Bulloch Herald
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Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 8-10-1939 Bulloch Herald Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news- issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Herald" (1939). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 4161. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/4161 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 8,1989. THE BULLOCH HERALD Thursday, August "The First Complete News In The County" ' - cosmetics. stand Carol Jean was a little dub nice Arundel has a scholarship at I The guest list Inc ded: Mrs. C, ious about Winning as all the girl Shorter and we understand that GEORGIA THEATRE, P. OUlff, Mrs. E. C. Mrs. cohtestllnts were In fancy COl' Ollver, Martha PROGRAM tumes, She confided to Wilma Simmons Intends SO�IETY Gordon Mays, Mrs. Inman Mama Eu. """!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;"",!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!� Foy. to going Shorter alSo . , nIce, "Mother, nerybody here Is Mrs. Bruce Olliff, Mrs. R P. FrIday, t pretty but me",'When asked what AlIiU' Albert Deal thinks lie wa. ex. Wilson last week Brunswick and St. Sim ns. FOXhall, Mrs. Edwin Mrs. she Robert Montgomery and Louise spent Grover, wanted to do with her $j20 with her aunt, Mrs. Mrs. Homer Simmons, Jr., and tremely unfortunate Sunday.. In In Savannah Waldo Floyd, Mrs. Barney' Ave. cash prize: she answered pronto, Olliff. little daughter, Eva Jule, left Mrs. addition to a tire :tenry ritt, Frank Grimes, Mrs. "Put It In the having blow out "=i�ua;:,�i,, Official bilnk on a pony." . Statesboro Monday for a visit to her on his Ed Mikell spent a few days last night Harry Smith, Mrs. Everett Bar- w'ay to the Lee reunion, he Market And then Jack Averitt the mother in Bartow. ron, Mrs. W. rings asserts a '" eek in Daytona, Fla. A. Bowen, Mrs. sympathizing motorist Satllrda" A.....' IS bell Newspaper agaln-aa ink. who Mrs. Homer Siinmons. Sr.. re George Groover, and Mrs. hard.worklng oftered assistance mistook Harold Lee, Jr., returned to his Roger '. -DpUBLE FEATURE i Edl 0 • him for rel- turned Sunday from a visit to Holland. slmg ng tor f the HI 0wI and Dave'rurner. The Colonel ;-,ome in Dayton after visiting George Sanders-Wendy Barrie in Tybee. of the 1939 he remarked, "I'd rather have a tlat 0. :ives here. Editor, Criterion, "THE SAINTS STRIKE tire than BAOK" Mrs. Reppard DeLoach and son, walked be mistaken for Dave Winton Wiison who is attending in shades ot glory-and -AND- Dennis, are vlsiti� hcr parents, Turner." He maintained that the now comes a Fred Scott In school in Jacksonville, Fla.. spent All's Fair scholarship to the Mr. and Mrs. at onIy point ot was Poole, Cumming, similarity Ills "KNIOHT OF last week with' his parents, Mr. H�nry W. Grady School of Journ· THE PLAINS" '. Ga._ .,..' ",. , dignified moustache .. Marjorie and Mrs. Hudson Wilson. Our orchids this 'Week have to Mrs. A. L. Clifton and Mrs. B. ahsm at the University ot Georgia Murray (Mrs. J .s.i played In luck Mrs. Jack Johnston' of Millen be divided, but first we L. Smith have returned from At- present given through a contest conducted at' the New York World's Fair. Monda,·Tuelday, A.....t '.8 1.1 her mother, Mrs. S. C. one to Carol Jean Carter for reo visiting where by the Pre88 At the Bell BOB THE lanta attended the Georgia Scholastic Telephone Exhibit BURNS In >I the), --%'- ,BULLOCH \ Groover, on her home flecting glory town Association. Good won a call to "I'M H/ERA.LD":· Baptists' World Alliance. luck to you, Marjorie any place FROM MISSOURI" iDEDICATED TO THE OF Mrs, Hudson Wilson, Dorothy by dancing off with the first I PJ!,OGRESS STAl'ESBOROufND MI', David Dunn, formerly of. prize Jack, When you get up there and in the United States. Naturally BULLOCH COUNTY Sara at ",VOLUME3 and Winton Wilson took Miss the Tnades and Labor Templs learn all she Dublin is now making his horne the tricks of the trade, thought of Statesboro and STATESBORO, GEORGIA, AUGUS't 1939. Lee Wilson to Louisville Friday Amatour Show given at the Munl- Wednelday, AlJIUSt 8 \ THURSDAY, 10, NUIIIIBB '21. in Statesboro. He is associated remember poor blunderIng Jane her daughters, Anne and Jacque. i where she accepted a position with cipnl auditorium I n Savannah. Sally Ellers In with his father, Mr. Hyman Dunn who weekly abuses all the tech. line, and with about flve hundred the Farm Security Administration. Carol Jean gave an ''TIIIiY MADE lID A BuDoch'. J�hn H. Brannen Impersonation there ..• SPY" €IlOlell of the Dunn's Department store, nique Is Miriam Lanier, Ilstenlng In, she had perhaps the . Muter. Farmer. of a Rufus Wilson is spending this country girl followed a � recently opened here, by Alien's and Camilla's girl, gets a most thrilling telephone eonversa- week in Daytona with his uncle, song and dance based 0 n The tlons in her . Mr. Alex Winsor of Augusta was scholarship to Shorter College life. Thur.day, Auru.t 10 Dr. Harold Lec and family. Three Little Fishes. Her due the house guest of Dr, and Mrs. appear. to her, winning essay on Cit. Statesboro and alice was And as me Explosive Blonde Tobacco MI', anil Mrs. Paul Groover for I'll (That greeted with thunderous the Ga. ring oft Market John Mooney Tuesday and Wed· izenshlp given by Dept. and Mr. J. C. and her right now. r "MAISlr family Quattlebaum applause, performance of the American Miriam nesday nights of this week. Legion. Ann Southenr loft today for a trip to Johnson convulsed her audience. We Starring and under. Miss Nell Brannen and will specialize In Dramatics. Ja. Mary As ever, JANE, City. Tenn. , ,Robert Young. little Miss Betty Brannen are ====!!!!!!!!==!!!!!!!!==!!!!!!!!=!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=!!!!!!!!=!!!!!!!!� I ====!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""'=�!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""'! In were State id Dunn In Dublin Sunday. brother, Inman A. Brannen and �e�ds They were joined by Mrs. Dunn Average ot Pri�e ���D���������w��lli�I���������������������������������������������������family Americus. on a visit to Valdosta. Miss Corinne Veatch has re '. Mrs. Kermit Carr and daughter, sumed her duties here after her June, returned Wednesday from n tlnited vacation spent with her Georgia. Farmers' I. visit to her Mr. and Mrs, parents Average parents, in Milledegcville and the moun. GET MORE P, L, Jones in Waycross. I' FOR II YOUR, TOBACCO Meet tains of North To Here Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brown and Georgia. August'17-' Mrs. J. L. Mathews, Mrs. Walter 14.88 'For children, Lavinia and Hampton, Aldred, Jr., Mrs. Ram. returned Saturday from Montreat, Talmadge sey, and Mrs. C. P. Olliff were ',0" EI,..te� o. N, C.. where they had been for visitors in Savannah Monday. Sell two With weeks, (OBB AND Dr. �n� Mr. ile.rlti.. We��': and FOXHALL Mrs. L, J. To' Sr.. Mr, and Mrs. Guy Pittman and Shuman, DI, Mooney had as "their guests last week-end The The Statesboro Tobacco Mr. and Mrs. Sam Drawdy 01 Bulloch county chapter ?f Mark�t Mr. Shuman's mother and led �he state In were sister, WE ALWAYS' GET United had averale per Orangeburg, S. C., guests 'I YOU TOP PRICES FOR YOUR TOBACCO AND Georgia Farmers 832 Head price. Mrs. S, R. Shuman of RENDER COUR- F·'estlYa I fo lut of Mr. and Vidalia, and members pound paid week, accord. Sunday Mrs. Joe Wil· paid up Saturday, Fred , Mrs, K. L. Holdeman and TEOU8 AND Ing lO filure. released the state tlnmson, son, FAIR TREATMENT,TO EVERY PERSON 'a. Blitch, secretary,' announce:! The Bulloch county by SELLING' . WIm US. �rvest ot ot " Kenneth, Orlando, Fla. the doPa�tment qr1cu1ture, , Mrs, Fielding Russell was the durlnl regular weeldy meet- Home FestiVal will be held some- Mrs. G. A. Trice and dllughter, 'rhe 'our wareho_ here sold J:l!est ot Miss Malvina Trussell lng, time In of Miami and October' or November, ae- for several last Anne, Marian Trice 1,480,484 poundo first hand tor days weeli. me'mbership committee. ex- of Jacksonville left morn. cordlnl to plans made to Mr. and Mrs, E. L. Helble and Sunday sed the by repre- '220,388.70 averap',14.88. The .r confidence of having aentatives ,ins, itfter" visiting Mrs. from some 12 orlanl. .tate averap was 13.aT. 1'h'e little daughter returned from Sidney We a few of our th 1000 12. The eele- only haye give sales made this �e 'by August zationa at a Smith. betow week: us next load meetlnl next wu ' your antl FrIday n18hL' hillheat averap 14.25 at a two week's tou� ot Florida. B�ng br.tlon ot havinl achieved this Missea Fay Foy and Eloise Min. The feature of the featlval I. to Wayerou, Stateoboro alood ninth Mr. and Mrs. Ollift Boyd lett goal will be held August 17 at the cey of and Jake Sntith we will do as or be JP'Oup for __ hI thP atate In sold Ft'iday for a visit to relativ.es In Ogeechec ,ood better for you. South Teachers .inlinl two .'or pounda with ' Georgia " College. returned Monday night from a , three. houra. A auch .