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Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers

8-10-1939 Bulloch Herald

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Recommended Citation "Bulloch Herald" (1939). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 4161.

This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 8,1989. THE BULLOCH HERALD Thursday, August "The First Complete News In The County" ' - cosmetics. stand Carol Jean was a little dub­ nice Arundel has a scholarship at I The guest list Inc ded: Mrs. C, ious about Winning as all the girl Shorter and we understand that GEORGIA THEATRE, P. OUlff, Mrs. E. C. Mrs. cohtestllnts were In fancy COl' Ollver, Martha PROGRAM tumes, She confided to Wilma Simmons Intends SO�IETY Gordon Mays, Mrs. Inman Mama Eu. """!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;"",!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!� Foy. to going Shorter alSo . . , nIce, "Mother, nerybody here Is Mrs. Bruce Olliff, Mrs. R P. FrIday, t pretty but me",'When asked what AlIiU' Albert Deal thinks lie wa. ex. Wilson last week Brunswick and St. Sim ns. FOXhall, Mrs. Edwin Mrs. she Robert Montgomery and Louise spent Grover, wanted to do with her $j20 with her aunt, Mrs. Mrs. Homer Simmons, Jr., and tremely unfortunate Sunday.. In In Savannah Waldo Floyd, Mrs. Barney' Ave. cash prize: she answered pronto, Olliff. little daughter, Eva Jule, left Mrs. addition to a tire :tenry ritt, Frank Grimes, Mrs. "Put It In the having blow out "=i�ua;:,�i,, Official bilnk on a pony." . Statesboro Monday for a visit to her on his Ed Mikell spent a few days last night Harry Smith, Mrs. Everett Bar- w'ay to the Lee reunion, he Market And then Jack Averitt the mother in Bartow. ron, Mrs. W. rings asserts a '" eek in Daytona, Fla. A. Bowen, Mrs. sympathizing motorist Satllrda" A.....' IS bell Newspaper agaln-aa ink. who Mrs. Homer Siinmons. Sr.. re­ George Groover, and Mrs. hard.worklng oftered assistance mistook Harold Lee, Jr., returned to his Roger '. -DpUBLE FEATURE­ i Edl 0 • him for rel- turned Sunday from a visit to Holland. slmg ng tor f the HI 0wI and Dave'rurner. The Colonel ;-,ome in Dayton after visiting George Sanders-Wendy Barrie in Tybee. of the 1939 he remarked, "I'd rather have a tlat 0. :ives here. Editor, Criterion, "THE SAINTS STRIKE tire than BAOK" Mrs. Reppard DeLoach and son, walked be mistaken for Dave Winton Wiison who is attending in shades ot glory-and -AND- Dennis, are vlsiti� hcr parents, Turner." He maintained that the now comes a Fred Scott In school in Jacksonville, Fla.. spent All's Fair scholarship to the Mr. and Mrs. at onIy point ot was Poole, Cumming, similarity Ills "KNIOHT OF last week with' his parents, Mr. H�nry W. Grady School of Journ· THE PLAINS" '. Ga._ .,..' ",. , dignified moustache .. . Marjorie and Mrs. Hudson Wilson. Our orchids this 'Week have to Mrs. A. L. Clifton and Mrs. B. ahsm at the University ot Georgia Murray (Mrs. J .s.i played In luck Mrs. Jack Johnston' of Millen be divided, but first we L. Smith have returned from At- present given through a contest conducted at' the New York World's Fair. Monda,·Tuelday, A.....t '.8 1.1 her mother, Mrs. S. C. one to Carol Jean Carter for reo visiting where by the Pre88 At the Bell BOB THE lanta attended the Georgia Scholastic Telephone Exhibit BURNS In >I the), --%'- ,BULLOCH \ Groover, on her home flecting glory town Association. Good won a call to "I'M H/ERA.LD":· Baptists' World Alliance. luck to you, Marjorie any place FROM MISSOURI" iDEDICATED TO THE OF Mrs, Hudson Wilson, Dorothy by dancing off with the first I PJ!,OGRESS STAl'ESBOROufND MI', David Dunn, formerly of. prize Jack, When you get up there and in the United States. Naturally BULLOCH COUNTY Sara at ",VOLUME3 and Winton Wilson took Miss the Tnades and Labor Templs learn all she Dublin is now making his horne the tricks of the trade, thought of Statesboro and STATESBORO, GEORGIA, AUGUS't 1939. Lee Wilson to Louisville Friday Amatour Show given at the Munl- Wednelday, AlJIUSt 8 \ THURSDAY, 10, NUIIIIBB '21. in Statesboro. He is associated remember poor blunderIng Jane her daughters, Anne and Jacque. i where she accepted a position with cipnl auditorium I n Savannah. Sally Ellers In with his father, Mr. Hyman Dunn who weekly abuses all the tech. line, and with about flve hundred the Farm Security Administration. Carol Jean gave an ''TIIIiY MADE lID A BuDoch'. J�hn H. Brannen Impersonation there ..• SPY" €IlOlell of the Dunn's Department store, nique Is Miriam Lanier, Ilstenlng In, she had perhaps the . Muter. Farmer. of a Rufus Wilson is spending this country girl followed a � recently opened here, by Alien's and Camilla's girl, gets a most thrilling telephone eonversa- week in Daytona with his uncle, song and dance based 0 n The tlons in her . . Mr. Alex Winsor of Augusta was scholarship to Shorter College life., Auru.t 10 Dr. Harold Lec and family. Three Little Fishes. Her due the house guest of Dr, and Mrs. appear. to her, winning essay on Cit. Statesboro and alice was And as me Explosive Blonde Tobacco MI', anil Mrs. Paul Groover for I'll (That greeted with thunderous the Ga. ring oft Market John Mooney Tuesday and Wed· izenshlp given by Dept. and Mr. J. C. and her right now. r "MAISlr family Quattlebaum applause, performance of the American Miriam nesday nights of this week. Legion. Ann Southenr loft today for a trip to Johnson convulsed her audience. We Starring and under. . Miss Nell Brannen and will specialize In Dramatics. Ja. . Mary As ever, JANE, City. Tenn. , ,Robert Young. little Miss Betty Brannen are ====!!!!!!!!==!!!!!!!!==!!!!!!!!=!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=!!!!!!!!=!!!!!!!!� I ====!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""'=�!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""'! In were State id Dunn In Dublin Sunday. brother, Inman A. Brannen and �e�ds They were joined by Mrs. Dunn Average ot Pri�e ���D���������w��lli�I���������������������������������������������������family Americus. on a visit to Valdosta. Miss Corinne Veatch has re­ '. Mrs. Kermit Carr and daughter, sumed her duties here after her June, returned Wednesday from n tlnited vacation spent with her Georgia. Farmers' I. visit to her Mr. and Mrs, parents Average parents, in Milledegcville and the moun. GET MORE P, L, Jones in Waycross. I' FOR II YOUR, TOBACCO Meet tains of North To Here Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brown and Georgia. August'17-' Mrs. J. L. Mathews, Mrs. Walter 14.88 'For children, Lavinia and Hampton, Aldred, Jr., Mrs. Ram. returned Saturday from Montreat, Talmadge sey, and Mrs. C. P. Olliff were ',0" EI,..te� o. N, C.. where they had been for visitors in Savannah Monday. Sell two With weeks, (OBB AND Dr. �n� Mr. ile.rlti.. We��': and FOXHALL Mrs. L, J. To' Sr.. Mr, and Mrs. Guy Pittman and Shuman, DI, Mooney had as "their guests last week-end The The Statesboro Tobacco Mr. and Mrs. Sam Drawdy 01 Bulloch county chapter ?f Mark�t Mr. Shuman's mother and led �he state In were sister, WE ALWAYS' GET United had averale per Orangeburg, S. C., guests 'I YOU TOP PRICES FOR YOUR TOBACCO AND Georgia Farmers 832 Head price. Mrs. S, R. Shuman of RENDER COUR- F·'estlYa I fo lut of Mr. and Vidalia, and members pound paid week, accord. Sunday Mrs. Joe Wil· paid up Saturday, Fred , Mrs, K. L. Holdeman and TEOU8 AND Ing lO filure. released the state tlnmson, son, FAIR TREATMENT,TO EVERY PERSON 'a. Blitch, secretary,' announce:! The Bulloch county by SELLING' . WIm US. �rvest ot ot " Kenneth, Orlando, Fla. the doPa�tment qr1cu1ture, , Mrs, Fielding Russell was the durlnl regular weeldy meet- Home FestiVal will be held some- Mrs. G. A. Trice and dllughter, 'rhe 'our wareho_ here sold J:l!est ot Miss Malvina Trussell lng, time In of Miami and October' or November, ae- for several last Anne, Marian Trice 1,480,484 poundo first hand tor days weeli. me'mbership committee. ex- of Jacksonville left morn. cordlnl to plans made to Mr. and Mrs, E. L. Helble and Sunday sed the by repre- '220,388.70 averap',14.88. The .r confidence of having aentatives ,ins, itfter" visiting Mrs. from some 12 orlanl. .tate averap was 13.aT. 1'h'e little daughter returned from Sidney We a few of our th 1000 12. The eele- only haye give sales made this �e 'by August zationa at a Smith. betow week: us next load meetlnl next wu ' your antl FrIday n18hL' hillheat averap 14.25 at a two week's tou� ot Florida. B�ng br.tlon ot havinl achieved this Missea Fay Foy and Eloise Min. The feature of the featlval I. to Wayerou, Stateoboro alood ninth Mr. and Mrs. Ollift Boyd lett goal will be held August 17 at the cey of and Jake Sntith we will do as or be JP'Oup for __ hI thP atate In sold Ft'iday for a visit to In Ogeechec ,ood better for you. South Teachers .inlinl two .'or pounda with ' Georgia " College. returned Monday night from a , three. houra. A auch .. Tifton with lba. Gainesvllle, Fla. \ John H. Several were bu1I4Ina leadinll ",131,848 Branaen, G'·year old BuUech hu baen •• communIty meetlnp atay at JacksonVille Beach. of county farmer, Itcted u a 1� the new ochool Mrs. week'� Goorgia. Mr. and Mrs. Brannen an scheduled tor hillh �Ium ,At the end of the lint week Sidney Dodd, Jr., and littie, mown aboV1l,(top.l. left) with theit :arute�M �' the weeli: In an ef· They were to States. Brannen, Tobacco Is one of .ev.... uc! or one of the ware- son, the of Greens· accompanied W. C. HODGES 1 Important on tho Drannen and�Ii,t.r"lIere the fort to the 1000 larle tobacco the StateSboro market had aOld Sidney 3rd, cro.,. f8l'lll" (toP. rI,ht) pass membership _d.. Mast.r _ T.L.MOORE Farmer loob oyer hi. ...... •• '..:... _ .._ boro by Mi88 Priscilla Prather of ·crop with Count, Tho meat In hOUlea be IIIed to aeat ", boro, N. C., are her Agen� Byron Dyer. tl,\e ho_ I!I8rk.' 1,...... '1' 'or ...... __ ...... ""'.18. visiting par· Pouudo PrIce Amount (,Ioottom, left) come. from tho h.rd of wliich the Jackson�ilIe Beach. A. C. ANDERSON Pouad. sal1\o hogs .upplle. Brannen bank acco.t:k•t with Ita approximately IlOO members cit cnta, IIIr. and Mrs. E. A. Smith. PrIce Amount largest single .ouree of cash incom.. The comfortable Dean Paul W. These flJr111'1!8 adiled to'the _nli Miss Brannen home (bottom, r(aht) Is full), equipped Chapman ot the the Sudie Tucker of with modem conveniences. chorus and the thOU88llds at. ....:.._ Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bowen Wayncs. 120 • Th. Ma:stcr Farmer awards are made week'a � '27 , 82.40 Pound. Price Amount cooperatlvel, by The Progresolve Fum- Colleie ot ul wIII be tha ...... ••"'ve 2,7a5.618 1l1li. boro spent 140 25 or, the E...tenaion IAgric till'!! tendlnl the occasion. several last �ek In Tuesday ,nlght and $ 35.00 G.oriia Agricultural Service" Dnd the University of Georgia CoUe,. of Aa-riculture. spcnt days 208 24 49.92 honor and ape_aker for the ,aold throlllh FrIday. AUllllt 4, Wednesday with Miss Ann Eliza. 186 25 186 JlUftt, Dr. A. J. wu name

aftemoon. " attendance tor Band under . Mrs. 0, 184 27 49.68 lot, or answer any questions with· percent the month {Farm the direction of Mar. strong, W. Davis, Jr., and $ 246, 25 $ 61.00 R. M. Sillea, presldont of the (: Mrs. H. out hesltatlnl a moment:' of July. M1u Nesmith Is the member­ Ion Carpenter Is expectlnl 14 new P. ioxhall. 150 25 87.50 222 state chapter of the United Geor· In addition 24� 54.89 At the present time he has 301 ship chairman of the Nevils Va. members this year which will llive to refreshing coca � 28 187.28 408 24 gla Farmers, has announced his Mrs. 97.92 hop, 68 beet ,cattle, 10 grade dal- cation ltAladers' Club. She Is the the school and city a so.plece colas, Cone served her guests THE JONES BOYS plans to hold a state meeting of 154 22 �.88 218 hens and band a variety of sandwiches and, 22 47.96 ry cattle, 100. 28 mules all daughter of Mr. Archle Nesmith ON TEN DAY . delegates during the morning 188 20 27.20' on' hi/I farm. That, In of Statesboro and makes her home MILK OF cookies. 162 20� 88.21 Itself. proves of 1'1' and then to ; BICYCLE August adjourn that he Is livestock minded. TRIP, with her grandmother, ,Mrs. B. D. MAGNESIA, :. 49c be with the' Bulloeh chapter's cel· qt. Most all ot Brannen's and 'I' Hodges of Nevils. FOR MRS. TUPPER SAUSSY, JR. 1218 hogs John Egbert Jones, son of Mr. ebration of having achieved Its $285.49 1256 are on On $294.98 cattle' raised the farm and The Pet was MINERAL Saturday morning Mrs. A. and Mrs. H. P. Jones and Basil iDal ot 1000 m&mbers at 2 p. m. Show sponsored by since he grows a great deal of OIL, 49c J. Money and Miss Sara Mooney Jones, son of Mrs. Nan Edith at the South Georgia Teachers the Nevils Vacation Readers' qt corn, hay and other these entertained with a coca cola party crops, Jones lett here last Thursday College.

animals are useful In Cl_,_u_,b_. _ 00c SYRUP FIGS 49c at their home on North Main marketing morning on a bicycle trip to In. this feed The teed Is street honoring Mrs. Tupper Sau· supply. kept dian Springs, Ga. ELVIN ANDERSON RUBBING before all the livestock in self· ssy, Jr., ot Tamps, Fla., who is The Jones boys, equipped with Blaek Widow WINS FREE TRIP the ot feeders. ful ALCOHOL, pt..... 19c guest her parents, Dr. and camping regalia, Including TO CHICAGO D,lIring the time he has been Bltell III Mrs. A. J. Mooney. In this de· axes, tents, cooking utensils, and ;S"ldeJ.!! Boy Elvin AnderSon, 4·H c1l1b boy REFRESH Y01lR8J:LF AT OUR farming, Brannen, who is 64, has Ughtfiilly Informal way Mrs. sleeping equipment, expect to be from Register, has ooen awarded never had to buy a grain of com. Remer Turner, son or Marlon FOUNTAIN�ANDWI()IIJ:O Saussy's friends were Jls.embled gone about ten days. a tree trip to the National 4·H At one time he sold some com but Turner of Bulloch county wa9 IOE OREAM, DRINKS for an hour ot reminiscences, When they return the bicyclers club congress, Chicago, the first since he has been raising livestock brought to the hospital last Fri. There were about thirty present. will have covered around 35:) week In December. '.) as a major farm enterpriSl>, he day and treated for a black widow miles. The free trip Is donated by the Sell doesn't sell It any more. On ,spider bite, THE FOR MRS. JOHN Your' July ------�"---,,-, Cudali JOHNSTON, Tobaeeo Witb( Packing Co. through their \. 1, he still had a large supply of Young 'Turner while playing felt MISS JULIE JOHNSTON AND \ S. P. MILLs, JR. beet cattle contest. Elvin has rec· 1938 wheat on what 'he was a bite hand, Ith his 1939 ' thought wasp MISS HENRIETTA ently won two BRINGS IN him. In about fifteen college scholal'Hhips ' C1'Op untouched. Brannen alsp minutes he COLLEGE ARMSTRONG sup· to the College of Agriculture plies all the meat and flour for FIRST SUGAR CANE became very sick and was brought Mrs. J. O. Johnston, a his was What is salil to be the first throuih beet cattle and hog tenant on the His sug. to,the hospital where it was de­ hostess every farm. charming Saturday mom· ar cane in Bulloch Pl'Ojects. He Is the son of Mr. and box will handle 30 county was tel!lllined the the bite had been a coca meat'curing Mrs. PHARMACY Ing a� cola party compli' the Ivy Anilerson. at a brought Il)to Herald's ottice ma,de 'by a black widow Mrs. hogs 'time. spld�r,. menting John Johnston, Miss of, this week Mr. Brannen plants around 400 Monday by S. P. Young' Turner descritied the spid�r lACK MUBP,Jiy NAiMED Julie Johnston, and Miss Henrietta 'COBB' AND· the Crowds Go" Mills, Jr.. of the Emit as FOXRAEL acres of corn aver· community. being "black with a red cross TO· SELL HUNTINO his AND Armstrong. each year; It was made on Mr. lo.rthur How. on his back". After age yield ,'Is 20 bushels per acre. 'treatment he FISHINO LIOIlNSI!l8 '�ere Mrs. Johnston served coca Phones 41M16 colas, ard's farm. SIATESBORO Runner recovered. Mr. Jack peanuts, soyb.!ans and completely Murphy has n com· sandwicHes, cheese cooki;>s, and two stalks velvet are in the 'J'he brought In by ml88loned to sell Main Statesboro bread. Her beallll pill-nted hl!Jltlng anel 19 S. Il'inger guests of honor Mr. Mills are aoout 5 com as soil·building and grazing feet in Phenothlaxine will kill the nod· 'were presented gifts of Old Spice and' are ot length the ribbon var. ular worm, a parasite olten caus­ iety. Ing the 1088 of �;;;;:;;:;;iii�;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;� )._ ,_ sheep. "The First Complete �ews In The County" mE ' BpiLqCH RERALD "The First Complete News In 'The ("..ount;· tion is Pecuniary gain and profit to to the of Statesboro aad In the 1932 the I J?edlcated Progress year exports of cot ton amount­ Ita and ta were recent of No cotton Is yet reported on the local stockholders, the general guelta Mn. IuQl,' MrI. I, N. MIl. Bulloch market, With ShearouIe, County ed to 8,766,000 bales. The difference Is not to be The nature of the buSIness or busl- BROOKLET John LanIer. FlilESIDE IIEALTH CHAT though picking has begun. Coulty'. N�WS B. Co WatldDl, and MIl. I. R. nesses to be MBII. .ORN A. I ' tranaacted Is 88 Alton accounted for decline In , ROIIBRT80N 01lllf, who hu been vIII- by any world demand. B:r Dr. O. F. A. O. Bland and P. E. returned Hiftton apent at Wbltmaa, Davenport from follows: To deal e n e r.a 11 hIa Wedne8day ,.,._. II y lUng lister and brother, MIss Mr. • a and JoIn. On the contrary, In the same In which our purchasing to New York. l&e.1 In Mr. and Mrs. 101m A. � THE BULLOCH HERALD p<'rl� trip shoes: t 0 con d u e tan d Wayne Parrish ral In IlEALm IUNTS IN 1I0T WEATlIER days Atlanta and Decatur Doris OUlU and Ruful OllIff, hu and MIla CI1TIe' W. H. Blitch assumed a retail and little RcIIIer'- IPMlt expor� fell off by more than 5,000,000 bales world charge of the Statesboro operate lIeneral shoe bus- dauhter, Ma1'tha Parrish, with relatlvea, . returned to published Every Thursday In the face of the current of hot to of Calltomla to resume Sundll)' with relatiwl In McRae. spell weather, post office, D. B. lness; establish and operate a Dublin were recent gueata or of all cotton role succeeding Rigdon. During 250 Mra. MIl. C, S. Statesboro, Bulloch County, Ga. consumption by about 3,000,000 July, tobacco sort­ shoe Mra. Floyd AkIna entertained hIa dutlea In the U, S, dromJI7 e11tertalnecl the Bulloch of Health cast. H. W. repair shop; to deal' In Wayne Parrish. Navy, County Department Dougherty, for ten years a resident dry, the club at at her Ilame bales. Other countries have Into of Ing demonstrations were held In to deal In brlda:e ber home ,Tues- Mrs. A. 1.. � an.- producing stepped nslde Ihe goods; buy, sell, lind Miss LIllian Baldwin of Deea- COok hU returned to oft-repeated advice of "drink at least 8 Statesboro, left for Columbus to afternoon. In honor of the _ben Editor engage In bus­ C. G; handle all kinds of da)' The gueata present the home of her crt '- LEOIJEL COLEMAN the in world markets that we ahandoned. Georgia., Gar­ personal prop. tur, Miss Mary MIss dauahter heft, place glasses of water a and advises Bulloch Coun­ Iness. Accordlnlltlto Cromley, were Mra. 8ewlq Club. After an day," erty, whether enumerated or Edgar ParrI8h, Portal, Mra. H. T. houI'.oI G. C. JR., Asso. ner, marketlnll .pecIalIst of the above Martha Robertson, Miss Frances Brinlon. after 8JN!ndInc COLEMAN, Editor As a cure for this thc tinns to Mra. J. H. IIIWIq dub _tell .. Government does not pro­ drink plenty of water and add salt to the L. C. not, 0", their own or Wyatt, Mra. F, W. some time aaIIted Mann, Will Hallin and II party went account as Hughes, Miss Edith near Waynesboro with l'dRS. ERNES'r BRANNEN Social Editor to Geora:Ia AKrlcultural Exteilalon Wrlaht of Mra. E. In IeI'VIDg lIIIu of ellet In order to Reidsville agents, or 'of oth- HUllhes, C. Watklna, Mrs. relatlWL 11)' .EmIl)' Cnm- pose absndonment either the restriction policy replace bodily and minerals In an automobile. ''The rear representatives CovInaton, Miss rUids axle of the Service, much Inte_t W88 mani­ Dorothy Cromley, J. H. Hinton, Mra. T, Ie)' In lost era; to buy, sell, Bud R. Bryan, Mr. and Mra. I. H. MI'VlI!J da1n4' refne!l.ments, RATES OF or through prcsplratlon, Nervous ex­ machine broke off acquIre, lease, Robertson, B. O. W)'&tt apent SUBSCRlPTION the more damaglnll loan poliCY. Instead, and in depression, and the 'wheel new ahead fested- by the Bryan, Jr., and Mra. J. W. I. L. W)'&tt bu to 50 tobacco own . returllld In hold, , and deal �, In growera In real estate; James mltch of and FrIda)' Savannah. $1.S0Per $().75 Six Months haustion, and In some cases callaspe, occur when Glennville, Jr, L)'ofta where he vIIlted hIa spite of the bsd resulta In wheat, Secretary Wal­ Y�!." the demonstration wilrle. to make all contracta, and to do John MIl. D. L. Alderman dauIh- Year! excessive amounts of water Cromley spent several days return,cl ter, MrI, Paul lind SIllt are lost and and transact all business Jerome D8v111 of New Orleans, fI'IIftl a..e. lace that belllnning today the connect- at SavaDllllh Beach. Thuma� Atlanta whore abe -OFFICE PHONE 245- a�nces not La.. Is 'Iohn WU C1etus.Allele..- 01 rcplenlshed. G. I. - ad with or visiting Ir.. CIlIed '00IumIIIa. �y,ern­ Johnson, Extension Agrl .incIdental to the bus- Mr. and Mra. J. 01 RushinI, becaUle 01 tile Illness ment wiiI the of cotton to l\J. Pollfl and other S,' C., II at the 5 OAK STREET subsidize export the ex­ cultural, lneu hereinbefore enumerated. relatlves here. of her mother, Mra, vIIIlUnI .._ 01 Buloch CounNans are enilineer, reports the de- Macon, Mr. S. R. and L. A. War- • further advised not to ov- l(ennedy, Mrs. Parrish and Mr, and 'Mrs. L. H, as second-class matter. July 16, 1937, at tent of Hi cents a In other words, Our '. The amount of capital with Mra. Ella Edaar' dauah- _t, who Is a little Hapn. �ntercd pound. hsvi"g of a Blackburn have been Improwd. ereat: the diet should consist of QUestiOI BOI- velopment small one-row ter, of Portal Dr. E. C. Wat1dn8 and' largely starchy t� which the wlll Joyce, vII1ted Mrs. Mra. Edgar Puriah 01 I':InIIry office at Statelboro, the Act and at tor corporation begin spendlnll I4!veral days at Shell- Portal, post Geot"IIao.llllller artifl�lally gnat Government expense held food, fruits 1. Is that should be useful on ,E. C. Wat� with very little What thc larllest fresh water small buslnelS will be the sum of 'I1lree . Watkins, Tuesday. MIla Florence IPIndInc'aeveral � IIn� vegetables; pro­ lake In the man muff at the Kellnedy ShearouIe of At- at � of March 3, 1879. cotton off the world market, we are now artific­ farma. He Cottage. Mils Edith of laaJiiiiimvllle Beach. teins and fats. says It Thousand Six Hundred Proctor Wrla:ht 'Covlna:lon world?, . handles. ($3,800.00) of " 'e�ler Allan, North Gear- visited Ially and at further to to In short rows Dollars, divided Into Mill MarUla Robertson Government elqlen&e try 2. How and odd-shaped thlrty-.Ix a:In, a former Heat exhaustion and sunstroke are many shoes are for an vocational', appron- this week. With the tobacco season half over different con­ required ox.? (38) shal'el of the value of ncarly and' force some of It onto the world fields. Special for par tlce teacher in Brooklet market. the 3. equipment tl)e HIli" Folson of dltions; temperature of the body falls below What Is the life of One'Hunlired ('100) Dollars Aubrey Atlanta spent cotton beginning to finds Its way to the gin and But the results will be much more serious than COmllllr�tlve span donkeys planting Is not as Is the each, School, visited here last I necessary normal In heat • with the several days here with friends. exhaustion but rile. In case of and case with the two-row right from time to time, week. prices lower, the farmer Is wonderlnc about crop In the case of wheat. For cotton Is a raw s,un­ horaes,? planter re- material a ilends Mr. and Mra. Waldo Moore and strokc. of heat qulred In the by majority vote of the capital Mr. :COntrol. In the New York thllt Symptoms exhaustion Inelude weak 4. W.hlch Is the closer to uslnll larger trae- and MrS. J; H. Griffeth lind Reliable Recently goes Into What we will be do­ ..Buenos S. children, Jr.. and Setvice there\appeared manufactures. Aires, A.­ outstanding, to Increase said cap- Waldo, Marlyn, pulse, giddiness, and nausea. In tora, Johnson declares. Miss Barbara Griffeth went to 'rimes an editorial' entitled of Farm Is to sunstro�e, however, St. Johns, Ital to of Daytona Beach, Fla., are "Collapse inm give forelgnel'S cheaper raw cotton to r In",I 8lnc� Lee In Cherokee. BINGO PARTY Vir8lnla F10yd alxloully .n- Jacksonville and Is a Dancing followed at the Paul Robertson, a recent Mils AnnIe Smith oozed kee at C1ayton, Ga., returned to) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Donaldson graduate brlrl�. a coca. cOla at the Tca Pot with second Summer and the open road cIlway, had reached R:!gllwr of Miss Julia CarmIchael of Chi- of South home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fletcher party qulrlns Mama Lavinia. "Ma­ Geofilia Tcachers' Col- Marguerite Mathews. was also a member of hillh and Miss Leona have an and their home here Tuesday. and Mr. and Mrs. John- the party. Grille on afternoon. Cedrlck the Market has been blocked siuce the her sister. Mrs. Percy Averitt for Park Avenue. Varl-colored every day opening. This congested condition will Anderson. Waters, garden several and was be relievcd the first we weeks, joined here Dowers were by of next week and will have room to·take .cate of Mils Annette Franklin returned attractl�ely arrang­ plenty.of by Mr. Kenmore for the week­ ed throughout UtI!. home. you and seU your tobacco the brio g it in. ' after a week-s day you . .' end. Tuesday vIIlt to ,JUNIOR O. A. NEWS II FREE! For hlih seore Mrs, W. H. While ou Mils Frances Abbot In Louisville The Junior ihe prices the Georgia Markets have IlOt been as tliis as for the Mils Julia Suddath Jut I' G. A.'s will meet good year spent Mrs. FRlDAY,4 P. M. Blitch was awarded a bottle of several Hinton Booth Is spending SATURDAY, 4 P. M. Monday afternoon at the Baptist past years, yet the offcial govemmeu t report for week 6th shows week-end In Summit with MR. WE WILL GIVE perfume. Mrs. H. P. Foxhall. for ending August • leveral AWAY da)'l In Highland, N.• WE WILL GIVE AWAY Church. All members'are urlled to STATF..sBORO LEADING ALL GEORGIA MARKETS in PrIce. RoyChaDce. �: ONE cut, reCeived a dainty hand made mgh Average· With her are her daughter, MM BEAUTIFUL be present. The time Is five-thirty. Mils handkerchief. Mrs. H. L. Chrll­ If you have sold COBB'" ·FOXHALL this seasou we want to take this Catherine Denmark, Mr. Giblon Johnson and children. Gib­ Mrs. W. L. Waller. Councillor. '"th oppor­ and Mri. W. S. Jr tlan was given a half-dozen tea to tell you how much we business. If one RoIers and ebU­ son, .• and Rita Booth of Swains­ Two Men's tunity appreciate your you have not been of our Set OfIce napkins for low. dren spent Sunday at 'J\rbee. boro. Tea S�elby customers we' would Uke to ·seU the remainder of and show how we FRIENDLY SlXUIlN' your crop hard At the conclusion of the you Mr. and Mrs. R. B. and lIBmes. wiU Mrs. J 0 h n WUcox ThlllJlen Mrs. Charlie Sinuoons was a work for Interests and tltJ ou returned Mrs. Lester served a of your get you top-notch price every IIII.e. ch1ldren. Frances and Frederick Dress Shirts. variety from a visit charming hostea after­ ThUl'lday to relatiVes Glasses Tuesday 0 u n d cake and of Savannah With sandwiches. p In S. C. spent Sunday with These noon when she entertained her OraJ!pburc, Tray·'. Shirts Guaranteed For One Year punch. Other Included Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. T. No guests Fred Lanier. Attached- club with two table. �e and Mrs. C. M. Strings No J. O. RIUlblnIl returned , Attached- , Johnston. Mrs. Bruce Mn. Paul .', -, . Olliff. Carpenter and Mn r� ;;".� Strlni- one rook. Her roonus were at­ Sunday from a two week'. vlalt .. Of l\frs. Fred T. Lanier. Mrs. George KJng have returned to �_.Need.Buy·Nothing. You Need Buy decOratea with' a' var. HI\l'rY In GrIfIn with her Nothing. Uactiv�IY' Mra. J. B. few of' our madel week: load daUllhter. Mrs. their home In Fort Johnson. Johnson. Mrs. 'we,give�bel�� sa'/ tWs Brlug. us-your nen and Lauderdal�, , of Summer Dowers. f" � J. lety• _. C. . ThqpnL Dr. Mrs. Fla., after George Bean. Mrs... 01.111 Smith. aJ¥f spendlns some time " Mrs. Earnest made aDd chUdren " Ranisey Mrs. Grover Mrs. d Thaaprd accompa­ here their Brannen. Stoth-' �. we wiU do or better vlaltinll mother, Mrs. S score In and was '_'" '�,goocl' nied her home to high bridge given ard for. �ou. atten.t the C. Allen who has "Y'S Deal. Mrs. R. 1.. BJ'f,I!Y. Mrs. ' been critically SIlTS SPECIAL ON 69c a linen handkerchief. MJ!S. W. L. I reunion of IIlE OF UIIES' ,. birthdaY Mr. N. A. Ul. Loyd,Bra�nen•.,Mra� Arthur Turn­ Sizes "I to·1"I . Waller was given a guest towel \ Thaaard of Claxton,. Mils Dor­ John Mrs. C. Z. Donaldson, Mrs. E. L. Edie left Saturday mom­ SI••EI TIO'IY HOSE for low. A. B. BURNSEO J. H. othy N. Y Newest Patterns- SHOES Poindexter. Mrs. STRICKLAND CaAaaII)o ef F1uahlna, .• inll for visits In Leroy Tyson, Md.• Po...... Baltimore. Mrs. Kermit Carr and Mrs.. El­ Prlce Amount accompanied them home for a vis­ A REAL WhItes, and (By Artplus) Mrs. C. B. and Mrs. PowIdI Prkle AmOll_t Lancaster, Pa.• BUY Mathews,. / a� Rklaewood, r� .JapouiCas mo Brown won P..... It. similar prizes In Frank 011lff. ,,-a J., and the World's Fair. Made .Just Black Patents 122 26 , SI.7.2 UIte 8ads rook. Mrs. won 246 Z8 Mrs. Ed Holland and Earnest Rackley $ 68.88 Mrs. E. L. Mr. and Mrs .Bob 1"10 25 lJ08 Couney of - 59c a beautiful towel for Mrs. .2.60 flU.OR Smith· left cut. MRS. BEAN 180 Z8 60.40 Sunday for Black Lyona vlalted Mrs. W. 1.. OIlORoE HOSD� 204 61.00 Hall and Floyd Brannen assisted Mrs. Sim­ 484 24 112.18 Mountain, for a month. 980·&$1.49 AT OOLA PARTY 198 Z8 154.88 c., Dr. and Mn. J. N. $3.77 a.'l

THE REXALL STORE Month'. A to Z "The First Complete Ne\Vs In Values The County" TIlE BULLOCH HERALD

�Thunday, $1.50 Calorex 10,1939. Jug I Aum Fate Proctor last.: Ilfter- at Ste�1 Bridge were: Mr,' a'1d 1181 .noon. SlUICIfY $1.19 DENMARK NEWS Mrs. Lehman Zetterower a n,d BY Loose Screws 2ge 500 KIeuzo MISS ELISE WATES TheW,M,U.DWtat�.Ho�· daUghter, Mr: and Mrs, Colon and . ,acial Tissues ton Lanier'. last Monday under Rushing children, Mr, and IDe MaBter Jerome Davis the of �. A. E, Mrs, C, A, and of New end of the Indershlp Zetterower son, In The. News••••• season and some of Orleans Is relatives W�, I Mill Grace Zetterower, Charles 7lie visiting here the farmers ht\ve Aspirin begun picking HITVn.1I1K1lR GICT8 BIDE fox when the' this summer, Zetterower of Mr, and �ntly latter bcrtan... 200-5 f their cotton, MIa MUcired Hodges Is at SaVlllUUlb, gr 27e � Mrs, Lee IN OWN STOLIlN Mrs, Lucllle CurIes of with her parenti, Mr. and Mrs. G, Hugh Hagins a�d family, I A� licking his chops o;oer her bed of Augusta Mr, Scarboro of Is I Fla., visiting and Mr, and Mrs, John B, Jack of hlUl returned to her home after his E. Hodges, 'Ilfter attending liliiii­ Galneayille-One Maler, I young kittens. This. mother fellno lister, Mrs, A. G, Rocker and 10ft. visiting Mr, and Mrs, mer sehool for the aIx weeks claims that he Leonard Mr, Rocker, past Wash!ngton P,OS' was not fool·hellrty, howcvel·, e.". Mr, and Lamb, at S, G, T, C, Mn, J, H, Glnn'motor-Ander., IeIICI the real technique of hitch· Cletua p1alns for Ihe . Anderson of ed to Smith, enllltad ihe Jim H, Alderman Columbia, Mr, and �, G, D, Wooward or Millen for the day Sunday of Statesboro S, Coo Is hiking, HIs car having been 3tolen, aid of another visiting Mr, and Mrs. Lee and _re ho�e. tat befo� a few Savannah· _re of the accompanied homc by spent � lut week with Hugh pestl Maler decided to thumb his· . Halins. Mr, and Mh:;;,c, A, Earl and who had been way Itriklnc out In hot oft('r WoOdward'l Rudolph . , puriult· Mr, ud Mn. H. H, Zetterower, lut week, . . Zetterower and . other relativel 'vlslting there. I home from work, .nd wu duly the fox. Mn. BU! EdInounds UK! chU. here, Mr-.and lin. Conrod MeCorkel I�d Mr, Alvin Rocker of Is amazed when a thoughtful dren have returned to their home UK! little' 10ft were the dinner Atlanta Mr, and Mrs, Walter �r In Fla" Lanier of lpending lOme with Mr, and offered him u .rIde In his own SPAIUfOW8 IlIIlIioYIlD Tavares, after spending Nevlla guests of Mrs, A, C, McCorkel one tlnll! �I .pent Sunday afternoon Mrs, A. G, Roclcer, iiOn\e-:tllIIe,)lfI�"ieijilivea here.and day last week, Maler directed thc driver to the TO CATV" WIlIlVIL8 Mr. and Mrs, Curtis In Statesboro. PrtIctor, Mr, and Mn, A. G, Vel· , Cone, a farmel· of this Rocker, local police station, and sccured Dawson-At lut the lowly Mr. Farley Ene;·· " ,... and Mrs. John mil , Mn. O. C, And!!non of RUlhlnll and twin calves born and Alvin, relatlvel In IIsh Rc!lllster eectlon, reportl vlslt� the aid of officers In retrieving the sparrow hIlS redeemed hi",•... SOD, John, Jr., vlslled Mr. and Charlesten ;';�i'�r&' has accepted, the Unt grade as at his f.rm lut _'!.:. laat _k. Mrs. R. p, auto. eelfl Jellie Kennedy, cotton farm. wcher In the !,MilIer llUIt Sunday.· Denmark sehool. Mr. UK! Mn. EeT� McElveen Mr, and Mn, O'Neal WUllam. Miss Hazel er, has found the bird an In\'alll' All of the teachers have now been Proctor WIUI the have returned to their home In were at their horn<' In Brooklet RABY SKUNKS FOIL elected, spend·the-day guest of Mrs, H. H, Canal able boll.weevll catcher. for the were ae- Point, Flo" .fter vlsltlnll ICenneclj".. week-end, They P'I'. VALLIlY POLICJIl Mrs, F, L. DeLoach and Zetterower, Thursday, Mr, and Mn, Ervin who lives on the of daullh. companied by their niece, I itue Williams. They edge town, - t.., of Savannah Mrs, W. A. were Ft, Valley The law-enforcc· Myrl,. visited Mr, Lanier and children Sylvia Anne Zetterowf!r, accompanied III)DW by Mr sa)'s every evening at an appoint. and Mrs, T. A, visited Mrs. Curtis and Mrs, Roscoe me"t officers of this city have a- Hannah, Monday, Proctor, Thurs. Mn. S, J� F088 attended the Roberts and ed hour, hordes of the so-called Earl and bandoned the idea of a kltlen Rudolph Ginn visited day, funeral of Mn. Dedrlc Hendricks children, pet fowls swarm over his cot­ relatives In one of the var- "pesky" Millen last wcek, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad In Statesboro last Mr. and Mrs, J, C, Rocker of -I.'speelally "pole" McCorkel FrIday. ton Mill Muriel ParrIsh of were lety, It seems- tllat Sheriff John fleldl, going from bloom to Savan. the Saturday night pestl of M. E, UK! Mrirpret Ginn spent Atlanta are vlslt1nc Mr, and Mn, nah one last Mr, Lee, Chief of Police G. W. Cach. the even spent day week with and Mrs. G.. G. Rocker. bloo,,\ devourlnll marl! E,.Hodgea. • lut week with relatives and R. They were accom· her ran, and two other men mother, Mrs, Cleveland Par. home stopped boll.weevll, ' Mesdames Carthur Haglnl of friends In Savannah. PIlnied by Betty Jo who peslty "My respect and rlsh. hun halon the hil:hwa)', when they notlc­ Nevils and Heyward Anderson Several of the fanners attended touring with her brother, AI· admiration for the Enllllsh SPfU� of ed a Tobacco has abo.t reached the States· vln Rocker and B�plclo�.looklnll scene, Pembroke Mr. and the Tliple A'meetlng bt wife, through row hu been • :.unmcr. vIs.lted �. conalstlnll.of a' and"a greatly IIICI'HBM"· boro Thursday nlllht, Greenville, Charlotte and Charles· parkecHlar. After Superintendent H. H. man poking a stick at a treo, Up- remarked Kennedy. Some of th� chlldren and par- ton. Ddtt mado a few remark. on furthe.. IlWestillatlon, the offl• fitting EY ents attended the Pet Show hi Miss Velma CAR CORK I NSU LATE 0 SH INGLE Rocker spent llUIt MAN t h0 pets began to appear. Littl" S cers discovered that one Johnnie ftlaoW8 AWAY Nevl1a Saturday IIfternoon. We are week-end with Miss WUdred Ha· . and Shirley ex· Jones had treed a merna pole-cat 'CJIIIIlI( 1'0...... 1 I' ¥"one Haygood proud to say that one of our bo)'ll gina, llihited a Bantam hen and and four In an at. nNDS I'l' or D1JlIII' biddy. Thomu Fou, IOn of Mr.and Mn. pole-kittens, YVClnne carried the hen across the tempt to of the kit. GaIneIvIlle-Althouah IooklnC s, J. Fou, entered his pet GoC followed ties for. pet. The officers, dellr- for a check In a dump heap is .!:age by Shirley carry· and won first prize, News the IIttl" with Ogeechee Ing a joined In the en. hardl)' lela dlffleult than lC!archlng hlg "chick" largu LeBter Proctor visited In Sa· --..;..----..... pet allO. chase, which led the for the proverbial "needle In a ; hit, ribbon streamers flowing vannah during the week-end, Miss Georgia Hagin-----I.ulnllIs Bpend· Itrlped, : "om the of the animals Into a sewer from haystack", Carl Stallworth, man- legs chickens. tn· Miss Melrose Proctor spent Sat· Ing some time at Jay Bird Springs pi"" d • 111••,.1 I..rllc; which up a "breath.tak. apr of a manufacturing concern inc Martin presented her Gold urday night with Miss Elise Wa· Miss Ruth Harvllle l'eturned they put I W".rprool Alpbal. defense, Sheriff Lee and wu elated rt' Fish in a musical manner by ters. home after her sister Mrs. Ing" here. recently t() �II!S. RAYMOND C Wanrproof y.sltln& 1I0DGES .'}t Chief Cochran cover a check for whlc!! I.;nging "Three Little Fishes". and Mrs. Charles Zetterower, Imemdlately pve $1,Il150 GUEST AT ATHENS Mr. Conrod McCorkel � ��l:rLAWtai' up the cboe and decided to he had chucked Into Deweese Martin e"hibited his and son visited Mrs, W. R, McDaniels returned adopt cuelealy Mrs. G. of SOAPS:. Lux; his mother, Mrs. �� Raymond Hodges Camay more docUe next tlme- w••te buket. hI' two rabbits by giving some of McCorkel, to her home In Dublin after villt· lomethlng Upon realizing Nevils is u free to Sunday. enjoying trip 2 for .. l1c like a II their habits and customs. J. D. "Lifebuoy, her tiger or lion cub. mistake" Stanworth lent out Mr. and Mrs, Perry Akins aad Ing daughter Mrs, Geot'Ile Ha· . , .'. Athens this week to attend the ,. crew l�oatl"ight and Herbet Britt choso (Limit Four) of negroes who dlscovere,l Farm Ilnd Home Week little daughter of Savannah and gin, program VATS TABLESI the check In the mill chickens for their pets. They Mr, and Mrs, Eulls Williams and Friends of TURN. nilsslnll Mrs. Hodges won first place in the Mr, and Mrs. Regl· t them to the in time LIlAD GRAY FOX dump, hrollgh stage son of Stilson, spent with nald Newsome with . Builoch County Style Revue, anll FR.IIUI .1.8 S'lnday sYmpathize A MERRY VHA8II " (0 soft, slow music, their pnrents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan· Newsome � free trip was given to her.' Mr.. In the loss of her Juniol" a JeffersonvlUe-Llvlnll up to her Rushing presented leI. Akins. mother, Mrs. A, D. Sowell, Sr., of ·COI'.I' maternal Instinct, a mother cat Ill!autiful pony that· marched '.I' Mr. nnd Mrs. Harold Anderson Stilson. CO�IUNITY SINGING CJLUB TELEPHONE 2 \. to Rob cross the in time to "Med· of Savannah belonlling Smith of this stage A • visited Mr. and Mn. Mr, and Mrs, J, L. McDanlell good many enjoyed the slnl: S'fATESBOao, GEORGIA chase to a italian". The were Frank Anderson vicinity, pvc .hWlll'Y dogs presented at J. F. When the lummer lun beatl d.uring the week· of Tallah�, Fla" were guests Nevils School, GAZAN," CO. down, Care,. Cork ..•. Friday nlghr. ' 1.1 beautiful blncl, Chow presented Central of Insulated make houleS much end. one day last week of Mr. and Mrs. There will be another sing there Georgia Yards «SAVE w,!" Shlnglel cooler. Jim Jordon, Jr., of a 5018-Savannah SAfETY', Mr. and Shell Lanier of by Por.tal; ., The cork real while Mrs, George Hagin. Fl'Iday night, August 11. The pub. DRUG layer provides insulation, !>rown and white Collie Jullah - vour� STORE Pembroke' visited Mrs. A, De· by lie Is �.\.. the extra thicknesa mak.. a Mrs. Rufus Simmon. WIUI hos· cordially Invited. There a:'ry o_,; beautiful. deep .I,very; a trained Bull Dog by Mrs. shadow·lined roof. Loch one day lalt week. tess to the Ogeechee Home several song books that can b� Detn., D. L. Deal (did not compete); H Mr. ond Mrs. Henry Penton ()l1Btration Club last Thursday af. used now. Since singing school a Yet this unullual Ihlnlle _tl much 1_ tbtn: lov"l:; white Spitz called "Prlssey" and children of Savannah spent �ernoon, The home WBI decorated good many members bought , the price of ordinary rcioftnl plus �e price of tool, first prize owned Miss the week·end with Mr. and Mrs •. by ...In pretty, summer f1Q\Ve!'ll. The book. These can be. added to the separate roof Insulation. Let us lupply II811Iple. Wynelle Nesmith. Ray Hodges en· I Fate Proctor. hoste.s. served ·an ice course and ones already on hand. We are ex.. and quotation.. t�rcd his dog "Topsy" with the Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Waters and wal aMlsted In Miss pectlng several good leade�s �t se�vlng �y. - FINAL daughter, Elise, visited J. H. An- Dell, Most " CLEARANCE! Hagin. all members ne"t sing. B� sure to come. FINAL o,ur .� w WI'II,r derson, Sunday. present. . AI�red' Company Lester Proctor .hBl � Miss basis, the Suo Claudia McDaniels of Dub-' Mrs. E. L. White and Ml'!:. R. G. County Commodit:; West ' acce'l"ed Main , Street in York on a pervisor who was a � Statesboro, Georgia position New boat. lin spent one day last week with Hodges of the Nevils Home Dem· doing very ac­ CLEARANCE Mrs. W. A. Lanier and children her Mrs. ceptable but H.alf sister, job, who had to be Price George Hagin. onstration Club left today to at· ALDRED BROS. released and Mra. Klarls· Wilkerson and Elder and Mrs. A. E. tend the Farm and Home WeeH by WPA. Temples son visited Mr. and Mrs. Curtis of Statesboro and Elder P. n, orogram in ·,":thens. They will re· Recently Irwin County, at Ocil· Proctor. of Mr, and Mrs. & urn la, built 8 new Byrd Vidalia, Friday Siturday Suturday mQrning. wal'l'house fol' ex. \ " Betty Anne Zetterower (:harles Anderson elusive use WOMEN�S spent of Statesboro, Rev. Rohert of the DRESS fre.h is the Commodi Div. SILE �fooel. r------\�oodllll ty with Ke�p. �I.t without , Sunday G�sie Denmark, �nd Mr. Gerald of South guest of Mr. ,.nd Mm. H. C. Durn­ ision, and now that the Wil:lllns county Those C enjoying a picnic Sunday 1e(Irgia Teacheno College were covereell ��:��' ���' .���...... ��".�� 19 ,ed this week. has employed the County Com­ I being Without elefrostIngl VIr. SUMMER !!!!!!I!!!!!!I!!!!!!I!!!!!!I!!!!!!I!!!!!!I!!!!!!I!!!!!!I!!!!!!I!!!!!!I!!!!!!I!!!!!!I!!!!!!I!!!!!!I!!!!!!I!!!!!!I!!!!!!I!!!!!""';i""!I!!!!!"""!!!!i!"""�""""""'!!""""""�""""";'"""""""""""""" tlnner guests one day llUIt week and Mrs. Evans Mi3S modity Supervisal'. com. .. I � lb. Dye, sUI'plus .. ,laU�·, Jl!r Apple 19c 1 ... 'f Mrs, J. L, Wilson and Mlu them fer In I..tlle Alrl Catherine Martin and Thoma!' modity distribution to $ K�ep. poor fam· Q.95 a$9·�97 \lvlI Wilson, � illes Dresses� Ma.tin of Great can now Falls, S. Coo wero go forward there with. '£reet. the <0 Kee,. fooel. fOr month. at XrmolJ,.\·g out Donald Robin Hagin Is visiting *tezen ",e,", with gill•• dl.h free 29 II the guests of Mr. and MI·S. C. J. any interruption. SHOES . �Is Martin grandmother, Mrs. W. R. Me· Sunday. ��= .. UO.below.tre.. ::=====- Daniel In Dublin. zl"gl 6i1 S.u,lIgc, 8 Ib, can , 9i)1;;' $1.6.95 Dresses��� $8.47. .• 'Mlu Margaret Kennedy of At· OOUNTIES EMPLOY SURPLUS II J ��.,mato·l.1.liIce, .1� oi. can ...... I lanta Is the guest of her grand· 5c OOMl\IODJTY SUPEUVISORS /J'LCl./ce tlZe $12.95 Dresses.� \ parents, Mr, and Mrs. Horace $6147 HE'S .�® liiJ�� H�gln. 15 . [:����:alro':; ���� $I� Miss Clara Brewton of South :���;���;:;:��:���r�:t�:� G&rgin Teachers ' College spont '''''l1on. ·canl 75c the Stote Department of Public. R n S LE Y " Dresses.�� IlUIt week·end with her co�ln, Welfa"e rcached 258 ·$9.95. families with .. , $4.97 /) I Miss Alva Wilson, f."lrk and Bean., 1* ... Items having a total valuo of 51, 1 }l";,!e ��ASHE, one·pOund caUl 270 I y"ut ftltZ.l1.�tZ r�, 237.58. . '" j A critical problem facing' the rASTEPULLV FURNISHED ,ROOMS $7.95 GEORGIA THEATRE 0 Dresses $3.97 ��a!:tt!:l��� .����:...... 1 0 Comm6dity Distribution Division PROGRAM at tile time is 1:i'i.c'Wo�Ej�E�mESSES WAS! the leglsla· ...... present, Ivory Flake., large pke 2Sc COtdFORTAILE CHAIRS Thnnday, 10 lIon recently passed by Congress AQIUa& , RESTFUL lED L1CHTS . $4.95 & .. Ann Sothem and Robert Young In at least a 5.95' r"Quiring 30 WELL Dresses FJmall , day layoff L1C1fTED , pkg ,' lOe IATHROOMS "MAISIE" been of those WPA em· project *The,. comfom I.. TODAY.--.. who have been ,ours �,"., Flakell, P ' ployees working 18 Whether lOe ,ou occupy an ex. Friday. AUI'lIlt 11 or more consecuH:ve months. Many pensive suite or I minimum .�.$2.67 Ann Sheridan, Pat O'Brien .If.prlcottll, Libby. WPA employees l)J;i the commod· RE-L£GAUZATION. THE FARMER priced room. And " .. same 54' 55 Shoe. ,BEFORE And John In ziG. :3!!z can lie Ity project are "old' timers" who 52.97 Payne friend" Ind efficient SIRic. HAD A TWO MILLION DOtLAR. YEARLY "INDIANAPOLIS SPIlIlDWAY" , have been and r·f(). 1 tall can carefl!lly selected. to EVERY 1Oe toel Plst. MARKEr FOR.. HIS BEER.. CROPS. tralne� over a long period, but Come Early for choice 53 Shoe. who D'RECTION 51.97 Saturday,' An.....t 1! blne box, wm be relensed prior to BE.ER. fMYS ONE HUNDRED Super Sud., pke, 10e Aug· TODAY, -DOUBLE FEATURE- ust 31 due to their WPA 0 INK L E R HOT selections! twice a 1 F...... employ' E LS Only ANNUALLY FOP. 'TS cake Palmolive.Soap MILLION DOLLARS , Humphrey Bogart in mont for 18 or more CARLINC 'DINKLEIt & . 52 moths These , �.49 Shoe. 51.47 Ind • we "YOU CJAX'T GET AWAY Gre ',o,w..t c. .,.. MI.'SIt year do offer such an CROPS. 'BEER. CROP-LANDS WOULD COVER l"�h Prune.. No.·ZVz can .... I4c mostly key personnel, Indud· =OPEIATlNC FIVE WITII MUBDER" ing many County Commodity Suo for AUo\OST ALL THE. FARM AREA OF TIlt ATLANTA .!>pportunity savings! Dress Shoes and -Al'm- pcrvlsors...... , . Oxfords '1'10... ACRES Gene ��� 25e NEW 'ENGLAND STATE's-3,OOO,OOO ! Autry Smiley Burnettet in . :�:N ��'Z'':;r Commodity Division officials I....0 H_, CUENSBORO You'll want ...... NIva IBN several 0 f in whites, "�IOU.!IITAIN RIIYTIIM" ·.-YOU�Vf pointed out that due to the high· Iadrw J..... NASHVILLE combinationsJ ANYTHING lID na these ... B:::r::: 150 Iy technical and voluminous dis· fine' Silk - A. MILLION DOLLARS A. j ':�::, �� '1Hen. Dnil MONTClOMERV Dresses and colors. AU sizes but ALSO BEER'PAY5 Monda ·Tue8dIlY, AIlKUst 14-111 tribution reports and procedures MAKES A MILLION JOBS Akim Nolan and l'e:onut Butter, 2 Ib, Jar .Ilt...... St. CIIarIes NEW ORLEANS for DAY IN TAXES Tamlroff, Lloyd 25c a only not �D required by Washington, neW '1'10....""- in DUAL-TEMR •. ..._ ..... every style. You'll Patricia Morrison In employee, If capable, needs at I .. iJO_ SAVANNAH STBWART,� �Mmon, Argo TO KEEP BEERS MANV BaJEFIT5, "TilE MAGNIl"ICJlENT FR UD" least. two months to learn essen. ,want at least Mm g For the ..... !:ted. tall can TlltT...... IIRMINCifAM two' • flrlt time, this ! 230 1·2. pairs FOR AMER.ICA'S ; tlals of the job of Com. Relular Price FOR YOU'AND THEM, County at these Wedne day, AUKUlt t8 seneaUoDal Dual·Temp ".1RRHI'R' 8 Ib, can"1...... modlty Supervisor. reductions! WANT TO HELP KEEP aEER. 55c BREWERS Anne Ellison in .0<\1';'0, Shirley-James. Stewart�Wamer brlnO' the home the moat I Fo" this reason, jt is AS 'BEER. l�lest, .. expected RETAIUNG- I..s WHOLESOME "SORORITY 1I0USE" Show-drlft, 8 Ib, that improved kind of refrigeration ua8cl liDer. .. pmll 99c distribution by luxury - commodity In 1N:TE�E5T ITSELF. THEIR PROGRAM WILL and hotels I some counties ·wlll be seriously I big PI.e ••• FOR SALE-50 lb. capacity white CJherrle8, JlluBSelma:. at I:OCAL LAW AUTHORl'nES ��. handicapped, least temporarily. It fcoda Dew Jted Pitted, No.2 can 150 YOU THE and .gt:Cen porcelaln refrl&er. Mfeouarda Mee amuinq way.... kee�•. Officials In some counties are MAY WE S£N'D �CTS? Ic;e D. ator, uaed only one �eaaon. Good t\lem &elher, lifer, loDqerl P.rovid.. more 4: oz. can on abundllnt. 'prcmentos, � employjng countY' PQYr.olls, the .. as 5c Mink.ovitz .... oJd.....' U..lUd 8 .",.,..1'"'- new. $10 cash for aale, 6oo1d.1, q\llck ice CJUbeIj r lind, For' ar&OHD tUa ... dreamed , 'Sons ..... � �u'.'" "''' County ' Commodity Supervisor MRS. W. C. MACON, Statelboro Poot Bran Flake., ...... who j. trialF,,,,,,,dGtion,19Ea.1t.jOl/&SC.,N.lIIYork,N.Y, ofl Yet �..... thUi with pkK, 10e being released by WPA. In "Statesboro's lUll., Nfriq,ratoJ'l -----_.------� Irwin County, W. J. Paulk, Chair. Largest 11_·01 JIll 't WIlD it todayl Art Department Store" .... Bran, Kellogl, .... pkg, 12�4c m n of the Board of County Com. STATESBORO, �I missioners, reports that his coun· GEORGIA. ;:;,,_:;;;.• ty is on a ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i:i;;;;;;;_= employing, permanent ------"The First Complete News In The County"

METHODIST CHURCH labor-saving devices. The house :a N. H. Willi...... Pastor '1939 Mu_ buaIne. course. One daulhter. Georgia'. . Fannen weU-lICreened. and the health ot ..,. Mlu Lucille ·Church News·' -MORNING- .. Brannen. Is still IIv· the famUy Is excellent. Mrs. Bran· 10:15-Church School. J. L. Ren­ Inl with her father and mother. nen Is - very active In home demon­ She froe. teaches home - REV. WII.LIAM SHERMAN A'!' Superintendent. economics in I 11 stration work. to Mi88 :30-Sermon by the Pastor. according Bulloch county and Is one of THE JIIETHODIST CHURVH Elvie the -EVENING- Maxwell. County Home county'l 4-H Club Rev. William Sherman, pastor Demonstration lponso1'8. 7:00-Epworth League. Agent. Brannen is of the Methodist Church at Au­ a member of the 8:00-Setmon Mr. and Mrs. Brannen by the Pastor. have United Farmers gusta. Arkansas, and father of four Georlia and thl! 3 Prayer Wednes­ chUdren. three of whom com­ VPLUME of meeting every funlly is very much STATESBORO, Superintendent Schools, Prof­ a Interelted In GEORGIA, day evening at 8:00. pleted four·year course at col. the essor S. H. Sherman. will preach whUe development program of thell' lege. the othee finished a at the Methodist Church, Sunday community. morning. STATESBORO PRIMITIVE BAPTIST ClIURCH MLine . Rev. Mr. is a 'STATESBOROAGAIN Shennan disting­ Communion service - uished member of the Arkansas Saturday 10:30 A. M. United . He Conference. has been three IN Farmers. Meet Regular 11 A. . servlces-Sunday TOBACCO _ times on LEADS Elder Georgia ':-as Presiding many Includ. " M. and 8:00 P. , .. S.urvey M. districts, and member of the Gen­ .' ,. , • We desire to have' erai the full CD­ Conference. ' operation of all the members in Brother Sherman will receive a holding our annual communion I: warm welcome to our Church. service, and we invite �rlings.Get cordially both in his own and also �:r,;�:i�!;;18 right, s��� Here.TodayFor by our friends is to be Vldory with us in Rally reason of the fact that he is the these services. Shower Bath father of our City School Super­ V. F. -=..:�='..:=::: Agan, Pastor. ket leads the ltate In averap price' F_", lor wilder f_" intendent. The public generally 13 Savanaah.;.:.::-=-:-:-.:.'1 otarians And Fa� per pound. with the hlghett aver- Meet 60wds invited to these services. Huge • � to E. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ale paid for the put week at·,::-.... =-� Accordln. Capt. �. IiGm. N. H. ...=. WUilams. C. ""rger. vice and or . 1'1. Coalson, Minister 13.65. The atate awrap 'lVas 1aJoda.-oDrJdn. prelldent PJIti;ii Fun Frolic manager of the Southerft Hour,Of .And -MORNING- 11.28 cents a Not so the thoUll8Jlda of ltar· AIt Forgetting Gather pound. 'bus� farmIna'. M. J. Bowen. EmIt AkIns and Out· For I . that Lines. Inc., of AUanta. d all 10:15'-Sunday SChool, Dr. H. According to the state depart· Unp malle the huge oaks on hla.. the WCII'I1'Iea that beset the land has Bohler. Percy Averitt and ,JOINT Hook, ment of the court house their roost· pany applied uman form, QUARTERLY superintendent. agrIcu1tura weekly nport eqUBn tor...,a;tranehllt tI!IrtY-elght Rota· John OUlff, J. G. Attaway and 'the to operate frodt .At. and OON.'ERENCES 11;30-Morning worship. sermon Statesboro market solei, Jut ing place. pIaJ)e.� thIrty'leven Bulloch Bob MIkell, J. B. Averitt Ba (I·e ebrati""IVI. lanta to and W_ 19 The District by the week. Tuesday night and last Savannah- with atopa at ty farmera lnet on a 01 minister, subject: 1.481.880 pounda for ·PIG, nllht . Common tOn Rucker, A. M. Superintendent . Braswell and for "And It F.I, the MUled-ville•• and Statesboro. nd ...... '1'odQ Ia'victory dQ more the Savannah Came To Pass." 854.55 to 13.65. 'lbe' awr- flM armed ,with cap.t. for 8JI of District of the ayenge department I\IondaY ,-- fun, CUff Peacock. E. N. Brown and .1__ thaD _ thouIand BuJloch flM h two '. -� D -.nty . .. Rombereler and H_ __ -EVENING- last week was and water to ... • D_ '" Methodist Church has cailed ale 14... OM. ttempted atated,.that Othm: D B..... __ "- _, .�r and fa---_ .._. are also who __ .._-_no ....JO'the a session of 6:45-Training Union. In­ At the end df the thlM week .hoIt of ltarlinp to winl �Ies applying for • TIw lkltary club _ _t to joint' the Quarteriy Senior, force. ��� � Ff))', Hinton Booth and J. BuIoch franchise to between the OOUIIty chIpter of the Unlt- Conferences of the termediate and Junior, (f July 25 to August 11) the .thelr'way to distant parts. but to operate 1arge number ttl of M. Smith. W. A. Bowen 'Middie-Group' two cities. fU'Jl!lll'l and Fred ed GeorgIa I'armen. o Mrs. C. M. no ayall. IUcceeded In The hearlnl before the och at fthe . market They District, at ori Coalson, direc- S::boro sold. "at' flnt only county their C. Guyton Wed­ , weekly Hodgei. E. Cone. J. V. . ClyU Hanb'. k of the tor. hand ...... a wetting down the Iidewalks and AeronautIcs Auth!Jrlty iii each a atate-wldll� ..ting nesday. August 16th. The titio of "MlIlJter Fal1mer" of 1939 has been 4.205.462.,pounds of tv_CCO ting. GUbert Cone and W. C. bestowed on the.e Cut dOWll till cot A� Rotarlall;�L'_ Hodpa. United Ia four fII ftcatIaa waterI e Is let for October r -- Ua� ,,-- -"'.. a:--III l'innera � sermon Geo'·gian. In of their troll ., for nl th alrea...,. wet oak Washin.ton 9. friend as .... t. ••_ D""_'__ This S:OO-Evenlng worship, recognition as '��/IM&t�,fuD ..... :·.:402-:'41. � -_...... Willie .....a consists of outstanding aehlevements • g"olip the fol- IdYlntl" of _...... helel"_...... __•• _...... furmers. They arc John H. of Onybo1llld'ilow _ , trees, Capt. atated that If _ -�'''''' wltIl subject: "A In Brannen. Bulloch (top, left) : f.,.._.o "J..' number of markets over the Another attempt wI! be IWmbereger ting helel at LeocIeI Coleman 'lowing charges: Statesboro, Guy­ Worshipper J. E. of Hart county./. 'his thllw_'a and J. N. RUSh· the or the Conwell, county, (top, right); Floyd J!J. of made cOmpany is th, fran. ub. celetJnUdn Iacal dial'" ton, Rincon. Morning of Time." Houston Tabor.&.. ltate are cl08lnl this week-end granted Ing. Hobaon Fred Brilokiet. Springfield county, (bottom, left): and W. Holloway of 1'Ike chile to .' DuBose. Blitch. ter'a a of Special music lhe The Norrll, and the For some e e number operate, the air trip fram The' was-in adIitvtna membtnbIp and Rocky Ford. It is by choir and county. award. were )Dade The first of nellt 'lVeek. Cobb tonllh!im th)&rIC prognm charge of Byron Dyer 8Jld Paul AI· expecter( cooperatively by l'rogrullye Atlanta to Savannah Groover. 1.000 palcl-up _ben. chorus, Mrs. J. G. Moore, direc­ Farmer, the Georgia Extension and Foxhall Warehouse has not of atarlinp which roost In the would COlt • ft.' LInIer. Barney Averitt fred that those who attentl wUl ..4p!cultural S.rYiee, and the�Uni· Donnan and Frank Wliaon. Mr. ft. M. carry tor yer.ity of of about 20 cents more than the ._ in ltUes, atate t Collego Agricuiture. Presentation of the �. announced It'l date a I trees on the courthouse have been tel' charge of the intrOduction ...... baskets of lunch. Officiais of "U an!!. organist. "Master Farmer'Georfia's cl08lng Fred' Darby lind. G. E. Hodgea. of the certificates . wtJs n foature of Farm and Home Welk and ular train trip and He and orpnIaatlon meell with au Pra�r and Bible Study at S:OI) in Athens. t Sheppard'l Warehouse w111 • problem leveral attempts pullman., � IUCIII Instructed each Zack Hendenon and Earneat Quarterly Conferences are expect· said the time Can· chapter at the r have been made to rid the tree. to make the trip of the' club to deJeptea RuahInI ed to attend and Wednesday evening. I i-;�';, ?;;;;ilr?�WHEN YOU !':�In open untU Friday. AUlUlt qljl!Jftber iniroduce non. Allen LanIer and Rufua SIm· make this 3 C' Hotel. GE',"HERE wouid be about one hour Larp deleptlons from (i. 25 . of them but none land·.ffii IUCIt. With the � . 8ucceuful. intl'oductlons mons. Dan Lester and C. J. Mar- t:reat day. minutes number of counties are here... . BU'I.traYlicatloa�wItIa... twenty with five "WIIiCH ARE -YI on _...,JOU The city officials will be llad minute -..ieted. eating becaInIt the tin. John I-OUT" , farmer. and sells crude to a Mooneyl Jke MinkoYita The Satesboro Church w!.u gum .J ar.,hoaDiJl � at Statelboro manuel co u n t y notified I'nI An Ianger 01' I_, 1.1, to consider any which �toJl8 and Milledge- IIIIIn luue. after which a attender or an still. , tram firth... or Buglestlons lOng and SaIiI A. doubtless have a absenter? JOHI H. alAIIEI central Cash income is also \, 1&1 to ,_ wudrobe Brannen. J. M_y of iarge , -it ville. Tbey .wOUld _Ion was BUtch, _tary the Bulloch ar- delegation. A - Illeildl up to mOM may rid the of these operate two held with and At this pillar or a sleeper? from Front derived from � fan for .!HI city. leventy- R. L. Lanier. A. B. session a (Oontmued Pale) watermelons, pecan �I McDouplcl that delegate will be ...... ed lriDtonid 'ellht place He.ellht luaty male volcel pnlzatlon, IlOO A or a 1 .....",. '- I'��:" planes. joined in and C. C. a�tel¥ elected to the wing weight Ifees, poultry. vegetable. and dai- .. Statesboro nuisa�I.. DeLoach. C. P. OllIff 'IVOUId _ their Annuai Conference added that In a he from A or Hlagh IUrvey had .�ng "LltUe' LIza Jane" led and ahaptIr. power a crops. He averages 100 ry by Rufua 8rUulen, K Z. Smith to be heid in problem? planting propucts. BDDIINOIIAM ",81 . IIeveral Macon, Novem""r S. made he estimated that there Crook Smith. motareadla arrlWd dUrIDI A or a acres in oats and 115 acres in and John promoter provoker? Brannen has a NABHVlLLB ,10.80 1"1"' RobertI, B. L. Imlth the good tenant rec­ would lie an of one "Mr. John dQ. A or a .or Ir ayerale' pas- �. Brannen,' and Harold giver 1 wheat each He uses ... AU' ;uaUb'\G� 'I' Geol1gIa 'letter year. vetch, ord. At present; he six 'white CHlOAGO' :...... 1.10 Zetw-r, H. W. JIIIOCIIIAII . senler from FO. 'I'OBA'I' - I �as per day StaielborO. 1'jIuter Farmer of 1939. and W. in about 75 of his Opens Sept.7 Imlth and Gus I. I percent one white DIlTBOIT _...... �nmark, K oatsl croppers. wage ·hand• til." The 'Statesboro Capt. has hIid 'K TIw JII'OP8IIl fwo the .... for HR also has about Ge't"II Calf Read Rom""rger twelve' Smith. Master Farmer of MY· Sherman and his _ grazing. �OO Om! and ten ,publle\lIChools Y father. !.annie F. for the Negro cropper NQgro PHONE .... will open September 7 with the years air service in the UnitId r_. yean-ago. and Elvin Ander- pnMlltatioa ttl the 'Vlal1IIn . acres In ' Simmons and Jack Akins. Olin pastures. wage handa. Not a States and, the ...._ of singl� family faculty complete and leveral new For 1940 ShOW8 Army and has been flying ... recent 4-H Clult expert, were Smith and Dean Paul Cash field on I'oy WIIaon, J. M. Brannen's has been with him leas _ •• cropa. than two added to the Hllh since 1912. He was of- the club. OIapman ttl the CoIJep of A soldier or a sorehead? iuest apeaker Thayer and J..... K AIrI- .�� a:! I farm Include 160 to 200 allres of years and have on hi' �ts Fletcher, many h\!en -�ents • Bulloch. county 4.H club boys at the Chamber of Commeree .... Lillian �. cqlture "t 4theM. �. N. H...... A worker or a Hoprth preeented �Itealde and J. O. WA- worrier? cotton and ten acres of tobac"", farm for a .' � much longer. of and are ttl their calves . a lIiIIII wBI length to S. girls pu nl Tuesday. poIIP her art atudents of _:thit . .._tIon. Mr. A friend or a -luaIircIInI Superintendent '!f Everett WI11Iama·and Ander- fault-finder?' each His of time . 1ft)' ..:.;e::= year. average yield H. -....Dan the date was on feed and makInI defenlte pl.ns Mr. Straltor Hard is Teachera R. I(; Stille wBI IntrodlD DIM AI 1'_ �···'I!.�I�§���.,A or opening College In a -. .W. W. a prelldenl:GecqIa •� .... helper hinderer? . is 300 Woodcock and Delmu cotton pounds per acre. an\) The Brannen home to ahow the best of equipped the council and finished of .the Southern AIr marionette . � ". "'1IaIIGI'cI Is, ..,. city Lines, 1Ihow. . CIIanl" A ' OOLLEOE or a 1 � cIu! Ipc. Ruahing. ZciUIe 8IId PIIABMAOY campaigner camper ,average yield of tobacco Is 900 with water·works. bath anti catUe next that have Jal. A. �telIunt ,bIr' IIghta...... of edUcation ew they McCord, Sr.• Is ttl·CaIIInIhw hu • .._ tl'-ttl t.:a•lI Monday Ipr� �tary' Rotarlans, pnaeftt and their J. A. Jones. a_nt pravkIId He Is also a Ro� . Baptist. There are ban4 -The, pounds. tlU'pentine sewerage. also IJI8ny .... 'lbe Christmas vacatlcm wlr and treasurer. Mr. C. Olliff of IUHts- wan: ad � ..... wIU � ,Po HlIIh Arundel MarvIn Pittman. �. J. MorrIa and fumIah,JIIIIIIa StatelbOro Is a Josh � at1:30 p. Ill. TIie :.� s:: 0�1! .::� member of. the Walter A1dred ... Nell. . W_'a Hagin, • grown, are froin of � , ClQb ·of the -= �': 1:':::-2.�' '=the:' brought BoArd 1>INaton.· ',,', ...... � loeaI ..tock and - of the 'atlau • ·-tllt' wIU A yanW ., lilt. TIw , � "hte' 1re'ftxaillatel'. < ,W �ft"""" ._00 faculty meeting will be clubstera have .,,;wa ·.t their - � tM . M1I&1'�, .m..,...." oftemoon U •• heido;-tjIe of""_ D�, . wu�� , \.,1 __ ...... the . n" ", -..;. -:.:! � _'jkJ.�.p'.Ild"� ,.l