lelbii THE GOLDTHWATTE EAGLE IVE OOLDTHWAITE, MILLS COUNTY, TKXA.S, FRIDAY. AUGUST 11. 1M9. NUM2LR Fim r-O il* rAITE PUBLIC SCHOOLS County School Board Football Sponsors I * ®*"'**‘ Met Last Monday Are Being Marked MILLS COUNTY BUUGET IS ;U SEPTEM BER 4th The Mills County School Board Another step forward Into the met last Monday and cancelled Re-Elect Council city class Is being made by Oold- OPEN FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION 127 school transfers, including thwalte with the marking of the •cbooLs wUl city’s streets. Walter Reeves Is City Council both those going out of the All members of the Oold- years work labeling each curb arith a neatly Mills county citlsens have so far failed to act on the advlo* county and those coming in. thwalte High School Athletic usual high Seeks New Well Council were re-elected at a stencilled name of the street on of Governor W Lee O’Daniel, and are showing no Interet In tb* The results of the transfers, (schedule will meeting of the sponsors of the which It Is located. 1940 county budget which has been completed and Is available to At a regular meeting of the by schools. Is as follows: the week athletic field held in the District It will thus soon be possible the public In the office of the county clerk. city council Monday night, Cly­ Center Point, 88; Rock Springs, [ of school. Court room last Thursday. to refer to Ooldthwalte streets The average citizen and tax payer is satisfied that the affain de Lane, drilling contractor, was 3; Lake Merritt, 50; Sooth Ben [t books for Council members are A. H. and Intersections by names In­ of the county are being administered economically and etflcientlF asked to submit an estimate on nett, 23; Pompey Mt., 55; Ches­ shipped and Smith, president, Duke Clements, stead of by color and construc­ by Judge R. J. Oerald and the commissioners and therefore dow drilling a 10-lnch water well ser Valley. 0; Ridge, 17; Prlddy, hey will all vice-president, Raymond Little tion of the house which are lo­ not trouble himself to see what It Is all about. f through the sand which is now 195; Payne Gap, 18; Pleasant cated on them. r.e for open- secretary-treasurer, and S. E. For the benefit of those who are Interested but do not find Grove, 32; Nabors Creek. 14; producing most of the city water. Clonlnger, Kelly Saylor, Y. E. Meanwhile Charles Ragland’s It convenient to examine the bulky budget In the clerk's office. tiM He was also asked to figure on Kelley, 12; Jones Valley, 27; Han­ force of WPA arorkers Is keeping following summary has been prepared; eing clean- Hoover and Marvin Hodges They making a smaller test to see If nah Valley, 0; Minor, 22; Big Val­ busy extending the curbs and QU ' thoroughly announced that the same policies RECAPITULA'nON OF MILLB COUNTY BUDGET FOR 1940 . sufficient water could be secur­ ley, 70; Head, 14; Live Oak, 21; gutters which are their specialty. may be that proved successful last year Reaourrea 1939 194« ed from that sand. Chapped HUl, 21; Prairie, 57; Mt. ’This week they are working on will be continued this year. Net Chirrent Ad Valorem Taxes 33.953 00 A local dairyman sisked the Olive, 45; Pecan Wells, 18; Mid­ First street between Parker 29.519.00 A. H. Sm ith presided at the Other Taxes and Revenues 24.100 00 28.0O4J0 heavier council to enact an ordinance way, 51; Ebony, 31; Slayden, 0; and Reynolds, If you know what meeting, and detailed reports of TOTAL REVENUES......... .. 58.053.00 98,110.00 previous defining Orade-A milk so that Star, 281; MulUn, 257; Oold- we mean. If not. just look on council actlriUes for the past Sale of Bonds, Time Warrants and Pro­ roll Is he could place It on sale. thwalte, 594. the curbs for the street names. year were given by him and by perties ___________________ as It has ------------ o------------ S.000.00 10,000i)0 he number Raymond Little, secretary-trea­ TOTAL RESOURCES _____ . 83.053.00 68,119.00 m surer and Kelly Saylor, chairman L'i a heavier F. F. A. Boys EXPENDITURES S60,000 More of the auditing committee. H . D. County Administrative — . 10.737JO To Encampment S. E. CHonlnger gave an opti­ Judicial and Law Enforcement . - . _.. ... 4,43400 ng of the mistic report of football pros­ Katherine Nine members of the local Charities _______ ____ _ 2.90000 Allotted REA pects for the approaching sea­ Council Meets Health-Sanitation ______________ 287 00 irere elected chapter of the Future Farmers son. The first game here will be Agriculture-Live Stock . In the 1,715.00 of America »rent to the F F. A.' on September 15 arith Killeen. On Roads and Bridges, Maintenance 25.015.00 r young Washington, D. C.. Aug. 10.— Mrs. Oran Carothers presided ... - - encampment at Lampsisas last September 22 De Leoa arlll play Capital Outlay 17.025.00 ; of Texas The Rural Electrification Admtn- at the County Council of Mills here and negotiations are under Payment of Indebtedness ________ . 9.080 81 IWomen at Thursday and stayed through Lstratlon has given preliminary County H. D. Clubs Saturday p. Si way to bring Coleman here on Reserves ...... ____________ _______ have had Saturday. Entering In eleven of consideration to an application ___ 7,500.00 October 6. m., August Sth, at the court­ |ul teaching the contests held, the Ooldth- of the Hamilton (bounty Electric Loan—Jury Fund. Court House S i Jail . _______ 6.000.00 First scheduled game in the house. pine highly Cooperative Association. Hamil­ TOTAL EXPENDITURES. 1940 ________________ 87.322 02 walte boys placed In nine of the league circuit will be with Fred­ First on the program were re­ ton, Texas for an additional TOTAL EXPENDITURES, 1939 _______________61,S72JS work and events, which were as foUoars: ericksburg here on Odt. 13. ports from clubs that had held loan of $60,000 to extend 75 miles ESTIMATED INCREASE . ......................................... I2SJM .4* third In horseshoe pitching; Ba.'ed on last yeari receipts, •oclil meetings. Mrs. Ora Black Is being of rural lines to serve some ISO reported for Scallom , Mrs. Har­ Of the exi>ected Increase cf nearly $26.000.00, over $21,OOOjOO U first In washer pitching; third there is a strong probAbilily that [and is said members in Ck>ryel, MilU. Hamil­ vey Hale for Big Valley, Mrs. A. Included In the estimated cost of securing right-of-way and mak­ In basketball; third In under­ the field and lighting system iltlon. The ton, Comanche, and Lampasa.s D. Robbins for Pleasant Orove ing other capital expenditures, chiefly for roads and bridges. water diving; fourth In boat- can be entirely paid for at the nent made counties and has outlined the and Mrs. Tom McArthur for Mt. If the State Highway Department falls to improve Highway 81, f » roaring. 180 meter swim, ja ck ­ close of tbU season. year Is steps which must be completed Olive. Most of these meetings as requested, the larger part of the expected Increase will not be knife dive, free style dive and ------------ o-------— Duda grass. before an allotment of funds can were outdoor picnics, with fami­ expended. A public budge*, hearing arlll be held by the Coounl^ water relay. Sy to make be made. New Improvements lies of club members participat­ mlssloners’ Court at 10 a. m.. August 18. The boys who went were Rob­ to the The original application cover­ ing, some with basket lunches, ert Smith, Joe Shelby Langford, Dr. and Mrs. Campbell are add­ ! Ü and the ed 389 miles to serve 979 mem­ others having barbecues. Mt.. _ . Douglas Baccus, Elmo Fallon. ing a glassed-in back porch to Individual bers. REIA has already allotted Olive reported 100 per cent at- i DUSinegg o e ttio n Oi Martha Raye To Be Shirley Mahan, Ira Lynn Grif­ their home. I keeping In $298,000 for this project. tendance of club members. fin, Darwin Denson and Mar­ Mrs. J . M. Bateman Is remodel­ M. E. Societies In Casa Manana At situation shall Miller. It wlU be necessary for the ing her home, the P. O. Palmer Accounts given by the dele­ eason Is in The banners which these boys project sponsors to obtain and house, and arlll have a very at­ gates to the short course at A. A large group from both Cir­ Fort Worth 2 Weeks that ar- brought back «rlth them are on submit signed applications for tractive home when finished & M. College, made those who cles of Methodist Missionary So­ made for Fort Worth, August 10 exhibit in Steen and Son’s arin- membership In the cooperative Mrs. WUey Howington of Prid- did not go this year resolve to ciety, met with Mrs. C. E. Bay- played at tha Raye, famous motion picture dow. as arell as applications for elec­ dy Is building a new house. attend next year. Mrs. Ora Black ley Monday, August 6. After a EK for the ------------ o------------ trical service from It; also ob­ Oerald-Worley have built a said that If are arould begin sav­ business session, Mrs. Joe Palmer singer, dancer and comedian, I tain signed easements for the new mill house here. ing our jjetinles now we wouM led a very educational and con­ will be represented at FOrt frltlng the Junior Leasee right-of-way for the power lines, E. J. Ward Is building a new have money enough to go next structive program on.
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