAouro «y^ and effort and means to help thoae as the Onyx OU Company, I ik . Antonio rt.idwi Her brand new celanese; ^ cttnm gR / coatoaaTf fN -íOitnti— i a t i í T , Fiéuar« fMOINCP THCCuaPCNMAT * l 4 ENTb^/.// / In need. The life of Elisha is well and they have 4.000 acres under banker. purc!>_ characterized as a lift of helpful- Arabella in her l>emberg lease and machinery for drUling land froBMni; neat. It is surprising to And bow Is now on the ground. The loca­ ’s on the doorstep shellin’ peas; many of his miracles were for the Smith sad B purpose of helping others. God’s tion wiU be on the O. Cagle adjacent runn¡i|B Baby Ned and little Eva, BITING THE HAND lervanta are called to be leaden and place -Leader. Colorado Riw I ” to be preachen, but they arc none- I ------way 81 fat sluAg Crawlin’ round the cabin floor, A distuibing trend toward.^ the advo­ theless called to carry on a Ufa of • acre cash Ya helpful service. Elisha's experienca , L o i T I c t A back and p.i.’d Have on little lastex rompers cacy of new forms of distribution by tax- with Naaman suggests how we may exercise such a ministry. Without more, this tuaef^ "The Honest John” oil test lo­ From the 5 and 10-cent store; supported employees is growing evident. seeking to designate venes m the >tucken eststt.I; text, shall we observe that we must cated seven miles southwest of town Oh I the Cabin’s in the Cotton still, Pi’opaganda from the extension service of Lometa. on Mrs. King's place. In I. Find the One la Need. H wu lesrad^ Just like in verse and song. Texas A. & M. College in favor of coopera­ It is not always that the one with the Jam es McWUUam survey, work on the pr-; the deepest need makes hunaetf two miles west of Nix was supd- new Colorsdt t ;] But with no Cotton in the Cabin, will tive buying by farmei*s is becoming more known. In fact, it If commonly true ded In Friday, barring provi­ miles east of'A«c that those who have the greatest dential hlndratsce The rig was It be there very long? and more common. Recently a iirofessor in need and are possibly the most way 74 iDdC BEj moved on the first of the week, — Chas. E. Fenner. worthy of help keep their sorrows begin about .tg a north Texas state teachers’ college broke to themselves. Certainly It is trua and .tome minor repairs have contract for tlAi into the limelight with a similar plea for that thosa afliicted with the leproey I been made and all preparations Bros A of sin do not often come to ebun-h. completed for spudding In. Texas, Junt »kf POOR OLD U. S. A. eliminating all middle-men. Wo must go out and seek them and i Seven head of goats which bring them in. $177.724 I were stolen In Hamilton County Eveiy Republican orator, editor or So merchants of Texas on the one hand One of the weakneises of many San Sshti churches today is that they go ; from a ranch three miles west Association: newspaper columnist insists that Govern­ are facing rising taxes, numerous restrictions through their regular services, jo f Shlve port office, were sold frirnds who which may include preaching the ] and delivered in Lampasas Coun­ Annual Old! ment expenses must be cut, but there is yet relating to the hiring and firing of employees gospel, and then they lament the ' ty last Friday. July 28th. to s fact that sinners do not come to the ) the old Pair ( to arise one who will state how and where and their working hours and tiie continual services te hear and ba aavsd. Let man at Moline The goats were day. declsRlsii ' hauled over In Lampasas County the cutting is to be done, points out Charles threat of a sales-tax, while on the other hand us be reminded that it la our busi­ of the best lTi ness to go out Into the highways In the bskck of an automobile gsthennp hedí Michelson. director of publicity. Democratic they are blamed for their rising costs of and the byways to find those in nee^L Information was obtained to the clatloQ wa> orr*?] Naaman's experience illustrates how doing business. effect that the men hauling the 700 old .setttal National Committee. the simple word of a little slave gnats were using assumed names. girl was instrumental in bringing the the secretary ulE As to our near approach to national The same hired hands who are making leper in touch with the man of God. — Reporter. sons were «sd l| their living out of taxes paid to a large ex­ Had she failed in her responaiblUty, ------o------present foe th ‘ t i bankruptcy, the new.spapers of the day this the prophet would have missed his A contract t tent by business men are urging the consum­ opportunity to minister. Even the Hamilton Wednesday of i !■ > » is written tell of another increa.se in the mar­ humblest beUever has his important ers to quit trading with them. erocijon of thes work, seeking out the lost and Announcement from Washing­ ket value of our Government bonds—they needy, and may thus be the means Pioneers’ r.rr.a ton was released this week that are now selling from 106 to 116. In the good Suppose the consumer takes their ad­ of bringing about great bleaaing. on the court! vice and sets up co-operatives? Do these tax n . Locate and Dlagaoac the Con­ President Franklin D Boo-'evelt T Brown r.pdS old Hoover-Mills days they were down in the dition. has recommended Harry Boyn­ the monuiBigl; i l ' eaters believe these co-operatives will con­ Naaman knew that he had leprosy, ton for postmaster at ^milton Judge Harrd id| eighties. The terrific cost of interest on our tinue to pay taxes like the stores they sup­ but be did not know that he had a His name was sent to the Senate for the p« blight of soul called pride. The National debt is another evidence of our and that body gave him its offl- News. plant? Do the consumers believe the co­ I^lal approval Wednesday. Just and control of God, struck right st financial plight. The interest charges were operatives will come to their assistance in the heart of things when he directed ,'when . he will assume hU duUe.t I more in 1921, when President Harding was community projects as the local merchants Naaman to crush his pride and to I Here cannot be offlclAUy an- C om ancllC do now? show his faith by obeying God’s nounced at thU time. He will re­ in office with the war-cr>' of “ Back to Nor­ command to wash seven times in the place Bliss W inifred Wllllanw, The 0 0 Jordan. who has been settng postmaster CompaDy. malcy’’ than they are today. This means not The story has many important ap- It seems to us that the shoe is on the since the resignation of Turn merely that they were more in proportion, plieationa. Let us be sura that In present cofiï WTong foot. Even those with short memories our efforts to help people physically White more than a year ago of Comzneh* fe-; but actually the total interest paid then was know' that both the merchant and the con­ or tocially, we get Uirough to their Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Stevens trificatlon Un» millions in excess of what it was last year. sumer were better off before the dealer was real need, the need of Christ. Let and their children, Patricia and successful 1*44 us also be careful not to modify or Billy, will leave tomorrow for building onU?| change God’s requiremenL There hog-tied with a tangle of restrictive regula­ Project B to Still the Republicans must declare that is one way of lalvatioa—through Waco where they will make their min is just around the comer,and can only tions and burdened w'ith taxes. faith in Chriit; there Is no other home.—County News. Eastland CowO remedy for tin. A man “must be ------o----- This ,'econd C-e be headed off by the election of Senator Instead of trying to put the merchant bom again’’ or "be cannot enter project wlD Vandenberg, Senator Taft, District Attor­ out of business, why not once more give him the kingdom of God" (see John $; Brownwood and wlU y 3-7). If men are too proud to go Project A U . / r ney Dewey, or what have you, to the Presi­ the opportunity to make a living ou( of his that way, they cannot be saved. Observe alto that there was no ra- Brownwood’s three National 235 miles loo| I » dency. They have been clamoring that chaos store, even if some of the tax-eaters might spect of persons on the part of Eli­ Guard units were mustered Into power to 5E e)£ was ahead ever since 1932, when President have to go back to the plow and the chum? sha. Naaman was a great and dis­ Federal service at a mobilization Hundredi o( tinguished man. ready to bestow------.*t Memorial auditorium Wednes- will gathers! Hoover, campaigning for re-election, saw |d»y n‘«ht. and afterward an ad­ miles south of no Interest in those things. He want­ gra.ss growing in our city streets if Franklin vance detachment of the SerYlce day. Auguitjl Expand Your Job ed only to give God’s message. D. Roosevelt attained the Presidency and ♦ m . Apply the Remedy. company. 142nd Infantry, con­ (Comanche One would be quick to condemn sisting of two officers and 20 and Pion®GT TO MOST OF US the other side of the fence always looks monkeyed with the sacred Smoot-Hawley the trained physician who, having men, entrained for Palacios to picnic and » greener. As a m atter ol fact the job we are now on has big tariff. found hla paUent and having givtn make preparations for arrival and aged of Ü» poaslbUlUes for expansion We can be b lu e r men. more hU attention to bia need, made a there Saturday of the remaining The Coe ; succeasful men, right where we are now. careful and accurata diagnoais and And still we are plodding along, with then sent him away without apply. 130 men of the Brownwood com­ iU Plone« our dollar the standard of the world’s cur­ “Thousands of technical men," says Walter Pitkin, “are Ing tha cure which wat in hla poa- panies. day, August» too narrowly trained. They sue single-trAck specialists. teialoa. At tha aervanta of Chrirt That Lake Brownwood might, the Annual » rency; -with our big corporations reporting Today’s Jobs call for verssOlty within a certain field. Learn IH* great Phyiiclan, angaged la tha not be deprived of Its annual Old Settlert profits and paying dividends, and our chief to combine two or more different types of activity within a will be dutri' wlaa. It U commendabla to engage ______tw. grounds. worry the amount of money in the banks’ certain Une of work. Beware of over-speclallsatlon. in a diacussion o í tha problema at soclatton dropped plans for the naady men and woman, expreising yearly event to devote Ita time Mrs C R “Take the printing Industry. The man who knows coffers that ought to be out in the investment our haart tntareat in that need. It to advertising the Irrigation the, wM field. nothing but typography will be elbowed out by the man U dcslrabU that wt cUrUy our project, a group of local racing July 22. at trained both In typography and the fundsunentals of art knowledge of their need and accu­ enthusiasts are triannlng a series Sullivan, ot We hear a lot about the seriousness of and design. The artist-photographer wins out over the rately undersUnd the truth of the of motor boat race« without en­ and Mrs. Sull goapel which mceU that need. How­ the unemployment problem. Of course that worker who knowrs but art, or the employee skilled In try fees or admission charges, at the SuUltN typography alone.” ever. all of tbeaa thinga ara quita Ooldthwall*. ? maaningleat unlaaa they result In tha restricted to boats located per­ is grave^ but realizing that something over Increawd^ This Is a hint bow a man may expand his Job. The bringing of the goapel to bear oa tha manently on Lake Brownwood. three million young people have come to typographer may become a master of design. The presssman Uvea of the unconverted. for Sunclay afternoon, August 13. gbaUow oU "T. northwest <4 may become an expert In color harmony and the psychologi­ A plan Is being considered by working age since the great depression, it Balltnde railways to enable you to leave the edge oft; cal effects of color. The printing salesman may become an An hour of soUtude. passed In sin- may be figured that perhaps six million of your automobile at home, travel shown ] advertlslnt man so be can render a real service to his sdded toth«t* the army of unemployed are back at their cUenta ■let with, and eooquaat over,«■ a aht-*«- «afely by train, and find an au­ jobs. £Si rio. tomobile waiting for you, ready In operstloB When a man grows his job grows! win teach us mora of thought, wül to use, at any point you desire. Mrs J R inora •aftactuaUy awakaa tha faa- In nearly 4,000 cittea, chiefly mer els* , So possibly we may survive for a while — t h e s i l v e r l in in g . idty and form tha habit of raflactlaa left for longer. *ban a year’s study la tb# schooU centers of more than 10,000 pop­ without tham -Colaridfa. ^ ulation is this plan to be put where ih* *'* I Into effect.—Banner. with her THK OOLDTHWAITE EAGLE, AUGUST 11. 1939.

I • bar* waxad floor, ao old ' " h Isn’t nonscKie.' 'She knows what she says, u*>uy uau »««eu. “working tools" with which to I drop-leal Ubla ol dark mahogany, nothing of love. She may have tak “Of course she isn't in love with REI deer’s antlers over the mantel, and the shadow for the substance. him. But she thinks she is. There’s help restore the game of the I some candles in sconces. And he can be very—charming." It nothing more that I can do." state and to also learn the prac­ NEW BUSES Old Mary did her best to follow wrung his heart to say it But al­ Evans had taken the letter to the tical side of game management. in »enrice on d i m most with clairvoyance he saw the rather formal service on which library to read. He was alone, ex­ w r - -Booasü The procedure is a new depar­ CREAMER iab« Mrs. Follette Insisted. The food was the truth. cept for Rusty, who had limped 0 ture In Texas and is being When they returned to the house SFAGE HOUTE simple, but well-cooked, and there after him and laid at his feet watched with considerable In- Baldy found a message from Edith. She loved—Towne. And that set­ fiAN ANTONIO to EAST1.%irr m was always a soup and a salad. I tere.it by game officials through­ It was not until they reached the He was to call her up. tled It “I am marrying Mr. Town« A brush quail shelter was re­ vta out the state. The large tract of "« r B|{ I salad course that they heard the "Uncle Frederick has )ust told because I love him." Nothing could cently completed on the Bryan Borrne, Frederùksburg, U ul me,” she said, "that Jane is to be I land Is to be utilized by the 4-H *•* aotej sound of Baldy’s car. He burst in be plainer than that Baldy might Ranch, near Benavides, at 9:30 San Saba, Guiddthwalte, Conuut “ '«Utdtti* at the front door, as if he battered my aunt Isn't it joyful?" protest But the words were there. a. m., and at 4 p. m., that same Club members as a school dem- "I’m not sure." idie, Gormaii, and De Leon. Thunfc. U down, stormed through the hall. As Evans sat gazing Into the Are, day, when the ranch owner and jonstratton area for a bobwhlte "Why not?" ' the and entered the dining-room like s he aaw her at she had to often A. K. Short, regional game ¡quail demonstration pniject and Lv. South Bound, 12:49 p. m. T e m p le "Oh, Towne’s all right But not been in this old room—at a child, whirlwind. manager for the game depart­ !has been designated a wildlife Lv. North Bound, 11:20 a. m. "Jana's going to be married,” he for Jane." sprawled on the hearth-rug over lined i« 5 ment, went to look at the shelter, I sanctuary for birds and animals. Call Saylor Hotel for other in­ ÍAILEY cried, “and she's going to marry "I see. But he’s really In love some entrancing book from hit ih»re. 4 , with her, poor old duck. Talked shelves, swinging her feet on the a pair of quail had moved in and Students will assist in providing formation! 1 Hlj ' Frederick Townel” suitable habitat for several Evans half-rose from his chair. about It aU through dinner. He’s edge of a table while he bragged was making preparations to start Low Kales on Express > him, going to try awfully hard to make of his athletic prowess; leaning over species of wildlife and will also li'BLaHWii ca Everything turned black and he sat nesting. down. There was a loud roaring in her happy.” war-mapa, while be pointed out the plant crops suitable for provid­ ) lUIVICB "Then you approve?" fleldt of flghting; curled up In a a lift his ears. It was like taking ether— The most prolific pair of doves ing feed. The practical knowl­ He heard her gay laugh over the comer on the couch while he read Waiw,f with the darkness and the roaring. reported to the game department edge derived by the 4-H Club When things cleared he found that wire. "It will be nice—to have you to her—“Oh. silver shrine, here members Is expiected to result in »1 3:»U 1 - Bslity b-om will I take my rest ..." this year are nesting In Dimmit ProlestionaTl^arcl« ] Iklin Judy's Ulnesi Is neither his mother nor Baldy had no­ —In the family. I’U be your niece- increased conservation and game l«r stK^j rtmsih 1» Chicsso. in-law.” He eould stand his thoughts no County near Catarina, it Is re­ ui-a-d hate no money, ticed his agitation. His mother was throughout Dimmit County. 90Ul I ¿ ■ i , worried. Towns asking quick questions. "Who told “You'll be nothing of the kind." lunger. Without hat or heavy coat, ported by State Game Warden ■ ie ue Jane, who nai he stepped through one of the long ANDERSON Jk OOXIAM r hone. "; Judy's husband that youT Does Edith know?” “You can’t help being — Uncle Herbert Ward. The pair Is now Y'l Ilfs can be saved Baldy, Isn’t that—delicious? And windows and into the night A crippled doe on the Gibbons Lawyers, Land Agents I ibe !ei M« I lut --- Baldy threw himself in a chair. raising Its fifth pair of young. S^msrrlase to Town^ now, will you come in tonight and As he walked on in the darkness, Ranch In San Saba County re­ And Abatraetevs )ld f specialist She asrees "Mr. Towns got back from Chicago Several times the female has laid this afternoon. Called me up and sit by my fire? Uncle Frederick is he had no knowledge of his destina­ cently gave birth to her sixth WUi Practice In all Courts r »11 tion. He swept on and on, pursued eggs the same day she shoved her said he wanted me to come over at out.” set of twin fawns. John Wood, ER .xn by dreadful thoughts. young out of the nest. Spadai atiaatlon given to “ «9 once to his office. 1 went, and he "I’ve sat too often by your fire." .v'tate game warden cf Brown- land and conunarclal Utlga- n old ; gave me a letter from Jane. Said "Too often for your own peace of On and on through the blackness. Lvs sftcr Jane rrom- wood. reports According to Mr. gatlon. Notary Public in he thought It was better for him to mind? I know that. And I’m glad . . . No moon . . . a wet wind blow­ A ten inch bass and a three TTier. f,-cderick Towtie ihat ing . . . on and on . . . John Gibbons, owner of the office. Office In Courthouae. J Valentine f'ir her. bring it, and then be could explain." of It." Again he heard a ripple of Inch perch may be alive In Texas He threw the note across the ta­ laughter. He came to a bridge which crossed ranch, the doe was shot when Geldthwaitc, Texas re kj«mJ kr» full of valentlnes Panhandle streams because Tad ble to Mrs. Follette. "Will you •’It isn’t a thing to laugh at.” a culvert No water flowed under very young and her right hind 1 of paper lace—ihe Haughton, a ranch owner on the nodani read it? I’m all in. Drove like the She hesitated, then said in a dif­ it But down the road which led leg has been useless ever since. e«ed things that had plains, prevented the pair from dickens coming out. Towns wanted ferent tone, "I am not laughing. But through the Glen was another Ifaihion. Tbey had She ranges the same locality me to go home with him to dinner. I want you by my Are tonight." bridge, and beneath it a deep, still I dying and at the same time kept them and hearts every year. r . P. BOWMAN Fon Wanted to begin the brother-in-law pool. the bass from making a meal of wr.as, and fat pink It was late when Evans went up­ Lawyer and Abvtraetar business right awsy before I got With the thought of that deep and the perch. Mr. Haughton, while stairs. He had spent the evening LAND LOANS—INSURANCE my breath. But I left. Ota, the with his mother, discussing with her quiet pool came momentary relief fishing, saw a bass floating Cob Carpenter, state game I It hard to choose, from the horrors which had hounded Represent the Federal Land j them, smiling. And darned peacocki” Jane would have some matters where his legal knowl­ stomach up on a stream, but warden of Eagle Pass, has start­ knoem Baldy’s mood. The tempest- edge helped. They did not speak of him. It would be easy. A second’s Bank at Houston, Loaning IriS smile as «he read struggle. Then everything over. paid little attention, believing ed a contest in wildlife study grsy eyes, the chalk-white face. Jane. Ihelr avoidance of the sub­ on land at 5'r Interest I Terse of the one be Peace. No fears. No dread of the the bass dead. However, he saw for boys In that section which "But don't you like it Baldy?" ject showed their preoccupation with future . . . is attracting considerable atten­ Office in Courthansa "Like It? Oh. read that note. Does It But neither dared approach it the same bass an hour later and It teemed a long time after, that tion. Winners of the three prizes Goidthwaitc, T< my dear, It sound like Jana? I ask you. does On the bedside table in Evans’ It was attempting to swim. In ­ It sound like Jane?" leaning against the buttress of tbe vestigating more closely, Mr. in the contest will be the boys Itj blue— room lay the valentine he had bridge, he heard, with increasing It did not sound in the least like Houghton found that the bass, who can identify the largest my dear, bought for Jane. There it was. with clearness, the sound of boys' voices krs you." Jane. Not the Jane that Evans and Its cupids and bleeding hearts—its in attempting to swallow the number of birds and animals, Baldy knew. In the dark. forget-me-nots—and golden darts. He drew back among the thadowi. perch, had got It caught cross­ who can name the be.st food for I up F Street to his i. C. DARROCB "Baldy, dear. Mr. Town« will tell It was Sandy and Arthur. Not three wise In his mouth. The sports­ the various species of wildlife in i was light. It was Arthur Lane and Sandy talked it you all about it I am going to mar­ feet away from him—passing. man extracted the smaller fl.sh, that .section of the state, who ATTORNEY -AT-LAW ' days that hint of over. "I wonder what has hap­ jfathingtonians know ry him as soon as Judy is better. "Well, of course, Mr. Follette Is released both and each swam knew the game laws of Texas and Third Floor First National pened. He looks dreadful.” just a man,” Sandy was saying. her does not last— I know you will be surprised, but away. who know the relative values of Bank Building must blow, and Mr. Town« Is Just wonderful, and it The two boys were on their way to "Maybe he it." Arthur spoke all game. Brownwood, Texaa ^r;e. But they grasp .will be such a good thing tor all of • Castle Manor. They wanted books. earnestly, "but I don’t know. r.ent—masquerade I us. Mr. Town« will tell you how Evans’ library was a treasure-house There’s something about him—’’ Fish dynamiters in Terrell, O ffice phone 384 ns—buy flowers from dreadfully 111 Judy la. He wants to for youthful readers. It had all the He paused. Crcckett and Pecos Counties Half of a clutch of twenty Residence phone 1848X street comer*— do everything tor her, and that will old adventuring tales. And Evans "Go on,” Sandy urged. have every reason to be more quail egg.s which was tumbled had read everything. He would sim­ r favorite confeetton- be such a help to Bob. "Well, something"—Arthur was cautious than usual. The sports­ out of a nest on the Elm Creek r ply walk up to a shelf, lay bis hand ': drinks, the worn- "And so we will live happy ever struggling to express himself, on a book, and say, "Here’s one men of those three counties have Watershed project of the U. 8 Uir.er's and come after. Oh, you blessed boy, you "splendid. It shines like a light—" you’ll like." And he was nevek banded together to cooperate Soil Conservation .service eigh­ Mws. a. a. oTAa w. A.BAVi.ae 9 spring beauty—the know how I love you. Send a wire, Their brisk footsteps left the wrong. with the game department In teen miles from Temple were DYAS A BAYLBT I the links—and look and say that It is all right Tell bridge, and were dulled by the dirt But of late, Evans Follette had preventing dynamiting of fish » Evans and Mrs. Follette. They arc road beyond. Sandy's response was saved recently and in the pro­ INSURANCE met them with an cBort. "Look for ame. Not many, but my dearest friends and will always inaudible. A last murmur, and then and have raised a considerable cess one of the men employed on axpsastMTiNa tms yourselves,” he bad said, when they t the way to success, be." silence. fund to be paid to the person or the project got the surprise of INSURANCE COMPANY asked for books, and had sat star­ ers of the old books. She signed hcrselfi Evana was swept by a wave of persons responsible for the arrest his life. L. 8. Summers, engineer OF NORTH AMERICA ing unto the fire. And he had not emotion; his heart, warm and alive, farm was becom- "Loving you more than ever, urged them to stay. His manner and conviction of persons dy­ on the project, noticed the W. A. Bayley kle fad. "Jan e." began to beat in tlw* place where had been kind but inattentive. They namiting in the streams and clutch of eggs when the nest was AUTHORMSD RKCORDIMa Ai i had helped to bring there had been fmzas emptinesi. Mrs. Follette looked up from the were puzzled and a little hurt. "I "Something splendid—that shines lakes of those three counties. destroyed by a terrace machine. wares before her feel aorta queer when he acts that hours of the day letter, took off her reeding glasses, like a lighti” A Miller, who lives on a farm and said complacently. “I think it is way,” Sandy was saying, "as if he Years afterward he spoke of this There are more snowy egrets nearby and who works on th,- I Edith with them. “It didn’t take any interest. I don’t ii'le place," she told I very nice for her." The dear lady moment to Jane. "I can’t describe and blue herons in Texas than it project, gathered up all the egg.s. quite balked In Ihe thought of her even know whether he wants us any it. It was a mirae'e—their coming. DR. r. C. GRAVES -r — motherl Isn’t more,” had been thought. State Game He put them in a lunch box and Iherself’ Selling milk intimate friendship with the fiance« As much of a miracle ai that Ught DENTIST Arthur refused to believe his hero Warden E. T. Dawson, of Hous­ cn the way heme that evening ^•'ss air of hers. I of Frederick Towne. which shone on Paul as he rode to X-R.\Y But the two men did not bask. inhospitable. "It's just that he’s gut Damascus. The change within me ton, recently discovered a new 'h e heard chirping In the box. things on his mind.” was absolute. I was born again. bird rookery about 35 miles north j Investigating he found two of Office over Plggly Wlggty : 1 to have dinner "Nice, for Jane?” they threw the They reached the house and rang All the old fears sipped from me 'the eggs had hatched and .six of Hours: 9-12; 3-9 |2ht Evans took an lentencei at her. of Houston near New Caney. the bell. Old Mary let them in. K.berwr-od. When he “Oh, can’t you tee why the has like a garment. 1 was saved, Jane, There were more than 2 0 snowy ¡them had pipped. Upion arriving Phone 261 Office, 237R Ras. "He’s in the library,” she said, |F1 th and his mother done it?" Baldy demanded. He by those boys’ voices In the dark." grets In the rookery. More than ¡home he put the entire clutch and they went towards it. The door The next day was Sunday. Evans Gold-hvaltc, Texas rch and the Towne caught up the note, pointing an ac­ 'under a setting hen. The six eggs was open and they entered. But called up Sandy and Arthur and in­ 100 blue herons were found In a ^5 the gate. cusing Anger at he read certain which had pipped In the lunch phrases. "It will be such a good the room was empty . . . vited them to supper. “Old Mary previously unknown rookery |go back." Edith ex- thing tor all of us . . . he wants to aald you were here last night, and about five miles from the egret I box and two more hatched, mak­ p Fred came in from do everything for her . . it will be That morning Baldy had had a let­ didn’t And me. I’ve a book or two rookery. ing a total of ten quail saved. F'ir or two ago and such a help to Bob . . ." ter from Jane and had handed it to for you. Can you come and get At the last account, the birds It he must see me." DRY CLEANING "Doesn’t that show,” Baldy de­ Evans. It was the Brst long letter them? And stay to supper. Miss were all doUg nicely. Tbe broken-hearted," since her engagement to Towne. Towne will be here and her uncle." Distribution of the nearly Pressi ng and Repalrbsg a. smiling. manded furiously, “she's doing it be­ ichc Baldy had written to his sister, flam- The boys could not know that they 4.000.000 fish produced by the of all gannenU for cause Judy and Bob arc hard up Having determined to their let him up. I tried, and Towne can help—I know Jane." ingly, demanding to know if she were asked as a shield and buckler game department’s ten hatch­ Men. Women and Children. J>e had left the office, satisfaction that the armadillo "I don’t tee why you should ob­ were really happy. And she had in the battle which Evens was fight­ eries Is under way at this time, We have the experteeoe (bring him out with aald: ing. It seemed to him that ba could but only the public waters of does very little damage to quail ject," Mrs. Follette was saying; "it and machinery to do tba p Mrs. Follette. "I’ll ,wlU be a fine thing tor her. She not meet Frederick Towne. Yet It the 'tate are being stocked new. nests and eats practically no pn. dear lady. And "I ihall be when Judy Is better. work rig h t win be Mrs. Frederick Towne!” had been, of course, tbe logical thing Three kinds of bass, northern eggs, if any, experts of the game i when you are tired That if all I can think of just now. to ask him. Edith had invited her­ "I’d rather have her Jane Barnet department have been concen­ Her life is hanging in the balance. self, and Towne had, of course, imall-mouthed. spotted or Ken­ C. M. BURCM f to the car with her. for the rest of her life. Do you We can never be thankful enough tucky and the more common trating upon a study of the food know Towne't reputation? Any much to tell about Jane. I to find his mother in that we got the specialist when we Evans, therefore, with an outward large-mouthed bass, are being habits of the roadrunner. that woman can flatter him into a love did. He had found the trouble. The eBect of tranquillity, played the long-tailed bird so familiar to "Now If you eould •Bair. A fat Lothario." Baldy did planted In the streams and lakes. p e Edith Towne.” question now Is whether she will host After supper, however, be west and south Texas. Stories not mince the words. have the strength for another opera­ Later on calico bass, four types Stomach Comfort |e laughed lightly. ' "But he hasn't married any of took the boys with him to the li­ of bream, red-eared, long-eared, have long made the rounds that I you blind? She and tion. When she gets through with them," laid Mrs. Follette trium­ brary. native and blueglU; crapple, the roadrunner was a destroyer Why suffer with Indigestion, I about each other." that! Weil, then I’U talk to you, phantly. She held to the ancient darling. I hardly know how I feet On the table lay a gray volume. of quail and their eggs. Examina­ Gas. Gall Bladder Pains or High he Isn’t serioua. A goggle-eye. green perch, reck nnd honorable theory that the The days are lo whlrUng. Mr. He opened it and showed the Cruik- bass and channel catfish will be tion of the contents of stomachs Blood Pres-sure? Restore your woman a man marriet need not wor­ thank iUustretionz. fll say she Is." Evani Towne has been more than gener­ distributed, making a total of 13 of many roadrunners show that Potassium balance with Alkalo- ry about past love aflairs since she ous. If the little I can give him "I’ve been reading this. It's great there was no evidence of quail slne-A and these trouble will dis­ ibp the stairs to dresa had been paid the compliment of at stuB." species produced by the depart­ will repay him, then I must give it, or their eggs being eaten. On the appear One month’s treatment .least legal permanency. dearest. And it won’t be hard. He "Oh, Pilgrim's Progress,” said ment’s hatcheries this year. The Evans' kps were dry. "What did Is so very good to me." Sandy; "do you like it?" total of 4,000,000 Is an lncrea.se other hand, it has been definitely sold on money-back guarantee you say to Towne?” "Yes.” Evans leaned above the of 10 per cent over the 1938 pro­ proved th at 85.6 per cent of all by "Oh, what could I tay? That I And now this letter had come aft­ book where it lay open under the duction. foods of the roadrunners Is in­ HUDSON BROS., DniggisU was furprised, and ail that Some­ er Towne’s second visit: light and started to read to them. sects. Reptiles, most of which thing about hoping they’d be happy. u . "Baldy, dear, I am very happy. An experiment in breeding were lizard.s. totaled 6 per cent. Then I beat it and got her# aa fait And 1 want you to set your mind at That night Evans found out for the first time something about his moth­ tame and wild ducks by E. E. Vegetable matter composed two at I could. I had to talk it over rest I am not marrying Mr. Towne jjfírffWnUCiaY HEAXSUNBURN with you people or—burst” His eyes er. "You look tired, dearest" he Rainey, ranchman near Dimmit per cent and birds made up 6.4 for what he has done for us all, but had said, when their guests were per cent, they including cactus , ««»SKIN IRRITATIONS met Evans' and found there the because I love him. Please believe In Castro County is producing gone, and he and she had come Into sympathy he sought "It's a rotten It You can’t understand what he some unusual results. Mr. Rainey wren sparrow and meadowlark. ■trick.” the great hall together. That the roadrunner deserves . \ r has been to me in these dark days. “I am tired." She aat down on crossed a wild gander with two "Y es," said Evana, "rotten," I have learned to know how kind be protection for Its aid In destroy­ ______“I think," laid Mra. Follette, an old horsehair sofa. " I can’t stand tame goose. The offspring have PRICKLY HEAT POWDER is—and bow strong. I haven't a much excitement It makes ma feel not had their wings clipF>ed but ing Insects has been ascertain­ _ AT TOwi OA»o *TPA, “that you mutt both see it Is best." care in the world when he is here, Yet her voice was troubled. Through like an old lady." none have attempted to leave ed. TTie greatest good these birds and everything ii to—marvelloua. "You’ll never grow old." He felt do lies In the number of gra.ts- her complacency had penetrated the You should see my ring—a great the place of their birth. '•r” a deep tendemesa for ber In this hoppers they eat. Sixty-two per thought of what Jane’s engagemewt tapphire, Baldy, in a square of dia- might mean to Evans. Y et it might moment of confessed weakness. She cent of the entire stomach con­ LIHELL'S LIQUID monds. He if crazy to buy thlnga By alloting the 4-H Club of oo the other hand, be a btesiing in had always been so strong. Had re­ tents consisted of grasshoppers. A Calcium Sulphurate Sointioif for me, but I won’t let him. I will Catarina High School and the disguise. There were other wom­ take things for Judy but not for fused to lean. She had. In tact tak­ Other insects Included caterpil­ for relieving the discomforts oC en, richer—who would help him In Texas Game Fish and Oyster itching that frequently accom- myself. You can see that of course. en from him hla son*« prerogative lars, centipedes, acoriMons, ta r­ his career. And in time be would of protectiveness. Commission the use for a period Mniea Minor Skin Irritationa, I just go everywhere with him in antulas. beetles, cicadas and forget Jane. "You’d better see Hallam,” Evans of two years of several hundred Prickly Heat, and tha Bitca of my cheap little frocks, to the thea­ several other noxious and poi­ Non-Poisonoua Inaectt. Locally i Old Mary gave them their coSce. ters and to all the great restaurants, aald. acres of land the CaUrina Farms "Shall we walk for a b it Baldy?” "I’ve seen him." sonous Insects. helps to allay the itching of Ec and we have the most delectable Company of Dimmit County, sema. Price SOc per bottle« Evans taid, when at last they rose. "What did he sayT” things to eat It Is really great Texas, has provided students the HUDSON BROS,, Diwggtsts The two men made their way to­ fun." "My heart—” wards tbe pine grove. The twilight He looked at her In alarm. "Moth- ■ky was a deep purple with a thin Sine« he had heard the newt of arl Why didn’t you tell me?” She clung to him. "What would 1 *JhéVíiúdÁ/Pi¡t¡óedL “My Skin Wa* Full ol Bickla of a moon and a breathless Jane’i approaching marriage, Ev­ "What was the use? There’s noth­ do without you, my dear?” atar. ans bad lived in a dream. The peo­ ing to be worried about Only he He helped her up the «talra. And BUSINESS Pimples & Blemishes” And thera In the little grove under fays I must not push myself." ple about him had lecmad shadow- as she climbed slowly, his arm says Verna 8.: “Since using Ad- aldy the purple sky Evans said to Baldy, *1 am worried. Let me look aft­ mad abeul itbapai. He had walked and talked about her, he thought of that dark lerika the pimples »re gone. My "I love her.” with them, remembering nothing er the men In the morning early. moment by the bridge. skin is smooth and ^ows wBh "I know. I wish to God you had afterward but his great arearineaa. That will giva you an extra nap." If thoee young voices had not “ ^ flown prasantly." her." He had eaten hit meals at stated "Oh, I won’t do It Evana, You coma to Um in the night, this loving health." Adlertka help« wash ', UU; we woa’t "Baldy." Evana said, “1 don’t timet, and bad not known what he have your work." soul might hava been itrlckm and BOTH bowels, and relieves tem - hia mother called agree with you that It was—the moo- wet eating. He bad gone to hii of- "It won't hurt me. And I am ^ mada desolats; left alooa in bar porery constipation that often ay. That may bava helped In her fke, aod behind closed doors had ing to bosa you around a b it" lu time of greatest need. aggravates bad complexion. St Castle Menor dcclalon. But I think she cares—" stooped and kissed her. “You are •at at hit desk, itaring. (Continued Next IVeek) HUDSON BROSm Diaggleta ‘STor Town«—nonsense." Afid now this letter! "Yo^ tea loo prteloua to loss, Ifp m ila-" __ 'J

. i W. ■ •‘4 '• - *WijLiÍ7ri

"Qualltjr, not quantity: who EXPERIENCED ever heard of a centipede In The lady of the house suspect­ ZleKfleld's rollles?" ed th at one of her two sons was paying attention to the maid. HOW TO PREVENT Anxious to find out which one. she said to the girl: “Norah, supposing you had the EARLY MOLTING — The— opportunity of going to the mo­ Hens that molt in Hot Weather are not as profitable vies with one of my sons, which as those that moll after cool weather sets in. The idea of Melba Theatre one would you prefer?" stopping mash feeding in order to throw hens into a molt ■Well," replied Norah, " I t ’s this early Is a had one and will coat the poultryman more FRI.-SAT.-MATINEE hard to say, for I ve had grand in the long run than the feed bill through the hot weather. "KING OF t'HINATtlWN" tune with the both of them, but Hens that molt now never get back Into lay again until Anna May Wong for a real rollicking spree, give cool weather anyhow, as they are weakened by the heat and me the master!" the molt—they do well to live through It. Many of the best hens never get over it in a way to be profitable. SA1TRDAY NIGHT So don’t make the mistake of purposely throwing your “IN EARLY AKI/ONA” hens into a molt daring hot weather. Keep your hens on Summer D resi BiU Elliott * PRINTING » MID-TEX EGG .MASH right on and they will lay enough all summer to more than feed themselvw>. and when cool to O rder at Our weather romrs they will be already tuned up to go on pay­ SAT. NIGHT PREVCE ing profit. Sl'N.-MON. PRINT S H O P .MID-TEX is best for them, as it contains NO cotton­ A re To Go! “RETCRN OF CISCO KID" seed meal or peanut meal, and therefore will not Increase Warner Baxter body heat during hot weather. Use .MID-TF.X this summrr and prevent the e«rl.y molt. WANTED Bring us your POULTRY. EGGS, and CRF..AM. We ap- Tl'ESDAY-WEDNESDAY preriate your patronage. Regardless oi Cost! "STOR.M OVER BENGAL" IM B«y% or Girls Rochelle Hudson-Patrk to earn free pass to see Knowles Use Your Calendar Pa.« Bill Elliott j GERALD-WORLEY CO. —In— “IN EARLY ARIZON.A" I PHONE RS Goldthwaiir, Texas Silks^ Laces & Sheer Dk THCRSDAY Apply at Melba Theatre LADY FROM KENTrCKV George Raft-Ellen Drew SATURDAY. Al’G. It l^t $2.98 to $3.95 Dresses Other Lot of 1 PATRONIZE EAGLE ADVERTISERS S1.00 S 3 .9 5

SHEER WASH FRO l^t $2.98 to $5.95 Dresses On Sale at S1.45 6 9 c to $1.91 Other Lots up to $7.95 in­ cluding $5.95, $6.95 $7.95 Hct Weather Means Lighter Meals. For Lace Dresses . . . i f S2.95 (1 your selection be sure to visit our store. A large variety of Cooling Foods and THEY ARE GOING FAST DOKT NI Cocked Meats to help with your meals i 1 Itr iiigiiiiiiiiiieaiiiiiiiiiiigiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiwiiiiiiiiiiwiiiiiiiii^iiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiim^^ Id I


.rPtCClY WIGGLY Ili rain Friday i Id: CLASSIHED AD8 By Mrs. Y Goo. ‘ D. " rBrooks . ed about py didn't extend sql ]b f'LASSIPnCD AD RATES Miss Orenettn Bell returned Mr sod Ml It U) One and one half cents per home Thursday from a two week ents fn » Uni uc word for first insertion. One nait to De Leon and Stamford. LARGE .SIZE ^ No. 1 Quality cent per word each subsequent week with tin Barbara Bell of De Leon return­ insertion. With 2Sc minimum. Mlu BeukI O XYD O L 7c LAVA .SOAP F R E E .. ____* 24c S A LT PORK Fresh Stork, pound ed home for a vtait with her. Notices of church entertain­ her home 5a’: Ur and Mrs Garland Bell of No. Z Cana, Sliced CHOICE MEAT ments where a churge of admis­ sure the vUlii sion ia made, obituaries, cards of De Leon spent the sreek end with rommonity. PINEAPPLE 2 Extra Value 29c LOIN STEAK h o m e ' k i u .e d . lb...... thunka. reaoluUona of ruspect, Mr and Mrs. O B Bell B ar­ Mr and Uni bara returned home urlth them HO.ME MADE SORGHUM PURE PORK and an m atter not news, yrlll be Mr and U n. Sunday. urday mgU. GaJI'm ______charged for at the regular rates. SYRUP 58c PORK SAUSAGE HOME .'MADE, lb. Our revival starta August 13. hay* moved b ‘ Everyone, regardleas of denomi­ ford place. aiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiinBiiiiBiiiiiiiiiiaiiiniiiiimiiiiiiiiawiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiimniiiniMMmiim^^ MiscelTanecus nation is cordially Invited to at­ Vera Use M l tend. Oood used cars to trade for nil day party WQA tirii PLYMOUTH COFFEE Cello Roll Cookies kinds of livestock. You can see We were In the edge of the a few of her Mil r u ! them at Fox Service Station, cn 1 pound ______15c 2 regular 10c pkgs.___15c east side of square.—Key John­ I son. c 3 pound bag ______43c Assorted Flavors m Ground When You Buy It! Fresh Stock LOST—A white pig, about 7 rhi weeks old in south Oold- BRIM CROC! iiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiisnitiiiiiHraiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiniiiiiiiiHiraiiHuiHieNHiHiuiiiiBinflniiigiiiiiiiiiiig^ thwalte If found, notify J. R. HUl 8-11-ltp PRESH PEAS to Msell and m p . 3 Ibu f«r Ihix l e t t u c e , nice and firm, head ----- Whole, Sour FOR RENT—The building re­ ! U SPUDS, good siac and extra nice. II !to Cloth Bag cently occupied by D. Hart­ • tl PICKLES or Dill. qt. 10c HUSKIES 2 pkgs. FRESH BEANS, CAUUFLOWER. MUSTUH 15c man. Call at Urbach’s Store. < LABBKR CIRI^ GREENS, SQUASH, RUTA BAC.AS, t'41 8-11-Itp BAKING SUGAR 6 boxea GREEN PEPPER, RADISHES. CELEET â a 25 Pounds BANANAS, Central America and nice, 2 4 b POWDER 32 OI can 23c MATCHES reg. aixc 15c For Sale VANILLA WAFERS, pMked 1-lb. in $ Good LEMONS, fan o JaMc, doien 1 .1 9 FOR S A I£ —50 registered billy COCOA, Urge, 2 lb. s is e ______Marshmallows lb. 12c bas MUSTARD Quality, Qt 10c goats, coming 2 and 3-year-olds. JELLO, any flavor ______See Rahl St Woody. Ooldthwalte. al iiii^iiiiiiitiiHBiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiHiiiiiigiiiiiiiiiiraiiiiiiiiiiraiiiiiimiiiiiHiiiiiinHiiHnigiHiiiiiiiiiguiiiiiiiiii^Hiiiiiiiira 8-4-4tp lSh(

FOR SALE—12- C-type Delaine • gUnt b a n ...... lie I < Oiast Bu»; veri ewes and 21 DeUlne bucks. DREFT I PALM pr c Fred Wlttenburg. Scallom. Large P k g . ______22c I 8 ban In Co Corn FlaKes Cfi 8 -ll-3 tp FOR SALE or trade, good saddle CANS, No. 2 sise (unbroken c a s e ) ------KELLOGG’S - Regular Package or work horse. .WIU trade for .MILK, Sowet or bnttcrmilk, everyday fw good white face bull. See Mrs. (No Depooit on BottW* Atnlp at M8(J Stock Farm, Rii(iniiiiiHiiiaiHuniuiaiiiiiiiiiiraiiiHiiiiisHiHHiHii9i^Huiiraniiiiiiii:iguiHiiiH@iHHiiHii$iuitiitiii^ SYRUP, new erop, home-made sorghaw. I*t the R F. D No. 2. 8 -ll-5 tp CATSUP, 14 ea. bottle ______)o BAKING POWDER, Dairy Maid (berry bow '•"I G R APES * 15c| LEMOHS “ _ 15c 100-ACRE BLACK LAND FARM. W 80 In cultivation, clear of FLOUR, Maréchal Neil, 48lb« Johnson grass. Has house, bum, CHIU BEANS, Mexican etyU. 2 UU caas BANANAS 't r . ______9c | ORANGES ~ 1 _ 12c well, and windmill; on mall TOMATOES, Ne. I else, 2 for ------C and bus routes. Also good 3- SUGAR, M lb. cloth b ag ______luranHiiimramaBaMmnuHiiHMnBii ilirriiiiiiiiilirTiiiiiiiiiiiriaMin— i iii year-old horse and 2-year-old f fui mare. See A. O. Dunlap, Prtddy. 1 8-ll-3tp MARKET SPECIA^ loi sti I C E WATER FOR SALE—House and two acres DRESSED FR Y ER S—H ieoe as year ord« I Vît of land, good well, windmill, PICNIC HAMS, ceoked ready to serve. Ito running water, young orchard, OUCO, All Sweet (Aereplane Free) lb. F Lots ol Room - - Plenty of Bars;ains| fenced with five ft. Elwood l o in STEAK, ebelce meat, every **I. ei 100 yds south of Highway 84. FAMILY 8TTLB 8TKAK, 2 Ibe ------' hê Also building lot of one and BARBECUK, yM wU ceme hack fer sMik th It Pays To Trade A t Pi^igly Wiggly three-fourths acres, well, bam, We have in ear Market tble week sei M smoke house, fenced, at star. Seales aiUves, U Chks. R. Hunter, Star. Q IN O nnO D A lXT OWNED h «M*** S-U -2tp

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